Gundam Wiki is a Wiki which was started on 09 January 2005 by SOCL and TomStar81. Its objective is to serve the Gundam fanbase with a thorough and concise resource of information concerning all aspects of the Gundam metaseries, from the fictional to the scientific. The idea for Gundam Wiki came when it was realized that Wikipedia could not support the massive amounts of otherwise trivial information contained within the Gundam universe.
On 28 April 2007, ValiantHeart was given sysop powers to attempt to revive the inactive wiki. And on 1 May 2007, he was added as a bureaucrat. He has since been working on the site and hopes that you will actively contribute to this project and help it fulfil its immense potential.
On 8th August 2008, Sealedsoul was given sysop/bureaucrat powers to revive the slow moving wiki. He has been working collectively with many other users to help restore activity to the wiki. As previously stated we hope that you will actively contribute to this project and help it fulfil its immense potential.
On 7th December 2020, the Gundam Wiki:Projects system was enacted by community consensus. With the Projects system place, we encourage and welcome contributors to join or start projects. This allows contributors to work together in doing focused editing on the individual series they are passionate about rather than make sporadic un-coordinated edits.
Mission Statement[]
Gundam Wiki serves to accomplish the following:
- We strive to cover all in-universe as well as out-of-universe articles related in any way to the Gundam universe.
- We work to provide the public with detailed and accurate information about the Gundam universe that is as true to the official data as possible.
- We aim to efficiently catalog the pages to allow quick and easy searching or browsing of the relevant information.
- We hope to become a repository of not just information but also other relevant media such as images, reviews and news.
Unassigned to any roles.
Project Leaders[]
Manages one or more projects.