關於辐射2生物有时候也称"外星人",參見瓦那明球。 |
这是一篇概述文章,列出了多个游戏中出现的内容。 |
外星人(英文名:Alien,也称extraterrestrials),是为了各种目的来到地球的几个物种。 其中包括泽塔外星人以及几个未知物种。
泽塔外星人唯一已知的目的被暗示是对人类受试者进行实验和研究。泽塔外星人与地球的互动可以追溯到大戰之前的几个世纪,但不知道其他物种是否也在这个时候访问过,或者更晚出现。在这段期间的大部分时间里,人类和科幻小说领域都不知道外星人。但在1960年代太空竞赛期间,USSA太空舱Clarabella 7和飞行员哈蒂根上校神秘失踪,或者更确切地说是被绑架之后,外星人的存在成为全国公认的事实。
消息来源表明英克雷的许多更先进的武器和机器人系统都是基于外星科技。[1] 甚至像威尔逊原子能公司这样的玩具制造商也不能幸免于这些指控[1] 还有美国政府,据说它的外星标本和技术主要保存在51区(例如一艘飞碟后来被外星人夺回,但在加州坠毁,两名飞行员当场死亡)。
鋼鐵兄弟會[2] 在2161年左右和始族[3] 在2241遇到了外星人的尸体或他们的飞船。引申开来,首都废土钢铁兄弟会在大本營的军械库中保存了适量的外星能量电池[4],而兄弟會流放者在独立要塞也有一些外星能量电池[1]。英克雷在亞當斯空軍基地的移動基站的军械库中回收了一个異形破壞者和一些外星能量电池。
外星人是身材矮小、无毛、黄绿色皮肤、短而结实的四肢和绿色��液的类人生物。它们的头部不成比例地大,有着圆形、厚重的眼睑、坚实的黑色眼球,没有明显的虹膜或瞳孔;一张没有牙齿的薄嘴,绿色的舌头,两对小孔,耳朵和鼻孔所在的位置。外星人没有对生拇指,每只手都有三个长长的触手状手指,每个指尖都有大吸盘,可以让他们操纵物体。它们呼吸着与人类相似的大气,并且(至少在母舰“泽塔”上的那些)主要以奇怪的外星食物蠕虫和鱿鱼为食。 在联邦,一个外星人能够在地球大气层中生存,在他们的船坠毁残骸附近的一个洞穴里。
外星人有森严的等级社会,没有明显的兴趣爱好或个人追求。他们的架构是斯巴达式的,纯粹是功能性的:例如,他们的床(称为停滞室)是一个无菌的金属胶囊,没有床垫、毯子、床单或其他通常在正常人床上找到的床上用品。此外,在泽塔号上看不到明显的娱乐方式。然而,外星人本身似乎有某种程度的情绪,因为外星人工人在面对武装袭击者时表现出明显的恐惧。在另一个案例中,外星人表现出对Giddyup Buttercup的不寻常的迷恋,正如在泽塔上的俘虏记录日志中所证明的,莎莉被带到录音室并注意到Giddyup Buttercup。她指出,在她引起注意时,外星人变得非常兴奋,尽管她不知道他们为什么这样做。船上还有一个储藏室,里面装满了这些东西。
- 在辐射,放逐者可以遇到一个基于外星技术的装置(精神湮灭)和一个带有两个外星骷髅的飞碟。
- 在辐射2,获选者可以遇到两种基于外星科技的科技,生物医学凝胶和天網。
- 在辐射3, 獨行者可能会遇到一艘名为Theta的被击落的侦察机和一个死去的泽塔外星人。在母舰泽塔扩展包中,独行者可以在外星坠毁地点被泽塔外星人绑架并登上一艘名为母舰泽塔的宇宙飞船。
- 在辐射4, 独存者在达到 20 级后不久就会遇到一艘从天而降的外星飞船。同伴在观察坠机时有独特的评论。坠毁的UFO总是位于高地車站以东。跟随绿色血迹将把独存者带到一个敌对的受伤外星人那里,该外星人可以搜出外星爆能手枪。电子动画外星人也可以在核子世界中找到,以zetans为模型,并利用他们的外星爆能武器进行致命和非致命目的。
以下内容基於创作俱乐部的内容 和 并非正史. |
- In the Creation Club quest Over the Moon, the Sole Survivor encounters a second alien craft abducting a brahmin, along with two hostile aliens with unique weapons.
關於创作俱乐部的内容的内容到此作結。 |
- 在Fallout 76, the player character may randomly encounter aliens, the Flatwoods monster, and find alien blaster pistols. There are also alien props able to be located in Van Lowe Taxidermy.
- 在加州尼亚的一次特殊遭遇中的飞碟。
- 首都废土中名为Theta的侦察飞船。
- 另一艘侦察飞船在首都废土的独行者附近随机遭遇坠毁并爆炸。
- 在大本营,有关于另一艘代号为“Palandine”的未知类型船只在马里兰州黑格斯敦附近树木繁茂的地区坠毁的信息(在A-Ring)中),政府无法到达该地区。
- 莫哈韋廢土的霍洛维茨农庄附近有三名外星人与侦察飞船。
- 一艘UFO坠毁在联邦豆子鎮釀酒廠以南的地面的事件。
- Alien atomizer
- Alien atomizer
- Alien blaster
- Alien blaster pistol
- Hub's Alien Blaster
- Alien disintegrator
- Alien disintegrator
- Atomic pulverizer
- Captain's Sidearm
- Destabilizer
- Drone cannon
- Drone cannon Ex-B
- Firelance
- Small energy cell alien blaster
Melee weapons:
- Electro-Suppressor
- Shock baton
- Alien shock baton
- Alien blaster round
- Alien power cell
- Alien power module
- Alien turret - Turret which fires concentrated balls of electric energy.
Vehicle mounted:
- Death ray - Powerful raygun cannon equipped on mothership.
- Experimental weapons drone - Experimental security robot armed with a drone cannon Ex-B.
- Guardian drone - Security robot armed with a drone cannon.
- Support drone - Maintenance robot.
- Flying saucer - Small ship with a saucer-shaped body used for fast operations that houses two pilots. The only known flying saucer is the one that crashed in California.
- Mothership - Large ship dedicated to long-term space travel and the study of other species. It's generally located in space. It houses a large crew of aliens and is commanded by a captain. The overall shape of the ship resembles a colossal saucer with another small disc-shaped section attached to the bottom. Known motherships are Zeta and the unnamed mothership which arrives after Zeta's bridge is captured by the Lone Wanderer.
- Recon craft - Small ship with a disc-shaped rear body used for stealth operations that houses only one pilot. Known recon craft is Theta, another which exploded and sprayed in the Firelance event, and a possible unnamed craft in the Mojave Wasteland.
- Abominations - Biological weapons created from humans with alien DNA.
- Alien biogel - Ingestible curative gelatin-like liquid which accelerates organic tissue's regeneration processes.
- Healing archway - Care generator restoring health, removing all radiation, clearing any drug addiction and restoring crippled limbs.
- Alien squid food - Preserved squid-like creature.
- Alien worm food - Preserved worm-like creature.
- Alien epoxy - Advanced liquid repairing agent for weapons.
- Alien homing beacon - Teleportation beacon sent by a mothership to return quickly.
- Drone control device - Remote control for alien drones.
- Force field generator - Portable forcefield used for protective cover or blocking a passage.
- Inertia suppression field - Personal protection shield technology.
- Misc alien items
- 归类为平民,在辐射3扩展包母舰泽塔中杀死外星工人会产生不良业报。
- 被称为瓦那明球的生物被称为外星人,但实际上是人类通过强制进化病毒进行基因工程的结果,与外星人无关。
- 独行者是迄今为止唯一被外星人绑架的主角。
- 在核子世界中,迪克·哈贝尔被确定为与外星人有直接接触,这影响了赫伯基信徒的形成。[7]
在《辐射》和《辐射2》中,它们只以骷髅的形式出现。坠毁的侦察飞船Theta与第一个死去的外星人一起出现在辐射3中,外星人是辐射3扩展包母舰泽塔的主要对手。如果狂野废土特徵处于活动状态,它们也会出现在《辐射: 新维加斯》中。 如果是这种情况,则会在地图的最北端布鲁克斯风滚草牧场附近发现它们。在《辐射4》中,他们出现在一个UFO坠毁在联邦豆子镇酿酒厂以南的地面上的事件中。在辐射:避难所 他们出现在任务人类像我们一样中,在那里他们使用光学伪装看起来像男性。
以下内容基於非正典的幕后信息. |
關於非正典的幕后信息的内容到此作結。 |
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 45: "Aliens
曾经被认为被政府阴谋掩盖并且只有寻求真相(拉丁语:Quaere Verum)等“疯子”团体相信,外星生命的证据可以追溯到整个人类历史,但是在20世纪60年代太空竞赛期间clarabella 7号太空舱神秘消失后,这一观点得到了全国的认可。据说外星技术是英克雷许多奇特和令人印象深刻的武器和机器人技术的基础,甚至像威尔逊自动机这样的玩具制造商也不能幸免于这些指控。近日,在班尼斯特堡发现外星人尸体后,真相大白。外星人不仅真实存在,而且还活着,而且他们回来了。他们很生气。"
(Fallout 3 Official Game Guide faction profiles) - ↑ Scribe: "{111}{}{I've seen an alien space ship before.}"
(GENSCRIB.MSG) - ↑ The Chosen One: "{176}{}{Xeno program.}"
Shi Emperor: "{182}{}{"The subject on which we had hoped to establish a series of meaningful experiments has disappeared, presumed either destroyed or stolen by the Hubologists. Further inquiries have proven fruitless. Until such time as further specimens are obtained, this database will remain inoperative." - Dr. Sheng}"
(Fsempter.msg) - ↑ Seen if the player character chooses to destroy the Citadel during Who Dares Wins in Broken Steel add-on of Fallout 3
- ↑ Skynet: "{207}{}{Skynet was conceived and developed in the year 2050. Through the use of alien technology a new thinking computer was perfected. In the year 2081, Skynet became self-aware. In 2120 Skynet was given a new set of instructions and then abandoned by the Makers.}"
(WSTERM3B.MSG) - ↑ Fallout Official Survival Guide p.128: "Psychic Nullifier: A strange device, possibly the product of an alien technology. It blocks telepathic or psychic commands."
Note: The game itself does not state anything of the sort. - ↑ Hub's alien blaster
- ↑ The Hachiko Interview With Joel Burgess & Jeff Gardiner: Players who found the UFO also found the remains of the pilot, who looks like the old school Roswell grays for the most part. Are these the same models being used for Mothership Zeta? Will the grays be the only enemies or are there a variety of new aliens to fight side-by-side with the gray pilot witnessed in the retail game?
Jeff Gardiner: "Yes, we're modeling the same basic enemy after the "Roswell grays." There are other enemies that will be uncovered as well, including alien robotics." - ↑ Zeta Reticuli on Wikipedia
- ↑ Zeta Reticuli in Fiction on Wikipedia
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