Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Type Icon Name SP Required Description
S Phantom Spd 1 Phantom Spd 1 50 If a skill compares unit's Spd to a foe's or ally's Spd, treats unit's Spd as if granted +5.
Phantom Spd 2 Phantom Spd 2 100 Phantom Spd 1 If a skill compares unit's Spd to a foe's or ally's Spd, treats unit's Spd as if granted +8.
Phantom Spd 3 Phantom Spd 3 200 Phantom Spd 2 If a skill compares unit's Spd to a foe's or ally's Spd, treats unit's Spd as if granted +10.
No restrictions.

Available as a Sacred Seal.

Notes[ | ]

  • Effects that select units based on stats, such as Chill Def Res 3 Chill Def/Res 3, directly select the unit with the appropriate stat(s); they do not compare the team's units pairwise to decide which unit has the highest or lowest stat(s).
    • Effects that check if a unit could make follow-up by decreasing the Spd difference, such as Potent 4 Potent 4, are not affected by Phantom Spd.
    • Effects that alter the Spd difference, such as Status Effect Frozen Frozen, are not affected by Phantom Spd.
    • Phantom Spd stacks with other effects that treats a unit's Spd as if granted by a certain amount.
      • For example, if both Buffer 4 Buffer 4 and Phantom Spd 3 Phantom Spd 3's effects trigger the unit with both skills will have their Spd treated as if granted +17.

Seal acquired from[ | ]

Tempest Trials reward[ | ]

Sacred Seal Forge[ | ]

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Japanese 速さの虚勢
German Phantom-Ges.
Spanish (Europe) Espejismo Vel
Spanish (Latin America) Vel. fantasma
French Bluff Vit
Italian Vel fantasma
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 速度誇飾
Portuguese Vel. fantasma