Final Fantasy Wiki
The Holy icon in Final Fantasy Record Keeper.

Holy (聖なる, Seinaru?), also known as Light (, Hikari?), Sacred Power, Pearl, Mystic, and Spirit, is a recurring element in the Final Fantasy series. It is usually a counterpart of the Dark element and is a strong element against the Undead or enemies affiliated with the Dark element.

Recurring themes[]


Many knightswords are affiliated with the Holy element, some examples being the recurring Excalibur, Save the Queen, and Lightbringer. In addition, some staves used by White Mages are imbued with the Holy element. Holy Lance is a recurring spear.

Spells and abilities[]

Holy Spellblade from FFV Pixel Remaster

Bartz using the Holy Spellblade in Final Fantasy V.

Depending on the title, the spells Banish and Dia serve as the recurring three tier holy magics. The most common spell affiliated to the holy element is the stronger Holy spell, occasionally being joined with its upgrades, Holyga and Holyja. The Holy spell serves as a main plot device in Final Fantasy VII.

The Final Fantasy series also includes some physical holy-elemental attacks. The Mystic Knight's Spellblade command has access to their variant of the Holy spell, allowing the user to imbue their base physical attacks with the holy element. Paladins and Knights have the physically oriented Holy Blade ability as their means of inflicting holy damage. In addition, the recurring Seraph Strike serves as a physical holy-elemental attack for mage-oriented jobs.


Dffoo alexander

Alexander, the recurring holy-elemental summon.

The holy element has had several recurring summons in the series, Alexander, Madeen, Carbuncle, and Lakshmi. Kirin, Seraph, Unicorn are also aligned with the element in some titles, but function as support summons and do not attack targets. Ultima, the High Seraph is the Holy Esper in Ivalice.

Title specific holy-elemental summons include the Mist Dragon in the 3D remake of Final Fantasy IV, the Light Spirit in Final Fantasy XI, and Ark in Final Fantasy Dimensions II.


Final Fantasy III[]

Game Element Type Effect
Holy White Magic Deals Light elemental damage.
Holy Arrow Weapon Deals Light elemental damage.
Holy Lance Weapon Deals Light elemental damage when attacking physically.
White Musk Item Deals Light elemental damage.

Final Fantasy IV[]

Holy is referred to as the "Sacred Power" element in the SNES version due to censorship. In the original SNES version, equipping an armor resistant to the Dark element makes them weak against Holy and vice versa. This only applies to armor, since it doesn't affect monsters. The Advance version removes this behavior. In the 3D versions, Meteor and Twin Meteor are instead Non-elemental.

FFIVDS Holy IconHoly
Game Element Type Effect
Holy White Magic Major Holy-elemental damage.
Meteor Black Magic Major Holy-elemental damage.
Twin Meteor Twincast Major Holy-elemental damage.
Mist Dragon Summon Radiant Breath. Causes Holy-elemental damage to all enemies (DS only).
Excalibur Weapon Holy-elemental damage when attacking physically.
Holy Arrows Weapon/Ammo Inflicts Holy-elemental damage when used with a bow.
Holy Lance Weapon Holy-elemental damage when attacking physically. Casts Holy when used as an item.
Mythgraven Blade Weapon Holy-elemental damage when attacking physically.
Lustrous Sword Weapon Holy-elemental damage when attacking physically.
Ragnarok Weapon Holy-elemental damage when attacking physically.
Lightbringer Weapon Holy-elemental damage when attacking physically. May cast Holy when attacking.
Mystic Whip Weapon Holy-elemental damage when attacking physically.
Godhand Weapon Holy-elemental damage when attacking physically.
Asura's Rod Weapon Holy-elemental damage when attacking physically. Casts Holy when used as an item.

Final Fantasy IV -Interlude-[]

Game Element Type Effect
Holy White Magic Major Holy-elemental damage.
Meteor Black Magic Major Holy-elemental damage.
Twin Meteor Twincast Major Holy-elemental damage.
Holy Arrows Weapon/Ammo Inflicts Holy-elemental damage when used with a bow.

Final Fantasy IV: The After Years[]

Game Element Type Effect
Holy White Magic Major Holy-elemental damage to a single target.
Double Meteor Band*(Double Black Magic version only) Major Holy-elemental damage to all targets.
Mist Dragon Summon Radiant Breath. Moderate Holy-elemental damage to all targets.
Holy Arrows Weapon/Ammo Inflicts Holy-elemental damage when used with a bow.
Muse Harp Weapon Holy-elemental damage when attacking physically.
Dragoon Lance Weapon Holy-elemental damage when attacking physically.
Lustrous Sword Weapon Holy-elemental damage when attacking physically.
Mystic Whip Weapon Holy-elemental damage when attacking physically.
Godhand Weapon Holy-elemental damage when attacking physically.
Excalibur Weapon Holy-elemental damage when attacking physically.
Dragon Claws Weapon Holy-elemental damage when attacking physically.
Holy Lance Weapon Holy-elemental damage when attacking physically. Casts Holy when used as an item.
Ragnarok Weapon Holy-elemental damage when attacking physically.
Mystic Veil Headgear Halves Holy-elemental damage.

Final Fantasy V[]

It is a rare element and its titular spell is the only purely offensive White Magic spell. There is no equipment to protect against it, but it is very rare for enemies to use holy-elemental attacks. There is no holy-elemental summon in Final Fantasy V.

Final Fantasy VI[]

Holy was known as "Pearl" in the SNES version due to censorship. Nintendo Power referred to it as Spirit in the Enemy Guide section of their Final Fantasy III player's guide.

There is only one holy-elemental ability and one holy-elemental spell that is not a summon, but there are numerous holy-elemental weapons. Holy tends to be especially strong against undead-type enemies.

Final Fantasy VII[]

The Holy spell serves as a major plot device and therefore is not usable by the player. The only way to inflict Holy damage is through the Alexander Materia. In addition to summoning it, linking the Alexander Materia and an Elemental Materia onto a character's weapon will add the Holy element to attacks. This is the only way to make use of the Holy resistance of the Minerva Band and Ziedrich, as there is no Holy-elemental enemy ability. Few enemies are weak to Holy, many of them in the Cave of the Gi, which is visited before the player gets Alexander.

According to Cloud in the Beginner's Hall, the Holy element corresponds with calling upon the planet's power.

Final Fantasy VIII[]

Holy is the rarest element in Final Fantasy VIII, with few abilities associated with it: Holy spell, Alexander GF, and the Holy Stone battle item. The player can also use it via Elem-Atk-J with Holy junctioned to attack.

Final Fantasy IX[]

Holy is an element typically opposed to Shadow. Attacks and spells of the element tend to manifest as azure energy. Eiko is the player character associated with the element the most, having the Holy spell and the Holy-elemental summon Madeen in her arsenal. Some Holy-elemental weapons also exist and Quina has LV4 Holy.

Final Fantasy X[]

Holy is a rare element, and Holy affinities are not shown when an enemy is scanned. However, in some cases it can be visible. Usually when using equipment with Sensor, a particular line of alignment (weak, resist, etc) will only show up if at least one element falls under it. However, if the enemy has an alignment to Holy, but doesn't have the same alignment to any other element, that line will still show up but appear blank. This only works with Sensor; as Scan always shows all lines regardless. There are only three ways the player can inflict Holy-elemental damage: the spell Holy and the items Blessed Gem and Purifying Salt.

Final Fantasy X-2[]

Game Element Type Effect
Holy White Magic Inflicts Holy elemental damage.
Excalibur Swordplay Inflicts Holy elemental damage.
Holy Kogoro Kogoro Inflicts Holy elemental damage.
Assoil Throttle Inflicts Holy elemental damage.
Holy Fish Festivities Inflicts three Holy physical attacks on one enemy.
Blessed Gem Item, Enemy Attack Inflicts moderate Holy elemental damage 8 times.
Archangel Mix Inflicts minor Holy elemental damage.
White Hole Mix Inflicts major Holy elemental damage.
Holystrike Auto-Ability Adds Holy element to physical attacks.
Holy Eater Auto-Ability Converts Holy damage to HP.

Final Fantasy XI[]

FFXI Light Element


Blood Pacts[]

Weapon Skills[]

Final Fantasy XII[]

Holy element is opposed to Dark, and is likewise unaffected by weather and terrain. There is only one Holy-elemental spell, and Holy damage is best inflicted with Holy-elemental weapons, especially with the White Robes equipped to boost damage further. The Holy Esper is Ultima.

Holy symbol.Holy
Game Element Type Effect
Holy White Magick Deal heavy Holy damage to one foe.
Ultima Esper Holy elemental Esper.
Redemption Esper Attack Holy elemental damage to one target.
Eschaton Esper Attack Holy elemental damage.
Crown Enemy Attack Holy elemental damage to one target as well as a 50% chance of Confuse.
Holyja Enemy Attack Inflicts major Holy elemental damage to all targets in range. 50% chance of Reverse.
Judgment Enemy Attack Holy elemental damage to all targets in range. 50% chance of Stop.
Piercing Holy Enemy Attack Inflicts major Holy elemental damage to one target. Ignores Reflect.
Shining Ray Enemy Attack Physical Holy elemental damage to all targets in range.
Excalibur Weapon Inflicts Holy-elemental damage to the target.
Holy Lance Weapon Inflicts Holy elemental damage when attacking physically.
Euclid's Sextant Weapon Inflicts Holy-elemental damage to the target.(Zodiac versions)
Holy Rod Weapon Inflicts Holy elemental damage when attacking physically. Increases the damage of Holy elemental attacks.
Staff of the Magi Weapon Increases the damage of Holy elemental attacks.
Wyrmhero Blade Weapon Inflicts Holy-elemental damage to the target, grants the Bravery and Faith status.
White Mask Helmet Absorbs Holy damage.
Bone Helm Helmet Halves Dark damage received but weak against Holy-based attacks.
Bone Mail Armor Halves Dark damage received but weak against Holy-based attacks.
White Robes Armor Increases the damage of Holy elemental attacks.
Sage's Ring Accessory Reduces MP cost by half, absorbs Holy damage.
Holy Mote Item Deals Holy damage to all foes in range.
Manufacted Nethicite Accessory Halves all elements and inflicts Silence
Gendarme Shield Absorbs all elements

Final Fantasy XV[]

Light is an element mostly associated with the kings of Lucis. It is possible to inflict Light damage with certain finishers from Armiger Unleashed or Ring of the Lucii's Holy, as well as a couple weapons (Durandal, Dominator, Radiant Lance, and Orichalcum). This element is especially effective against daemons, but all other enemies resist it. Omega absorbs it.

Final Fantasy Tactics[]

Undead enemies tend to be weak to Holy (as well as Fire. The Holy Knight's Holy Sword skills are not Holy-elemental, but the AI assumes that they are. As a result, enemies will never use Holy Sword skills against units wearing a Chameleon Robe or wielding the Excalibur.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance[]

Game Element Type Effect
Aegis Shield Shield Holy-elemental armor; nullifies Petrify status.
Angel Whisper Blue Magic Restores HP and grants Auto-Life status.
Auto-Life White Magic Grants Auto-Life status.
Cura White Magic/Prayer Restores a moderate amount of HP.
Curaga White Magic Restores a large amount of HP.
Cure White/Red Magic Restores a small amount of HP.
Epeprism Rapier Halves Holy and Dark damage.
Excalibur Knightsword Holy-elemental weapon; absorbs and enhances Holy damages and teaches Holy Blade.
Exorcise Monk Tech Attempts to remove an undead unit from battle.
Full-Life White Magic Revives a fallen ally with all of their maximum HP.
Godhand Knuckles Holy-elemental weapon.
Heal Chime Instrument Holy-elemental weapon.
Heaven's Cloud Katana Holy-elemental weapon; absorbs Holy damage.
Holy Prayer Deals Holy-elemental damage.
Holy Blade Chivalry Deals Holy-elemental damage.
LV?D Holy Fluoresce Deals Holy-elemental damage to all units whose level is equal to the current day.
Life White Magic Revives a fallen ally with half of their maximum HP.
Madeen Summon Magic Deals Holy damage.
Mirage Vest Clothing Holy-elemental armor.
Mistle Robe Robe Absorbs holy damage; nullifies KO status.
Nirvana Staff Staff Holy-elemental weapon; teaches Holy.
Phoenix Summon Magic Revives fallen allies with all of their maximum HP.
Sacri Shield Shield Holy-elemental armor; nullifies Dark, Disable, Doom, Frog, Immobilize, Poison, Silence, Slow, and Zombie status.
Saint Cross Arch Sword Deals Holy damage to surrounding units.
Save the Queen Knightsword Holy-elemental weapon; enhances Holy damage.
Seventh Heaven Greatbow Holy-elemental weapon.
Starcross Phantasm Tech Deals Holy-elemental damage to all enemies.
Unicorn Summon Magic Restores HP and cures status ailments.
Vitanova Sword Holy-elemental weapon; absorbs Holy damage.
Zanmato Katana Holy-elemental weapon; enhances Holy damage.

Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift[]

FFTA2 Holy SymbolHoly
Game Element Type Effect
Aegis Shield Shield Holy-elemental shield.
Ama-no-murakamo Katana Holy-elemental weapon that absorbs Holy attacks.
Arise White Magick Holy-elemental recovery magick that revives a KO'd target at full HP.
Chameleon Robe Robe Holy-elemental armor that absorbs Holy attacks.
Cura White Magick/High Magick Restores a moderate amount of HP. Holy-elemental.
Curaga White Magick Restores a large amount of HP. Holy-elemental.
Cure White Magick/Red Magick Restores a small amount of HP. Holy-elemental.
Edaroya Scriptures Book Holy-elemental weapon.
Excalibur Knightsword Holy-elemental weapon that grants immunity to Holy attacks.
Godhand Knuckles Holy-elemental weapon.
Heal Chime Instrument Holy-elemental weapon that grants immunity to Silence.
Lv. ? Holy Mischief Deals holy damage to all units with the same first digit in their level as the caster's.
High Seraph's Plume Accessory Allows the summoning of Ultima.
Holy Intercession Holy-elemental magickal attack in a cross-shaped area.
Holy Blade Chivalry Physical Holy-elemental attack.
Holy Strike Martial Arts Holy-elemental physical attack.
Maduin Summoning Holy-elemental summon.
Mirage Vest Light Armor Holy-elemental armor.
Nirvana Staff Holy-elemental weapon.
Raise White Magick/High Magick Holy-elemental recovery magick that revives a KO'd target at 10% HP.
Saint Cross Chivalry Holy-elemental physical attack against adjacent units.
Save the Queen Knightsword Holy-elemental weapon that absorbs Holy attacks.
Seventh Heaven Greatbow Holy-elemental weapon.
Star Cross Illusion Magickal Holy damage against all enemies.
Sword of Light Astutia MP-draining Holy-elemental magick attack.
Templar Shield Shield Holy-elemental shield that grants immunity to a plethora of debuffs.
Vitanova Sword Holy-elemental weapon that absorbs Holy attacks.
Ultima Scion Ultima bathes all enemies in searing holy light, damaging them and restoring allies' HP.
Zanmato Katana Holy-elemental weapon that absorbs Dark attacks.
Zeus Mace Mace Holy-elemental weapon.

Final Fantasy Tactics S[]

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Vagrant Story[]

Light and Dark are an opposed pair.

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Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles[]

Holy is an available spell, however, the spells require pairing Magicite in single-player, or casting multiple spells at once if in Multiplayer.

  • Holy - inflicts major Holy damage; is required to materialize ghosts, removing their invincibility. In single-player, the player must fuse a stone of Fire, Thunder or Blizzard with Life, but Life must be last in the order or Slow is fused instead (items like the Blizzard Ring also suffice instead of a Magicite). In multiplayer, two players must cast the spells individually at almost the same time.
  • Holyra - inflicts massive Holy damage and has a larger blast radius than Holy. This spell can only be used in Multiplayer because it requires three spells: an aforementioned element for Holy and two Life spells.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates[]

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Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time[]

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Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers[]

The light element is used to represent Layle's Luck stat.

Final Fantasy Legend III[]

The element goes by the name of Mystic, named after the Mystic Swords. Mystic Swords were called Holy Swords in the Japanese version.

Game Element Type Effect
Durend Mystic Sword Mystic-elemental sword
Emperor Mystic Sword Mystic-elemental sword
Masmune Mystic Sword Mystic-elemental sword
Xcalibr Mystic Sword Mystic-elemental sword
Muramas Sword Mystic-elemental sword

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light[]

Due to the elemental system used, all lightning based attacks and items inflict light-elemental damage instead of the traditional lightning-elemental damage.

Game Element Type Effect
Banish Black Magic Deals minor light-elemental damage.
Banishra Black Magic Deals moderate light-elemental damage.
Banishga Black Magic Deals major light-elemental damage.
Strong Banish Joint Attack Deals minor light-elemental damage.
Strong Banishra Joint Attack Deals moderate light-elemental damage.
Strong Banishga Joint Attack Deals major light-elemental damage.
Amazing Banish Joint Attack Deals minor light-elemental damage.
Amazing Banishra Joint Attack Deals moderate light-elemental damage.
Amazing Banishga Joint Attack Deals major light-elemental damage.
Prodigious Banish Joint Attack Deals minor light-elemental damage.
Prodigious Banishra Joint Attack Deals moderate light-elemental damage.
Prodigious Banishga Joint Attack Deals major light-elemental damage.
Thunder Black Magic Deals minor light-elemental damage. Has a 20% chance to inflict paralyze on an enemy.
Thundara Black Magic Deals moderate light-elemental damage. Has a 20% chance to inflict paralyze on an enemy.
Thundaga Black Magic Deals major light-elemental damage. Has a 20% chance to inflict paralyze on an enemy.
Strong Thunder Joint Attack Deals minor light-elemental damage.
Strong Thundara Joint Attack Deals moderate light-elemental damage.
Strong Thundaga Joint Attack Deals major light-elemental damage.
Amazing Thunder Joint Attack Deals minor light-elemental damage.
Amazing Thundara Joint Attack Deals moderate light-elemental damage.
Amazing Thundaga Joint Attack Deals major light-elemental damage.
Prodigious Thunder Joint Attack Deals minor light-elemental damage.
Prodigious Thundara Joint Attack Deals moderate light-elemental damage.
Prodigious Thundaga Joint Attack Deals major light-elemental damage.
Elemental Job Ability Deals minor Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Dark and Light-elemental damage to random enemies.
Rage of Zeus Smelt Result Deals light-elemental damage. Has a 20% chance to inflict paralyze on an enemy.
Holy Shower Smelt Result Deals light-elemental damage.
Good and Evil Job Ability Deals major light-elemental damage to all foes and heals all allies.
Lightning Enemy Ability Moderate light-elemental damage attack. Has a 10% chance to paralyze the party.
Lightning Bolt (A) Enemy Ability Moderate light-elemental damage attack. Has a 60% chance to paralyze the party.
Lightning Bolt (B) Enemy Ability Minor light-elemental damage attack.
Lightning Bolt (C) Enemy Ability Minor light and water-elemental damage attack.
Lightning Bolt (D) Enemy Ability Moderate light-elemental damage attack. Has a 50% chance to paralyze the party.
Shining Axe Weapon Deals light-elemental damage when attacking physically.
Thunder Axe Weapon Deals light-elemental damage when attacking physically. Has a 20% chance to inflict paralyze on an enemy.
Book of Ramuh Weapon Deals light-elemental damage when attacking physically. Has a 20% chance to inflict paralyze on an enemy.
White Book Weapon Deals light-elemental damage when attacking physically.
Bolt Bow Weapon Deals light-elemental damage when attacking physically. Has a 20% chance to inflict paralyze on an enemy.
Stardust Bow Weapon Deals light-elemental damage when attacking physically.
Stunning Harp Weapon Deals light-elemental damage when attacking physically. Has a 20% chance to inflict paralyze on an enemy.
Holy Knife Weapon Deals light-elemental damage when attacking physically. Has a 20% chance to inflict suppress on an enemy.
Stun Stiletto Weapon Deals light-elemental damage when attacking physically. Has a 20% chance to inflict paralyze on an enemy.
Holy Lance Weapon Deals light-elemental damage when attacking physically.
Indra's Spear Weapon Deals light-elemental damage when attacking physically. Has a 20% chance to inflict paralyze on an enemy.
Shining Staff Weapon Deals light-elemental damage when attacking physically.
Bolt Sword Weapon Deals light-elemental damage when attacking physically. Has a 20% chance to inflict paralyze on an enemy.
Lightbringer Weapon Deals light-elemental damage when attacking physically.
Shining Blade Weapon Deals light-elemental damage when attacking physically.
Sword of Light Weapon Deals light-elemental damage when attacking physically.
Holy Shield Shield Nullifies light-elemental based attacks.
Glimmer Gauntlet Accessory Adds light-elemental damage to weapon attacks.
Shine Cape Accessory Nullifies light-elemental based attacks.
Zeus's Wrath Item Deals minor light-elemental damage. Has a 20% chance to inflict paralyze on an enemy.
Holy Breath Item Deals minor light-elemental damage.

Final Fantasy Dimensions[]

Game Element Type Effect
Holy White Magic Major light-elemental damage to single target.
Aurablast Martial Arts Physical light-elemental damage to single target.
Alexander Summon Light-elemental damage to multiple targets.
Holy Breath Dragon Arts Moderate light-elemental damage to multiple targets.
Ivory Slash Holy Blade Physical Light-elemental damage to single target.
Barlight Resist Element Enchant all with light-elemental resistance.
Enlight Boost Element Enchant all with light-elemental power.
Valiant Blow Fusion Ability Physical light-elemental damage to single target based on Max HP.
Final Heaven Fusion Ability Massive light-elemental damage to single target.

Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]

DFFOO Holy Icon
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Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

PFF Holy Icon
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Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]

Holy Icon Brigade
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

FFRK Holy Element

The Holy element appears and opposes the Dark element. Abilities using the element are primarily in White Magic spells and Knight abilities.


The holy spells are slightly under-powered compared to their same-tier spells of other elements. For example, Dia is as powerful as a 1-Star black magic ability, Diara a 2, and so on. White magic damage can be increased by prioritizing the Mind stat when choosing gear and Record Materia. However, some Black Mages have Holy damage Unique Soul Breaks (and equipment having Shared Soul Breaks) that are based on Magic instead. Alexander deals holy damage and, like all Summons, deals Magic-based damage.

  • Dia (2★ White Magic) - Deal light holy magic damage to one target.
  • Diara (3★ White Magic) - Deal holy magic damage to one target.
  • Diaga (4★ White Magic) - Deal heavy holy magic damage to one target.
  • Alexander (4★ Summoning) - Deal two magic Holy attacks to all enemies.
  • Banishing Strike (4★ Knight) - Deal physical holy damage to one target and Dispel it.
  • Saint Cross (5★ Knight) - Deal two physical holy attacks to one target, removes all debuffs from the user and casts Regen.

All Cure spells can also deal Holy damage to undead foes, and the Raise and Arise spells may instantly KO them, excluding bosses. This excludes non-undead enemies vulnerable to Holy.

Weapons and armor
  • Holy Rod (VI) - Adds small holy damage boost and changes a rod user's Soul Break.
  • Platinum Shield (XII) - Adds small holy damage boost and changes Basch's Soul Break.
Record Materia
  • Light's Wrath (Warrior of Light) - Attack deals Holy damage instead of non-elemental damage.
  • Prayer of the Cetra (Aerith) - Deal slightly more damage with Holy abilities.
  • Holy Knight's Sigil (Agrias) - Attack has a slight chance to deal Holy damage instead of non-elemental damage.

Final Fantasy Explorers[]

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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

FFBE Holy Icon
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World of Final Fantasy[]

WoFF Light Icon
Game Element Type Effect
Banish Magic Deals minor Light-elemental magical damage to a single target.
Banishra Magic Deals moderate Light-elemental magical damage to a single target.
Holy Magic Deals moderate Light-elemental magical damage to a single target.
Shining Wave Ability Inflict physical light damage to a single target.
Heavenly Wrath Ability Inflict physical light damage to a single target. Hits 4 times.
Searing Light Ability Inflict magical light damage to all targets.
Enhanced Light Ability Raises light ability damage.
Light Converter Ability Restores AP upon taking light damage.
Light Resistance+ Ability Raises light resistance by 25.
Light Resistance++ Ability Raises light resistance by 50.
Channel Element: Light Stack Ability Deals Light-elemental physical damage to a single target. Usable by Lann or Reynn in Jiant form, and a light-themed Mirage with highest light resistance.
Enlight Stack Ability Deals Light-elemental physical damage to a single target. Usable by Lann or Reynn in Jiant form and Sphinx with any other Mirage.
Holy Ray Stack Ability Deals Light-elemental magical damage to a single target. Usable by Lann or Reynn in Jiant form and Holy Dragon with any other Mirage.
Kinda Sorta Holy Enemy Ability
Pretty Strong Holy Enemy Ability
Banish Mirajewel Mirajewel While equipped, allows Lann or Reynn to use this ability.
Banishra Mirajewel Mirajewel While equipped, allows Lann or Reynn to use this ability.
Holy Mirajewel Mirajewel While equipped, allows Lann or Reynn to use this ability.
Light Resistance+ Mirajewel Mirajewel While equipped, grants Lann or Reynn the effects of this ability.
Banish Seed Ability Seed Allows a Mirage to use this ability when placed in a blank space in their Mirage Board.
Banishra Seed Ability Seed Allows a Mirage to use this ability when placed in a blank space in their Mirage Board.
Holy Seed Ability Seed Allows a Mirage to use this ability when placed in a blank space in their Mirage Board.
Light Resistance+ Seed Ability Seed Grants a Mirage the effects of this ability when placed in a blank space in their Mirage Board.
Ragnarok Champion Ability Inflict light-elemental magical damage to one enemy, ignoring defense. Bestows Regen to all allies. (No longer available)

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]

Shine is one of the eight elemental attributes, and one of two special attributes along with Dark of which the player can only control up to two cards from at any time. Shine cards depict heroes of the series and have powerful abilities.


Holy has been known as "Spirit". The word spirit derives from Latin spiritus, "breath", has many meanings most relating to a non-corporeal substance contrasted with the material body. The word is often used metaphysically to refer to the consciousness or personality. The notions of a person's spirit and soul may overlap, as both are understood as surviving the bodily death in religion and occultism. "Spirit" can also have the sense of "ghost", i.e. a manifestation of a deceased person. The term may also refer to any incorporeal or immaterial being, such as demons or deities.
