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Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide is a regional sourcebook, by Wizards of the Coast, set in the Forgotten Realms using the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition ruleset. It focuses on west and northwest Faerûn.[2]


A region of the Forgotten Realms®, the Sword Coast comprises shining paragons of civilization, perilous locales fraught with evil, and, encompassing them all, a wilderness that offers an explorer both vast opportunity and great danger.

The Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide™ is a valuable resource for Dungeon Masters and players alike. In addition to describing the peoples and places of the Sword Coast, the book contains a plethora of new character options to intrigue and inspire every adventuring party.

For use with the fifth edition Player's Handbook®, Monster Manual®, and Dungeon Master's Guide®, this book provides the setting, story, and character options needed to participate in a D&D game anywhere along the Sword Coast of Faerûn.


Click here for page index


Anais RhindaunAndwe CururenAedyn GraymantleAraitheBarri BaramBelinda AnteosBeniago KurthBruenor BattlehammerCashaanDaerismun AerathDagmaer SuljackDagnabbet WaybeardDagult NeveremberDarfin FloshinDerid KendrickDhosun SilverscaleDrorn WaranvilDruetteEmerus WarcrownEmikaiwufegErlizaGardorra BurrGrauman HartwickGrigarrGyrtHartouchen RethnorJarantJendrickKelvinKharissa AnuvienKimitar ThaelessLarlochMaccathMangan UrukMelandrachMorinnMorwen DaggerfordNestra RuthiolNezramOllyn GrimtongueOrdalfOshgirRaedra ObarskyrRalionateRaultStorn SkulldarkTaumarik HartwickTchazzarTeyvaThe PereghostThroa TaerlTithmelUlder RavengardVaelishWaldropWundrith ParrYarin FrostmantleZelenn
Referenced only
AlaundoAleina BrightlanceBrommBronwyn CaradoonCyricDagna WaybeardDagnabbet WaybeardDagult NeveremberDauner IlzimmerDowell HarpellEbenezer StoneshaftFzoul ChembrylGandalug BattlehammerGarumn BattlehammerHarbrommHarnothHartkillerHelm Dwarf-FriendIlgostrogue SstarJaven TarmikosKaidrod PalyrLaeral SilverhandManshoonMorwen DaggerfordNestra RuthiolOlfgautSamular CaradoonSelin RamurSimbulTaern HornbladeTamal ThentThavus KreegTyndalUthgarVaralla


demondragonduergardwarfelf (drow, Llewyr) • feygeniegiantgoblinoidgnome (svirfneblin) • half-drow (Crinti) • half-elfhalflinghorsehuman (Ffolk, Illuskan, Imaskari, Mulan, Rashemi, Tuigan, Uthgardt) • spiritorcyuan-ti


Second SunderingSpellplague


Halruaan skyship


Boareskyr Bridge
Bodies of Water
Great SeaInner SeaLake of SteamSea of Fallen StarsSea of Moving IceSea of SwordsShining SeaTrackless Sea
Castles & Keeps
Castle PerilousCitadel of the RavenDarkholdWarlock's CryptZhentil Keep
Countries, Kingdoms & Nations
AglarondAmnBorder KingdomsCalimshanChessentaCormyrDamaraDambrathDelzounElfharrowElturgardHalruaaHartsvaleHigh ImaskarImpilturLapaliiyaLuirenMulhorandNajaraNarfellNetherilRashemenSamarachSembiaSossalTethyrThayThindolTymantherUntherVaasaYaïmmunahar
Deserts & Wastelands
AnaurochPlains of Purple DustShaar (Eastern) • Stonelands
Great Glacier
ChultEvermeetLantanMintarnMoonshae IslesNelanther IslesNimbralOrlumborRuathymWhalebones
Moors & Wetlands
High Moor
Mountains & Hills
Cloud PeaksFields of the DeadHills of the KingsNorth WallSunset MountainsTrielta HillsTrollclawsTroll Mountains
ArvandorPlane of Shadow
Cold LandsDalelands (Archendale, Battledale, Daggerdale, Deepingdale, Featherdale, Harrowdale, High Dale, Mistledale, Scardale, Shadowdale, Tasseldale) • HeartlandsHordelandsIcewind DaleLands of IntrigueMoonseaNorth FaerûnOld EmpiresSavage FrontierSword CoastThe NorthUnderdarkUnapproachable EastWestern Heartlands
Golden WayTrade Way
AirspurAkanaxAmphailBaldur's GateBlingdenstoneCandlekeepCalimportCitadel AdbarCitadel FelbarrDaggerfordDarromarErebosGauntlgrymGracklstughHelm's HoldHeptiosHillsfarIronmasterLongsaddleLuskanLuthcheqMantol-DerithMemnonMenzoberranzanMezroMirabarMithral HallMulmasterMyth DrannorNeverwinterPhlanSilverymoonStoneshaft HoldSundabarTeshwaveThentiaToreusVoonlarWaterdeepYartar
Woods & Forests
CormanthorHigh ForestHullack ForestYuirwood


Marlspire of Najara
booming bladegreen-flame bladelightning luremessagesword burst


Arcane BrotherhoodAvowedBelcondi tribeBlack Blood tribeBlue FeatherClan BattlehammerClan GrimtongueClan RustfireClan SkulldarkClan StoneshaftClan WaranvilClan WarcrownClan WaybeardCouncil of Five (Amn)Council of LordsDales CouncilDragonbaneElk tribeFlaming FistGirondi tribeGrand CouncilGray FeathersHouse AnteosHouse HartwickHouse MargasterHouse NeveremberKnights of SamularLords' AllianceOld OnesOrder of the Gilded EyePurple DragonsRed Wizards of ThayRedclawShip BaramShip KurthShip RethnorShip SuljackShip TaerlSilver MarchesSons of AlagondarStorm WatchUthgardtWar WizardsWarlock KnightsWychlaranZhentarim
Referenced only
Black Lion tribeBlack Raven tribeBlue Bear tribeClan ArnskullClan BlackbannerClan BlackhammerClan BucklebarClan DarkfellClan DeepaxeClan DeepdelveClan EaglecleftClan FoehammerClan GallowglarClan HillsafarClan HornClan IronshieldClan JundethClan NarglaghClan OrothiarClan QuarrymasterClan RockfistClan SstarClan StoneshieldClan StoneshoulderClan TrueforgerClan WatcheverClan WorldthroneClan WyrmslayerClan YundCompany of Crazed VenturersGolden Eagle tribeGray Wolf tribeGreat Worm tribeGriffon tribeHouse AlagondarRed Pony tribeRed Tiger tribeSky Pony tribeThunderbeast tribeTree Ghost tribe


BaneChaunteaEntropyIlmaterMalarMielikkiMystraSelûneSilvanusThe Three
Mulhorandi pantheon


Books and Periodicals
Canticle of GauntlgrymFar from the Misty HillsFifty Years at SeaTome of Universal Harmony
Paragon Paths
Simbarch of Aglarond
Iron Lord
Referenced only
Tome of Feywild Lore


  • Lead Designer: Steve Kenson
  • Designers: Joseph Carriker, Brian Cortijo, Jeremy Crawford, Peter Lee, Jon Leitheusser,* Mike Mearls, Jack Norris,* Sean K Reynolds, Matt Sernett, Rodney Thompson
  • Managing Editor: Jeremy Crawford
  • Editor: Kim Mohan
  • Editorial Assistance: Chris Sims, Matt Sernett, Dan Helmick
  • Producer: Greg Bilsland
  • D&D Lead Designers: Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford
  • Art Directors: Kate Irwin, Hal Mangold,* Shauna Narciso
  • Graphic Designer: Emi Tanji
  • Cover Illustrator: Tyler Jacobson
  • Interior Illustrators: Conceptopolis, Olga Drebas, Jason A. Engle, Randy Gallegos, Ilich Henriquez, David Heuso, Tyler Jacobson, McLean Kendree, Howard Lyon, William O’Connor, Claudio Pozas, Bryan Syme, Eva Widermann
  • Cartographers: Jared Blando, Mike Schley
  • Font Designer: Daniel Reeve
  • Project Management: Neil Shinkle, John Hay
  • Production Services: Cynda Callaway, Jefferson Dunlap, David Gershman
  • Brand and Marketing: Nathan Stewart, Liz Schuh, Chris Lindsay, Shelly Mazzanoble, Hilary Ross, John Feil, Greg Tito, Kim Lundstrom, Trevor Kidd
  • Playtesters: Adam Hennebeck, Anthony Caroselli, Arthur Wright, Bill Benham, Bryce Haley, Christopher Hackler, Claudio Pozas, Daniel Oquendo, David “Oak” Stark, Gregory L. Harris, Jason Baxter, Jason Fuller, Jay Anderson, Jeff Greiner, Jonathan Longstaff, Jonathan Urman, Josh Dillard, Karl Resch, Ken J Breese, Keoki Young, Kevin Neff, Krupal Desai, Kyle Turner, Liam Gulliver, Logan Neufeld, Lou Michelli, Matt Maranda, Mik Calow, Mike Mihalas, Naomi Kellerman-Bernard, Paul Hughes, Paul Melamed, Richard Green, Robert Alaniz, Rory Madden, Shane Leahy, Shawn Merwin, Stacy Bermes, Teos Abadia, Tom Lommel, Travis Brock, Yan Lacharité


Further Reading[]


  1. Steve Kenson, et al. (November 2015). Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. Edited by Kim Mohan. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 18. ISBN 978-0-7869-6580-9.
  2. Greg Tito (2015-July-22). Spice Up Your Story. Wizards of the Coast. Retrieved on July 23, 2015.


5th Edition Sourcebooks
Core Rulebooks Dungeon Master's GuideMonster ManualPlayer's Handbook
Sourcebooks Acquisitions IncorporatedBigby Presents: Glory of the GiantsThe Book of Many ThingsFizban's Treasury of DragonsMordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the MultiverseMordenkainen's Tome of FoesSword Coast Adventurer's GuideTasha's Cauldron of EverythingVan Richten's Guide to RavenloftVolo's Guide to MonstersXanathar's Guide to Everything
Adventures Baldur's Gate: Descent into AvernusCurse of StrahdHoard of the Dragon QueenIcewind Dale: Rime of the FrostmaidenOut of the AbyssPhandelver and Below: The Shattered ObeliskPlanescape: Adventures in the MultiversePrinces of the ApocalypseSpelljammer: Adventures in SpaceStorm King's ThunderThe Rise of TiamatTomb of AnnihilationVecna: Eve of RuinWaterdeep: Dragon HeistWaterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad MageThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight
Starter Sets Dungeons & Dragons Starter SetDungeons & Dragons Essentials KitDungeons & Dragons Starter Set (2022)
Anthologies Tales from the Yawning PortalGhosts of SaltmarshCandlekeep MysteriesJourneys Through the Radiant CitadelKeys from the Golden Vault
Supplements Elemental Evil Player's Companion
Playtest Confrontation at CandlekeepDead in ThayGhosts of Dragonspear CastleLegacy of the Crystal ShardMurder in Baldur's GateReclaiming BlingdenstoneScourge of the Sword CoastStorm over NeverwinterVault of the Dracolich