這裡由海神能源公司建造於核戰之前,Constructed before the war by Poseidon Energy, HELIOS One is a concentrated solar energy plant consisting of an enormous array of reflectors and the power plant itself (housing steam turbines and all of the machines required to transform the energy into usable electricity). The plant has been damaged extensively since the Great War (including recent incursions between the New California Republic and the remaining Brotherhood of Steel forces in the Mojave). Now, only a third of its reflectors are still fully intact and able to fully rotate. To make matters worse, various issues in the plant itself make the energy transfer inefficient, meaning the plant is operating far under potential. The NCR doesn't possess the scientific knowledge to get the plant in ideal shape, and both the Followers of the Apocalypse and the Brotherhood of Steel are reticent to help for political reasons. Due to its fragility, Caesar has no serious interest in HELIOS One, but his troops perform occasional raids on it to keep the NCR's forces spread out.[1]
Downstairs, the building's hallways circle in on themselves, leading to a pool room, where a unique toolbox that spawns either a sawed-off shotgun or a 10mm pistol can be found on a nearby shelf, as well as an open workshop leading upstairs, to the opposite side of the downstairs area, as well as a door leading further back into the building.
發電廠的「技術員」 范塔斯提克先生在這棟大樓稍靠後的一個房間里。他旁邊的房間里才是真正的科學家-伊格納西奧·里瓦斯。科學家的房間里有扇門,通向後院,也就是反光鏡廣場。
There are also a number of broken solar panels scattered around, that you can optionally repair/salvage for the Sunshine Boogie quest: you'll find the first near the tents behind the western terminal; walking along the outer row and the fence towards the eastern terminal will produce the next three; the final one is by the tents near the eastern terminal.
順樓梯下去,經過小過道。 路上會有機器人的充電室,裡面有幾個機器人在充電。The door to the right in the initial corridor opens into a room contains some desks, skeletons and two Poseidon Energy employee ID cards. 最後來到電梯,直達監控室。
A desk by the generator has a wooden box with embossed red symbols([!]-[X]-[H]-[A]-[H]-[X]-[@]) on it. It cannot be picked up but may be interacted with.
- 主樓2層有一本醫學技能書,位置是進大門後,向右,穿過檯球室向右,上樓的房間里。這屋床上有東邊小棚子里終端的密碼。
- 一本科學雜誌,位置在太陽能收集塔,進那個超大門之前的二層。(can be acquired from Ignacio Rivas during the That Lucky Old Sun quest if the Courier chooses to distribute the energy to the full region along with a large amount of Followers of the Apocalypse reputation.)
- Poseidon Energy employee ID card - in the solar collection tower, on the bottom floor, in the room just prior to the elevator. It is on the floor next to a skeleton in the corner.
- 一本修理雜誌,位置也在塔里,過了斜坡隧道之後,那個大屋子裡樓梯二層上。(英文版Wiki無此物品)
Related quests[]
- That Lucky Old Sun
- Sunshine Boogie
- Classic Inspiration
- I Could Make You Care
- Restoring Hope
- ED-E My Love
- 如果阿基米德一號防衛系統被激活,並且殺死了發電廠全部的NCR駐軍,那麼凱撒軍團會在2天後趁虛而入,並且持續佔領這裡。結尾的幻燈片顯示,在某種條件下,兄弟會或者NCR會在主線故事結束後收復這裡。不過這裡只有區區2個凱撒軍團士兵,就像他們說的「隨便去兩人就能嚇得NCR半死」。 發電廠的「技術員」 范塔斯提克先生仍然在崗,顯示凱撒軍團還是有電力需求。
- Even if the Legion takes over the plant, it will still report the player's reputation with the NCR.
- Although the Legion occupies HELIOS One after Archimedes I is activated, no Legion fame is awarded. Nevertheless, Caesar will mention this upon the Courier's first trip to the Fort.
- The ending slides reveal that under certain circumstances the Brotherhood of Steel or NCR will retake it after the events of the main game.
- 如果你在死錢里和教父以利亞合作了,那麼在結尾的部分會有一個小片段會講述一些教父以利亞後來的豐功偉績。他大力推廣全息影像,而且企圖用毒雲「凈化」莫哈維廢土,然後和NCR對決。同時太陽神一號恢復全功率運行,估計阿基米德軌道炮也搞定了。
- 在太陽能收集塔上有一個炮台,一起的有一個隱身小子。它不攻擊你,你也弄不壞它。塔周圍的紅色標記就是它弄的。
- After killing the dogs surrounding the eastern terminal, the soldiers in the area may become hostile, the soldiers outside will not however.
- The hologram map in the Archimedes room is a map of the Capital Wasteland from Fallout 3, with some of the pyramid shapes on the map representing Raven Rock, Vault 101, Megaton, Rivet City, The Mall, and the Citadel.
- Any protectrons deactivated prior to setting off the laser tripwire will reactivate and become immediately hostile. However, this does not prevent them from being deactivated a second time.
- There are two smaller than average lockers located in a hallway near the room where Fantastic can be found.
- 太陽神一號的反射鏡面被用來修復內里斯基地的太陽能電池板了。這可能是因為建造者使用了高級的太陽能電池板來反射陽光,因為現實的太陽能電池板反光效率很低。
- God (from Dead Money) is aware of HELIOS One and expresses disbelief that Elijah wanted to harness the power of the sun to use it as a weapon.
- Even if the Courier diverts power to Archimedes II, there is no option to dissuade God.
HELIOS One appears only in Fallout: New Vegas and is mentioned in Dead Money.
- 希臘神話中, Helios 為太陽神而希臘語中(Ἥλιος)這個字仍然表示太陽的意思。
- This structure appears to be modeled after Solar Two located in the Mojave Desert in California, but the location is more similar to the unrelated Nevada Solar One southwest of Boulder City, Nevada (though Helios One is a bit further north; Nevada Solar One is just southwest of where Novac would be if it existed in our world).
- The NCR will be hostile towards the Courier, even if he/she is idolized by them.[已验证]
- Protectrons within the room with the laser tripwire seem to be immune to explosive damage.[已验证]
- Disarming the laser trip wire within the room with protectrons with Science skill does not however prevent it from opening the forcefields and letting protectrons out to attack Courier.[已验证]
- Robotics Expert while inside the container. Somewhere between the waist and the feet, the cursor will typically change to red and you can "activate" the protectron and receive the option to disable it, as usual with the Robotics Expert perk.[已验证] The hostile protectrons in the blue glowing holding containers can be disabled with
- The southwest room with the Mister Gutsy has two filing cabinets occupying the same place next to the sink.[已验证]
- When entering the area with the solar panel, the Courier may be attacked by a few of Old Lady Gibson's dogs (Including Rey, Colmillo, Basura, and Audaz.) and a couple of mole rats. It is also possible to witness Old Lady Gibson appear along with her dogs. Reverting to previous auto save will prevent this, but reverting to a save (not auto) will make this occur. It is also possible to be attacked by just mole rats. It is also possible to obtain the Big Boomer Shotgun, from killing Old Lady Gibson[已验证]