Admiral Conan Antonio Motti is a minor antagonist in the Star Wars franchise. Serving as a major antagonist in Episode IV: A New Hope, Admiral Motti seeks to utilize the Death Star's full power.
Why Do We Hate Him?[]
- Admiral Motti is part of the Galactic Empire, a totalitarian military dictatorship.
- When General Tagge warns that the Rebel Alliance are far more dangerous than they realize, Admiral Motti arrogantly dismisses his claims suggesting that they're not a threat to the Death Star.
- Brags about how the Death Star, a weapon that can destroy a planet, is the ultimate power in the universe, and that the Empire should use it.
- Mocks the force right in front of Darth Vader resulting in Vader force choking Motti. The only reason he survives is because Grand Moff Tarkin intervenes.
- When Grand Moff Tarkin suggests that they should test the Death Star's destructive power on Alderaan, Motti doesn't show any hesitation to Tarkin's suggestion. In fact, he openly says, "With pleasure."
- Motti participates in Alderaan's destruction by piloting the Death Star to Alderaan and alerting Grand Moff Tarkin that they've entered the Alderaan system.
- His arrogance and underestimating how dangerous the rebels were led to his death when Luke Skywalker destroyed the Death Star.
External Links[]
- Conan Antonio Motti on the Villains Wiki.
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