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Fairy Tail Wiki

Gate (ゲート Gēto) is a Demon from the Book of Faris and a member of the Oración Sechs.


Gate has short pink hair with goat-like, curved horns protruding backwards, there appears to be lines over his cheeks from his eyes to his jaw. Gate wears a well-dressed gentleman black suit with a bolo tie.[1]


Not much is currently known of Gate's personality. But like some of his other teammates, he has shown a negative reaction to Zero, particularly after the former human threatened Faris. He's also shown to be eager for the Demons to use their powers.[2]


Like his fellow Oración Sechs members, Gate was created through currently unknown means by the Black Wizard Faris to fight her enemies.[3]


True Dragon King Festival arc[]

After the Oración Sechs are called upon by Faris, she informs them of Ignia's goal to turn Guiltina Into a "Dragon World," as well as Team Natsu's opposition to him, and her own goal to kill both Humans and Dragons and create a world of Black Wizards where the 2 former species aren't needed. Amongst the Oración Sechs' reaction to this, Gate voices his excitement for the Demons to unleash their power. He later reprimends Zero for crossing a line by threatening Faris.[4][5] As Ignia approaches, Faris offers to fight him on her own, sending Gate and the rest of the Oración Sechs to pursue their mission.[6]

Magic and Abilities[]

Black Magic (黒魔術 Kuro Majutsu): As a "Black Wizard", Gate uses a form of Black Magic.[7]

Battles & Events[]

  • Meredy & Oración Seis vs. Oración Sechs
  • Meredy vs. Gate


  1. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 164, Page 18
  2. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 165, Pages 11-14
  3. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 171, Page 5
  4. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 164, Pages 16-17
  5. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 165, Pages 9-14
  6. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 166, Page 14
  7. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga Chapter 174, Pages 13-17

