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Skill Tonic

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
(Redirected from Dexterity Tonic)
Skill Tonic

Is 3ds01 skill tonic.png
Icon of the Skill Tonic from Awakening.

Grants Skill +2 for one battle.



First game

Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem

The Skill Tonic (Japanese: 技の薬 Skill medicine), known as the Dexterity Tonic in Engage, is a stat-boosting item which was introduced in Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem. It temporarily boosts the user's skill for the duration of a single battle.


Game Icon Uses Worth Effects and notes
New Mystery of the Emblem Is ds skill tonic.png 1 500 +2 skill for the duration of one chapter when used.
Sells for 0 gold.
Awakening Is 3ds01 skill tonic.png 1 150 +2 skill for the duration of one chapter or skirmish when used.
Fates Is 3ds02 stat booster.png 1 150 +2 skill for the duration of one mission when used.
Sells for 50 gold.
Engage Is ns02 tonic.png 1 150 +2 dexterity for the duration of one chapter or skirmish when used.


New Mystery of the Emblem

Treasure Everyone's Conditions, obtained at random from a pool of possible items (3.48% chance).


Armory Border SandsLaw's End


Vendor Rod Shop: All levels (no limit)
Staff Store: All levels (no limit)


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Flavor text

Game Text
New Mystery of the Emblem
Skill +2 for the whole chapter when used.*
Grants Skill +2 for one battle.
Grants Skill+2 for one battle.
Drink to grant Dex+2 for the
duration of a battle.
(Item Surge)
Raises Dex relative to level and
grants immunity to break on unit
and adjacent allies for 1 turn.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

• Skill Tonic
• Dexterity Tonic

• Used in Awakening and Fates.
• Used in Engage.


Skill Potion

Used in the New Mystery of the Emblem fan translation.



Skill medicine


Tónico Habilidad

Ability Tonic; abbreviated as Tónico Hab.


Tonique Technique

Technique Tonic; abbreviated as Tonique Tec.

  • Trank der Fähigkeit
  • Trank der Behändigkeit
  • Ability Potion; abbreviated as Trank der Fäh. Used in Awakening and Fates.
  • Potion of Agility; abbreviated as Trank der Beh. Used in Engage.
  • Tonico abilità
  • Tonico destrezza
  • Ability tonic; used in Awakening and Fates.
  • Dexterity tonic; used in Engage.

기술의 약

Technique medicine

Simplified Chinese


Skill medicine

Traditional Chinese


Skill medicine


See also

Items in Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
Permanent stat boosters Arms ScrollBond DropDLCBootsDracoshieldEnergy DropGoddess IconGrowth DropDLCSecret BookSeraph RobeSpeedwingSpirit DustTalisman
Temporary stat boosters Defense BondDefense TonicLuck BondLuck TonicMagic BondMagic TonicPure WaterRainbow TonicDLCResistance BondResistance TonicSkill BondSkill TonicSpeed BondSpeed TonicStrength BondStrength Tonic
Healing items ElixirEnergy DrinkUsed PotionVulnerary
Class change items Elysian WhipMaster Seal
Keys Bridge KeyChest KeyDoor KeyMaster Key
Shop items BullionSilver CardVIP Card
Regalia items Astral ShardsBinding ShieldDarksphereFire EmblemGeosphereIote's ShieldLifesphereLightsphereStarsphere
Other items Cards
Items in Fire Emblem Awakening
Permanent stat boosters Arms ScrollBootsDracoshieldEnergy DropGoddess IconNaga's TearSecret BookSeed of TrustSeraph RobeSpeedwingSpirit DustTalisman
Temporary stat boosters Defense TonicGaius's ConfectHP TonicKris's ConfectLuck TonicMagic TonicPure WaterResistance TonicSkill TonicSpeed TonicStrength TonicTiki's Tear
Skill items All Stats +2DLCIote's ShieldDLCLimit BreakerDLCParagonDLC
Healing items ConcoctionElixirSweet TinctureVulnerary
Class change items Dread ScrollDLCMaster SealSecond SealWedding BouquetDLC
Keys Chest KeyDoor KeyMaster Key
Shop items BullionSilver CardDLCSupreme Emblem
Map items Reeking BoxRift Door
Items in Fire Emblem Fates
Permanent stat boosters Arms ScrollBootsDracoshieldDragon HerbsEnergy DropEternal SealGoddess IconSecret BookSeed of TrustSeraph RobeSpeedwingSpirit DustTalisman
Temporary stat boosters Allegro HarpAsugi's ConfectDefense TonicHP TonicLuck TonicMagic TonicRainbow TonicResistance TonicShell HornSkill TonicSpeed TonicStrength Tonic
Healing items Azura's SalveConcoctionElixirGunter's PotionVulnerary
Class change items Dread ScrollEbon WingExalt's BrandDLCFell BrandDLCFriendship SealHeart SealHero's BrandDLCMaster SealOffspring SealPartner SealSighting LensDLCVanguard BrandDLCWitch's MarkDLC
Keys Chest KeyDoor KeyMaster Key
Shop items Gold Bar
Other items Battle SealFirst BloodDLCMaster EmblemObstacleSkill itemsDLCVisitation Seal
Items in Fire Emblem Engage
Permanent stat boosters BootsDracoshieldEnergy DropGoddess IconSecret BookSeraph RobeSpeedwingSpirit DustTalisman
Temporary stat boosters Defense TonicDexterity TonicHP TonicLuck TonicMagic TonicPure WaterSpeed TonicResistance TonicStrength TonicTorch
Healing items AntitoxinElixirMealVulnerary
Class change items Mage CannonDLCMaster SealMystic SatchelDLCSecond Seal
Shop items Silver CardDLC
Other items Adept BookAegis ShieldExpert BookNovice BookPact RingRafail GemTime CrystalThyrsus