Accord is a term introduced in the animated film Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom.
An Accord is a Coordinator variant engineered by Aura Maha Khyber under Gilbert Durandal's Destiny Plan: Project Destiny. An Accord possesses a higher physical potential than the standard Coordinator, as well as several unique mental abilities including telepathy, mental networking, mental manipulation, mentally influencing people, emotional manipulation, and creating illusions. It is Aura's interpretation of an Ultimate Coordinator; considered a different breed from Dr. Hibiki's Ultimate Coordinator.
For telepathy, they are capable of reading minds and feelings, allowing them to understand another person's intentions. However, their abilities are limited by distance as they can only read and manipulate thoughts within a certain range. It is most effective during battles as they can anticipate the enemy's movements, as well as communicate and coordinate with each other. While an Accord is able to generate false thoughts, visions, and feelings to manipulate a person to do their bidding, they aren't capable of directly controlling a person's mind.
Telepathy is the only shared ability amongst Black Knights, each of them specializes in an ability greater than the others. As such, one Accord may have a high degree of charisma to convince people to follow them while another can manipulate a person's level of attraction to another. As such, not all Accords can read the minds of others and not all can create psychic illusions. Noticeably though, the Black Knights lack the SEED factor as they can't enter a state of focus except for Lacus.
As a weakness though, psychic intrusion and mind reading can be exploited by an opponent. If the opponent is aware of the Accords' abilities, they can use focused thoughts to prevent them from reading their mind. By creating a mental distraction, the person can avoid their intentions being known. Alternatively, if the opponent allows their movements be directed by a third person, this would prevent an Accord from knowing their opponent's true intentions for a critical strike.
During the C.E. 50's Gilbert Durandal envisioned the Destiny Plan, a system where humanity would be guided and directed by their genetic structure, believing that it will end all wars and conflicts. However, in order to bring about such a change, Durandal believed there needed to be a group of superior Coordinators that were capable of leading the people. In partnership with geneticist Aura Maha Khyber at the Mendel Genetics Lab, they created the Accords to lead and usher in a new era of peace and prosperity through the Destiny Plan.
Around the same time, Dr. Ulen Hibiki's Ultimate Coordinator Project and Aura's Accord Project were both secretly developed in parallel at the Mendel colony. Despite some degree of research exchange, both had different ideas of creating an enhanced Coordinator. Hibiki's project was to create an evolving Coordinator without the genetic weaknesses of their kind; Aura wanted to create a breed of Coordinators that could control humanity as a whole.
A total of eight Accords were created and all of them were genetically sequenced and coded by Aura herself, making her the "Mother" of the Accords. Seven of the Accords (the Black Knight Squad) were raised by herself, but Lacus Clyne was raised by the Clyne Family. The Black Knight Squad would hold special positions within the Kingdom of Foundation, where Aura reigned as queen.
Foundation Conflict[]
They first appear in Ishtaria where they greet Compass. They then joined Compass and the Eurasian Federation in a joint operation where they would take out the remainder of Blue Cosmos, but instead manipulated Kira into breaking the alliance and used the resulting confusion to take out the other parties, betraying everyone and launching nuclear missiles which would wipe out both the enemy as well as their own capital city. Orphee Lam Tao, the leader of the Accord, used the chaos to kidnap Lacus and escaped into space with her.
The other Accord would follow them, and they would use the chaos of the conflict to play the victim and paint the Naturals as the enemy. They cooperated with Hari Jagannath, Chairman of the PLANT National Defense Committee, and overthrew the PLANT Supreme Council. After acquiring the Requiem, they used it on the capital city of the Eurasian Federation and caused a massacre, then attempted to blackmail the nations of the Earth into accepting the Destiny Plan. They were confronted by Kira Yamato and the crew of the Millennium, which led to a new battle in space. Griffin Arbalest, Liu Shenqiang and Daniel Harper are all KIA by Shinn Asuka, Redelard Tradoll by Hilda Harken and Shura Serpentine by Athrun Zala. Orphee and Ingrid Tradoll face Kira and Lacus, but they are also killed, ending their plans once and for all.
Post-Foundation Conflict[]
After the events of the Foundation Conflict, Lacus Clyne was left as the last surviving Accord after the deaths of the Black Knight Squad.[1]
Known Accords[]
- Lacus Clyne
- Orphee Lam Tao (KIA)
- Ingrid Tradoll (KIA)
- Shura Serpentine (KIA)
- Redelard Tradoll (KIA)
- Daniel Harper (KIA)
- Liu Shenqiang (KIA)
- Griffin Arbalest (KIA)
Notes & Trivia[]
- Despite being officially introduced in the animated film Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom, Lacus' reveal as an Accord retcons the terms' first appearance to the seventh episode of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, The Scar of Space, when Lacus first appeared.
- Television Series
- Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
- PHASE-07, The Scar of Space
- First Appearance
- PHASE-08, The Songstress of The Enemy Forces
- PHASE-48, Day of Wrath
- PHASE-07, The Scar of Space
- Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny
- PHASE-01, Angry Eyes
- HD Remaster Only
- PHASE-01, Angry Eyes
- Movies
- Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom
- First Established
Cosmic Era Terminology | |
Genetic Classifications/Human Enhancements | |
Biological CPU | Carbon Human | Clone | Coordinator | Half-Coordinator | Natural | Newtype | SEED factor | |
Biological CPU Sub-types Boosted Man | Extended | |
Coordinator Sub-types Accord | Combat Coordinator | Ultimate Coordinator | Socius series | |
Titles/Professions | |
Chief Representative | PLANT Supreme Council Chairman | |
Miscellanea | |
Barrel Roll | Block Word | Combat Information Center | Gundam | Missing in Action |