Officer Goetz is a minor character in ONE: Investigations, a spin off series to the animated web series, ONE, appearing in the second episode “ONE Investigations: Parker Robins"
He is voiced by Carol Fargo.
What Makes Him Hatable[]
- He is an extremely rude and unempathetic police officer who doesn’t believe Parker’s story, frequently mocking him and thinking he’s crazy.
- He doesn’t believe any of the disappearances of the ONE contestants, believing them all to be crazy people and mocking what happened to them.
- When Parker begins to tell his story what happened, Officer Goetz begins to mock him over what happened, laughing when he starts explaining which gets Parker frustrated. When Ava Ledger orders him out of the room, Goetz simply laughs as he leaves.
- When Ava calls in someone to escort Parker out his testimony, Officer Goetz offers so he could taunt and mock Parker more, much to Ava’s annoyance as she asks for someone else other than him, showing even Ava doesn’t appreciate him nor like him.
- He is the only hate sink from ONE.