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The following list is based on a combination of in-game sources and fan conjecture - many enemy families have not been named or classified by official Square Enix material; the current classifications are merely placeholders.

A list of vilekin (百蟲綱, Hyakuchūkō?) enemies from Final Fantasy XIV, which consists of varying forms of terrestrial invertebrates.


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Antling Gamergate 23-27 Southern Thanalan Levequest*(Lv.25 "Necrologos: Fluid Corruption")
Antling Sentry 7-12 Central Thanalan FATE*(Lv.9 "For the Queen"), standard
Antling Soldier 10-13 Central Thanalan Standard
Antling Worker 5-9 Central Thanalan Standard
Killer Ant 60 Diadem Rank II
Myrmidon Guard 38 Cutter's Cry Boss minion*(Myrmidon Princess)
Myrmidon Marshal 38 Cutter's Cry Boss minion*(Myrmidon Princess)
Myrmidon Princess 38 Cutter's Cry Boss
Myrmidon Sentry 38 Cutter's Cry Standard
Myrmidon Soldier 38 Cutter's Cry Boss minion*(Myrmidon Princess)
Nest Commander 9 Central Thanalan FATE boss*(Lv.9 "Leaving the Nest")
Polis Ant 60 Aquapolis Standard
Val Ant 23*(Fire-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos Standard
Velveteen Ant 60 Saint Mocianne's Arboretum Standard


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Aggressor Antlion 64 Fringes FATE*(Lv.67 "The Antlion's Share")
Ambushing Scissorjaws 67 Amh Araeng FATE*(Lv.70 "Scavengers Hunted")
Burrow Antlion 61 Fringes Standard
Gigaworm Stalker 70 The Burn Standard
Orcus 70 Fringes A-rank elite mark
Scissorjaws 70 Amh Araeng Standard
Tracer Antlion 61 Fringes Standard
Tracker Antlion 67 Fringes Standard
Trench Antlion 67 Fringes Standard
Val Antlion 22*(Earth-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos Standard
Worm Stalker 70 The Burn Standard


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Ageless Banemite 60 Diadem Rank III
Banemite 25-31 Central Shroud, North Shroud Quest*(Lv.30 "Seer Folly"), standard*(in North Shroud only)
Banemite Straggler 40 Coerthas Central Highlands Quest*(Lv.40 "Unfading Skies")
Birdeater 47*(Wind-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros Standard
Comesmite 24 Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak Boss minion*(Graffias)
Domesticated Banemite 24 South Shroud Guildhest*(Lv.25 "All's Well that Ends in the Well")
First Daughter 60 Weeping City of Mhach Standard
Girtab 50 North Shroud A-rank elite mark
Graffias 24 Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak Boss
Heavy Banemite 29 North Shroud Quest*(Lv.28 "Seeing Eye to Winged Eye")
Hoarmite 74 Rak'tika Greatwood Standard
Invasive Banemite 57 Dravanian Forelands Quest*(Lv.57 "Pest Control")
Madmite 50 Lost City of Amdapor Standard
Polis Banemite 60 Aquapolis Standard
Tam-Tara Banemite 50 Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard) Standard
Temple Mite 50 Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard) Standard
Val Banemite 22*(Lightning-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos Standard
Vale Banemite 47 Aurum Vale Standard
Webmaiden 60 Weeping City of Mhach Boss minion*(Arachne Eve)


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Bark Weevil 1-6 Central Shroud Levequest*(Lv.1 "Slay for a Vile")
Boring Weevil 15-21 East Shroud Standard
Bronze Beetle 50 Wanderer's Palace Standard
Bumble Beetle 20-29 Eastern Thanalan, Upper La Noscea Standard
Carrier Ladybug 1-18 Central Shroud, East Shroud, Lower La Noscea Levequest*(Lv.1 "A Long and Winding Road", "Bug Bites", "Bug Looks Like a Lady", "Picking Up the Piercers", "Scourge of the Saplings", Lv.5 "Wrangling Raptors", Lv.15 "The Transporter")
Carrion Beetle 16 Tam-Tara Deepcroft Standard
Deep Palace Ladybug 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 101-110 Standard
Dewdrinker Ladybug 7 North Shroud Quest*(Lv.6 "The Valued Vilekin")
Grain Weevil 1-5 Western Thanalan Levequest*(Lv.1 "Road Rage")
Little Ladybug 1-6 Central Shroud, Lower La Noscea, Middle La Noscea, North Shroud, Western Thanalan FATE*(Lv.4 "Lady Killer"), quest*(Lv.6 "Beetle Juice"), standard
Lovely Ladybird 1-5 Western Thanalan Levequest*(Lv.1 "Berries Got Bucked", "Either Love Them or Kill Them", "Observe and Protect")
Palace Beetle 14 Palace of the Dead Floors 1-10 Standard
Parasite Ladybug 3 Western Thanalan Quest*(Lv.5 "Ticked Off")
Polis Beetle 60 Aquapolis Standard
Skogs Fru 50 Middle La Noscea B-rank elite mark


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Chapuli 57-60 Peaks FATE*(Lv.60 "A New Leaf", "Child's Plague", "Resist, Die, Repeat"), standard
Highwing Chapuli 68 Peaks Standard
Marbled Chapuli 69 Peaks Quest*(Lv.69 "A Parting Gift")
Migratory Chapuli 7*(Wind-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos Standard
Supernam Chapuli 60 Peaks FATE boss*(Lv.60 "Churlish Chapuli")


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Bigger Chigoe 22 South Shroud Quest*(Lv.22 "Occupational Hazards")
Buzzing Djigga 20-21 East Shroud Standard
Carrion Chigoe 4-14 Central Shroud Levequest*(Lv.5 "A Full Stomach", Lv.10 "Infestation Cessation")
Carrion Djigga 20-24 East Shroud Levequest*(Lv.20 "A Little Constructive Exorcism")
Chigoe 5-35 Central Shroud, Mor Dhona, South Shroud Quest*(Lv.22 "Occupational Hazards", Lv.35 "Getting Even with Garlemald"), standard*(in Central Shroud only)
Even Bigger Chigoe 22 South Shroud Quest*(Lv.22 "Occupational Hazards")
Feather Flea 49-56 Dravanian Forelands FATE*(Lv.52 "Who's the Moss"), levequest*(Lv.52 "Feathers Unsullied", "Scavenger Hunt"), standard
Jewel Fly 60 Diadem Standard
Jumping Djigga 24 East Shroud Standard
Orn Fly 59 Dravanian Hinterlands Standard
Parastic Djigga 36-40 Coerthas Central Highlands Levequest*(Lv.35 "Roast Lamb with Mind and Hellfire")
Polis Chigoe 60 Aquapolis Standard
Swollen Djigga 24 East Shroud Quest*(Lv.24 "The Blood Price")
Tainted Louse 24 Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak Standard


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Arboretum Crawler 60 Saint Mocianne's Arboretum Standard
Aroma Crawler 58-62 Dravanian Hinterlands Levequest*(Lv.58 "Bareback Riding", "Whither the Morbol Goeth")
Cloud Crawler 60 Diadem Rank I
Crawler 55-58 Dravanian Hinterlands FATE*(Lv.58 "Out of the Woodwork"), standard
Deep Palace Crawler 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 181-190 Standard
Defroster 15*(Fire-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos Standard
The Defoliator 38*(Lightning-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros Standard
Energetic Eruca 65 Peaks FATE*(Lv.68 "5-year Energy")
Eruca 53 Sohm Al Standard
Habetrot 58 Dravanian Hinterlands FATE boss*(Lv.58 "Silkworm")
Highland Eruca 65-68 Peaks FATE*(Lv.68 "Home on the Range"), standard
Magicked Crawler 60 Lost City of Amdapor (Hard) Standard
Palace Eruca 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 81-90 Standard
Pestilent Crawler 72 Rak'tika Greatwood FATE*(Lv.75 "Creepy Crawlers")
Polis Crawler 60 Aquapolis Standard


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Buzzfly 62-66 Azim Steppe FATE*(Lv.65 "The Dataqi Chronicles: Departure", Lv.66 "Buzzkill", "Hat's Off"), standard
Damselfly 56-58 Dravanian Hinterlands FATE*(Lv.59 "Makes the Very Best...Nests"), standard
Darner 9*(Wind-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos Standard
Egglaying Damselfly 58 Dravanian Hinterlands Quest*(Lv.58 "Notched Bone's Suspicions")
The Emperor of Anemos 7*(Wind-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos FATE boss*(Lv.4 "The Swarm Never Sets")
Expecting Damselfly 58 Dravanian Hinterlands Quest*(Lv.58 "Just Another Bug Hunt")
Gadfly 50 Lost City of Amdapor Standard
Hatan 66 Azim Steppe FATE boss*(Lv.66 "Hat's Off")
Hawker 72 Il Mheg Standard
Hornfly 60 Diadem Rank ?
Meganeura 59 Great Gubal Library Standard
Monarch Ogrefly 50 South Shroud B-rank elite mark
Polis Gadfly 60 Aquapolis Standard
Sanctuary Skipper 60 Sohr Khai Standard
Skimmer 58-61 Fringes FATE*(Lv.61 "The Morning After"), standard


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Ageless Diremite 60 Diadem Rank I
Diremite 9-12 Central Shroud FATE*(Lv.11 "Love Is in the Air"), standard
Dwarf Diremite 12 Central Shroud Quest*(Lv.10 "Look, but Won't Touch")
Polis Diremite 60 Aquapolis Standard
Tam-Tara Diremite 50 Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard) Standard
Thavnairian Mite 13 Lower La Noscea Quest*(Lv.13 "Forbidden Island")
Vale Diremite 47 Aurum Vale Standard


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Evenfall Firefly 12-21 Eastern Thanalan, Lower La Noscea, Western La Noscea Levequest*(Lv.15 "A Glamorous Life", "A Simple Solution", Lv.20 "Another Egg Gone")
Firefly 11-19 Central Shroud, Eastern Thanalan, Lower La Noscea, Western La Noscea Standard
Glowering Glowfly 10 Central Shroud Quest*(Lv.12 "If Ye Break Faith")
Glowfly 24 East Shroud Standard


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Blood Morpho 72 Il Mheg Standard
Cadmium Morpho 73 Dohn Mheg Standard
Cobalt Morpho 73 Dohn Mheg Standard
Crimson Morpho 73 Dohn Mheg Standard
Fluturini 57-60 Peaks FATE*(Lv.60 "A New Leaf", "Days of Fluturini Past"), standard
Holly Blue 65 Bardam's Mettle Standard
Magicked Wamoura 60 Lost City of Amdapor (Hard) Standard
Moon Gana 53-60 Thok ast Thok Boss minion*(Ravana)
Polis Morpho 60 Aquapolis Standard
Purple Morpho 72 Il Mheg Standard
Spirit Gana 53-60 Thok ast Thok Boss minion*(Ravana)


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Cieldalaes Hornet 50 Hullbreaker Isle Standard
Dark Matter Hornet 50 Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1 Boss minion*(Rafflesia)
Deep Palace Hornet 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 101-110, Floors 111-120 Boss minion*(Kirtimukha), standard*(Floors 101-110 only)
Divine Vespa 60 Neverreap Standard
Dravanian Hornet 53 Sohm Al Boss minion*(Raskovnik)
Dung Wespe 35 Sunken Temple of Qarn Boss minion*(Teratotaur)
Flower Wespe 6 Middle La Noscea Quest*(Lv.6 "The Time Is Ripe")
Giant Bee 24-28 East Shroud Levequest*(Lv.25 "Go with the Flow")
Hybrot Hornet 59 Azys Lla FATE*(Lv.59 "Prey Online")
King Wespe 13 Middle La Noscea FATE*(Lv.13 "Go Wespe")
Orn Hornet 60 Saint Mocianne's Arboretum Standard
Palace Hornet 16-33 Palace of the Dead Floors 1-10, Floors 11-20 Boss minion*(Spurge), standard*(Floors 1-10 only)
Polis Hornet 60 Aquapolis Standard
Stinging Sophie 50 East Shroud B-rank elite mark
Temple Bee 35 Sunken Temple of Qarn Standard
Vespid 16*(Wind-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos Standard
Wespe 10-13 Middle La Noscea Standard


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Gwas-y-neidr 70 Peaks B-rank elite mark
Kongamato 68 Peaks Standard
Pyros Kongamato 37*(Wind-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros Standard

Lava Scorpion[]

 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Aqrabuamelu 70 Peaks A-rank elite mark
Lava Scorpion 60 Sohm Al (Hard) Boss
Lesath 42*(Wind-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros FATE boss*(Lv.42 "Scorchpion King")
The Scorpion's Claw 60 Sohm Al (Hard) Boss minion*(Lava Scorpion)
The Scorpion's Tail 60 Sohm Al (Hard) Boss minion*(Lava Scorpion)


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Cieldalaes Mantis 50 Hullbreaker Isle Standard
Cluster Mantis 30 Eastern La Noscea FATE*(Lv.33 "Them")
Dark Matter Mantis 50 The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1, The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3 Standard
Death Claw 35 Sunken Temple of Qarn Standard
Death Sickle 50 Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard) Standard
Killer Mantis 13-19 Western La Noscea FATE*(Lv.16 "Absolutely, Positively", Lv.19 "In the Sac"), standard
Mantis King 40 Western La Noscea FATE boss*(Lv.40 "The King's Justice")
Murderous Mantis 16 Western La Noscea Quest*(Lv.16 "An Ill-conceived Venture")
Polis Mantis 60 Aquapolis Standard
Preying Mantis 40 Western La Noscea Standard
Rageclaw 15-19 Western La Noscea Levequest wanted target*(Lv.15 "A Glamorous Life", "Barley Legal", "Beasts of Bourbon", "Field Testing", "First to Reave", "Sucked Dry")
Red Mantis 45 Eastern La Noscea Quest*(Lv.45 "Looking the Part")
Scythe Mantis 20 Halatali Standard
Val Mantis 26*(Earth-elemental)-60*(Ice-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos, Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos Standard


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Ageless Miteling 60 Diadem Standard
Cell Mite 24 Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak Standard
Deepcroft Miteling 16 Tam-Tara Deepcroft Standard, boss minion*(Galvanth the Dominator)
Dschubba 3 North Shroud FATE boss*(Lv.3 "Dschubba Snacks")
Invasive Miteling 57 Dravanian Forelands Quest*(Lv.57 "Pest Control")
Miteling 3-26 North Shroud, South Shroud Quest*(Lv.26 "An Apple a Day"), standard*(in North Shroud only)
Miteling Straggler 40 Coerthas Central Highlands Quest*(Lv.40 "Unfading Skies")
Polis Miteling 60 Aquapolis Standard
Tam-Tara Miteling 50 Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard) Standard
Thavnairian Miteling 10 Lower La Noscea Quest*(Lv.13 "Forbidden Island")


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Deep Palace Dung Beetle 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 101-110 Standard
Helm Beetle 74 Rak'tika Greatwood Standard
Lumber Jack 61 Peaks FATE boss*(Lv.61 "You Don't Know Jack")
Palace Dung Beetle 15 Palace of the Dead Floors 1-10 Standard
Polis Dung Beetle 60 Aquapolis Standard
Rhino Beetle 61-64 Yanxia FATE*(Lv.64 "The Long and Rhino Road"), standard
Scarab Beetle 60-61 Lost City of Amdapor (Hard), Peaks Standard


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Ankabut 61 Fringes FATE boss*(Lv.61 "The Spiderweb Chronicles")
Daughter of Ankabut 58 Fringes FATE*(Lv.61 "The Spiderweb Chronicles")
Skittering Spider 60 Weeping City of Mhach Boss minion*(Arachne Eve)
Speckled Spider 71 Rak'tika Greatwood FATE*(Lv.74 "We Are Venom")
Spinner 60 Fringes Standard
Spitting Spider 60 Weeping City of Mhach Boss minion*(Arachne Eve)
Spotted Spider 70-80 Rak'tika Greatwood Quest*(Lv.70 "Reach for the Stars")
Yafaem Spider 60 Weeping City of Mhach Standard


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Agaric Fly Swarm 30 South Shroud Quest*(Lv.30 "The Penitent Man")
Bee Cloud 4-10 Lower La Noscea, Middle La Noscea Levequest*(Lv.5 "Far from the Vine"), standard*(in Middle La Noscea only)
Bee Swarm 50 Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1 Boss minion*(Rafflesia, Savage only)
Blowfly Swarm 16 Eastern Thanalan Standard
Boring Fleshfly Swarm 27 Southern Thanalan Quest*(Lv.27 "Death from Above")
Corpsefly 28 Haukke Manor Standard
Dravanian Bee Cloud 52 Dravanian Forelands Quest*(Lv.52 "I Believe I Can Fly")
Dung Midge Swarm 30-34 Eastern La Noscea FATE*(Lv.33 "Long Way Home"), standard
Fleshfly Swarm 16 Tam-Tara Deepcroft Standard
Garden Bee Cloud 60 Saint Mocianne's Arboretum Standard
Honeybee Cloud 22-26 East Shroud Levequest*(Lv.25 "Go with the Flow")
Honeybee Swarm 8 East Shroud Quest*(Lv.10 "Trial by Wind")
Hornet Cloud 10-15 Eastern Thanalan Quest*(Lv.20 "Keeping the Spirit Alive")
Hornet Swarm 8-14 Central Shroud, East Shroud FATE*(Lv.11 "The Sting"), standard
Hoverfly Swarm 30-34 South Shroud Standard
Jungle Midge Cloud 35 Eastern La Noscea Quest*(Lv.35 "Always the Last Place You Look")
Killer Hornet Cloud 20 East Shroud Quest*(Lv.20 "We Come in Peace")
Leafminer 50 Amdapor Keep (Hard) Standard
Midge Cloud 4-10 Central Shroud Levequest*(Lv.5 "A Full Stomach")
Midge Swarm 5-9 North Shroud Standard
Palace Swarm 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 91-100 Standard
Potter Wasp Swarm 25-29 Southern Thanalan Standard
Sandstorm 38 Cutter's Cry Standard
Shroudbee Swarm 2-18 Central Shroud, East Shroud Levequest*(Lv.1 "Scourge of the Saplings", Lv.10 "Bump in the Night", Lv.15 "Can't Say No to Gnat", "Something in the Mead")
Stinging Syrphid Cloud 20-29 Eastern Thanalan, South Shroud Levequest*(Lv.20 "Watch Me If You Can", Lv.30 "Woodcross Busydeal")
Sun Midge Cloud 5-11 Western Thanalan Levequest*(Lv.5 "Two Yalms Under", Lv.10 "Field of Beans")
Sun Midge Swarm 10-14 Eastern Thanalan Standard
Syrphid Cloud 1-27 Central Shroud, Central Thanalan, Eastern Thanalan, Lower La Noscea Levequest*(Lv.1 "Stay for a Vile", Lv.5 "Compost with the Most", "Wrangling Raptors"), quest*(Lv.5 "Spear of the Fearless", Lv.8 "Fire and Brimstone", Lv.17 "Green Thumb", Lv.30 "Seer Folly"), standard*(in Central Thanalan only)
Syrphid Swarm 8 Central Shroud Standard

Tarantula Hawk[]

 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Ant Hawk 60 Diadem Rank I
Blazewing 41*(Wind-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros Standard
Egglaying Tarantula Hawk 58 Dravanian Hinterlands Quest*(Lv.58 "The Pick of the Bunch")
Erle 70 Fringes A-rank elite mark
Killer Bee 72 Il Mheg Standard
Killer Honeybee 69 Il Mheg FATE*(Lv.72 "Twice Upon a Time")
Knight Hawk 60 Saint Mocianne's Arboretum Boss minion*(Queen Hawk)
Mating Tarantula Hawk 55 Churning Mists Quest*(Lv.55 "Worried Sick")
Polis Hawk 60 Aquapolis Standard
Queen Hawk 60 Saint Mocianne's Arboretum Boss
Scorpion Hawk 58-62 Dravanian Hinterlands Levequest*(Lv.58 "Bareback Riding", "Whither the Morbol Goeth")
Soldier Hawk 60 Saint Mocianne's Arboretum Standard
Swarming Tarantula Hawk 55 Churning Mists Quest*(Lv.55 "I Won't Leaf You Behind")
Tarantula Hawk 55-58 Dravanian Hinterlands FATE*(Lv.58 "Tarantula Hawk, Pro Stinger"), standard
Tigerhawk 62*(Wind-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos Standard
Worker Hawk 60 Saint Mocianne's Arboretum Standard


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Abalathian Wamoura 58 Sea of Clouds Standard
Achamoth 60 Lost City of Amdapor (Hard) Boss
Bloodglider 57-60 Peaks FATE*(Lv.60 "A New Leaf", "Down with the Sickness"), standard
Bloodglider Monk 70 Temple of the Fist Standard
Burrowing Wamoura 55 Churning Mists Quest*(Lv.55 "Walking on Eggshells")
Deep Palace Wamoura 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 181-190 Standard
Dohnfast Etainmoth 73 Dohn Mheg Standard
Etainmoth 72 Il Mheg Standard
Ignamoth 60 Peaks FATE boss*(Lv.60 "Moth to a Flame")
Itzpapalotl 80 Lakeland B-rank elite mark
Necropsyche 72 Il Mheg FATE boss*(Lv.72 "Locus Terribilis")
Neverreap Wamoura 60 Neverreap Standard
Palace Wamoura 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 81-90 Standard
Polis Wamoura 60 Aquapolis Standard
Ranch Wamoura 50 Lost City of Amdapor Boss minion*(Arioch)
Ruins Wamoura 50 Amdapor Keep (Hard) Standard
Teredo Moth 60 Void Ark Standard
Val Bloodglider 55*(Fire-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros Standard
Wamoura 50 Lost City of Amdapor Standard
Window Wamoura 54-57 Sea of Clouds FATE*(Lv.57 "Come to My Window"), standard


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Burrowing Wamouracampa 55 Churning Mists Quest*(Lv.55 "Walking on Eggshells")
Carmine Wamouracampa 70 Temple of the Fist Standard
Deep Palace Wamouracampa 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 181-190 Standard
Palace Wamouracampa 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 81-90 Standard
Polis Wamouracampa 60 Aquapolis Standard
Ruins Wamouracampa 50 Amdapor Keep (Hard) Standard
Teredo Worm 60 Void Ark Standard
Wamouracampa 50 Lost City of Amdapor Standard
Window Wamouracampa 57 Sea of Clouds Standard


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Abyss Worm 50 Copperbell Mines (Hard) Boss minion*(Ouranos)
Cloudworm 50 Sea of Clouds Standard
Crawling Death 78 Kholusia FATE boss*(Lv.78 "Not Today")
Deep Palace Worm 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 181-190 Standard
Flood Worm 60 Diadem Rank II
Giant Netherworm 60 Sohm Al (Hard) Standard
Giant Sandworm 35 Southern Thanalan Quest*(Lv.35 "Embracing the Beast")
Giant Tunnel Worm 38 Cutter's Cry Boss
Gigaworm 70 The Burn Standard
Glavoid 23*(Earth-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos FATE boss*(Lv.23 "Conquerer Worm")
Minhocao 50 Northern Thanalan S-rank elite mark
Netherworm 60 Sohm Al (Hard) Standard
Palace Worm 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 81-90 Standard
Purple Worm 60 Diadem Rank ★
Sandsucker 70 Amh Araeng Standard
Sandworm 29-32 Southern Thanalan FATE*(Lv.31 "Children of the Sands", Lv.32 "Revenge of the Worms"), standard
Sjoorm 50 Hullbreaker Isle Boss
Ulhuadshi 32 Southern Thanalan FATE boss*(Lv.32 "Revenge of the Worms")
Val Worm 28*(Earth-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos Standard
Veiled Gigaworm 70 The Burn Standard
Wellwick Worm 31 Southern Thanalan Quest*(Lv.31 "When the Worm Turns")
Worm of the Well 80 Amh Araeng B-rank elite mark


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Bog Yarzon 7 Central Shroud Standard
Cieldalaes Crawler 50 Hullbreaker Isle Standard
Daddy Longlegs 22 Western Thanalan FATE boss*(Lv.22 "He's Got Legs")
Deep Palace Yarzon 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 101-110 Standard
Forest Yarzon 22 Upper La Noscea Standard
Harvester 76 Amh Araeng Standard
Palace Yarzon 17 Palace of the Dead Floors 1-10 Standard
Pinktoe 5-9 Western Thanalan Levequest wanted target*(Lv.5 "A Spoonful of Poison", "Needles to Say", "Procession of the Noble", "The Ore the Better", "Two Yalms Under")
River Yarzon 25 South Shroud Standard
Riverbank Yarzon 5 Central Shroud Quest*(Lv.5 "Spear of the Fearless")
Ruins Crawler 50 Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard) Boss minion*(Damaged Adjudicator)
Russet Yarzon 31 Southern Thanalan Standard
Wall Crawler 35 Sunken Temple of Qarn Standard
Waterskipper 30 Upper La Noscea FATE*(Lv.33 "Hop, Skip, and a Jump")
Yarzon Biter 15-19 Lower La Noscea Levequest*(Lv.20 "The Light Stripes")
Yarzon Feeder 4-16 Middle La Noscea, Tam-Tara Deepcroft, Western Thanalan Quest*(Lv.5 "Yarzon, Yarzoff"), FATE*(Lv.6 "Things That Make You Go Home"), standard*(in Tam-Tara Deepcroft and Western Thanalan only)
Yarzon Invader 4-27 Central Shroud, South Shroud Levequest*(Lv.5 "Compost with the Most", "River Raid", Lv.25 "Up the Creek")
Yarzon Lurker 1-15 Western La Noscea, Western Thanalan Levequest*(Lv.1 "Observe and Protect", Lv.10 "At the Gates"), guildhest*(Lv.15 "Basic Training: Enemy Strongholds")
Yarzon Scavenger 20-26 North Shroud, Western Thanalan FATE*(Lv.22 "Tripped up by the Fruit of Another"), standard
Yarzon Survivor 24*(Lightning-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos Standard


"-Kin" is a suffix which denotes close relation to the root word by characteristics and/or ancestry.
