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The RX-77AQ Guncannon Aqua is a mobile suit from Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt and its ONA version. It is piloted by Bianca Carlyle.

Technology & Combat Characteristics[]

A mobile suit developed from the Guncannon for underwater combat.[1] Its chest, knee and backpack are equipped with hydrojets for underwater propulsion.[1] Instead of the original's 240mm Cannons and Beam Rifle, the Guncannon Aqua is instead armed with Torpedo Launch Tubes, Needle Gun and Beam Sabers.[1][2] The version depicted in the manga has red color scheme similar to the original Guncannon, while the ONA version has a blue color scheme.


  • Needle Gun
A special rifle that uses compressed air to launch solid metal needles that can pierce most armor, including those of submarines and amphibious mobile suits.
  • Torpedo Launch Tube
Mounted on the back, six on each side of the backpack.
  • Beam Saber
Stored in the side armor, it emits a blade-shaped beam for cutting and piercing enemy mobile suits. Can be used on land or in the water, but with lower effectiveness.

Special Equipment & Features[]

  • Core Block System


In August UC 0080, Bianca Carlyle of the assault carrier Spartan engaged a Zeon remnant MSM-03 Gogg at Antarctica. The Guncannon Aqua was severely damaged during the battle, necessitating its disassembly to conduct repairs.

In the manga, it was later deployed in a squadron with 3 RB-79[M] Ball Marine Types to capture the potential pilots for Psycho Zaku Mk-II units at the Rig. During the chase of Prober-class submarine carrying the pilots, it was hit by mines in Frizzy Yard, resulting in damages to its left arm and core area. It then surfaced due to a hull breach and was later found on a nearby flooded town. After the Guncannon Aqua was repaired, it was retrofitted for land use and underwent training with the RX-78AL Atlas Gundam and the 3 RX-79[GS] Gundam Ground Type S. After this, the Guncannon Aqua was loaded on Landing Craft 3 (Orestes) and deployed at Taal volcano to stop the Psycho Zaku Mk-II units' launch.

With Atlas Gundam's help, Bianca breached the enemy base's submarine launch gate, but was separated from Io after the base's defense mechanisms activated. The Guncannon Aqua then engaged several RRf-06 Zanny, but had difficulty destroying them because Bianca could only use the Needle Gun. Dent and Orphe's timely arrival saved Bianca, providing her with a Beam Rifle and destroying several enemy MS. After this, they attempted to join up with Io, and chanced upon the Living Dead Division's engineers transporting the completed Psycho Zaku Mk-II unit 2 to Daryl Lorenz. The three attempted to seize the Psycho Zaku Mk-II, but an ambush from a Zaku Tank damaged the Guncannon Aqua. While Bianca ejected to safety, her mobile suit was lost when its reactor exploded.






Notes & Trivia[]


External links[]

Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt Mechanics
Earth Federation Forces/Moore Brotherhood
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
FA-78 Full Armor Gundam | Full Armor Gundam Head | MS-14 Federation Gelgoog | MSN-02 Perfect Zeong | RGC-80 GM Cannon | RGM-79 GM | RGM-79/GH Gundam Head | RGM-79C[G] GM Ground Type-C | RGM-79[M] GM Marine Type | RX-75 Guntank | RX-77 Guncannon | RX-77-4BG Bull-G | RX-77AQ Guncannon Aqua | RX-78AL Atlas Gundam | RX-79[GS] Gundam Ground Type S
Mobile Pod
RB-79 Ball | RB-79[M] Ball Marine Type

Aircraft / Spacecraft
Core Fighter | Corvette Booster | FF-X7-Bst Core Booster | G-Fighter
Columbus-class | Gunperry | Medea | Public-class | Space Launch
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Magellan-class | Pegasus-class | Salamis-class
Principality of Zeon/Zeon Remnants
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MS-05 Zaku I | MS-06 Zaku II | MS-06R Zaku II High Mobility Type (Reuse "P" Device) | MS-09R Rick Dom | MS-14A Gelgoog | MSM-03 Gogg | MSM-04 Acguy | MSM-07 Z'Gok | MSN-01 High Mobility Psycommu System Zaku | MSN-02 Zeong
Mobile Armour
MA-04X Zakrello | MA-05 Bigro | MAM-07 Grublo
Mobile Pod
MP-02A Oggo
Mobile Fortress
Aircraft / Spacecraft
Dopp | Gattle | Luggun
Support Weapon
Big Gun
Komusai | Papua-class
Cruiser / Mother Ship
South Seas Alliance
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MS-05 Zaku I | MS-07B Gouf | MS-10 Pezun Dowadge | MS-17 Galbaldy α | MSM-07 Z'Gok | Perfect Gundam | Psycho Zaku Mk-II | RGM-79C[G] GM Ground Type-C | RRf-06 Zanny | SRf-06 Dahle
Mobile Armour
MAN-03 Braw Bro

Land Vehicle
Type 61 Tank
Land Battleship
Dodai YS
Support Ship