狗(英文名:Dog)是一个心理失常的夜行者,2281年他通过捕获"助手"并在他们配备爆炸项圈来帮助伊利亞神父。他的替代身份,神(英文名:God) (前者简称为“声音”), 正试图把狗从伊利亞手中解救出来。
互动 | ||
此角色是必要的。关键角色不会被杀死。状态在放下野兽 开始时过期。 | ||
此角色是一位永久的同伴。 他们给予极端饥饿 (狗) 或跟随我的足迹 (神)辅助能力。 | ||
此角色参与任务。 |
- 找到8号项圈: "狗": 信使必须前往别墅区警察局并招募狗或神。
- 天空中的火焰: 信使必须护送狗或神到日出南方启动庆典活动并追捕一些鬼人让狗或神吃掉。
- 放下野兽: 信使必须在馬德雷賭場度假村中面对狗或神。
- 当他们都被信使打发到别墅区喷泉时,神将与迪恩·多米诺交谈。他显然对迪恩很熟悉,并对尸鬼在有机会时没有离开马德雷山脉表示蔑视。
- 同样,如果狗作为同伴,如果他们在别墅区喷泉相遇,他会与迪恩·多米诺进行简短的交谈。狗会把迪恩称为某种食物,迪恩的��答是"你呆在你的角落里,我呆在我的角落里"。然后,迪恩会和信使小声说话,要求他们"让他远离这家伙"。
# | Slide | Voice-over narration | In-game condition |
1 | When Dog fell in the Sierra Madre casino, two died as one. Dog died hungry, alone, frightened. The voice in his head died with him. Screaming. Furious. Enraged. But the voice was gone, and Dog was grateful. At least Dog was dead and the voice needed to watch over him no more. In the moment before their lives ended, the wall between the two personalities fell. The two became silent as they saw the chain between them. Hunger and control are twin greeds, something Dog and his shadow had never realized. |
Dog is dead. | |
2 | Dog forgot himself, as did the voice that raged within him. After their passing, a new voice spoke within the mutant's shell. It was difficult for the voice to remember the two it once was... there was the beast, Dog consumed by hunger... ...and the other in reverse... the one consumed by control. Both were driven by need for the other. The Courier brought them together, somehow, joined the two into one. All that happened at the Sierra Madre, was a faint memory to the new personality... like a flickering light in the clouds of the mind. The new voice did not think of the Courier again until the battle at the Divide reached his ears. The battle between the two couriers, beneath the torn skies and the Old World flag... each bearing a message for the other. And the mutant prayed the Courier that had saved him... had been saved in return. |
Dog is alive, God is alive. | |
3 | Dog, free of the voice inside his head and no longer waiting on the voice of the Master, wandered back West. His hunger never ended. Often, small communities would suddenly vanish. They were assumed to have been hit by Wasteland creatures and dragged away... dogs, brahmin, and humans alike. |
Only Dog is alive. | |
4 | Freed of both Dog and the one who held Dog's leash, the other voice resumed control. First the mind, then finally, the mutant's shell. His first act was to tend to the scars on the body with careful hands, slowly healing all the scars except the ragged name torn on his chest. He briefly thought of remaining at the Sierra Madre. But it was a monument built by humans, representing something he no longer needed. He began walking west, in search of others like him. As he did, he spoke of the courier who had set him free and allowed his life to begin again. |
Only God is alive. |
服装 | 武器 | 其他 物品 | 死 亡 |
- | - | - | - |
- 狗与神的名字是回文,一个单词反过来拼写出不同单词。[11]
- 狗设置了与信使相同等级,最高等级为45,具体取决于每个扩展包的完成顺序(死钱最后完成/接近最后完成)。神也与主角等级也相同,但有没有最大等级限制,并且也没有最低等级。正因为如此,神/狗在非常高的等级上拥有极高的生命值,除了传奇巨大苍蝇或X-42巨型机械蝎子,他的神化身生命值比游戏中任何其他敌人都高。这一点,再加上他的内部30% DR,如果信使被迫在死钱结束时与他战斗,他可以是一个非常强大的对手。
- 狗实际上比神小,设置为0.9,而神是1的正常比例。像莉莉·鲍恩,狗和神都明显比正常的超级变种人矮,尽管它们仍然比普通人高一个头,以便像人类大小的追随者一样穿越狭窄的地形。
- 狗与神有不同的与战斗相关的个人辅助能力。狗拥有典型的夜行者的30% DR,而神的生命值会随着时间的推移而恢复。
- 当狗占主导地位时,他偶尔会在闲聊中提到玛丽博萨军事基地和大教堂,说他想念基地和教堂。[1]
- 虽然狗/神实际上是一个精神错乱的夜行者,患有分离性身份障碍,或类似的精神状况(当主教在辐射中死亡时可能开始发展的东西),伊利亚似乎认为他只是一个普通的第二代FEV变种人。神给了他这样的印象,他巧妙地在伊利亚在听的时候不大声说话,只让他看到狗的性格,就像任何第二代变种人一样。[12][需要引证]
- 当神被问及伊利亚时,很明显他知道太阳神一号并且伊利亚在那里失败了。[13]
- 狗/神与其他夜行者相比,拥有独特的面容、独特的身体外观和独特的声音。
- 如果信使的项圈在有狗或神作为同伴时爆炸,他随后的死亡将计入超级变种人屠杀挑战。
- 如果狗/神在他的库存中有可投掷的炸药(例如破片手雷),他会在与鬼人的战斗中使用一个,但当他们靠近到近战时无法攻击。
- 神没有相关的游戏脚本,这可能会对游戏玩法产生巨大影响。这意味着他不会在战斗后自动恢复,甚至可以在不直接触发玩家项圈引爆的情况下直接死亡。
- 当被问到除了玩家他还想和谁见面时,神说他想和老人聊聊天,希望他能亲自来找他。可能是他把电台里的旧收音机重新打开,阻止伊利亚和他联系。[14]
- "主教在哪里?他走了吗?这次狗会好起来的。"
- "我会把你残破的尸体放在塞拉马德雷前这样你就能知道你来偷了什么...永远无法触及,因为你死了。"
- "那哔哔小子...也许我会把它从你的手臂上撕下来,戴在脖子上。"
- "希望我有一个隐形小子而不是这个熊陷阱。"
- "你看起来像食物,闻起来像食物,狗 - 饿了。"
- "不喜欢这个地方。想回去,回基地。或者教堂,想念教堂。"
- "不...不,世界总是有另一个笼子,等待,保留你想要的一切...只是遥不可及。"
- "差点就逃出来了,然后被白痴饥饿感搞砸了"
- 根据Chris Avellone的说法,狗与神的写作灵感来自海德先生漫画系列非凡绅士联盟。[15]
- 在游戏文件中存在一个名为Dog Script Test Dude的未使用角色。它是一个通用的超级变种人,用于测试一些与狗与神相关的脚本。
- 即使你选择了对话选项“把我们带到这里的那个老人是谁?”、“所以你是知道我是怎么到别墅区的”、“你把我带到别墅区的”和“我想知道更多关于把我们带到这里的人”,也会保持突出显示。[已验证]
- 日出南方时,他会从地板上掉下来并悬在地板下。 有时,当用狗/神清理
- 治疗针时可能无法治愈。 [已验证] 有时狗/神在闲置或给予
- 有时当他被命令等待时,狗/神会在等待之前攻击他能发现的第一个鬼人。 [已验证]
- 有一个可利用的错误,你可以在没有他跟随你的情况下获得神的辅助能力。通过让神作为同伴,使用伊利的声音来召唤狗的角色。然而,这只是暂时的;一旦你在天空中的火焰的解雇他,就会失去这个辅助能力。[已验证]
- 狗/神很容易卡在别墅区周围的墙壁中,并且可能无法跟随同一个牢房中的玩家。 [已验证]
- 修正: 如果更新游戏或返回之前的存档不是一个选项,那么控制台是唯一的解决方案。转到狗并打开控制台,然后单击它。记住顶部数字的前两位,然后键入 set xx{{#pad:000FBF|6|0|left}}.bDogFreed to 1。将XX替换为之前的两位数。
有时狗会在你把它带到喷泉后重复“让狗出去。饿了,讨厌呆在这里”这句话。 这是因为当你说服他离开笼子时,由于对话选项有问题,游戏仍然认为狗在警察局的笼子里。 [已验证]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Dog: "Don't like this place. Want to go back, back to the base. Or the Church, miss the Church."
(Dog and God's dialogue) Note: This line is spoken both as a random idle line and can be listened to over 631.08Hz ULF radio signal. - ↑ The Courier: "Why did you put emphasis on the word "Master" before?"
God: "[SUCCEEDED] The "Master" - Elijah... reminds Dog of someone from long ago. His leader, commander. Commanders. The Master was a strong personality... personalities as well. Dog is slavish, was conditioned to serve the Master until death. The Old Man... Elijah merely came along and opened that door in Dog's mind. Now Dog does whatever the Old Man wants."
(Dog and God's dialogue) - ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 The Courier: "You have multiple personality disorder. Some trauma caused this?"
God: "[SUCCEEDED] Trauma... yes, in a manner of speaking. Do you see these wounds of his, covering his skin...the bear trap on his arm? He placed his own hand in it. The name he carved in his chest? To remind him of who he is, he inflicts pain on himself to silence me, when all I try to do... Hrr! ...he cuts, hurts, and tries to murder me out of him. He won't succeed. Just makes me angrier. Dog is the beast, we simply change cages. Like the ones here."
(Dog and God's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "How the hell did you... or whoever... eat one of these collars?"
God: "They... detach. When segmented, they look like nothing more than metallic Radscorpions... and if they're attached to neck flesh, warm, red... Dog doesn't care what's on the body he's crushing in his hands, he'll mangle it, twist it, make it fit until he's full. Dog can't help himself... hungry... greedy. And now the collar's inside, alive again. And we're trapped here until it goes cold."
(Dog and God's dialogue) - ↑ 5.0 5.1 God: "Touched by radiation, and you choose to spend your time here. You could have just left... but you're too obsessed to let go."
Dean Domino: "I used to know a ventriloquist with more skill than you. At least he had the sense to know his own name, without carving it into his chest."
God: "Mirrors tell me my name when needed... and I have a name for you, several. Thief, coward... showman. Radiation couldn't kill the truth, could it."
Dean Domino: "The truth, buddy, is this: you and me, we're now family as long as we got these bowties on. So watch your mouth, you don't scare me."
(Dean Domino's and Dog and God's dialogue) Note: NVDLC01GodToDeanTopic01 - ↑ 6.0 6.1 Dean Domino: "Why are you so carved up - that a bear trap on your arm?"
Dog: "Reminds me, keeps the voice out of my head. He can't talk when the pain's howling at me."
Dean Domino: "Eh... wait, so you're not just slow, you're screwy, too? Some crew we are... we are never getting into the Sierra Madre."
Dog: "Dog is hungry. Tired of your voice... when do we eat?"
Dean Domino: "Don't like the way this guy is looking at me. You better be his leash."
(Dean Domino's and Dog and God's dialogue) Note: VDLC01DeanToDogTopic02 - ↑ The Courier: "What happened to your voice?"
God: "I'm the voice of reason. I sleep sometimes... down in the basement, in the cage. Now that I'm awake, Dog goes back in the cage. Dog knows I'm here, but can't do anything about it. I'm his... conscience. Keep him tame, keep him from hurting us... doing foolish things. I've been trapped in here for some time, then you come along and let me out. So... you opened my cage for a reason. Now... I want to know why."
(Dog and God's dialogue) - ↑ Dean Domino: "Where the hell did you get this one. "Dog?" What, so you don't forget your name?"
Dog: "I don't remember you. Who are you."
Dean Domino: "A little slow, huh? Uh... Dean. Dean Domino. I... live here."
Dog: "You look like food, smell like food. Dog - hungry."
Dean Domino: "All right, pal, you stay in your corner, I'll stay in mine. Do not leave me alone with this thing."
(Dean Domino's and Dog and God's dialogue) Note: VDLC01DeanToDogTopic01 - ↑ Dean Domino: "Stop looking at me, you idiot. I can hear your stomach growling from here, I don't like it."
Dog: "Run from Dog? Dog knows how to hunt. Dog will find you, tear you apart."
Dean Domino: "That a bet you want to take? Cause I'll see that and raise you a few bullets to the skull."
Dog: "Dog's been shot before, many times. Won't stop me from catching you."
Dean Domino: "I hope you've got this one under control, because he's giving me a nasty itch on my trigger finger."
(Dean Domino's and Dog and God's dialogue) Note: VDLC01DeanToDogTopic03 - ↑ God: "You could have left the Sierra Madre. Left this Villa, joined your own kind."
Dean Domino: "Sierra Madre's mine, my heart's right where it belongs."
God: "You can't abide it. There's no heart. You hate it, I can hear it in your words."
Dean Domino: "Sounds like you need your hearing checked. Sierra Madre, it's meant for me."
(Dean Domino's and Dog and God's dialogue) Note: NVDLC01GodToDeanTopic02 - ↑ The Courier: "That name carved on your chest... are you Dog?"
God: "The carving's a reminder, for mirrors and for Dog. Dog, who you heard coming in, howling and hungry, as always."
(Dog and God's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "If Dog put a collar on me, why didn't he say so?"
Elijah: "Dog? Hnh. Appropriate. It's what I called him. You've met him. You know why he forgot - his brain was ruined by FEV, his memory, wreckage. He may know the way back, somewhere, deep down. I doubt it. He tracks by smell and instinct. Still, he could be trained."
(Elijah's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "This Old Man, what do you know about him?"
God: "Elijah. Human, weak like all of you are. Feeling age circling him like starved dogs, howling for blood. To me, he reeks of age and failure. And madness. {Beat} To me, he is simply the 'Old Man.' To Dog, he is 'Master.' His name, meaningless. Running out of years, hopes and dreams running through his withered hands like sand from the Big Empty... and scorched by the sun."
(Dog and God's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "If you weren't expecting me, who were you waiting for?"
God: "The Old Man obsessed with the Sierra Madre... riddled with greed. Hoped you might be him when I woke up. All you are is his hand... ...you're the same kind of greed. Followed the radio, the broadcast, and now you're here, all confused. Not for long. You'll figure it out."
(Dog and God's dialogue) - ↑ Chris Avellone on Twitter: "Yeah. Hyde from the (comic) League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was a big inspiration, but I couldn't write as well as Mr. Moore."