Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers is the third expansion for Final Fantasy XIV. It was announced in November 2018, and was released on July 2, 2019. The expansion takes players to the First, one of thirteen reflections of the Source that is being consumed by a Flood of Light.
Amidst burgeoning tensions between the Eorzean Alliance and the Garlean Empire, the Scions of the Seventh Dawn lie comatose, their souls whisked away from their bodies. To find their friends, the Warrior of Light must place their trust in the very being that took them, a decision that soon sees them travel across the dimensions to a dying world plagued by Primordial Light: The First.
Shadowbringers would see players explore the region of Norvrandt, an area roughly analogous to the Source's Eorzea. Their adventures would carry them from the shores of Lakeland, through the faerie kingdom of Il Mheg, the shadows of the Rak'tika Greatwood, the desert of Amh Araeng, the desolate island of Kholusia, to the depths of the Tempest. Two news cities were introduced in the Crystarium and Eulmore, with opposing viewpoints on how to handle the threat of the sin eaters.
Two new playable races were introduced in the rabbit-like Viera and lion-like Hrothgar, which are female and male exclusive respectively. New jobs were introduced in Dancers and the Final Fantasy VIII-inspired
Gunbreakers, which both start at level 60. The level cap for all disciplines bar
Blue Mage was increased to 80. TP was removed, being replaced by MP for all combat disciplines.
Eight new dungeons were included at launch, six of which were compatible with the newly introduced Trust System, which allows players to run dungeons with their NPC companions. Three trials were also added, including Extreme trials against the Lightwardens Titania and Innocence. Patch 5.01 was released shortly after launch, introducing the Final Fantasy VIII-themed raid series Eden, with its first wing in eden's gate, while patch 5.05 added dungeons of lyhe ghiah, a new treasure dungeon.
Major updates[]
Note that the below version updates also added features and adjustments to A Realm Reborn (2.x), Heavensward (3.x) content or Stormblood (4.x).
Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty (5.1)[]

Patch 5.1 was released on October 29, 2019. The main scenario saw the Scions travel to The Grand Cosmos in search of a means to return to the Source.
The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy was added as a new extreme trials, while the first alliance raid in the YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse storyline was introduced in
The Copied Factory. 5.11 added a new ultimate raid in
The Epic of Alexander (Ultimate).
New daily quests involving the pixies were added, as well as new custom deliveries to Kai-Shirr. New Game+ was introduced, allowing players to re-experience main scenario storylines going back to Heavensward. The GARO x Final Fantasy XIV crossover event ended.
5.11 also introduced the Ishgardian Restoration storyline, allowing gatherers and crafters to contribute to the reconstruction of the Firmament housing district in Ishgard. The Diadem was once again revamped to accommodate this. 5.15 increased the level cap for
Blue Mages to 60, with new spells and content for
The Masked Carnivale, and introduced the new Frontline PvP map
Onsal Hakair (Danshig Naadam).
Echoes of a Fallen Star (5.2)[]

Patch 5.2 released on February 18, 2020. The main scenario saw the Scions plumb the depths of Anamnesis Anyder to learn more about the Ascians after one turns up in the body of a fallen friend.
The Eden raid series continued in Eden's Verse, while the Sorrow of Werlyt trial series began in Cinder Drift. Resistance Weapons were introduced in the Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr storyline.
New daily quests were added for the Qitari in the Rak'tika Greatwood, being the first daily beastmen quests that were uniquely for Disciples of the Land only. The Ishgardian Restoration continued with further adjustments to the Diadem, and the introduction of Skysteel Tools. Ocean fishing was introduced for Fishers, and side story questlines were added to New Game+.
Reflections in Crystal (5.3)[]

Patch 5.3 released on August 11, 2020. The main scenario saw the Scions work against time to return to the Source before it is too late, running The Heroes' Gauntlet before arriving at
The Seat of Sacrifice.
The Sorrow of Werlyt storyline continued as Cid Garlond introduced a secret Weapon of his own to use against the Empire's Weapons. The YoRHa storyline introduced The Puppets' Bunker, and
The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Unreal) was introduced as the first Unreal trial, allowing players to challenge old trials at max level. 5.35 saw the Save the Queen storyline continued in
The Bozjan Southern Front along with a new open dungeon,
The Battle of Castrum Lacus Litore.
New daily quests for Disciples of the Hand were added with the dwarves. The Ishgardian Restoration continued apace, and included new custom deliveries to Ehll Tou. A Trial Synthesis system was introduced, allowing crafters to simulate a craft without losing valuable materials.
The main scenario questline of A Realm Reborn saw significant retooling designed to ease progression into Heavensward for new players, and allowing for the use of flight in A Realm Reborn overworld zones upon completion of the base main story scenario. The Crystal Tower raid series became mandatory to progress into Heavensward, while those already in Heavensward and beyond were required to complete it before attempting the 5.3 main scenario. New Game+ was expanded in 5.3 and 5.35 to include the revamped A Realm Reborn questline as well as class questlines (but not job questlines).
Futures Rewritten (5.4)[]

Patch 5.4 released on December 8, 2020. The main scenario saw the Scions face new challenges after making their return to the Source, as Alisaie sought a cure for tempering and strange towers appeared across the realm.
New duties included the dungeon Matoya's Relict, the continuation of the Sorrow of Werlyt trials series in
Castrum Marinum, and the finale of the Eden raids in Eden's Promise. Players were required to complete the Reflections in Crystal main scenario quests before continuing the finale of the Eden raids. A new treasure dungeon was introduced in
The Shifting Oubliettes of Lyhe Ghiah, and players once again faced off against Titan in
The Navel (Unreal).
A new Explorer Mode was added, allowing players to explore previously completed Shadowbringers dungeons with no enemies or obstacles, while allowing the use of mounts and unlimited Limit Breaks for screenshots.
Patch 5.41 saw the final phase of the Ishgardian Restoration while bringing adjustments to crafting and gathering. Patch 5.45 continued the Save the Queen storyline with a new open dungeon, Delubrum Reginae. In addition, 5.45 increased the level cap for blue mages to 70 while adding new spells and Masked Carnivale content.
Death Unto Dawn (5.5)[]

Patch 5.5 released on April 13, 2021. The main scenario saw the Scions using the newfound cure for tempering, as the Ascian Fandaniel continued his plan to bring about The Final Days.
New duties included the dungeon Paglth'an, the conclusion of the Sorrow of Werlyt trials series in
The Cloud Deck, and the finale of the YoRHa storyline, taking place in
The Tower at Paradigm's Breach. Additional custom deliveries were added, assisting the Count of House Durendaire Charlemend de Durendaire, as well as concluding the Ishgardian Restoration by having patch-long festivities called Fêtes.
Patch 5.55 brought the second half of the main scenario quests, where Zenos Galvus served as an introduction to the new class Reaper. The finale of Save The Queen concluded in Zadnor, with another open dungeon,
The Dalriada. Players who continued the weekly epilogue of the YoHRa: Dark Apocalypse raids were able to read the last of Konogg's letters.
Official service for the Playstation 5 version of Final Fantasy XIV began on May 25, ending the open beta. The previously released Explorer Mode was expanded to include Level 70 dungeons from Stormblood.
Patch 6.0 was released on December 3, 2021, and brought with it the fourth expansion, Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker.
Production credits[]
Voice cast[]
Character | Japanese | English |
Alphinaud Leveilleur | Shinnosuke Tachibana | Colin Ryan |
Alisaie Leveilleur | Rie Murakawa | Bethan Walker |
Thancred Waters | Yuichi Nakamura | Peter Bramhill |
Ryne | Kana Ichinose | Emma Ballantine |
Urianger Augurelt | KENN | Timothy Watson |
Y'shtola Rhul | Ai Kayano | Robyn Addison |
Tataru Taru | Mariya Ise | Carina Reeves |
Oracle of Light | Yuna Kamakura | Zoë Tapper |
Feo Ul | Minami Takahashi | Olivia Morgan |
Lyna | Yoshino Nanjo | Salóme R. Gunnarsdóttir |
Kai-Shirr | Mutsuki Iwanaka | Charlie Rix |
Tesleen | Asumi Yoneyama | Rosie Jones |
Runar | Itaru Yamamoto | Joe Tandberg |
Magnus | Yasuhiro Mamiya | David Menkin |
Chai-Nuzz | Riki Kitazawa | Bruce Mackinnon |
Dulia-Chai | Yuka Keicho | Rachel Atkins |
Vauthry | Yasuhiro Mamiya | Edward Dogliani |
Ran'jit | Akio Nojima | David Rintoul |
Gaius van Baelsar | Akio Otsuka | Michael McElhatton |
Estinien Wyrmblood | Kenji Hamada | Robert Vernon |
Zenos Galvus | Kohsuke Toriumi | Luke Allen-Gale |
Varis zos Galvus | Jouji Nakata | Michael Maloney |
Crystal Exarch | Yuma Uchida | Jonathan Bailey |
Emet-Selch | Hiroki Takahashi | René Zagger |
Ardbert | Junichi Suwabe | Joe Dempsie |
Biggs | Go Inoue | Antony Byrne |
Wedge | KENN | Ryan Gage |
Traveling Merchant | Toshitsugu Takashina | Timothy Watson |
Cassard | Takuya Nakashima | Antony Byrne |
Moren | Kohei Yoshiwara | Nigel Pilkington |
Glynard | Itaru Yamamoto | Edward Dogliani |
Bragi | Mitsuaki Kanuka | Gunnar Cauthery |
Katliss | Asumi Yoneyama | Beatriz Romilly |
Theva | Shoko Haraguchi | Zoë Tapper |
Irvithe | Kohei Yoshiwara | Ryan Gage |
Grithil | Mutsuki Iwanaka | Luke Allen-Gale |
Blue Jongleur | Yuka Keicho | Rosie Jones |
Red Jongleur | Aiko Ninomiya | Beatriz Romilly |
Eulmoran Adjutant | Tadaaki Doi | Ryan Gage |
Ys Iala | Shoko Haraguchi | Rosie Jones |
Sul Uin | Aiko Ninomiya | Nigel Pilkington |
Oul Sigun | Mizue Tsunashima | Emma Ballantine |
Aenc Thon | Tadaaki Doi | Ryan Gage |
Seto | Mitsuaki Kanuka | Brian Protheroe |
Almet | Asumi Yoneyama | Alfrun Rose |
Uimet | Mariya Ise | Nina Yndis |
Cymet | Mizue Tsunashima | Melkorka Óskarsdóttir |
Ghen Gen | Yasuhiro Mamiya | Nigel Pilkington |
Guthjon | Yasutaka Tomioka | Gunnar Cauthery |
Thaffe | Go Inoue | Adam Howden |
Bismarck | Toshitsugu Takashina | Brian Protheroe |
Tolshs Aath | Kenji Hamada | Bruce Mackinnon |
Titania | Yuna Kamakura | Robyn Addison |
Krile Maya Baldesion | Yoshino Nanjo | Gemma Lawrence |
Gaia | Yuna Kamakura | Anna Rust |
Beq Lugg | Mariya Ise | Jaimi Barbakoff |
Wrenden | Takuya Nakashima | Timothy Watson |
Halric | Yuka Keicho | Carina Reeves |
Elidibus | Akira Ishida | Matt Stokoe |
Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn | Atsuko Tanaka | Tracy-Ann Oberman |
Kan-E-Senna | Rie Tanaka | Hannah Arterton |
Nanamo Ul Namo | Mariya Ise | Joanna Ruiz |
Aymeric de Borel | Tatsuhisa Suzuki | Blake Ritson |
Raubahn Aldynn | Hiroki Yasumoto | Nick Boulton |
Lyse Hext | Aya Endo | Laura Aikman |
Maxima quo Priscus | Ryota Takeuchi | Gunnar Cauthery |
Matoya | Yu Sugimoto | Sheila Reid |
Cid Garlond | Rikiya Koyama | Gwilym Lee |
Nero tol Scaeva | Riki Kitazawa | John Heffernan |
Sicard | Kenji Hamada | Luke Allen-Gale |
Hyllfyr | Hiroki Takahashi | Antony Byrne |
Ga Bu | Mizue Tsunashima | Joanna Ruiz |
2nd Order Patriarch Za Da | Tadaaki Doi | Ryan Gage |
Arenvald Lentinus | Kohei Yoshiwara | Joe Dempsie |
Fordola rem Lupis | Marika Hayashi | Annabel Scholey |
Fourchenault Leveilleur | Kenyu Horiuchi | Anthony Howell |
Fandaniel | Junichi Yanagita | Matt McCooey |
- Artwork
- Screenshots
- Locations
- Merchandises
- The Japanese subtitle 漆黒の
反逆者 (Shikkoku no Viranzu?) translates to "Jet Black Villains". The kanji 反逆者 (Hangyakusha?) means "Traitors". - Just like with the announcements of the previous expansions, director Naoki Yoshida wore a certain shirt to the announcement event to tease a new upcoming content, this time being a Bugs Bunny shirt. Unlike previous shirts, this one was not related to an upcoming job, but for an upcoming new playable race, revealed to be the Viera.
- Shadowbringer is the name of Final Fantasy IV protagonist Cecil Harvey's ability when he was a dark knight.
- The new Crystarium area is a near identical recreation of the unnamed city that first appeared in the Rapture demo from 2005.
- Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers was the highest rated Final Fantasy title in 13 years.[1]