Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs. 2 is the direct sequel to arcade game, Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs., released on October 30, 2018. Its theme song is Revolution by Coldrain. An update, Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs. 2 XBoost was announced as part of the 10th anniversary of the Extreme Vs. series, which is scheduled to release in 2021.
The gameplay remains fairly the same from its predecessors, being a 2vs2 arena game. The graphics engine was updated, now based on the console game, Gundam Versus, resulting in more detail, vibrant color palettes and lighting effects on mobile suits.
It also adds two new Bursts in the form of Linkage and Mobility to the existing Shooting, Fighting and Extended from Maxi Boost ON. Additionally, characters may also say something special when activating burst whilst locked on to a specific target similarly to Alliance vs ZAFT series.
The game would also see a large overhaul in its playable cast; with many "clone" variants such as Haman Karn's Acguy and Lunamaria Hawke's Impulse being cut.
Playable Units[]
Bold denotes mobile suits and Gundam series' new to Extreme Vs. 2
Asterisk (*) denotes new mobile suits that were a console-exclusive unit in Maxi Boost ON
New Bosses[]
- EB-AX2 Graze Ein
- Pilot: Ein Dalton
Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs. 2[]
- Galvaria
- Galvaria H4ND3R
- Galvaria B34M3R
- Galvaria W45P3R
- A common misconception about Knight Gundam is that he's based off of his appearance in the Dynasty Warriors Gundam series. In actuality, his design here is based off of his METAL ROBOT SPIRITS figure whose design is based off of that version, and he's listed as coming from his home series SD Gundam Gaiden.