Final Fantasy | Warrior of Light |
Ascension - Bitter End - Crossover - Oversoul - Radiant Sword - Rune Saber - Shield of Light - Shining Wave - Sword Thrust - Ultimate Shield |
Sarah |
Soul Voice |
Garland |
Chain Cast - Deathblow - Highbringer - Round Edge - Soul of Chaos - Twin Swords - Twist Drill |
Final Fantasy II | Firion |
Double Trouble - Fervid Blazer - Fulminating Strike - Grand Fist - Lance Combo - Lord of Arms - Reel Axe - Rope Knife - Straightarrow - Swordslash - Weaponsmaster |
Maria |
Blast |
Emperor Mateus |
Dreary Cell - Starfall - Thunder Crest |
Leila |
Thunder XVI |
Final Fantasy III | Onion Knight |
Blade Torrent - Extra Slice - Multi-Hit - Sword & Magic - Swordshower - Turbo-Hit |
Cloud of Darkness |
0-form Particle Beam - Aura Ball - Feint Particle Beam - Flood of Darkness - Fusillade Particle Beam - Tentacle of Pain |
Luneth |
Eternal Wind |
Final Fantasy IV | Cecil Harvey |
Dark Cannon - Dark Flame - Gravity Ball - Holy Flame - Nightfall - Paladin Force - Radiant Wings - Sacred Cross - Saint's Fall - Searchlight - Shadowbringer - Shine Blast - Soul Shift - Valiant Blow |
Kain Highwind |
Double Jump - Dragon's Fang - Dragoon's Pride - Lance Barrage - Lance Burst - Rising Drive - Sky Rave - Spiral Blow |
Golbez |
Abyssal Quasar - Binding Cold - Black Fang - Genesis Rock - Glare Hand - Nightglow - Rising Wave - Summon Shadow Dragon - Twin Moon |
Scarmiglione |
Back Attack - Cursed Elegy - Poison Gas |
Cagnazzo |
Tsunami |
Barbariccia |
Maelstrom - Ray |
Rubicante |
I'll Recover You! - Inferno |
Ursula |
Five Star Crimson Palm - Tenketsu - Twin Wing Frenzy |
Edge Geraldine |
Ultimate Art: Advent of Phoenix |
Yang Fang Leiden |
Oboro Strike |
Ceodore Harvey |
Awaken - Holy Cross |
Multiple characters |
Infinity |
Final Fantasy V | Bartz Klauser |
Master Mime |
Gilgamesh |
Bitter End - Cross Slash - Dual Thrust - Morphing Time! - Rift Breaker - Slice Thrice - Strongest Sword - Tsubame Gaeshi - Ultimate Illusion |
Exdeath |
Almagest - Black Hole - Grand Cross |
Kelger Vlondett |
Lupine Attack |
Final Fantasy VI | Terra Branford |
Magitek Missile - Riot Blade |
Locke Cole |
Mirage Dive - Phoenix Ray |
Edgar Roni Figaro |
Air Anchor - Auto Crossbow - Bioblaster - Bravo Figaro - Debilitator - Chainsaw - Drill - Royal Shock - Sunbeam |
Sabin Rene Figaro |
Aura Cannon - Meteor Strike - Phantom Rush - Raging Fist - Razor Gale - Rising Phoenix - Tiger Break |
Shadow and Interceptor |
Takedown - Wild Fang |
Cyan Garamonde |
Dragon - Fang - Flurry - Oblivion - Sky - Tempest - Tiger |
Celes Chere |
Runic - Spinning Edge |
Setzer Gabbiani |
Dive Bomb - Prismatic Flash - Red Card |
Strago Magus |
Sabre Soul |
Relm Arrowny |
Sketch - Star Prism |
Gogo |
Punishing Meteor |
Kefka Palazzo |
Forsaken Null - Havoc Wing - Hyperdrive - Lickety-Split Thundaga - Scatter Spray Blizzaga - Twisty-Turny Blizzaga - Waggle-Wobbly Firaga - Zap-Trap Thundaga |
Final Fantasy VII series | Cloud Strife |
Aerial Fang - Blade Beam - Braver - Climhazzard - Cross Slash - Double Cut - Finishing Touch - Meteorain - Omnislash - Omnislash Version 5 - Slashing Blow - Sonic Break - The power of mako |
Barret Wallace |
Big Shot - Catastrophe - Grenade Bomb - Hammer Blow - Mindblow - Satellite Beam - Ungarmax |
Tifa Lockhart |
Beat Rush - Burning Arrow - Dolphin Blow - Elbow Smash - Falcon's Dive - Final Heaven - Meteodrive - Meteor Crusher - Meteor Strike - Rolling Blaze - Somersault - True Strike - Waterkick |
Aerith Gainsborough |
Fury Brand - Great Gospel - Healing Wind - Planet Protector - Prayer of the Cetra - Pulse of Life - Seal Evil |
Red XIII |
Blood Fang - Cosmo Memory - Earth Rave - Lunatic High - Sled Fang - Stardust Ray |
Cait Sith |
Dice - Game Over - Toy Box - Toy Soldier |
Cid Highwind |
Boost Jump - Dragon Dive - Dynamite - Hyper Jump |
Yuffie Kisaragi |
All Creation - Bloodfest - Clear Tranquil - Doom of the Living - Gauntlet - Greased Lightning - Landscaper |
Vincent Valentine |
Chaos (Chaos Saber · Satan Slam) - Death Gigas (Gigadunk · Livewire) - Galian Beast (Beast Flare · Berserk Dance) - Hellmasker (Splattercombo · Nightmare) |
Sephiroth |
Black Materia - Deen - Heartless Angel - Heaven's Light - Hell's Gate - Oblivion - Octaslash - Pale Horse - Reaper - Scintilla - Shadow Flare - Sudden Cruelty - Super Nova - Transience |
Zack Fair |
Air Strike - Apocalypse - Chain Slash - Costly Punch - Exploder Blade - Lucky Stars - Meteor Shots - Rush Assault |
Reno |
Electro-Mag Rod - Electroprod - Neo Turk Light - Pyramid - Turk Light |
Rude |
Grand Spark |
Angeal Hewley |
Charge of Greed - Defense of Lust - Rage of Sloth - Thunder of Envy - Unleashed Wrath - Wings of Pride |
Genesis Rhapsodos |
Black Feather - Black Flurry - Dark Energy - Grade 4 Rapier |
Shelke Rui |
Countertek |
Final Fantasy VIII | Squall Leonhart |
Beat Fang - Blasting Zone - Brutal Shell - Fated Circle - Keen Edge - Lion Heart - Renzokuken - Revolver Drive - Rough Divide - Savage Claw - Solid Barrel - Thunder Barret - Upper Blues |
Quistis Trepe |
Laser Eye - Shockwave Pulsar |
Zell Dincht |
Booya - Burning Rave - Different Beat - Heel Drop - Mach Kick - Meteor Barret - Meteor Strike - My Final Heaven - Punch Rush |
Selphie Tilmitt |
The End |
Rinoa Heartilly and Sant' Angelo di Roma |
Angel Wing - Angelo Cannon - Angelo Recover - Angelo Rush - Angelo Search - Angelo Strike - Invincible Moon - Wishing Star |
Irvine Kinneas |
Armor Shot - Canister Shot - Flame Shot - Hyper Shot - Normal Shot - Quick Shot - Scatter Shot |
Seifer Almasy |
Bloodfest - Demon Slice - No Mercy - Zantetsuken Reverse |
Laguna Loire |
Desperado - Missile Salvo - Ragnarok Blade - Ragnarok Buster - Ricochet Snipe |
Ward Zabac |
Massive Anchor |
Edea Kramer |
Astral Punch - Ice Strike - Maelstrom |
Fujin |
Sai |
Raijin |
Raijin Special |
Ultimecia |
Apocalypse - Great Attractor - Hell's Judgment - Shockwave Pulsar |
Kiros Seagill |
Blood Pain |
Final Fantasy IX | Zidane Tribal |
Annoy - Booster 8 - Free Energy - Grand Lethal - Lucky Seven - Meo Twister - Rumble Rush - Scoop Art - Shift Break - Solution 9 - Soul Blade - Stellar Circle 5 - Storm Impulse - Swift Attack - Thievery - Tidal Flame - What's That!? |
Adelbert Steiner |
Charge! |
Freya Crescent |
Cherry Blossom - Dragon Breath - Dragon's Crest |
Eiko Carol |
Double White Magic - Emerald Light - Guardian Mog |
Amarant Coral |
No Mercy |
Beatrix |
Climhazzard - Shock - Stock Break |
Kuja |
Burst Energy - Final Requiem - Flare Star - Force Symphony - Snatch Blow - Soulsplitter |
Final Fantasy X series | Tidus |
Blitz Ace - Energy Rain - Full Slide - Jecht Shot - Jecht Shot 2 - Slice & Dice - Sonic Buster - Sphere Shot - Spiral Cut - Quick Hit - Wither Shot |
Auron |
Banishing Blade - Dragon Fang - Shooting Star - Tornado |
Rikku |
Brimstone - Chaos Grenade - Electroshock - Grenade - Hazardous Shell - Hyper Mighty G - Hyper NulAll - Potato Masher - Shockstorm - Soul Swipe - Tallboy - Ultra Cure - Ultra NulAll - Vajra - Winter Storm |
Wakka |
Attack Reels - Aurochs Reels - Aurochs Spirit - Element Reels - Status Reels |
Lulu |
Firaga Fury - Flare Fury - Focus - Thunder Fury - Ultima Fury |
Yuna |
Grand Summon - Great Whirl - Scattershot - The Sending - Trigger Happy |
Kimahri Ronso |
Seed Cannon |
Paine |
Demi Sword - Hurt - Ice Brand - Liquid Steel - Sword Dance - Whelmen |
Jecht |
Blitz King - Hot Steel - Jecht Beam - Jecht Blade - Jecht Bomber - Jecht Rush - Jecht Stream - Triumphant Grasp - Ultimate Jecht Shot |
Yunalesca |
Mega Death |
Seymour Guado |
Banish - Cross Cleave - Lance of Atrophy - Multi Fira - Requiem - Total Annihilation |
Leblanc |
Sonic Fan |
Final Fantasy XI | Shantotto |
Colossal Shantotto - Divine Malison - Play Rough - Retribution - Salvation Scythe - Vidohunir |
Prishe |
Backhand Blow - Combo - Dragon Kick - Knuckle Sandwich - Nullifying Dropkick |
Curilla V Mecru |
Savage Blade |
Maat |
Bear Killer |
Lion |
Pirate Pummel - Powder Keg - Walk the Plank |
Shadow Lord |
Bowels of Agony - Implosion |
Zeid |
Abyssal Strike |
Kam'lanaut |
Great Wheel - Light Blade |
Lilisette |
Dancer's Fury - Sensual Dance - Viper Bite - Vivifying Waltz - Whirling Edge |
Aphmau |
Imperial Authority - Shield Subverter - Sixth Element |
Eald'narche |
Omega Javelin - Stellar Burst |
Final Fantasy XII | Vaan |
Dervish - Luminescence - Pyroclasm - Red Spiral - White Whorl - Windburst - Calamitous Orb |
Penelo |
Evanescence - Intercession - Resplendence |
Balthier |
Element of Treachery - Fires of War - The Fleetfooted - Tides of Fate |
Fran |
Feral Strike - Shatterheart - Whip Kick |
Basch fon Ronsenburg |
Apocalypse Shield - Flame Purge - Fulminating Darkness - Ruin Impendent |
Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca |
Heaven's Wrath - Maelstrom's Bolt - Northswain's Glow |
Gabranth |
Circle of Judgement - Enrage - Frost Purge - Fulminating Oblivion - Guilt - Hatred - Innocence - Ruin Unflinching - Sentence - Vortex of Judgement |
Vayne Carudas Solidor |
Contempt - Divine Sword - Force of Will - Gigaflare Sword - Inviolable Will - Mach Wave - Tree of Sephira |
Cidolfus Demen Bunansa |
S-27 Tokamak - S-85 Cyclotrone |
Ba'Gamnan |
Eviscerator |
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings | Llyud |
Enfuse Spirit |
Lightning Saga | Lightning |
Army of One - Beat Down - Blaze Rush - Crushing Blow - Flourish of Steel - Gestalt Drive - Heavy Slash - Legion of One - Light Slash - Lightning Strike - Overclock - Seismic Strike - Skyward Swing - Smite - Stormblade - Thunderfall - Valhalla's Call |
Sazh Katzroy |
Caltrop Bomb - Cold Blood |
Snow Villiers |
Chaos Geyser - Ice Ramp - Impact Driver - Sovereign Fist |
Hope Estheim |
Brutal Sanction - Last Resort - Obliterator - Retributive Blast |
Oerba Dia Vanille |
Piercing Ray |
Oerba Yun Fang |
Aerial Loop - Highwind - Ignis - Pulsar Burst |
Serah Farron |
Ultima Arrow |
Noel Kreiss |
Deathblow - Meteor Javelin |
Cid Raines |
Metamorphose - Seraphic Ray |
Jihl Nabaat |
Sadistic Surge |
Caius Ballad |
Eye of Bahamut - Graviton - Pulsar Burst |
Barthandelus |
Thanatosian Smile |
Final Fantasy XIV | Y'shtola Rhul |
Aetherial Pulse - Cleric Stance - Fluid Aura - Medica II - Spiritual Ray |
Thancred Waters |
Circle of Scorn - Dancing Edge |
Papalymo Totolymo |
Astral Fire |
Yda Hext |
Fists of Earth - Forbidden Chakra - True Strike |
Estinien Wyrmblood |
Blood of the Dragon |
Final Fantasy XV | Noctis Lucis Caelum |
Armiger - Warp-strike |
Prompto Argentum |
Crackshot - Puncture - Starshell - Trigger Happy |
Gladiolus Amicitia |
Dawnhammer - Impulse - Royal Guard - Tempest |
Ignis Scientia |
Overwhelm - Regroup - Sagefire |
Iris Amicitia |
Eclipse |
Aranea Highwind |
Air Superiority |
Cor Leonis |
Lion's Roar |
Ardyn Izunia |
Dark Tornado - Rising Phantom - Royal Retribution - Spectral Charge |
Final Fantasy Tactics | Ramza Beoulve |
Raging Inferno - Shout - Stone Throw - Tailwind |
Delita Heiral |
Northswain's Strike |
Mustadio Bunansa |
Seal Evil |
Agrias Oaks |
Cleansing Strike - Divine Ruination - Hallowed Bolt - Judgment Blade |
Goffard Gaffgarion |
Duskblade - Shadowblade |
Marach Galthena |
Corporeal Void |
Rapha Galthena |
Ashura - Celestial Void - Heaven's Wrath |
Ultima |
Eschaton |
Final Fantasy Type-0 | Ace |
Attack Hand - Cut Cards - Jackpot Shot - Jackpot Triad - Mega Burst - Spirit Hand - Support Hand - Wild Card |
Deuce |
Concerto - Crescendo - Dissonant Sonata - Hymn of Healing - Requiem of Ruin |
Trey |
Burst Delta - Charged Shot - Dynamite Arrow - Raining Arrows |
Cater |
Debuff Shot - Explosive Shell - Land Mine |
Cinque |
Cheerleader - Earthquake - Full Swing - Gaia Pulse - Mace Cyclone - Whirling Mace |
Sice |
Dark Nebula - Death Maelstrom - Negative Aura |
Seven |
Diving Strike - Drainlash - Elementalash - Osmoselash - Sadistic Spikes |
Eight |
Lightspeed Jab - Quickbolt Stance - Swiftwind Stance - Wildfire Stance |
Nine |
Javelin Throw - Laser Lance - White Knight |
Jack |
Deliverance - Ninja Slice - Piercing Gleam - Transience |
Queen |
Balestra Lunge - Divine Judgment - Gate of Destiny - Magic Martyr - Mana Sphere |
King |
Endless Waltz - Iron Will - Magazine Blast - Multitask - Point-Blank Shot - Trigger Finger |
Machina Kunagiri |
Awakening - Dark Side - Furious Blades - Guardian Blades - Siphon Sword - Stunning Slash |
Rem Tokimiya |
Dagger Boomerang - Flying Daggers - Seraphim Strike - Siphon Delta - Siphon Sphere - Undying Wish |
Kurasame Susaya |
Absolute Zero |
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles | Ciaran |
Soulshot |
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest | Benjamin |
Mega Grenade |
Final Fantasy Dimensions | Baugauven |
Final Backdraft |
Vata |
Buffet |
Final Fantasy Record Keeper | Tyro |
Cyclone Grimoire - Judgment Grimoire - Last Judgment Grimoire - Sentinel's Grimoire |
Dr. Mog |
Dr. Mog's Teachings |
World of Final Fantasy | Enna Kros |
Atomic Impact |
Mobius Final Fantasy | Wol |
Round Slash |
Echo |
Breaker's Gift - Elemental Gift - Hastening Gift |
Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin | Jack |
Chaosbringer - Lightbringer - Soul of Chaos |