Ai Kaminari, also known as Ai-chan for short or Yatterman-2, is the deuteragonist of the anime series Yatterman and its 2008 remake, as well as one of two posthumous overarching protagonists (alongside Gan Takada) of Yatterman Night. She is Gan Takada's sidekick and the secondary member of the Yatterman gang, who fight against the Doronbo Gang and prevent them from taking the Skull Stones.
She was voiced by Saki Fukuda in the original series and Shizuka Itō in the 2008 remake.
Ai is a young girl with short blond hair and blue eyes. Her Yatterman uniform consists of a pink suit with hearts on her chests and legs, a purple mask with long ribbons on its back, a red hat, red gloves and shoes.
Ai is Gan's loyal follower and often helps him to construct and modify machines. She likes to use a telescoping baton known as the "Electric Stick" to emit electric currents that can shock her enemies. In the 2008 remake, she has to urge Gan to act as he acts much more carelessly, although he grows out of this as the series progresses.
When the mysterious Dokurobei orders the Doronbo Gang that he assembled to find fragments of the Skull Stone, which he told them would lead to the greatest treasure in the world, Ai and Gan stand on their way with the aid of Gan's mechanical dog Yatter-Wan and his Yatter-Mecha. Because of their constant intervention, the Doronbo Gang often gets defeated and zapped by Dokurobei as a punishment for their failures. However, even when the Doronbo Gang successfully obtain a fragment, he still zaps them anyway.
Ultimately, the Yatterman gang fail to prevent the Doronbo Gang from obtaining every fragment of the Skull Stone. However, in a twist, it turns out that the Skull Stone doesn't lead to any treasure at all, but instead is Dokurobei's true form and he merely wanted to put himself back together. He then leaves the Earth, and the Yatterman gang make peace with the now-redeemed Doronbo Gang.
Time Bokan: Royal Revival[]
Ai and Gan are married and once again fight the Doronbo Gang. She reappears when Jun the Swan is defeated.
Yatterman (2008)[]
Gan plays a similar role as in the original, however here she often has to urge Gan to act as he is much more careless. As the series progresses, Gan sheds this flaw and becomes much more like his original counterpart, so Ai doesn't have to do it any further.
Yatterman Night[]
In this series, it is revealed that both the original Yatterman and the 2008 remake happened as a result of Dokurobei returning to get revenge on the Yatterman gang numerous times. After the Doronbo Gang's endless failures, Dokurobei does it himself and manages to kill Ai and Gan, before conquering Earth under the identity of "Lord Yatterman" so as to defile the Yatterman gang's name. Generations later, Alouette takes on the role of Yatterman-2 and teams up with Galina, who takes on the role of Yatterman-1, and the descendants of the Doronbo Gang to defeat Dokurobei, finally avenging Ai.
- If the Tatsunoko crossover special is anything to go by, 13 years later, Gan-chan and Ai-chan have gotten married and are enjoying their honeymoon, to the point where it takes them quite a bit to notice that the Doronbo gang are up to no good again.
- Her full name, Ai Kaminari, means "love thunder". Her mechanic and Yatterman-2 outfits have a heart motif to them, and she's the more romantic of the pair. She also tends to fight with a "Shock Stick".
External Links[]
- Ai Kaminari on the Time Bokan Wiki.
Yatterman Heroes | ||
Classic Series Yatterman Night |