
Republican Quotes

Quotes tagged as "republican" Showing 1-30 of 131
Camille Paglia
“We cannot have a world where everyone is a victim. "I'm this way because my father made me this way. I'm this way because my husband made me this way." Yes, we are indeed formed by traumas that happen to us. But then you must take charge, you must take over, you are responsible.”
Camille Paglia

Frank Zappa
“The essence of Christianity is told us in the Garden of Eden history. The fruit that was forbidden was on the tree of knowledge. The subtext is, 'All the suffering you have is because you wanted to find out what was going on. You could be in the Garden of Eden if you had just kept your fucking mouth shut and hadn't asked any questions.”
Frank Zappa

“The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can't make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values.”
Theodore J. Kaczynski, Industrial Society and Its Future

Barry M. Goldwater
“I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!”
Barry Goldwater

“Pick a leader who will keep jobs in your country by offering companies incentives to hire only within their borders, not one who allows corporations to outsource jobs for cheaper labor when there is a national employment crisis. Choose a leader who will invest in building bridges, not walls. Books, not weapons. Morality, not corruption. Intellectualism and wisdom, not ignorance. Stability, not fear and terror. Peace, not chaos. Love, not hate. Convergence, not segregation. Tolerance, not discrimination. Fairness, not hypocrisy. Substance, not superficiality. Character, not immaturity. Transparency, not secrecy. Justice, not lawlessness. Environmental improvement and preservation, not destruction. Truth, not lies.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Dan   Barker
“People are invariably surprised to hear me say I am both an atheist and an agnostic, as if this somehow weakens my certainty. I usually reply with a question like, 'Well, are you a Republican or an American?' The two words serve different concepts and are not mutually exclusive. Agnosticism addresses knowledge; atheism addresses belief. The agnostic says, 'I don't have a knowledge that God exists.' The atheist says, 'I don't have a belief that God exists.' You can say both things at the same time. Some agnostics are atheistic and some are theistic.”
Dan Barker, Godless: How an Evangelical Preacher Became One of America's Leading Atheists

Ronald Reagan
“Please tell me you're Republicans.”
Ronald Reagan, Speaking My Mind: Selected Speeches

“Pick a leader who will not only bail out banks and airlines, but also families from losing their homes -- or jobs due to their companies moving to other countries. Pick a leader who will fund schools, not limit spending on education and allow libraries to close. Pick a leader who chooses diplomacy over war. An honest broker in foreign relations. A leader with integrity, one who says what they mean, keeps their word and does not lie to their people. Pick a leader who is strong and confident, yet humble. Intelligent, but not sly. A leader who encourages diversity, not racism. One who understands the needs of the farmer, the teacher, the doctor, and the environmentalist -- not only the banker, the oil tycoon, the weapons developer, or the insurance and pharmaceutical lobbyist.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

“Republican or Democrat, this nation's affluent urban and suburban classes understand their bread is buttered on the corporate side. The primary difference between the two parties is that the Republicans pretty much admit that they grasp and even endorse some of the nastiest facts of life in America. Republicans honestly tell the world: "Listen in on my phone calls, piss-test me until I'm blind, kill and eat all of my neighbors right in front of my eyes, but show me the money! Let me escape with every cent I can kick out of the suckers, the taxpayers, and anybody else I can get a headlock on, legally or otherwise." Democrats, in contrast, seem content to catalog the GOP's outrages against the Republic, showing proper indignation while laughing at episodes of The Daily Show. But they stand behind the American brand: imperialism. They "support our troops," though you will be hard put to find any of them who have served alongside them or who would send one of their own kids off to lose an eye or an arm in Iraq. They play the imperial game, maintain their credit ratings, and plan to keep the beach house and the retirement investments if it means sacrificing every damned Lynndie England in West Virginia.”
Joe Bageant, Deer Hunting with Jesus: Dispatches from America's Class War

Hendrik Willem van Loon
“On the other hand, when you grow up you will discover that some of the people in this world never passed beyond the stage of the cave-man.”
Hendrik Willem van Loon, The Story of Mankind

Sonya Renee Taylor
“Women deserve better than propaganda and lies to get into panties. Propaganda and lies to get into office, to get out of court, to get out of paying child support. Get the fuck out of our decisions and give us back our voice. Women deserve better; women deserve choice.”
Sonya Renee Taylor

Noam Chomsky
“Both political parties have moved to the right during the neoliberal period. Today’s New Democrats are pretty much what used to be called “moderate Republicans.” The “political revolution” that Bernie Sanders called for, rightly, would not have greatly surprised Dwight Eisenhower.

The fate of the minimum wage illustrates what has been happening. Through the periods of high and egalitarian growth in the ‘50s and ‘60s, the minimum wage—which sets a floor for other wages—tracked productivity. That ended with the onset of neoliberal doctrine. Since then, the minimum wage has stagnated (in real value). Had it continued as before, it would probably be close to $20 per hour. Today, it is considered a political revolution to raise it to $15.”
Noam Chomsky

Thomas  Frank
“Corruption is uniquely reprehensible in a democracy because it violates the system's first principle, which we all learned back in the sunshiny days of elementary school: that the government exist to serve the public, not particular companies or individuals or even elected officials. ”
Thomas Frank, The Wrecking Crew: How Conservatives Rule

Milton Friedman
“I am a libertarian with a small 'l' and a Republican with a capital 'R'. And I am a Republican with a capital 'R' on grounds of expediency, not on principle.”
Milton Friedman

Michael   Lewis
“When you’re a conservative Republican, you never think people are making money by ripping other people off,” he said. His mind was now fully open to the possibility. “I now realized there was an entire industry, called consumer finance, that basically existed to rip people off.”
Michael Lewis, The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine

Criss Jami
“It turns out that indecision is a path itself; but figuratively, a vertical path - up or down - meaning it isn't always a fruitless path. One is forgotten, but the other is glorified. To be what they call 'middle-of-the-road' in most cases just means you have a hard time figuring out who between options is dumber. So quite often those who refused to decide were, after all, the bold individuals, the influential ones, the creative ones, those who snatched their own authority.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Michael Moore
“[Bill] Clinton was a pretty good president for a Republican.”
Michael Moore

Ann Coulter
“From the people who brought you "zero tolerance," I present the Gun-Free Zone! Yippee! Problem solved! Bam! Bam! Everybody down! Hey, how did that deranged loner get a gun into this Gun-Free Zone?”
Ann Coulter

Ben Carson
“If Americans simply choose to vote for the person who has a D or an R by their name, we will get what we deserve, which is what we have now.”
Ben Carson, One Nation: What We Can All Do to Save America's Future

Friedrich Hecker
“Grease the guillotine with the fat of tyrants. Pull the concubine out of the clergyman`s bed.

Monarch`s blood must flow, as thick as our boots. From there the free republic will rise.”
Friedrich Hecker

Calvin Trillin
“Why in the world are you a Republican?”
Calvin Trillin, About Alice

Andrew Sullivan
“Here’s why I find it impossible to be a Republican: any crowd that instantly cheers the execution of 234 individuals is a crowd I want to flee, not join.”
Andrew Sullivan

“Um, yeah. For instance, take, you know, take, for instance, the issue of -- I'm drawing a blank, and I hate it when I do that, particularly on television.
-- potential McCain VP candidate Mark Sanford, asked on CNN to name differences in economic policy between Bush and McCain”
Mark Sanford

“Haidt shows that people of different political persuasions draw on different intuitive concepts -or moral foundations- when thinking about right or wrong.”
Bradley Campbell, The Rise of Victimhood Culture: Microaggressions, Safe Spaces, and the New Culture Wars

Ira Levin
“It was Mrs. Castevet and with her another woman, short, plump and smiling, with a "Buckley for Mayor" button on the shoulder of her green dress.”
Ira Levin, Rosemary’s Baby

Thomas Paine
“A long habit of not thinking a thing a WRONG, gives it the superficial appearance of being RIGHT.”
Thomas Paine, Common Sense

Thomas Paine
“A long habit of not thinking a thing WRONG, gives it the superficial appearance of being RIGHT.”
Thomas Paine, Common Sense

Steven Magee
“Republican or Democrat, the USA government is corrupt!”
Steven Magee

Michael Gurnow
“Politicians are granted a certain degree of partisan leniency by their electorate, meaning their constituents will accept legislation they do not entirely agree with if, and only if, they are convinced withdrawing support would strengthen the opposition.”
Michael Gurnow

“Heavy on every sovereign head
There lies a People's misery,
Save where the mighty Law is wed
Firmly with holy Liberty”
Alexsander Pushkin

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