↑ 2.02.1Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06 terminal entries#Poseidon plant master control terminal
↑DataPlex 2000 SmarTerminal: "{104}{}{Welcome to PoseidoNet. Enter Menu Selection:}" "{225}{}{Welcome to PoseidoNet Help system. We regret that your Help files are currently out of date, and unavailable. Seek Help file update? (Y/N)}" "{228}{}{User Help file update not available with trial PoseidoNet software. Please purchase full version for full access to all further updates. Your trial period for PoseidoNet access is 59, 439 days overdue.}" (QITURTRM.MSG)
↑ Maintenance and Repair Robot control terminal: "{140}{}{This terminal is used to input command data for the robotic maintenance and repair unit assignedto Poseidon Oil'Reactor #5. This terminal also allows access to PoseidoNet.}" "{220}{}{Uplink with central PoseidoNet initiated. Enter Primary Security Access Code Sequence: 70Y644, 008Z21, 9X7299, A46123.}" "{250}{}{This Terminal Closed For Security Reasons. Please inform PoseidoNet Supervisor.}" "{330}{}{Security Access Code Sequence Accepted. Welcome to PoseidoNet: }" "{350}{}{Searching Comlinks... Searching... Iron Mountain... Offline, NORAD... Offline, SAC... Offline. Searching PoseidoNet... --More?--}" "{360}{}{Active PoseidoNet Stations: Atomic Powerplant #5, Navarro Refinery, Control Station ENCLAVE, ENCLAVE Vault-Research Control... AccessDenied}" "{362}{}{Everything's shut down except for the ENCLAVE Vault-Research Control. I wonder what that is?}" "{370}{}{Accessing... Enclave Station Access denied.}" "{371}{}{Accessing... again... Enclave Station Access denied.}" "{372}{}{Accessing... yet again... persistent little cuss aren't you? ... Enclave Station Access denied.}" "{373}{}{Accessing... yet again... aren't you getting tired of this yet?... Enclave Station Access denied.}" "{374}{}{Accessing... yet again... don't you have anything better to do with your time?... Enclave Station Access denied.}" "{375}{}{That's it. I've had enough of this constant prodding. If you try just one more time, you're going to regret it.}" "{376}{}{Don't say I didn't warn you. (Just as you read this you feel a surge of electricity arcing through your fingers from the keyboard.)}"
↑Tanker computer: "{105}{}{Welcome to PoseidoNet. This terminal is limited to transmission between one tanker - PMV Valdez - and docking rig. Command?}"