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The Heist of the Gundam Mk-II is a conflict featured in Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, and is the first official battle of the Gryps War.


After receiving information that the Titans had developed a new Gundam-type mobile suit at the space colony Gryps, Lieutenant Quattro Bajeena proposed a mission to acquire the Gundam for the AEUG. Lieutenant Quattro and his two wingmen, Lieutenants Apolly Bay and Roberto approached the colony in their three new RMS-099 Rick Dias mobile suits. Upon entering the colony on foot, Quattro located both the Titan mobile suit hangar, storing one of the new model Gundams, and a ship dock, housing the still under construction Dogosse Giar. Upon exiting the colonies, he came under attack by one of the RX-178 Gundam Mk-II’s, piloted by Lieutenant Jerid Messa. After making it back to his Rick Dias, Quattro regrouped with Apolly and Roberto.[1]

The Heist[]

The battle began when the Argama fired its Mega Particle Gun at Gryps, allowing the Rick Dias Team to enter the colony through a hole in its outer hull. Upon entering, the Rick Dias Team was intercepted by several RMS-179 GM II. However, the Rick Dias’ immediately prove themselves vastly superior, quickly destroying several GM II without taking any damage. They then found themselves battling a Gundam Mk-II, piloted by Lieutenant Kacricon Cacooler.[2]

During the battle, the Gundam Mk-II in the Titan hangar was stolen by civilian Kamille Bidan. In entering combat, Kamile pinned down Kacricon’s Mk-II, forcing him to abandon the mobile suit. The Rick Dias Team took the abandoned Mk-II and Kamile joined them in leaving the colony. After exiting the colony, they were intercepted by three RMS-106 Hizacks. After a brief fight, the AEUG flagship Argama fired a barrage of particle beams at the enemy Hizacks, allowing the Gundam Mk-II and Rick Dias’ to retreat to the ship.[2]


The Heist proved to be an unmitigated success, capturing two of the three prototypes. Though Quattro realizes that the Titans only see the Mk-II as a stepping stone and that they have no plans to upgrade it, it becomes the first of the AEUG's flagship suits. However, the Titans would not be deterred from this. Apprehending Franklin and Hilda Bidan, the Titans order Lieutenant Emma Sheen to negotiate with the Argama, only for the naïve Titans member to realize they intend to kill Kamille's parents if they don't surrender Kamille and the stolen Mk-IIs. However, thanks to massive miscommunications, Kamille races out to save his mother when she's sent out in a capsule and Jerid, who believed the capsule was actually a bomb, destroyed it, killing Hilda.[3] Though the AEUG ultimately surrender Kamille and the Mk-IIs, Emma's anger over the Titans' callousness leads to her returning to the Argama with Kamille, Franklin and all three Mk-IIs in tow, joining the group. [4] Franklin himself would later die trying to hijack one of the Rick Dias back to the Titans [5] while Emma and Kamille would soon learn the full scope of the Titans' atrocities by visiting 30 Bunch [6]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • In the manga, Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Define, the events are slightly altered, with former SCV-70 White Base captain Bright Noa being in the premises during the battle. When Kacricon refuses to follow Bright's orders for a defensive formation and threatens Noa, Kamille steps in and forces Kacricon out of his unit. Kamille would also take both Bright, and Fa Yuiry with him as he departed the colony.


Television Series

