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Fairy Tail Wiki

West Forest (西の森 Nishi no Mori) is a forest near Magnolia Town.


The West Forest is located in the western part of the outskirts of Magnolia Town.[1]

Climate and Area[]

The West Forest is a large forest, over a rocky terrain and surrounded by mountains, with a large variety of both plants and animals. There also lies a river flowing from a waterfall.[2]

Notable Events[]

The area is where Mavis encountered Zeref for the first time and requested him to teach her and the rest of her group Magic to fight back against Blue Skull and save Magnolia.[3]


  1. Fairy Tail Zero: Chapter 7, Page 2
  2. Fairy Tail Zero: Chapter 7, Pages 2-18
  3. Fairy Tail Zero: Chapter 7, Pages 5-18

