Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Summer Vacation
Banner Focus Summer Vacation
Summer Vacation
Featured units
Start date2022-06-17
End date2022-08-09
DescriptionSwimsuit-clad Special Heroes having a blast at the beach are here! These Special Heroes are available as part of a 5★ summoning focus during this event! (Notification)

Appearance rates

See Summonable Heroes for a full table of the regular pool of summonable heroes.
RarityAppearance rate
5★ Focus3.00%
4★ Focus3.00%
4★ Special Rate3.00%


Number of units in a pool
5★ Focus5★4★ Focus4★ SR4★3★
Orb color distribution
At least one75.75%83.22%68.15%76.04%
Specific Hero rates (any rarity)
HeroAppearance rateHero Rate | Orb color
Edelgard: Sun Empresses0.75%Red Orb
Claude: Tropical Trouble3.75%Blue Orb
Micaiah: Wavecrest Maiden0.75%Colorless Orb
Dimitri: Sky-Blue Lion0.75%Green Orb
5★ Hero rates
5★ Only5★ + 4★ SR
Appearance rate5★ rate | Orb colorAppearance rate5★ rate | Orb color
Red1.70%Red Orb
2.82%Red Orb
Blue1.56%Blue Orb
2.29%Blue Orb
Green1.39%Green Orb
2.05%Green Orb
Colorless1.34%Colorless Orb
1.85%Colorless Orb
Average Orbs cost
Non 3/4★37 Orb ≈ 9 Any Orb41 Orb ≈ 9 Red Orb27 Orb ≈ 6 Blue Orb44 Orb ≈ 9 Green Orb58 Orb ≈ 13 Colorless Orb
4/5★ Focus60 Orb ≈ 15 Any Orb112 Orb ≈ 24 Red Orb38 Orb ≈ 8 Blue Orb100 Orb ≈ 21 Green Orb113 Orb ≈ 24 Colorless Orb
5★ / 4★ SR60 Orb ≈ 15 Any Orb54 Orb ≈ 12 Red Orb83 Orb ≈ 18 Blue Orb69 Orb ≈ 15 Green Orb94 Orb ≈ 20 Colorless Orb
5★ Focus97 Orb ≈ 24 Any Orb112 Orb ≈ 24 Red Orb127 Orb ≈ 27 Blue Orb100 Orb ≈ 21 Green Orb113 Orb ≈ 24 Colorless Orb
4★ Focus140 Orb ≈ 35 Any Orb48 Orb ≈ 11 Blue Orb
5★97 Orb ≈ 24 Any Orb94 Orb ≈ 20 Red Orb117 Orb ≈ 25 Blue Orb109 Orb ≈ 23 Green Orb136 Orb ≈ 29 Colorless Orb
4★ SR140 Orb ≈ 35 Any Orb109 Orb ≈ 23 Red Orb205 Orb ≈ 44 Blue Orb157 Orb ≈ 33 Green Orb248 Orb ≈ 52 Colorless Orb
  • The orb color distribution table displays the chances for a certain orb color to appear.
    • Individual: The chance for a randomly selected orb to be a certain color.
    • All: The chance for all orbs to be a certain color.
    • At least one: Chance for at least one of this orb color to show up in a summoning session.
    • None: Chance for no orbs of this color to show up in a summoning session.
  • The Hero rates tables shows the chances for specific Heroes.
    • Appearance rate: Individual appearance rate. This is the chance for a randomly selected orb to contain the Hero. This includes all focus and non-focus rarities for the Hero. This rate × 5 is the chance for the Hero to show up at all in one of the 5 orbs in a summoning session.
    • Rate | Orb color: The chance to summon a specific Hero given that their orb color has appeared and is being summoned from. This is dependent on color distribution of units in all the pools. This includes all rarities focus and non-focus rarities of the Hero.
  • The average orb cost table displays the average number of summons and their corresponding average number of {{It|Orb}}s required to obtain a desired kind of Hero.
    • Any: All 5 orbs of a summoning sessions are used, independently of their color.
    • Red, Blue, Green, Colorless: Only the orbs of the corresponding color are selected. The cost of a summon is inversely proportional to the distribution of its color.
For more detailed information, see Summon#Color Distribution.


HeroWeaponAssistSpecialPassive APassive BPassive C
Iron Sword
Steel Sword
Silver Sword
Regal Sunshade
Night Sky
Atk/Def Ideal 1
Atk/Def Ideal 2
Atk/Def Ideal 3
Atk/Def Ideal 4
Raging StormAssault Troop 1
Assault Troop 2
Assault Troop 3
Iron Dagger
Steel Dagger
Silver Dagger
Frozen Delight
New Moon
Fallen StarSpd/Def Rein 1
Spd/Def Rein 2
Spd/Def Rein 3
Moonlight Drop
Ardent Sacrifice
Maiden's Solace
New Moon
Atk/Res Catch 1
Atk/Res Catch 2
Atk/Res Catch 3
Atk/Res Catch 4
Iron Axe
Steel Axe
Silver Axe
Unyielding Oar
Night Sky
Atk/Spd Catch 1
Atk/Spd Catch 2
Atk/Spd Catch 3
Atk/Spd Catch 4
AtrocityThreaten Spd 1
Threat. Spd/Def 1
Threat. Spd/Def 2
Spd/Def Menace

Level 40 stats

Edelgard Sun Empresses Face FC Edelgard: Sun Empresses43/46/4941/45/4813/17/2040/43/4736/39/43
Claude Tropical Trouble Face FC Claude: Tropical Trouble38/41/4435/38/4139/42/4622/25/2922/26/29
Micaiah Wavecrest Maiden Face FC Micaiah: Wavecrest Maiden34/38/4139/42/4627/30/3312/16/1934/37/40
Dimitri Sky-Blue Lion Face FC Dimitri: Sky-Blue Lion36/40/4338/42/4537/40/4432/35/3813/17/20
Summer Vacation
Banner Focus Summer Vacation
Summer Vacation
Featured units
Start date2023-06-24
End date2023-07-04
DescriptionSwimsuit-clad Special Heroes having a blast at the beach are back! You can get these Heroes while they're available as part of this 5★ Special Hero revival summoning focus! (Notification)

Appearance rates

See Summonable Heroes for a full table of the regular pool of summonable heroes.
RarityAppearance rate
5★ Focus3.00%
4★ Focus3.00%
4★ Special Rate3.00%


Number of units in a pool
5★ Focus5★4★ Focus4★ SR4★3★
Orb color distribution
At least one74.95%81.90%70.01%76.98%
Specific Hero rates (any rarity)
HeroAppearance rateHero Rate | Orb color
Edelgard: Sun Empresses0.75%Red Orb
Micaiah: Wavecrest Maiden0.75%Colorless Orb
Claude: Tropical Trouble3.75%Blue Orb
Dimitri: Sky-Blue Lion0.75%Green Orb
5★ Hero rates
5★ Only5★ + 4★ SR
Appearance rate5★ rate | Orb colorAppearance rate5★ rate | Orb color
Red1.60%Red Orb
2.71%Red Orb
Blue1.63%Blue Orb
2.38%Blue Orb
Green1.38%Green Orb
2.02%Green Orb
Colorless1.38%Colorless Orb
1.88%Colorless Orb
Average Orbs cost
Non 3/4★37 Orb ≈ 9 Any Orb41 Orb ≈ 9 Red Orb25 Orb ≈ 6 Blue Orb47 Orb ≈ 10 Green Orb58 Orb ≈ 13 Colorless Orb
4/5★ Focus60 Orb ≈ 15 Any Orb110 Orb ≈ 23 Red Orb37 Orb ≈ 8 Blue Orb98 Orb ≈ 21 Green Orb115 Orb ≈ 24 Colorless Orb
5★ / 4★ SR60 Orb ≈ 15 Any Orb56 Orb ≈ 12 Red Orb75 Orb ≈ 16 Blue Orb73 Orb ≈ 16 Green Orb92 Orb ≈ 20 Colorless Orb
5★ Focus97 Orb ≈ 24 Any Orb110 Orb ≈ 23 Red Orb123 Orb ≈ 26 Blue Orb98 Orb ≈ 21 Green Orb115 Orb ≈ 24 Colorless Orb
4★ Focus140 Orb ≈ 35 Any Orb47 Orb ≈ 10 Blue Orb
5★97 Orb ≈ 24 Any Orb97 Orb ≈ 21 Red Orb110 Orb ≈ 24 Blue Orb116 Orb ≈ 24 Green Orb129 Orb ≈ 27 Colorless Orb
4★ SR140 Orb ≈ 35 Any Orb108 Orb ≈ 23 Red Orb192 Orb ≈ 41 Blue Orb167 Orb ≈ 35 Green Orb258 Orb ≈ 54 Colorless Orb
  • The orb color distribution table displays the chances for a certain orb color to appear.
    • Individual: The chance for a randomly selected orb to be a certain color.
    • All: The chance for all orbs to be a certain color.
    • At least one: Chance for at least one of this orb color to show up in a summoning session.
    • None: Chance for no orbs of this color to show up in a summoning session.
  • The Hero rates tables shows the chances for specific Heroes.
    • Appearance rate: Individual appearance rate. This is the chance for a randomly selected orb to contain the Hero. This includes all focus and non-focus rarities for the Hero. This rate × 5 is the chance for the Hero to show up at all in one of the 5 orbs in a summoning session.
    • Rate | Orb color: The chance to summon a specific Hero given that their orb color has appeared and is being summoned from. This is dependent on color distribution of units in all the pools. This includes all rarities focus and non-focus rarities of the Hero.
  • The average orb cost table displays the average number of summons and their corresponding average number of {{It|Orb}}s required to obtain a desired kind of Hero.
    • Any: All 5 orbs of a summoning sessions are used, independently of their color.
    • Red, Blue, Green, Colorless: Only the orbs of the corresponding color are selected. The cost of a summon is inversely proportional to the distribution of its color.
For more detailed information, see Summon#Color Distribution.


HeroWeaponAssistSpecialPassive APassive BPassive C
Iron Sword
Steel Sword
Silver Sword
Regal Sunshade
Night Sky
Atk/Def Ideal 1
Atk/Def Ideal 2
Atk/Def Ideal 3
Atk/Def Ideal 4
Raging StormAssault Troop 1
Assault Troop 2
Assault Troop 3
Moonlight Drop
Ardent Sacrifice
Maiden's Solace
New Moon
Atk/Res Catch 1
Atk/Res Catch 2
Atk/Res Catch 3
Atk/Res Catch 4
Iron Dagger
Steel Dagger
Silver Dagger
Frozen Delight
New Moon
Fallen StarSpd/Def Rein 1
Spd/Def Rein 2
Spd/Def Rein 3
Iron Axe
Steel Axe
Silver Axe
Unyielding Oar
Night Sky
Atk/Spd Catch 1
Atk/Spd Catch 2
Atk/Spd Catch 3
Atk/Spd Catch 4
AtrocityThreaten Spd 1
Threat. Spd/Def 1
Threat. Spd/Def 2
Spd/Def Menace

Level 40 stats

Edelgard Sun Empresses Face FC Edelgard: Sun Empresses43/46/4941/45/4813/17/2040/43/4736/39/43
Micaiah Wavecrest Maiden Face FC Micaiah: Wavecrest Maiden34/38/4139/42/4627/30/3312/16/1934/37/40
Claude Tropical Trouble Face FC Claude: Tropical Trouble38/41/4435/38/4139/42/4622/25/2922/26/29
Dimitri Sky-Blue Lion Face FC Dimitri: Sky-Blue Lion36/40/4338/42/4537/40/4432/35/3813/17/20
Summer Vacation
Banner Focus Summer Vacation
Summer Vacation
Featured units
Start date2024-06-21
End date2024-07-01
DescriptionSwimsuit-clad Special Heroes having a blast at the beach are back! You can get these Heroes while they're available as part of this 5★ Special Hero revival summoning focus! (Notification)

Appearance rates

See Summonable Heroes for a full table of the regular pool of summonable heroes.
RarityAppearance rate
5★ Focus3.00%
4★ Focus3.00%
4★ Special Rate3.00%


Number of units in a pool
5★ Focus5★4★ Focus4★ SR4★3★
Orb color distribution
At least onenan%nan%nan%nan%
Specific Hero rates (any rarity)
HeroAppearance rateHero Rate | Orb color
Edelgard: Sun Empresses0.75%Red Orb
Micaiah: Wavecrest Maiden0.75%Colorless Orb
Claude: Tropical Trouble0.75%Blue Orb
Dimitri: Sky-Blue Lion0.75%Green Orb
5★ Hero rates
5★ Only5★ + 4★ SR
Appearance rate5★ rate | Orb colorAppearance rate5★ rate | Orb color
Red1.68%Red Orb
2.69%Red Orb
Blue1.50%Blue Orb
2.32%Blue Orb
Green1.36%Green Orb
2.02%Green Orb
Colorless1.46%Colorless Orb
1.96%Colorless Orb
Average Orbs cost
Non 3/4★37 Orb ≈ 9 Any Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Red Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Blue Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Green Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Colorless Orb
4/5★ Focus60 Orb ≈ 15 Any Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Red Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Blue Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Green Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Colorless Orb
5★ / 4★ SR60 Orb ≈ 15 Any Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Red Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Blue Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Green Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Colorless Orb
5★ Focus97 Orb ≈ 24 Any Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Red Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Blue Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Green Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Colorless Orb
4★ Focus140 Orb ≈ 35 Any Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Red Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Blue Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Green Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Colorless Orb
5★97 Orb ≈ 24 Any Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Red Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Blue Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Green Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Colorless Orb
4★ SR140 Orb ≈ 35 Any Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Red Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Blue Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Green Orb-9223372036854775808 Orb ≈ -1 Colorless Orb
  • The orb color distribution table displays the chances for a certain orb color to appear.
    • Individual: The chance for a randomly selected orb to be a certain color.
    • All: The chance for all orbs to be a certain color.
    • At least one: Chance for at least one of this orb color to show up in a summoning session.
    • None: Chance for no orbs of this color to show up in a summoning session.
  • The Hero rates tables shows the chances for specific Heroes.
    • Appearance rate: Individual appearance rate. This is the chance for a randomly selected orb to contain the Hero. This includes all focus and non-focus rarities for the Hero. This rate × 5 is the chance for the Hero to show up at all in one of the 5 orbs in a summoning session.
    • Rate | Orb color: The chance to summon a specific Hero given that their orb color has appeared and is being summoned from. This is dependent on color distribution of units in all the pools. This includes all rarities focus and non-focus rarities of the Hero.
  • The average orb cost table displays the average number of summons and their corresponding average number of {{It|Orb}}s required to obtain a desired kind of Hero.
    • Any: All 5 orbs of a summoning sessions are used, independently of their color.
    • Red, Blue, Green, Colorless: Only the orbs of the corresponding color are selected. The cost of a summon is inversely proportional to the distribution of its color.
For more detailed information, see Summon#Color Distribution.


HeroWeaponAssistSpecialPassive APassive BPassive C
Iron Sword
Steel Sword
Silver Sword
Regal Sunshade
Night Sky
Atk/Def Ideal 1
Atk/Def Ideal 2
Atk/Def Ideal 3
Atk/Def Ideal 4
Raging StormAssault Troop 1
Assault Troop 2
Assault Troop 3
Moonlight Drop
Ardent Sacrifice
Maiden's Solace
New Moon
Atk/Res Catch 1
Atk/Res Catch 2
Atk/Res Catch 3
Atk/Res Catch 4
Iron Dagger
Steel Dagger
Silver Dagger
Frozen Delight
New Moon
Fallen StarSpd/Def Rein 1
Spd/Def Rein 2
Spd/Def Rein 3
Iron Axe
Steel Axe
Silver Axe
Unyielding Oar
Night Sky
Atk/Spd Catch 1
Atk/Spd Catch 2
Atk/Spd Catch 3
Atk/Spd Catch 4
AtrocityThreaten Spd 1
Threat. Spd/Def 1
Threat. Spd/Def 2
Spd/Def Menace

Level 40 stats

Edelgard Sun Empresses Face FC Edelgard: Sun Empresses43/46/4941/45/4813/17/2040/43/4736/39/43
Micaiah Wavecrest Maiden Face FC Micaiah: Wavecrest Maiden34/38/4139/42/4627/30/3312/16/1934/37/40
Claude Tropical Trouble Face FC Claude: Tropical Trouble38/41/4435/38/4139/42/4622/25/2922/26/29
Dimitri Sky-Blue Lion Face FC Dimitri: Sky-Blue Lion36/40/4338/42/4537/40/4432/35/3813/17/20

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
English (US) Summer Vacation
Japanese ???
German ???
Spanish (Europe) ???
Spanish (Latin America) ???
French Vacances d'été
Italian ???
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 級長們的暑假
Portuguese ???