Final Fantasy Wiki

The following is a list of characters in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. Characters marked with an asterisk (*) are currently only available in the Japanese version.

Shared units[]

Unit Rarity Job Role(s) Acquisition
FFBE 001 Rain
No. 001
★★ Knight Physical Damage, Support Starting Character
A knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt. A precocious pilot who was entrusted with command of an airship at the tender age of eighteen, he maintains a carefree—some might say lackadaisical—demeanor. He has the unwavering trust of the king and his nation's people, in large part due to his father's reputation as a stalwart knight of the kingdom.
FFBE 002 Rain
No. 002
★★★ Knight Physical Damage, Support Awoken
A knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt, an accomplished captain, his affable nature has earned him the adoration of his subordinates. Rain commands an airship with his best friend Lasswell, who was taken in by Rain's family as an orphan. Though sometimes annoyed by his friend's overmeddling nature, Lasswell goes along with Rain's orders from time to time out of respect for all he has done for him.
FFBE 003 Rain
No. 003
★★★★ Knight Physical Damage, Support Awoken
A knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt, he harbors mixed feelings for his father Sir Raegen, an illustrious knight in his own respect who inexplicably vanished one day, leaving his family behind. Blessed with natural talents beyond his own comprehension, he is able to quickly pick up skills that would take most people years to master.
FFBE 004 Rain
No. 004
★★★★★ Knight Physical Damage, Support Awoken
A knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt, he and his friend Lasswell are considered two of the most formidable knights to grace the Royal Guard since Rain's father Sir Raegen. Though he harbors conflicted feelings towards his father for having abandoned him and his family, he keeps this to himself when in the presence of Lasswell, who still deeply respects his father.
FFBE 005 Lasswell
No. 005
★★ Knight Physical Damage Starting Character
A knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt, he shares command of an airship with his childhood friend rain. His skills are on par with Rain's, and his no-nonsense attitude has earned him the trust of his superiors and subordinates alike. However, he has a tendency to be dragged along by Rain against his own better judgment.
FFBE 006 Lasswell
No. 006
★★★ Knight Physical Damage Awoken
A knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt, and one of the youngest to be entrusted with an airship command, second to his childhood friend Rain. Ever cautious by nature, Lasswell tends to be overprotective of his brother-in-arms, in part due to a feeling that he owes Rain's family a debt of gratitude for taking him in when he was orphaned at a young age.
FFBE 007 Lasswell
No. 007
★★★★ Knight Physical Damage Awoken
A knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt, Lasswell was taken in by Rain's family when he lost his parents at a young age. Growing up alongside Rain, he is one of the few to rival his friend in natural talent. Lasswell himself, however, feels that he is not quite Rain's equal, and harbors conflicting feelings of trust and inadequacy toward his lifelong friend.
FFBE 008 Lasswell
No. 008
★★★★★ Knight Physical Damage Awoken
A knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt whose talents earned him command of an airship alongside Rain. Lasswell is a tireless worker who is entirely devoted to his duties and training. He holds the utmost respect for Rain's father, Sir Raegen, once a prominent knight of Grandshelt himself. Lasswell lends his strength to Rain as a way to honor the memory of his hero, while struggling with the knowledge that this prestigious lineage is not his own.
FFBE 009 Fina
No. 009
★★ White Magus Healing, Support Clear Lechios Hills in Lanzelt
A young girl who emerged from an earth crystal with no recollection of her past save for her name. Fina's lack of general knowledge prompts her to act with the innocence and curiosity of a child. She is proficient with white magic and the bow and arrow, though where she acquired such impressive skills, she cannot say.
FFBE 010 Fina
No. 010
★★★ White Magus Healing, Support Awoken
A young girl who emerged from an earth crystal suffering from amnesia. Fina remembers nothing save for her own name, and seems to possess little to no knowledge of the world she currently inhabits. Despite this, it would seem that she once played a key role in its origins...
FFBE 011 Fina
No. 011
★★★★ White Magus Healing, Support Awoken
A young girl who emerged from an earth crystal. Fina's amnesia prompts her to act on her impulses, often inconveniencing her comrades in the process. Having woken in a strange world without her memories, she struggles with confusion and anxiety, but displays great inner strength in joining Rain and Lasswell on their quest.
FFBE 012 Fina
No. 012
★★★★★ White Magus Healing, Support Awoken
A young girl who emerged from an earth crystal whose mysterious identity seems to tie her to the origins of the world. Pure of heart, Fina possesses an innocent nature and an insatiable curiosity about her surroundings. Her childlike behavior, in part a product of her memory loss, may also stem from her original personality.
FFBE 013 Rizer
No. 013
Warrior Physical Damage Free Summon
A warrior who once defended Grandshelt. Rizer lived long ago, when many nations clashed for control of the crystals. Though his natural talent in battle was modest, his strong desire to protect his nation raised him above the level of his peers, eventually winning him command of an army. He is said to have fought bravely and tirelessly until the very end.
FFBE 014 Rizer
No. 014
★★ Warrior Physical Damage Free Summon
A warrior who once protected Grandshelt. Rizer fought until the very end to protect his homeland from an invading army that sought to claim its crystal. Now he fights to defend the cause of whoever summons him forth, the unwavering will he possessed when he lived still burning strong even after he became but a vision.
FFBE 015 Leah
No. 015
White Mage Healing Free Summon
In ancient times, when nations battled each other for the power of the crystals, Leah used her abilities as a white mage to heal the wounded regardless of status or country of origin. Those she had treated were heartbroken when she was later felled by a stray arrow while tending to one of her patients.
FFBE 016 Leah
No. 016
★★ White Mage Healing Free Summon
A white mage who healed the wounded—friend and foe alike—during the war for the crystals. Leah wished to save all those in pain, and the gratitude in the hearts of those she treated remained strong long after her death. As a vision, she continues to use her powers to ease the suffering world of its pain.
FFBE 017 Tronn
No. 017
Black Mage Magic Damage Free Summon
A black mage who secluded himself in an enchanted forest, avoiding all human contact and devoting himself to magical research. His thirst for knowledge and insistence in shunning others eventually turned his studies into a quest for power. Ultimately, Tronn failed to control the magic he had learned, which tragically cost him his life.
FFBE 018 Tronn
No. 018
★★ Black Mage Magic Damage Free Summon
A black mage who conducted magical research in an enchanted forest. Tronn shunned humans in favor of his research, which drew him closer to the dark side of magic, to which he ultimately lost his life. His uncompromising thirst for arcane knowledge lives on as a vision which can finally control the dark powers he so coveted while still alive.
FFBE 019 Eldin
No. 019
Thief Support Free Summon
A noble thief who only stole from villains. Eldin took in a band of hopeless thieves as his subordinates and had the support of the common people on his side. However, his group was persecuted after one of its members committed a grave crime, for which Eldin paid with his life. He never lived to see the peaceful world he dreamed of.
FFBE 020 Eldin
No. 020
★★ Thief Support Free Summon
A noble thief who led a band of ruffians. Eldin and his thieves stole from the rich and shared their plunder with the masses. His dream was to live in a world with equality for everyone, where no social classes divided the people. Though he was tragically assassinated before his dream could be realized, his vision now lives on to carry out his will.
FFBE 021 Baurg
No. 021
Monk Physical Damage Free Summon
A monk who trained in the mountains. Completely impartial to the war, Baurg's only goal was to grow stronger. However, he lost all sense of self-control when his village was incinerated, and entered the war, using his training to vent his burning rage. He ultimately realized that all his fighting was meaningless though, and vanished into the mountains where he had trained.
FFBE 022 Baurg
No. 022
★★ Monk Physical Damage Free Summon
A monk who sought only the strength of body and mind until the war from which he had sworn to isolate himself threatened the village he once called home. Baurg's inability to save his people even after years of training left him to die with a heart full of regrets. As a vision, he now seeks to use the power of his fists and strong will to fight for what is fair and just.
FFBE 023 Gimlee
No. 023
Ranger Support Free Summon
A native of Grandshelt before the kingdom was established. Gimlee hails from a hunting tribe that was ousted from its home by the people of the Grandshelt Kingdom, who were skilled in using the power of the crystals to their advantage. A proud warrior, he fought until the end out of hatred for the crown. Ironically, as a vision he now fights for Rain, a knight of the Grandshelt Kingdom.
FFBE 024 Gimlee
No. 024
★★ Ranger Support Free Summon
A hunter belonging to a tribe which once inhabited lands now belonging to the Grandshelt Kingdom. Gimlee lost many of his comrades to the war against the current ruling kingdom and its ability to manipulate the crystals. Unable to come to terms with the loss of his friends and his homeland, he tragically took his own life. His will now lives on as a vision, ironically fighting alongside the knights of the very monarchy he once so despised.
FFBE 025 Maxell
No. 025
Gunner Physical Damage Free Summon
A gunman from the age of pioneers. Maxell was the protector of the weak and wounded who faced harsh conditions throughout their journey. Unfortunately, his band's numbers dwindled as the expedition pressed on, and the survivors eventually turned to banditry out of desperation. Maxell challenged his erstwhile companions, losing his life in the process.
FFBE 026 Maxell
No. 026
★★ Gunner Physical Damage Free Summon
A gunman from the age of pioneers who protected explorers from roving beasts and ruffians. Maxell ventured into a den of thieves to protect his comrades, but was outnumbered and overwhelmed, ultimately paying with his life. His desire to serve as the shield of the weak and vulnerable now lives on as a vision which defends others.
FFBE 027 Liza
No. 027
Bard Support Free Summon
A bard who made a living singing of legends and heroes. Liza's beautiful voice and harp served to comfort and inspire the hearts of the common folk. Eventually, however, she drew the ire of one of the beasts in her songs, and lost her voice to a curse it placed on her. Bereft of her true gift and livelihood, Liza vanished, never to be seen again.
FFBE 028 Liza
No. 028
★★ Bard Support Free Summon
A beautiful bard who earned her keep traveling the world, singing of legendary beasts and the heroes who vanquished them. Liza fell into deep despair after losing her voice to the curse of a vengeful creature from one of her songs, and cast her life away by drowning herself in a lake. Though she died full of regrets, as a vision she can once again sing to her heart's content.
FFBE 053 Shiki
No. 053
★★ Samurai Physical Damage Free Summon
A swordsman who wielded a katana, a blade crafted by master smiths of times gone by. Shiki served his master honorably, following the path of bushido to cultivate both body and spirit. However, this rigid set of beliefs waned in popularity over the years, eventually leading to his master's deposition. With no intention of serving a new lord, Shiki vanished form sight.
FFBE 054 Shiki
No. 054
★★★ Samurai Physical Damage Free Summon
A swordsman who wielded a katana, a blade crafted by master smiths of times gone by. The bushido skills employed by warriors like Shiki used were as efficient, if not more so, than the modern swordfighting techniques seen today. Their quick, adaptable fighting style made them experts at crippling their foes. When Shiki still lived, people began regarding katanas as outdated weapons. In the end, Shiki chose to follow the lord he had loyally served into the afterlife by honorably ending his own life.
FFBE 055 Mizell
No. 055
★★ Green Mage Support Summon
A specialist in green magic, a school of magic developed for the purpose of aiding allies on the battlefield. A cold-hearted type indoctrinated with his studies from an early age, Mizell made up for his lack of human empathy with an inherent aptitude for supportive magic. He saved the lives of many soldiers during the war, but was never moved by their words of gratitude.
FFBE 056 Mizell
No. 056
★★★ Green Mage Support Free Summon
A green mage who specialized in supportive magic. As an orphan, Mizell was adopted and educated in magic as part of his nation's war strategy. His emotional detachment kept him calm and collected, but prevented him from grasping the real value of human life, even after saving countless soldiers on the battlefield. Curiously enough, he ultimately died by sacrificing himself, though it is rumored that he did not shed a single tear.
FFBE 057 Ronaldo
No. 057
★★ Spellblade Hybrid Damage Free Summon
A warrior who mastered both magic and the sword. Ronaldo's people were very secretive about their practices to tenhance their magical powers, which led them to take a vow of silence long ago. Unfortunately, their insistence on keeping the secrets of their spellblades by eschewing all contact with their neighbors eventually led to the nation's ruin, its name lost to history forever.
FFBE 058 Ronaldo
No. 058
★★★ Spellblade Hybrid Damage Free Summon
A warrior who excelled in both magic and swordsmanship. Ronaldo's small nation strictly prohibited contact with others, which allowed him to focus solely on heightening the spiritual power required to master these dual arts. Though he dedicated his life to protecting his people, the strong curiosity he secretly felt for the outside world has brought him back as a vision.
FFBE 059 Mel
No. 059
★★ Salve-maker Healing Free Summon
An alchemist who created various cocontions to ease others' pain, or at times event to do battle. Born a simple village girl, Mel began learning her trade from an alchemist that took her in after a virulent plague claimed her family. Timid in nature, she strongly disliked fighting and instead devoted her life to research ways in which she could help others with her potions and salves.
FFBE 060 Mel
No. 060
★★★ Salve-maker Healing Free Summon
A girl who fought with a host of self-made potions and salves. After losing her family to an epidemic, the once-shy Mel began learning about medicine and illnesses from an alchemist. When a new sickness eventually appeared, she used her own body to test the antibiotics she had developted to fight it, giving her life in the process. Mel's antidote would ultimately save the lives of countless people.
FFBE 103 Clyne
No. 103
★★★ Knight Physical Damage Rare Summon
A hero who defeated a cruel despot to become king of a nation. Clyne was a brave knight and army commander who earned the loyalty and love of his people. However, he knew very little about ruling a nation, and proved unequipped to handle the politics attached to such an office. He eventually lost his life under suspicious circumstances amidst a conspiracy involving succession to the throne.
FFBE 104 Clyne
No. 104
★★★★ Knight Physical Damage Awoken
A knight who became king of a great nation. Clyne was a hero who earned the admiration and loyalty of his people, but had little knowledge about how to rule them, and was eventually killed by his own son in a conspiracy for succession. He died with a deep sense of regret, but his spirit now enjoys the freedom of fighting as a vision.
FFBE 105 Anzelm
No. 105
★★★ Red Mage Magic Damage, Healing Rare Summon
Known primarily as mages, red mages like Anzelm were in fact trained in both magic and combat. Though derided as an eccentric by his peers, Anzelm was a proud warrior and a veteran of many battles in the course of his journeys. He never pledged allegiance to one entity, but instead used sword and sorcery to help the common folk, who looked up to him as one of their heroes.
FFBE 106 Anzelm
No. 106
★★★★ Red Mage Magic Damage, Healing Awoken
A warrior versed in both magic and swordplay, Anzelm's dual talents allowed him to fight effectively on his own, which is perhaps one reason he chose to spend his life as a wanderer, free of attachments. He was considered a hero by the people he saved, though he was too humble to care for such plaudits. Today, his vision fights as he once did, unfettered by obligation or convention.
FFBE 107 Luna
No. 107
★★★ Ranger Physical Damage Rare Summon
A hunter who once lived in the forest. Luna's beauty and infallible accuracy with the bow led many to believe she was actually a wood spirit. In truth, she had been abandoned in the forest as a child and raised by a hermit, who taught her how to hunt. Not accustomed to human speech, her inability to communicate only added to her exotic mystique.
FFBE 108 Luna
No. 108
★★★★ Ranger Physical Damage Awoken
A forest girl once believed to be a wood spirit who fought with a bow. Luna's mysticism was alluring, and though her pure heart feared what lay beyond the forest, she was equally as curious about the human world. Having spent her whole life in the woods, her spirit now travels the globe as a vision, finally free to indulge her unbounded curiosity.
FFBE 109 Bedile
No. 109
★★★ Spellblade Hybrid Damage, Support Rare Summon
A warrior from a small tribe that existed long ago and was proficient in both sword and sorcery. Bedile was a stoic man who shared a vow of silence with his comrades regarding the ways of the mystic sword. As the fate would have it, though, one day he fell in love with a foreign woman he had saved, and was banished from his home. His once-proud tribe now but a memory, all that remains is the legend of Bedile, protecting his love until the end.
FFBE 110 Bedile
No. 110
★★★★ Spellblade Hybrid Damage, Support Awoken
A warrior who mastered sorcery and the sword. Bedile broke the vow of silence that granted him heightened spiritual powers, and was banished by his tribe after violating its law against mingling with outsiders. He eventually took his foreign love as his wife, and protected the family they build together till the end of his days.
FFBE 149 Duane
No. 149
★★★ Warmage Support, Physical Damage Rare Summon
A dark knight with arcane powers. Duane was a loyal knight, in service of a certain country, who had reached an impasse in his training. Wanting to grow further as a swordsman, Duane turned to the art of the dark blade at a suggestion of a superior. Afterwards, he was proud to have reached a level of a skill to match that of his comrades, yet he was cast out by them upon his return, on the grounds that the use of dark magic was unbefitting of a knight.
FFBE 150 Duane
No. 150
★★★★ Warmage Support, Physical Damage Awoken
A dark knight with arcane powers who wielded a blade infused with magic. Duane learned dark magic as advised by a superior only to be shunned and feared by his peers for his newfound powers. Though he had sought only to grow stronger, the rejection he faced after acquiring his new abilities twisted his mind. He was ultimately banished from the country for slaying several of his erstwhile comrades.
FFBE 151 Duane
No. 151
★★★★★ Warmage Support, Physical Damage Awoken
A knight who wields a blade of dark power. Though Duane can control his prodigious powers as a vision now, the jealousy and malice he endured from his comrades while he was still alive has left his mind scarred. Once pure of heart and mind, his grief grew to such an extent that he eventually took his own life. His spirit now wanders the world as a vision seeking to make amends.
FFBE 152 Cerius
No. 152
★★★ Green Mage Support Rare Summon
A green mage born in a certain country which sought to produce mages for the sole purpose of aiding others in battle. Cerius was an orphan trained exclusively in magic by the state, which led her to grow a bit indifferent towards people. However, she was always keenly aware of her surroundings and thus managed to retain her empathy, unlike her desensitized fellow green mages. She later fled the country, but no records of her reasons behind this act remain.
FFBE 153 Cerius
No. 153
★★★★ Green Mage Support Awoken
A mage proficient in supportive magic. Trained as a green mage, Cerius was a mere tool of the state in its machine of war, until she grew suspicious of her environment and fled her homeland. Her long-suppressed emotions came to flourish during her travels, and she eventually found purpose in life. She chose to no longer participate in the wars of men, but instead to aid warriors doing battle against fearsome monsters.
FFBE 154 Cerius
No. 154
★★★★★ Green Mage Support Awoken
A green mage raised to be a master of supportive magic. Originally an orphan raised as asset to the war, Cerius eventually fled her homeland to live out her life as a hunter of monsters. Many had grown to rely on Cerius until her homeland caught word of her whereabouts and had her assassinated, masking it under natural causes. Her grief has brought her back to this world as a vision.
FFBE 155 Roselia
No. 155
★★★ White Magus Healing Rare Summon
A white magic practitioner with an otherworldly aura. Just like her father, Roselia was born and raised in the community of white mages that would eventually come to be Mysidia. Rather than any noble intentions, she is driven by a sense of practicality and the knowledge that healing is her forte.
FFBE 156 Roselia
No. 156
★★★★ White Magus Healing Awoken
A white magic expert born into the community of researchers that would one day become Mysidia. Roselia immersed herself in magical research simply because she was good at it. However, her inability to cure her fellow researchers when the plague struck made her keenly aware of her own limitations.
FFBE 157 Roselia
No. 157
★★★★★ White Magus Healing Awoken
A white mage born from the land that would come to be known as Mysidia. Due to her father's influence, she never developed a healer's compassion and was interested only in research for research's sake. She realized this too late as she succumbed to a plague that ravaged her homeland, her bitter regret bringing her back as a vision.
FFBE 158 Medius
No. 158
★★★ Gunner Physical Damage Rare Summon
A gunman who wielded state-of-the-art firearms of his own invention. Driven by the desire to create a weapon that could empower the weak against both swords and magic, Medius was as accomplished researcher as he was a marksman. However, as his inventions were ahead of their time, he was seen as a threat by the powers that be, and forced to become a fugitive.
FFBE 159 Medius
No. 159
★★★★ Gunner Physical Damage Awoken
An inventor of guns from a time before their proliferation. Medius was lauded as a hero who granted strength to the weak and defenceless. He thus incurred the ire of the powerful elite, who feared this unknown power in the hands of their subjects. Living on the run, Medius became an expert gunman as a means of self-defense.
FFBE 160 Medius
No. 160
★★★★ Gunner Physical Damage Awoken
An inventor of guns and an evangelist of his time. Medius was a hero among his people who he equipped against beasts and ruffians. However, the authorities viewed him as a threat, and his life ended in a hail of bullets from his own creations. As a vision, Medius's love for his people lives on.
FFBE 161 Sarai
No. 161
Dancer Support Free Summon
A dancer that belonged to an ancient palace. Sarai's performances mesmerized both royalty and commoners, yet she was just a girl who loved to dance. As her popularity increased, a struggle ensued over her possession. She disappeared in the midst of this and was eventually forgotten along with her kingdom.
FFBE 162 Sarai
No. 162
★★ Dancer Support Awoken
Long ago, there was a dancer who performed at a palace in the middle of a desert. Her dancing inspired bravery in her audience, which included all ranks of society. This eventually became her downfall, when an overzealous nobleman abducted her. Unable to perform for the masses while in captivity, she died of a broken heart.
FFBE 163 Paula
No. 163
★★ Black Mage Magic Damage Free Summon
A young girl who began studying magic as a means to overcome her introverted nature. Ironically, this further distanced her from others as her skills with black magic blossomed. Though compassionate at her core, she is ruthless in combat, eager to make sure that her sacrifices weren't in vain.
FFBE 164 Paula
No. 164
★★★ Black Mage Magic Damage Free Summon
A young girl who began studying magic in order to overcome her shyness. However, as she evolved into a black mage with powers superior to her master's, she found it even more difficult to relate to others. As a result, she is overzealous in combat, that she might prove herself worthy to others on the battlefield.
FFBE 165 Kenyu
No. 165
★★ Black Belt Physical Damage Free Summon
A martial artist who travelled the world with nothing but the clothes on his back. Through learning the techniques of the countless opponents he felled, Kenyu developed the martial art now known as karate. Sadly, when he perished during his journey towards perfection, his art form died with him.
FFBE 166 Kenyu
No. 166
★★★ Black Belt Physical Damage Free Summon
A martial artist who wandered from town to town, challenging others to hand-to-hand combat. He was the creator of Karate, a martial art that emphasized style and civility. Kenyu's choice to defend the weak worried some unscrupulous authorities, who eventually saw to it that he met a violent death.
FFBE 167 Ollie
No. 167
★★ Viking Tank Free Summon
A tough pirate who sailed from sea to sea, plundering at his will. Though mostly violent, Ollie had a soft side and never laid a hand on women or children. He and his clan were feared as the scourge of the seas, but as they would distribute their booty to faraway regions, they are now known as transporters of culture.
FFBE 168 Ollie
No. 168
★★★ Viking Tank Free Summon
A clan of pirates once terrorized the waters of this world. Legends speak mostly of the leader's violent side. However, Ollie is also recognized for his achievements as a vessel for cultural exchange, for nobody was as well-traveled as he. Ollie himself was only interested in wielding power over others.
FFBE 169 Carrie
No. 169
★★ Machinist Physical Damage, Healing Free Summon
A researcher of mechanical weapons from the town that would become Dilmagia. Though her research was intended to protect the young lady from beastly monsters, others used Carrie's inventions to commit mass destruction. Heartbroken, Carrie destroyed her precious research to prevent further bloodshed.
FFBE 170 Carrie
No. 170
★★★ Machinist Physical Damage, Healing Free Summon
Hailing from the town that eventually became the industrial city Dilmagia, Carrie was once an inventor of weapons. Falling into depression after her creations were used in warfare, she burned her blueprints and decided the rest of her life to peaceful science. Her philosophy is one reason why Dilmagia is now a neutral region.
FFBE 171 Skaha
No. 171
★★ Dragoon Physical Damage Free Summon
In the time before dragons were enemies to her species, Skaha had a bond with them like no other. Riding high in the sky atop her dragon, she would easily dodge her foes' attacks and pounce upon them with expert precision. Unfortunately, her tiny clan died out before the rise of contemporary magic and warfare.
FFBE 172 Skaha
No. 172
★★★ Dragoon Physical Damage Free Summon
In the time before dragons were enemies to her species, Skaha was notorious as the warrior who dominated the sky. However, as humans encroached on the dragons' territory and eventually declared war on all monsters, her clan dwindled into obscurity. Skaha was last seen living peacefully with her faithful partner.
FFBE 173 Montana
No. 173
★★ Adventurer Support Free Summon
A globetrotter who sought treasures and relics never seen before. Though he was a respected archaeologist and known for his research on ancient civilizations and rare cultures, Montana was secretly concerned that his macho appearance made him look like anything but a scholar.
FFBE 174 Montana
No. 174
★★★ Adventurer Support Free Summon
An adventurer who traveled the world seeking hidden relics and forbidden treasures. Montana held a certain stature in the archaeologist community and kept his loot meticulously catalogued. However, upon his death his lifetime collection of cultural assets also vanished, and he became the subject of legends.
FFBE 175 Russell
No. 175
★★★ Gladiator Tank, Support Rare Summon
A warrior slave who fought for the entertainment of his rich master. Having the ways of a gladiator beaten into him from an early age, Russell died in the arena without ever experiencing much human emotion. Even as a vision, he only exists for the fight.
FFBE 176 Russell
No. 176
★★★★ Gladiator Tank, Support Awoken
A gladiator who fought others to the death to amuse his rich master. Bought and raised only to fight, Russell knew little of human emotions or the value of life. Now as a vision his only goal is to defeat the opponents who stand before him.
FFBE 177 Miyuki
No. 177
★★★ Ninja Support, Hybrid Damage Rare Summon
An expert in the ancient art of shinobi. Miyuki and her kind pledged allegiance only to their masters. Having devoted her life to servitude, she remembers little about everyday culture. Being extremely reticent, she has no interest in her conversations about her past life.
FFBE 178 Miyuki
No. 178
★★★★ Ninja Support, Hybrid Damage Awoken
A warrior clad in a magic aura she developed from ears of abnormal training. That Miyuki's sword fighting technique was able to cause anomalies within her opponents was evidence of its clandestine purpose. The true nature of her kind is still deeply shrouded in mystery.
FFBE 179 Miyuki
No. 179
★★★★★ Ninja Support, Hybrid Damage Awoken
The pinnacle of stealth, clad in a dark aura. Miyuki's sword speaks louder than she, exuding a murderous ambience. Nothing is known about her formal life, but her eyes betray a tragic absence of anyhting resembling peace or happiness.
FFBE 185 Xiao
No. 185
★★★ Monk Physical Damage, Support Rare Summon
A precocious brawler, whose cheerful demeanor belies her prodigious gifts in the martial arts. Dressed in garb passed down by her ancestors, of whose line only her family remains. Though Xiao herself does not speak of it, it is believed she chose the warrior's path out of a wish to protect her heritage with her own fists.
FFBE 186 Xiao
No. 186
★★★★ Monk Physical Damage, Support Awoken
A precocious brawler, whose young age belies her considerable mastery of the martial arts. Bright and cheerful, she is beloved by many. Her techniques have been passed down in her family from father to son, mother to daughter, but there were those that saw them as dangerous relics from an arcane age. Some believe her smile was a means to protect her people from the prejudiced eyes of the outside world as she used her skills to help the weak and defenseless.
FFBE 187 Xiao
No. 187
★★★★★ Monk Physical Damage, Support Awoken
A genius martial artist who mastered the techniques of her people at a young age and used them in the defense of the weak and defenseless. Through her cheerful, likeable demeanor, she almost singlehandedly reversed years of prejudice against the martial arts. Though her tribe has died off, those who inherited her legacy and techniques are held in high regard to this day.
FFBE 188 Metal Minituar
Metal Minituar
No. 188
EXP Unit Utility Free Summon (event)
Arena Summon
A rare, sparkling silver miniature cactaur. Despite its laid-back-looking face, its prickly body is a veritable treasure trove of knowledge and experience. Aware of this, hunters are constantly in search of them. However, they rarely appear in front of humans and their habitat's location is unknown.
FFBE 189 Metal Cactuar
Metal Cactuar
No. 189
★★ EXP Unit Utility Free Summon (event)
Arena Summon
Bundle purchase
A very rare, sparkling silver miniature cactuar. Eager to harvest the abundance of knowledge and experience stored in metal cactuars, those who encounter them grow frantic with greed. However, like others of its kind, the metal cactuar almost never appears in front of humans.
FFBE 190 Metal Gigantuar
Metal Gigantuar
No. 190
★★★ EXP Unit Utility Free Summon (event)
Raid Summon
Bundle purchase
King Mog purchase
An extremely rare, shimmering silver cactaur with a handsome mustache. Metal cactuars absorb energy from their surroundings, growing larger the more energy they absorb. Giant ones hold a tremendous amount of experience and are so big that it is a wonder how they are almost never seen.
FFBE 191 Artemios
No. 191
★★★ Ranger Physical Damage Rare Summon
A man who lived by hunting. Though Artemios wasn't from a hunting clan and started as a hobbyist, he knew no greater pleasure and eventually turned hunting into his trade. Dark rumors circulated that beasts weren't the only thing he hunted...

FFBE 192 Artemios
No. 192
★★★★ Ranger Physical Damage Awoken
A man who dedicated his life to hunting. Artemios was a lowly peasant whose propensity for the hunt was such that he developed extraordinary skill, to the point that people wished to engage him as an assassin. Word has it that the change to human targets inspired no doubts in him, nor any special mercy for this new quarry.
FFBE 193 Artemios
No. 193
★★★★★ Ranger Physical Damage Awoken
A hardened hunter of beasts, monsters, and even humans. Thoroughly exploited as an agent of death, Artemios grew so savage that he began to attack people indiscriminately. The hunter became the hunted when his peers decided he was too dangerous to let live in his deranged state.
FFBE 200 Mini Gil Snapper
Mini Gil Snapper
No. 200
Gil Unit Utility Free Summon (event)
A turtle of sparkling gold. It is known to provide good luck, and was even used as a form of currency for a time. Due to its beauty and rarity, it still fetches as fine a price at stores as any gem or ingot. In wealthy circles, it is not uncommon to hear tiresome vulgarians bragging about how many Mini Gil Snappers they keep, as a way of flaunting their affluence. Rumors even tell of a competition, held somewhere in the world, to find the most beautiful specimens.
FFBE 201 Gil Snapper
Gil Snapper
No. 201
★★ Gil Unit Utility Free Summon (event)
A turtle with a body of sparkling gold, which is valued as highly as any gemstone. It is a popular talisman for two distinct reasons. Firstly, because of the beauty of its golden body; and secondly, because of its great longevity. It is known that Gil Snappers live longer than men, and grow slowly but steadily over time. This is why many who hope to live long and grow ever more prosperous consider coming into possession of one an absolute boon.
FFBE 202 King Gil Snapper
King Gil Snapper
No. 202
★★★ Gil Unit Utility Free Summon (event)
Raid Summon
A turtle with a shell encrusted with beautiful, sparkling stones. Amongst Gil Snappers, which are known for their longevity, only those that live the longest ever achieve this magnificent form. The stones on its back can be sold to be used as gemstones, which have great popularity. Since the stones grow ever larger the longer a turtle lives, people work themselves into a frenzy searching for the largest King Gil Snapper they can find. The gemstones from their shells are commonly known as Gil Snapper Sapphires.
FFBE 203 Gilbert
No. 203
★★★ Bard Support Rare Summon
A bard who sang his stories to the great unwashed. In the time before airships, he played a vital role in the spread of information. However, due to his criticism of authority and the status quo, he was forced into exile.
FFBE 204 Gilbert
No. 204
★★★★ Bard Support Awoken
A bard who sang to the masses about life in faraway lands. To the common folk, Gilbert was a treasured source of information, but to those in power, he was a threat. Countless assassination attempts could not dissuade him from calling, however, and his legacy lives on to this day.
FFBE 205 Gilbert
No. 205
★★★★★ Bard Support Awoken
A bard who sung the truths of the world to the masses in his lyrics, seeking to rescue them from tyranny with knowledge, not the sword. Although despots put a violent end to his enlightenment of the masses, the last breath he took was a song that filled his beloved common folk with the will to stand up to their oppressors.
FFBE 214 Rakshasa
No. 214
★★★ Spellblade Hybrid Damage, Support Rare Summon
An enigmatic young lady adept with both sorcery and the sword. Rakshasa fought from the shadows in the service of numerous nations, though her own origins remained a mystery, as she never spoke of herself. Nonetheless, her formidable powers earned her the respect and feat of both allies and enemies until the day she mysteriously vanished without a trace.
FFBE 215 Rakshasa
No. 215
★★★★ Spellblade Hybrid Damage, Support Awoken
A mysterious swordswoman with considerable skills in magic who demonstrated her abilities in countless battles. Rakshasa never spoke of herself, and is remembered by history as a blade-for-hire who chose her friends and enemies by the rewards they promised her. She suddenly disappeared from the battlefield one day, however, leaving no hint as to her whereabouts.
FFBE 216 Rakshasa
No. 216
★★★★★ Spellblade Hybrid Damage, Support Awoken
A mystic knight veiled in secrets who worked from the shadows as a sellsword. One day, in the midst of one of the countless battles that broke out in that war-torn age, she disappeared, along with the great fortune she had made by her exploits in battle. Some claim that her true identity was that of a servant of the gods, who worked in secret to earn the coin needed to save her temple and fellow worshipers, who served a goddess of magic and war.
FFBE 217 Chizuru
No. 217
★★★★ Samurai Physical Damage Rare Summon
A samurai who valued loyalty and decorum, and wielded her blade only in service to her master. Chizuru and her fellow samurai, honorable warriors warriors of great pride not unlike the knights of today, are occasionally referenced in historical chronicles, but specific details of the time period in which they lived and the lands from which they hailed are scarce.
FFBE 218 Chizuru
No. 218
★★★★★ Samurai Physical Damage Awoken
A katana-wielding samurai of great strength who served her master with undying loyalty by cultivating both body and spirit. After Chizuru retired from her duties, she married a ninja in the service of her lord and master. Sadly, due to strife within her clan, she lost her daughter to the shadows, filling her with grief until the end of her days.
FFBE 219 Hayate
No. 219
★★★ Ninja Hybrid Damage, Support Rare Summon
The legitimate successor of a ninja clan who accepted orders from his master to carry out assassinations and infiltrations. Hayate took many pupils under his wing while working for the same master his family had loyally served for generations. After some time he apparently left in search of his younger sister, a ninja herself who fled their home under mysterious circumstances. No records remain of what became of the two thereafter.
FFBE 220 Hayate
No. 220
★★★★ Ninja Hybrid Damage, Support Awoken
A legitimate successor of the arts of the ninja, and a peerless assassin and spy. Hayate's mother was a katana-wielding samurai of grave demeanor, a personality he inherited. The feelings of jealousy he harbored against his younger sister, an expert swordswoman adept with dual blades, gradually drove her towards the darkness, eventually causing her to flee from their master's domain.
FFBE 221 Hayate
No. 221
★★★★★ Ninja Hybrid Damage, Support Awoken
A ninja who committed political assassinations and gathered intelligence on foes in the name of his master. Born to a samurai mother, his younger sister was a ninja like himself. However, the coldness he showed to his sibling caused her to leave home, seeking the power of darkness. To take responsibility for this turn of events, their mother honorably and tragically took her own life. Hayate gave the rest of his years to his master, but now, as a vision, he wanders the world search for his sister, in hopes that he might still make amends.
FFBE 240 Lid
No. 240
★★★ Airship Tech Physical Damage, Support Clear Galebreak in Dirnado
An airship engineer from Dirnado. From a young age, Lid would spend most of her time in her parents' workshop toying with machines, which eventually elevated her skills to the best in the Industrial City. She also truly believes that she will be the one to inherit the name Cid, an honor granted only to the most brilliant of engineers. Lid's only serious flaw seems to be her strong love for gil.
FFBE 241 Lid
No. 241
★★★★ Airship Tech Physical Damage, Support Awoken
An airship engineer from Dirnado. Lid had an interest in machinery from childhood, but it wasn't until her older brother began showing her the ropes (and gears) that her aptitude blossomed into real talent. Her most treasured possession is her robot chocobo named Mechabo, which she and her brother built together. She became even more attached to Mechabo when her brother left home.
FFBE 242 Lid
No. 242
★★★★★ Airship Tech Physical Damage, Support Awoken
An airship engineer who is paving the way to a new era. Unfortunately for Lid, her older brother was the one to inherit the Cid name she so coveted, after he left home. Regardless, she single-handedly renovated the desolate workshop her brother had abandoned, using the first Cid and his philosophy of freedom as her inspiration. Lid now seeks to become the embodiment of her hero as she travels with Rain.
FFBE 251 Ludmille
No. 251
★★★ Red Mage Healing, Magic Damage Rare Summon
A red mage from the empire of Zoldaad. Ludmille's family were casualties of the war brought on by the Empire; as a result, she spent most of her childhood in an orphanage. Her tragic past caused her to grow up coveting power, which eventually motivated her to hone her skills for the purpose of joining the military forces of Zoldaad. The air of mystery she exudes always creates the impression that she is cold and distant.
FFBE 252 Ludmille
No. 252
★★★★ Red Mage Healing, Magic Damage Awoken
A red mage from the empire of Zoldaad who spent her childhood in an orphanage. Ludmille grew up coveting power, and thus became a red mage in service of the empire. The general in command of the empire's exclusively male military was the first to discover her talents, and attempted to reward her in accordance with her military deeds. However, for Ludmille there was no greater honor than the praise she received from the general himself.
FFBE 253 Ludmille
No. 253
★★★★★ Red Mage Healing, Magic Damage Awoken
A red mage from the empire of Zoldaad. When the well-decorated general of Zoldaad's military found himself without a successor, he decided to adopt Ludmille as his daughter and, thus, heiress to his position. However, just before this took place, the empire had come under the influence of a certain scientist, and a great reform of the emperor's policies soon followed. Sadly for Ludmille, this culminated in the general's discharge, causing her to lose the backing of the only person who had ever believed in her.
FFBE 254 Charlotte
No. 254
★★★ Knight Tanking, Support Rare Summon
A knight of Grandshelt on active duty, and Rain and Lasswell's peer. Charlotte's stern and austere personality causes her to butt heads with the easygoing Rain, leaving Lasswell to bear the brunt of her complaints about his friend. The anxiety she felt after learning that her two comrades would set off on a dangerous journey was so acute that it materialized into a crystal, allowing those with the power of visions to summon her forth.
FFBE 255 Charlotte
No. 255
★★★★ Knight Tanking, Support Awoken
A knight who protects Grandshelt in Rain and Lasswell's absence. Charlotte has currently taken on their share of duties related to the reconstruction of Grandshelt as they travel the world. However, both her trust in, and her worry for her comrades are so overwhelming as to have become tangible, transforming into a crystal, which can now be used to summon her as a vision. Hard to believe, perhaps, but for those who know her, harder to deny.

FFBE 256 Charlotte
No. 256
★★★★★ Knight Tanking, Support Awoken
A knight of Grandshelt whose mortal body continues to protect both the monarchy and the people. Her strong feelings towards her comrades Rain and Lasswell crystallized, enabling others to summon her with the power of visions. Her concern is deep for Rain, whose nonchalant temperament unsettles her, yet deeper still for Lasswell, whose personality closely resembles her own. In fact, Charlotte's feelings for him seem to be complex in the extreme.
FFBE 302 Trust Moogle
Trust Moogle
No. 302
★★★★★ Enhancer Utility Rare Summon (event)
Raid Summon
Mission reward
King Mog purchase
A moogle that carry a dazzling crystal. The crystal itself is said to be composed of the mystical forces that connect the hearts of people. Trust Moogles are so rare that they may turn heads even within the moogle community itself, so to encounter on is considered quite auspicious. Trust Moogles do not search for these special crystals as a hobby, not even as part of their training, but as the foremost task of their very purpose in life: to strengthen the bonds between people. Thus, should they encounter someone worthy of receiving a crystal, they will hand it over freely and without qualm.
FFBE 303 Mini Burst Pot
Mini Burst Pot
No. 303
★★★ Enhancer Utility Arena Summon
King Mog purchase
Expedition reward
An odd wee beastie who lives in a pot. Mini Burst Pots are attracted to individuals seeking to overcome their own limits, and who possess immeasurable hidden potential. Little is known about these enigmatic creatures, but some believe they were created by the gods themselves to collect knowledge of the various powers existing in the world. Rumor tells that stored within their pots is the means of unlocking a warrior's dormant abilities.
FFBE 304 Nichol
No. 304
★★★ Tactician Magic Damage, Support Clear Water Shrine in Olderion
A military tactician for the Olderion Federation, and one of the Wardens of the Waters, who have protected the Water Shrine for generations. His dedication to his role means that he disregards his own feelings, always choosing the greatest good for the greatest number. Never one to mince words, he is often misunderstood as a cynic.
FFBE 305 Nichol
No. 305
★★★★ Tactician Magic Damage, Support Awoken
A military tactician for the Olderion Federation. He is the eldest of his family, the Wardens of the Waters. Though he puts his duties as a Warden first, seemingly taking his family for granted, deep down he really cares for his brother and sister. It seems his sister Luka can see down to his true clumsy nature.
FFBE 306 Nichol
No. 306
★★★★★ Tactician Magic Damage, Support Awoken
A military tactician for the Olderion Federation. He was given a great many books on magic as a young child, as their were high expectations of him being of the Wardens of the Waters. Raised in isolation from other children his age, he took a deep interest instead in the people he read about in books. Among these characters, he took particular interest in a legendary female warrior from an army of darkness.
FFBE 338 Trust Moogle
Trust Moogle
No. 338
★★★ Enhancer Utility Rare Summon (event)
Raid Summon
King Mog purchase
Mission reward
A moogle holding a large crystal. The crystal is filled with a mysterious power that brings people together. It is said to appear to those who call out for the power of trust, however it rarely ever appears. Though there are some who say they're connected to the moogles that reside in the Farplane, since no one ever sees them they can't be researched any further.
FFBE 339 Trust Moogle
Trust Moogle
No. 339
★★★★ Enhancer Utility Rare Summon (event)
Raid Summon
Mission reward
A moogle holding a shiny crystal. The crystal is filled with mysterious power that brings people together. It is said to appear to those who call out for the power of trust, however it rarely ever appears. It seems that there's a pecking order even among Trust Moogles, with some saying, "The moogle with the best looking crystal is the smartest, kupo!" However, outsiders would be hard-pressed to tell the difference.
FFBE 340 Burst Pot
Burst Pot
No. 340
★★★★ Enhancer Utility Raid reward
Expedition reward
A grown-up mini burst pot. These enlarged pots are full of knowledge relating to a power said to "break limits." It is thought that pots original gathered up various powers from around the world to present to the gods. However, recently researchers believe that they may just be power transfer mechanisms, made to carry such power to be used by certain people.
FFBE 341 King Burst Pot
King Burst Pot
No. 341
★★★★★ Enhancer Utility Arena reward
Raid reward
Expedition reward
A form of pot which all burst pots strive to become. This massive pot is full of knowledge relating to a power said to "break limits." It is said that burst pots appear to those whom they deem worthy of their power. Neither age, gender, nor personality seem to play a part in whom they select, but it is said that those selected share a strong desire to break beyond their own limits.
FFBE 342 Mini Tough Pot
Mini Tough Pot
No. 342
★★★ Enhancer Utility Arena Summon
Arena reward
Raid reward
Expedition reward
A monster inside a green pot. It takes great joy in training its body, and is always carrying around dumbbells. Little is known about these enigmatic creatures, but some believe they were created by the gods themselves to collect knowledge of the various powers existing in the world. Among these, it is said that tough pots have a particular fondness for HP, the knowledge relating to which, this pot stores in its pot.
FFBE 343 Tough Pot
Tough Pot
No. 343
★★★★ Enhancer Utility Arena Summon
Arena reward
Raid reward
Expedition reward
A grown-up mini tough pot. They store all the knowledge they have obtained relating to HP within their pot. They also carry around dumbbells wherever they go, never missing a training session. It is thought that such pots were originally produced by the gods to gather up knowledge relating to the various powers throughout the world. It is unknown whether this is true, but what is known is that they are able to bestow their knowledge to others.
FFBE 344 King Tough Pot
King Tough Pot
No. 344
★★★★★ Enhancer Utility Arena Summon
Arena reward
Raid reward
Expedition reward
A form of pot which all tough pots strive to become. It carries around massive dumbbells, training harder than it ever has. Some say they were created by the gods to wander the world gathering information on various powers, but the truth isn't well understood. What is known is that they are so rare one would have to be very lucky just to see one, and that they hold a massive amount of knowledge regarding HP in their large pots.
FFBE 345 Mini Magi Pot
Mini Magi Pot
No. 345
★★★ Enhancer Utility Arena Summon
Arena reward
Raid reward
A monster inside a yellow pot. It's always carrying around a magic tome, constant thinking about everything concerning MP. Little is known about these enigmatic creatures, but some believe they were created by the gods themselves to collect knowledge of the various powers existing in the world. Magi pots are obsessed with anything and everything relating to MP, information relating to which they keep in their pots.
FFBE 346 Magi Pot
Magi Pot
No. 346
★★★★ Enhancer Utility Arena Summon
Arena reward
Raid reward
A grown-up mini magi pot. They store all the knowledge they have obtained relating to MP within their pot. It carries around a large magic tome so as not to miss out on its MP studies. It is thought that such pots were originally produced by the gods to gather up knowledge relating to the various powers throughout the world. They love watching humans use MP, often following around and befriending those who do so.
FFBE 347 King Magi Pot
King Magi Pot
No. 347
★★★★★ Enhancer Utility Arena Summon
Arena reward
Raid reward
A form of pot which all magi pots strive to become. It carries around a thick magic tome as it is constantly thinking about MP. Some say they were created by the gods to wander the world gathering information on various powers, but the truth isn't well understood. They are incredibly curious about MP, and once they find a human using magic or other skills, they can't help but run towards them to get a closer look.
FFBE 348 Mini Power Pot
Mini Power Pot
No. 348
★★★ Enhancer Utility Arena Summon
Arena reward
Raid reward
A grown-up mini power pot. They store all the knowledge they have obtained relating to ATK within their pot. They carry around a great sword, never missing a chance to train themselves. It is thought that such pots were originally produced by the gods to gather up knowledge relating to the various powers throughout the world. It loves preparing for battle, and when it sees a potential powerful ally, it often follows them into battle.
FFBE 349 Power Pot
Power Pot
No. 349
★★★★ Enhancer Utility Arena Summon
Arena reward
Raid reward
A grown-up mini power pot. They store all the knowledge they have obtained relating to ATK within their pot. They carry around a great sword, never missing a chance to train themselves. It is thought that such pots were originally produced by the gods to gather up knowledge relating to the various powers throughout the world. It loves preparing for battle, and when it sees a potential powerful ally, it often follows them into battle.
FFBE 350 King Power Pot
King Power Pot
No. 350
★★★★★ Enhancer Utility Arena Summon
Arena reward
Raid reward
A form of pot which all power pots strive to become. It carries a great, splendid sword around, training with it night and day. Some say they were created by the gods to wander the world gathering information on various powers, but the truth isn't well understood. It loves a good fair fight, and greatly enjoys taking out its enemies with physical attacks. Even after becoming its ally, it still insists on challenging its partners to duels.
FFBE 351 Mini Shield Pot
Mini Shield Pot
No. 351
★★★ Enhancer Utility Arena Summon
Arena reward
Raid reward
A monster inside a blue pot. Nothing makes it happier than sharpening its defensive power, and it always carries around a shield. Little is known about these enigmatic creatures, but some believe they were created by the gods themselves to collect knowledge of the various powers existing in the world. Shield pots are obsessed with anything and everything relating to DEF, information relating to which they keep in their pots.
FFBE 352 Shield Pot
Shield Pot
No. 352
★★★★ Enhancer Utility Arena Summon
Arena reward
Raid reward
A grown-up mini shield pot. They store all the knowledge they have obtained relating to DEF within their pot. It carries around a big shield which it wields flawlessly in defending itself. It is thought that such pots were originally produced by the gods to gather up knowledge relating to the various powers throughout the world. It has a strange disposition, taking enjoyment out of using its shield to defend itself from violent attacks.
FFBE 353 King Shield Pot
King Shield Pot
No. 353
★★★★★ Enhancer Utility Arena Summon
Arena reward
Raid reward
A form of pot which all shield pots strive to become. It carries around a large shield, which offers it an exceedingly firm line of defense. Some say they were created by the gods to wander the world gathering information on various powers, but the truth isn't well understood. It takes great enjoyment in defending itself from heavy attacks, and regardless how violent the battle, it never hides or flees. There are many who are attracted to this tenacious creature.
FFBE 354 Mini Smart Pot
Mini Smart Pot
No. 354
★★★ Enhancer Utility Arena Summon
Arena reward
Raid reward
A monster inside a purple pot. Nothing makes it happier than sharpening its magic power, and it always carries around a magic cane. Little is known about these enigmatic creatures, but some believe they were created by the gods themselves to collect knowledge of the various powers existing in the world. Smart pots are obsessed with anything and everything relating to MAG, information relating to which they keep in their pots.
FFBE 355 Smart Pot
Smart Pot
No. 355
★★★★ Enhancer Utility Arena Summon
Arena reward
Raid reward
A grown-up mini smart pot. They store all the knowledge they have obtained relating to MAG within their pot. It carries around a wonderful cane, and is obsessed with increasing its own MAG. It is thought that such pots were originally produced by the gods to gather up knowledge relating to the various powers throughout the world. Though incredibly wise, looking down on the ignorant, it is very timid, and will hide in its pot if scared.
FFBE 356 King Smart Pot
King Smart Pot
No. 356
★★★★★ Enhancer Utility Arena Summon
Arena reward
Raid reward
A form of pot which all smart pots strive to become. It carries with it a splendid cane, and boasts some of the highest MAG around. Some say they were created by the gods to wander the world gathering information on various powers, but the truth isn't well understood. It likes talking more than any of the other kinds of pots, but can quickly become boring as it usually only talks about itself. However, it doesn't seem to care what is said in return as simply nodding and listening don't seem to bother it.
FFBE 357 Mini Soul Pot
Mini Soul Pot
No. 357
★★★ Enhancer Utility Arena Summon
Arena reward
Raid reward
A monster inside a silver pot. Nothing makes it happier than sharpening its spirit power, and is always meditating. Little is known about these enigmatic creatures, but some believe they were created by the gods themselves to collect knowledge of the various powers existing in the world. Soul pots are obsessed with anything and everything relating to SPR, information relating to which they keep in their pots.
FFBE 358 Soul Pot
Soul Pot
No. 358
★★★★ Enhancer Utility Arena Summon
Arena reward
Raid reward
A grown-up mini soul pot. They store all the knowledge they have obtained relating to SPR within their pot. It is in a constant state of peaceful meditation in order to properly preserve its spirit power. It is thought that such pots were originally produced by the gods to gather up knowledge relating to the various powers throughout the world. They often just sit around thinking, and are hardly ever heard speaking. Even when they are, it is usually to themselves.
FFBE 359 King Soul Pot
Mini Soul Pot
No. 359
★★★★★ Enhancer Utility Arena Summon
Arena reward
Raid reward
A form of pot which all soul pots strive to become. It is constantly sharpening its spirit energy, undisturbed by anything that happens around it. Some say they were created by the gods to wander the world gathering information on various powers, but the truth isn't well understood. It has no interest in others, and is unmoving regardless of what happens, thanks to its strong spiritual power. Even if it is suddenly introduced to a new environment, it is able to instantly adapt.
FFBE 365 Mercedes
No. 365
★★★★ Pirate Physical Damage Rare Summon
The young head of a pirate clan that patrols the seas around Olderion. She's not just a pretty face, boasting powerful axe-wielding strength and unshaken charisma that separates her from the rest of the ruffians. All this points to a past which, given the comparatively peaceful state of Olderion, is surrounded in mystery as to how and why she became a pirate.
FFBE 366 Mercedes
No. 366
★★★★★ Pirate Physical Damage Awoken
A female pirate boss located in Olderion. Those who dare to flaunt their style before her are quickly taken down by her axe. Even in Olderion, a country considered to be fairly prosperous, there exist poor areas. It is from these areas that she gathered ruffians to patrol the seas with her, usually preying on those who flaunt their wealth.
FFBE 367 Mercedes

No. 367
★★★★★★ Pirate Physical Damage Awoken
A pirate boss located in Olderion. Born to a wealthy merchant family, she lost all but a single ship when her family's business collapsed which she filled with criminal ruffians before beginning her life as a pirate. Her belief is that even the poor should be able to eat, and it is with this kind determination that she faces those who dare stand before her.
FFBE 383 Rain
No. 383
★★★★★★ Knight Physical Damage, Support Awoken
A knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt. Though usually preoccupied chasing girls, on his journey chasing after the Sworn Six of Paladia who attacked his homeland a gentler, more courageous side of him came through. At a young age he came in contact with the earth crystal, but little did he know that would become the catalyst that sealed his fate.
FFBE 384 Chizuru
No. 384
★★★★★★ Samurai Physical Attacker Awoken
Known as a samurai, she wields her blade out of loyalty for her master. She lived in accordance to the samurai code, and even after retiring she taught it to her children. However, after her daughter was taken in by the darkness, she left her family and master behind, instead deciding to take her own life by committing seppuku.
FFBE 385 Dark Fina
Dark Fina
No. 385
★★★★★ Dark Spirit Magic Damage Rare Summon
Fina's alternate form. This, it seems, is the true Fina, before she lost her memories...but since she is a vision, there is room to doubt this explanation. This Fina possesses powerful magic and a quick tongue — both mainly offensive. Yet behind her jibes and patronizing tone, one clearly senses a firm determination.
FFBE 386 Dark Fina
Dark Fina
No. 386
★★★★★★ Dark Spirit Magic Damage Awoken
Fina's alternate form, a powerful attack magic-wielding warrior. Though completely different from the mysterious-yet-adultlike girl Rain first came across, the sincerity she shows from time to time is just like the old Fina. She seems to yearn for being given power, as if she has some sort of mission that depends on it.
FFBE 387 Elle
No. 387
★★★ Soldier Tank, Physical Damage Rare Summon
A soldier for the Olderion Federation. Despite having average abilities, he has a competitive spirit and a stronger desire than most to protect others. He is engaged, but given his intense personality he is constantly worried he is pushing himself too far.
FFBE 388 Elle
No. 388
★★★★ Soldier Tank, Physical Damage Awoken
A soldier belonging to the Olderion Federation. Despite being of the Wardens of the Waters, he wasn't as intelligent or gifted with magic as his brother and sister were, so he instead trained his body, choosing the path of a soldier. Having once had an inferiority complex he didn't use to get along with his fellow soldiers, but now he has calmed down as a working soldier.
FFBE 389 Elle
No. 389
★★★★★ Soldier Tank, Physical Damage Awoken
A soldier defending the Olderion Federation. Bearing a great sense of duty, he is proud of his place as a soldier. He was born into a noble family, coming from the line of the Wardens of the Waters, a group of people who protect others with special powers. His brother was a military tactician and his sister was a priestess, but he chose a different path. He decided he would use his own strength to contribute as much as he could.
FFBE 390 Luka
No. 390
★★★★ Water Priestess Healing, Support Rare Summon
A water priestess charged with protecting the Olderion Federation. She has a deep bond with the water crystal, the incredible power of which she uses to cleanse the waters that protect the city from monsters. She also has two brothers, both of whom serve in protecting their country.
FFBE 391 Luka
No. 391
★★★★★ Water Priestess Healing, Support Awoken
A water priestess from the Olderion Federation. She has received the protection of the water crystal despite being so young, the power of which she uses to support the daily lives of her fellow citizens. Though kind and welcoming to all she comes across, she has dedicated her life to serving her people, and when the time comes she hides within her something that even her brothers couldn't match.
FFBE 392 Luka
No. 392
★★★★★★ Water Priestess Healing, Support Awoken
A citizen of the Olderion Federation, bestowed the position of water priestess. Her and all the members of her family are known as the "Wardens," people charged with protecting the water crystal, but as the water priestess she has the tremendous power of being able to wield the power of the water crystal, making her a pillar of Olderion society.
FFBE 393 Jake
No. 393
★★★ Mercenary Physical Damage Clear Invincible - Interior in Zoldaad
The leader of the rebel army opposing the Zoldaad Empire. A lighthearted man by nature, Jake is even more easily swayed by women than Rain. However, he hides a fierce resolution within to protect those who suffer from oppression. When Jake first met Rain and his comrades, he made use of his sly and cunning to manipulate them into doing his bidding. These resourceful qualities, among others, are what make him such an efficient leader.
FFBE 394 Jake
No. 394
★★★★ Mercenary Physical Damage Awoken
The man leading the people of the rebel army fighting against the oppressive Zoldaad Empire. Jake is a well seasoned warrior who used Rain and his companions to his own ends, albeit without any malice behind his motives. Always seeking to aid the defenseless, he is rarely apologetic about the soft spot he has developed for the ladies.
FFBE 395 Jake
No. 395
★★★★★ Mercenary Physical Damage Awoken
A man who befriended Rain and his companions whilst opposing the oppressive Zoldaad Empire. Jake always defends the little people and stands by what is righteous, condemning the powerful who prey upon the weak. He never fails to defend any ladies in his presence, and treats Rain and Lasswell as if they were his own children. Occasionally, he will also impart some words of wisdom befitting his age.
FFBE 401 Soleil
No. 401
★★★★ Dancer Support Rare Summon
A young woman who served as a dancer in the front lines during the war. Soleil's bewitching dances not only serve to comfort the hearts of soldiers on the field, but the different magical properties tied to each dance help unlock their innermost potential as well. In battle she wields the throwing weapon known as the chakram, though being a pacifist at heart she prefers to use it as a part of her dance routine rather than for hurting others.
FFBE 402 Soleil
No. 402
★★★★★ Dancer Support Awoken
A young woman with unique dancing skills that bolster the fighting spirit. Since ancient times dancers have been tasked with a crucial role on the battlefield. However, unlike her ancestors, Soleil is more fond of the actual dancing than the fighting aspect of her job. Ironically enough, the genuine joy she feels while performing makes the effects of her dances even more potent, making her an invaluable asset on the field.
FFBE 403 Soleil
No. 403
★★★★★★ Dancer Support Awoken
A dancer who uses her skills to magnify the fighting power of warriors. Soleil was born into a family of dancers whose job was to serve as support for soldiers on the battlefield. Pure of heart, she grew up loving dance until she finally learned the original purpose behind her unique skills. This is said to have upset her so greatly that she almost lost her ability to dance. The grief she felt upon realizing that her passion was meant to be used as a tool of war then crystallized in form of a vision.
FFBE 404 Lawrence
No. 404
★★★ Warrior Physical Damage Rare Summon
A knight from the Kingdom of Grandshelt. Although fairly close in age to Rain and his friends, as a late bloomer Lawrence never stood out much within his order. Nonetheless, he never minded it enough to let it affect his good rapport with Rain and Lasswell. On the field he leads a commando unit and fights gracefully with a rapier type blade.
FFBE 405 Lawrence
No. 405
★★★★ Warrior Physical Damage Awoken
A knight from the Kingdom of Grandshelt who has lead many experienced soldiers into battle. Lawrence is quite a skilled warrior that seldom uses his abilities to their full extent. His closeness in age to Rain and his friends has helped them to establish a friendly relationship as peers who may share supper now and again. On the other hand, his bad habit of conjuring roses through the sleight of hand to flirt with women have made him quite infamous in the eyes of stalwart female knights such as Charlotte.
FFBE 406 Lawrence
No. 406
★★★★★ Warrior Physical Damage Awoken
A knight from the Kingdom of Grandshelt who lead a commando unit composed of experienced warriors. Although Lawrence's shallow attitude and womanizing tendencies may make him seem unworthy of knighthood, these traits are superficial at best. Deep down he is a warrior loyal to his homeland who admires Rain and his comrades for their courage to set out on their journey. Proof of this admiration lies in his vision, which sprung from it.
FFBE 409 Shine
No. 409
★★★★ Spy Physical Damage Rare Summon
A maid who works for the emperor of Zoldaad, the empire that forever burns bright. A callous woman, in truth she is an expert at retrieving confidential information that she then shares with the rebel army opposing the empire, or with whomever pays enough money to procure it. Shine is actually one of the many false identities she has created over the years to carry out her business.
FFBE 410 Shine
No. 410
★★★★★ Spy Physical Damage Awoken
A woman with various personas that include a maid who works for the emperor of Zoldaad, and a bar showgirl. Shine is a professional at using her numerous identities to gather intelligence regarding the political state of the empire. Knowing that information can fetch a hefty price in a nation suffering from instability, she sells whatever intel she gathers to whoever offers money for it. The real identity behind the mysterious vision that spawned after she decided to do away with her emotions, however, remains unknown.
FFBE 411 Shine
No. 411
★★★★★★ Spy Physical Damage Awoken
A woman indifferent to others who makes a living from selling confidential information about the political instability of the Zoldaad Empire through any means necessary. Having done away with any emotional attachments, Shine often finds herself unable to recall her own upbringing. Many believe her vision sprung forth from the immense pride she has in her own abilities to carry out intelligence gathering missions.
FFBE 412 Shera
No. 412
★★★ Crown Prince Physical Damage, Support Rare Summon
The first prince of the Zoldaad Empire, and the young man next in line for the imperial throne. Shera is a kind soul with sound judgment who has his doubts about the current militaristic aspirations of the empire. Unfortunately, his quiet personality and high regard for his subjects' well being are regarded as nothing more than weakness in the eyes of the dictatorial emperor and his militant officials.
FFBE 413 Shera
No. 413
★★★★ Crown Prince Physical Damage, Support Awoken
The crown prince of the militant empire of Zoldaad. Still in the process of learning how to best rule a nation, Shera has his doubts about whether to use force upon his subjects to bend them to the empire's will, or directly reach out to them to gain their favor. His skills with the sword are also part of the privileged education he has received as imperial royalty.
FFBE 414 Shera
No. 414
★★★★★ Crown Prince Physical Damage, Support Awoken
The crown prince of the militaristic nation that is the Zoldaad Empire. Skeptical about the empire's extensive use of its military prowess to rule the nation, Shera has created alliances with various people behind the scenes to insure the happiness and wellbeing of his people. One such person is the rebel army's Jake, who is currently fighting the oppression of the empire's military forces. Shera's actions make it apparent that he yearns to be recognized as his own man.
FFBE 415 Marie
No. 415
★★★★★ Green Mage Support Rare Summon
A skilled green mage from Mysidia. Although most of the mages of her homeland, including those who are prominent, are considered to be strange characters in their own right, Marie stands out among them due to her unusually boisterous and energetic personality. Rumor has it that the comrades she supports in battle even enjoy watching her taunt the enemy after she has enfeebled them with her magic.
FFBE 416 Marie
No. 416
★★★★★★ Green Mage Support Awoken
One of the most proficient green mages in all of Mysidia. Marie is extremely intelligent and incredibly well versed in magic, although her personality is quite eccentric. Yet another side of her, however, shows just how obsessed she is with discovering how green magic can push the boundaries of the human body. Behind all of her unusual behavior lies a calculating and logical mind that seeks to understand how much the heart of a person who has been strengthened with magic can take, as well as how low a person who has been enfeebled can fall.
FFBE 424 Lasswell
No. 424
★★★★★★ Knight Physical Damage Awoken
A knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt who was raised alongside Rain by Rain's father, Sir Raegen, who also trained Lasswell in various skills. Out of respect for everything he had been given, he has a tendency to worry about Rain and his wellbeing, though he seems to be hiding some dreams and hopes of his own.
FFBE 445 Sozhe
No. 445
★★★★ Emperor Physical Damage, Tanking Rare Summon
The ruler of the Zoldaad Empire. By the time that Rain and his companions visit his nation, Emperor Sozhe has already begun using the overwhelming power of his army to run the empire as a dictatorship, causing civil unrest in the process. Whereas the reasons behind his sudden and forceful implementation of a dictatorial regime remain a mystery, he was once known for his efficiency in ruling Zoldaad, despite its lack of natural resources.
FFBE 446 Sozhe
No. 446
★★★★★ Emperor Physical Damage, Tanking Awoken
The ruler of the militant Zoldaad Empire. Emperor Sozhe was a wise and capable ruler who sought to make the best out of his nation's situation, regardless of its lack of natural resources. Unfortunately, however, his resolution to keep his empire afloat at any cost was such that he allowed himself to be manipulated by evil. The Emperor Sozhe that Rain and his friends meet when they reach Zoldaad has already embraced the wickedness in his heart.
FFBE 447 Sozhe
No. 447
★★★★★★ Emperor Physical Damage, Tanking Awoken
The ruler of the politically unstable militant Zoldaad Empire, and a man with several connections to a number of Rain's allies. As thoughtful as he was strict, Emperor Sozhe doted his children with affection. Unfortunately, the pressure of his responsibilities as a ruler ultimately steered him in the opposite direction, changing his personality. His vision is a representation of the fierce dedication he once had for protecting both his family and his nation.
FFBE 448 Heltich
No. 448
★★★ Black Mage Magic Damage Rare Summon
An apprentice of black magic who once studied in Mysidia. Heltich is a proficient mage who used spells from an ancient tome he inherited to transfer magical power into organic bodies in hopes of strengthening them. His attempts lead to the birth of a beast, and instead of being frightened by the results, this incited him to create even more of them. These events ultimately lead to his expulsion from Mysidia by Sakura and her cohorts.
FFBE 449 Heltich
No. 449
★★★★ Black Mage Magic Damage Awoken
A former pupil of Mysidia with the ability to strengthen organic bodies by transferring magical power into them. Although Heltich's original intentions were to grant power to the weak, his research lead to the birth of dangerous beasts that subsequently caused his expulsion from Mysidia. Later he would meet a young woman with berserker abilities who helped him gain new insight.
FFBE 450 Heltich
No. 450
★★★★★ Black Mage Magic Damage Awoken
A man who sought to give the talentless and weak an opportunity to gain their own power through his abilities. Hating human sacrifices, Heltich decided to carry out his experimental spells on animals, resulting in the birth of various beasts. The infamy he gained from this lead to his exile from Mysidia, although he never lost sight of his objective. Currently he studies the nature of berserkers to the same end.
FFBE 451 Aileen
No. 451
★★★★★ Machinist Physical Damage, Support Rare Summon
A machine engineer from Dilmagia who specializes in weaponry. Aileen develops weapons of a smaller, more personal scale than those mounted on the airships constructed in her hometown. Currently, she travels across the world polishing her skills in combat and claims that there is a weapon for everyone.
FFBE 452 Aileen
No. 452
★★★★★★ Machinist Physical Damage, Support Awoken
A machinist who designs technical weapons and small arms. Although Aileen's home may be Dilmagia, she decided to leave on a journey of self-improvement after being tasked to create weapons for the airships constructed there. Shortly afterwards, she was offered a job manufacturing weapons in large numbers for the militant empire of Zoldaad, which she took as an insult to her craftsmanship, immediately refusing the post.
FFBE 453 Ulrica
No. 453
★★★ Berserker Physical Damage Rare Summon
A young woman with berserker abilities that allow her to unleash her innermost potential through a trance when faced with mortal danger on the battlefield. Although usually quite gentle in nature, Ulrica goes into an involuntary and aggressive frenzy after spotting anyone she considers an enemy. She makes a living by using her skills as a bodyguard for others, but even she fears the state of her own health.
FFBE 454 Ulrica
No. 454
★★★★ Berserker Physical Damage Awoken
A berserker who loses her consciousness after going into a battle trance that quickly enhances her physical abilities on the field. Ulrica's genetic abilities cause her to black out directly before and after each battle, jumbling her memory and impairing her logical reasoning. The lack of memories of her own life made her afraid of herself until she received the aid of a certain black mage.
FFBE 455 Ulrica
No. 455
★★★★★ Berserker Physical Damage Awoken
A young woman with berserker abilities running through her blood that activate in the presence of mortal danger to awaken her dormant potential. Ulrica was abandoned by her family due to her particular condition, and was forced to wander the land by herself without the slightest memory of her parents. However, one day a black mage who could clarify her predicament appeared. Claiming that her condition stems from an imbalance of magical power, and not spiritual power, he is currently doing everything in his power to help her.
FFBE 464 Sakura
No. 464
★★★ Sage Physical Damage, Magic Damage, Support Clear Magic Library in Mysidia
A mage Rain and his companions met in Zoldaad. Sakura's childlike appearance hides the fact that she is well over 700 years old, as well as the main leader behind the founding of Mysidia. Her age shows in her dignified manner of speaking, and she has earned the respect of all the mages in the nation for her incredible magical prowess. Curiously, her true identity remains a mystery to those around her.
FFBE 465 Sakura
No. 465
★★★★ Sage Physical Damage, Magic Damage, Support Awoken
The mage who founded Mysidia. Although Sakura maintains the physical appearance of a young girl despite being more than 700 years old, she trained the mages of the nation she established whilst attempting to protect the world from the shadows by foiling the plans of the many Veritas. Even more intriguing, she also seems to share a close relationship with Sir Raegen, Rain's father. Believing that Rain and his friends are destined to save the world, she has taken it upon herself to act as their guardian.
FFBE 466 Sakura
No. 466
★★★★★ Sage Physical Damage, Magic Damage, Support Awoken
A mage originating from Paladia who was witness to the war between Aldore and Hess more than 700 years past. Sakura once donned the armor that earned her the name of Veritas of the Bolt seeking to return to her home world. However, in time she learned to make her peace with the people of Lapis by living among them, and now opposes the ambitions of the other Veritas.
FFBE 469 Wilhelm
No. 469
★★★★★ General Tanking, Support Rare Summon
A general of the Zoldaad Empire. Wilhelm wears extremely heavy armor, and once boasted of the title of Imperial Shield for his efforts on the field. Although he was in charge of the empire's Magitek squadron, everything changed when Zoldaad began implementing dictatorial practices into their government. Following this, his superiors saw to his removal from any crucial missions, and expelled him to a remote location.
FFBE 470 Wilhelm
No. 470
★★★★★★ General Tanking, Support Awoken
A general of the militant empire of Zoldaad. Wilhelm has served Sozhe, the emperor of Zoldaad, for many years, having shared countless battles by his side as his comrade in arms. He is well acquainted with the emperor's past, and thinks of the crowned prince Shera as his own son. However, recently he has been kept from participating in pivotal missions for reasons unknown.
FFBE 471 Grace
No. 471
★★★★ Magitek Soldier Physical Damage Rare Summon
A woman in charge of the empire of Zoldaad's Magitek squadron. Grace seems to be void of emotion, and gives the impression of being manipulated by someone else from the shadows. She was originally a member of the rebellion against the empire, but was captured and made into a mechanized soldier by a genius yet evil scientist who was able to draw out her abilities.
FFBE 472 Grace
No. 472
★★★★★ Magitek Soldier Physical Damage Awoken
The woman currently in charge of Zoldaad's Magitek squadron, the empire's most dominant forces. A scientist working under the emperor used people like Grace, a captured soldier from the rebel army, to create fully mechanized soldiers for their Magitek squadron. Since she still retains the same physical appearance she was captured in, she has been used to trick her former rebel army comrades into thinking she remains their ally.
FFBE 473 Grace
No. 473
★★★★★★ Magitek Soldier Physical Damage Awoken
A cyborg in command of the militant empire of Zoldaad's Magitek squadron. Grace's original position as a pivotal member of the group rebelling against the empire has served to compromise the rebel army's resolve to fight as they face off against their former comrade. She also shared a close relationship with the mercenary Abel, further complicating the rebel army's execution of their plans.
FFBE 474 Abel
No. 474
★★★ Mercenary Physical Damage, Support Rare Summon
A veteran member of the Raven, the group behind the rebellion against the empire of Zoldaad. Abel has been friends with Jake, the leader of the rebel army, for quite some time. Naturally, the rest of his comrades are rather fond of his sociable attitude as well. However, when tragedy struck after a fellow member of the rebel army was captured and brainwashed, he went on a suicidal rampage.
FFBE 475 Abel
No. 475
★★★★ Mercenary Physical Damage, Support Awoken
A veteran member of the rebel army opposing the militant rule of the Zoldaad Empire. Abel is such a capable soldier that he has earned leader Jake's trust. However, being deeply in touch with his emotions has caused him to lose composure at the sight of the countless tragedies that have befallen his country, and after witnessing his lover being turned into a mechanized soldier by the empire.
FFBE 476 Abel
No. 476
★★★★★ Mercenary Physical Damage, Support Awoken
A veteran member of the Raven, the rebel army opposing the Zoldaad Empire, and a highly emotional man. Following Jake's departure from Zoldaad, Abel sought to return to the man he had once been by helping to re-establish a just empire from the shadows. Now he aids the unfortunate who cry for help while devoting his best efforts to accelerating the recovery of his lover, who had previously been made into a mechanized soldier by the former militant empire.
FFBE 477 Jean
No. 477
★★★ Gunner Physical Damage Rare Summon
A member of the rebel organization known as the Raven currently opposing the militant empire of Zoldaad. After losing her parents to the horrors of war, Jean grew up learning from Jake and the other members of the rebel army, and took up arms in hopes of helping her brothers and sisters with their cause. Quick to adapt in battle, she is currently an active member of secret tactical maneuvers being executed by the group.
FFBE 478 Jean
No. 478
★★★★ Gunner Physical Damage Awoken
A young member of the Raven, the rebel army opposing the Zoldaad Empire. Jean considers the older members of the organization, such as Jake, Grace, and Abel to be her siblings. Although still tender of age, her reasonable judgment and skills in battle make her a valuable asset to leader Jake, who makes the best of her abilities by sending her on infiltration and reconnaissance missions.
FFBE 479 Jean
No. 479
★★★★★ Gunner Physical Damage Awoken
A member of the rebel army known as the Raven that opposes the Zoldaad Empire, and an expert in firearms and intel gathering. Jean made the best of her ability to make logical decisions with sound judgment by reaching out and supporting the people in each corner of the empire after Jake left Zoldaad with Rain and his companions. Currently, she is also gathering intel in hopes of returning her friend Grace to her normal self after having been brainwashed by the former militant empire.
FFBE 493 Beach Time Fina
Beach Time Fina
No. 493
★★★★ White Magus Healing, Support Rare Summon
A young girl who emerged from an earth crystal. Because she has amnesia, she relies on impulse to guide her actions, which can often cause trouble for her comrades. Having woken in a strange world without her memories, she struggles with confusion and anxiety, but displays great inner strength in joining Rain and Lasswell on their quest.
FFBE 494 Beach Time Fina
Beach Time Fina
No. 494
★★★★★ White Magus Healing, Support Awoken
A young girl who emerged from an earth crystal, whose mysterious identity seems to tie her to the origins of the world. Pure of heart, Fina possesses an innocent nature and an insatiable curiosity about her surroundings. Her childlike behavior, in part the product of memory loss, may also stem from her original, lost personality.
FFBE 495 Beach Time Fina
Beach Time Fina
No. 495
★★★★★★ White Magus Healing, Support Awoken
A young girl who emerged from an earth crystal. As a warrior of Hess, Fina once used her immense magical powers as a weapon, but currently channels them as white magic to help others for reasons unknown. Although her new personality is much more innocent and kind than that of her past, the desire for peace she has felt since ancient times remains unchanged.
FFBE 496 Seabreeze Dark Fina
Seabreeze Dark Fina
No. 496
★★★★★ Dark Spirit Magic Damage Rare Summon
Fina's alternate form. This, it seems, is the true Fina, before she lost her memories...but since she is a vision, there is room to doubt this explanation. This Fina possesses powerful magic and a quick tongue — both mainly offensive. Yet behind her jibes and patronizing tone, one clearly senses a firm determination.
FFBE 497 Seabreeze Dark Fina
Seabreeze Dark Fina
No. 497
★★★★★★ Dark Spirit Magic Damage Awoken
Fina's alternate form, a powerful attack magic-wielding warrior. Though completely different from the mysterious-yet-adultlike girl Rain first came across, the sincerity she shows from time to time is just like the old Fina. She seems to yearn for being given power, as if she has some sort of mission that depends on it.
FFBE 498 Summer Lid
Summer Lid
No. 498
★★★ Airship Tech Physical Damage, Support Rare Summon
An airship engineer from Dirnado, who grew from a kid toying with machines in her parents' workshop to the finest engineer in the Industrial City. Lid is determined to inherit the name Cid, an honor granted only to the greatest in her trade. Her only serious flaw seems to be her love of money.
FFBE 499 Summer Lid
Summer Lid
No. 499
★★★★ Airship Tech Physical Damage, Support Awoken
An airship engineer from Dirnado. Lid had an interest in machinery from childhood, but it wasn't until her older brother began showing her the ropes (and gears) that her aptitude blossomed into real talent. Her most treasured possession is her robot chocobo named Mechabo, which she and her brother built together. She became even more attached to Mechabo when her brother left home.
FFBE 500 Summer Lid
Summer Lid
No. 500
★★★★★ Airship Tech Physical Damage, Support Awoken
An airship engineer who is paving the way to a new era. Unfortunately for Lid, her older brother was the one to inherit the Cid name she so coveted, after he left home. Regardless, she single-handedly renovated the desolate workshop her brother had abandoned, using the first Cid and his philosophy of freedom as her inspiration. Lid now seeks to become the embodiment of her hero as she travels with Rain.
FFBE 511 King Metal Minituar
King Metal Minituar
No. 511
★★★★ EXP Unit Utility Free Summon (event)
Arena Summon
Raid Summon
Bundle purchase
A group of metal minituars that shine elegantly in sparkling silver. Always traveling in groups of three, the amount of experience this cluster provides exceeds that of even the metal gigantuar. Although the amount of experience each species of cactuar holds was initially attributed to their size, the existence of the king metal minituar altered that perspective. Scholars are currently struggling with the invalidation of their original theory.
FFBE 512 Gil Snapper Family
Gil Snapper Family
No. 512
★★★★ Gil Unit Utility Free Summon (event)
Raid Summon
A type of turtle with a jewel encrusted shell that shines in splendor. Many speculate that the mini gil snapper with such elegant stones on its shell is riding atop its equally radiant mother. However, since little is known concerning the reproduction of gil snappers, this theory has yet to be proven. The mysteries srrounding the gil snapper family make it a highly coveted subject for research, and its value in gil far surpasses that of the king gil snapper as well.
FFBE 513 Fohlen
No. 513
★★★★★ Chocobo Knight Physical Damage, Support Summon
An eccentric knight who fights atop a chocobo. Fohlen wears flexible and adjustable armor that allows him to wander around the world working as a mercenary for hire. Chocobos are usually used as a means of transportation and as a tool for cultivating the land, whilst most military forces prefer airships to carry out their duties. For this reason, chocobo knights are often frowned upon, making their numbers scarce.
FFBE 514 Fohlen
No. 514
★★★★★★ Chocobo Knight Physical Damage, Support Awoken
A knight that combines his strength as a warrior with the swiftness of his chocobo. Chocobo knights make for chivalrous and heroic figures in battle, but Fohlen didn't learn his true purpose until he set out on a journey of self-discovery with his feathery partner. He learned every single fighting skill he knows firsthand by vanquishing beasts in order to cover for his traveling expenses. A free-spirit by nature, Fohlen allows very little to ruffle his feathers.
FFBE 515 Amelia
No. 515
★★★★ Maid Physical Damage, Support Rare Summon
A maid who serves the imperial court of Zoldaad. Amelia works as a regular maid in service of the crown prince Shera, although this is just a cover to hide her true identity. Formerly known as "Dual Gunner Amelia" during her times as a mercenary, she will not hesitate to use her twin pistols against any who dare lay a finger on her prince.
FFBE 516 Amelia
No. 516
★★★★★ Maid Physical Damage, Support Awoken
A maid who serves the court of the militant empire of Zoldaad, but Prince Shera in particular. Amelia is a former mercenary with experience fighting in the front lines who established herself in the empire amidst rumors of military action. An extremely talented markswoman, she has been entrusted with Shera's protection, as he is the most valuable asset of the empire. She now works for him as his confidant knowing that he is the only noble who can gather the support of other nations behind the scenes.
FFBE 517 Amelia
No. 517
★★★★★★ Maid Physical Damage, Support Awoken
A maid in the service of the imperial family of Zoldaad. Amelia was once a mercenary who fought alongside Jake, a gunner like herself. In fact, it was Jake who arranged for her to handle the crown prince Shera's protection from the shadows. Her upbringing on the battlefield made it difficult for her to settle into her cover as a simple maid, but she has grown quite proficient at her new job. Rumor has it she makes quite the exquisite tea.
FFBE 518 Ilias
No. 518
★★★★ Chemist Healing, Support Rare Summon
A salve-maker who wanders the world treating people's illnesses. Although many prefer to use more contemporary methods such as magic to treat the ill and the wounded, Ilias has always turned to nature in order to make organic concoctions to the same end. He may not serve for brute force in battle, but his resilient attitude and wide knowledge of various types of medicine have seen him through his journey.
FFBE 519 Ilias
No. 519
★★★★★ Chemist Healing, Support Awoken
A salve-maker who wanders the world freely. Ilias has devoted himself to creating medicinal remedies that everyone can have easy access to without having to rely on magical recovery methods. The root for his motivation lies in the stories he heard as a child, where the salve-maker Mel sacrificed her own body to further research the effects of her concoctions. Like Mel, Ilias has come to show a sense of self-sacrifice himself as he follows in her footsteps.
FFBE 520 Ilias
No. 520
★★★★★★ Chemist Healing, Support Awoken
A salve-maker who travels the world in search of ingredients to create new concoctions that can help people of all kinds. Prince Shera invited Ilias to join his own personal forces, a squadron operating in secrecy within the Zoldaad Empire, to put his strong motivation and talents to good use. There he gained powerful companions with whom he accomplished a number of rigorous missions by playing the crucial role of their logistical support during battle.
FFBE 521 Camille
No. 521
★★★ Swordsman Physical Damage Rare Summon
A novice mercenary seeking to further hone her skills. Although most novice warriors who seek to quickly improve their fighting skills join the army or become knights under the wing of their nation, Camille chose to gain experience by relentlessly vanquishing beasts on her own. Her hard work has gained her the admiration of various veteran mercenaries who have seen her in action.
FFBE 522 Camille
No. 522
★★★★ Swordsman Physical Damage Awoken
A mercenary who is gradually becoming more popular thanks to her resilience. Camille's fast improvement in the art of battle cannot be solely attributed to her genuine desire to become stronger, but also to her astonishingly quick learning rate. Although she initially held no interest for international affairs, her missions on the field opened her eyes to the suffering of the people. This sprung within her the desire to begin protecting others.
FFBE 523 Camille
No. 523
★★★★★ Swordsman Physical Damage Awoken
A novice mercenary of great talent. Camille's desire to protect others sprung from the people she witnessed suffering as she carried out her missions. Recognizing her resilient personality and determination, Amelia from the Zoldaad Empire invited her to join a special group of warriors as their commander to carry out missions for the imperial family whilst traveling the world.
FFBE 540 Lunera
No. 540
★★★★★ Archer Magic Damage, Support Rare Summon
A girl of the elven tribe which once lived in an underground castle in Gronoa. Like dwarves, elves are highly intelligent, and hold powers that no other race has. Though because of their love for nature they despise humans who dare to harm it, her feelings were changed by the war that happened long, long ago.
FFBE 541 Lunera
No. 541
★★★★★★ Archer Magic Damage, Support Awoken
A long-lost girl from an elvan tribe, endowed with both intelligence and magical powers. In the land currently known as Gronoa, she was once a powerful soldier who led a squad with her husband Bran. She was much more tolerant than her conservative husband, and it said that while she was alive she sometimes even met with people from other races.
FFBE 542 Bran
No. 542
★★★★ Warrior Physical Damage, Support Rare Summon
The head soldier of an elven tribe, especially talented in literary and military arts. Long ago, he lived in an underground castle in Gronoa where he was in charge of rounding up survivors from a tragedy which had befallen them. Though the typically strict, law-abiding and conservative elves disliked other races like humans and dwarves, it appears he had a sweet spot for their arts.
FFBE 543 Bran
No. 543
★★★★★ Warrior Physical Damage, Support Awoken
A member of an elven tribe, strictly devoted to protecting their elven traditions. In love with nature, distrusting of other races, and devoted to protecting the law, he was in charge of governing one of the elven colonies scattered across the land. 700 years ago, one by one the elven colonies were blown away by the war of Paladia, and the miasma which followed took the lives of his wife Lunera as well as the rest of his brethren, leaving him alone.
FFBE 544 Bran
No. 544
★★★★★★ Warrior Physical Damage, Support Awoken
Leader of the elves, a race that values law and tradition. Living in an underground castle in the land of Gronoa he was cut off from all other races, but through trading art with others and meeting with the dwarf Ruggles, his frozen heart began to thaw. Under the care of his friend Ruggles, it is said he was able to peacefully return to the nature he loved so much.
FFBE 545 Helena
No. 545
★★★★ Adventurer Support Rare Summon
An self-proclaimed adventurer, travelling the world in search of romance. Having read the legendary explorer Montana's auto-biography, "Montana's Adventure Log," at a young age, she decided to follow in his footsteps and become an adventurer herself, at which time she left her hometown. Though not particularly adeept at fighting, her quick wittedness has somehow helped her to continue along on her journey.
FFBE 546 Helena
No. 546
★★★★★ Adventurer Support Awoken
A girl who, in following in the footsteps of the legendary adventurer Montana, stepped foot into Gronoa a little before Rain and his friends where she then began investigating. Upon examining an underground castle, accompanied by a mercenary named Camille, she came across the dwelling an elven couple of the nowadays rarely seen elven race, as well as an important document detailing one of their friends.
FFBE 547 Helena
No. 547
★★★★★★ Adventurer Support Awoken
An adventurer traveling all around the world. Though following in the footsteps of a legendary explorer, along with the mercenary Camille she came across something in an underground castle greater than anything the man she looked up to could have found. The stories she discovered, those of Bran and Lunera of the elves, as well as their friend, the dwarf Ruggles, would come to be known by everyone around the world.
FFBE 548 Ruggles
No. 548
★★★ Blacksmith Physical Damage, Support Rare Summon
A dwarf that found himself lost and alone long ago in the land of Gronoa. Having collapsed due to hunger and the surrounding miasma, he was rescued by Lunera, an elf who was living by, and soon began a friendship with her husband, Bran. Though much like the hard-working dwarves of today, having strayed for so long from his friends, his dwarfish optimism had begun to fade.
FFBE 549 Ruggles
No. 549
★★★★ Blacksmith Physical Damage, Support Awoken
A dwarf blacksmith who was saved by an elven couple long ago after finding himself all alone on the continent of Gronoa. Though he spoke in a bright manner similar to the dwarves of today, he had a serious personality, well aware of his crime in having committed to war efforts by creating weapons, which he dedicating himself to making atonement for.
FFBE 550 Ruggles
No. 550
★★★★★ Blacksmith Physical Damage, Support Awoken
A dwarf who wandered around Gronoa after being separated from his brethren when Paladia was split during the war which took place 700 years ago in Paladia. He developed a friendship with an elven couple which was initially strained, but in the end did all he could for them as they found themselves threatened by the miasma. The results of his works are still visible in the underground passages below Gronoa.
FFBE 560 Trust Moogle
Trust Moogle
No. 560
Enhancer Utility Raid Summon
A moogle holding a mysterious crystal. The crystal seems to hold within itself a mysterious power that connects the hearts of people. Since the crystal it holds is still small, it is thought that the trust moogle holding it is still weak, and still in training itself. However, it feels more strongly than anyone for those who search for the power of trust, and every day it earnestly does its best to carry out its job as well as it possibly can.
FFBE 573 Veritas of the Dark
Veritas of the Dark
No. 573
★★★★★ Veritas Physical Damage, Support Rare Summon
A member of the Sworn Six of Paladia who suddenly appeared before Rain and his friends to destroy the crystals. Claiming that humanity has committed grievous sins, Veritas of the Dark is determined to shatter all of the crystals found across the land. This ultimately leads Rain and his friends to set off on a journey to halt his plans.
FFBE 574 Veritas of the Dark
Veritas of the Dark
No. 574
★★★★★★ Veritas Physical Damage, Support Awoken
A member of the Sworn Six of Paladia bent on invading the world that Rain and his friends inhabit. Veritas of the Dark has faced Rain in battle on multiple occassions, and each time has displayed great martial expertise and an undying resolve to accomplish his goals. Only a handful of people know of his real motives, his past, and the identity hiding behind the dark armor.
FFBE 575 Veritas of the Flame
Veritas of the Flame
No. 575
★★★★★ Veritas Physical Damage, Support Rare Summon
An undogmatic man and one of the Six Sworn of Paladia who interfered with Rain and company's journey in Zoldaad. Not only is Veritas of the Flame extremely skilled in battle, but he is also a masterful blacksmith with a great curiosity for ancient weaponry. It would seem he shares strong ties with Lasswell's blade, Purple Lightning.
FFBE 576 Veritas of the Flame
Veritas of the Flame
No. 576
★★★★★★ Veritas Physical Damage, Support Awoken
One of the Sworn Six of Paladia who encountered Rain and his friends while they journeyed through Zoldaad. A large-hearted man who hardly concerns himself with insignificant things, Veritas of the Flame has unexpectedly shown an interest in watching Rain and Lasswell grow. Regardless, his desire to achieve his goals burns as brightly as the flames he summons forth, and he will stop at nothing to take the Fire Crystal from the hands of the Zoldaad Empire.
FFBE 577 Veritas of the Earth
Veritas of the Earth
No. 577
★★★★ Veritas Tanking Rare Summon
One of the Sworn Six of Paladia who encountered Rain and his friends while they journeyed through Mysidia. Deeming Fina as a worthy opponent, Veritas of the Earth has been pursuing her in hopes of facing her in battle. However, he quickly loses all hope of fighting a deserving opponent upon realizing that she has lost both her powers and memory. A proud man, he looks down on the weak, but assesses everything with collected composure.
FFBE 578 Veritas of the Earth
Veritas of the Earth
No. 578
★★★★★ Veritas Tanking Awoken
One of the Sworn Six of Paladia who encountered Rain and his friends while they journeyed through Mysidia. Although Veritas of the Earth regarded Fina as a worthy opponent once, he is very disappointed to find out she has lost her powers and memory. And yet, as a warrior he still shows an unnaturally keen interest in her person. A proud soldier of his native world Paladia, his ego can sometimes get the best of him.
FFBE 579 Veritas of the Earth
Veritas of the Earth
No. 579
★★★★★★ Veritas Tanking Awoken
One of the Sworn Six of Paladia who encountered Rain and his friends while they journeyed through Mysidia. Veritas of the Earth once admired Fina for her prowess as a warrior, and looked forward to facing her superior skills in battle someday. Unfortunately for him, however, she sided with Rain and his admiration turned into more of an unhealthy obsession. He was born from a noble family in his home of Paladia, and is said to have quickly climbed through the ranks of the Sworn Six.
FFBE 580 Victoria
No. 580
★★★★ Black Mage Magic Damage Rare Summon
A sorceress from long ago who paved the way for black mages in her home of the Magi Nation, Mysidia. Victoria was no less bizarre than the other inhabitants of Mysidia, as she too masked her questionable behavior under the guise of scientific research. Rumor has it that night after night she would collect the blood of young men, and then bathe in it to heighten her magical powers. As with other witches of legend, whether there is any truth behind these claims or not remains a mystery.
FFBE 581 Victoria
No. 581
★★★★★ Black Mage Magic Damage Awoken
A sorceress who laid the foundation for black magic research hundreds of years ago in the Magi Nation, Mysidia. Victoria was dubbed "the bewitching witch" by many who claimed that she conducted experiments on the young men she lured towards her, and then used her evil ways to turn each of them into her puppets. Although it is hard to separate fact from fiction, her magical ability at least was true enough.
FFBE 582 Victoria
No. 582
★★★★★★ Black Mage Magic Damage Awoken
A sorceress from a long line of black mages who conducted her own research in Mysidia hundreds of years ago. Many legends claim that Victoria was either a "bewitching witch," or a woman who enjoyed robbing young men of their blood, but none of these are true. She was actually a very caring teacher who went to great lengths in order to establish a good relationship with her countless pupils. In fact, they were the ones to lovingly dub her a "witch" for her strict, yet kind manner of teaching others.
FFBE 583 Timothy
No. 583
★★★ Sprite Support Rare Summon
A magical creature called a "sprite" that was known to dwell in the forests long ago. Although sprites like Timothy are only ever seen in fairy-tales nowadays, even scholars who specialize in the subject have yet to agree on whether they ever existed in the first place. However, the personality of this particular sprite who reappeared as a vision of his former self closely resembles that of the charmful tricksters so often heard from in fables.
FFBE 584 Timothy
No. 584
★★★★ Sprite Support Awoken
A sprite from times past who dwelled in a small village within the forest with other magical creatures. Recent discoveries have found that Timothy and many others like him lost their homes at the hands of humans, who sought to further expand their territories. Many believe that this traumatic experience is what caused him to return as a vision, but asking him directly yields no straight answers, as he jokingly evades the question every time.
FFBE 585 Timothy
No. 585
★★★★★ Sprite Support Awoken
A young sprite from ancient times who fought to protect his village as it faced utter destruction by human hands. Sprites such as Timothy have been said to be blessed with amazing longevity, usually making them much older than what their youthful appearance tends to indicate. Although many agree that sprites disappeared from the world when their homes were destroyed by mankind, some theories claim that they actually ceded their lands to humans out of pity. Feeling sorry for their short and delicate lives, sprites are said to watch over humanity in secret to this day.
FFBE 586 Moogle
No. 586
★★★★ Moogle Healing, Support Raid Summon
A moogle that serves King Mog in the Farplane, kupo! If you haven't heard, this moogle is a brave soul that has defeated many an enemy within the walls of the castle. An admirable warrior indeed, kupo! Moogles may be small and cute, but they hide tremendous and unimaginable power... You don't believe me? It's true, kupo!
FFBE 587 Moogle
No. 587
★★★★★ Moogle Healing, Support Awoken
A moogle that serves King Mog in the Farplane, kupo! This moogle is such a go-getter that it was even entrusted with King Mog's personal guard. That's not to say that our king needs any help with monsters though. King Mog can easily destroy most of them in the blink of an eye, kupo! That's why this little moogle is so eager for a chance to prove its true abilities. Adventure awaits, kupo!
FFBE 588 Moogle
No. 588
★★★★★★ Moogle Healing, Support Awoken
A moogle that serves King Mog in the Farplane, kupo! There are many strong moogles who guard the king, but this particular moogle has proved itself above all others. You have to believe me, kupo! Moogle has been a fierce protector of the castle for quite some time now. If you ask me though, I think it would much rather find a place where it can really prove its worth, kupo!
FFBE 600 Veritas of the Light
Veritas of the Light
No. 600
★★★★★ Veritas Hybrid Damage Rare Summon
One of the Sworn Six of Paladia who encountered Rain and his friends while they journeyed through Mysidia. Veritas of the Light is extremely proud, and her motivation for realizing the group's ambitions is far greater than that of any other member. After learning that Rain has joined Sakura's cause, she displays a deep resentment for the young knight and ruthlessly attacks him. The intensity of her feelings was such that it manifested into a vision, although she does not pride herself on this.
FFBE 601 Veritas of the Light
Veritas of the Light
No. 601
★★★★★★ Veritas Hybrid Damage Awoken
One of the Sworn Six of Paladia who encountered Rain and his friends while they journeyed through Mysidia. Not only is Veritas of the Light Sakura's older sister, but she also seems to have a connection with Sir Raegen, Rain's father. Once a warrior of noble intentions long ago, it wasn't until a certain event occurred that her purity turned into furious resentment. She regrets that her own feelings manifested into a vision of herself.
FFBE 602 Veritas of the Heavens
Veritas of the Heavens
No. 602
★★★★ Veritas Physical Damage Rare Summon
One of the Sworn Six of Paladia targeting the Wind Crystal located in Dirnado. Never making his intentions clear, Veritas of the Heavens only concerned himself with destroying the Crystal and obtaining the treasure sleeping within. When his true identity was revealed to be that of Lid's role model and hero, the young airship engineer suffered quite the shock.
FFBE 603 Veritas of the Heavens
Veritas of the Heavens
No. 603
★★★★★ Veritas Physical Damage Awoken
One of the Sworn Six of Paladia targeting the Wind Crystal who encountered Rain and his friends in Dirnado. The identity of the man behind the armor of Veritas of the Heavens seems to be that of none other than the first Cid, a legendary and widely respected airship engineer. It was he who refurbished the airship known as the Invincible with the help of Lid's brother, Evan.
FFBE 604 Veritas of the Heavens
Veritas of the Heavens
No. 604
★★★★★★ Veritas Physical Damage Awoken
One of the Sworn Six of Paladia who destroyed the Wind Crystal in order to claim the Heart of Babel hidden within it, and use it to make the airship known as the Invincible functional once again. Veritas of the Heavens is actually none other than the first Cid, a legendary airship engineer who many in the Industrial City of Dilmagia respect and admire.
FFBE 605 Veritas of the Waters
Veritas of the Waters
No. 605
★★★★ Veritas Magic Damage, Healing Rare Summon
One of the Sworn Six of Paladia who invaded Olderion. She used cruel and foul means to take the lives of many of Olderions citizens, including those of the family of Nichol, her longtime enemy. On the other hand, she has another gentle spoken side to her, though the source of this dangerous two-sided personality is unknown.
FFBE 606 Veritas of the Waters
Veritas of the Waters
No. 606
★★★★★ Veritas Magic Damage, Healing Awoken
One of the Sworn Six of Paladia who took aim at Olderion's water crystal. The traps she used and inhuman deeds she commited against the citizens were especially harsh even for one of the Sworn Six, and though she was particularly hated by Nichol for having taken his family, having had memories so strong that she was brought back as a vision could only mean there is some other story behind her actions.
FFBE 607 Veritas of the Waters
Veritas of the Waters
No. 607
★★★★★★ Veritas Magic Damage, Healing Awoken
One of the Sworn Six of Paladia who attacked the citizens of Olderion. Later, after meeting Rain and his friends again, she was completely different, establishing that she indeed had a split personality. Though she was still hated by Nichol for having killed his family, the two developed mixed feelings for each other after learning of her true identity.
FFBE 608 Charlotte
No. 608
★★★★★★ Knight Tanking, Support Awoken
A knight from Grandshelt who is of the same generation as Rain and Lasswell. She protects Grandshelt in their absence, and lends her power through her memories as a vision. Though anxious about her contemporary Rain, she seems to have mixed feels about the distance between herself and Raegen's two children, and prays for their safety.
FFBE 609 Hayate
No. 609
★★★★★★ Ninja Hybrid Damage, Support Awoken
A man who once led a clan of ninjas. His life ended with him still regretting having driven his younger sister Miyuki to pursue darkness out of jealousy for her talents. His appearance as a vision this time is like a reincarnation, and he seems to hope he can use his power to make things up to his younger sister.
FFBE 610 Guromu
No. 610
★★★ Swordsman Physical Damage Rare Summon
A ruffian nicknamed "the Thunder Blade," who ran around the world with his friend named "the Wind Spear." Though it is said he commited many thief-like acts tens of years before Rain's time, the accounts of him helping the weak made the legendary stories of him very popular. Still, what he was actually like remains a mystery.
FFBE 611 Guromu
No. 611
★★★★ Swordsman Physical Damage Awoken
A man nicknamed "the Thunder Blade" who ran around with his accomplice Aura, "the Wind Spear," saving the weak, and hacking down the strong. Known for their pompous way of talking, a story based on them became a huge hit as soon as they disappeared. Because of this, what they were really like is still shrowded in mystery.
FFBE 612 Guromu
No. 612
★★★★★ Swordsman Physical Damage Awoken
A ruffian warrior which tens of years ago ran about the world with his partner Aura, "the Wind Spear." Many books were based on them and their pompous ways of speaking and chivalrous thief-like ways, which are beloved by boys and girls. As a vision, he is still no match for his partner, just as it was written in the books.
FFBE 613 Aura
No. 613
★★★★ Warrior Physical Damage Rare Summon
A ruffian warrior who goes by the name "the Wind Spear," and travels the world with her companion Guromu, "the Thunder Blade." Though she lived many years before Rain's time, her vision was every bit as exaggerated as how she was written in the mystery full stories which would come to be read by boys and girls.
FFBE 614 Aura
No. 614
★★★★★ Warrior Physical Damage Awoken
Part of a two man group of ruffians that once ran around the world tens of years ago, she was nicknamed "the Wind Spear." Though she would often steal from the wealthy, she was a chivalrous thief in that she would also exterminate monsters for poor villages, but since she led such an unprecedented life, little is actually known about her.
FFBE 615 Aura
No. 615
★★★★★★ Warrior Physical Damage Awoken
A spear-wielding girl known as "the Wind Spear" who was part of a two man group of ruffians who would eventually become legends. Though they would take from the strong to aid the weak, their pompous ways of speaking and unprecedented lifestyle saw to it that as soon as they disappeared they became legends. She also seemed to really enjoy herself.
FFBE 637 Fina
No. 637
★★★★★★ White Magus Healing, Support Awoken
A young girl who emerged from an earth crystal. As a warrior of Hess, Fina once used her immense magical powers as a weapon, but currently channels them as white magic to help others for reasons unknown. Although her new personality is much more innocent and kind than that of her past, the desire for peace she has felt since ancient times remains unchanged.
FFBE 649 Loren
No. 649
★★★★★ Swordsman Physical Damage, Support EX Reward*(JP)
Rare Summon*(GL)
A knight captain, once known in Grandshelt as the twin blade general. Being already retired, outside of being strict on her successive knights, she seems to be acquainted with Rain's father Raegen. After the attack of the Veritas, she became curious about their movements, only to appear as her youthful self.
FFBE 650 Loren
No. 650
★★★★★★ Swordsman Physical Damage, Support Awoken
Once, before Rain's time, she led all Grandshelt's knights as the twin blade general, but now she only instructs her successors. Very lively, she was something of a "demon teacher" to Rain in his youth. Talented in both military and literary arts, and distraught at what the world is coming to, her strong visions manifested as a vision. This vision was of when she was a young knight.
FFBE 651 Ayaka
No. 651
★★★★★ White Mage Healing, Support Rare Summon
A white mage from the Kingdom of Pharm, she is highly relied upon being one of the few healers from a land full of monks and samurai. She was taught the art of magic by Sakura, and still holds her in high regards as her master to this day.
FFBE 652 Ayaka
No. 652
★★★★★★ White Mage Healing, Support Awoken
One of the few girls capable of using white magic from the Kingdom of Pharm. Though her and Sakura share a teacher-student relationship, with Ayaka trying to earn her master's favor with delicious candies every time they meet, Sakura things this is a bit much to deal with.
FFBE 653 Goken
No. 653
★★★★ Monk Physical Damage Rare Summon
A martial artist in command of eradicating monsters and patrolling the Kingdom of Pharm. Though blessed with talent and a good physique from a young age, though of by many as a prodigy, one day he was defeated by a travelling martial artist which shook him to his very core. Though he aims to defeat that person, there is still much he is unable to get over.
FFBE 654 Goken
No. 654
★★★★★ Monk Physical Damage Awoken
A martial artist from the Kingdom of Pharm. Though highly trusted and capable, responsible for investigating incidents and performing exterminations, he is secretly afraid of reapers type monsters like ghosts and skeletons, making it hard for him sometimes to complete his work. He appears to have a strong mind since this does not affect his fighting, but he still doesn't like ghost stories.
FFBE 655 Goken
No. 655
★★★★★★ Monk Physical Damage Awoken
A martial artist who leads others in investigating and dealing with monster-related incidents in the Kingdom of Pharm. Though he wants to be strong like the person who defeated him back when he was a proud and determined young man, he has some serious fears concerning ghosts and the like.
FFBE 656 Silvia
No. 656
★★★★ Spellblade Hybrid Damage Rare Summon
A girl once interested in both magic and becoming a knight of Grandshelt, she would go on to become one of Mysidia's spellblades. The power of the spellblade was thought to be special and only attainable by citizens of Mysidia, but as research has continued, now even outsiders can obtain it with proper training.
FFBE 657 Silvia
No. 657
★★★★★ Spellblade Hybrid Damage Awoken
A girl who, though born into a family of Grandshelt knights, would later move to Mysidia where she would come to obtain a magic sword. She was told by her family to bring her powers back and serve as a knight, but since she was not into how strict the life of a knight was, she decided to remain in Mysidia.
FFBE 658 Silvia
No. 658
★★★★★★ Spellblade Hybrid Damage Awoken
A girl who after studying to become a knight of Grandshelt, went on to become a spellblade in Mysidia. She was one to chase after her dreams, and a large part of the reason she decided to become a magic swordswoman was from her admiration for Rakshasa who she read about in stories when she was young. Her dream now is to somehow get to Ardra, home of the magic swordsmen.
FFBE 659 Kamui
No. 659
★★★ Samurai Physical Damage Rare Summon
A young samurai from the Kingdom of Pharm who protects his people. He is a little off compared to those around him, having taken to studying the now lost bushido from texts handed down over the generations. He is proud of his distant ancestors who would commit harakiri.
FFBE 660 Kamui
No. 660
★★★★ Samurai Physical Damage Awoken
A young boy who, in the Kingdom of Pharm with its distinctive culture, lives his day as a samurai, a people unique to the region. In a time when the culture of master and servant has faded, he swore an oath to his people, mainly carrying out monster eradications and investigations. Though proud in his job, he longs for the return of bushido. His way of speaking is also somewhat unusual.
FFBE 661 Kamui
No. 661
★★★★★ Samurai Physical Damage Awoken
A samurai who protects the people of the Kingdom of Pharm. He took a great interest in bushido after learning about his ancestors Shiki, dreaming of its revival. Though he is usually very serious about his job taking care of monsters and keeping the peace, there are times when, unable to make sense of it all, he just wants to commit harakiri.
FFBE 662 Yuri
No. 662
★★★ Ninja Physical Damage, Hybrid Damage Rare Summon
A descendant from a long line of ninjas in the Kingdom of Pharm, she is an optimistic girl who doesn't sweat the small stuff. Though a modern girl who often worries her family with her longing for other countries, her potential knows no limits, enabling her to wield her sickle and chain with ease.
FFBE 663 Yuri
No. 663
★★★★ Ninja Physical Damage, Hybrid Damage Awoken
Born into a family of ninjas who work in the shadows, she excels at ninjutsu and the sickle and chain, but not much else. She thinks that being a ninja is too old-fashioned, longing to be like the spies from the Zoldaad Empire. However, she is constantly being yelled at as despite having natural talent, she is always skipping out on her training.
FFBE 664 Yuri
No. 664
★★★★★ Ninja Physical Damage, Hybrid Damage Awoken
Despite being a descendant of a ninja family with a rich history, this modern girl rarely takes her training seriously. Though she longed to be like the spies from other nations, lately she has taken up interest in a ninja called Miyuki, a descendant of a samurai family who became absorbed in darkness. However, there was no awakening of any dark power for this bright girl and her endless positivity.
FFBE 683 Elfriede
No. 683
★★★★★ Swordsman Physical Damage Rare Summon
A blue haired swordswoman from Olderion. She is a capable mercenary, wielding a blade as long as she is tall. Though hard to believe from her kind demeanor, once in battle she holds nothing back, slicing through her enemies one by one. Where her journey is set to end is known by a very limited few.
FFBE 684 Elfriede
No. 684
★★★★★★ Swordsman Physical Damage Awoken
A blue haired swordswoman who carries a blade as long as she is tall. She hides her emotions behind her kind smile, and the only ones to ever come to know them are her enemies. Those who find themselves pierced by her blade come to see the dark anger that hides deep inside her eyes.
FFBE 685 Conrad
No. 685
★★★ Machinist Physical Damage Rare Summon
The current head of a noble family from Zoldaad. He watches over the treasured blade which was handed down through his family. The strange blade he carries on his back is said to vary in power depending on the strength of the memories of he who wields it. And so it is told that this treasured blade has the power not only to vanquish foes, but to change even time itself.
FFBE 686 Conrad
No. 686
★★★★★ Machinist Physical Damage Awoken
The current head of a powerful noble family from Zoldaad. His interests however, including playing around with mechanical devices, are not very noble-like. He carries his family's treasured blade on his back, which has been passed down over generations. If this treasured blade were to be lost, not only would it destroy his family, but it is said even his country itself could fall into ruin.
FFBE 687 Conrad
No. 687
★★★★★ Machinist Physical Damage Awoken
The current head of a powerful noble family from Zoldaad who, along with his treasured sword, carries a great amount of responsibility. There is no end to the amount of thieves going after the blade, and the former protector even lost his life protecting it. Though it provides great blessings, it can also be a source of tragedy. Still, Conrad has sworn himself to keeping hold of the treasured blade no matter what.
FFBE 688 William
No. 688
★★★★ Black Mage Magic Damage, Support Rare Summon
A kind and gentle black mage belonging to the knights of Grandshelt. However, he's weak when it comes to performing, and is ranked even lower than Loren who entered after him. Together with Chloe, he is investigating a kidnapping which happened in Grandshelt.
FFBE 689 William
No. 689
★★★★★ Black Mage Magic Damage, Support Awoken
A kind and talented black mage belonging to the knights of Grandshelt. Though he stands firmly against evil, he is somewhat slow when it comes to putting his foot down, which is something that bothers him deeply. The kidnapping in Grandshelt also serves as a test to see how far his courage will take him...
FFBE 690 William
No. 690
★★★★★★ Black Mage Magic Damage, Support Awoken
A top class black mage with a cowardly side belonging to the knights of Grandshelt. However, when called upon by a friend in trouble, he musters up all the courage he has and rushes to their side! ...Or so it goes, or doesn't. Still, he grew a lot while investigating the kidnapping which happened in Grandshelt.
FFBE 691 Roy
No. 691
★★★★★ Bard Support Rare Summon
A bard that loves the ladies. With a goal in mind, he travels far and wide. He would sing his songs in taverns where it is said he charmed many a lady. Despite being a poet, he is also capable on the battlefield, and wouldn't dare step back should an enemy appear before him. He is also considered a key person in the kidnapping incident which gripped Grandshelt.
FFBE 692 Roy
No. 692
★★★★★★ Bard Support Awoken
A bard who, after being part of a painful incident, decided to go on a journey. He is constantly patrolling the streets, calling out at any and all girls he finds attractive. However still, he is known for being very kind, and those close to him know his observant eye isn't just for ladies.
FFBE 693 Chloe
No. 693
★★★★ Scholar Support Rare Summon
A reliable young woman employed by the kingdom of Grandshelt. Though she does not excel at battle, she is knowledgeable about many things, and has come through with many successes. Teamed up with William of the knighthood, she contributed greatly to solving the kidnapping incident that happened in Grandshelt.
FFBE 694 Chloe
No. 694
★★★★★ Scholar Support Awoken
A scholar who makes use of her vast knowledge to investigate and help carry out all manner of duties. Though she is employed by Grandshelt, she is not a knight. However, her ability to support her friends was said to be treasured by even the knighthood itself. She knew of Loren even before the kidnapping incident gripped Grandshelt.
FFBE 695 Chloe
No. 695
★★★★★★ Scholar Support Awoken
A scholar employed by Grandshelt and greatly trusted by their knighthood. Not one to get holed up in a lab, when duty calls she is always sure to go into the field herself. Given her drive to act and her vast knowledge, even with the smallest of clues she was able to show her friends what was really going on with the kidnapping incident in Grandshelt.
FFBE 696 Amy
No. 696
★★★ Archer Physical Damage Rare Summon
An archer belonging to the knighthood of Grandshelt. She leads an archery division. She is extremely cheerful and helpful, and is relied on by her fellow archers. Having lost both of her parents, she acts like a mother to her much younger sister, doing her best to raise her.
FFBE 697 Amy
No. 697
★★★★ Archer Physical Damage Awoken
A knight archer belonging to the knighthood of Grandshelt, who leads an archery division. She has been publicly aknowledged many times for her abilities. And though as bright and smilely as she always is, when a kidnapping incident gripped Grandshelt, she followed closely in secret behind Loren.
FFBE 698 Amy
No. 698
★★★★★ Archer Physical Damage Awoken
The head of the Grandshelt knighthood's archery division. She has great pride in her work, carrying out any and all duty she is charged with. However, when Grandshelt was in the grips of a kidnapping incident, out of nowhere she decided to follow along with Loren. This was because she had something she had to protect, even if it meant going against the knighthood.
FFBE 699 Kelsus
No. 699
★★★★★ Black Mage Physical Damage Raid Summon
A young genius from Mysidia. However, he since he was raised in Dilmagia, he is skilled not only with magic but also with machines. All of the research that he poured his magic and knowledge of machinery into resulted in him developing the magic arms that float beside him. By freely manipulating these arms, Kelsus is able to stand up to even the greatest of foes.
FFBE 700 Kelsus
No. 700
★★★★★★ Black Mage Physical Damage Awoken
A young genius from Mysidia who freely wields a pair of giant magic arms. He is able to analyze and understand any machine with a single glance. Thanks to his genius, and even despite his young age, it is said their is no end the the invitations he receives to join various government agencies. However, he declines every one of them, preferring to focus on his own research.
FFBE 701 Ashterose
No. 701
★★★★ Flowery Lady Support Raid Summon
A young lady enveloped in a toxic aura and thorns who was born of both rose and demon. Since Ashteroze's particular physique tends to keep others from coming near her, she lives alone in a secret garden found in the depths of the forest. Although she doesn't interact with others she seldom feels lonely, as the many flowers that surround her keep her in rather high spirits.
FFBE 702 Ashterose
No. 702
★★★★★ Flowery Lady Support Awoken
A young lady with the beauty of a rose and the lethality of a demon who lives a splendid life in the secret gardens of some unknown forest. Ashteroze has the unique ability to detect the effect of various poisonous mushrooms. Rumor has it that all she has to do is take one bite from them in order to recognize their special properties. Unfortunately, she can only show off this talent to the flowers that surround her in the garden—her sole companions.
FFBE 703 Ashterose
No. 703
★★★★★★ Flowery Lady Support Awoken
The child of a lonely demon who fell in love with a beautiful rose. Although Ashteroze's favorite food is fugu sashimi, she rarely gets the chance to eat it due to the isolated life she leads in the secret gardens deep within the forest. Apparently this is something that saddens her greatly.
FFBE 704 Nyarl
No. 704
★★★★ Costume Girl Healing Raid Summon
A girl dressed in a cat suit. Although Nyalu's manner of speaking and behavior are reminiscent of that of a cat, she is most definitely human. However, apparently cats enjoy her company more than her own species does. It is unknown whether or not this led her to form such a trusting relationship with the furry animals, but they always seem to have fun together regardless.
FFBE 705 Nyarl
No. 705
★★★★★ Costume Girl Healing Awoken
A girl dressed in a cat suit. Nyalu is always surrounded by cats that join her in her sunbaths, amongst other things. Whilst on the battlefield, the cats also do their best to protect her from harm. Once the battle is over, she repays their kindness by thoroughly grooming each one individually.
FFBE 706 Nyarl
No. 706
★★★★★★ Costume Girl Healing Awoken
A girl dressed in a cat suit. Although Nyalu loves to eat fish, she is not very adept at catching them herself, leaving the task up to her loyal cat friends instead. Whenever she catches a whiff of catnip whilst in battle, she loses focus and begins to dawdle. This causes even her furry friends to reprimand her behavior.
FFBE 707 Kupolukan
No. 707
★★★★ Mog Friend Support Raid Summon
A cheerful girl in a clown costume. Kupolkan is always with her moogle friend wherever she goes, as they never part ways. A free spirit in battle, she never attacks directly, but rather supports her comrades from afar. When she does attack, she flings her moogle friend at her enemies, though this is no cause for concern as they both enjoy it.
FFBE 708 Kupolukan
No. 708
★★★★★ Mog Friend Support Awoken
A happy go-lucky girl who travels the world in high spirits. Rumor has it that Kupolkan shows up with her moogle friend whenever anyone is depressed or sad, and refuses to disappear until said person has been cheered up. She journeys far and wide to spread joy to others, and yet no one seems to know her true identity.
FFBE 709 Kupolukan
No. 709
★★★★★★ Mog Friend Support Awoken
A mysterious girl who travels the world with her friend—a moogle. Kupolkan's real identity remains a secret to many, though she has the rare talent to befriend both young and old with her cheerful disposition. Rumor has it that even those most aggressive in nature put away their swords when in her presence, talking and enjoying themselves with smiles upon their faces.
FFBE 710 Sandy
No. 710
★★★★ Dream Mage Magic Damage, Healing Raid Summon
A maiden who dreams of calamities yet to pass and warns others of these through ominous oracles. Sandee once saw a vision of the world's destruction and warned the king of the impending doom she had witnessed. Unfortunately, this only served to brand her as a dangerous figure, ultimately resulting in her prompt exile. Sandee then set off on a journey to search for a means to prevent the catastrophes looming ahead.
FFBE 711 Sandy
No. 711
★★★★★ Dream Mage Magic Damage, Healing Awoken
A dream mage who can glimpse visions of the future through her dreams. Sandee dreamt of the destruction of the world, and therefore set out on a journey to find a way to stop this tragedy from happening. The moon she rides floating around actually manifested from one of her dreams, thus many speculate that she has the ability to materialize whatever she sees in them.
FFBE 712 Sandy
No. 712
★★★★★★ Dream Mage Magic Damage, Healing Awoken
A dream mage who dreamt of the end of the world. Sandee's visions are not guaranteed to come to pass, as they are but a few of the many future outcomes possible. However, she still insists on traveling the world to find a way in which to prevent any impending catastrophes. Although she hasn't found anything promising thus far, she refuses to give up just yet.
FFBE 713 Grinfield
No. 713
★★★★ Tailor Physical Damage Raid Summon
The tailor of a certain royal family. Grinfield was a knight in his youth until he lost his family to the ravages of war and retired from his post. This led him to become a tailor, but he would soon face more grief as war eventually destroyed his homeland as well. He then left on a journey by himself, though no one seems to know for what purpose.
FFBE 714 Grinfield
No. 714
★★★★★ Tailor Physical Damage Awoken
A tailor of garments and apparel. Grinfield left the nation he served upon its destruction on a mission to offer garments to dress the knights who had lost their lives during the war. Although some called his efforts a total waste of time, he continued devoting his life to making these garbs for others.
FFBE 715 Grinfield
No. 715
★★★★★★ Tailor Physical Damage Awoken
A tailor who devoted himself to making garments for knights who had lost their lives in battle. Although most may not understand Grinfield's intentions, he never fails to persist in his endeavours of making clothes for the deceased. The reason behind his motivation, however, is a secret he keeps to himself.
FFBE 724 Duke
No. 724
★★★★★ Dragoon Physical Damage Rare Summon
A young dragoon entrusted with a certain mission. Duke trained from childhood to become a dragoon, and has since developed quite a stern personality. Although he serves as the leader of the Resistance, he finds it difficult to fulfill the duties of his post whilst attempting to accomplish his mission. He may be the quiet type, but he cares deeply about his friends.
FFBE 725 Duke
No. 725
★★★★★★ Dragoon Physical Damage Awoken
A descendant of the great dragoon who sealed a terrible dragon in Paladia during ancient times. Duke lives in the Dragon's Village where he continues to protect the seal over the dragon alongside his friends. His comrades place a great deal of trust in him, although his stubborn side is difficult to overlook. He feels a deep admiration for his ancestor, a dragoon like himself, who managed to carry out a certain impressive deed.
FFBE 726 Orif
No. 726
★★★★ Green Mage Support Rare Summon
A priest-like figure from the Dragon's Village who offers his counsel to many. Olif is the oldest amongst his comrades, and a kind soul who makes use of green magic in battle. Duke, Mystea, and Charie often give him a hard time, but he considers this to be part of the fun of being in the group.
FFBE 727 Orif
No. 727
★★★★★ Green Mage Support Awoken
An inhabitant of the ancient Dragon's Village of Paladia who watches over the sealed dragon. Olif is a green mage who supports his comrades in battle. He is also the unofficial guardian of his group, protecting all the different characters that compose it. Although usually kind in nature, rumor has it that no one is safe from his wrath once he loses his temper.
FFBE 728 Orif
No. 728
★★★★★★ Green Mage Support Awoken
A man who helps protect the seal cast over a terrible dragon. Olif wields green magic and is prepared to use it alongside his comrades were the dragon ever to escape the seal. His priority as the oldest amongst his peers is to watch over his friends, other inhabitants of the Dragon's Village whom he holds dear, and thus makes sure never to act in haste.
FFBE 729 Mistair
No. 729
★★★★ Barrier Mage Tanking, Support Rare Summon
A mage from the Dragon's Village of Paladia. Mystea comes from a long line of barrier mages, a type of magic outside the realm of black and white magic that only a few people are able to wield. Currently she hides her identity under a visor, and rumor has it that only a handful of the villagers have ever seen her true identity.
FFBE 730 Mistair
No. 730
★★★★★ Barrier Mage Tanking, Support Awoken
A young lady born into a clan of mages who protects the sealed dragon. Mystea supports her comrades with a protective barrier while the dragoons use their lances to seal dragons. Duke has been a close friend of hers for quite a long time, making her almost like an older sister to him. Playful in nature, she is a lady who enjoys poking fun at others.
FFBE 731 Mistair
No. 731
★★★★★★ Barrier Mage Tanking, Support Awoken
A unique mage from a special clan who helps guard the seal over a terrible dragon. Mystea protects her comrades from harm by casting a barrier around them. Although she enjoys ridiculing others blatantly, she is actually a thoughtful person who worries about everyone's well being. She is also one of the few people who knows Duke's secret, and thus she watches over him affectionately.
FFBE 732 Shaly
No. 732
★★★ Dancer Support Rare Summon
A young dancer from the Dragon's Village of Paladia who has a special mission. Charie is an energetic and simple girl who usually acts before thinking things all the way through. Her naive personality tends to get her in trouble constantly, causing a lot of problems for Olif, an inhabitant of the same village.
FFBE 733 Shaly
No. 733
★★★★ Dancer Support Awoken
A young lady who protects the seal over a terrible dragon. Charie is a dancer who offers her performances to the sleeping dragon on a daily basis. She is quite energetic, and enjoys playing tricks on others. However, although she may look and act like a child, she is very proud of her craft. Not to mention that her talent is true enough, as many who watch her dance find themselves captivated by her charm.
FFBE 734 Shaly
No. 734
★★★★★ Dancer Support Awoken
A young lady who dances every day to protect the ancient seal over a terrible dragon. Charie lives in the Dragon's Village, and loves to play pranks on others. However, she is very serious when it comes to her craft as a dancer. Many of the villagers have ridiculed her dancing after growing accustomed to so many years of peace, to which she reacts by vehemently arguing against them.
FFBE 735 Ryunan
No. 735
★★★ Dragoon Physical Damage Rare Summon
A young dragoon. Ryunan seems to be from the Dragon's Village of Paladia, and his resemblance to the Dragoon named Duke is uncanny, but his past is enveloped in mystery. Although his appearance is quite young, he wields his lance with great power and expertise. Rumor has it he is in search of something he has lost.
FFBE 736 Ryunan
No. 736
★★★★ Dragoon Physical Damage Awoken
A young dragoon in search of something precious he has lost. Ryunan claims to be from the Dragon's Village, but the villagers who actually know him there are very few. He knows the area where the dragon is sealed like the back of his hand, and has appeared countless times to guide Duke and his friends through the right path. Although he seems to have had many grand adventures with his comrades in the past, now he works alone.
FFBE 737 Ryunan
No. 737
★★★★★ Dragoon Physical Damage Awoken
A dragoon who fought a terrible dragon long ago, and ultimately gave up his life in order to seal it away. Ryunan is a legendary dragoon whose tales live on to this day. The stories say he tragically lost his life during his battle against the dragon, passing on his mission of sealing dragons to Duke , his descendant. Now he wanders the world as a spirit hoping to prevent Duke from following in the same footsteps.
FFBE 759 Miyuki
No. 759
★★★★★★ Ninja Support, Hybrid Damage Awoken
The embodiment of stealth, shrouded in a dark aura. Miyuki always struggled with her decision to follow in her family's footsteps. Many reasons can be attributed to her unhappiness, causing her to often bottle up her emotions. However, she decided to walk the path of the ninja until the very end regardless.
FFBE 760 Yuri
No. 760
★★★★★★ Ninja Physical Damage, Hybrid Damage Awoken
Despite being a descendant of a ninja family with a rich history, this modern girl rarely takes her training seriously. Yuri eventually managed to meet the vision of the legendary ninja known as Miyuki, and subsequently learned of the unnatural circumstances surrounding her death. This new knowledge of Miyuki's dark and sorrowful past led her to take her studies more seriously for some time. However, it wasn't long until she forgot all about it and returned to her bright self in her home of Pharm.
FFBE 761 Jiraiya
No. 761
★★★★★ Ninja Hybrid Damage, Physical Damage Rare Summon
A ninja who served a ruler of the Kingdom of Pharm. Jiraiya was versed in multiple ninja techniques, and acted as his liege's right-hand man in matters concerning the entire kingdom. He is also said to have considered perilous missions to be a great opportunity to hone his skills. A great judge of both hidden potential and character, he taught his own techniques to those he deemed worthy.
FFBE 762 Jiraiya
No. 762
★★★★★★ Ninja Hybrid Damage, Physical Damage Awoken
A multi-talented ninja who once served the Kingdom of Pharm. Jiraiya used his well trained physique and his tenacious spirit to complete all missions assigned to him at any cost. He was blessed with two children after taking a wife, and he lived a promising life alongside them until a tragic misunderstanding ultimately ended the happiness of his family forever.
FFBE 763 Kaede
No. 763
★★★★ Chocobo Rider Physical Damage Rare Summon
The daughter of a feudal lord from the Kingdom of Pharm. As the daughter of a noble lord, Kaede was raised to be a proper lady in a secluded environment. Although known for her polite and gentle demeanor, this wise young lady wielded her halberd atop a chocobo with great expertise as well, making her an invaluable soldier on the battlefield. Word has it that the grace with which she used her weapon resembled the beauty of maple leaves dancing in the wind.
FFBE 764 Kaede
No. 764
★★★★★ Chocobo Rider Physical Damage Awoken
A noble lady born to a feudal lord from the Kingdom of Pharm. Kaede was a young lady with a considerate heart who grew up surrounded by many people who loved her dearly. Having employed ninjas into her service, she soon developed a strong relationship with them by fighting alongside them in battle. The chocobo she rode wore a special type of armor never seen in other regions.
FFBE 765 Kaede
No. 765
★★★★★★ Chocobo Rider Physical Damage Awoken
An old ruler of a province in Pharm who employed ninjas into her service. Kaede continued fighting atop her chocobo in the never ending war zone that was Pharm. However, she became severely depressed after losing one of her most trusted vassals to the horrors of war. Realizing that more lives were still at stake, she decided to fight for the future of Pharm once again, eventually earning her a place in the history books for all time.
FFBE 766 Ouga
No. 766
★★★★ Samurai Physical Damage Rare Summon
A young samurai who lives a carefree life in the Kingdom of Pharm. Ohga is an elaborately dressed young man with a laid back personality. However, when battle calls his name he is said to thoroughly transform into a demon, and has thus come to be feared by those around him. His style of swordfighting is completely self-taught, as his split personality has been considered too volatile for any one teacher to handle.
FFBE 767 Ouga
No. 767
★★★★★ Samurai Physical Damage Awoken
An elaborately dressed young man who lives a carefree life in the Kingdom of Pharm. Ohga's bizarre and nonchalant appearance does little to show the incredible focus he displays on the battlefield. If he were only to learn the difference between friend and foe though, many of the dangerous situations he brings about could be avoided. Ironically, he himself dislikes confrontations and other types of dilemmas, so he has a difficult time dealing with his second personality.
FFBE 768 Ouga
No. 768
★★★★★★ Samurai Physical Damage Awoken
A young samurai born into a prominent family of the Kingdom of Pharm. Ohga is a warrior with such great potential that he is feared by others as a demon on the battlefield. However, his inability to control his own actions in battle troubles him greatly. Word has it that after learning that his ancestors laid the foundation upon which the Kingdom of Pharm was built, he has recently become interested in politics. He is hoping to one day build a future in which swords will no longer be needed.
FFBE 769 Otogiri
No. 769
★★★ Salve-maker Healing, Support Rare Summon
A salve-maker who traveled all over the Kingdom of Pharm selling her medicine. Otogiri sold mixtures used to heal wounds and illnesses, as well as concoctions that could be used to poison or weaken enemies on the battlefield, and even mysterious tonics with unknown side effects. Her movements were sporadic, causing many to question her unpredictable appearances. Every place she visited also saw itself tangled in some sort of problem after her arrival, though she was never around by the time these were resolved.
FFBE 770 Otogiri
No. 770
★★★★ Salve-maker Healing, Support Awoken
A salve-maker who made a living traveling all over the Kingdom of Pharm selling her medicine. Although Otogiri always answered any requests for mixtures, she always seemed to carry more poisons than remedies with her. Unbeknownst to others, however, her true identity was that of a ninja spy. She believed in keeping faith with her lord above all else, and thus took odd jobs like selling medicine while gathering useful information as part of her duty.
FFBE 771 Otogiri
No. 771
★★★★★ Salve-maker Healing, Support Awoken
A ninja who traveled the Kingdom of Pharm posing as a salve-maker. Otogiri devoted her entire life to realizing her lord's ideals. By using her medicine to save lives and simultaneously taking lives with her poisons, she single-handedly changed the course of history from the shadows. Believing in the future of Pharm, she helped usher in a new era for the kingdom alongside her liege.
FFBE 772 Lasswell
Pyro Glacial Lasswell
No. 772
★★★★★ Knight Physical Damage Rare Summon
A knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt. Lasswell came to learn a great many things during his journey to save the Crystals that shaped both his body and mind. Although his relationship with Rain has been defined in great part by a rivalry that causes him to feel inferior at times, the friendship they share remains unchanged. Ever the hard worker, his newly polished skills with the katana are proof of his progress and effort.
FFBE 773 Lasswell
Pyro Glacial Lasswell
No. 773
★★★★★★ Knight Physical Damage Awoken
A knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt. As an orphan, Lasswell was raised by Rain's family since childhood. Although he has always been grateful for their kindness, he had never been able to muster enough courage to call his adoptive father, Sir Raegen, his "dad." It was not until the battle to protect Lapis finally ended that he let go of his fears and called him "father" for the first time.
FFBE 793 Sakura
Blossom Sage Sakura
No. 793
★★★★★ Sage Magic Damage, Support Rare Summon
A sage who travels with Lasswell providing her vast knowledge and expertise in magic. Although Sakura's appearance leads many to believe that she is but a child, she is actually more than 700 years old. She has chosen to dedicate her life to helping young people, even though her age often shows in the manner she addresses them.
FFBE 794 Sakura
Blossom Sage Sakura
No. 794
★★★★★★ Sage Magic Damage, Support Awoken
A sage with the appearance of a young girl. Sakura's looks prompt many to treat her like a child, something that she hates and causes her to attempt compensating for through her manner of speaking. Ironically, however, treating her like she is too old upsets her as well. A fan of sweets, she enjoys eating multiple pieces of candy at the same time.
FFBE 795 Vern
No. 795
★★★★ Blacksmith Physical Damage, Support Rare Summon
A young man from Duggle Village who inherited the skills of the legendary blacksmith Ruggles and opened his own shop. Verun is quite blunt by nature, but his excellent work as a blacksmith is well-known all over the land. He never ceases to receive new orders for custom equipment.
FFBE 796 Vern
No. 796
★★★★★ Blacksmith Physical Damage, Support Awoken
A young man from Duggle Village who inherited the skills of the legendary blacksmith Ruggles and opened his own shop. Once peace had come to the world, many warriors began to entertain themselves by participating in the Colosseum, which led a number of these "gladiators" to order custom weapons from Verun's shop. This provided a stable income for Verun, but he began questioning the motives behind his work as he was no longer creating weapons to protect others.
FFBE 797 Vern
No. 797
★★★★★★ Blacksmith Physical Damage, Support Awoken
A student of the descendants of the legendary blacksmith known as Ruggles. Verun only came to understand the true teachings that Ruggles had left behind when a certain lively gladiator asked for him to use his special skills to create a weapon for her. Having helped him realize this, he decided to give her a weapon he had poured his heart and soul into. He then began to refuse any orders that were not for a noble cause, regardless of how much money was offered to him in hopes of giving more meaning to his craft.
FFBE 798 Sedona
No. 798
★★★★ Gladiator Physical Damage Summon
A female gladiator from Zoldaad who has gained popularity in the Colosseum. Cedona makes her living by fighting as a gladiator, and as such is always in search of a good blacksmith that can provide her with high quality swords and shields. She was actually so resolved to finding a smith of great talent that she decided to travel as far as the miasma-ridden Gronoa to find one.
FFBE 799 Sedona
No. 799
★★★★★ Gladiator Physical Damage Awoken
A female gladiator from Zoldaad who has gained popularity in the Colosseum. Although victory in battle is the thing gladiators are most praised for, Cedona is also held in high regards for her engaging and unique fighting style. Many of the Colosseum's spectators are said to clap and cheer when they witness the energy she puts into battle, and the graceful way in which she executes her movements.
FFBE 800 Sedona
No. 800
★★★★★★ Gladiator Physical Damage Awoken
A female gladiator from Zoldaad who has gained popularity in the Colosseum. Cedona considers the children from the orphanage she supports to be her most precious fans in the entire world. The truth is that she not only fights for the entertainment of the masses, but to collect enough money to provide a better life for those kids who have lost their parents as well.
FFBE 801 Roselia
No. 801
★★★★★★ White Magus Healing Awoken
A white mage from the land that would come to be known as Mysidia who perished before her time. Roselia had dedicated her life to studying white magic, and thus shunned many people during the course of her life by focusing solely on her research. However, when she herself fell prey to a mortal illness, she began dedicating herself to the needs of others. Now that her strong will lives on as a vision, this time she is determined to use her powers for more than just science.
FFBE 802 Ruggles
No. 802
★★★★★★ Blacksmith Physical Damage, Support Awoken
A dwarven blacksmith who wandered around Gronoa after being separated from his brethren when Paladia was split during the war which took place 700 years ago in Paladia. The countless useful weapons and tools that Ruggles created long ago can still be found in Gronoa. His dislike of war and its effects on the world ensured that he didn't leave many arms behind after his death, but he did make sure to pass on his techniques and values to his pupils for posterity.
FFBE 815 Fina
Lotus Mage Fina
No. 815
★★★★★ Mage Healing, Magic Damage, Support Rare Summon
A white mage traveling with Lasswell. Fina lost a great part of her memories after having been sealed within a crystal for hundreds of years. However, she managed to eventually come into her own upon meeting Rain, Lasswell, and a multitude of other people. She loves petting chocobos, so when there are none around for her to coddle, she satisfies herself with petting Lid's Mechabo instead.
FFBE 816 Fina
Lotus Mage Fina
No. 816
★★★★★★ Mage Healing, Magic Damage, Support Awoken
A white mage gifted with the ability to open the hearts of many with her kindness. Although in the beginning Fina's memory loss had prompted her to act much like a child, she has matured with time. Now she even cooks meals for her companions, her specialty being fried eggs. Following Rain's disappearance, she is absolutely determined to find him with Lasswell's help.
FFBE 817 Kunshira
No. 817
★★★★★ Spellblade Hybrid Damage Rare Summon
A female Natura who lives in Gungan, a nation of beasts. Kunshira's appearance greatly resembles that of a cat. She serves King Yashka, the ruler of the Natura tribe, as his close aide. Although her personality is on the serious side, she enjoys being outdoors like any other Natura. Unhappy with the current misunderstanding between the beast tribes, she is hoping to find a solution through diplomacy.
FFBE 818 Kunshira
No. 818
★★★★★ Spellblade Hybrid Damage Awoken
A close aide of King Yashka, ruler of the Natura tribe. Kunshira was born and raised as a member of the Shibyra tribe, but her nature-loving heart inspired her to take the lifestyle of a Natura. After King Yashka saved her life, he took her in as a close assistant. Eternally grateful to him for this favor, Kunshira hates speaking against the wishes of her king. Apparently it took quite some time for Wadow, bodyguard to the king, to accept her as a comrade.
FFBE 819 Wado
No. 819
★★★★ Ninja Hybrid Damage, Support Rare Summon
A male Natura who lives in Gungan, a nation of beasts. Wadow's appearance greatly resembles that of a wolf. As a bodyguard of King Yashka, the ruler of the Natura tribe, he considers everyone who isn't on his liege's side to be an enemy. Taking his duties extremely seriously, he came to strongly resent the Shibyra "strangers" early on, and Kunshira as well for once having been part of the tribe.
FFBE 820 Wado
No. 820
★★★★★ Ninja Hybrid Damage, Support Awoken
A bodyguard who serves King Yashka, ruler of the Natura tribe. Wadow is an obstinate character set on fulfilling his duties as the king's protector, but his immaturity is quite obvious during those moments when his impulsiveness takes over. Although his types of vestment and weapons are not usually seen around Gungan, he refuses to share the nature of their origin with others.
FFBE 821 Wado
No. 821
★★★★★★ Ninja Hybrid Damage, Support Awoken
A bodyguard who serves King Yashka, ruler of the Natura tribe. Wadow once resented Kunshira, a former member of the Shibyra tribe and close aide to King Yashka, but eventually came to an understanding with her. However, his attitude towards strangers remains as inconsiderate as ever, causing Kunshira's lectures against his poor attitude to become well-known in the area.
FFBE 822 Awin
No. 822
★★★ Spellblade Support Rare Summon
A young man who serves a mysterious organization from Paladia that works in complete secrecy. Nothing is known about the group Erwin works for, or anything else about him for that matter, except for his name. Although his mysterious past and his somewhat rigid appearance make him seem unapproachable, he is actually quite sociable in nature.
FFBE 823 Awin
No. 823
★★★★ Spellblade Support Awoken
A young man who serves a mysterious organization from Paladia that works in complete secrecy. Other men and women have been spotted in Paladia wearing a similar attire to Erwin's, though no one really knows the group's name, state, or purpose. However, the only relation they seem to share is a connection to a certain member of the nobility.
FFBE 824 Awin
No. 824
★★★★★ Spellblade Support Awoken
A young man who serves a mysterious organization from Paladia that works in complete secrecy. Erwin wields a unique katana with chilling powers never witnessed anywhere else in the world. Whenever asked about the origins of the weapon, he claims that it is a precious katana given to him by a certain member of the nobility. He wields his icy blade with great agility, calmly and steadily calculating every move needed to accomplish the task at hand.
FFBE 843 Jake
Nameless Gunner Jake
No. 843
★★★★★ Rifleman Physical Damage Rare Summon
An older brother type who supports his team members during their journey with Lasswell, their newly appointed leader. Jake is aware that Lid has taken a liking to him, but simply chooses to feign ignorance. As of late he has been finding it more difficult to joke with her, however, and has begun to think more seriously about what he says around her. Once they find Rain and return to Lapis, he finally plans to address his relationship with Lid.
FFBE 844 Jake
Nameless Gunner Jake
No. 844
★★★★★★ Rifleman Physical Damage Awoken
The former leader of the rebel organization known as the Raven. Jake is also one of the heirs to the imperial throne of Zoldaad, but relinquished his rights following a recent battle to sit his younger brother Shera on the throne instead. Although he initially thought of Nichol as a substitute sibling, they found through their interactions that they get along swimmingly and became quite close. Unexpectedly, they seem to enjoy their conversations about star constellations most of all.
FFBE 845 Emperor Shera
Emperor Shera
No. 845
★★★★★ Emperor Physical Damage, Support Rare Summon
The new emperor of Zoldaad. As Emperor Sozhe's legitimate son, the crown prince Shera took the reigns of the nation as the most influential person in the empire following his father's death. His people have acknowledged his great efforts, and when he was officially crowned, the whole nation showed its unwavering support for its new emperor. Although he has proven himself to be a strong leader, he is only human, and often misses the company of his older brother Jake.
FFBE 846 Emperor Shera
Emperor Shera
No. 846
★★★★★★ Emperor Physical Damage, Support Awoken
The new emperor of Zoldaad. The crown prince Shera was given but one request from his dying father: to mold the empire he would leave behind into a better nation. Whether or not his escapades from the castle following his coronation to go mingle with the common folk is what has gained him the people's favor or not remains debatable, but he most certainly cares deeply for his subjects.
FFBE 847 Emilia
No. 847
★★★★ Maid Physical Damage, Support Mission reward in Conspiracy to the Throne
A maid who once served Emperor Sozhe, ruler of the Zoldaad Empire. Emilia is a shrewd woman who worked as an informant digging for intel regarding the political state of the empire, and then selling it to the highest bidders in other countries or military factions. Although everything about her life remains a mystery, her inexplicable resemblance to Amelia implies some sort of deep connection between the two.
FFBE 848 Emilia
No. 848
★★★★★ Maid Physical Damage, Support Awoken
A maid who once served Emperor Sozhe, ruler of the Zoldaad Empire. Although Emilia seems innocent enough based on her girlish looks, she is actually a shrewd woman who will complete any task given to her as long as she is paid handsomely. She is actually Amelia's twin sister, which explains their identical appearance, and only recently came back to work as an informant in Zoldaad at her sister's behest.
FFBE 849 Emilia
No. 849
★★★★★★ Maid Physical Damage, Support Awoken
A maid who once served Emperor Sozhe, ruler of the Zoldaad Empire. Emilia is the youngest of two identical twins, her older sister being Shera's confidant Amelia. As a spy, she is willing to undertake any job given to her as long as she is paid well by using secret identities such as "Shine" to carry out her missions. However, she recently stopped using that particular persona after it gained a great deal of notoriety underground.
FFBE 850 Ozetta
No. 850
★★★★ Knight Tanking Rare Summon
A female knight that commands the Magitek squadron of the Zoldaad Empire. Ozetta continued diligently training even after the death of her mentor, General Wilhelm, and now boasts of the same prestigious title he once held as commanding officer of Zoldaad's Magitek forces. Although she may be underestimated by many for her lack of experience on the battlefield, the passion she has for protecting the empire and its people is unrivaled.
FFBE 851 Ozetta
No. 851
★★★★★ Knight Tanking Awoken
A female knight that commands the Magitek squadron of the Zoldaad Empire. Ozetta may be a bit too serious and stern for her own good at times, but the members of her squadron trust her greatly. The reason behind her choice of bulky armor that completely hides her feminine features is actually her deep admiration for General Wilhelm.
FFBE 852 Ozetta
No. 852
★★★★★★ Knight Tanking Awoken
A female knight that commands the Magitek squadron of the Zoldaad Empire. Ozetta now commands the forces previously led by her hero, General Wilhelm, and is more dedicated to protecting the empire and its people than any of her peers. Although she doesn't have much experience on the battlefield, her instincts regarding dangerous foes are quite sharp. Some say that as a child she managed to make her way through a dangerous forest somehow completely unscathed.
FFBE 853 Riley
No. 853
★★★ Adventurer Support Rare Summon
A miner who works as an ore hunter in Zoldaad's vicinity. Riley not only loves drinking, but he also loves hunting for ores, and makes it a point to share his mining exploits with all the strangers he meets when he frequents the tavern. He is actually a scholar by this point, but no one ever seems to notice.
FFBE 854 Riley
No. 854
★★★★ Adventurer Support Awoken
A miner who works as an ore hunter in Zoldaad's vicinity. Riley loves alcohol and ores, and although he is a scholar, he never boasts of his status as one. Many seem to immediately label him as a common drunk, but those who actually take the time to get to know him learn that he is actually a very trustworthy and reliable man.
FFBE 855 Riley
No. 855
★★★★★ Adventurer Support Awoken
A miner who works as an ore hunter in Zoldaad's vicinity. Riley may be a scholar, but he never uses his vast knowledge to make others feel beneath him. A warm-hearted and affectionate man, he often gathers his friends at the tavern and sets off on mining expeditions with them. The techniques he uses with explosives to mine his precious ores can only be mastered by specialists like himself.
FFBE 856 Camille
No. 856
★★★★★★ Swordsman Physical Damage Awoken
A novice mercenary of great talent. Camille's positive disposition and great efforts allowed her to become skillful enough with the sword that Amelia, Shera's confidant, assigned her to a special reconnaissance squadron. Although she is very good at working on her own and has thus been entrusted with top secret missions, she has a knack for getting herself drawn into trouble upon reaching her destination.
FFBE 886 Lid
Heavenly Technician Lid
No. 886
★★★★★ Airship Tech Support Rare Summon
An engineer who dreams of mass producing airships someday. Recently Lid has been preoccupied with more than just airships, however, as a certain someone has caused her to lose control over her own emotions.
"Do I like anyone? N-no way! Absolutely not! That's crazy! I mean, we're in the middle of a super important mission, right? Now's not the time for that kinda stuff! Geez..."
FFBE 887 Lid
Heavenly Technician Lid
No. 887
★★★★★★ Airship Tech Support Awoken
An airship engineer from Dirnado. Although Lid's relationship with her brother Evan had been rocky for some time, they have made amends and grown so close that now they even swap love stories on occasion. Evan suggests that she should be straightforward with her feelings and approach the person she likes directly—much like a builder strikes a nail directly on the head with his hammer. "You must strike hard and true to reach the core." Unfortunately, however, it seems that Lid has taken her brother's advice a bit too literally.
FFBE 888 Killian
No. 888
★★★★ Warrior Physical Damage Rare Summon
A man belonging to the Dirnado military that works on the development of weapons in Dilmagia. Killian is a blunt and aloof character who was entrusted with a weapon development division due to his incredible expertise in mechanical engineering, including the use of weapons. Although his work began with outright weapon development, the objectives of the military suddenly changed, and he was tasked with adding ancient technology dug up from ruins to the mix. This explains why his knowledge of technology is far more vast than the average engineer.
FFBE 889 Killian
No. 889
★★★★★ Warrior Physical Damage Awoken
A man belonging to the Dirnado military who manages a division of weapon development in Dilmagia. Not only is Killian extremely knowledgeable when it comes to weapons, he is also very apt in their use. Upon the military's request for him to integrate ancient technology into his work, he has recently taken up archaeological studies. He is also very kind to his subordinates, which has earned him the nickname of "Jack-of-all-trades" for his many gifts. Very strict when it comes to safety around weaponry, he refuses to assign tasks that could potentially endanger the life of the handler.
FFBE 890 Killian
No. 890
★★★★★★ Warrior Physical Damage Awoken
A man belonging to the Dirnado military who manages a division of weapon development. Despite Killian's lethargic nature, he is extremely serious when it comes to the proper handling of weapons, and never allows his subordinates to test new devices or prototypes before he has thoroughly tested them all himself. As a result he often deals with numerous injuries, but this has served to earn him the trust of those around him. He is good friends with Evan, an engineer in charge of manufacturing warships, and has often lent an ear to his old pal when he struggles with the concept of making weapons for protection.
FFBE 891 Ulrica
No. 891
★★★★★★ Berserker Physical Damage Awoken
A young woman with berserker abilities that activate in the presence of mortal danger to awaken her dormant potential. Ulrica always avoided growing close to others because she feared for their safety during the stupors in which she lost all sense and memory. However, she eventually met a black mage who was aware of her condition, and finally began to open up for the first time in her life. As she helped him with his research on how to gain control of her powers, overtime she began developing feelings for him that were unfamiliar to her.
FFBE 892 Heltich
No. 892
★★★★★★ Black Mage Magic Damage Awoken
A man who sought to give the talentless and weak an opportunity to gain their own power through his abilities. Unfortunately for Heltich, however, his test subject put a great many people in danger, including herself. This forced him to reconsider his approach, ultimately concluding that he must reevaluate the use of his resources. Thus, he set off on another journey to find new methods to apply to his research, and to confirm his suspicions about the feelings he had developed whilst nose-deep in his experiments.
FFBE 904 Medina
No. 904
★★★★★ Magic Damage EX Reward*(JP)
FFBE 905 Medina
No. 905
★★★★★★ Magic Damage Awoken
FFBE 908 Lila
No. 908
★★★★★ Monk Magic Damage, Physical Damage Summon
A female monk who has traveled across the land to master the martial arts. Abandoned in a mountain and left orphaned, Lila was raised by a man dubbed the "martial arts master." A naturally gifted fighter, her skills blossomed in the blink of an eye, and her initiation into the secrets of martial arts began after mastering her school's ultimate technique at a mere 16 years of age. She began wandering from place to place once her master passed away.
FFBE 909 Lila
No. 909
★★★★★★ Monk Magic Damage, Physical Damage Awoken
A female monk who has traveled across the land to master the martial arts. Lila's master taught her that she should use her power to protect the weak, and thus she honors his teachings by helping every troubled person she meets along her journey. A cheery and naive character who opens up to anyone she encounters, Lila leaves permanent smiles on the people of the villages she visits during her travels.
FFBE 910 Silt
No. 910
★★★★ Barrier Mage Tanking Rare Summon
A man who was expected to become the next leader of his mage clan. A prodigy amongst the members of his powerful mage clan, Shylt is one of a handful of mages able to wield barrier magic. His silent personality keeps him from interacting much with others, and when coupled with the barrier mage custom of hiding one's face, this mistakenly leads others to believe that he wants nothing to do with them.
FFBE 911 Silt
No. 911
★★★★★ Barrier Mage Tanking Awoken
A man who was expected to become the next leader of his mage clan. The vicinity of Shylt's village is surrounded by many powerful monsters who inhabit the area, which is what prompted his clan members to develop spells to defend themselves. Their ability to pass down the use of barrier magic to younger generations, however, is the most crucial component when it comes to the protection of the village. Some believe that Shylt was able to learn this extremely difficult type of magic because he cares for the well-being of his village more than anyone else.
FFBE 912 Silt
No. 912
★★★★★★ Barrier Mage Tanking Awoken
A man who was expected to become the next leader of his mage clan. When Shylt's village was attacked by a powerful monster one day, he decided to face the monster by himself to allow the other villagers to escape. Unfortunately, however, his village was decimated and he was the only one to survive thanks to his ability to use barrier magic. It would seem that the great heartache he felt then manifested into a vision that now wanders the world.
FFBE 913 Mim
No. 913
★★★ Sprite Healing, Support Rare Summon
A magical creature called a "sprite" that was known to dwell in the forests long ago. Although sprites like Mim are only ever seen in fairy-tales nowadays, even scholars who specialize in the subject have yet to agree on whether they ever existed in the first place. However, the personality of this particular sprite who reappeared as a vision of her former self closely resembles that of the lovable scatterbrains so often heard from in fables.
FFBE 914 Mim
No. 914
★★★★ Sprite Healing, Support Awoken
A sprite from times past who dwelled in a small village within the forest with other magical creatures. Recent discoveries have found that Mim and many others like her lost their homes at the hands of humans, who sought to further expand their territories. Many believe that this traumatic experience is what caused her to return as a vision, but she doesn't seem to pay much mind to it as she flies around happily looking for someone dear to her.
FFBE 915 Mim
No. 915
★★★★★ Sprite Healing, Support Awoken
A sprite from ancient times who is a childhood friend of Timothy's, another sprite who fought to protect his village. Sprites such as Mim have been said to be blessed with amazing longevity, usually making them much older than what their youthful appearance tends to indicate, and their emotions that much more intense. Due to this her vision has been imprinted with a great desire to find her disoriented childhood friend in the forest, so now she makes quite the ruckus as she flies around looking for him.
FFBE 916 Nichol
Maritime Strategist Nichol
No. 916
★★★★★ Strategist Support Summon
A military tactician for the Olderion Federation, and a man who has fully gained the trust of his comrades, especially Jake's. Ever since Nichol arrived to Paladia, he has been wearing a pair of fashionable glasses. Apparently his deceased younger brother Elle planned to give these to him as a birthday present, but never got the chance to before his untimely passing. Elle's wife Arsha then passed these to Nichol before he left for Paladia.
FFBE 917 Nichol
Maritime Strategist Nichol
No. 917
★★★★★★ Strategist Support Awoken
A man who unknowingly steals women's hearts. Impressed with Nichol's popularity amongst the fairer sex, Jake has dubbed him "a natural born lady-killer." However, Nichol himself is not really sure what to do with his newly found talents. In fact, the only lady he feels completely comfortable interacting with is probably Sakura.
FFBE 918 Lexa
No. 918
★★★★ Black Mage Magic Damage Rare Summon
A young woman who serves a mysterious organization from Paladia that works in complete secrecy. Although a few people resembling Lexa have been spotted throughout Paladia now and again, their place of origin and background are a total mystery. Apparently her organization is set on finding and collecting a very particular item, although no one seems to know what they are.
FFBE 919 Lexa
No. 919
★★★★★ Black Mage Magic Damage Awoken
A young woman who serves a mysterious organization from Paladia that works in complete secrecy. Although the purpose of Lexa's organization remains an enigma, it seems that her and her colleagues are traveling from place to place looking for a particular item. A mage proficient in wind magic and easygoing in nature, Lexa is often surrounded by many comrades who hold her in high regard.
FFBE 920 Lexa
No. 920
★★★★★★ Black Mage Magic Damage Awoken
A young woman who serves the Morze's Soiree organization from Paladia that works in complete secrecy. Lexa is but one of the many members assembled by a certain person of noble standing who founded the organization some decades past. Over time she has grown through her passionate research of black magic and ancient ruins, and has thus come to be respected as the leader of the organization.
FFBE 921 Elvis
No. 921
★★★★ Swordsman Physical Damage Rare Summon
A man who serves a mysterious organization from Paladia that works in complete secrecy. The true identity of Elbis is as much an enigma as that of the other members of his organization. Only a few people really know how a man as burly and powerful as him ever became someone's butler.
FFBE 922 Elvis
No. 922
★★★★★ Swordsman Physical Damage Awoken
A man who serves a mysterious organization from Paladia that works in complete secrecy. Elbis and his group haven't made their intentions clear, but it would seem that they are traveling from place to place in search of a certain item. His incredible physique allows him to wield massive swords, and when he swings them with all his might the destruction he leaves behind is astounding.
FFBE 923 Elvis
No. 923
★★★★★★ Swordsman Physical Damage Awoken
A man who serves the Morze's Soiree organization from Paladia that works in complete secrecy. Elbis is but one of the many members assembled by a certain person of noble standing who founded the organization some decades past. Many are often taken aback by his great feats of heroism, but he acts purely upon his own impulses.
FFBE 924 Mellaud
No. 924
★★★ Warrior Physical Damage Rare Summon
A beast woman who serves a mysterious organization from Paladia that works in complete secrecy. Not only has Merald's group transcended the barriers of age and background, it has also risen above racial conflicts. The noble person at the head of the organization interviewed Merald through a rigorous physical and mental examination process, but rumor has it that she passed the test with flying colors.
FFBE 925 Mellaud
No. 925
★★★★ Warrior Physical Damage Awoken
A beast woman who serves a mysterious organization from Paladia that works in complete secrecy. Merald's appearance resembles that of a Shibyra from the beast nation of Gungan, but nothing else is really known about her past. Skilled with heavy weapons, her favorite is a special axe imbued with the power of thunder. A single swing from her axe is said to have enough power to fell a great tree.
FFBE 926 Mellaud
No. 926
★★★★★ Warrior Physical Damage Awoken
A beast woman who serves the Morze's Soiree organization from Paladia that works in complete secrecy. Merald always strives for efficiency and dislikes wasting her time, causing her to be perceived as cold by others. However, she is always very focused on her mission and frank with others, commendable traits that have earned her the trust of her comrades in the organization.
FFBE 927 Shaly
No. 927
★★★★★★ Dancer Support Awoken
A young lady who dances every day to protect the ancient seal over a terrible dragon. A dancer who inherited her skills from times of old, Charie has a special place in her heart for Duke and his friends who help protect the Dragon's Village. For this very reason, the dances she performs for them have more heart and soul than those she performs for others.
FFBE 941 Raegen
No. 941
★★★★★ Physical Damage, Support Rare Summon
FFBE 942 Raegen
No. 942
★★★★★★ Physical Damage, Support Awoken
FFBE 943 Luminui
No. 943
★★★★ Rare Summon
A bard who wanders from place to place singing stories from all over the world with her magnificent voice. Ryumynui dresses lightly to facilitate her travels, but from up close it is clear that the fabrics of her clothing are of excellent quality, and that they are adorned with exquisite embroidery. Her mannerisms and way of speaking also allude to her possibly having a noble background.
FFBE 944 Luminui
No. 944
★★★★★ Awoken
A wandering bard who sings tunes full of epic tales. The stories in Ryumynui's songs stem from the books stored in the shelves of her noble estate located far, far away. She gained the urge to share the stories she had learned with others after devouring book after book, and her outgoing personality lead her to set off on a journey to do so. Lucille, the first escort she met as she was departing, became her partner and now accompanies her throughout the rest of her travels.
FFBE 945 Luminui
No. 945
★★★★★★ Awoken
A bard who is always in an excellent mood. Ryumynui has the ability to catch the attention of others with her carefree and radiant appearance. Her repertoire of songs consists of pieces based on historical fact that she has composed herself, which she then performs for Lucille once they have been completed. Although Lucille's reaction to the songs is always quite underwhelming, this is enough to satisfy Ryumynui with her work.
FFBE 946 Xyle
No. 946
★★★★ Rare Summon
A bombardier who serves as a knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt. Zile is a merry man who opens himself up to everyone he meets. He had no reservations about approaching his new fellow knights Raegen and Loren to chat them up, although the rest of the fresh recruits considered him brave for doing so. Despite his affinity to stand out from the crowd he doesn't enjoy giving out orders, and thus is extremely grateful for the presence of his talented peers.
FFBE 947 Xyle
No. 947
★★★★★ Awoken
A bombardier who serves as a knight of Grandshelt. Zile yearned to be a knight from infancy and thus learned the art of the sword, but eventually learned that blowing up his enemies with a huge bang was more suited to his style. The accuracy of his hits depend greatly on meticulous calculations requiring great focus and a very experienced hand.
FFBE 948 Xyle
No. 948
★★★★★★ Awoken
A famed bombardier who serves as a knight of Grandshelt. Zile's sociable personality coupled with his flashy style of combat made him popular amongst the masses. While enlisted as a knight, he apparently managed to woo a childhood friend older than him into marriage after years of longing for her. Later he came to be known as the "legendary bombardier" in Grandshelt, but that is a story for another time.
FFBE 949 Lucille
No. 949
★★★ Rare Summon
A gun for hire who makes her living serving as an escort, monster hunter, or bodyguard. Lucille is a person of few words who is only interested in doing what she is paid for, and nothing else. When Ryumynui, her current employer, showed her the laborious extent of the job she was expected to carry out, Lucille was completely dumbfounded.
FFBE 950 Lucille
No. 950
★★★★ Awoken
A rebellious gunner who although skilled, is consistently in a bad mood. Lucille is a lone wolf who had always worked by herself. Although now she pretends to be earning her pay by simply encouraging a rich girl's pastime, the truth is that she is beginning to enjoy her time being involved in Ryumynui's antics.
FFBE 951 Lucille
No. 951
★★★★★ Awoken
A lonely gunner without friends nor family. Lucille works as an escort for Ryumynui, a young woman born and raised completely different than her own self. Although used to making money to live on a day to day basis, and never really concerned with hopes and dreams, as of late she has apparently been trying to teach herself how to spell Ryumynui's long name in hiding.
FFBE 952 Rain
Wandering Rain*
No. 952
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 953 Rain
Wandering Rain*
No. 953
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 954 Rain
Awakened Rain*
No. 954
★★★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 955 Rain
Awakened Rain*
No. 955
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 965 Lamira
No. 965
★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 966 Lamira
No. 966
★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 967 Lamira
No. 967
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 968 Natural Trust Moogle
Natural Trust Moogle*
No. 968
★★★★★ Turn 5★ base unit into 7★ awakening material
FFBE 976 Dark Fina
Dark Fina
No. 976
★★★★★★★ Dark Spirit Magic Damage Awoken
FFBE 978 Marie
No. 978
★★★★★★★ Green Mage Support Awoken
FFBE 980 Aileen
No. 980
★★★★★★★ Machinist Physical Damage, Support Awoken
FFBE 983 Wilhelm
No. 983
★★★★★★★ General Tanking, Support Awoken
FFBE 984 Seabreeze Dark Fina
Seabreeze Dark Fina*
No. 984
★★★★★★★ Dark Spirit Magic Damage Awoken
FFBE 986 Fohlen
No. 986
★★★★★★★ Chocobo Knight Physical Damage, Support Awoken
FFBE 987 Veritas of the Dark
Veritas of the Dark*
No. 987
★★★★★★★ Veritas Physical Damage, Support Awoken
FFBE 989 Naru
No. 989
★★★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 990 Naru
No. 990
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 991 Naru
No. 991
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 992 Pezzotta
No. 992
★★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 993 Pezzotta
No. 993
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 994 Pezzotta
No. 994
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 995 Shinju
No. 995
★★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 996 Shinju
No. 996
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 997 Shinju
No. 997
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 998 Ryuka
No. 998
★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 999 Ryuka
No. 999
★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1000 Ryuka
No. 1000
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1027 Lunera
No. 1027
★★★★★★★ Archer Magic Damage, Support Awoken
FFBE 1031 Veritas of the Flame
Veritas of the Flame*
No. 1031
★★★★★★★ Veritas Physical Damage, Support Awoken
FFBE 1032 Veritas of the Light
Veritas of the Light*
No. 1032
★★★★★★★ Veritas Hybrid Damage Awoken
FFBE 1034 Loren
No. 1034
★★★★★★★ Swordsman Physical Damage, Support Awoken
FFBE 1038 Hyoh
No. 1038
★★★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 1039 Hyoh
No. 1039
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1040 Hyoh
No. 1040
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1041 Shatal
No. 1041
★★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 1042 Shatal
No. 1042
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1043 Shatal
No. 1043
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1044 Domino
No. 1044
★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 1045 Domino
No. 1045
★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1046 Domino
No. 1046
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1050 Ukiyo
No. 1050
★★★★★ Exorcist Magic Damage, Support Raid Summon
A young girl that lives in a small island close to the Kingdom of Pharm. For generations her family has specialized in prayers, fortune telling, and the expulsion of wicked spirits as their trade. A talented exorcist herself, she has the ability to sense energies that a normal person would take for granted. Her friend Tsukumo, a spirit dwelling inside an old ball that she found in her family's cellar, always accompanies her wherever she goes.
FFBE 1051 Ukiyo
No. 1051
★★★★★★ Exorcist Magic Damage, Support Awoken
A young exorcist girl that lives in a small island close to the Kingdom of Pharm. Since there were no other girls her age as she was growing up, she learned to befriend the spirits she could see but others couldn't instead. Her inseparable friend Tsukumo, a spirit dwelling inside an old ball, is by her side day and night.
FFBE 1073 Ayaka
No. 1073
★★★★★★★ White Mage Healing, Support Awoken
FFBE 1074 Elfreeda
No. 1074
★★★★★★★ Swordsman Physical Damage Awoken
FFBE 1075 Roy
No. 1075
★★★★★★★ Bard Support Awoken
FFBE 1077 Duke
No. 1077
★★★★★★★ Dragoon Physical Damage Awoken
FFBE 1078 Lasswell
Pyro Glacial Lasswell*
No. 1078
★★★★★★★ Knight Physical Damage Awoken
FFBE 1081 Sakura
Blossom Sage Sakura*
No. 1081
★★★★★★★ Sage Physical Damage, Magic Damage, Support Awoken
FFBE 1082 Fina
Lotus Mage Fina*
No. 1082
★★★★★★★ Mage Healing, Magic Damage, Support Awoken
FFBE 1085 Kunshira
No. 1085
★★★★★★★ Spellblade Hybrid Damage Awoken
FFBE 1086 Citra
No. 1086
★★★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 1087 Citra
No. 1087
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1088 Citra
No. 1088
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1089 Makumedi
No. 1089
★★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 1090 Makumedi
No. 1090
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1091 Makumedi
No. 1091
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1092 Lottie
No. 1092
★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 1093 Lottie
No. 1093
★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1094 Lottie
No. 1094
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1123 Jiraiya
No. 1123
★★★★★★★ Ninja Hybrid Damage, Physical Damage Awoken
FFBE 1126 Jake
Nameless Gunner Jake*
No. 1126
★★★★★★★ Rifleman Physical Damage Awoken
FFBE 1127 Shera
Emperor Shera*
No. 1127
★★★★★★★ Emperor Physical Damage, Support Awoken
FFBE 1130 Lid
Heavenly Technician Lid*
No. 1130
★★★★★★★ Airship Tech Support Awoken
FFBE 1131 Medina
No. 1131
★★★★★★★ Magic Damage Awoken
FFBE 1133 Lila
No. 1133
★★★★★★★ Monk Magic Damage, Physical Damage Awoken
FFBE 1134 Nichol
Maritime Strategist Nichol*
No. 1134
★★���★★★★ Strategist Support Awoken
FFBE 1135 Raegen
No. 1135
★★★★★★★ Physical Damage, Support Awoken
FFBE 1136 Rain
Awakened Rain*
No. 1136
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1137 Elfim
No. 1137
★★★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 1138 Elfim
No. 1138
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1139 Elfim
No. 1139
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1140 Leopold
No. 1140
★★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 1141 Leopold
No. 1141
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1142 Leopold
No. 1142
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1143 Magna
No. 1143
★★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 1144 Magna
No. 1144
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1145 Magna
No. 1145
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1146 Forelske
No. 1146
★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 1147 Forelske
No. 1147
★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1148 Forelske
No. 1148
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1171 Zekehart
No. 1171
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1172 Zekehart
No. 1172
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1173 Zekehart
No. 1173
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1174 Dietlinde
No. 1174
★★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 1175 Dietlinde
No. 1175
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1176 Dietlinde
No. 1176
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1177 Theobalt
No. 1177
★★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 1178 Theobalt
No. 1178
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1179 Theobalt
No. 1179
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1180 Kanon
No. 1180
★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1181 Kanon
No. 1181
★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1182 Kanon
No. 1182
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1185 Yuraisha
No. 1185
★★★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 1186 Yuraisha
No. 1186
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1187 Yuraisha
No. 1187
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1188 Franis
No. 1188
★★★★ Rare Summon
A member of the Kin of Hess, a group with the purpose of restoring Hess, who tried to rescue the Mother of Hess with his friend Ishil. He has great skill in battle, and his weapon of choice is a katana with a black sheath. Although he's generally impulsive, he's willing to listen to Ishil, even if he doesn't agree.
FFBE 1189 Franis
No. 1189
★★★★★ Awoken
A childhood friend of Ishil's. While they know almost everything about one another, the one thing Franis hasn't told Ishil about is his first crush. The reason being that the subject of his affections is Ishil's older sister, and he takes great care that Ishil not find out.
FFBE 1190 Franis
No. 1190
★★★★★★ Awoken
While Franis is skilled at fearlessly slicing down enemies one after the other, the reason he is able to do so is because he trusts Ishil's follow-up attacks. He once thanked Ishil for his support, but it made things kind of awkward, so he swore to never do it again.
FFBE 1191 Ishil
No. 1191
★★★ Rare Summon
A member of the Kin of Hess, a group working for the restoration of Hess. He executed a plan to rescue Yuraisha together with his friend Franis. Unlike the easily fired-up Franis, he is able to calmly and logically think things through. He is also skilled in battle, and the arrows shot from his black bow never miss their target.
FFBE 1192 Ishil
No. 1192
★★★★ Awoken
A member of the Kin of Hess who spent all of his time together with his childhood friend Franis. His first crush was on Franis' mother, and after Franis found out he called Ishil "Stepdad" for quite a while. He wants to get back at Franis eventually, but he has yet to do so.
FFBE 1193 Ishil
No. 1193
★★★★★ Awoken
A member of the Kin of Hess, a group formed by Hess' descendants. In battle, Franis fights upfront and Ishil supports him from behind with his bow. He always gets worked up by Franis' purely offensive battle style, and this takes a much greater toll on him than his actual battle wounds.
FFBE 1206 Gil Snapper
Royal Gil Snapper Family*
No. 1206
FFBE 1207 Folka
No. 1207
★★★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 1208 Folka
No. 1208
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1209 Folka
No. 1209
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1210 Yuben
No. 1210
★★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 1211 Yuben
No. 1211
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1212 Yuben
No. 1212
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1213 Kihana
No. 1213
★★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 1214 Kihana
No. 1214
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1215 Kihana
No. 1215
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1216 Ikol
No. 1216
★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 1217 Ikol
No. 1217
★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1218 Ikol
No. 1218
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1249 Ignacio
No. 1249
★★★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 1250 Ignacio
No. 1250
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1251 Ignacio
No. 1251
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1252 Suzume
No. 1252
★★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 1253 Suzume
No. 1253
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1254 Suzume
No. 1254
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1255 PNK-2
No. 1255
★★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 1256 PNK-2
No. 1256
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1257 PNK-2
No. 1257
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1258 Weyham
No. 1258
★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 1259 Weyham
No. 1259
★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1260 Weyham
No. 1260
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1282 Cid
No. 1282
★★★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 1283 Cid
No. 1283
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1284 Cid
No. 1284
★★★★★★★ Awoken
No. 1285
FFBE 1285 Melette
No. 1285
★★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 1286 Melette
No. 1286
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1287 Melette
No. 1284
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1288 Nagulfa
No. 1288
★★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 1289 Nagulfa
No. 1289
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1290 Nagulfa
No. 1290
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1291 Farma
No. 1291
★★★ Rare Summon
FFBE 1292 Farma
No. 1292
★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1293 Farma
No. 1283
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1294 Karlotte
No. 1294
FFBE 1295 Karlotte
No. 1295
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1296 Karlotte
No. 1296
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1297 Nagi
No. 1297
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1298 Nagi
No. 1298
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1299 Nagi
No. 1299
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1300 Yego
No. 1300
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1301 Yego
No. 1301
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1302 Yego
No. 1302
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1303 Zolulu & Delulu
Zolulu & Delulu*
No. 1303
★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1304 Zolulu & Delulu
Zolulu & Delulu*
No. 1304
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1305 Zolulu & Delulu
Zolulu & Delulu*
No. 1305
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1306 Galas
No. 1306
★★★ Summon
FFBE 1307 Galas
No. 1307
★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1308 Galas
No. 1308
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1324 Akstar
No. 1324
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1325 Akstar
No. 1325
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1326 Akstar
No. 1326
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1327 Gravie
No. 1327
★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1328 Gravie
No. 1328
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1329 Gravie
No. 1329
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1330 Tomoe
No. 1330
★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1331 Tomoe
No. 1331
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1332 Tomoe
No. 1332
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1333 Majora
No. 1333
★★★ Summon
FFBE 1334 Majora
No. 1334
★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1335 Majora
No. 1335
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1348 Riko
No. 1348
FFBE 1349 Riko
No. 1349
★★ Awoken
FFBE 1350 Riko
No. 1350
★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1351 Riko
No. 1351
★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1352 Riko
No. 1352
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1353 Riko
No. 1353
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1354 Nikujaga's Vision
Nikujaga's Vision*
No. 1354
Enhancer Reward
FFBE 1361 Fina & Lid
Summer Fina & Lid
No. 1361
★★★★★ Summon
Summer is in full swing. Fina and Lid's eyes light up in delight as they take in the sights of bright blue skies and clear ocean waters. Letting down their guard, they sprint across the pleasantly soft sand, smiles brightening their faces... Until the scene is dashed from Jake's imagination upon explosive impact with Lid's hammer.
FFBE 1362 Fina & Lid
Summer Fina & Lid
No. 1362
★★★★★★ Awoken
Paradise is the beach in summertime. The sound of laughter fills the air as the girls play and splash each other between the waves, the purity in their voices is enough to soften even the most hardened of hearts... Until Jake closes his eyes and lifts his face skyward at the thought, the same moment Lid brings down her giant hammer.
FFBE 1363 Fina & Lid
Summer Fina & Lid
No. 1363
★★★★★★★ Awoken
The girls stare out over the ocean as evening sets in, laughing and reflecting on the fun they had that day. They are filled with gratitude for the summer memories that will forever be etched in their hearts... Jake grins and nods silently to himself at the thought, but the strength with which Lid brings down her hammer is nothing to smile about.
FFBE 1364 Crimson
No. 1364
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1365 Crimson
No. 1365
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1366 Crimson
No. 1366
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1367 Cyanos
No. 1367
★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1368 Cyanos
No. 1368
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1369 Cyanos
No. 1369
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1370 Milfus
No. 1370
★★★ Summon
FFBE 1371 Milfus
No. 1371
★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1372 Milfus
No. 1372
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1392 Folka & Citra
Summer Folka & Citra
No. 1392
★★★★★ Summon
The blue ocean water sparkles and the white beach sand grows hot under the glaring sun. Folka and Citra take shelter beneath their beach parasol, relaxing their vacation away - a perfect vision of summer to relieve the fatigue of battle.
FFBE 1393 Folka & Citra
Summer Folka & Citra
No. 1393
★★★★★★ Awoken
Beach volleyball, water gun fights, frolicking in the waves... The ways to have fun in the sun are endless! And what better way to spend the day in the hot sun than with kindred spirits? The girls soak up every bit of summer enjoyment together that they can.
FFBE 1394 Folka & Citra
Summer Folka & Citra
No. 1394
★★★★★★★ Awoken
The impossibly beautiful scene is but a glimpse of an eternal summer - a potential future without wars that awaits the girls at the end of a 700-year journey.
FFBE 1395 Regina
No. 1395
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1396 Regina
No. 1396
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1397 Regina
No. 1397
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1398 Amber
No. 1398
★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1399 Amber
No. 1399
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1400 Amber
No. 1400
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1401 Vesuvia
No. 1401
★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1402 Vesuvia
No. 1402
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1403 Vesuvia
No. 1403
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1404 Chrowa
No. 1404
★★★ Summon
FFBE 1405 Chrowa
No. 1405
★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1406 Chrowa
No. 1406
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1407 Rain
Chocobo Rain*
No. 1407
★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1408 Rain
Chocobo Rain*
No. 1408
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1409 Rain
Chocobo Rain*
No. 1409
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1410 Tough Door
Tough Doorpot*
No. 1410
★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1411 Tough Door
Tough Doorpot*
No. 1411
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1412 Magi Door
Magi Doorpot*
No. 1412
★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1413 Magi Door
Magi Doorpot*
No. 1413
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1414 Power Door
Power Doorpot*
No. 1414
★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1415 Power Door
Power Doorpot*
No. 1415
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1416 Shield Door
Shield Doorpot*
No. 1416
★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1417 Shield Door
Shield Doorpot*
No. 1417
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1418 Smart Door
Smart Doorpot*
No. 1418
★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1419 Smart Door
Smart Doorpot*
No. 1419
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1420 Soul Door
Soul Doorpot*
No. 1420
★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1421 Soul Door
Soul Doorpot*
No. 1421
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1422 Charlotte
Holy Knight Charlotte*
No. 1422
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1423 Charlotte
Holy Knight Charlotte*
No. 1423
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1424 Charlotte
Holy Knight Charlotte*
No. 1424
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1425 Friese
No. 1425
★★★★ Summon
A new knight of Grandshelt, whose mother is a merchant hailing from Grandport. Assigned to Charlotte's division, she puts her skills of agility to use, taking charge of the division's scouting duties. She and her comrade Shepard are always at odds with each other, their incessant rivalry causing her to lose her normally agreeable nature and resort to hostility.
FFBE 1426 Friese
No. 1426
★★★★★ Awoken
A new knight of Grandshelt, and a die-hard fan of Charlotte. Ever since her days of training, before even joining her division, she has continued to closely follow Charlotte. Her reason for choosing to become a scout was to be able to fully and completely support the one she admires from a different position.
FFBE 1427 Friese
No. 1427
★★★★★★ Awoken
A new knight of Grandshelt. She tends to get irritated with Shepard, jealous of what a good match he and Charlotte make. Recently, more and more fans of Charlotte have begun to emerge, which has filled her mind with unease. While those around Friese admire her as they would a superior officer, she only has eyes for Charlotte.
FFBE 1428 Shepard
No. 1428
★★★ Summon
FFBE 1429 Shepard
No. 1429
★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1430 Shepard
No. 1430
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1431 Moogle
Super Trust Moogle*
No. 1431
★★★ Summon
FFBE 1432 Moogle
Super Trust Moogle*
No. 1432
★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1433 Moogle
Super Trust Moogle*
No. 1432
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1434 Ayaka
Kimono Ayaka*
No. 1434
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1435 Ayaka
Kimono Ayaka*
No. 1435
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1436 Ayaka
Kimono Ayaka*
No. 1436
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1437 Aileen
Dressy Aileen
No. 1437
★★★★★ Summon
Aileen, seldom one to wear dresses, is donning one specially for FFBE's 3rd anniversary. Dressed up for the occasion, she poured her heart into making a new weapon to perfectly match her outfit. It seems that after changing, putting on her make-up, and getting her hair done, she was still adjusting her gun until just before going out.
FFBE 1438 Aileen
Dressy Aileen
No. 1438
★★★★★★ Awoken
Aileen, having donned a more sophisticated look. In accordance with her credo, she built a handgun easy to wield even in a dress...or so one would think—it can transform into a sniper rifle if need be. There's no mistake that the gun gains a considerable amount of mass somehow, but only Aileen knows in detail how it actually works.
FFBE 1439 Aileen
Dressy Aileen
No. 1439
★★★★★★★ Awoken
Aileen, an engineer from Dirnado, chose a fashionable purple fishtail dress to wear to the celebration. From the elegant folds to the bold leg-revealing design, it is a dress that is not only glamorous but also functional enough to handle any sudden gunfights that may occur.
FFBE 1460 Sol
No. 1460
★★★★★ Summon
One of Hess' Eight Sages, who was sealed in a crystal on Lapis for 700 years. During that time, he was tainted by the evil will of humans, causing him to hate all forms of life. Convinced that death is the only solution, he tried to destroy Lapis using Chaotic Darkness. He says that Rain's hypocrisy burns brighter than the sun, while he is the truth-illuminating moon.
FFBE 1461 Sol
No. 1461
★★★★★★ Awoken
While Sol lacks human emotions, he doesn't seem to mind, and has never given any special treatment to the other Sages. Dark Fina calls Sol "quiet but reliable," and Behemoth often tells him "Do you want to pet me? My fur feels so soft you might be moved to tears."
FFBE 1462 Sol
No. 1462
★★★★★★★ Awoken
A gourmet lacking emotions, who even ate Dark Fina's portion the time Yuraisha baked them a cake. On this occasion, Dark Fina, usually calm and collected, got so angry that she went on a magic rampage and destroyed Hess' home base. Dark Fina's mood finally returned to normal after Sol baked another cake as an apology.
FFBE 1463 Heliak
No. 1463
★★★★ Summon
A researcher working at an Aldore research facility who is currently developing an artificial heart powered by the crystal known as the "magitek heart." Very kind-hearted, he became a researcher in order to help those suffering from injuries and illnesses. While he does have a more optimistic side, he tries to thoroughly investigate all doubts and unresolved matters, cutting absolutely no corners in regards to his research.
FFBE 1464 Heliak
No. 1464
★★★★★ Awoken
A scientist in Aldore researching the development of the magitek heart. Due to his outstanding magical power, he enlisted in the Aldore army for a time as a mage, but did not enjoy fighting. He is currently gaining attention as the second scientist after Yuraisha to be chosen by the country to receive a physically immortal body.
FFBE 1465 Heliak
No. 1465
★★★★★★ Awoken
Researcher of the magitek heart. After his heart was stolen by fellow researcher Eclipsa to power airships, the magitek heart is implanted into his own body. He gradually begins to lose his memories and emotions as a side of effect of the crystal used in the magitek heart, but after his companion Pertira bestows upon him the new name of "Sol," he is able to bid farewell to his original self.
FFBE 1466 Eclipsa
No. 1466
★★★★ Summon
A researcher from Aldore who joined the facility at the same time as Heliarc. They have an intellectual relationship, sharing their opinions regarding one another's research. Her project, nicknamed "Babel," aims to develop a new kind of device that can produce energy for airships, with a research team that is apparently composed of Aldore's top scientists.
FFBE 1467 Eclipsa
No. 1467
★★★★★ Awoken
A researcher from Aldore developing a new device with the ability to power airships. She has a strong inferiority complex regarding those more intelligent than her, and above anything else wants to leave her name behind with her research. After hearing about Heliarc's research of the magitek heart, she devises a heinous method of completing her own project.
FFBE 1468 Eclipsa
No. 1468
★★★★★★ Awoken
A researcher developing a device that can power airships. After learning of Heliarc's physical immortality, she steals his heart to use as a substantial, semi-permanent energy source. Her device, known as the Heart of Babel, will later become the energy source of the airship, the Invincible.
FFBE 1470 Pelteira
No. 1470
★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1471 Pelteira
No. 1471
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1487 Atri
No. 1487
★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1488 Atri
No. 1488
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1489 Atri
No. 1489
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1490 Tessen
No. 1490
★★★ Summon
FFBE 1491 Tessen
No. 1491
★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1492 Tessen
No. 1492
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1493 Fina
Chocobo Fina*
No. 1493
★★★★★ Reward
FFBE 1494 Fina
Chocobo Fina*
No. 1494
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1495 Fina
Chocobo Fina*
No. 1495
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1498 Faisalith
No. 1498
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1499 Faisalith
No. 1499
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1500 Faisalith
No. 1500
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1501 Juraga
No. 1501
★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1502 Juraga
No. 1502
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1503 Juraga
No. 1503
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1504 Gudon
No. 1504
★★★ Summon
FFBE 1505 Gudon
No. 1505
★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1506 Gudon
No. 1506
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1511 Amelia & Emilia
Holy Night Amelia & Emilia*
No. 1511
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1512 Amelia & Emilia
Holy Night Amelia & Emilia*
No. 1512
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1513 Amelia & Emilia
Holy Night Amelia & Emilia*
No. 1513
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1514 Fina
Kimono Fina*
No. 1514
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1515 Fina
Kimono Fina*
No. 1515
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1516 Fina
Kimono Fina*
No. 1516
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1523 Neisha
No. 1523
★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1524 Neisha
No. 1524
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1525 Neisha
No. 1525
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1526 Latale
No. 1526
★★★ Summon
FFBE 1527 Latale
No. 1527
★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1528 Latale
No. 1528
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1541 Fina
White Lily Dark Fina*
No. 1541
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1542 Fina
White Lily Dark Fina*
No. 1542
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1543 Fina
White Lily Dark Fina*
No. 1543
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1544 Nichol
Sweet Nichol*
No. 1544
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1545 Nichol
Sweet Nichol*
No. 1545
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1546 Nichol
Sweet Nichol*
No. 1546
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1547 Luka
Sweet Luka*
No. 1547
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1548 Luka
Sweet Luka*
No. 1548
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1549 Luka
Sweet Luka*
No. 1549
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1556 Shantilena
No. 1556
★★★★★ Reward
FFBE 1557 Shantilena
No. 1557
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1558 Shantilena
No. 1558
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1559 Rain
Aldore King Rain*
No. 1559
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1560 Rain
Aldore King Rain*
No. 1560
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1561 Rain
Aldore King Rain*
No. 1561
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1562 Diesel
No. 1562
★★★★ Summon
A greatsword user from Georl. She has tall stature and the appearance of a delinquent, glaring as she walks. She avoids forming relationships with people as much as possible, living a quiet life in a shack. Those in the neighborhood also regard her as a dangerous character, staying away from her and spreading various rumors.
FFBE 1563 Diesel
No. 1563
★★★★★ Awoken
An unlucky person living a life on the run due to false charges. She has suffered a great deal due to her appearance, with people saying horrible things about her, such as "her face is scary", "her eyes are scary", "she has no class", and "she has bad posture." She is also a bit awkward, hunching her back to not scare off others, which unfortunately has the opposite effect.
FFBE 1564 Diesel
No. 1564
★★★★★★ Awoken
A greatsword user who, for various reasons, now works alongside the king after the overthrow of Aldore. Many misjudge her without trying to understand her, but she is so honest that she always falls for the lies of her current partner, Maisie. She puts her guard up so as to not be fooled the next time, but that guard never even lasts a day.
FFBE 1565 Meiji
No. 1565
★★★ Summon
FFBE 1566 Meiji
No. 1566
★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1567 Meiji
No. 1567
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1568 Fina
Fina & Dark Fina*
No. 1568
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1569 Fina
Fina & Dark Fina*
No. 1569
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1570 Fina
Fina & Dark Fina*
No. 1570
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1571 Lake
Lid & Jake*
No. 1571
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1572 Lake
Lid & Jake*
No. 1572
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1573 Lake
Lid & Jake*
No. 1573
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1574 Rowen
No. 1574
★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1575 Rowen
No. 1575
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1576 Rowen
No. 1576
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1586 Lasswell
Hess King Lasswell*
No. 1586
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1587 Lasswell
Hess King Lasswell*
No. 1587
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1588 Lasswell
Hess King Lasswell*
No. 1588
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1589 Arie
No. 1589
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1590 Arie
No. 1590
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1591 Arie
No. 1591
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1592 Skulltio
No. 1592
★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1593 Skulltio
No. 1593
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1594 Skulltio
No. 1594
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1595 Sister
No. 1595
★★★ Summon
FFBE 1596 Sister
No. 1596
★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1597 Sister
No. 1597
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1601 Charlotte
No. 1601
★★★★★ Reward
FFBE 1602 Charlotte
No. 1602
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1603 Charlotte
No. 1603
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1619 Madam
Madam Ezel*
No. 1619
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1620 Madam
Madam Ezel*
No. 1620
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1621 Madam
Madam Ezel*
No. 1621
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1622 Almers
No. 1622
★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1623 Almers
No. 1623
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1624 Almers
No. 1624
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1625 Winkle
No. 1625
★★★ Summon
FFBE 1626 Winkle
No. 1626
★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1627 Winkle
No. 1627
★★★★★ Awok
FFBE 1639 Fina
Blue Mage Fina*
No. 1639
★★★★★ Story
FFBE 1640 Fina
Blue Mage Fina*
No. 1640
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1654 Elnath
No. 1654
★★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1655 Elnath
No. 1655
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1656 Elnath
No. 1656
★★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1657 Alde
No. 1657
★★★★ Summon
FFBE 1658 Alde
No. 1658
★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1659 Alde
No. 1659
★★★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1660 Timorus
No. 1660
★★★ Reward
FFBE 1661 Timorus
No. 1661
★★★★ Awoken
FFBE 1662 Timorus
No. 1662
★★★★★ Awoken
Poppy 1963 from FFBE sprite
No. 1963
★★★★★ Summon
A young painter who lives in Couleur, the Kingdom of Colors. She paints her works not only on canvas but also on house walls and stones along the road. However, strange is the fact that her skill as an artist has rarely ever been acknowledged. "And you know what? I don't care about acknowledgement either. Nope, nuh-uh. Whoo!"
Poppy 1964 from FFBE sprite
No. 1964
★★★★★★ Awoken
You want to know my secrets? Why do you wanna know? I mean, they're SECRET! If I told you, they wouldn't be secret! Well, I guess I don't mind. But, hmm... Something crazy like, 'I WAS ACTUALLY YOUR FRIEND FROM THE FUTURE', right? I dunno if I have anything like that... Oh, wait! I thought of something that I haven't told anyone! So, the truth is... Wait, is it that time already?
Poppy 1965 from FFBE sprite
No. 1965
★★★★★★ Awoken
"I mean, what's so embarrassing about posing nude? Kalmia, you're gorgeous. C'mon, please? I saw some nude paintings the other day and it made me want to draw too. Pretty please? Don't worry, it'll just be me. With your beauty and my sense we can make bigger history than that one lady and her sinking boat. Trust me on this!" And so, Poppy caused more than a bit of trouble for Kalmia.
File:Hess Sage Rowen 2176 from FFBE sprite.png
Hess Sage Rowen
No. 2176
★★★★★ Summon
Rowen, one of the Eight Sages of Hess, and the son of Yuraisha. He and Raegen were raised together as brothers, their trust in each other thicker than blood. In order to end the war for the independence of Hess, he took on the duty of being sealed in crystal without hesitation. It was a choice with tragic consequences, but one that would also bring hope to the rest of the world.
File:Hess Sage Rowen 2177 from FFBE sprite.png
Hess Sage Rowen
No. 2177
★★★★★★ Awoken
Rowen, having awoken in Lapis with no recollection of his life in Paladia. Since he had also lost his powers as a Sage, he spent his days as a farmer. It was there that he met Yona, with whom he married and had a son, Lasswell.
File:Hess Sage Rowen 2178 from FFBE sprite.png
Hess Sage Rowen
No. 2178
★★★★★★ Awoken
Before proposing to Yona, Rowen practiced hundreds of times with Raegen standing in for Yona. Though he had to listen to Rowen's vows of love over and over, Raegen stuck through to the end with a smile. Despite practicing until he had it down perfect, when the time came, Rowen was overtaken by nerves and his words failed him.
File:Trot 2210 from FFBE sprite.png
No. 2210
★★★★★ Summon
A young boy from the Fortress City of Berga. Inspired by a chocobo rider he once saw in a book as a child, Trot began learning everything he could about chocobos, eventually falling in love with them. When his parents realized that he had become an expert on the subject, they affectionately dubbed him "the Chocopro."
File:Trot 2211 from FFBE sprite.png
No. 2211
★★★★★★ Awoken
A young chocobo expert who resides in the city of Berga. Early in his life, his parents brought home a baby chocobo, who grew up to be his partner, Chacco. Trot made them matching blue bowties as a symbol of their friendship. In fact, he also made his chocobo hat himself with Chacco by his side, a trademark of his status as the Chocopro.
File:Trot 2212 from FFBE sprite.png
No. 2212
★★★★★★ Awoken
A boy who calls a beloved chocobo his best friend. He used to read maps and reference materials at home, pretending to go on adventures when out in town, and his partner Chacco would always be seen by his side. At the end of each day, they would climb up a tree and gaze at the setting sun, wishing that they could remain friends forever...
File:Freesia 2223 from FFBE sprite.png
No. 2223
★★★★★ Summon
A white mage in training who lives in the mage village, Roz. She is so talented that some compare her to a young Melo. However, she rarely exhibits her full potential due to her shyness. She may be a prodigy with the weight of the village on her shoulders, but even the village head worries about her timid personality.
File:Freesia 2224 from FFBE sprite.png
No. 2224
★★★★★★ Awoken
A talented white mage in training who lives in the mage village, Roz. She hopes to become as strong as Melo, whom she idolizes for having managed to defeat the Hollow and also hails from the same village. She's normally very shy, so the whole village was surprised when she took on the responsibility of maintaining Melo's decrepit household.
File:Freesia 2225 from FFBE sprite.png
No. 2225
★★★★★★ Awoken
A talented white mage in training who deeply respects Melo. She changed after meeting him, becoming able to speak her mind freely when not thinking about her shyness. However, if she lets her guard down, she returns to the normal timid Freesia, making her face red with embarrassment.
File:Shoreline Fina & Daisy 2132 from FFBE sprite.png
Shoreline Fina & Daisy
No. 2132
NV Summon
"This summer is ours!" Under the dazzling midsummer sky, the girls dash across the white sandy beach, jumping straight into the cool blue waters. Cherishing their valuable youth, the two give their everything to enjoy this fleeting yet memorable moment... That is, at least, what Daisy was daydreaming about when putting on her swimsuit before investigating the school pool at night.
File:Summer Fina & Lid 2133 from FFBE sprite.png
Summer Fina & Lid
No. 2133
NV EX Awoken
The girls stare out over the ocean as evening sets in, laughing and reflecting on the fun they had that day. They are filled with gratitude for the summer memories that will forever be etched in their hearts... Jake grins and nods silently to himself at the thought, but the strength with which Lid brings down her hammer is nothing to smile about.
File:Summer Folka & Citra 2134 from FFBE sprite.png
Summer Folka & Citra
No. 2134
NV EX Awoken
The impossibly beautiful scene is but a glimpse of an eternal summer - a potential future without wars that awaits the girls at the end of a 700-year journey.

Global exclusive[]

Unit Rarity Job Role(s) Acquisition
FFBE 8000 Demon Rain
Demon Rain
No. 8000
★★★★★ Demon Knight Tank, Physical Attacker Summon
A knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt, he and his friend Lasswell are considered two of the most formidable knights to grace the Royal Guard since Rain's father Sir Raegen. Though he harbors conflicted feelings toward his father for having abandoned him and his family, he keeps this to himself when in the presence of Lasswell, who still deeply respects the man.
FFBE 8001 Demon Rain
Demon Rain
No. 8001
★★★★★★ Demon Knight Tank, Physical Attacker Awoken
A knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt. Though usually preoccupied chasing girls, on his journey chasing after the Sworn Six of Paladia who attacked his homeland a gentler, more courageous side of him came through. At a young age he came in contact with the earth crystal, but little did he know that would become the catalyst that sealed his fate.
FFBE 8002 Rain
Demon Rain
No. 8002
★★★★★★★ Demon Knight Tank, Physical Attacker Awoken
A knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt who grew up together with his best friend and "brother" Lasswell. For Halloween, Rain has chosen to dress up as a demon, completely devoting himself to his character. Now he seems to have different abilities than the ones he is normally able to use, but it is unknown whether or not this was made possible by his costume.
FFBE 8003 Dracu Lasswell
Dracu Lasswell
No. 8003
★★★★★ Vampire Physical Attacker Summon
A knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt whose talents earned him command of an airship alongside Rain. Lasswell is a tireless worker, entirely devoted to his duties and training. He holds the utmost respect for Rain's father, Sir Raegen, once a prominent knight of Grandshelt himself. Lasswell lends his strength to Rain as a way to honor the memory of his hero, while struggling with the fact that his prestigious lineage is not his own.
FFBE 8004 Dracu Lasswell
Dracu Lasswell
No. 8004
★★★★★★ Vampire Physical Attacker Awoken
A knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt who was raised alongside Rain by Rain's father, Sir Raegen, who also trained Lasswell in various skills. Out of respect for everything he had been given, he has a tendancy to worry about Rain and his wellbeing, though he seems to be hiding some dreams and hopes of his own. His beloved Swords, purple lightning, is the last remaining connection he has to Sir Raegen.
FFBE 8005 Lasswell
Dracu Lasswell
No. 8005
★★★★★★★ Vampire Physical Attacker Awoken
A knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt who was brought up alongside Rain by Rain's father, Sir Raegen. For Halloween, Lasswell has chosen to dress up as a vampire, completely devoting himself to his character. Now he seems to have different abilities than the ones he is normally able to use, but it is unknown whether or not this was made possible by his costume.
FFBE 8006 White Witch Fina
White Witch Fina
No. 8006
★★★★ White Witch Healer, Support Summon
A young girl who emerged from an earth crystal. Because she has amnesia, she relies on impulse to guide her actions, which can often cause trouble for her comrades. Having woken in a strange world without her memories, she struggles with confusion and anxiety, but displays great inner strength in joining Rain and Lasswell on their quest.
FFBE 8007 White Witch Fina
White Witch Fina
No. 8007
★★★★★ White Witch Healer, Support Awoken
A young girl who emerged from an earth crystal, whose mysterious identity seems to tie her to the origins of the world. Pure of heart, Fina possesses an innocent nature and an insatiable curiosity about her surroundings. Her childlike behaviour, in part product of memory loss, may also stem from her original, lost personality.
FFBE 8008 White Witch Fina
White Witch Fina
No. 8008
★★★★★★ White Witch Healer, Support Awoken
A young girl who emerged from an earth crystal, whose mysterious identity seems to tie her to the origins of the world. Pure of heart, Fina possesses an innocent nature and an insatiable curiosity about her surroundings. Despite her childlike behaviour, she has grown to become a powerful ally to her partners, Rain and Lasswell.
FFBE 8009 Black Cat Lid
Black Cat Lid
No. 8009
★★★ Tech Mage Physical Attacker, Support Summon
An airship engineer from Dirnado, who grew from a kid toying with machines in her parents' workshop to the finest engineer in the Industrial City. Lid is determined to inherit the name Cid, an honor granted only to the greatest in her trade. Her only serious flaw seems to be her love of money.
FFBE 8010 Black Cat Lid
Black Cat Lid
No. 8010
★★★★ Tech Mage Physical Attacker, Support Awoken
An airship engineer from Dirnado. Lid had an interest in machinery from childhood, but it wasn't until her older brother began showing her the ropes (and gears) that her aptitude blossomed into real talent. Her most treasured possession is her robot chocobo named Mechabo, which she and her brother built together. She became even more attached to Mechabo when her brother left home.
FFBE 8011 Black Cat Lid
Black Cat Lid
No. 8011
★★★★★ Tech Mage Physical Damage, Support Awoken
An airship engineer who is paving the way to a new era. Unfortunately for Lid, her older brother was the one to inherit the Cid name she so coveted, after he left home. Regardless, she single-handedly renovated the desolate workshop her brother had abandoned, using the first Cid and his philosophy of freedom as her inspiration. Lid now seeks to become the embodiment of her hero as she travels with Rain.
FFBE 8015 White Knight Noel
White Knight Noel
No. 8015
★★★★★ White Knight Tank, Magic Attacker Summon
A knight from the icy highlands, who was known for his generosity and nobility. His parents were residents of two neighbouring countries that shared a long history of war. From his father, Noel learnt how to pilot a robot whilst his mother trained him in the arts of magic. During a short period of time when the two countries were at peace, Noel was able to travel freely between them, helping the poor he met along the way by providing them with gifts.
FFBE 8016 White Knight Noel
White Knight Noel
No. 8016
★★★★★★ White Knight Tank, Magic Attacker Awoken
A knight known for his generosity and nobility. Always seen riding atop a gold and white robot, he is known by people as the "White Knight." When war broke out between two neighbouring countries, the homelands of his parents, Noel gave up his life to defend the powerless from the soldiers. Tales of his brave sacrifice quickly spread, eventually leading to the end of the war. After his death, residents of the two nations celebrate the Festival of the White Knight annually to remember him and to remind themselves of the importance of peace.
FFBE 8017 Noel
White Knight Noel
No. 8017
★★★★★★★ White Knight Tank, Magic Attacker Awoken
A knight known for his generosity and nobility. Also referred to as the "White Knight" due to the gigantic white robot he pilots, Noel is a war hero who gave up his life to save the people of two neighboring countries, the homelands of his parents. His story is an inspiring one and even long after his passing, continues to be a reminder to the people of the two lands that they can live together in harmony despite their great differences.
FFBE 8018 Santa Roselia
Santa Roselia
No. 8018
★★★★ White Magus Healer Summon
A white magic expert born into the community of researchers that would one day become Mysidia. Roselia immersed herself in magical research simply because she was good at it. However, when a plague struck and she was unable to cure her fellow researchers, she became profoundly aware of her limitations.
FFBE 8019 Santa Roselia
Santa Roselia
No. 8019
★★★★★ White Magus Healer Awoken
A white mage born from the land that would come to be known as Mysidia. Due to her father's influence, she never developed a healer's compassion and was interested only in research for research's sake. She realized this too late as she succumbed to a plague that ravaged her homeland, her bitter regret bringing her back as a vision.
FFBE 8020 Santa Roselia
Santa Roselia
No. 8020
★★★★★★ White Magus Healer Awoken
A white mage born from the land that would come to be known as Mysidia. Due to her father's influence, she never developed a healer's compassion and was interested only in research for research's sake. She realized this too late as she succumbed to a plague that ravaged her homeland, her bitter regret bringing her back as a vision.
FFBE 8021 Cerius
No. 8021
★★★★★★ Green Mage Support Awoken
A green mage, an orphan raised exclusively for the purpose of assisting in war. Cerius later fled her homeland and found her life purpose as a hunter of monsters. Unfortunately, her happiness was short-lived. She was assassinated by killers dispatched from her homeland after they found out about her escape. Having returned as a vision, Cerius can leave behind her tragic past and continue to help others.
FFBE 8022 Medius
No. 8022
★★★★★★ Gunner Physical Attacker Awoken
An inventor of guns, who devoted his life to promoting their use as a means for the underprivileged to stand up against the powerful elite. As such, he was deemed a threat by the authorities and was hunted down. Even after death, Medius was remembered for a long time as a hero among his people. As a vision, he is able to continue honing his marksmanship to help the weak.
FFBE 8026 Yun
No. 8026
★★★★★ Chocobo Rider Physical Attacker Summon
A silent warrior atop a chocobo who donned a curious piece of armor. Yun lost his parents during infancy after monsters viciously attacked his village, leaving nothing but death in their wake save for a single chocobo. Yun befriended the feathery creature, and they eventually left together on a journey around the world. The experience he gained through their rigorous journey helped him to develop unique battle abilities which he vowed to use to destroy the monsters that took the lives of those dearest to him. He is said to have continued his crusade against monsters until an illness claimed his life.
FFBE 8027 Yun
No. 8027
★★★★★★ Chocobo Rider Physical Attacker Awoken
A warrior who set off on a journey to vanquish monsters alongside his trusty chocobo. Yun swore to take revenge upon the monsters that killed his family when he was a child, and in the process saved many people who came to admire him deeply. Unfortunately, his long journey and continuous battles against monsters caused him to contract an illness that eventually took his life. His faithful chocobo is said to have stayed by his side until the very end.
FFBE 8028 Yun
No. 80287
★★★★★★★ Chocobo Rider Physical Attacker Awoken
A warrior who fought to protect others, battling monsters until the very last moments of his life. After his death, an epic was written based on accounts of his adventures. Many years later, it had become unclear whether or not he actually existed, and an explorer traveled to the location of Yun's grave as written in the epic. However, all he found there was a shard of metal thought to be a fragment of armor.
FFBE 8029 Ling
No. 8029
★★★★ Dancer Support Summon
A graceful dancer with fascinating moves that is rumored to have put men, as well as beasts, under a trance. Ling's origins are completely shrouded in mystery, but some believe that her grief-stricken expression and ability to express genuine suffering through her performances may provide a clue about her true identity. While many speculate that she may have been the princess of a ruined country, others believe her to have been an assassin who traveled the world targeting royalty. Some even claim she was the incarnation of a white dragon that was chased away from its home.
FFBE 8030 Ling
No. 8030
★★★★★ Dancer Support Awoken
A wandering dancer who inspired both fascination and grief through her craft. Although the story behind Ling's origins differs from person to person, she was actually born in a village. Having lost her parents before she could even remember, she lived in solitude for many years until she met a wandering dancer. Taking the dancer as her master, she learned the skills and abilities required in order to become a dancer herself. Ling quickly rose in popularity following her training as she performed from bar to bar, but unfortunately tragedy would soon strike anew.
FFBE 8031 Ling
No. 8031
★★★★★★ Dancer Support Awoken
A dancer who entranced humans and beasts alike. Tragedy struck for Ling when her master was killed before her eyes by a bandit as she toured the countryside for her performances. Luckily she managed to use her dancing skills to flee from any further danger, and met a monk on the road whom she hired as her bodyguard. Feeling safe in his care, she eventually developed feelings for the monk. However, he had his own goals and dreams to realize, and thus left her to accomplish them, never to return. Consumed by her own grief, she ultimately perished during her travels. Her heartbreaking story has survived to this day through the songs many have written about her.
FFBE 8032 Xiao
No. 8032
★★★★★★ Monk Physical Attacker, Support Awoken
A genius martial artist who mastered the techniques of her people at a young age, and used them to defend the weak. Xiao never wanted power for herself, but to protect others, which changed how martial arts were viewed around the world. It is thanks to her that other monks around the world have come to value kindness and consideration above all else. This could be said to be Xiao's greatest achievement.
FFBE 8033 Cupid Artemios
Cupid Artemios
No. 8033
★★★★ Cupid Archer Physical Attacker, Support Summon
A hunter who dedicated his life to the hunt. A cruel man who hunts not just beasts but even humans if asked, he was spotted wearing white garments as he hunted monsters. Since he would not speak himself of why he was doing so, the truth of the matter is still shrouded in mystery.
FFBE 8034 Cupid Artemios
Cupid Artemios
No. 8034
★★★★★ Cupid Archer Physical Attacker, Support Awoken
A remarkable hunter, referred to by some as a brutal assassin, there are few who know that he once wore white garments as he hunted down monsters. While there exists evidence that at this time his eyes were not full of their usual danger, but instead calm and clear, there is no one who can clearly explain what relation this may have have to his hunting monsters, though there are many who like to theorize.
FFBE 8035 Cupid Artemios
Cupid Artemios
No. 8035
★★★★★★ Cupid Archer Physical Attacker, Support Awoken
There once was a historian who claimed that the white robes he wore and his monster hunting activities resembled a certain region's seasonal ritual. However, no documentation on this ritual was found anywhere in the world, leaving people to lament solely over the many cruel things he did, as he and this theory were finally buried in darkness.
FFBE 8036 Cupid Luna
Cupid Luna
No. 8036
★★★ Cupid Archer Physical Attacker Summon
A young girl rumored by both humans and forest sprites to be beautiful and skillful with a bow. One day, she came across a traveler wandering through the woods, with whom she would then split her rations with. Upon doing so, the traveler took out some white garments, and began speaking. Though she was unable to understand what he was saying, she was taken by the beautiful clothes, so she accepted them and put them on.
FFBE 8037 Cupid Luna
Cupid Luna
No. 8037
★★★★ Cupid Archer Physical Attacker Awoken
A young hunter who lived alone in a forest. Having been taken by the white garments she received from the traveler, she would often wear them and run around the forest. Doing so, she was often seen by villagers as she ventured closer to the edge of the forest which she was usually afraid of. However, as quick as she moved, she was often thought to be a ghost, leading them to avoid going near the forest for a while.
FFBE 8038 Cupid Luna
Cupid Luna
No. 8038
★★★★★ Cupid Archer Physical Attacker Awoken
A hunter so beautiful she could be compared to forest sprites. Over many years, she took great care of the white garments that she received from the traveler. Even after she passed, the garments she cared so much for were found in a dwelling in the forest by a villager who was passing through. It is said that one can feel the strong emotions that once existed between these two from them.
FFBE 8039 Olive
No. 8039
★★★★★★ Cannoneer Physical Attacker, Support Summon
A young girl capable of freely wielding heavy weaponry. She was an ace among her fellow gunners in the squad she belonged to. At the same time, it is also said that she was relied on by her friends thanks to her being so resourceful. Contrary to her bold actions on the field, she is usually quite bashful and quiet, and it has been told she seems most happy when she's alone, working on her guns.
FFBE 8040 Olive
No. 8040
★★★★★★★ Cannoneer Physical Attacker, Support Awoken
A young girl who fought as a gunner for the sake of her hometown. Long ago, her town was invaded by another country, which led to the loss of many of her friends and family. This spurred the quiet little girl on to join the military, and led to her lash out on the battlefield out of fear of her friends being hurt. It is said that as a result her life ended short, but her deeds were talked about long after she passed.
FFBE 8041 Olive
No. 8041
★★★★★★★★ Cannoneer Physical Attacker, Support Awoken
There isn't a soul alive that knows of Olive's last battle. According to the few accounts left detailing the event, her squadron managed to completely surround the enemy's forces, allowing a great number of her comrades to return home safely. Unfortunately for Olive, however, she could only accomplish this by staying behind and fighting with her trusty cannon to the very end. Although there is testimony to prove this was the case, for some reason the military refuses to acknowledge this evidence in favor of covering up the entire incident.
FFBE 8042 Fryevia
No. 8042
★★★★★ Spellblade Hybrid Attacker Summon
An elven warrioress who claims to be the daughter of a merchant from a distant land. Fryevia is on a journey to find equipment suitable for her abilities, as she is much more skilled with the sword than the average soldier. She usually disguises herself as a human and enjoys interacting with others. Always exuding an air of purity and elegance, it may be surprising to learn that she believes money to be no object in order to obtain what she desires.
FFBE 8043 Fryevia
No. 8043
���★★★★★ Spellblade Hybrid Attacker Awoken
An elven warrioress who claims to be the daughter of a merchant from a distant land. Although Fryevia is of elven descent, she disguises herself as a human in order to live peacefully among them. She was born into a wealthy family, and thus has never known financial problems. Following in the footsteps of her famous grandfather, she eagerly began taking lessons in sword fighting from a skilled instructor. After coming to know no greater joy than that of crossing blades with an opponent, she now hopes to challenge warriors all over the world with her beloved sword.
FFBE 8044 Fryevia
No. 8044
★★★★★★★ Spellblade Hybrid Attacker Awoken
An elven warrioress who claims to be the daughter of a merchant from a distant land. Fryevia left her conservative family behind to live among humans while concealing her identity. She met a lot of humans in her time, but none left quite the impression that her swordmaster did. Even now she is eternally grateful to the one person who taught her the pleasure of exchanging swords with a worthy adversary.
FFBE 8045 Xon
No. 8045
★★★★ Thief Physical Attacker, Support Summon
A thief who lives on the streets of a distant land. Xon has made a living by selling what he pilfers from others for quite some time, always exaggerating the actual value of things that were not worth much in the first place. Although he feels no guilt about stealing from those with lavish lifestyles, he always shares his earnings with those who live off the streets. He is rumored to hold a certain teddy bear dear to his heart.
FFBE 8046 Xon
No. 8046
★★★★★ Thief Physical Attacker, Support Awoken
A thief who lives on the streets of a distant land. Xon steals rare materials from monsters and then sells them at exorbitant prices to make a living. This allows him to take advantage of his customers, making enough money to share with all the poor people on the streets and creating a strong bond with them in the process. The teddy bear he treasures so much is rumored to be a memento from his master, who trained him strictly in the art of thievery.
FFBE 8047 Xon
No. 8047
★★★★★★ Thief Physical Attacker, Support Awoken
A thief who lives on the streets of a distant land. Once Xon realized that the rare materials he had been stealing from monsters enhanced the owner's abilities, he decided to become a traveling merchant to promote his business. After making huge profits from his stock, he now lives comfortably with the rest of his comrades. Although his master no longer lives, the teddy bear he keeps as a memento of him always serves as a reminder that he must share whatever he gains through thievery with the less fortunate.
FFBE 8048 Aiden
No. 8048
★★★ Cleric Healer Summon
An aspiring young cleric from a distant land. Aiden's menacing look stems from the fact that he once trained to be a warrior. It wasn't until a certain incident took place that he began learning restorative magic, eventually becoming as proficient in it as his other fellow clerics. Unfortunately, however, he is very quick to anger and will not hesitate to use his staff to hit his enemies in battle before ever using it to conjure magic.
FFBE 8049 Aiden
No. 8049
★★★★ Cleric Healer Awoken
An aspiring young cleric from a distant land. Aiden was once a warrior who placed complete faith in his own abilities. However, it wasn't long until he realized that he needed the ability to heal others in order to protect them, and thus he began his training to become a cleric. Although he is known for his short temper, he is quite diligent and hardworking, always focusing all his efforts on his goals. His abrasive attitude often causes others to confuse him for a warrior, but he is a skilled cleric in his own right.
FFBE 8050 Aiden
No. 8050
★★★★★ Cleric Healer Awoken
An aspiring young cleric from a distant land. Long ago, Aiden was much too confident in his abilities as a warrior, and challenged a great beast to battle. However, his skills were not enough to subdue the beast, and his sister lost her life trying to shield him from a fatal blow. Tormented by the overwhelming guilt, he decided to give up his sword and began his studies in the arts of the clerics. Believing that the healing magic he has learned will prevent anyone else from dying on his watch, he continues training fiercely to protect those he cares for the most.
FFBE 8051 Reberta
No. 8051
★★★★★ Dragoon Physical Attacker Summon
A female dragoon appearing on battlefields throughout the world. She has been incredibly successful over many a battle. Attacking from high above, riding atop her red dragon as she brings death to those below, she has come to be known among mercenaries as the "Crimson Death." On the other hand, she believes strongly in strengthening the bonds between dragons and humans, and though she loves them very much, she is not opposed to punishing those who step out of line. She has an incredibly strong bond with the dragon she travels along with.
FFBE 8052 Reberta
No. 8052
★★★★★★ Dragoon Physical Attacker Awoken
A female dragoon appearing on battlefields throughout the world. She is called the "Crimson Death," as once she has her eyes on you, there is no escaping her. However, since having her on one's side is a guarantee for victory, there are many who attempt to hire her. The dragon she carries along with her is the second generation. Her former dragon partner was cruelly killed by a person who could wield a special type of magic. She hides within her heart a desire to end this person's life.
FFBE 8053 Reberta
No. 8053
★★★★★★★ Dragoon Physical Attacker Awoken
A female dragoon appearing on battlefields throughout the world. Reberta was dubbed the "Crimson Death," and her prowess was well-known amongst soldiers. Although she moves on the field as if she were death itself, she is a serious yet gentle soul when not in battle. Rumor has it the smiles she shares with her dragon companion are reminiscent of those of a goddess. Other rumors go as far as stating that she makes her dragon's food from scratch with great affection.
FFBE 8054 Zyrus
No. 8054
★★★★ Black Mage Magic Attacker Summon
A young, silent black mage from a place widely unknown. He always has his sights set on dragons, and is especially equipped for taking them on. He's cold-blooded when it comes to fighting dragons, not taking mercy on them even if they are wounded or even young. He hates being thought of by humans, and is constantly trying to avoid getting involved with others. He has a particularly bad relationship with a certain dragoon, and there are even rumors that this dragoon seeks to end his life.
FFBE 8055 Zyrus
No. 8055
★★★★★ Black Mage Magic Attacker Awoken
A young, silent black mage from a place widely unknown. He is hated by dragoons as he constantly has his eye on taking down dragons. He owes his strength to his secret "blood technique," which uses his own blood to increase his magic power. He shows no emotions no matter how big the dragon which stands before him, and thanks to his special technique, it is said that if he were to get injured and lose blood, it would only excite him, making him unstoppable.
FFBE 8056 Zyrus
No. 8056
★★★★★★ Black Mage Magic Attacker Awoken
A young, silent black mage from a place widely unknown. Using the magic power he stole from the dragons he's slayed along with his blood technique, he is able to unleash powerful magical attacks. The blood technique is a technique that was once handed down through a certain colony. However, this colony was attacked and destroyed by dragons, which is said to have put an end to the technique. It is unknown whether or not this young man is from that colony, but what is known is that the look in his eye when he comes face to face with a dragon is full of nothing but hatred.
FFBE 8057 Artisan Lid
Artisan Lid
No. 8057
★★★★ Artisan Support Reward
An airship engineer from Dirnado. Lid had an interest in machinery from childhood, but it wasn't until her older brother began showing her the ropes (and gears) that her aptitude blossomed into real talent. Her most treasured possession is her robot chocobo named Mechabo, which she and her brother built together. She became even more attached to Mechabo when her brother left home.
FFBE 8058 Artisan Lid
Artisan Lid
No. 8058
★★★★★ Artisan Support Awoken
An airship engineer who is paving the way to a new era. Unfortunately for Lid, her older brother was the one to inherit the Cid name she so coveted, after he left home. Regardless, she single-handedly renovated the desolate workshop her brother had abandoned, using the first Cid and his philosophy of freedom as her inspiration. Lid now seeks to become the embodiment of her hero as she travels with Rain.
FFBE 8071 Lasswell
Swordsman Lasswell
No. 8071
★★★★ Swordsman Hybrid Attacker Reward
A knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt, Lasswell was taken in by Rain's family when he lost his parents at a young age. Having grown up alongside Rain, he is one of the few to rival his friend in skill and talent. Lasswell himself, however, has never felt that he is quite Rain's equal, and harbors conflicting feelings of trust and inadequacy toward his lifelong friend.
FFBE 8072 Lasswell
Swordsman Lasswell
No. 8072
★★★★★ Swordsman Hybrid Attacker Awoken
A knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt whose talents earned him command of an airship alongside Rain. Lasswell is a tireless worker, entirely devoted to his duties and training. He holds the utmost respect for Rain's father, Sir Raegen, once a prominent knight of Grandshelt himself. Lasswell lends his strength to Rain as a way to honor the memory of his hero, while struggling with the fact that this prestigious lineage is not his own.
FFBE 8079 Cheerleader Fina
Cheerleader Fina
No. 8079
★★★★ Cheerleader Healer, Support Reward
A young girl who emerged from an earth crystal. Because she has amnesia, she relies on impulse to guide her actions, which can often cause trouble for her comrades. Having woken in a strange world without her memories, she struggles with confusion and anxiety, but displays great inner strength in joining Rain and Lasswell on their quest.
FFBE 8080 Cheerleader Fina
Cheerleader Fina
No. 8080
★★★★★ Cheerleader Healer, Support Awoken
A young girl who emerged from an earth crystal, whose mysterious identity seems to tie her to the origins of the world. Pure of heart, Fina possesses an innocent nature and an insatiable curiosity about her surroundings. Her childlike behavior, in part the product of memory loss, may also stem from her original, lost personality.
FFBE 8081 Lid
Black Cat Lid
No. 8081
★★★★★★ Tech Mage Physical Attacker, Support Awoken
An airship engineer who is paving the way to a new era. Lid is determined to inherit the name Cid, an honor granted only to the greatest of airship engineers. For Halloween she has chosen to dress up as a cute kitty, even if this unexpectedly popular costume is not something an average airship engineer would normally wear. Although she attacks anyone who compliments her appearance with her hammer, she seems pretty happy to be flattered regardless.
FFBE 8082 Sakura
Grim Lord Sakura
No. 8082
★★★★★ Grim Lord Magic Attacker, Support Summon
A mage originating from Paladia who was witness to the war between Aldore and Hess more than 700 years past. Sakura once donned the armor that earned her the name of Veritas of the Bolt seeking to return to her home world. However, in time she learned to make her peace with the people of Lapis by living among them, and now opposes the ambitions of the other Veritas.
FFBE 8083 Sakura
Grim Lord Sakura
No. 8083
★★★★★★ Grim Lord Magic Attacker, Support Awoken
A mage originating from Paladia who was witness to the war between Aldore and Hess more than 700 years past. During Halloween, Sakura is the embodiment of fear alongside her eight-legged friend. There is no doubt that the former Bolt Lord's deafening thunder only adds to her frightening presence.
FFBE 8084 Sakura
Grim Lord Sakura
No. 8083
★★★★★★★ Grim Lord Magic Attacker, Support Awoken
A mage originating from Paladia who was witness to the war between Aldore and Hess more than 700 years past. Although Sakura is dressed as the terrifying grim lord of Halloween, those around her cannot help but smile at her adorable appearance in costume. She may have chosen a spider and its web as her accessories, but rumor has it she's not that fond of the real thing.
FFBE 8085 Nichol
Illusionist Nichol
No. 8085
★★★★ Illusionist Support Summon
A military tactician for the Olderion Federation. He is the eldest of his family, the Wardens of the Waters. Though he puts his duties as a Warden first, seemingly taking his family for granted, deep down he really cares for his brother and sister. It seems his sister Luka can see down to his true clumsy nature.
FFBE 8086 Nichol
Illusionist Nichol
No. 8086
★★★★★ Illusionist Support Awoken
A military tactician for the Olderion Federation. He was given a great many books on magic as a young child, as their were high expectations of him being of the Wardens of the Waters. Raised in isolation from other children his age, he took a deep interest instead in the people he read about in books. Among these characters, he took particular interest in a legendary female warrior from an army of darkness.
FFBE 8087 Nichol
Illusionist Nichol
No. 8087
★★★★★★ Illusionist Support Awoken
A military tactician for the Olderion Federation. Nichol is a gifted strategist born to the prestigious family known as the Wardens of the Waters. Although he was initially opposed to the idea of wearing a costume for Halloween, he was content with dressing up as a magician. His companions, however, have high expectations regarding his skills with the sleight of hand, as he is known for his great attention to details as a tactician.
FFBE 8088 Jake
Pirate Jake
No. 8088
★★★★ Pirate Physical Attacker Summon
The man leading the people of the rebel army fighting against the oppressive Zoldaad Empire. Jake is a well seasoned warrior who used Rain and his companions to his own ends, albeit without any malice behind his motives. Always seeking to aid the defenseless, he is rarely apologetic about the soft spot he has developed for the ladies.
FFBE 8089 Jake
Pirate Jake
No. 8089
★★★★★ Pirate Physical Attacker Awoken
A man who befriended Rain and his companions whilst opposing the oppressive Zoldaad Empire. Jake always defends the little people and stands by what is righteous, condemning the powerful who prey upon the weak. He never fails to defend any ladies in his presence, and treats Rain and Lasswell as if they were his own children. Occasionally, he will also impart some words of wisdom befitting his age.
FFBE 8090 Jake
Pirate Jake
No. 8090
★★★★★★ Pirate Physical Attacker Awoken
A man who befriended Rain and his companions whilst opposing the oppressive Zoldaad Empire. Since Jake's appearance is quite rough at first glance, a pirate costume seemed more than appropriate for Halloween. Although he has tried using the charms of his festive attire to pick up women at taverns, Lid has made sure to foil his attempts every time.
FFBE 8102 Sakura
Maiden Sakura
No. 8102
★★★★ Maiden Magic Attacker, Support Reward
The mage who founded Mysidia. Although Sakura maintains the physical appearance of a young girl despite being more than 700 years old, she trained the mages of the nation she established whilst attempting to protect the world from the shadows by foiling the plans of the many Veritas. Even more intriguing, she also seems to share a close relationship with Sir Raegen, Rain's father. Believing that Rain and his friends are destined to save the world, she has taken it upon herself to act as their guardian.
FFBE 8103 Sakura
Maiden Sakura
No. 8103
★★★★★ Maiden Magic Attacker, Support Awoken
A mage originating from Paladia who was witness to the war between Aldore and Hess more than 700 years past. Sakura once donned the armor that earned her the name of Veritas of the Bolt seeking to return to her home world. However, in time she learned to make her peace with the people of Lapis by living among them, and now opposes the ambitions of the other Veritas.
FFBE 8104 Jake
Cowboy Jake
No. 8104
★★★★ Cowboy Physical Attacker, Support Reward
The man leading the people of the rebel army fighting against the oppressive Zoldaad Empire. Jake is a well seasoned warrior who used Rain and his companions to his own ends, albeit without any malice behind his motives. Always seeking to aid the defenseless, he is rarely apologetic about the soft spot he has developed for the ladies.
FFBE 8105 Jake
Cowboy Jake
No. 8105
★★★★★ Cowboy Physical Attacker, Support Awoken
A man who befriended Rain and his companions whilst opposing the oppressive Zoldaad Empire. Jake always defends the little people and stands what is righteous, condemning the powerful who prey upon the weak. He never fails to defend any ladies in his presence, and treats Rain and Lasswell as if they were his own children. Occasionally, he will also impart some words of wisdom befitting his age.
FFBE 8106 Christine
No. 8106
★★★★★ Snow Child Magic Attacker Summon
A young girl who lives with a snowman in a cave located in the mountains. Christine has the mysterious ability to turn everything she touches into ice, and her appearance never changes regardless of her age. When the people of a nearby village grew fearful of her powers, this lead her to isolate herself in an ice cave so as not to cause the villagers any harm. Her snowman friend appears to be a gift she received from someone very special.
FFBE 8107 Christine
No. 8107
★★★★★★ Snow Child Magic Attacker Awoken
A young girl who lives with a snowman in a cave located in the mountains. Although Christine has the power to turn everything she touches into ice, prolonging winter and keeping spring at bay, she is otherwise an ordinary and kind young lady. After suffering an attack from a witch who sought immortality, her life was entrusted to a certain organization to keep her safe. Rumor has it she now lives happily alongside its members.
FFBE 8108 Christine
No. 8108
★★★★★★★ Snow Child Magic Attacker Awoken
A young girl who is never without her snowman friend. Endowed with a long life and mysterious powers, Christine is rumored to be part elf. She had lived alone for many years, but is now working alongside the members of the Keepers of Time—an organization dedicated to the study of the world’s mysteries—in order to learn more about her own powers.
FFBE 8109 Kryla
No. 8109
★★★★★ Witch Support Summon
A mysterious witch who only shows herself once a year. Rumor has it that no one knows her true identity, and that every witch who has called herself "Kryla" seems to be a different person each time. She tends to appear during the winter time, attacking innocent bystanders when she does. This has apparently earned her the nickname of "the winter witch."
FFBE 8110 Kryla
No. 8110
★★★★★★ Witch Support Awoken
A mysterious witch in search of an immortal body. Kryla is able to prolong her own lifespan using a soul exchanging technique that she developed herself through meticulous research. Although she has managed to use this forbidden skill to transfer her soul into the bodies of others, she has yet to find a way to prevent their aging process. Following her failed attempt at kidnapping a young girl blessed with immortality for the purposes of her own research, she now rests her current form as she plots her revenge.
FFBE 8111 Kryla
No. 8111
★★★★★★★ Witch Support Awoken
A mysterious witch who continues to prolong her life by transferring her soul to new bodies. Although her appearance differs from one body to the next, each "new" Kryla is one and the same. However, rumor has it that she is currently seeking out an immortal body, having grown weary from constantly transferring her soul. She continues tirelessly, searching for her final vessel.
FFBE 8112 Carrie
Tinkerer Carrie
No. 8112
★★★★ Machinist Physical Attacker Summon
A researcher of mechanical weapons from the town that would become Dilmagia. Carrie hated the idea of her inventions being used as weapons of war, and instead borrowed the power of the winter fairies to create gadgets that would help usher in peace instead. There are no limits to all of the upgrades and new features she can add to children's toys now.
FFBE 8113 Carrie
Tinkerer Carrie
No. 8113
★★★★★ Machinist Physical Attacker Awoken
A researcher of mechanical weapons from the town that would become Dilmagia. Carrie borrowed the power of the winter fairies to invent gadgets that would bring glee to adults, and toys that would bring joy to children. The toys she creates are all very educational though, as she hopes this will help raise adults who strive for peace in the future.
FFBE 8114 Carrie
Tinkerer Carrie
No. 8114
★★★★★★ Machinist Physical Attacker Awoken
A researcher of mechanical weapons from the town that would become Dilmagia. Carrie borrowed the power of the winter fairies and combined it with her own technological skills and knowledge to manufacture toys for children. These tiny yet elaborate toys are then taken to every man, woman, and child around the world by a plump fairy who spreads joy during the winter season.
FFBE 8115 Gilbert
No. 8115
★★★★★★ Bard Support Awoken
A bard who sang the truths of the world to the masses. The people who heard Gilbert sing learned the importance of being informed through his songs. Although he has grown infamous for his strong resolve to do away with tyranny, his powers of observation and strong sense of justice stemmed from the deep appreciation he felt for humankind. Never discriminating against the powerful nor the weak, he continued singing in hopes of teaching others to separate fact from fiction.
FFBE 8128 Ang
No. 8128
★★★★★ Hunter Physical Attacker Summon
A young archer from a certain village of swordsmen. Unfortunately for Ang, lacking a talent for fencing meant growing up under the judgmental eye of the other villagers. It was only by chance that one day a wandering traveler introduced him to the bow and arrow, and discovering he had a knack for it, decided to become an archer. Having come a long way, Ang is now confident that his skills with the bow far surpass those of any swordsman.
FFBE 8129 Ang
No. 8129
★★★★★★ Hunter Physical Attacker Awoken
An excellent hunter from a certain village with arrows that pierce through anything they touch. Ang loved his paramour Yan more than anything, and was determined to undertake a perilous trial to prove his worth and gain her hand in marriage. His pure intentions behind this persuaded the divine beast Chow to watch over him, allowing him to successfully complete the trial unharmed. Rumor has it he now enjoys a life of bliss next to his loving wife every day.
FFBE 8130 Ang
No. 8130
★★★★★★★ Hunter Physical Attacker Awoken
A hunter from a certain village who uses bows and arrows. Together with his wife, Yan, he maintains peace in the village as its chief. Walking the divine beast Chow as he patrols the village outskirts has become his daily routine, and his skill as an archer remains top-class. He has started to think of opening an archery hall for the sake of future generations.
FFBE 8131 Chow
No. 8131
★★★★★ Divine Beast Tank, Healer, Support Summon
A divine beast who has lived an eternity in the form of a dog. Chow enjoys interacting with people, and thus will physically manifest himself before those whose intentions are pure. Legend has it that whoever catches a glimpse of this divine beast falls under the protection of his mysterious powers, and shall live in bliss for the rest of his or her days.
FFBE 8132 Chow
No. 8132
★★★★★★ Divine Beast Tank, Healer, Support Awoken
A divine beast of legend said to have saved people from suffering with its mysterious powers long ago. It remains unclear as to how Chow came to adapt the form of a dog, but some speculate that he gained high favor through his gallant and heroic acts. Believing in people's good nature, he still travels the world to this day protecting their honorable deeds.
FFBE 8133 Chow
No. 8133
★★★★★★★ Divine Beast Tank, Healer, Support Awoken
A divine beast of legend in the form of a dog who possesses mysterious powers. Once a valiant guard dog, he lost his life one day while fighting an assassin. However, thanks to Chow, the wise king survived, and as a result many people's lives were saved. It's said that this act of courage allowed him to be reborn as a divine beast.
FFBE 8134 Yan
No. 8134
★★★★ Maiden Healer, Support Summon
The young daughter of a famous swordsman from a certain village. Yan is a kind young lady who despite the graceful way in which she carries herself, will not hesitate to propose to her lover that they elope together. Although originally a sickly girl during her youth, she began venturing outside on her own as soon as her physical state improved. Nowadays many people often see her walking around with her favorite parasol in hand.
FFBE 8135 Yan
No. 8135
★★★★★ Maiden Healer, Support Awoken
The kind daughter of Guan, master swordsman of a certain village. Yan met her paramour Ang some time ago, and has come to love him with all her heart. For her it was love at first sight, and their romance took off after Ang accepted her bold advances towards him. Her father refuses to acknowledge their relationship because Ang is an archer, and although Yan tries to change his mind every night, Guan is rumored to always fall asleep during their conversations.
FFBE 8136 Yan
No. 8136
★★★★★★ Maiden Healer, Support Awoken
The strong-willed daughter of Guan, the hero who returned to his village with the legendary twin swords. When her lover Ang decided to undertake a perilous trial to prove his worth, she became extremely worried about him and prayed for his safe return. Her sincere words touched the heart of the divine beast Chow, and persuaded him to lend his power to Ang. The good fortune that Chow brought the young couple allowed for their marriage to become a reality, and thus Yan still prays to a statue of his likeness every day to show her gratitude.
FFBE 8137 Aileen
Explorer Aileen
No. 8137
★★★★★ Tomb Raider Physical Attacker Summon
A machine engineer from Dilmagia who specializes in weaponry. Aileen develops weapons of a smaller, more personal scale than those mounted on the airships constructed in her hometown. Currently, she travels across the world polishing her skills in combat and claims that there is a weapon for everyone.
FFBE 8138 Aileen
Explorer Aileen
No. 8138
★★★★★★ Tomb Raider Physical Attacker Awoken
A machinist who designs technical weapons and small arms. Although Aileen's home may be Dilmagia, she decided to leave on a journey of self-improvement after being tasked to create weapons for the airships constructed there. Shortly afterwards, she was offered a job manufacturing weapons in large numbers for the militant empire of Zoldaad, which she took as an insult to her craftsmanship, immediately refusing the post.
FFBE 8140 Soleil
Divine Soleil
No. 8140
★★★★ Goddess Healer, Support Summon
A young woman who served as a dancer in the front lines during the war. Soleil's bewitching dances not only serve to comfort the hearts of soldiers on the field, but the different magical properties tied to each dance help unlock their innermost potential as well. In battle she wields the throwing weapon known as the chakram, though being a pacifist at heart she prefers to use it as a part of her dance routine rather than for hurting others.
FFBE 8141 Soleil
Divine Soleil
No. 8141
★★★★★ Goddess Healer, Support Awoken
A young woman with unique dancing skills that bolster the fighting spirit. Since ancient times dancers have been tasked with a crucial role on the battlefield. However, unlike her ancestors, Soleil is more fond of the actual dancing than the fighting aspect of her job. Ironically enough, the genuine joy she feels while performing makes the effects of her dances even more potent, making her an invaluable asset on the field.
FFBE 8142 Soleil
Divine Soleil
No. 8142
★★★★★★ Goddess Healer, Support Awoken
A dancer who uses her skills to magnify the fighting power of warriors. Soleil was born into a family of dancers whose job was to serve as support for soldiers on the battlefield. Pure of heart, she grew up loving dance until she finally learned the original purpose behind her unique skills. This is said to have upset her so greatly that she almost lost her ability to dance. The grief she felt upon realizing that her passion was meant to be used as a tool of war then crystallized in the form of a vision.
FFBE 8146 Abel
Pharaoh Abel
No. 8146
★★★ God Physical Attacker, Support Summon
A veteran member of the Raven, the group behind the rebellion against the empire of Zoldaad. Abel has been friends with Jake, the leader of the rebel army, for quite some time. Naturally, the rest of his comrades are rather fond of his sociable attitude as well. However, when tragedy struck after a fellow member of the rebel army was captured and brainwashed, he went on a suicidal rampage.
FFBE 8147 Abel
Pharaoh Abel
No. 8147
★★★★ God Physical Attacker, Support Awoken
A veteran member of the rebel army opposing the militant rule of the Zoldaad Empire. Abel is such a capable soldier that he has earned leader Jake's trust. However, being deeply in touch with his emotions has caused him to lose composure at the sight of the countless tragedies that have befallen his country, and after witnessing his lover being turned into a mechanized soldier by the empire.
FFBE 8148 Abel
Pharaoh Abel
No. 8148
★★★★★ God Physical Attacker, Support Awoken
A veteran member of the Raven, the rebel army opposing the Zoldaad Empire, and a highly emotional man. Following Jake's departure from Zoldaad, Abel sought to return to the man he had once been by helping to re-establish a just empire from the shadows. Now he aids the unfortunate who cry for help while devoting his best efforts to accelerating the recovery of his lover, who had previously been made into a mechanized soldier by the former militant empire.
FFBE 8172 Lasswell
Aloha Lasswell*
No. 8172
★★★★★ Knight Physical Attacker, Tank Summon
A knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt. Lasswell came to learn a great many things during his journey to save the Crystals that shaped both his body and mind. Although his relationship with Rain has been defined in great part by a rivalry that causes him to feel inferior at times, the friendship they share remains unchanged. Ever the hard worker, his newly polished skills with the katana are proof of his progress and effort.
FFBE 8173 Lasswell
Aloha Lasswell*
No. 8173
★★★★★★ Knight Physical Attacker, Tank Awoken
knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt. As an orphan, Lasswell was raised by Rain's family since childhood. Although he has always been grateful for their kindness, he had never been able to muster enough courage to call his adoptive father, Sir Raegen, his "dad." It was not until the battle to protect Lapis finally ended that he let go of his fears and called him "father" for the first time.
FFBE 8174 Lasswell
Aloha Lasswell*
No. 8174
★★★★★★★ Knight Physical Attacker, Tank Awoken
A knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt. Lasswell wields two swords, one given to him by Raegen, and the other by Rain. There is much he doesn't know about his real parents, but the reason why he never goes out of his way to learn more about them is because he already considers both Rain and Raegen to be his one true family.
FFBE 8175 Nichol
Seaside Nichol*
No. 8175
★★★★★ Strategist Support, Magic Attacker Summon
A military tactician for the Olderion Federation, and a man who has fully gained the trust of his comrades, especially Jake's. Ever since Nichol arrived to Paladia, he has been wearing a pair of fashionable glasses. Apparently his deceased younger brother Elle planned to give these to him as a birthday present, but never got the chance to before his untimely passing. Elle's wife Arsha then passed these to Nichol before he left for Paladia.
FFBE 8176 Nichol
Seaside Nichol*
No. 8176
★★★★★★ Strategist Support, Magic Attacker Awoken
A man who unknowingly steals women's hearts. Impressed with Nichol's popularity amongst the fairer sex, Jake has dubbed him "a natural born lady-killer." However, Nichol himself is not really sure what to do with his newly found talents. In fact, the only lady he feels completely comfortable interacting with is probably Sakura.
FFBE 8177 Nichol
Seaside Nichol*
No. 8177
★★★★★★★ Strategist Support, Magic Attacker Awoken
Nichol has been recording his entire journey thus far in a book. However, so many things have happened that instead of writing his accounts for posterity, he is mostly doing it to organize his thoughts and emotions by writing them down. His book will eventually inspire a new adventure hundreds of years later, but that is a story for another time.
FFBE 8178 Luka
Summertime Luka*
No. 8178
★★★★ Water Priestess Healer, Magic Attacker Summon
A water priestess charged with protecting the Olderion Federation. She has a deep bond with the water crystal, the incredible power of which she uses to cleanse the waters that protect the city from monsters. She also has two brothers, both of whom serve in protecting their country.
FFBE 8179 Luka
Summertime Luka*
No. 8179
★★★★★ Water Priestess Healer, Magic Attacker Awoken
A water priestess from the Olderion Federation. She has received the protection of the water crystal despite being so young, the power of which she uses to support the daily lives of her fellow citizens. Though kind and welcoming to all she comes across, she has dedicated her life to serving her people, and when the time comes she hides within her something that even her brothers couldn't match.
FFBE 8180 Luka
Summertime Luka*
No. 8180
★★★★★★ Water Priestess Healer, Magic Attacker Awoken
A citizen of the Olderion Federation, bestowed the position of water priestess. Her and all the members of her family are known as the "Wardens," people charged with protecting the water crystal, but as the Water Priestess she has the tremendous power of being able to wield the power of the water crystal, making her a pillar of Olderion society.
FFBE 8181 Skaha
Tide Rider Skaha*
No. 8181
★★★ Surfer Support, Hybrid Attacker Summon
In the time before dragons were enemies to her species, Skaha had a bond with them like no other. Although a warrior who built her reputation on her acts of bravery, while off the field she would spend her free time by the beach with her dragon partner. There she enjoyed riding the waves on a board taller than herself while her dragon watched over her from the shore.
FFBE 8182 Skaha
Tide Rider Skaha*
No. 8182
★★★★ Surfer Support, Hybrid Attacker Awoken
A warrior who developed a deep bond with dragons during a time when humans sought to destroy all monsters. Skaha was apparently judged harshly by others in her clan for her pursuit of surfing. However, to her this had always been part of her training as a warrior, and soon others began to notice that her surfing was indeed helping to make her movements even more fluid than before.
FFBE 8183 Skaha
Tide Rider Skaha*
No. 8183
★★★★★ Surfer Support, Hybrid Attacker Awoken
A warrior who enjoyed surfing by the coast with her dragons. Skaha and the other warriors of her clan were not the only ones who surfed the waves, since children and elders also came to participate in this fun pastime. As the sun shone brightly in the sky over the coast, their cries of joy could be heard along those of the dragons. Thus, even though the clan's numbers continued to dwindle, they spent their last days happily playing in the sunshine.
FFBE 8184 Malphasie
No. 8184
★★★★★ Vagrant Hybrid Attacker Summon
A derelict woman who dreamed of flying, accompanied by a myriad of corvid-like beings. Long ago, during one of many conflicts in Lapis, Malphasie's clifftop village and the surrounding area were ravaged by marauders. Left with nothing but a few rations, she traveled through salted lands alone. Her only companions were peculiar but powerful crows, tamed with offerings of seeds from their once fruitful home.
FFBE 8185 Malphasie
No. 8185
★★★★★★ Vagrant Hybrid Attacker Awoken
A derelict woman who dreamed of flying, accompanied by a myriad of corvid-like beings. In return for feeding her companions during their journey, the crows provided Malphasie with sparkling trinkets, some of which unbeknownst to her were rare talismans meant to protect her from further harm. However, as time marched forward, whatever food she had saved began to dwindle. Preferring hunger over loneliness, she gave them what was left of her food, until she wasted away from starvation.
FFBE 8186 Malphasie
No. 8186
★★★★★★★ Vagrant Hybrid Attacker Awoken
A derelict woman who dreamed of flying, accompanied by a myriad of corvid-like beings. Rumor has it that as Malphasie neared her death her beloved crows granted her final wish of flight, for in the skies she lived on within them, after they partook of her decaying corpse. Was the profound love for her feathered friends the emotion that drove her to materialize anew in the form of a vision? Or was it the rancor of her murder of crows that drew forth her sorrowful essence?
FFBE 8187 Circe
No. 8187
★★★★★ Oracle Magic Attacker Summon
An oracle from Mysidia. Circe's magic ability came to manifest itself in the form of premonitions that would always come true. Despite her best efforts, she was ostracized and considered a walking omen of bad luck. This led her to leave her homeland and travel the world, doing her best to assist people in need using her skills.
FFBE 8188 Circe
No. 8188
★★★★★★ Oracle Magic Attacker Awoken
An oracle from Mysidia with incredibly prophetic powers. After leaving her homeland to travel the world, Circe would eventually find a measure of happiness as a fortune teller in a distant land. However, all of that changed when she accidentally foretold the death of a certain noble, as this sealed her fate in the process.
FFBE 8189 Circe
No. 8189
★★★★★★★ Oracle Magic Attacker Awoken
An oracle from Mysidia whose premonitions were always accurate. Circe incurred the wrath of those surrounding the noble whose death she had predicted, resulting in her murder by a hired hand. Interestingly enough, it is very probable that she was able to predict her own death beforehand, as rumors surrounding her untimely death claim that she remained calm and composed during her last moments.
FFBE 8190 Myra
No. 8190
★★★★★ Idol Healer, Support Summon
The vision of an otherworldly singer and dancer manifested from someone's emotions. Myra was part of an idol group composed of seven members that was hugely successful. Unfortunately, however, one day she suddenly lost her voice. No one knows why or how it happened, but some speculate that she was the victim of a curse.
FFBE 8191 Myra
No. 8191
★★★★★★ Idol Healer, Support Awoken
The vision of an otherworldly singer and dancer manifested from someone's emotions. Myra was part of an idol group composed of seven members that was hugely successful. Unfortunately, however, one day she suddenly lost her voice. No one knows why or how it happened, but some speculate that she was the victim of a curse. All the magic in the world could not bring her voice back, and she refused to accept that her singing days were over. Unable to do what she loved most, she eventually died of a broken heart.
FFBE 8192 Myra
No. 8192
★★★★★★★ Idol Healer, Support Awoken
The vision of an otherworldly singer and dancer manifested from someone's emotions. Myra was part of an idol group composed of seven members that was hugely successful. Unfortunately, however, one day she suddenly lost her voice. No one knows why or how it happened, but some speculate that she was the victim of a curse. All the magic in the world could not bring her voice back, and she refused to accept that her singing days were over. Unable to do what she loved most, she eventually died of a broken heart. Strangely enough, some claim to have heard her lonely vision singing a beautiful yet melancholic tune.
FFBE 8193 Ellesperis
No. 8193
★★★★★ Hemomancer Physical Attacker Summon
The vision of a hemomancer of mysterious origins manifested from someone's emotions. Ellesperis is rumored to have been a shadowy temptress known for her assassinations of unmarried corrupt politicians, and other military leaders.
FFBE 8194 Ellesperis
No. 8194
★★★★★★ Hemomancer Physical Attacker Awoken
The vision of a hemomancer of mysterious origins manifested from someone's emotions. Ellesperis was born from the unholy union between a succubus and a vampire. Due to this rare combination, she came to manifest the unique ability to control both human desire, and blood. This included her own, and that of her opponents'.
FFBE 8195 Ellesperis
No. 8195
★★★★★★★ Hemomancer Physical Attacker Awoken
The vision of a hemomancer of mysterious origins manifested from someone's emotions. Though Ellesperis was trained and kept in the shadows by her handlers, and in actuality an unwilling killer, word soon spread of the "Blood Dancer"—her ruthlessness legend. Whether this vision of her spawned as a result of remorse and a yearning to clear her name, or the intent to continue her killing-spree, only time will tell.
FFBE 8196 Beryl
No. 8196
★★★★★ Tonberry Tank, Magic Attacker Summon
The vision of an otherworldly tonberry with both a light and dark side manifested from someone's emotions. Legend has it that before Beryl came to be, the tonberry race had reached its breaking point in his world. Globalization coupled with rampant poaching left little hope for the once strong creatures.
FFBE 8197 Beryl
No. 8197
★★★★★★ Tonberry Tank, Magic Attacker Awoken
The vision of an otherworldly tonberry with both a light and dark side manifested from someone's emotions. They say Beryl was born of a prayer, or perhaps from some sort of collective will. Regardless, his creation was never the focus, rather it was his destruction that carved out one last shard of hope.
FFBE 8198 Beryl
No. 8198
★★★★★★★ Tonberry Tank, Magic Attacker Awoken
The vision of an otherworldly tonberry with both a light and dark side manifested from someone's emotions. Beryl lives, dies, and then he lives again—each time stronger than before. The tonberry needed not just a champion to fight to save them, but a martyr who would gladly die to protect them. In Beryl, they found both.
FFBE 8199 Lilith
No. 8199
★★★★★ Succubus Tank, Magic Attacker, Support Summon
A demon born of chaos. Just as proud as her brother Lucius, yet ever more beautiful and elegant, Lilith was surrounded by a plethora of loyal demon followers. However, unlike her older brother, she didn't revel in senseless violence, and instead worked towards assigning proper roles to all her followers. When a being called "the Count" suddenly appeared, she was not hasty in her approach towards him, but rather prioritized discovering the reasons behind his arrival as well as the purpose of his visit.
FFBE 8200 Lilith
No. 8200
★★★★★★ Succubus Tank, Magic Attacker, Support Awoken
A proud and composed demon born of chaos. Unlike her recklessly violent brother, Lilith was able to discern that the Count was far more powerful than them on the battlefield, and therefore managed to concoct a strategy against him. Using her demon followers as bait, she managed to close in on the Count and absorb his dark energy. After sharing some of this power with her brother, she also prepared herself for battle against the Count.
FFBE 8201 Lilith
No. 8201
★★★★★★★ Succubus Tank, Magic Attacker, Support Awoken
A proud and composed demon who stood tall amidst the wreckage after her and her brother had been brutally battered. Lilith felt no joy in her victory as she watched her brother roar beside the immobile body of the Count. Instead, she just daydreamed about how the remaining dark energy they earnestly sought to absorb from the Count would change them...
FFBE 8202 Lucius
No. 8202
★★★★★ Incubus Physical Attacker Summon
A demon born of chaos. Lucius is proud and quick tempered, going as far as killing some of his own demon followers when suffering from one of his violent fits of rage. On occasion he is cold towards his sister Lilith, another demon born of the same chaos, but often shows he cares when he coddles her. One night when the moon was full and red as blood in the night sky, he learned that a being feared by all demons called "the Count" had appeared out of nowhere...
FFBE 8203 Lucius
No. 8203
★★★★★★ Incubus Physical Attacker Awoken
A savage demon born of chaos. When a certain being called "the Count" appeared one night before Lucius under the light of a full moon painted in scarlet, he claimed that his goal was to rule over all the demons in the world. Although many yielded to the Count's demands and swore their loyalty to him, Lucius and his sister were too proud to bend the knee. The battle that then ensued between the opposing parties destroyed a great part of the region and continued until the sky itself was tainted blood-red, leaving Lucius and Lilith with severe injuries.
FFBE 8204 Lucius
No. 8204
★★★★★★★ Incubus Physical Attacker Awoken
A demon and his younger sister stood amidst the destruction that resulted from their fight against the Count. Their foe had merely become a battered body at their feet, cursing their existence with what little breath he had left to spare. As blood poured out from his wounds, the roar Lucius belted out was heard until the ends of the earth. Whether he cried out to celebrate his victory, or to mourn the damage he had caused around him, not even his sister really knew.
FFBE 8208 Tiana
No. 8208
★★★★★ Salve-maker Magic Attacker, Healer Summon
A girl dedicated to bringing happiness to the people through her scientific research. She travels around, gathering materials, while sharing the fruits of her labors with those she encounters along the way. She is particularly interested in physically altering various substances, which she experiments with eagerly, but her carelessness often leads to explosive mistakes.
FFBE 8209 Tiana
No. 8209
★★★★★★ Salve-maker Magic Attacker, Healer Awoken
A scientist travelling the world, spreading happiness wherever she goes. The large bag she carries is a treasure chest full of various colored elixirs and rare materials gathered on her journeys. The sight of her, donning a flowing red robe with shimmering flask in hand, brings much excitement to the children, and it is said happiness will befall whoever lays eyes upon her.
FFBE 8210 Tiana
No. 8210
★★★★★★★ Salve-maker Magic Attacker, Healer Awoken
A researcher on a mission to bring happiness to the people. A bit of a scatterbrain, but always positive, she is now pouring herself into her experiments to create a "tangible star", inspired by the sight of a young child reaching up towards the night sky. She refuses to give up until she succeeds in making her bright wish a reality.
FFBE 8211 Felix
No. 8211
★★★★★ Toy Soldier Hybrid Attacker Summon
A commanding officer who guarded a royal castle in a distant northern land that once existed long ago. As Felix's dignified posture may suggest, he was a gentle man of character who was respected and trusted by his subordinates. He took his work very seriously, as he believed the happiness of the people and the kingdom to be his highest priority. Rumor has it his mustache was a sight to behold.
FFBE 8212 Felix
No. 8212
★★★★★★ Toy Soldier Hybrid Attacker Awoken
A commanding officer who dedicated his life to serving a royal kingdom in the north and its people. Extremely gentle by nature, Felix treated everyone with kindness regardless of their social standing and enjoyed the trust and loyalty of his subordinates. Many of them begged to go with him when he was assigned to a new post, and he was forced to select only a few to accompany him while fighting back his tears. He is said to have cried the most whenever his fellow soldiers expressed their concern for him.
FFBE 8213 Felix
No. 8213
★★★★★★★ Toy Soldier Hybrid Attacker Awoken
A commanding officer who once served a northern and distant land. Felix continued protecting the castle without rest even during the winter holidays. Legend has it that those of his subordinates who also remained to guard the castle would bring him a bowl of warm soup around midnight to express their gratitude towards him. As his tears blurred the stars in the sky, this became one of his fondest memories alongside his soldiers.
FFBE 8218 Qin
No. 8218
★★★★★ Undercover Musician Magic Attacker, Debuffer, Support Summon
The son of a traditional family from a remote region. Although his father was a brave admiral in the navy, Qin himself disliked confrontation and had always been fond of poetry, music, and art instead. This did not sit well with his father, whose disappointment had to be eased by Qin's mother, who was much more understanding of their child. Unable to completely disinherit his own son, he sent Qin off to study under the bureaucrats of a different nation.
FFBE 8219 Qin
No. 8219
★★★★★★ Undercover Musician Magic Attacker, Debuffer, Support Awoken
The son of a navy admiral from a remote region. Qin's father sent him away to study under the bureaucrats of a different nation as a sort of punishment. However, for Qin this was more of a blessing, as he now had access to a myriad of books he had never seen before, as well as the chance to enjoy new art forms and instruments. Two years later a series of mysterious deaths surrounding the high officials of his hometown came to light, and upon learning that his parents were among the victims, he decided to return home.
FFBE 8220 Qin
No. 8220
★★★★★★★ Undercover Musician Magic Attacker, Debuffer, Support Awoken
A man who returned to his hometown with a hidden identity. Posing as a master musician, he sought employment by the high officials of his town to find the reason behind the deaths of his parents. On a certain night he witnessed one of the high officials transforming into a terrifying monster. After discovering that his parents had been killed by a vicious beast which sought to control the entire nation, he was resolved to fight it on his own. However, it was then when some old friends suddenly appeared...
FFBE 8221 Fryevia
Aurora Fryevia*
No. 8221
★★★★★ Spellblade Hybrid Attacker Summon
An elven warrioress who claims to be the daughter of a merchant from a distant land. Fryevia is on a journey to find equipment suitable for her abilities, as she is much more skilled with the sword than the average soldier. She usually disguises herself as a human and enjoys interacting with others. Always exuding an air of purity and elegance, it may be surprising to learn that she believes money to be no object in order to obtain what she desires.
FFBE 8222 Fryevia
Aurora Fryevia*
No. 8222
★★★★★★ Spellblade Hybrid Attacker Awoken
An elven warrioress who claims to be the daughter of a merchant from a distant land. Although Fryevia is of elven descent, she disguises herself as a human in order to live peacefully among them. She was born into a wealthy family, and thus has never known financial problems. Following in the footsteps of her famous grandfather, she eagerly began taking lessons in sword fighting from a skilled instructor. After coming to know no greater joy than that of crossing blades with an opponent, she now hopes to challenge warriors all over the world with her beloved sword.
FFBE 8223 Fryevia
Aurora Fryevia*
No. 8223
★★★★★★★ Spellblade Hybrid Attacker Awoken
An elven warrioress who claims to be the daughter of a merchant from a distant land. Fryevia left her conservative family behind to live among humans while concealing her identity. She met a lot of humans in her time, but none left quite the impression that her swordmaster did. Even now she is eternally grateful to the one person who taught her the pleasure of exchanging swords with a worthy adversary.
FFBE 8226 Bai Hu & Zhu Que
Bai Hu & Zhu Que*
No. 8226
★★★★★ Monks Physical Attacker, Magic Attacker Summon
Two monks from a remote region who set out on a journey together. Bai Hu, master of the White Tiger Fist, and Zhu Que, master of the Blood Phoenix Fist, were both born to families who have long practiced martial arts competitively. As rivals in the self-defense world, Hu and Que were chosen for their talents and pit against each other since infancy by their respective families. Although they were far too young to understand the implications, they are said to have accepted each other as rivals without hesitation.
FFBE 8227 Bai Hu & Zhu Que
Bai Hu & Zhu Que*
No. 8227
★★★★★★ Monks Physical Attacker, Magic Attacker Awoken
A duo of monks who practice the White Tiger and Blood Phoenix Fists. Bai Hu and Zhu Que had been rivals since infancy until a fateful meeting changed their lives. When they were invited to a feast at the house of a certain navy admiral, they were both captivated by the lovely appearance of the admiral's son. Power, he gently told them, was something that they should use to help those who lack it. These words are said to have struck a chord with Hu and Que.
FFBE 8228 Bai Hu & Zhu Que
Bai Hu & Zhu Que*
No. 8228
★★★★★★ Monks Physical Attacker, Magic Attacker Awoken
A duo of wandering monks. Having taken the admiral's son's words to heart, Bai Hu and Zhu Que left their feuding families behind and set off on a journey together. They helped many people in need during their travels, and also grew as martial artists. After reaching a certain village they learned that their hometown had been caught in a political struggle, and decided to return home fearing for the life of the young man who had changed their lives.
FFBE 8229 Esther
{{LA|Esther (Brave Exvius)|Esther]]
No. 8229
★★★★★ Summon
A great warrior said to have once sacrificed her life to save mankind. She has been admired in her homeworld by many for her mastery in lightning, and is often depicted wielding her great sword into battle. Although many had taken Esther for dead, she somehow managed to travel to Sylvie's current timeline to continue her never ending fight against evil.
FFBE 8230 Esther
No. 8230
★★★★★★ Awoken
A great warrior said to have once sacrificed her life to save mankind. She has been admired by many for her mastery in lightning, and is often depicted wielding her great sword into battle. Rumor has it she also wore a hood resembling the ears of a rabbit. Long ago, when her homeworld was in peril, Esther attempted to seal off one of the Great Destroyers threatening humanity. Although many assumed this resulted in her death, she somehow managed to travel to the present to continue her never ending fight against evil.
FFBE 8231 Esther
No. 8231
★★★★★★★ Awoken
A great warrior said to have once sacrificed her life to save mankind. Esther has been admired in her homeworld by many for her mastery in lightning. Rumor has it she is as fast as the element itself, always making quick work of her enemies. A great battle sword and a hood decorated with rabbit ears are the two most important elements of her signature look. Long ago, when her world was in peril, Esther attempted to seal off one of the Great Destroyers threatening humanity. Although many assumed this resulted in her death, the sealing ritual actually flung her to the present where she continued her never ending fight against evil. However, upon arriving to Sylvie's timeline she learns that the seal has weakened due to the passage of time. Now Esther will be forced to face off against this powerful foe once more.
FFBE 8232 Sylvie
No. 8232
★★★★★ Summon
A paladin from a family of knights. Following her sister Marian's passing, Sylvie blamed herself for her death and quickly began withdrawing from her sword training as she lost motivation for most everything. One day as she took a stroll to avoid sword-fighting once again, she came across a strange rift-like opening that spat out an injured woman named Esther. Witnessing the mysterious woman in distress, she immediately rushed to her aid. Little did she know this fateful meeting would result in them eventually joining forces to fight against evil.
FFBE 8233 Sylvie
No. 8233
★★★★★★ Awoken
A paladin from a family of knights. Following her sister Marian's passing, Sylvie blamed herself for her death and quickly began withdrawing from her sword training as she lost motivation for most everything. Unable to save her sister, she developed a desire to save others instead, eventually delving into curative magic as a means to help those in need. One day as she took a stroll to avoid sword-fighting once again, she came across a strange rift-like opening that spat out an injured woman named Esther. Witnessing the mysterious woman in distress, she immediately rushed to her aid. Little did she know this fateful meeting would result in them eventually joining forces to fight against evil.
FFBE 8234 Sylvie
No. 8234
★★★★★★★ Awoken
A paladin from a family of knights. Following her sister Marian's passing, Sylvie blamed herself for her death and quickly began withdrawing from her sword training as she lost motivation for most everything. Forced to cope with the loss, she often spent her time frolicking around with wild rabbits, as this had been Marian's favorite pastime. Due to her inability to save her sister, she developed a desire to save others instead, eventually delving into curative magic as a means to help those in need. One day as she took a stroll to avoid sword-fighting once again, she came across a strange rift-like opening that spat out an injured woman named Esther. Witnessing the mysterious woman in distress, she immediately rushed to her aid. Little did she know this fateful meeting would result in them eventually joining forces to fight against evil.
FFBE 8253 Akstar
Zeno of the Beta Star
No. 8253
★★★★★ Summon
The Beta Star of the Orders, said to be the strongest man with a blade. Zeno is a veteran member of the organization, and seems to have the Emperor's complete trust. Apparently the Emperor feels that Zeno is filled with a murderous intent towards him, but he still chooses to keep him close.
FFBE 8254 Akstar
Zeno of the Beta Star
No. 8254
★★★★★★ Awoken
Zeno's private life is shrouded in mystery, and rumor has it that only the Emperor has seen him without his armor. No one really knows what he does on his missions, and it is unclear whether or not he has any living relatives or friends. However, it is his ability to overcome solitude that impresses the Emperor most of all.
FFBE 8255 Akstar
Zeno of the Beta Star
No. 8255
★★★★★★★ Awoken
The aura about Zeno changed slightly after a certain period of time, but only a handful of people ever noticed this. The Emperor carried out a secret investigation to uncover the truth behind it all, and learned that Zeno was suffering from a disease that would eventually claim his life. However, one question still remained—was this the true reason behind his strange behavior?
Elena 8256 from FFBE sprite
No. 8256
★★★★★ Summon
The protagonist of "Fundamental Forces," a graphic novel popular throughout the whole of Paladia. Written by a relatively unknown author as his first published work, it unexpectedly captivated the hearts of both children and adults alike with its intricate story-line full of riddles. Fans of the series usually refer to it as "FF" for short.
Elena 8257 from FFBE sprite
No. 8257
★★★★★★ Awoken
The strong and valiant protagonist of a graphic novel well-known throughout Paladia. Elena's mission is to vanquish all evil in order to bathe the world in light, and has thus been dubbed the "Warrior of the Crystal." She has vowed to show no mercy to those who selfishly make others suffer, and keeps fighting against the wicked with help from the blue crystal fastened to her left arm.
Elena 8258 from FFBE sprite
No. 8258
★★★★★★★ Awoken
The protagonist of a graphic novel well-known throughout Paladia. Not much is known about Elena except for her deeds as the "Warrior of the Crystal." She refers to the crystal fastened to her left arm as her "partner" and always addresses it in a very familiar manner. Many fans have come to theorize that the reason behind this is because she received it from someone very special to her.