Priest's Spell Compendium Volume Two is a 2nd-edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons accessory.
Priest's Spell Compendium Volume Two specifically tailored for clerics, druids, and other priestly classes. It contains alphabetically sorted spells from garments of elvenkind to spiderform.
The compendium is an extensive collection of divine spells, gathered from various Advanced Dungeons & Dragons sourcebooks, campaign settings, and adventure modules. Its primary aim is to provide a comprehensive and easily accessible reference for players and Dungeon Masters alike.
Each spell entry includes detailed information such as the spell's name, level, range, duration, area of effect, components required, and a thorough description of what the spell does. Priest's Spell Compendium Volume Two not only revisits classic spells familiar to long-time players but also introduces modifications and clarifications to existing spells where necessary. It also addresses any ambiguities in the spell descriptions from earlier publications, providing clarifications to ensure a consistent interpretation of the rules.
- Garments of elvenkind
- Gaseous form
- Gate
- Gate of doom
- Gauntlet of winds
- Gembomb
- Genius
- Geyser
- Ghost knight
- Ghost pipes
- Giant insect
- Giant spider
- Giantsize
- Gift of speech
- Glass storm
- Gloom
- Gloomcloud
- Glow
- Glowglory
- Glyph of revealing
- Glyph of warding
- Glyph of warding: Telatha
- Goad of misfortune
- Golem
- Good weather
- Goodberry / Badberry
- Grassdart
- Gravity variation
- Great circle
- Greater creature of darkness
- Greater guardian seal
- Greater mantle of Mystra
- Greater shield of Lathander
- Greater touchsickle
- Greater vision
- Greenwood
- Ground trace
- Grounding
- Group mind
- Guardian hammer
- Guardian mantle
- Gull
- Haela's battle blessing
- Haelyn's wisdom
- Hailstone
- Hallucinatory forest
- Hamatree
- Hammer of justice
- Hand of Borogar
- Hand of fate
- Hand of Hoar
- Hand of the sorcerer-King
- Hand of Torm
- Handcandle
- Handfang
- Handfire
- Handfire
- Hard water
- Harp of war
- Hasten crops
- Haunted visions
- Haunting notes
- Haze
- Heal
- Heal plants / Harm plants
- Heal rash
- Heal spirit
- Heal trees / Harm trees
- Healing hand
- Healing rays
- Health blessing
- Hear heartbeat
- Heart blight
- Heart call
- Heart of ice
- Heartseeker
- Heat exhaustion
- Heat metal / Chill metal
- Helping hand
- Henley's digit of disruption
- Heroes' feast
- Heroism
- Hesitation
- Hibernate
- Hide
- Higher consecration
- Highway
- Histachii brew
- Hoar's revenance
- Hold animal
- Hold metal
- Hold person
- Hold plant
- Hold poison
- Hold undead
- Hold wave
- Holly dart
- Holly dart
- Holy flail
- Holy might
- Holy star
- Holy symbol
- Holy vesting
- Holy word / Unholy word
- Home port
- Horn of plenty
- Horns of Hathor
- Hovering road
- Humansize
- Humidity
- Hunger
- Hunt nemesis
- Hurl rock
- Hurl thunderbolt
- Ice blade
- Ice spikes
- Ice walk
- Idea
- Illumination
- Illusory artillery
- Illusory fortification
- Ilmater's fist
- Image of the sorcerer-kings
- Imago interrogation
- Imbue purpose
- Imbue undead with spell ability
- Imbue with blood ability
- Imbue with spell ability
- Immunity to weapons / Vulnerability
- Impart knowledge
- Impeding permission
- Impenetrable falsehood
- Impervious sanctity of mind
- Implosion / Inversion
- Impregnable mind
- Inanimate servant
- Incarnation of evil
- Incense
- Infestation
- Infrainvisible
- Inheritance assurance
- Initiation
- Inkjet
- Inner sanctum
- Inscribe speech
- Insect host
- Insect plague
- Insect ward
- Instruct
- Intensify sensation / Deaden sensation
- Interdiction
- Interruptible light
- Inverted ethics
- Invisibility purge
- Invisibility to animals
- Invisibility to animals, 10' radius
- Invisibility to enemies
- Invisibility to spirits
- Invisibility to undead
- Iron vigil
- Ironskin
- Isolate templar
- Istishia's port
- Istishia's tsunami
- Ivy siege
- Jaws of the wolf
- Jergal's mind probe
- Join with astral traveler
- Journey's orision / Malison
- Judgement
- Jungle avatar
- Kami absorption
- Karma curse
- Karma sight
- Keen eye
- Kelemvor's grace
- Kiss of Sharess
- Kiss of torment
- Knight's move
- Know age
- Know alignment / Undetectable alignment
- Know bloodline
- Know customs
- Know direction
- Know faction
- Know history
- Know intent
- Know language
- Know time
- Knurl
- Kriesha's cursed quest
- Laerme's emissary
- Lair divination
- Land of stability
- Laughing water
- Leadership
- Leaf into dagger
- Legal thoughts
- Lesser guardian hammer
- Lesser guardian seal
- Lesser spellsong
- Levitate
- Life drain
- Life steal
- Lifebane
- Light
- Lighten load
- Lightning lance
- Lightning water
- Line of protection / Line of destruction
- Lion's claws
- Lionheart
- Listening shadow
- Liven
- Liveoak
- Living ward / Undead ward
- Lizard limbs
- Locate animal follower
- Locate animals or plants
- Locate object / Obscure object
- Locate spirit animal
- Log of everburning
- Log to lizard
- Longevity
- Love bite
- Loviatar's caress
- Loving pain
- Lower water / Raise water
- Loyal vassal
- Luckbolt
- Lungs of water
- Lure
- Mace of Odo
- Mace of Xvim
- Maelstrom
- Magefire
- Magic creeper
- Magic font
- Magical stone
- Magical tether
- Magical vestment
- Magma blade
- Magma jet
- Magma shield
- Magma tunnel
- Magnetism / Demagnatize
- Maintain
- Major curse / Remove Major curse
- Major Ward
- Make real
- Malediction
- Mantle of Baravar
- Mantle of Mystra
- Manythorns
- Mark of brotherhood
- Mark of the hunted
- Mark path
- Marthammor's intuition
- Marthammor's thunderbolts
- Mask of Gargauth
- Maskstone
- Master rune
- Measure cinnabryl
- Mebhaighl touch
- Meditation
- Meld
- Meld into stone
- Meld of Lolth
- Melisander's harp
- Memory
- Memory read
- Memory wrack
- Mending
- Mental domination
- Mental prowess
- Mental strength / Mental weakness
- Merchant's glamer
- Merciful shadows / Blistering rays
- Merciful touch
- Merge with nature
- Message mote
- Messenger
- Metal shape
- Metal skin
- Meteors of celestian
- Might of Mystra
- Might of the sorcerer-kings
- Mind cloak
- Mind read
- Mindkiller
- Mindnet
- Mindshatter
- Mindspin
- Mindtouch
- Minor Ward
- Minor wealthtwist
- Mirage
- Mirage of despair
- Mirror vestments
- Miscast magic
- Misfire
- Misfortune
- Missing word
- Mist of the goddess
- Mistake
- Mistaken missive
- Mists of Ghaunadaur
- Modify memory
- Mold touch
- Moment
- Moment reading
- Monster mount
- Monstrous illusion
- Moon blade
- Moon path
- Moon rising
- Moon shield
- Moonbeam
- Moonbeam
- Moonbow
- Moonbridge
- Moondance
- Moonfire
- Moonveil
- Moonweb
- Morale
- Mortal snare
- Moss skull
- Motes of moonlight
- Mother lode
- Mountainous barrier
- Mouse
- Mulch
- Multiple message mote
- Murk
- Music of the spheres
- Mystic lash
- Mystic transfer
- Nap
- Natural attunement
- Natural fortitude
- Nature's charm
- Nature's eyes
- Nectar
- Needlestorm
- Negative plane protection
- Neutralize poison / Poison
- Nurture
- Nymph's beauty
- Oakheart
- Oars to snakes / Snakes to oars
- Oath / Unbend
- Obscurement
- Oil spray
- Om
- Omen
- Omen
- Omen I
- Omen II
- Omen III
- Omniscient eye
- Orison
- Othertime
- Otherworld
- Oxen strength
- Pacify
- Page guardian
- Parch
- Part water
- Pass plant
- Pass without notice
- Pass without trace
- Pass without trace, 10′ radius
- Passweb
- Penetrate cosmic ignorance
- Penetrate disguise
- Perfect perception
- Permanency prayer
- Permanent lure
- Personal reading
- Pet
- Petition
- Petrify wood
- Phantom plow
- Physical mirror
- Pillar of borogar
- Pixie dust
- Plague
- Plague curse
- Planar quest
- Planar vassal
- Plane shift
- Plant door
- Plant growth
- Plant lance
- Plant renewal
- Pocket dimension
- Poison touch
- Polish
- Polymorph plant
- Polymorph self
- Pool of deeds
- Portent
- Possess
- Possess animal
- Prayer
- Precipitation
- Predict weather
- Prepare enchantment
- Preservation
- Preserve
- Pressure resistance
- Pride of Nobanion
- Priest lock
- Probability control
- Probe enemies
- Probing arm
- Prod
- Produce fire / Quench fire
- Produce flame
- Produce ice
- Prolific forestation
- Prolific vegetation
- Proof against undeath
- Protection from aging
- Protection from amorphs
- Protection from animals
- Protection from chaos
- Protection from charm
- Protection from cold
- Protection from death
- Protection from earth
- Protection from electricity
- Protection from electricity, 10' radius
- Protection from elementals, 10' radius
- Protection from evil / Good
- Protection from evil / Good , 10' radius
- Protection from fiends, 10′ radius
- Protection from fire
- Protection from gas, 5′ radius
- Protection from insects
- Protection from lightning
- Protection from lycanthropes, 10′ radius
- Protection from misfortune
- Protection from orisons
- Protection from petrification, 10′ radius
- Protection from prime
- Protection from prime, 10′ radius
- Protection from serpents
- Protection from silver
- Protection from spirits
- Protection from traps, 5′ radius
- Protection from undead, 5′ radius
- Protection from weather / Intensify weather
- Protection from winds
- Psionic barrier
- Psychic immolation
- Psychic impressions
- Puffball
- Purify water / Contaminate water
- Purify self
- Purify water
- Pyrotechnics
- Quench
- Quench the spirit
- Quest
- Quickgrowth
- Rage
- Rainbow
- Rainshield
- Raise dead / Slay living
- Rally
- Random causality
- Ranike cloud
- Rapport
- Rapture
- Rapture of the deep
- Read language
- Reanimation
- Reaving blades
- Recall spell
- Recitation
- Recover trail
- Reed staff
- Reflect
- Reflecting pool
- Regenerate / Degenerate serious wounds
- Regenerate / Wither
- Regenerate critical wounds / Degenerate
- Regenerate light wounds
- Regenerate serious wounds
- Regenerative heal / Degenerative harm
- Reincarnate
- Reincarnate
- Reincarnation sight
- Reinvigorate nature
- Rejuvenate
- Remember / Forget past
- Remorse
- Remove curse / Bestow curse
- Remove fear / Cause fear
- Remove pain
- Remove paralysis
- Rending
- Renew deposit
- Renewed ability
- Renewed youth
- Repair injury
- Repair item
- Repeat action
- Repel insects
- Repel insects
- Repulsion
- Request
- Resist
- Resist acid and corrosion
- Resist fire / Resist cold
- Resist injury
- Resist magic
- Resist turning
- Resplendence of renewed youth
- Restful sleep
- Restoration / Energy drain
- Restore bloodline
- Restore earth
- Restore rune
- Restore spirit
- Restore strength
- Resurrection / Destruction
- Retarget
- Return to earth
- Reveal / Conceal
- Revelation
- Revelation
- Revenance
- Reverse fossilization
- Reverse time
- Reverse winds
- Reversion
- Revitalize animal
- Revive spirit
- Reward
- Rift
- Right of might
- Righteous wrath of the faithful
- Rigid thinking
- Ring of hands / Ring of woe
- Ripen
- Ripen
- Ripen plant
- Rising rot
- Rites of Istishia
- Ritual of transference
- Roar of the king
- Robe of healing
- Rockburst
- Roots of the assassin
- Rosemantle
- Rosetouch
- Rosewater
- Royalberry
- Ruby axe
- Rune chant
- Rune of impregnable defense
- Rune of power
- Sacred guardian
- Sacred link
- Sacred strike
- Sacrosanct
- Sanctified marker
- Sanctify crypt
- Sanctify ghi
- Sanctify sacred site
- Sanctify spirit host
- Sanctify / Defile
- Sanctuary
- Sand blade
- Sand spray
- Sand warriors
- Sands of time / Accelerate errosion
- Sandstorm
- Sap
- Sarcophagus of death
- Scent of vengeance
- Scourge
- Scouring wind
- Screaming skull
- Scribe (spell)
- Scroll
- Sea form
- Sea legs
- Sea mount
- Seal of Cyrrollalee
- Seal of destiny
- Searing song
- Seclusion
- See all faces
- Seed of Moander
- Seedstorm
- Seek
- Seek eternal rest
- Seeking
- Seeking mote
- Seeking sword
- Segojan's armor
- Sense direction
- Sense spirit
- Sentry of Helm
- Sera's blessed luck
- Sever the silver cord
- Shades of Rhondang
- Shadow engines
- Shadow sword
- Shadowcloak (spell)
- Shape wood
- Shark charm
- Sharpleaf
- Shatter circle
- Shatter stone and metal
- Sheela's entangle
- Shellskin
- Shevarash's infravision
- Shield of Lathander
- Shield of the archons
- Shield of the god
- Shift glyph
- Shillelagh
- Shine
- Ship of tears
- Ship shield
- Shooting stars
- Shrieking walls
- Siege wall
- Silence, 15′ radius
- Silt bridge
- Silt cyclone
- Silt tides
- Silver tongue and starry eyes
- Silverbeard
- Singing stone
- Sink into earth
- Siren song
- Sirocco
- Sixth sense
- Skeletal servant
- Skip day
- Skulk
- Skull of secrets
- Slave scent
- Sleep of dragons
- Slicing shadow
- Slow boon
- Slow poison
- Slow poison
- Slow rot
- Smite
- Smiting
- Smoke bridge
- Smoke ghost
- Smokeball
- Snake barrier
- Snake charm
- Snake charm (of Sseth)
- Snake skin
- Snake summoning
- Snapdragon
- Snare
- Snow boots (spell)
- Snow snake
- Soften earth and stone
- Softwood
- Sol's searing orb
- Solipsism
- Solitude
- Song of compulsion
- Song of healing
- Soothe
- Soul forge
- Soultheft
- Spacewarp
- Spark of blinding
- Sparkling sword
- Spawn of Tiamat
- Spawn song
- Speak with ancient dead
- Speak with animals
- Speak with astral traveler
- Speak with avians
- Speak with birds
- Speak with dead
- Speak with dead
- Speak with dragonkind
- Speak with monsters
- Speak with plants
- Speak with sea creatures
- Speak with the drowned dead
- Speak with water
- Spectral manticore
- Spectral senses
- Spectral stag
- Speed rot
- Speeding trident
- Spell drain
- Spell immunity
- Spell shield (of Mystra)
- Spell ward
- Spellbind
- Spellsong
- Spelltouch
- Spellweb
- Sphere of adaptation
- Sphere of security
- Sphere of survival
- Spider bite
- Spider climb
- Spider summoning
- Spidereyes
- Spiderform
- Design: It is impossible to List all the creators of the spells cataloged in these volumes, but crcdit goes to everyone who created a spell in a module, boxed set, accessory, hardbound book or magazine article published in the last 20 years.
- Compilation: Mark Middleton
- Development and Editing: Jon Pickens
- Additional Proofing: Kij Johnson, Jennifer Clarke Wilkes, Andy Collins, Julia Martin
- Project Coordination: Ed Stark
- Interior Black and White Art: Glen Michael Angus and David Martin
- Art Director: Dawn K. Murin
- Graphic Design: Tanya Matson
- Production Manager: Chas DeLong
- Typesetting: Eric Haddock
- Achowledgements: L. Richard Baker III, Brad Bolas, Ed Greenwood, Miranda Homer, Julia Martin, Mark Middleton, Roger E. Moore, John Rateliff, Cindi Rice, Thomas M. Reid, Steven E. Schend, and Skip Williams.
See Also[]
External Links[]
Disclaimer: The views expressed in the following links do not necessarily represent the views of the editors of this wiki, nor does any lore presented necessarily adhere to established canon.