

Old Town or Oldtown is the easternmost district of the Hub, where the poor and down-trodden live. Oldtown is most recognizable for having the Thieves' Guild and several characters that will be helpful for the plot and survival. Harold and his epic story are introduced, unraveling a major portion of the pre-Fallout plot.



Jake is the weapons dealer, with a wide selection of rocket launchers, sniper rifles, super sledgehammers, assault rifles, combat shotguns, combat armor and near-endless ammunition. Even though Jake is encountered early in the game, his stock is outlandishly expensive. Four members of the Hub police guard his establishment from the inside. In the room near Jake lies a crate with bottle caps and ammunition, and he does not seem to mind if the Vault Dweller takes it all and barters it away. The bookcase in the room next door also contains some caps and a crate in the northeast corner of the shop contains some junk that can be used to fix the Necropolis water pump or the hydroponic farms in Adytum.


Vance is the drug dealer, and can supply the Vault Dweller with rad resistant medicine such as Rad-X and RadAway (which can cause addiction), or health amplifiers such as stimpaks, super stimpaks and first aid kits. Certain drugs cause addiction, such as Mentats, Buffout or Psycho addiction. He is in a large aluminum warehouse with several guards and a group of junkies crashed out on mattresses in the other room. The Hub police don't seem to mind if they are exterminated, but Vance's stock will disappear from his person.

Thieves' Guild[]

主页面: Thieves' Guild
FO1 Thieves' Guild map

Known for causing minuscule trouble throughout the Hub, the guild is headed by Loxley and is fairly easy to join. The main hideout is in the basement of a junkie's home. There are two traps and two locked doors in a hallway leading to Loxley and his gang. Jasmine is Loxley's assistant and will give details about a quest that will enroll one with the guild. Cleo will answer any questions one might have and Smitty will just stand there till the action starts.


Across the street from the building housing the guild's hideout is a ruined building where a captured Brotherhood of Steel initiate is being held hostage. Four rough guards attack anyone who enters the building or walks into their line of sight on the adjacent street. If the Vault Dweller can defeat the guards and pick the door lock to rescue Initiate Talus, of the BoS, who will give them a substantial reward.


Related quests[]


Slappy is a fairly odd character, and one of Harold's friends, encountered in Old Town to provide comedy relief. None of his statements, such as "Why is the moon?" seem to make any sense.
