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“I know I was all pumped up when we left Isaach, but now I'm... I'm scared. Just seeing everybody fighting and all... Well, one of us is gonna get killed sooner or later.”
—Muirne to Seliph

Muirne is a playable character from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. She is the substitute character of Lana if Edain is not paired up. She is the sister of Deimne.


Muirne is a commoner, raised in Tirnanog with her brother Deimne, Seliph and the other orphans. In the opening chapter, when the imperials are invading the village, Seliph tells Muirne to stay back and heal the people that can be eventually injured, but she insists that she wants to go together to the battlefield.

In Chapter 8, after Conote is captured, if all the recruited characters in the second generation are alive, Muirne can have a conversation with Seliph in which they confess to each other that they are scared and fear that they could die soon. They realize that they should keep fighting though, for the sake of their comrades and for a brighter future.

In the final chapter she can have a conversation with Asaello in which they lament their lack of holy blood, and how life can be unfair to peasants like them. Muirne is more positive and realise that not everything is about their circumstances at birth, since they worked hard to stay alive and to reach their current instance at life.


Muirne's future will vary depending on who she is paired with. If Muirne is paired with Seliph, she will become the empress of Grannvale. If she is paired with Ares, she will marry him instead, and be the Queen consort of Agustria. She will become Queen of Silesse if she marries Lewyn's son.

She will be the Queen of Isaach if she is paired with Shannan. In another scenario, if she marries Leif, she will be Queen of Thracia. She will go to Yngvi with its heir, Febail, if they fall in love. And finally, should she marry Oifey, she will become the next high duchess of Chalphy.

If she is not paired at all, Muirne will return to the orphanage of Isaach with her brother Deinme.


Muirne and Lana share similar personalities: they are both kind, selfless, sometimes stubborn, and more than willing to provide assistance to those who need their help. She also has an adamant determination to fight against the Grannvale Empire, due to her strong moral compass rejecting their evil practices.

However, Muirne suffers from a lower self-esteem than Lana, mainly due to the fact that she is a mere commoner lacking Holy Blood. This causes her to feel inferior to practically every one else in the army, particularly Seliph, whom she harbors feelings for. This self-demeaning attitude of Muirne is further reinforced in conversations shared with her older brother Deimne, who faces the same problem as well, and her possible lover Asaello.


Base Stats[]

Starting ClassHoly Blood
FE4 Priest Sprite (F) Priest-
SkillsWeaponStarting Items
-FE4 StaffStaff - BFE4liveHeal

Growth Rates[]

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
50% 10% 30% 20% 20% 40% 10% 20%

Promotion Gains[]

Promoted Class
FE4 High Priest (F) High Priest
0 +5 +3 +2 +2 +1 0
Weapon Levels
FE4 Fire +1 FE4 Thunder +1 FE4 Wind +1 FE4 Staff +1


Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Muirne serves as a substitute character for Lana if Edain does not take a husband in or survive the first generation of Genealogy of the Holy War. Like most other substitutes, Muirne will generally not measure up to Lana unless a particularly poor pairing is made for Lana. While Muirne cannot inherit high end Staves like Lana can and she will not statistically match Lana, she does a reasonably good job of filling in for her compared to other substitute units. Muirne only begins with a Heal Staff and will lack things like the Physic Staff or Rescue Staff, which are very powerful and convenient tools for her class. She will, however, quickly gain access to a Recover Staff in Chapter 7, allowing her to heal any unit to full life rather easily. So while she probably will not be able to match up to Lana's initial versatility, she is perfectly capable of fulfilling her healer role effectively.

Compared strictly to other substitutes, Muirne is okay. She starts off with great base stats aside from her very poor HP and Defense. In particular she has quite a lot of Resistance, though it is of dubious worth since many late game enemies wield powerful Tomes such as Yotsmungand, which will tear through her Resistance and low HP. Despite her relatively strong bases, her growths are the worst even among substitute characters (though not quite the worst in the game), so she is unlikely to turn out exceptional statistically. This, however, is not really a big problem as healers in Genealogy of the Holy War generally will not see combat much, and Staves within the game are so ridiculously effective that even if the wielder has almost no Magic, they can generally heal most units to full life with a Mend Staff or Recover Staff. Eventually, when Muirne promotes, she will gain some limited ability to protect herself or do respectable single hit damage due to her high Magic, but her lack of Pursuit (or any skills for that matter) will prevent her from ever really doing much beyond weakening enemy units into kill range occasionally.

All things considered, Muirne and her brother Deimne do a moderately good job of replacing Lana and Lester. While they certainly are not equals, they both fulfill their roles more effectively than most other substitutes do.


In Chapter 6, if Deimne talks to Muirne, Muirne will gain one point of luck.

In Chapter 6, if Muirne talks to Julia, Julia will gain a Mend staff.

In Chapter 6, if Seliph speaks to Muirne after Sophara is captured, Muirne will gain three points of HP and 100 love points with Seliph.

In Chapter 10, if either Asaello or Febail speaks to Muirne, she will gain three points of HP and 100 love points with whomever initiated the conversation.

In the Final Chapter, if Muirne is lovers with Asaello, she will be able to speak to him after Edda Castle is captured. This will result in Asaello gaining five points of HP.

In the Final Chapter, if Muirne is lovers with either Seliph, Scathach, or Dalvin, she will be able to speak to the lover in question after Dozel is captured. This will result in her lover gaining three points of magic defense.

Love Growths[]

Original and replacement characters have the same love growths, unless stated otherwise.

Character Bonus
Fire Emblem 4 Leaf Portrait
Not possible, since they are siblings


“Ahh, Sir Seliph...”
—Muirne's death quote

Non-Canon Appearances[]

Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War (Nattsu Fujimori Manga)[]

Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War Gag Paradise[]

Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War - Sigurd's Tale[]

Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War - Last of the Earth Dragons[]

Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War - Forest and Lake Country[]

Choose Your Legends Placement History[]

Round Placement Character Version Votes

CYL8 347
CYL Muirne Portrait
Genealogy of the Holy War


Miurne means "festive" in Irish Gaelic. In Irish legend, Miurne was the name of the mother of Fionn mac Cumhail.


  • Muirne's hair color differs in appearance. In her artwork from Treasure and the first series of the Fire Emblem: Trading Card Game (which reuses the Treasure art), her hair appears to be brown, but her in-game portrait, the Super Tactics Book, and the second and third series Trading Card Game card artworks, her hair appears to be black.
  • The "Choose Your Legends" event of Fire Emblem Heroes revealed that she was 616 out of 791, making Muirne the most popular substitute character from Genealogy of the Holy War.

