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From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.

FESK Erinys 03.png









Edit count


So, the Dark Mage and Dark Bishop is a male-only class in a game where almost all of the magical characters are predominantly female? Makes sense.
— Inkuten



My Fire Emblem Games

A minor note is that I did played Fire Emblem Heroes for a while. I dropped the game after a few weeks because I felt like I could not dedicate myself to being able to play it continuously on a regular basis. Besides, I am already far more invested in playing Arknights, my first and currently only gacha game that I am actively playing.

To do List

  • Provide in-game screenshots for the various weapons and magic spells in Three Houses (on hold).
  • Provide in-game screenshots for different character classes in Three Houses (on hold).
  • Provide in-game screenshots for weapons, spells, class outfits, etc. in Engage.

User boxes

Small portrait ike ranger 01 fe09.png This user's first Fire Emblem game was Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.
Small portrait byleth f 02 fe16.png This user's favorite Fire Emblem game is Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
Small portrait ingrid fe16.png This user's favorite Fire Emblem character is Ingrid.
Bs fe04 erinys falcon knight lance.png This user's favorite class is Falcon Knight.
Is snes02 naga.png This user's favorite weapon is the Naga (tome).