Final Fantasy Wiki
FFT Stasis Sword

Judgment Blade in Final Fantasy Tactics.

Channel holy energy through sword to inflict damage.

Judgment Blade (不動無明剣, Fudō Mumyō Ken?, lit. Unmoving Lightless Sword), also known as Stasis Sword, is a recurring ability in the Final Fantasy series, primarily found in the Ivalice series. Despite being an ability usable by a few characters, it is generally associated with Agrias Oaks.


Final Fantasy XIV[]

To the current of life we succumb, its judgment swift and final. Its bite as cold as steel.

Activation quote.

Judgment Blade is used by Agrias in The Orbonne Monastery. It deals moderate damage to all players and applies a Vulnerability Up debuff, unless the player has the Heavenly Shield buff, which can be obtained during the fight and used via the Duty Action button (note that if the player performs any action after pressing the button, the buff will disappear but can be re-activated in the same manner).

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Final Fantasy Tactics[]

Life is short... Bury! Steady Sword!

Quote when used

Judgment Blade is an ability usable by the Holy Knight, Rune Knight, and Sword Saint. It requires 100 JP to learn, has a range and effect of 2, and activates immediately upon use. It is Holy-elemental (but, by a bug, uses the element of the weapon) and can inflict Stop. The user must have a sword equipped to use it.

Final Fantasy Tactics S[]

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Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]

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Theatrhythm Final Bar Line[]

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Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

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Pictlogica Final Fantasy ≒[]

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Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]

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Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Judgment Blade is Agrias' default Soul Break. It deals damage to one enemy and has a chance of inflicting Stop. It consumes 1 gauge bar.

Judgment Blade was later introduced as Agrias' Hero Ability during the game's 6th anniversary campaign. It is a Knight-type ability that deals 5 holy physical attacks to one target and temporary reduces holy resistance by 1 level.

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

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War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

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Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]

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