Final Fantasy Wiki

Erwin is a character and summonable vision from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.

Erwin's Trust Master reward is the Hyomonto.



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3★ - No. 0822:

A young man who serves a mysterious organization from Paladia that works in complete secrecy. Nothing is known about the group Erwin works for, or anything else about him for that matter, except for his name. Although his mysterious past and his somewhat rigid appearance make him seem unapproachable, he is actually quite sociable in nature.

4★ - No. 0823:

A young man who serves a mysterious organization from Paladia that works in complete secrecy. Other men and women have been spotted in Paladia wearing a similar attire to Erwin's, though no one really knows the group's name, state, or purpose. However, the only relation they seem to share is a connection to a certain member of the nobility.

5★ - No. 0820:

A young man who serves a mysterious organization from Paladia that works in complete secrecy. Erwin wields a unique katana with chilling powers never witnessed anywhere else in the world. Whenever asked about the origins of the weapon, he claims that it is a precious katana given to him by a certain member of the nobility. He wields his icy blade with great agility, calmly and steadily calculating every move needed to accomplish the task at hand.

Entries for different versions of Wado.



Erwin's stats at his highest levels are as follows (with no passive abilities taken into account), along with the maximum amount of stat points that can be increased through pot-enhancements:



Erwin can equip the following weapons: Dagger, Sword, Katana, Rode, Harp

He can equip the following armor: Light Shield, Hat, Clothes, Light Armor, Heavy Armor

He can equip accessories.

Limit Bursts[]

Awakening Materials[]


