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The City of Ravens Bluff is a 2nd-edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons accessory for the Forgotten Realms.

A dozen years in the making, this sourcebook contains everything you need to know about Ravens Bluff, home of the Living City™ campaign:
  • The movers and shakers of the city are described in detail, from the deans of the Wizards Guild to the prelates of the Clerical Circle, from the Lady Mayor to the heads of the noble houses.
  • The laws of the city are revealed, along with the officials responsible for enforcing them and the punishments for breaking them.
  • Read the history of the city and discover the secrets of Lost Sarbreen, the dwarven city buried beneath its foundations.
  • New monsters and new magics, hidden cults and secret societies, and a description of the entire Vast surrounding the city are all included within these pages.
  • As if this were not enough, this sourcebook also includes the most detailed map of the city ever published and an extensive Walking Tour visiting hundreds of locations throughout Ravens Bluff.
Come join one of the largest and oldest RPG campaigns in the world! Find out why it has attracted some of the best players in the game today. Accept the challenge. The Living City awaits...


The City of Ravens Bluff offers an extensive description of Ravens Bluff, covering its geography, districts, neighborhoods, and notable landmarks. It provides detailed maps and descriptions of key locations within the city. The accessory goes into great detail about the city's markets, taverns, inns, temples, and other locations that players may visit or interact with during their adventures. It explores the culture, traditions, and history of Ravens Bluff.

The City of Ravens Bluff introduces a wide array of non-player characters that populate the city. These NPCs have diverse backgrounds, personalities, and motivations, providing Dungeon Masters with a wealth of characters to use in their campaigns.

The accessory includes numerous adventure hooks and plot ideas that can be used as a basis for campaigns or one-shot adventures set in Ravens Bluff. These hooks often revolve around the city's unique features, mysteries, and the conflicts between various factions.


  • The Living City
  • Local History
  • Lost Sarbreen
  • Life in Ravens Bluff
  • Where to Buy
  • Dark & Deadly Secrets
  • Secret Societies
  • The Wizards Guild
  • Temples & Religion
  • The Fellowship of Bards
  • The Silent Network
  • The Knights of Ravens Bluff
  • The Nobility
  • The Authorities
  • Law & Order
  • Merchant Houses
  • The Guilds
  • The Game of Masks
  • Monsters of Ravens Bluff
  • The Magic of Ravens Bluff
  • Landmarks of Ravens Bluff: The Walking Tour
  • Beyond the Living City: The Vast
  • City Locations Index



Alaric ArnmantleAlexander the NobleAlitherAlskanderAmandas BleruneAmber Lynn ThodenAmbrose PislewaiteAnaliana BlessingAnna GedenAnskaler MuldrynArakha DunsounAralagath TarsilArchveult TattercloakArial NightglowArnuthbold GemdiggerArrion WeatherspoonAuburn BrightAuglustor TelsarkArvin KothonosAshley SweepAven ElonisAzoth MalisharBanobras RiversideBarriltar BhandraddonBartleby QuillingBeatrice WeatherspoonBegoasBelanor FenmarelBeldrid MlurkynBeliot SevenechoBellas ThanatarBeluarBendro MundigrarBevis RussellBreltan GultossanBrunhilde ErikksonnBuirin ThalshondBundrigo DalastarraCharles BlacktreeChiron LaventhosChyndrie StormwindCluhurach Fair-EyedColin O'LyreConoptora BillonCortyara PhindelstalDamien RethartDaren of SeluneDelila RosebudDerry BrandondaleDeseantDesiree NadeauxDulanin SternhelmDunstable NeminrimEclipseEhrendilEldivvyr BlackbladesElgrith OrinthalasElonia StarreEmellinEldwin TraagorElvira BroadleafElvira of the BluffElvira of StartreeEmbro AlbrathEormennothErendriel MoonglowFred FaberGalander ShraeynGaruddynGideon SagsonGilcrain Vast-RiderGlaurathGlora VarroGondegalGreendale MeadowfieldGreenleaf ThorinGrimmerfangGuidoGuldaeth GrimshieldGundar GaewilderGundiman LalobaerHalarglauthaHannath PierreHarasiimHari MehlbrukhHathmar BlademarkHelbuidrikh MalortHoaten TheeHudson GreycloakHuehm GultossanIndigo SurisIndriiIorla TrablasturIrtimarr ShattershieldIyraurothJacinth MoonspringJalagalar ForkbeardJaraera OnderJaslath RaldareeJenethra MooncrownJerrod KorbandorJustin KordtKarlanKassandra MinstrelwishKassitrassa AmpnerKavan BrenzanKile the OxKilean the ConKlonalogh UmeskerKriel IllendelKuldlathen DuruthLaerlyn SnowbrookLark ThorncastleLarraine BlacktreeLashan AumersairLastraeya IndomurrLauren DeVillarsLauryn ShavvyrstarLegov NairbLeonard SmithsonLieshannLoki SpellsingerMalgarisMamblatMarantos GoldthroneMarbol EtcheenMarian WicksalMarilene DeVillarsMarisalea CatMartin MacGreggorMastraeroMax the MoneychangerMelusine MellicotMelsura MoonbraceMeroflede CeldonmenMicah StarfireMirial MoonsilverMiriel SmithMorphiusMortonbrace (person)Mreeiel KlintarMurardoMyla NorrinMyriadMyrkyssa JelanNaekol GultossanNaer TlarraNalabarNarbrest OzondarNarglar BrightswordNarrNight PrincessNoelin TlestlinNoldron AmpnerOld MagOlhydraOljaggOloghOndercot RolandOnyx DeathcureOracle (Ravenian)Orlathon LunemastOscar SodhomeOthla MultarPhorughpaugPithaQuarthar HalbrithanQuincy BlackmantleRahlerael SinaranRandall MorannRaraerdo MoonspringRegora RavensworthRelarn DayspringRelvan GaewilderRethryn HawkynfleurRezaraRiliyyn ScantsharRivyan ThalondRooth TraagorRougeRowan WilanderRundigo RanstormRupert HangmanSam ShockSarastos GilgalardSardoli QuislinSebastian SilverlockeShaleen OomreenShondarl StonegiantSinus MelandorSilva SinaranSnowhair the SorceressSolandraSorduel MeytaucSorlem MimbrymSshansalue WonderharpStavra LashonStolo MraethinSylvia DawnwatcherTalila DawnsongTalon DarkoakTappetran BoadelmerTarron CrystalmereTevlo SpathThogonia GrimTiran LaventhosTlanchass HailstormTomaldi EverspringTordon SurebladeTorstan HolbrarToseiyn DulkrauthTraiyiken TrumboldTriel (adventurer)Tuir StonebeardTuk LomanTurad GurnethTuryTym DoeskinUligker OloskarUrurnst HorthlaerVariance KlaneVentor TaxisVernon CondorVesper RobbintonVolodar CeldonmenVoron OramaWarnaer DelmerWill CaldanWilliam WarensonWillowbrook GreenleafWoodruff SweepZylara
Fort Lords
Amlar the UglyAnaliana BlessingDarthmoorDrakkar Von DammHildegrimKaitlyn McTavishLorien DarkarrowMeadowfieldMelissa EldarenNanteenRashaverak DandelionSilver FoxTara SojournUldred DeepaxeZhelanaya
Henry MasonLucky Whitewolf
Life Lords
Beldrodos MalaverCalathor ShamskelCheseirione DalbrathDaveira MalajikasEmlathree KheldinorEskevelt EmmerdinIrwina OustintellMe AlbrightMreevas VelrinNalatha BaerebrymPerevel SauruethynQuinthas Rallogath
Urgraves & Urgrava
Adelbaert GultossanAmadreil GultossanAmuinara DaraduskAugirt LeorduinKhobronta PalraedinorOnchantra LeorduinRaedrin AmpnerShildra VelgathSyrune Emmerdin


alhoon • alu-fiend • annis • ant • aarakocra • arcane • argos • barnacle • battle horror • beholder • blink dog • boar • brownie • bugbear • bustard • caryatid column • carnivorous ape • catoblepas • cloud giant • crab • crabman • crawling claw • crow • dark naga • darktentacles • deepspawn • demilich • disenchanter • dolphin • doppelganger • dragger • dragon, black • dragon, bronze • dragon, gold • dragon, green • dragon, red • drow • dryad • duck • eagle • eel • elephant • erinyes • faerie dragon • flameskull • flea • gargoyle golem • ghoul • giant centipede • giant clam • giant frog • giant snake • giant spider • gibbering mouther • giff • gnome • gnoll • goat • goblin • goldfish • golem, iron • golem, stone • goose • gorgon • greater sea hag • grell • griffon • gull • half-elf • half-ogre • half-orc • halfling • hare • harpy • helmed horror • heron • hippocampus • hobgoblin • horse • illithid • jackal • kenku • kobold • leucrotta • lice • lillend • lion • lizardman • magebane • magedoom • maggot • manscorpion • manticore • manyfin • medusa • mermaid • mimic • minotaur • moon elf • monkey • monster zombie • mouse • mule • mussel  • narwhal • nereid • observer • octopus • ogre • ogre mage • owlbear • oxen • oyster • panther • partridge • pegasus • penanggalan • peryton • pheasant • pig • pigeon • pixie • pseudodragon • quail • rakshasa • rothé • shark • sheep • shrimp • slithering tracker • snail • snake (asp) • songbird • spectre • sprite • squid • squirrel • steel shadow • stirge • swan • swordfish • tiefling • toad • treant • trout • turtle • vampire • war dog • warhorse • watchghost • water elemental • weredragon • wereshark • whale • will-o'-wisp • wind walker • wolfwere • wyvern • yuan-ti


Battle of Deepfires • Battle of Fire River • Battle of Murky Confusion • Bone Dance • Championship Games • Game of Masks • Hornmoot • Magefair • The Arming • The Plowing • Time of Troubles


Armor & Clothing
bracer • breeches • chainmail • earring • eyepatch • gauntlet (Claw Gauntlet • Crimson Gauntlet) • girdle • gorget • gown • leather armor • lingerie • metal arm • mitten • monocle • padded armor • peg leg • plate mail • purse • riding boots • sandal • stomacher • surcoat • tabard • tiara • tunic
barrel • Bhuklyn's box • bottle • bowl • brazier • bucket • cauldron • chamberpot • coffer • coffin • ewer • flask • goblet • hat box • jar • keg • mug • nosebag • pouch • saddlebag • scrollcase • tankard • tun
Food & Drinks
bacon • beer • biscuit • Blood of the Raven • brandy • bread • butter • cabbage • cheese (Obaleth) • chowder • chutney • cinnamon • coffee • compote • cordial • cucumber sandwhich • curd • eggs • fiddlehead soup • fishcake • fish-spice paste • garlic • ginger • gravy • gruel (food) • halomonde • leek • lemon • mango • mint • mint jelly • mintwater • moonmint cordial • mustard • nutmeg • onion • pear • peppercorn • plum wine • pork • pork fat • pork pie • potato • rice • rice wine • Rooksroot Redhsar • saffron • salted fish • sausage • scone • soabrath • spirit • sugar • sweetmeat • tart • tea • tomato • Two Mountains Platter • vinegar
bell • birdpipes (pan pipes) • chime • flute • hand drum • harp • hunting horn • gong • lute • music box • lyre • songhorn • trumpet
clay • coal • copper • cuirboili • flagstone • granite • ivory • marble • fieldstone • nickel • orcslayer • paper • platinum • sandstone • shimmersheen • stucco • vellum • wool • zinc
acid • dung (guano • manure) • dye • everburning oil • ink • mummy dust • pine oil • pitch • sawdust • sealing wax • sleep-poison • smokepowder
caravel • cog • dinghy • galleon • Ground-Avoidance Ship • Halruaan skyship • handcart • rowboat • skiff • sledge • wagon
axe • ballista • battering ram • broadsword • catapult • cutlass • dagger • dart • greataxe • halberd • lance • longsword • polearm • rapier • scimitar • scythe • shortbow • sickle • spear • stiletto • swordstick
Another Dart in the Minstrel's Heart • Book of Fair Prayers • The Dragon Cried • Ravens Bluff Trumpeter • Sorry Sighed The Sylph • Treatise Against Blood-Metal • The Way of the Blade • While Wheloon Watched
anchor • anvil • axle • balance scale • bathtub • bellows • blanket • bolt (fastener) • book (blank book • chapbook) • bowstring • broadsheet • broom • candle • cane • chain • chandelier • chisel • cigar • clockwork toy • crutch • flask • fork • gaff • grappling hook • hairbrush • hand mirror • harness • harrow • hinge • hoe • hookah • horseshoe • hourglass • inkstone • lantern • lobster trap • lock • magnet • makeup • manacles • map • marbles • net • nut (fastener) • oar • oarlock • oven • paintbrush • peg • pick • platter • plow • poker • prybar • pulley • quill • rope • saddle • scabbard • screw • sewing needle • shackles • shovel • soap • spoon • spyglass • stake • tapestry • target • tent • tinderbox • tongs • torch • treadle pump • tuning fork • wire


Bodies of Water
Flaernar's Bridge • Landelo Bridge • New Dragon Bridge • Omphrel's Span • Ravensbridge
Districts & Neighborhoods
Chasipher's Wharf • DeVillars Park • Grinning Man • Melissa's Glade • Mouth of Savras • Purtil's Tower • Rezara's Garden • Ring Park • Snout Light • Tumbling Yard • Watchful Defender
Aglarond • Altumbel • Amn • Calimshan • Chessenta • Cormyr • Damara • Evermeet • Halruaa • Impiltur • Luiren • Mulhorand • Netheril • Sembia • Thay • Unther • Var the Golden • Vastar
Dreaming Moon Door
Alan Street • Amandagar Street • Black Visor Drive (Black Visor Street) • Blacktree Boulevard • Blaern's Trail • Bouldergrinder's Way • Brightbuckler Street (Ravens Bluff) • Broken Bit Lane • Castles Way • Coast Road • Conant Court • Cove Street • Crescentcoat Court • Cross Road • Crothmar's Lane • Cylyria Street • Dagger Street • Dalton Drive • Daren's Ring • Deepaxe Way • DeVillars Ride • Dragonscale Street • Drovers' Run • Elvenblood Pass • Evensong Ride • Falyern Way • Fashpost • Feldar's Trail • Fire Lane • Fireleap Lane • Fishleap Lane • Glorming Pass • Griffon Trail • Grismort Lane • Gulp Lane • Haghook • Hammerstone Street • Hawk Passage • Helhavryn's Walk • Helve's Trail • High Trail • Hippocampus Street • Hlintar Ride • Iymbril Lane • Karen Court • Khalamongre Street • Lamorgyr's Ride • Landleen Lane • Long Reach • Longshoreman's Lane • MacIntyre Path • Manycoins Way • Melmaster Street • Moorland Ride • Morlgar's Ride • Nightlamp Street • Nimble Alley • North Road • O'Kane Court • Olorin's Lane • Palamaetyr Street • Pepper Street • Quevver Street • Raphiel Road • Raven Way • Red Wyrm Ride • Rhabie Promenade • Riverview Road • Sable Lane • Samarglast Lane • Selgaunt Street • Shalastra's Ride • Sindle Street • Skulls Street (Ravens Bluff) • Stonekeep Concourse • Stonekeep End • Stormcrest Trail • Summers Street • Summoner's Street • Sylgarth Street • Talos Street • Tantras Trail • Thavverdasz Way • Thornton's Pass • Three Trees Pass • Torngel's Ride • Tsurlagol Road • Turnhelm Street • Unicorn Lane • Vesper Way • Waelstar Way • Wallwalk Lane • Way of Blake the Bold • Westwall Way North • Westwall Way South • Wyvernar Street • Xander's Lane • Yhevver Lane • Zeldazar Street
Airspur • Arrabar • Athkatla • Baldur's Gate • Berdusk • Dead Tree Hollow • Dragon Falls (village) • Elturel • Essembra • High Haspur • Hillsfar • King's Reach • Kurth • Lyrabar • Maerstar • Mossbridges • Murann • Myth Drannor • Neverwinter • Orlimmin • Procampur • Reth • Sarbreenar • Selgaunt • Sembia • Sendrin • Sevenecho • Sigil • Spandeliyon • Swords Pool (village) • Tantras • Tavilar • Telflamm • Thindilar • Tsurlagol • Waterdeep • Westgate
Broadback • Golden Ball • Lasher


Businesses & Shops
Ambra's Small Boats Rental & Harbor Rescue/Retrieval • Arts Haven • Ashakar's Accessories • Baldaero's Finest Draperies • Barnacle Bill's Green Beard Shaving Parlor • Bendekar's Mercantile • Black Dugal's Music Shoppe • Brothers Galgolar Pawnshop • Buftooroo's Dry Goods • Burnhart's Outfitting • Davy Jones' Lock-Up • Deephands Nettery & Net Repair • Delmer's Ferry • Dock Ice House • Downunda Patisserie • Dressed to the Nines • Dyddow Barrelworks • Elonia's Beauty Shoppe • Ember Me More • Finandaero's Even Finer Draperies • Firestorm House (building) • Fishing Tackle • Flora's Flower Shop • Fresh Fish • Friendly Familiar • Fruits & More • Gladragon's Gold & Gems Exchange • Haldivar's Mermaid • Healthier Living • High Seas Shipbuilding • Horace's Shirt Shop • Iron Bull Smithy • Jhuedele's Fine Fletching • Lalobaer's Pumps & Piping • Lamps by Watt • Leaf in Root • Littleate & Sons • Lyle's Fine Cloaks • Madame Coth's Silk Shop • Mapper's Workshop • Master Cheen's Chess Shop • Maukshoun's Rope, Cable, and Chain • Misti Morgan's Moonlight Pawn • Morigan's Complete Components • Muldryn's Chainworks • Mystic Star Charts • Nightbird House (headquarters) • Oljagg's Rag & Bottle Shop • Potions, Lotions, & Notions • Raraerdo's Throwing Knives • Rare And Fine Seashell Remedies • Ravens Bluff Playhouse • Raven Coachhouse • Raven Express • Safe Harbor Marine Guarantees • Samara's Scrimshaw • The Sapient Sorcerer • Seaside Salvage Company • Signs Painted • The Sparkling Edge • Spengeloar Masts & Spars • Stane Opera House • Swiftfleet Guides • Talon's Tattoo Parlor • Talton's Ivory & Scrimshaw • Toysmiths • Traagor's Tours and Souvenirs Shop • Tym's Supple Leather Shoppe • Umbrel's Hot Tarts • Ustiligator's Paper Mill • Vlard's Maintenance Yard • Weeds of Gold • Winn's Ice House • Ye Olde Bluff Jeweler
Castles & Fortresses
cloud castle • Castle Skyhawk • Fort Belanor • Fort Blacktree • Fort Blademark • Fort Carrague • Fort Condor • Fort Dandelion • Fort DeVillars • Fort Elminster • Fort Holiday • Fort Kothonos • Fort Longbottle • Fort Moonsilver • Fort O'Kane • Fort Skyhawk • Fort Thoden • Gultossan Towers • Kinthorl Keep • Narwhal Manor • Ravendark Castle • Sevencrown Keep • Sundaroon's Seatower
Civic Buildings
Central Office of the Watch • Coliseum • Hall of Records • Hall of the Raven • Hall of the Red Ravens • Hand of Mercy Children's Hospital and Orphanage • Hangman's Courthouse • Harbor Office • Ill-Water • Ladyrock Lighthouse • Nevin Street Compter • Ravens Bluff Sanitation Facility • Raven Museum • Red Ravens Hall (Anvil) • Red Ravens Hall (Shadystreets • Red Ravens Hall (Tlasbras)
Calaglara • Cormyr House • Embassy of Chessenta • Embassy of Impiltur • Embassy of Procampur • Embassy of Sembia • Embassy of Tantras • Embassy of Thay • Embassy of Turmish • Embassy of Zhentil Keep • Waterdeep House
Guild Halls
Anvil Hall • Bolynstars Hall • Brathkelpt House • Carters Hall • Cask of Casks • Crossed Quills House • Cup of Coins • Griffon Hall • Guildhouse of the Fellowship of Bards, Performers and Artists • Hall of Five Arches • Hall of Wonders (Ravens Bluff) • Hawksblood Hall • High House of Magic • Hogs Head Hall • Lamplit Hall • Manyshields Keep • Mornbright House • Oldover House • Seekers' Guildhall • Shining Scales Hall • Sternbound Hall • Stonelion House
Inns, Restaurants, and Taverns
The Blasted Wizard • The Blue Stallion • The Blushing Gynosphinx • Cliff's Bard & Swill • Crescent Moon • The Elf in Armor • Endelo's Tankard • Fireflagon Hall • Flirin's Sea Morsels • Gehern Cibus • Gurneth's Goblet • Hooked Albatross Inn • Inn of the Dragon • Kettle of Many Things • The Lambent Eye • The Last Jack • Lucky Coin Inn • Maercrossan's • The Merry Mage • Nimble's Skewer Shop • The Nine Swords • The Painted Boat • The Pickled Priest • Red Sail Tavern • Rolling Heads Inn • Rooster Roost • Rose's Tea Room • The Salty Dog (Ravens Bluff) • Ship's Wheel Tavern • The Shod Talon • The Silver Lady • Sleepy Dwarf • The Stag and Viper • Swill & Spill Tavern • Sword Tables Dining Lounge • Umbrel's Hot Tarts • Volodar's Stardust Inn • Worried Wyvern
Beldrid's House • Bendekar's House • Blacktree Manor • Brambleferns • Broadleaf Manor • Campopegasus Hall • Carthrose Hall • Crownshield • Darksilver House • Dawn Window House • Dolphingates • Dragonsyr House • Endelvines • Forestshade House • Garuddyn Manor • Granitegates Manor • Hengelhouse • Hornherald Hall • Longbottle Hall • Magestrand Manor • Manyboughs • Manscorpion House • Meadowfield House • Moongates Manor • Ondrelspires • Palraedinor Manor • Rashala's Towers • Redstones • Rosepillars • Rundelstones Manor • Sablegarth House • The Sanctuary • Seabreeze Hall • Seiringlast House • Shadowholme • Sumbrylstairs • Sunderside • Whitegates • Windstand House • Yarnar Close • Zorden Hall
Collegium Loyal • Myriad's Fencing School • Of Style and Grace • Rooster Fitness & Training Center • Silverhawk School • Wavetreader Pilot & Rigging School
Battering Wave • Cradle of Pain and Redemption • Cult of the Shadow • Hall of Luck • Halls of Morning Light • House of Bountiful Harvest • House of Desires • House of Loyalty • House of Scarlet Hooks • House of War • Moonflame • Moonsilver House • Moonwater • Temple of Torm's Coming • The Rising Moon • True Temple of the Dead • Turning Wheel


amulet of proof against detection and locationcrystal ballcube of forceflying carpetioun stonemedallion of ESPMorgrim's tapestryMouth of Savraspouch of holdingrod of rulershiprod of smitingrod of stewardshipshadow bladesphere of annihilationwand of paralyzationwand of polymorphing
potion of delusionpotion of healingpotion of invisibilitypotion of levitationpotion of vitalitypotion of water breathingoil of invisibility
ironguard ringring of dimensional dartingring of feather fallingring of helmed horrorsring of human influencering of nine livesring of scrying globesring of spell storingring of spell turning
Astral sphere
airy wateraudible glamerBigby's clenched fistBigby's crushing handBigby's forceful handBigby's grasping handblade barrierburning handschain lightningchaoscharm monstercharm personchill touchclairaudienceclairvoyancecloudkillcone of coldconfusioncontinual lightcreeping doomcure diseasecure light woundsdancing lightsdeath fogdeath spelldelayed blast fireballdisintegratedispel magicemotionenergy drainenervationEvard's black tentacleseverdanceexpeditious retreatexplosive runesfeather fallfeeblemindfinger of deathfire trapflame arrowsflame strikeflaming sphereflesh to stonegeas/Questglobe of invulnerabilityhasteheat metalhold personhypnotic patternice stormimproved invisibilityincendiary cloudlightning boltlimited wishmagic jarmagic missilemass charmmass suggestionMelf's acid arrowMelf's minute meteorsmeteor swarmminor globe of invulnerabilitymirror imagemonster summoningmonster summoning Imonster summoning IImove earthneutralize poisonNystul's magic auraNystul's nullifierpermanent illusionphantasmal killerplant growthpolymorph otherpolymorph selfpower wordprotection from goodprotection from normal missilespyrotechnicsray of enfeeblementremove cursesepia snake sigilshadow monstersshattersilencestinking cloudsummon swarmtears of the crocodiletime stoptonguesvampiric touchwall of firewall of forcewall of icewall of ironwall of stonewebwishwish, limitedwizard eye
curse • dead-magic zone • holy symbol • holy water • polymorph • psionics • scrying • silver fire • spell component • spellbook • spellfire • thickwater • wildfire • wild magic


Adventuring Bands
Armor & VengeanceBand of the Flaming SwordThe Cabal of the CrownCompany of the Talking ShieldFour WindsMen of the Purple ShieldMistdown MaraudersSavage SpearsSix Spiked RingsSkullsword ReaversTurning Key
Civic Organizations
Red RavensTreasury Defense Force
Criminal Organizations
Cult of the DragonFour RavensGrayclawsShadowcloaksZhentarim
Clan BoldenbarClan BrightswordClan DuruthClan GoldthroneClan Shattershield
Cult of the Raven
SandorSelmer (family)
Builders GuildFellowship of Bards, Performers and ArtistsFellowship of Herders and ButchersFellowship of Jewelers, Goldsmiths, and WhitesmithsSages GuildWizards Guild
Knightly Orders
Keepers of the Mystic FlameKnights of the DoveKnights of the Golden RoosterKnights of the GriffonKnights of the HawkKnights of the LadyKnights of the PhoenixPillars of the RealmsRight Hand of Tyr
Merchantile Organizations
AlbrathBhuklynBlackbladesBlue Star Trading CompanyCoker Wharf CompanyDoumathFirestormHorthlaerKuldathNightbirdSea of Fallen Stars Trading CompanySmokeflowerStorm DragonStrangestarsTelsark's HouseTempest RoseVespersWhale's TailWhelkWyrmhoard
Military Organizations
Tuigan horde
Noble Families
AmpnerBalathorpBlacktreeBoldtalonCathoneDaraduskDe SheersDeVillarsEldermoreEmmerdinFleetwoodFlermeerGultossHawkdragonHawkynfleurIndemmerLeorduinLiontowerLongbottleMacIntyreMinstrelwishMoonbraceMoonglowMoorlandNorwoodPaerindonPalraedinorQuelemterRaphielSinaranSkyhawkTaldavarTherogeonThodenVelgathYarvandarZorden
Political Organizations
Advisory CouncilClerical CircleCouncil of Lords (Ravens Bluff)Lords of WestgateMerchants CouncilMinistry of Art
Religious Organizations
Chosen of Mystra
Secret Societies
Silver Sheaf
Spellcasting Organizations
Red WizardsWar Wizards


Auril • Azuth • Beshaba • Chauntea • Clangeddin • Cyric • Eilistraee • Eldath • Garagos • Ilmater • Kelemvor • Lathander • Lliira • Loviatar • Malar • Milil • Mystra • Savras • Selûne • Shar • Sharess • Talos • Tempus • Tymora • Tyr • Umberlee • Waukeen


filigree • glassblowing • opera • tattoo
Classes & Kits
Fields of Study
chess • dice • Madknights
accounting • apothecary • bookkeeping • bounty hunter • jester • locksmith • mercenary • minstrel • moneylending • pilgrim • procurer
Chief Prelate • Deep King • Lord Magistrate • Lord Wolf • Magister • Master Merchant • Merchant Duke • Overking • The Ravencoat • Regent of City Works • Regent of the Exchequer • Regent of Guilds • Regent of the Harbor • Supreme Scepter • Thultyrl
ash • blentlarn • blueleaf • cherrywood • chestnut • dandelion • duskwood • felsul • fern • flax • mold • moss • mushroom (mildew • toadstool • truffle) • oak (chime oak) • ondrithin • pine • ringnut • seaweed • shadeapple • shadowtop • smokeflower • walnut • weirwood • wheat • yew



  • Design: Ed Greenwood
  • Editor: John D. Rateliff
  • Brand Manager: Lisa Stevens
  • Cover Art: Jeff Easley
  • Cover Graphic Design: Tanya Matson
  • Interior Graphic Design: Dee Barnett
  • Interior Art: Valerie Valusek, Paul Phillips
  • Cartography: Rob Lazzaretti, Dennis Kauth
  • Typesetting: Nancy Walker, Eric Haddock
  • Art Director: Paul Hanchette


See Also[]


  1. Ed Greenwood (October 1998). The City of Ravens Bluff. Edited by John D. Rateliff. (TSR, Inc.), p. 5. ISBN 0-7869-1195-6.