The party makes its way to Nibelheim on Cait Sith's word that there will be a Shinra terminal via which they can ascertain the temple's location. Though Cloud and Tifa agree to the plan, they hold out little hope as they approch the village Sephiroth burned to ground five years ago.
Chapter 11: The Long Shadow of Shinra is the eleventh chapter in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Cloud and the others return to Nibelheim to access the terminal.

- Destination: Nibelheim
- The Terminal
- A Village Changed
- Memories Revived
- Prep for Departure
- To the Reactor
- The Rebuilt Bridge
- Riverside Trail
- Mako Spring
- Coming Down the Pipeline
- Locked Out
- The Deputy Commissioner
- Stealthing into Shinra Manor
- Search for the Terminal
- Breaking Out
- Need to Vent
- Buds Behind Bars
- Too Short to Reach
- Escape Plan
- Debris Disturbance
- Stubborn Gate
- Generator Valve
- Accelerant Distribution
- Insufficient Power
- Weight-Sensitive Elevator
- Board the Elevator
- Input Password
- Through the Door
- Search Resumed
- Case the Joint
- Overstayed Welcomes
- Smoke Sent Up
- Return to the Golden Saucer