Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Ninja Training
Banner Focus Ninja Training
Ninja Training
Featured units
Start date2021-11-05
End date2021-12-05
DescriptionSpecial Heroes dressed in ninja gear gather! These Special Heroes are available as part of a 5★ summoning focus during this event! (Notification)

Appearance rates

See Summonable Heroes for a full table of the regular pool of summonable heroes.
RarityAppearance rate
5★ Focus3.00%
4★ Focus3.00%
4★ Special Rate3.00%


Number of units in a pool
5★ Focus5★4★ Focus4★ SR4★3★
Orb color distribution
At least one75.74%81.98%67.77%77.89%
Specific Hero rates (any rarity)
HeroAppearance rateHero Rate | Orb color
Corrin: Nightfall Ninja Act0.75%Green Orb
Igrene: Ninja of Nabata0.75%Colorless Orb
Corrin: Daylight Ninja Act3.75%Blue Orb
Shinon: Sharptongue Ninja0.75%Red Orb
5★ Hero rates
5★ Only5★ + 4★ SR
Appearance rate5★ rate | Orb colorAppearance rate5★ rate | Orb color
Red1.67%Red Orb
2.82%Red Orb
Blue1.59%Blue Orb
2.35%Blue Orb
Green1.45%Green Orb
2.06%Green Orb
Colorless1.29%Colorless Orb
1.78%Colorless Orb
Average Orbs cost
Non 3/4★37 Orb ≈ 9 Any Orb41 Orb ≈ 9 Red Orb26 Orb ≈ 6 Blue Orb43 Orb ≈ 9 Green Orb63 Orb ≈ 14 Colorless Orb
4/5★ Focus60 Orb ≈ 15 Any Orb112 Orb ≈ 24 Red Orb37 Orb ≈ 8 Blue Orb99 Orb ≈ 21 Green Orb118 Orb ≈ 25 Colorless Orb
5★ / 4★ SR60 Orb ≈ 15 Any Orb54 Orb ≈ 12 Red Orb77 Orb ≈ 17 Blue Orb67 Orb ≈ 14 Green Orb105 Orb ≈ 22 Colorless Orb
5★ Focus97 Orb ≈ 24 Any Orb112 Orb ≈ 24 Red Orb123 Orb ≈ 26 Blue Orb99 Orb ≈ 21 Green Orb118 Orb ≈ 25 Colorless Orb
4★ Focus140 Orb ≈ 35 Any Orb47 Orb ≈ 10 Blue Orb
5★97 Orb ≈ 24 Any Orb97 Orb ≈ 21 Red Orb117 Orb ≈ 25 Blue Orb99 Orb ≈ 21 Green Orb146 Orb ≈ 31 Colorless Orb
4★ SR140 Orb ≈ 35 Any Orb106 Orb ≈ 22 Red Orb190 Orb ≈ 41 Blue Orb168 Orb ≈ 35 Green Orb274 Orb ≈ 58 Colorless Orb
  • The orb color distribution table displays the chances for a certain orb color to appear.
    • Individual: The chance for a randomly selected orb to be a certain color.
    • All: The chance for all orbs to be a certain color.
    • At least one: Chance for at least one of this orb color to show up in a summoning session.
    • None: Chance for no orbs of this color to show up in a summoning session.
  • The Hero rates tables shows the chances for specific Heroes.
    • Appearance rate: Individual appearance rate. This is the chance for a randomly selected orb to contain the Hero. This includes all focus and non-focus rarities for the Hero. This rate × 5 is the chance for the Hero to show up at all in one of the 5 orbs in a summoning session.
    • Rate | Orb color: The chance to summon a specific Hero given that their orb color has appeared and is being summoned from. This is dependent on color distribution of units in all the pools. This includes all rarities focus and non-focus rarities of the Hero.
  • The average orb cost table displays the average number of summons and their corresponding average number of {{It|Orb}}s required to obtain a desired kind of Hero.
    • Any: All 5 orbs of a summoning sessions are used, independently of their color.
    • Red, Blue, Green, Colorless: Only the orbs of the corresponding color are selected. The cost of a summon is inversely proportional to the distribution of its color.
For more detailed information, see Summon#Color Distribution.


HeroWeaponAssistSpecialPassive APassive BPassive C
Ninjutsu Scrolls
Rally Defense
Rally Up Def
Rally Up Def+
Atk/Spd Push 1
Atk/Spd Push 2
Atk/Spd Push 3
Atk/Spd Push 4
S/R Far Trace 1
S/R Far Trace 2
S/R Far Trace 3
Spur Atk 1
Drive Atk 1
Drive Atk 2
Joint Drive Atk
Iron Dagger
Steel Dagger
Silver Dagger
Nabata Kunai
New Moon
C Duel Flying 1
C Duel Flying 2
C Duel Flying 3
C Duel Flying 4
Spd/Def Rein 1
Spd/Def Rein 2
Spd/Def Rein 3
Iron Lance
Steel Lance
Ninja Naginata
Ninja Naginata+
Dragon Gaze
Draconic Aura
Death Blow 1
Swift Sparrow 1
Swift Sparrow 2
Special Spiral 1
Special Spiral 2
Special Spiral 3
Iron Bow
Steel Bow
Ninja Yumi
Ninja Yumi+
Night Sky
Atk/Spd Solo 1
Atk/Spd Solo 2
Atk/Spd Solo 3
Atk/Spd Solo 4
Lull Spd/Def 1
Lull Spd/Def 2
Lull Spd/Def 3

Level 40 stats

Corrin Nightfall Ninja Act Face FC Corrin: Nightfall Ninja Act34/38/4138/41/4537/40/4420/23/2717/20/23
Igrene Ninja of Nabata Face FC Igrene: Ninja of Nabata36/40/4339/43/4635/38/4219/22/2526/30/33
Corrin Daylight Ninja Act Face FC Corrin: Daylight Ninja Act37/41/4437/40/4435/38/4132/35/3824/28/31
Shinon Sharptongue Ninja Face FC Shinon: Sharptongue Ninja36/40/4337/40/4440/43/4724/28/3122/26/29
Ninja Training
Banner Focus Ninja Training
Ninja Training
Featured units
Start date2022-11-28
End date2022-12-08
DescriptionNinja galore! Special Heroes who have donned ninja garb are back! You can get these Heroes while they're available as part of this 5★ Special Hero revival summoning focus! (Notification)

Appearance rates

See Summonable Heroes for a full table of the regular pool of summonable heroes.
RarityAppearance rate
5★ Focus3.00%
4★ Focus3.00%
4★ Special Rate3.00%


Number of units in a pool
5★ Focus5★4★ Focus4★ SR4★3★
Orb color distribution
At least one76.47%82.42%69.67%75.10%
Specific Hero rates (any rarity)
HeroAppearance rateHero Rate | Orb color
Corrin: Nightfall Ninja Act0.75%Green Orb
Igrene: Ninja of Nabata0.75%Colorless Orb
Corrin: Daylight Ninja Act3.75%Blue Orb
Shinon: Sharptongue Ninja0.75%Red Orb
5★ Hero rates
5★ Only5★ + 4★ SR
Appearance rate5★ rate | Orb colorAppearance rate5★ rate | Orb color
Red1.61%Red Orb
2.71%Red Orb
Blue1.58%Blue Orb
2.32%Blue Orb
Green1.45%Green Orb
2.10%Green Orb
Colorless1.36%Colorless Orb
1.87%Colorless Orb
Average Orbs cost
Non 3/4★37 Orb ≈ 9 Any Orb41 Orb ≈ 9 Red Orb26 Orb ≈ 6 Blue Orb45 Orb ≈ 10 Green Orb56 Orb ≈ 12 Colorless Orb
4/5★ Focus60 Orb ≈ 15 Any Orb114 Orb ≈ 24 Red Orb37 Orb ≈ 8 Blue Orb97 Orb ≈ 20 Green Orb110 Orb ≈ 23 Colorless Orb
5★ / 4★ SR60 Orb ≈ 15 Any Orb58 Orb ≈ 12 Red Orb79 Orb ≈ 17 Blue Orb68 Orb ≈ 15 Green Orb90 Orb ≈ 19 Colorless Orb
5★ Focus97 Orb ≈ 24 Any Orb114 Orb ≈ 24 Red Orb124 Orb ≈ 27 Blue Orb97 Orb ≈ 20 Green Orb110 Orb ≈ 23 Colorless Orb
4★ Focus140 Orb ≈ 35 Any Orb47 Orb ≈ 10 Blue Orb
5★97 Orb ≈ 24 Any Orb100 Orb ≈ 21 Red Orb113 Orb ≈ 24 Blue Orb104 Orb ≈ 22 Green Orb128 Orb ≈ 27 Colorless Orb
4★ SR140 Orb ≈ 35 Any Orb112 Orb ≈ 24 Red Orb196 Orb ≈ 42 Blue Orb165 Orb ≈ 35 Green Orb245 Orb ≈ 51 Colorless Orb
  • The orb color distribution table displays the chances for a certain orb color to appear.
    • Individual: The chance for a randomly selected orb to be a certain color.
    • All: The chance for all orbs to be a certain color.
    • At least one: Chance for at least one of this orb color to show up in a summoning session.
    • None: Chance for no orbs of this color to show up in a summoning session.
  • The Hero rates tables shows the chances for specific Heroes.
    • Appearance rate: Individual appearance rate. This is the chance for a randomly selected orb to contain the Hero. This includes all focus and non-focus rarities for the Hero. This rate × 5 is the chance for the Hero to show up at all in one of the 5 orbs in a summoning session.
    • Rate | Orb color: The chance to summon a specific Hero given that their orb color has appeared and is being summoned from. This is dependent on color distribution of units in all the pools. This includes all rarities focus and non-focus rarities of the Hero.
  • The average orb cost table displays the average number of summons and their corresponding average number of {{It|Orb}}s required to obtain a desired kind of Hero.
    • Any: All 5 orbs of a summoning sessions are used, independently of their color.
    • Red, Blue, Green, Colorless: Only the orbs of the corresponding color are selected. The cost of a summon is inversely proportional to the distribution of its color.
For more detailed information, see Summon#Color Distribution.


HeroWeaponAssistSpecialPassive APassive BPassive C
Ninjutsu Scrolls
Rally Defense
Rally Up Def
Rally Up Def+
Atk/Spd Push 1
Atk/Spd Push 2
Atk/Spd Push 3
Atk/Spd Push 4
S/R Far Trace 1
S/R Far Trace 2
S/R Far Trace 3
Spur Atk 1
Drive Atk 1
Drive Atk 2
Joint Drive Atk
Iron Dagger
Steel Dagger
Silver Dagger
Nabata Kunai
New Moon
C Duel Flying 1
C Duel Flying 2
C Duel Flying 3
C Duel Flying 4
Spd/Def Rein 1
Spd/Def Rein 2
Spd/Def Rein 3
Iron Lance
Steel Lance
Ninja Naginata
Ninja Naginata+
Dragon Gaze
Draconic Aura
Death Blow 1
Swift Sparrow 1
Swift Sparrow 2
Special Spiral 1
Special Spiral 2
Special Spiral 3
Iron Bow
Steel Bow
Ninja Yumi
Ninja Yumi+
Night Sky
Atk/Spd Solo 1
Atk/Spd Solo 2
Atk/Spd Solo 3
Atk/Spd Solo 4
Lull Spd/Def 1
Lull Spd/Def 2
Lull Spd/Def 3

Level 40 stats

Corrin Nightfall Ninja Act Face FC Corrin: Nightfall Ninja Act34/38/4138/41/4537/40/4420/23/2717/20/23
Igrene Ninja of Nabata Face FC Igrene: Ninja of Nabata36/40/4339/43/4635/38/4219/22/2526/30/33
Corrin Daylight Ninja Act Face FC Corrin: Daylight Ninja Act37/41/4437/40/4435/38/4132/35/3824/28/31
Shinon Sharptongue Ninja Face FC Shinon: Sharptongue Ninja36/40/4337/40/4440/43/4724/28/3122/26/29
Ninja Training
Banner Focus Ninja Training
Ninja Training
Featured units
Start date2023-11-16
End date2023-11-26
DescriptionNinja galore! Special Heroes who have donned ninja garb are back! You can get these Heroes while they're available as part of this 5★ Special Hero revival summoning focus! (Notification)

Appearance rates

See Summonable Heroes for a full table of the regular pool of summonable heroes.
RarityAppearance rate
5★ Focus3.00%
4★ Focus3.00%
4★ Special Rate3.00%


Number of units in a pool
5★ Focus5★4★ Focus4★ SR4★3★
Orb color distribution
At least one75.44%81.50%68.73%78.00%
Specific Hero rates (any rarity)
HeroAppearance rateHero Rate | Orb color
Corrin: Nightfall Ninja Act0.75%Green Orb
Igrene: Ninja of Nabata0.75%Colorless Orb
Corrin: Daylight Ninja Act3.75%Blue Orb
Shinon: Sharptongue Ninja0.75%Red Orb
5★ Hero rates
5★ Only5★ + 4★ SR
Appearance rate5★ rate | Orb colorAppearance rate5★ rate | Orb color
Red1.68%Red Orb
2.74%Red Orb
Blue1.58%Blue Orb
2.38%Blue Orb
Green1.38%Green Orb
2.03%Green Orb
Colorless1.35%Colorless Orb
1.85%Colorless Orb
Average Orbs cost
Non 3/4★37 Orb ≈ 9 Any Orb41 Orb ≈ 9 Red Orb25 Orb ≈ 6 Blue Orb45 Orb ≈ 10 Green Orb61 Orb ≈ 13 Colorless Orb
4/5★ Focus60 Orb ≈ 15 Any Orb111 Orb ≈ 24 Red Orb36 Orb ≈ 8 Blue Orb101 Orb ≈ 21 Green Orb118 Orb ≈ 25 Colorless Orb
5★ / 4★ SR60 Orb ≈ 15 Any Orb56 Orb ≈ 12 Red Orb75 Orb ≈ 16 Blue Orb71 Orb ≈ 15 Green Orb97 Orb ≈ 21 Colorless Orb
5★ Focus97 Orb ≈ 24 Any Orb111 Orb ≈ 24 Red Orb121 Orb ≈ 26 Blue Orb101 Orb ≈ 21 Green Orb118 Orb ≈ 25 Colorless Orb
4★ Focus140 Orb ≈ 35 Any Orb46 Orb ≈ 10 Blue Orb
5★97 Orb ≈ 24 Any Orb95 Orb ≈ 20 Red Orb116 Orb ≈ 25 Blue Orb113 Orb ≈ 24 Green Orb132 Orb ≈ 28 Colorless Orb
4★ SR140 Orb ≈ 35 Any Orb115 Orb ≈ 24 Red Orb178 Orb ≈ 38 Blue Orb161 Orb ≈ 34 Green Orb263 Orb ≈ 55 Colorless Orb
  • The orb color distribution table displays the chances for a certain orb color to appear.
    • Individual: The chance for a randomly selected orb to be a certain color.
    • All: The chance for all orbs to be a certain color.
    • At least one: Chance for at least one of this orb color to show up in a summoning session.
    • None: Chance for no orbs of this color to show up in a summoning session.
  • The Hero rates tables shows the chances for specific Heroes.
    • Appearance rate: Individual appearance rate. This is the chance for a randomly selected orb to contain the Hero. This includes all focus and non-focus rarities for the Hero. This rate × 5 is the chance for the Hero to show up at all in one of the 5 orbs in a summoning session.
    • Rate | Orb color: The chance to summon a specific Hero given that their orb color has appeared and is being summoned from. This is dependent on color distribution of units in all the pools. This includes all rarities focus and non-focus rarities of the Hero.
  • The average orb cost table displays the average number of summons and their corresponding average number of {{It|Orb}}s required to obtain a desired kind of Hero.
    • Any: All 5 orbs of a summoning sessions are used, independently of their color.
    • Red, Blue, Green, Colorless: Only the orbs of the corresponding color are selected. The cost of a summon is inversely proportional to the distribution of its color.
For more detailed information, see Summon#Color Distribution.


HeroWeaponAssistSpecialPassive APassive BPassive C
Ninjutsu Scrolls
Rally Defense
Rally Up Def
Rally Up Def+
Atk/Spd Push 1
Atk/Spd Push 2
Atk/Spd Push 3
Atk/Spd Push 4
S/R Far Trace 1
S/R Far Trace 2
S/R Far Trace 3
Spur Atk 1
Drive Atk 1
Drive Atk 2
Joint Drive Atk
Iron Dagger
Steel Dagger
Silver Dagger
Nabata Kunai
New Moon
C Duel Flying 1
C Duel Flying 2
C Duel Flying 3
C Duel Flying 4
Spd/Def Rein 1
Spd/Def Rein 2
Spd/Def Rein 3
Iron Lance
Steel Lance
Ninja Naginata
Ninja Naginata+
Dragon Gaze
Draconic Aura
Death Blow 1
Swift Sparrow 1
Swift Sparrow 2
Special Spiral 1
Special Spiral 2
Special Spiral 3
Iron Bow
Steel Bow
Ninja Yumi
Ninja Yumi+
Night Sky
Atk/Spd Solo 1
Atk/Spd Solo 2
Atk/Spd Solo 3
Atk/Spd Solo 4
Lull Spd/Def 1
Lull Spd/Def 2
Lull Spd/Def 3

Level 40 stats

Corrin Nightfall Ninja Act Face FC Corrin: Nightfall Ninja Act34/38/4138/41/4537/40/4420/23/2717/20/23
Igrene Ninja of Nabata Face FC Igrene: Ninja of Nabata36/40/4339/43/4635/38/4219/22/2526/30/33
Corrin Daylight Ninja Act Face FC Corrin: Daylight Ninja Act37/41/4437/40/4435/38/4132/35/3824/28/31
Shinon Sharptongue Ninja Face FC Shinon: Sharptongue Ninja36/40/4337/40/4440/43/4724/28/3122/26/29
Ninja Training
Banner Focus Ninja Training
Ninja Training
Featured units
Start date2024-11-21
End date2024-12-01

Appearance rates

See Summonable Heroes for a full table of the regular pool of summonable heroes.
RarityAppearance rate
5★ Focus3.00%
4★ Focus3.00%
4★ Special Rate3.00%


Number of units in a pool
5★ Focus5★4★ Focus4★ SR4★3★
Orb color distribution
At least one75.89%81.19%67.10%79.13%
Specific Hero rates (any rarity)
HeroAppearance rateHero Rate | Orb color
Corrin: Nightfall Ninja Act0.75%Green Orb
Igrene: Ninja of Nabata0.75%Colorless Orb
Corrin: Daylight Ninja Act3.75%Blue Orb
Shinon: Sharptongue Ninja0.75%Red Orb
5★ Hero rates
5★ Only5★ + 4★ SR
Appearance rate5★ rate | Orb colorAppearance rate5★ rate | Orb color
Red1.60%Red Orb
2.64%Red Orb
Blue1.56%Blue Orb
2.35%Blue Orb
Green1.40%Green Orb
2.06%Green Orb
Colorless1.44%Colorless Orb
1.96%Colorless Orb
Average Orbs cost
Non 3/4★37 Orb ≈ 9 Any Orb42 Orb ≈ 9 Red Orb25 Orb ≈ 6 Blue Orb43 Orb ≈ 9 Green Orb59 Orb ≈ 13 Colorless Orb
4/5★ Focus60 Orb ≈ 15 Any Orb112 Orb ≈ 24 Red Orb36 Orb ≈ 8 Blue Orb97 Orb ≈ 20 Green Orb115 Orb ≈ 24 Colorless Orb
5★ / 4★ SR60 Orb ≈ 15 Any Orb59 Orb ≈ 13 Red Orb76 Orb ≈ 16 Blue Orb67 Orb ≈ 14 Green Orb90 Orb ≈ 19 Colorless Orb
5★ Focus97 Orb ≈ 24 Any Orb112 Orb ≈ 24 Red Orb121 Orb ≈ 26 Blue Orb97 Orb ≈ 20 Green Orb115 Orb ≈ 24 Colorless Orb
4★ Focus140 Orb ≈ 35 Any Orb46 Orb ≈ 10 Blue Orb
5★97 Orb ≈ 24 Any Orb100 Orb ≈ 21 Red Orb119 Orb ≈ 25 Blue Orb105 Orb ≈ 22 Green Orb124 Orb ≈ 26 Colorless Orb
4★ SR140 Orb ≈ 35 Any Orb117 Orb ≈ 25 Red Orb179 Orb ≈ 38 Blue Orb154 Orb ≈ 32 Green Orb263 Orb ≈ 56 Colorless Orb
  • The orb color distribution table displays the chances for a certain orb color to appear.
    • Individual: The chance for a randomly selected orb to be a certain color.
    • All: The chance for all orbs to be a certain color.
    • At least one: Chance for at least one of this orb color to show up in a summoning session.
    • None: Chance for no orbs of this color to show up in a summoning session.
  • The Hero rates tables shows the chances for specific Heroes.
    • Appearance rate: Individual appearance rate. This is the chance for a randomly selected orb to contain the Hero. This includes all focus and non-focus rarities for the Hero. This rate × 5 is the chance for the Hero to show up at all in one of the 5 orbs in a summoning session.
    • Rate | Orb color: The chance to summon a specific Hero given that their orb color has appeared and is being summoned from. This is dependent on color distribution of units in all the pools. This includes all rarities focus and non-focus rarities of the Hero.
  • The average orb cost table displays the average number of summons and their corresponding average number of {{It|Orb}}s required to obtain a desired kind of Hero.
    • Any: All 5 orbs of a summoning sessions are used, independently of their color.
    • Red, Blue, Green, Colorless: Only the orbs of the corresponding color are selected. The cost of a summon is inversely proportional to the distribution of its color.
For more detailed information, see Summon#Color Distribution.


HeroWeaponAssistSpecialPassive APassive BPassive C
Ninjutsu Scrolls
Rally Defense
Rally Up Def
Rally Up Def+
Atk/Spd Push 1
Atk/Spd Push 2
Atk/Spd Push 3
Atk/Spd Push 4
S/R Far Trace 1
S/R Far Trace 2
S/R Far Trace 3
Spur Atk 1
Drive Atk 1
Drive Atk 2
Joint Drive Atk
Iron Dagger
Steel Dagger
Silver Dagger
Nabata Kunai
New Moon
C Duel Flying 1
C Duel Flying 2
C Duel Flying 3
C Duel Flying 4
Spd/Def Rein 1
Spd/Def Rein 2
Spd/Def Rein 3
Iron Lance
Steel Lance
Ninja Naginata
Ninja Naginata+
Dragon Gaze
Draconic Aura
Death Blow 1
Swift Sparrow 1
Swift Sparrow 2
Special Spiral 1
Special Spiral 2
Special Spiral 3
Iron Bow
Steel Bow
Ninja Yumi
Ninja Yumi+
Night Sky
Atk/Spd Solo 1
Atk/Spd Solo 2
Atk/Spd Solo 3
Atk/Spd Solo 4
Lull Spd/Def 1
Lull Spd/Def 2
Lull Spd/Def 3

Level 40 stats

Corrin Nightfall Ninja Act Face FC Corrin: Nightfall Ninja Act34/38/4138/41/4537/40/4420/23/2717/20/23
Igrene Ninja of Nabata Face FC Igrene: Ninja of Nabata36/40/4339/43/4635/38/4219/22/2526/30/33
Corrin Daylight Ninja Act Face FC Corrin: Daylight Ninja Act37/41/4437/40/4435/38/4132/35/3824/28/31
Shinon Sharptongue Ninja Face FC Shinon: Sharptongue Ninja36/40/4337/40/4440/43/4724/28/3122/26/29

In other languages[ | ]

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English (US) Ninja Training
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Portuguese Treino de Ninja