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Fairy Tail Wiki
Fairy Tail Wiki

Grand Chariot (七星剣(グランシャリオ) Guran Shario) is a Heavenly Body Magic Spell.


Jellal's magic unleashed upon Neinhart

Grand Chariot's effect before being cast.

While in the air, the user places both hands on top of each other, with the top hand having only the index and middle fingers spread out. Seven Magic seals are then summoned in front of the user and connect together to make what appears to be a constellation. Each Magic seal then releases a powerful light blast down on the opponent, forming the same pattern on the ground before exploding. The seals can also be drawn in the sky before being cast, bombarding an opponent with countless beams of light. According to Jellal, this spell's destructive capabilities rival that of an actual meteor's.[2] The spell's effects can also manifest themselves as a cloud-ringed hole opening in the sky, seemingly leading to the starlit night sky, before releasing the seven beams of light onto their target.[3]


"Seven stars, pass your judgement"[4]


Nanatsu no hoshi ni sabakareyo


  • The Magic Array for this spell resembles the asterism of the Big Dipper that also consists of seven stars. "Grand Chariot" is the French name for that particular asterism.
  • This spell shares its name with the Space Magic spell and the Star Drain (Ether Gear) technique of the same name from Hiro Mashima's pre- and post-Fairy Tail works, Rave Master and Edens Zero respectively.


  1. Fairy Tail (Video Game)
  2. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 96, Pages 14-16
  3. Fairy Tail Anime: Episode 301
  4. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 96, Page 14

