Final Fantasy Wiki
FFBE Seraphim Strike

Seraphim Strike (5★) in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.

Summon magical energy to deliver a powerful strike from above

Seraphim Strike (マジックサテライト, Majikku Sateraito?, lit. Magic Satellite), also known as Magic Satellite, is a recurring ability in the Final Fantasy series. It is an ability used exclusively by Rem Tokimiya.


Final Fantasy Type-0[]

Seraphim Strike is an ability for Rem that requires 6 AP and is available at level 25. Rem summons magical energy to deliver a powerful strike from above.

Seraphim Strike: Power ↑ requires 8 AP and is available after learning Seraphim Strike. It increases the power of Seraphim Strike. Seraphim Strike: Speed ↑ requires 10 AP and is available after learning Seraphim Strike. It increases the firing speed of Seraphim Strike. Seraphim Strike: AG ↓ requires 8 AP and is available after learning Seraphim Strike. It reduces the AG cost of Seraphim Strike.

Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]

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Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

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Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]

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A seraph, the singular of seraphim, is one of a class of celestial beings mentioned once in the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh or Old Testament), in the Book of Isaiah. Later Jewish imagery perceived them as having human form, and in that way they passed into the ranks of Christian angels, where they represent the highest rank of angels. They are traditionally depicted with three pairs of wings, from a description given in Isaiah: "With two, they covered their faces; with two, they covered their feet; and with two, they flew."
