The PF-78-3 Perfect Gundam III "Red Warrior" is a plastic model that appeared in the manga Plamo-Kyoshiro. It was designed by Kunio Okawara and later by Hajime Katoki for the Gundam Fix Figuration version.
Technology & Combat Characteristics[]
As the name suggests, the machine is in a crimson color, and the letters "SK" on both knees are the initials of its creator, Shiro Kyoda. Different from the heavily armored PF-78-1 Perfect Gundam and Perfect Gundam 2, this unit is characterized by being light and highly mobile, with movable vernier pods on the shoulders and reinforced actuators on the ankles. Its fixed armament includes a pair of head vulcans, a bazooka on the backpack, a beam saber built into the right forearm, hidden missile launchers in the chests, a small shield on the left forearm and two beam sabers stored on the rear waist.
- Vulcan Gun
- A pair of shell-firing armament built into the head. They have low firepower, but are ideal for shooting down small, lightly armored targets such as missiles or attack vehicles due to their high rate of fire.
- Beam Saber
- A melee combat weapon that emits a beam blade, two are stored on the rear waist armor.
- Hand Beam Saber
- A beam saber built into the right forearm.
- Missile Launcher
- A pair of 3–tube missile launchers are mounted behind the chest vents and are revealed when the vents open up.
- Bazooka
- Mounted on the right side of backpack and positioned under the right shoulder when deployed. The bazooka can fire solid and beam shots depending on the setting.
- Shield
- Mounted on the left forearm, this shield is a miniaturized version of the original Gundam's shield. Its small size is to keep the machine's weight down.
- Gundam Hammer
- The Gundam Hammer is essentially a large spiked ball attached to a chain, and provides the MS with a a ranged melee weapon. The MS could either throw or swing the Hammer around itself to damage its target.
Perfect Gundam III vs. The Black Tri-Stars' MS-09 Doms (from MSX)
Shiro Kyoda with Red Warrior (Perfect Gundam III) (from Plamo-Kyoshiro)
Action Figures[]
Gundam Fix Figuration (GFF) "Red Warrior / RX-78/C.A. Casval's Gundam" figure set (2008): package front view.
Notes and Trivia[]
External links[]