Has platform::PC 在最初的輻射中,一些徒手戰鬥的夜行者會在輪到玩家戰鬥時消失(變得「隱形」)並且不能被瞄準。結束與他們戰鬥的唯一方法就是逃離該地區或讓他們死於意外火災,被其他未命中並擊中他們的敵人擊中,或使用武器的爆裂模式瞄準任何其他可用目標,意圖擊中所謂的「隱形」夜行者。 [已驗證]
Has platform::PC 在輻射:新維加斯,使夜行者隱形的着色器有時會出錯,導致他們在停用隱形小子後仍然不可見(儘管在計算V.A.T.S.百分比時,它們將被視為可見的)。這已在瑞普康試驗場地下室和在諾瓦克的麥克布萊德房子附近的遭遇中觀察到,並且似乎與在與夜行者遭遇期間或之後重新加載先前的存檔有關(可能在被殺之後)。[已驗證]
Has platform::PCHas platform::Playstation 3Has platform::Xbox 360 一直到攻擊德斯狄·麥克布萊德的牛的夜行者被殺死後,諾瓦克中間的帳篷附近可以出現一名夜行者大師; 它可以在遠至毒蛇幫95號公路營地的地方遇到,甚至小概率能在麥克布萊德房子中生成。除非被玩家角色攻擊,否則這個夜行者大師將是中立的,但可能會遇到其與毒蛇幫戰鬥。如果被殺死,這個夜行者將擁有一把狀況非常糟糕的機槍,並擁有婆羅門的尖叫字條。 [已驗證]
A nightkin, barely visible in the Cathedral in Fallout
A nightkin without its Stealth Boy, as they appeared in Fallout 2
↑The Courier: "What are you working on?" Henry: "The Nightkin have varying degrees of mental instability due their addiction to Stealth Boy use. I've been trying to come up with a cure. I'm currently investigating the local Nightstalker population since they seem to have developed a natural stealth field. I've also gotten my hands on a working Stealth Boy Mark II prototype, but that experiment is riskier. I'd rather not pursue that research just yet." (Henry's dialogue)
↑The Courier: "What makes you think that the Nightstalker mutation isn't natural?" Henry: "I've compared the brain chemistry of a Nightkin to one of the local Nightstalkers we killed. They both exhibit similar neurochemical changes. Now, I'm not claiming that Nightstalkers are running around wearing Stealth Boys, mind you. I just don't think it's all a coincidence." (Henry's dialogue)
↑The Courier: "What's wrong with the Nightkin?" Marcus: "Nightkin suffer schizophrenia from the Stealth Boys they're always using. One of the reasons I settled Jacobstown was so they could be cured. While they're in town, the Nightkin aren't allowed to have Stealth Boys so their craziness doesn't get worse. Trouble is the Nightkin don't like being visible, either. They don't take being exposed too well." (Marcus' dialogue)
↑The Courier: "Why are the Nightkin here in Jacobstown?" Keene: "The Stealth Boys we use have cumulative, adverse effects on our minds. Jacobstown was supposed to be a sanctuary, a place to find a cure. Instead, we wait and wait. I'm sick of waiting." The Courier: "Why are the Nightkin here in Jacobstown?" Keene: "The Stealth Boys we use have cumulative, adverse effects on our minds. But, thanks to you, it seems a cure is on the way at last." (Keene's dialogue)
↑Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - Super Mutants: Nightkin: "Creations of the Master, Nightkin are elite Super Mutants. Their purple hue is due to increase experimentation on them, though their name stems from near-constant use and almost addiction to Stealth Boys. This makes them some of the most dangerous variants of Super Mutants, as while they are not quite as strong as standard Super Mutants they are stealthier and have more reasoned approaches to combat – almost verging on tactics."
Mad scientist ·Nightkin sentry ·Praying Child of the Cathedral ·Praying super mutant ·Super mutant guard ·Super mutant sergeant ·Super mutant soldier ·Technician ·Child with a real attitude