
Whole Quotes

Quotes tagged as "whole" Showing 1-30 of 159
C.G. Jung
“How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also If I am to be whole.”
C.G. Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul

Vera Nazarian
“Love is made up of three unconditional properties in equal measure:

1. Acceptance
2. Understanding
3. Appreciation

Remove any one of the three and the triangle falls apart.

Which, by the way, is something highly inadvisable. Think about it — do you really want to live in a world of only two dimensions?

So, for the love of a triangle, please keep love whole.”
Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Marie Lu
“You have to learn to look at the whole of something, not just the parts.”
Marie Lu, Warcross

Deb Caletti
“Family was even a bigger word than I imagined, wide and without limitations, if you allowed it, defying easy definition. You had family that was supposed to be family and wasn't, family that wasn't family but was, halves becoming whole, wholes splitting into two; it was possible to lack whole, honest love and connection from family in lead roles, yet to be filled to abundance by the unexpected supporting players.”
Deb Caletti, The Secret Life of Prince Charming

Rachel Van Dyken
“Sometimes I wonder if we ever truly let anyone completely in. The desire for another human being to know you, all of you, all the pieces, even the ones you’re ashamed of — is huge. But too often, we sit down and sort through the pieces only picking out the pretty ones, leaving the ugly ones behind, not realizing that choosing not to share with someone else is like committing a crime against our very soul”
Rachel Van Dyken, Toxic

Suman Pokhrel
“May I splinter away from myself
break into whole units
live in each with perfection!”
Suman Pokhrel

Gary Snyder
“But if you do know what is taught by plants and weather, you are in on the gossip and can feel truly at home. The sum of a field's forces [become] what we call very loosely the 'spirit of the place.' To know the spirit of a place is to realize that you are a part of a part and that the whole is made or parts, each of which in a whole. You start with the part you are whole in.”
Gary Snyder, The Gary Snyder Reader, Volume 1: Prose, Poetry and Translations 1952-1998

Amaka Imani Nkosazana
“Once your soul is awakened, you never return to the sleepwalking state of mind. Some people become complacent in life. They are just going through the motions and not aware of truth. Seek the knowledge, wisdom, and the understandings that vivify your existence.”
Amaka Imani Nkosazana, Heart Crush

Robin Hobb
“We were one thing. A whole thing. You and I and Nighteyes. I felt a strange sort of peace. As if all the parts of me were finally in one place. All the missing bits that would make me a complete... thing.' I shook my head. 'Words don't read that far.”
Robin Hobb, Assassin's Fate

Doris Lessing
“This is because Marxism looks at things as a whole and in relation to each other—or tries to, but its limitations are not the point for the moment. A person who has been influenced by Marxism takes it for granted that an event in Siberia will affect one in Botswana. I think it is possible that Marxism was the first attempt, for our time [written in 1971], outside the formal religions, at a world-mind, a world ethic. It went wrong, could not prevent itself from dividing and subdividing, like all the other religions, into smaller and smaller chapels, sects and creeds. But it was an attempt.”
Doris Lessing

Jay Woodman
“In every atom, there is a reflection of the whole.”
Jay Woodman

Christina Henry
“I don't belong to you ... You thought if I married you that I would, but I don't. I don't belong to any man ... I only belong to myself. But belonging to myself doesn't mean I don't love you or that I don't want to stand beside you.”
Christina Henry, The Mermaid

David Baldacci
“It would actually constitute more than a miracle, he realised. It would take divine intervention plus luck, plus some unknown element of cosmic wizardry.”
David Baldacci, The Whole Truth

Trebbe Johnson
“When you spend any time at all paying attention to the proclivities of the natural world, you realize that nature has no problem including in its sorority the dead, dying, and ailing as fully as the lovely, healthy, and whole.”
Trebbe Johnson, Radical Joy for Hard Times: Finding Meaning and Making Beauty in Earth's Broken Places

Elizabeth Moon
“A tree is alive, and thus it is always more than you see. Roots to leaves, yes—those you can, in part, see. But it is more—it is the lichens and moss and ferns that grow on its bark, the life too small to see that lives among its roots, a community we know of, but do not think on. It is every fly and bee and beetle that uses it for shelter or food, every bird that nests in its branches. Every one an individual, and yet every one part of the tree, and the tree part of every one.”
Elizabeth Moon, Oath of Fealty

“How do you fill the hole? Only by becoming Whole, which means becoming fully individuated, which means fully integrating all the contents of the unconscious, both personal and collective.”
David Sinclair, The War of the Mind: Understanding Inflation and Alienation

“Alone but without I, builds naturally a together which as a whole brings forth something extraordinary.”

Oli Anderson
“We have to get over the fear of being seen in a certain imperfect light if we want to stand any chance of really shining and being real, healed, and whole again.”
Oli Anderson, Shadow Life: Freedom from an Unreal World - Reclaim Your Hidden Self, Practise Unconditional Self-Acceptance, and Live Real

Jayita Bhattacharjee
“To reflect on the moments you lived to the fullest is to reflect with joy for no moment was ever lost as you lived a life not of possibilities but of actualities for you had a love loved, dreams fulfilled and sufferings courageously suffered. So, you lived a life of beauty and the beast yet you lived it whole and that is living in the fullest sense.”
Jayita Bhattacharjee

Abhijit Naskar
“Whole human is healthy human,
all others are terminally ill.
Broken mind leads to broken world,
heal the mind and the world will heal.”
Abhijit Naskar, Visvavictor: Kanima Akiyor Kainat

Abhijit Naskar
“To heal is to be whole, to be whole is to be healed.”
Abhijit Naskar, Visvavictor: Kanima Akiyor Kainat

Hanna Abi Akl
“like a puzzle we
constantly seek to be whole”
Hanna Abi Akl, Titans

“I was neglecting part of who I was. If I wanted to heal both inwardly and outwardly, I needed to address the whole of my being, not just isolated parts.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose

Anthony T. Hincks
“And he said...

...a hole will always be whole, no matter what the size.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Steven Magee
“It is not a cleansing poop unless you use the whole toilet roll!”
Steven Magee

Boban Trifunović
“Reči su mesto ustupile uskomešanim snoviđenjima kakva uvek imam pred pad u san. Nikakav smisao nisam u njima nalazio, tumačio sam ih kao trabunjanje iscrpljenog mozga koji se sprema za tajm-aut – i u njima uživao kao u slikama Vasilija Kandinskog, pogađajući šta bi sve to moglo da bude, bez imalo nade za konačnim odgovorom, pokušavajući da pogodim koji će biti sledeći ukus koji će mi se javiti pošto me prepadne neka od njegovih pastelnih boja. Međutim, snoviđenja koja sam tada imao i kojih sada mogu da se setim razlikovala su se od svih pređašnjih.
Lica i predmeti urušavali su se jedni u druge. Gledao sam kako ih je jednostavno udvojiti i iznova uceliniti, sve to u nanosekundama, s tim što su sada bili sastavljeni od nečeg sasvim drugog. Ne od skupa čestica s kojim su krenuli, već od nečeg crnog, od nečeg što je postajalo gušće i mlečnije i čiji je odsjaj svetleo kao fluorescentna farba. Večan tok vrištećih prikaza i prizora koji je postajao sve složeniji i savršeniji, a u njemu, u pustolini od vulkanskog kamena, oblik kojem je sopstveni oblik večita nepoznata, pa počinje da poprima one na koje naiđe. Nudi im nešto zauzvrat – prizore predela kakve bi možda Ligotijev majstor Rinjolo mogao naslikati, znanjâ za kakvim žude Lavkraftovi pripovedači, znanja nedostupna i neproveriva, te iskustva kakva bi nas, kao čitaoce Ejkmanovih čudnih priča, navela na prost, mada ne i nedostatan zaključak da je svet čudniji nego što se čini. Sve se to nudi stenama, nudi se stenicama, ledu i vatri, nudi se tamnoj materiji i zvezdama na izdisaju, koje samo što nisu implodirale i svoju svetlost ustupile crnoj rupi koji svetlost proždire. Nudi se svet, ali se zauzvrat uzima sve.”
Boban Trifunović, Jaganjci

Suzanne Giesemann
“All [things in the world, good and bad] arise from [Source, from] one indivisible field, one Wholeness. Nothing is left out. [...]

When you flow with what life puts in your path [and resist nothing], you take in every bit of [life, and of Source], bumps and all. In allowing the entirety of what presents itself, fullness replaces the emptiness. Disappointments, failure, rejections - all are part of a tapestry that no longer has holes in it. [...]

When you [make peace with and accept life in its fullness, good and bad], you find what you've unwittingly been looking for all along: wholeness.”
Suzanne Giesemann, The Awakened Way: Making the Shift to a Divinely Guided Life

“She holds the fabric,
threads running through her fingers,
a quiet rhythm of time.
Each patch, a piece of her,
moments sewn into the seams,
stories stitched into the space between.

The jacket grows beneath her hands,
a map of warmth and strength,
woven by the quiet care
of a woman who knows
how to make something whole
from fragments.”
N’Zuri Za Austin

“She holds the fabric,
 threads running through her fingers,
 a quiet rhythm of time. 
Each patch, a piece of her,
 moments sewn into the seams,
 stories stitched into the space between.

The jacket grows beneath her hands,
 a map of warmth and strength,
 woven by the quiet care
 of a woman who knows
 how to make something whole
from fragments.”
N’Zuri Za Austin

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