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The Olbani Concession is a failed peace proposal from the General-Secretary Olbani of the Earth Alliance to PLANT aimed to bring an end the First Alliance-PLANT War.


As the First Alliance-PLANT War had been dragging on for over a year, the Alliance had yet been able to make any notable progress, and were facing great difficulties combating ZAFT's offensive. In an effort to break this deadlock and end a war with no end in sight, certain parts of the Earth Alliance, among them General-Secretary Olbani, proposed a set of terms for ending the war. The message was relayed to PLANT by Reverend Malchio who was trusted by both PLANT and the Earth Alliance as a neutral envoy, and Malchio relayed this information to PLANT's former Supreme Chairman, Siegel Clyne.[1]

The terms of the Olbani Concession promised a certain degree of autonomy for PLANT, but the other terms of the concession, such as colonies still falling under the control of the Alliance nations that constructed them, was no different from the situation before the war. This was seen as unsatisactory by PLANT Supreme Council and was rejected, despite Siegel Clyne and his allies trying to convince the Council that PLANT doesn't need to accept these terms as is, and can be renegotiated as an alternative to war. The concession was seen by the council as a one-sided demand by Alliance that could barely be called "concession". Another concern by the Supreme Council was that Olbani and his political allies, despite his best intentions, didn't represent the entire Earth Alliance.[1]

Notes & Trivia[]


Television Series


  • Gundam SEED novelization Volume Four, PHASE 01
  • Gundam SEED Cosmic Era Mechanic and World, p.219
Cosmic Era Items
OMNI Enforcer Pilot Suit | OMNI Enforcer Uniform | Orb Pilot Suit | Orb Military Uniform | ZAFT Pilot Suit | ZAFT Uniform
Type S influenza | Type S2 Influenza
Personal Items
Cagalli Yula Athha's Ring | Lacus Clyne's Ring | Murrue Ramius' Locket | Rau Le Creuset's Mask | Stone Amulet of Haumea
Coffee | Doner kebab
Order of the Nebula
Evidence 01
Treaties and Documents
Corsica Treaty | Junius Treaty | Olbani Concession
Actaeon Project | Astray Project | Destiny Plan | First Stage Series | G Project | New Millennium Series | Second Stage Series | Ultimate Coordinator Project