This is a list of unused game content in each Fire Emblem game.
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light[]
- Sabre
- Wylar
Gameplay Function[]
Beta Images[]
Fire Emblem Gaiden[]
- Gaia
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem[]
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War[]
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776[]
- Gunna
- Jabal
- Areone
- Spörl
- Kant
- Mannheim
- Orbis
- Rilke
- Arthur
- Daisy
- Asaello
- Jeanne
- Hermina
- Ishtar
- Manfroy (uses Machyua's portrait by error)
- Julius (uses Perne's and Julia's portraits by error)
- Darkness Lance
- Gáe Bolg
- Gungnir
- Bolganone
- Valflame
- Mjölnir
- Aura
- Loptous
- Master Seal
- Watch Staff
- Bargain M
- Miracle M
- Immortal
- The alternate version of the Endgame can be accessed using the Action Code.
Beta Images[]
Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade[]
- Demon Dragonstone
- Watch Staff
Beta Images[]
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade[]
- Igrene
- Leila
- Bramimond
- Uther
- Elbert
- Eleanora
- Brendan (Non-Morph)
- Igor
- Nadine (name only)
- Bruno (name only)
- Bogan (name only)
- Efta (name only)
- Alexis (name only)
- Baudouin (name only)
- Battle Robe
- Battle Call
- Lycian Swordfighter
- Lycian Knight
- Lycian Armorknight
- Female Mercenary
- Female Myrmidon
- Female Hero
- Female Shaman
- Female Druid
- The Binding Blade link up remains in the English version
- Lyn's Durandal animation is still in the games code along with the ability for Lyn to use the Durandal
- The enemy exclusive Brigands still promote to Berserker though only with a Master Seal.
Beta images[]
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones[]
- Nate
- Jude
- A different portrait for the nameless bandit Bandit with a thunder affinity.
- Demi (name only)
- Mehve (name only, beta version)
- Loewe (name only, beta version)
- Mulitia (name only, beta version)
- Probation Flier
- Wyvern Knight class portrait.
- Rogue class portrait.
- Alacalibur
- Stone Shard (Seems to have been a placeholder for before monster weapons were fully implemented)
- Mani Katti
- Luce
- Forblaze
- Ninis' Grace
- Set's Litany
- Filla's Might
- Thor's Ire
- Mine
- Light Rune
- Earth Seal
- Heaven Seal
- Juna Fruit (Avalible through a special promotion exclusive to Japan)
- Musical Note Vulneraries (neither of them works)
- Dance
- The enemy exclusive Brigands promote to Warrior or Berserker with an Ocean or Master Seal within the game data.
Beta Images[]
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance[]
- Heather
- Melty
- Older Sanaki (model only)
- Renning (portrait only)
- Elena (same as above)
- Soren (same as above but cloaked)
- Female Bishops
- Female Cavaliers
- Black Dragon
Beta Images[]
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn[]
- Warp Powder
- Wild Stone
- Mist's theme (based off Galdr of Rebirth)
- Tibarn's theme (based off his battle theme)
- Naesala's theme (same as above)
- Alm's victory theme from Gaiden (possible Trial Map/multiplayer music)
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon[]
- Dismounted Cavaliers
Gameplay Function[]
Beta Images[]
Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem[]
Beta Images[]
Fire Emblem Awakening[]
- Leopold (Name Only)
- Tracie (Name Only)
- Andrea (Name Only)
Beta Images[]
Fire Emblem Fates[]
Unused Graphics[]
Unused Blushing Portraits[]
Unused Critical Cut-Ins[]
Unused Text[]
Unused Weapon[]
Unused Revelation Endings[]
Every character has an ending and paired ending in Revelation when they survived, but not every character survives, is capable of supporting others, or even joins at all.
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia[]
Playable Characters[]
Although Berkut and Fernand are not playable in the final game, with the latter being playable only in two DLC maps, he and Berkut both have full voice files in game data as playable units, including unique battle, eating, level up, death/retreat and post-battle mourning quotes, all of which are fully voiced in Japanese and English, suggesting that both were cut late into development. As a unit, their critical quotes are the same ones that they use as bosses. While Fernand is playable in the Rise of the Deliverance DLC, he cannot level up and his mourning quotes can't trigger.
Character Ages and Alcoholic provisions[]
Every unit in the game is assigned a hidden age stat, which has no use by itself but is related to an unused item property which would have prevented provisions from being consumed by units whose age is less than 20. Rather than the age function working as a simple yes/no flag, every playable unit is assigned an age that is realistic for the character:
- 13: Delthea
- 15: Kliff, Genny
- 16: Boey, Est
- 17: Alm, Celica, Tobin, Mae
- 18: Gray, Faye, Clair
- 19: Silque
- 20: Catria, Atlas
- 21: Conrad
- 22: Luthier
- 23: Palla
- 24: Lukas, Leon, Jesse
- 25: Python, Forsyth, Sonya
- 27: Clive
- 28: Kamui, Mathilda, Tatiana
- 29: Zeke
- 30: Deen
- 31: Valbar
- 34: Saber
- 65: Mycen
- 71: Nomah
Enemies and NPCs are all given a placeholder age of 30, with the exception of several bosses: the Brigand Boss (38), Desaix (43), Slayde (32), Barth (35), Nuibaba (124), Jedah (147), Rudolf (50), and Gharn (100). Despite their playable leftovers, Berkut and Fernand only have the placeholder age, too.
This was most likely intended for the four alcoholic provisions - the wine, ale, leftover ale, and Ram Wine - which in the final game are the only provisions that cannot be consumed by anyone at all, instead only being sold or offered up to Mila statues in Shrines to cure the fatigue of the player's party and restore uses of Mila's Turnwheel. This may have been removed because it provided an inherent disadvantage to underage units. As a side effect of being left unconsumable, the four alcohols all have recovery values programmed in that go unseen and unused: the wine, ale, and leftover ale would all restore 10 HP and 10 fatigue points each, while the Ram wine would restore 30 HP and 20 fatigue points.
Celica's mourning quotes[]
Several playable characters have recorded mourning quotes for the end-of-battle results screen that are intended to play if Celica died in the preceding battle. They ultimately remain unused, since her death instantly results in a Game Over, regardless of the stage.
- Dragon's Gate (erroneously translated as "Dragon Gate" in the English version.)
Fire Emblem: Three Houses[]
Fire Emblem Engage[]
Unused Battle Dialogue[]
In the game's files, Ève and Morion both have a mostly-complete set of battle dialogue that goes unused due to them not being encountered in the main campaign maps as NPCs. Also, The Four Hounds, both forms of Lumera, Hyacinth, Possessed Hortensia, Possessed Veyle, Past Alear and Sombron all have unused dialogue when defeating an enemy that mostly goes unused and a few can be heard in-game when a few of them does their engage attack.
Unused Engage Response Dialogue[]
Dimitri, Claude and Robin all have dialogue responding to a unit selecting their bracelet that goes unused due to Edelgard and Chrom being selected by default respectively.