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The Church's Affairs is the second quest of the second branch of Barbara's Hangout Event: Act I - Wellspring of Healing.


  1. Leave Wolvendom with Barbara
  2. Report back to Sister Victoria
  3. Clean the Cathedral grounds
  4. Talk to Sister Victoria


UI Quest Quest Description

At Barbara's request, you head back to Mondstadt to report to Sister Victoria.

The Church's Affairs[]

(Arriving at location)
Media:vo bblcop001 1900301 barbara 01.ogg Barbara: Ahh... Glad we've finally made it out of there. The Wolvendom forest is a nice getaway to be alone for a while, but there's not much sunlight...
Media:vo bblcop001 1900301 barbara 02.ogg Barbara: If you stay in there for too long, you can't help but start feeling a little gloomy.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900301 barbara 03.ogg Barbara: A little sunlight always helps keep your spirits up!
Media:vo bblcop001 1900301 barbara 04.ogg Barbara: Ah yes, now that we're here, I'd like to go to Dawn Winery and check on Tunner's condition.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900301 barbara 05.ogg Barbara: I've told him before that he should take it easy and rest for a while, but he never seems to listen... He even told me not to let Guy know anything about it.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900301 barbara 06.ogg Barbara: I'd like to check on him before going back and deciding which medicine I'll need to make.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900301 barbara 07.ogg Barbara: Umm, would it be possible to... you know... ask for your help again? If you could go back and report to Sister Victoria while I check on Tunner, that would be a big help!
Media:vo bblcop001 1900301 barbara 08.ogg Barbara: She's most certainly worried about me after being away so long.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900301 barbara 09.ogg Barbara: And besides, there's a lot of matters I still need to take care of back at the Cathedral... It would be better if I let her know the situation.
Icon Dialogue Talk Perhaps it'd be better for you to tell her yourself...
Media:vo bblcop001 1900301 barbara 10.ogg Barbara: Oh... you must have other matters to attend to... No problem then. I guess I'll go talk to her myself.
(Barbara leaves to settle this matter alone...)
(Hangout event ended)
Icon Dialogue Talk Leave it to us!
Media:vo bblcop001 1900301 barbara 11.ogg Barbara: Aww, thank you so much! I truly appreciate it.
(Continue to Cleanliness First)

Cleanliness First[]

(Reporting to Sister Victoria)
Media:vo bblcop001 1900302 victoria 01.ogg Victoria: Oh, you're back again. If you're looking for Sister Barbara... she's yet to return.
Icon Dialogue Talk We found Barbara in Wolvendom.
Icon Dialogue Talk Barbara is at Dawn Winery checking on Tunner.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900302 victoria 02.ogg Victoria: Oh, I see... Thank Barbatos that she's alright.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900302 victoria 03.ogg Victoria: But it sounds like she won't be back any time soon... Hmm, perhaps I'll have to pass her responsibilities in the Cathedral to someone else...
Icon Dialogue Talk We can help.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900302 victoria 04.ogg Victoria: Oh, well that's most kind of you. I certainly wouldn't want to trouble you...
Media:vo bblcop001 1900302 victoria 05.ogg Victoria: Hmm.. Let me think for a moment... Ah yes, you could help tidy up around the Cathedral a bit.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900302 victoria 06.ogg Victoria: People tend to bring dust in as they come into the Cathedral, so the floor is often quite dirty.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900302 victoria 07.ogg Victoria: Cleaning and the like have always been Sister Barbara's responsibility... So the moment she's gone, everything starts getting dirty...
Icon Dialogue Talk Barbara is responsible for a cleaning place this huge by herself?
Media:vo bblcop001 1900302 victoria 08.ogg Victoria: Yes, that's right. She always said she could handle it herself and that there's no need to ask anyone else to help her.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900302 victoria 09.ogg Victoria: But she does often appear quite exhausted after she's finished with the cleaning.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900302 victoria 10.ogg Victoria: To be honest, I'm most surprised that you're willing to help... Or rather, that Barbara is willing to let you help.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900302 victoria 11.ogg Victoria: However, this would help lighten her burden.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900302 victoria 12.ogg Victoria: Anyway, I'll let you handle the cleaning for now, Honorary Knight.
(Talk to Sister Victoria again)
Media:vo bblcop001 1900302 victoria 14.ogg Victoria: Your kindness will not go unnoticed, Honorary Knight. Barbatos bless you.
(After cleaning the Cathedral)
Media:vo bblcop001 1900304 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: ...Well, that should just about do it for the cleaning... Could Barbara really do this all herself?
Media:vo bblcop001 1900304 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Paimon's starting to think that she works much harder than we imagined...
Media:vo bblcop001 1900304 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Anyway, let's head back to Sister Victoria.
(Continue to Deaconess's Gratitude)

Deaconess's Gratitude[]

(Heading back to Sister Victoria)
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 01.ogg Barbara: Sister Victoria told me you already helped tidy up the Cathedral! Thank you so much!
Icon Dialogue Talk When did you get back?
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 02.ogg Barbara: I just returned a short while ago. I can't thank you enough for how much you've helped me today, both here in the Cathedral and back in Wolvendom...
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 03.ogg Barbara: You must be thirsty after so much work, no? How about I treat you to a drink?
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 04.ogg Barbara: Oh, I've just remembered that the Cat's Tail is promoting a special drink recently.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 05.ogg Barbara: Miss Margaret said that the name of the drink is "Fantastic Summer-Serendipity Coral Sparkling Tea," haha!
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 06.ogg Barbara: She also mentioned that it's her secret weapon to beating Angel's Share in drink sales.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 06.ogg Barbara: Word is that the drink's pretty good, but there's always a line to get it. We'll probably have to wait if we want some...
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 07.ogg Barbara: If you'd rather not stand in line, I could make you a glass of my very own Chilibrew.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 08.ogg Barbara: Which would you like to drink?
Icon Dialogue Talk Fantastic Summer-Serendipity Coral Sparkling Tea does sound pretty amazing. (This dialogue option leads to The Cat's Tail's Specialty.)
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 22.ogg Barbara: Yeah, it does sound amazing. I'm not sure how Margaret came up with such a name...
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 23.ogg Barbara: But I have heard that the drink is quite popular now. There's even a line of people waiting to purchase it every day.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 24.ogg Barbara: If you'd like to get one, we should head over to the Cat's Tail as quickly as we can.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 25.ogg Barbara: However... even though I've already requested a half day of leave from Sister Victoria, she still insists that I let her know where I'm going...
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 26.ogg Barbara: With so many people trying to get in on the newest Cat's Tail offering, I'm worried we'll have to wait for ages if we get there too late.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 27.ogg Barbara: Ah, I've got it! Why don't you help me check in with Sister Victoria while I get in line at the Cat's Tail? That would save us some time!
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 28.ogg Barbara: What do you think?
Icon Dialogue Talk Sounds good to me.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 29.ogg Barbara: It's settled then! Let's meet up at the entrance to the Cat's Tail.
Icon Dialogue Talk But what if you run into people asking for an autograph?
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 30.ogg Barbara: I—It'll be fine... I'll just tell them that today is my day off. I'm sure they'll understand.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 31.ogg Barbara: Let's get going then. See you at the Cat's Tail!
(Talk to Sister Victoria)
Media:vo bblcop001 1900306 victoria 01.ogg Victoria: Yes, my child?
Icon Dialogue Talk About Barbara's time off...
Media:vo bblcop001 1900306 victoria 02.ogg Victoria: Oh yes, Sister Barbara just submitted her request for half a day's leave. She said she had plans with a friend.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900306 victoria 03.ogg Victoria: I must say though, it is quite unusual for Barbara to request time off just to see a friend...
Media:vo bblcop001 1900306 victoria 04.ogg Victoria: But that's beside the point. What is it you'd like to ask me?
Icon Dialogue Talk About "Fantastic Summer-Serendipity Coral Sparkling Tea"...
Media:vo bblcop001 1900306 victoria 05.ogg Victoria: Oh? You mean to tell me that Barbara intends to accompany you to buy this... special drink?
Media:vo bblcop001 1900306 victoria 06.ogg Victoria: Then you must be the friend that she mentioned, I presume?
Media:vo bblcop001 1900306 victoria 07.ogg Victoria: Hmm, seeing as you're the Honorary Knight, I guess that's fine...
Media:vo bblcop001 1900306 victoria 08.ogg Victoria: Well, then please take good care of Sister Barbara.
Icon Dialogue Talk Why does Barbara always have to report her plans?
Media:vo bblcop001 1900306 victoria 09.ogg Victoria: Well, as you may already know, Sister Barbara is quite popular in Mondstadt for several reasons...
Media:vo bblcop001 1900306 victoria 10.ogg Victoria: Although the citizens here may only be acting out of good intention, there are too many of them, and Sister Barbara can't handle it all
Media:vo bblcop001 1900306 victoria 11.ogg Victoria: If they appear while she is working here at the Church, we can come and intervene.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900306 victoria 12.ogg Victoria: But if she's approached by fans during her time off, then she can only fend for herself.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900306 victoria 13.ogg Victoria: And no to mention, she's too... kind. She'll always try to fulfill the requests of the citizens of Mondstadt, even when it takes a heavy toll and leaves her more exhausted than actual working hours.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900306 victoria 14.ogg Victoria: So with that in mind, we thought we'd have Sister Barbara always tell us where she'd be, just in case we need to come rescue her from the crowds.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900306 victoria 15.ogg Victoria: My hope is that Sister Barbara stops pushing herself so hard...
(Continue to A Very Special Beverage)
Icon Dialogue Talk I would like to try your special Chilibrew! (This dialogue option leads to The First Chilibrew Ingredient or The Second Chilibrew Ingredient.)
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 10.ogg Barbara: Coming right up! But I should warn you, the flavor is quite unique, I'm not sure how you'll handle it.
Icon Dialogue Talk I should be fine... I think...
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 11.ogg Barbara: Alright, let me think... to make this drink, we'll need some fresh Jueyun Chilis and Sweet Flowers.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 12.ogg Barbara: The key to a good batch of Chilibrew is not the quantity of ingredients, but the quality of ingredients.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 13.ogg Barbara: I know where to gather fresh Jueyun Chilis, but Sweet Flowers might be a bit tricky... Though they're easy to find, high-quality Sweet Flowers are few and far between...
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 14.ogg Barbara: Oh, why don't we split up to search for ingredients? Once we've found the ingredients we need, we can meet up just south of the Whispering Woods.
Icon Dialogue Talk Alright, let's split up. (This dialogue option leads to The First Chilibrew Ingredient.)
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 15.ogg Barbara: Alright, I'll head to the Whispering Woods to gather Sweet Flowers while you go search for Jueyun Chilis around Stone Gate.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 16.ogg Barbara: Oh, and by the way... Even though I've already requested a half day's leave from Sister Victoria, she always insists that I still give her my itinerary for any trips I take.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 17.ogg Barbara: While I head over to the Whispering Woods, could you please check in with Sister Victoria and let her know where I will be?
(Talk to Sister Victoria)
Media:vo bblcop001 1900307 victoria 01.ogg Victoria: Yes, my child?
Icon Dialogue Talk About Barbara's itinerary...
Media:vo bblcop001 1900307 victoria 02.ogg Victoria: Oh? Sister Barbara wishes to go to the Whispering Woods to pick herbs?
Media:vo bblcop001 1900307 victoria 03.ogg Victoria: I see... In fact, Sister Barbara just requested a half day's leave to go meet a friend. Now she suddenly intends to go herb-picking?
Media:vo bblcop001 1900307 victoria 04.ogg Victoria: I'm sure Sister Barbara has her reasons... Will you be accompanying her?
Icon Dialogue Talk Yes, I will be accompanying her.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900307 victoria 05.ogg Victoria: Ah, I trust she will be in good hands then. Please take good care of Sister Barbara, Honorary Knight.
Icon Dialogue Talk Why does Barbara always have to report her plans?
Media:vo bblcop001 1900307 victoria 06.ogg Victoria: Well, as you may already know, Sister Barbara is quite popular in Mondstadt for several reasons...
Media:vo bblcop001 1900307 victoria 07.ogg Victoria: Although the citizens here may only be acting out of good intention, there are too many of them, and Sister Barbara can't handle it all
Media:vo bblcop001 1900307 victoria 08.ogg Victoria: If they appear while she is working here at the Church, we can come and intervene.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900307 victoria 09.ogg Victoria: But if she's approached by fans during her time off, then she can only fend for herself.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900307 victoria 10.ogg Victoria: And no to mention, she's too... kind. She'll always try to fulfill the requests of the citizens of Mondstadt, even when it takes a heavy toll and leaves her more exhausted than actual working hours.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900307 victoria 11.ogg Victoria: So with that in mind, we thought we'd have Sister Barbara always tell us where she'd be, just in case we need to come rescue her from the crowds.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900307 victoria 12.ogg Victoria: My hope is that Sister Barbara stops pushing herself so hard...
(Continue to The First Chilibrew Ingredient)
Icon Dialogue Talk I think it'd be better if we stick together. (This dialogue option leads to The Second Chilibrew Ingredient.)
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 18.ogg Barbara: Oh, you really think so? Okay then.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 19.ogg Barbara: With the Honorary Knight by my side, I can gather ingredients without a care in the world!
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 20.ogg Barbara: Oh, and by the way... Even though I've already requested a half day's leave from Sister Victoria, she always insists that I still give her my itinerary for any trips I take.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900303 barbara 21.ogg Barbara: We should go check in with Sister Victoria first. We could say... hmm... we're going out to gather some herbs!
(Talk to Sister Victoria)
Media:vo bblcop001 1900306 victoria 16.ogg Victoria: Oh? Sister Barbara, is something the matter?
Media:vo bblcop001 1900306 barbara 01.ogg Barbara: I'd like to go to the Whispering Woods to pick some herbs, it shouldn't take long!
Media:vo bblcop001 1900306 victoria 17.ogg Victoria: Oh? But didn't you just submit a request for half a day's leave to see a friend? Now you suddenly intend to go herb-picking?
Media:vo bblcop001 1900306 victoria 18.ogg Victoria: Hmm... I thought you would take a rest today...
Media:vo bblcop001 1900306 victoria 19.ogg Victoria: Still, you may do as you please with your plans, I won't interfere.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900306 victoria 20.ogg Victoria: But the Whispering Woods are quite a distance away, perhaps you should request a guard from the Knights of Favonius?
Icon Dialogue Talk I will accompany Barbara.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900306 barbara 02a.ogg Barbara: With the Honorary Knight by my side, I'm sure everything will be just fine!
Media:vo bblcop001 1900306 victoria 21.ogg Victoria: Thank you for informing me, I've noted down your plans. Please do come back soon.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900306 barbara 03.ogg Barbara: Thank you.
Media:vo bblcop001 1900306 barbara 04.ogg Barbara: Alright, we're good to go. Let's head out!
(Continue to The Second Chilibrew Ingredient)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishThe Church's Affairs
Jiàotáng de Zhūduō Shìyí
The Many Matters of the Cathedral
Jiàotáng de Zhūduō Shìyí
Daiseidou no Jijou
The Cathedral's Situation
Korean성당의 업무
Seongdang-ui Eommu
The Cathedral's Business
SpanishAsuntos religiososReligious Matters
FrenchLes affaires de l'ÉgliseThe Affairs of the Church
RussianДела собора
Dela sobora
The Church's Affairs
Thaiเรื่องต่าง ของทางโบสถ์
The Affairs of the Church
VietnameseCông Sự Của Giáo Đường
GermanKirchliche AngelegenheitenEcclesiastical Affairs
IndonesianUrusan KatedralThe Cathedral's Affairs
PortugueseOs Muitos Assuntos da Catedral
TurkishKilise İşleri
ItalianLe questioni della Chiesa

Change History[]
