Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki

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Icon Name Stats How to obtain
Second Knife Second Knife ATK+5
Effect: Dual WieldDual Wield
Dual WieldDual Wield
Enable dual wielding of one-handed weapons
Recipe: (Event) The Egg Seekers
Bronze Knife Bronze Knife ATK+10 Shop: Town of Mitra, Royal Capital Grandshelt, Port City Lodin, Grandport, Town of Sian
Recipe: Tutorial
Fallen Angle Fallen Angle ATK+10, MAG+142, SPR+142
Resistance: Light (+40%), Dark (+40%)
Effect: Sines of the FatherSines of the Father
Sines of the FatherSines of the Father
Increase equipment MAG/SPR (25%) when single wielding any weapon
, Sines of the Father (Beryl)Sines of the Father (Beryl)
Sines of the Father (Beryl)Sines of the Father
Increase equipment MAG/SPR (25%) when single wielding any weapon
(Beryl only)
STMR: Beryl
Defender's Daggers Defender's Daggers ATK+12, MAG+68, SPR+35
Effect: ManalchemyManalchemy
Increase MAG (15%)
Auto-heal (60 HP, 1.2x) per turn
(Rem only)
Reward: (Event) The Battle of Judecca
Dagger Dagger ATK+16 Shop: Village of Kol, Grandport, Town of Sian
Recipe: Village of Kol, Grandport
Reward: (Earth Key) Dalnakya Cavern - Exploration
Survival Knife (FFXIII) Survival Knife ATK+18, MAG+117, SPR+105 TMR: Neverending Hope
Dark Dolch Dark Dolch ATK+19 Reward: (Event) Dark Visions - The Advent of Chaos
Mythril Dagger Mythril Dagger ATK+20 Shop: Town of Kolts, Aquapolis Olderion, Town of Amore, Raven's Hideaway, Downtown Zoldaad, Underworld Gaberada, Town of Sian
Recipe: Mobreeze Airship Factory - Exploration, Aquapolis Olderion
Reward: (Quest) Hammer Time, (Event) The Crystal Tower
Lightning Dagger Lightning Dagger ATK+20, MAG+42
Element: Lightning
Reward: (Quest) The Flavor of Dreams
Sleep Dagger Sleep Dagger ATK+22
Effect: Sleep (30%)
Recipe: (Quest) Pillow of Your Dreams
Chest: Mystic Woods - Exploration
Reward: (Colosseum) Beginner C-5
Orichalcum Dirk (FF Type-0) Orichalcum Dirk ATK+22, MAG+180, SPR+120
Effect: Love's EdgeLove's Edge
Love's EdgeLove's Edge
Increase LB gauge fill rate (100%)
Enable dual wielding of one-handed weapons
, Determination Guiding Her DaggersDetermination Guiding Her Daggers
Determination Guiding Her DaggersDetermination Guiding Her Daggers
Increase static MAG (1000)
, Damage range 110% - 120%
STMR: Benevolent Beauty Rem
Main Gauche Main Gauche ATK+24, DEF+10 Recipe: (Quest) M.I.A.
Reward: (Earth Key) Lost Village of Marlo
Survival Edges Survival Edges ATK+32, HP +10%
Element: Wind
Reward: (Event) Akademeia
Toxic Dagger Toxic Dagger ATK+35
Effect: Poison (15%)
Reward: (Colosseum) Advanced S-3
Chocobo Rider's Dagger Chocobo Rider's Dagger ATK+37
Effect: Beast KillerBeast Killer
Beast KillerBeast Killer
Increase physical damage against beasts (50%)
Chest: (Event) Chocobo Forest - Exploration
Mage Masher Mage Masher ATK+38
Effect: Silence (30%)
Recipe: (Silver Chest) Foggy Thicket - Exploration
Chest: Industrial City Dilmagia, Downtown Zoldaad, (Event) Nam-Yensa Sandsea - Exploration
Galkan Dagger Galkan Dagger ATK+40, HP +10%
Element: Earth
Recipe: (Event) The Shadow Lord Invades
Platinum Dagger Platinum Dagger ATK+42 Shop: Unbound Offensive
Recipe: (Silver Chest) Nature Capital Naturia
Chest: Societal Ruins - Exploration
Dark Knife (FFIII) Dark Knife ATK+42
Element: Dark
Chest: (Event) Doga's Grotto - Exploration
Orichalcum Orichalcum ATK+42
Effect: Aquan KillerAquan Killer
Aquan KillerAquan Killer
Increase physical damage against aquatics (50%)
Reward: (Event) The Dreadnought
Swordbreaker Swordbreaker ATK+43
Effect: Crisis EvasionCrisis Evasion
Crisis EvasionCrisis Evasion
Increase physical evasion (5%)
Chest: Industrial City Dormdry
Reward: (Flamering Key) Magic Library/Exploration
Wing Edges Wing Edges ATK+45
Element: Wind
Effect: AccelerateAccelerate
Increase physical evasion (5%)

Ability: Tornado AlleyTornado Alley
Tornado AlleyTornado Alley
Wind physical damage (2x) to all enemies
(Toby only)
Recipe: (Event) Conqueror of Izander
Air Knife Air Knife ATK+48
Element: Wind
Reward: (Gale Key) Completion Bonus
Kitchen Knife Kitchen Knife ATK+52
Ability: StabStab
Physical damage (1.8x) with ignore DEF (25%) to one enemy
Reward: (Event) Halloween - Night of the Pumpkin, (Event) Return to the Halloween Castle
Avenger Avenger ATK+54
Effect: BerserkerBerserker
Inflict berserk (ATK +50%, auto-attack only) to caster
Star Quartz: Mama Chocobo's Den
Reward: (Black Key) Sky Cave - Exploration
Takemikazuchi Takemikazuchi ATK+55
Element: Lightning
Effect: Paralyze (20%)
Recipe: (Event) Vanquish Jie Revorse!
Reward: (Event) Trial Marathon: Collaboration Festival
Diamond Knife Diamond Knife ATK+58 Shop: Special Forces Training Grounds
Recipe: (Silver Chest) Londell Road - Exploration
Assassin Dagger - Replica Assassin Dagger - Replica ATK+58
Effect: Poison (5%), Blind (5%), Silence (5%)
Reward: (Trial) Chamber of Arms - Vindemiatrix
Aerial Dagger Aerial Dagger ATK+60
Element: Wind
Chest: Grand Falls - Exploration
Octopath Dagger Octopath Dagger ATK+62
Resistance: Light (+20%)
Recipe: (Event) Brigands' Den
Scout Blade Scout Blade ATK+64, MP +10%
Element: Wind
Reward: (Event) A World United
Lust Dagger (FFIII) Lust Dagger ATK+68
Effect: Lust Dagger (Ability)Lust Dagger (Ability)
Lust Dagger (Ability)Lust Dagger
Increase LB gauge fill rate (50%)
Reward: (Event) Cave of Shadows
Zwill Crossblade (FFT) Zwill Crossblade ATK+72
Effect: Sleep (30%)
Reward: (Event) In the Name of Love
Breath of Rose Breath of Rose ATK+72, MAG+48
Element: Dark
Effect: Floral BlessingFloral Blessing
Floral BlessingFloral Blessing
Increase resistance to blind, sleep, paralyze, confuse, and petrify (25%)
Reward: (Event) Grand Chaos
TMR: Ashteroze
Zwill Crossblade (FFXII) Zwill Crossblade ATK+73
Element: Wind
Effect: AccelerateAccelerate
Increase physical evasion (5%)
Reward: (Event) Henne Mines
Chocobo Claw Chocobo Claw ATK+76
Effect: Silence (30%)
Ability: EscapeEscape
Escape battle
Reward: Rookie Panel Quests
Necro Dagger Necro Dagger ATK+78, MAG+30
Element: Fire, Dark
Ability: Zombie FlamesZombie Flames
Zombie FlamesZombie Flames
Fire and dark magic damage (2x) to all enemies
Inflict disease (30%) on all enemies
Reward: (Event) Return to the Halloween Castle
Hoarfrost Dagger Hoarfrost Dagger ATK+80, MAG+80
Element: Ice
Reward: (Event) Escaping the Imperial Capital
Bowie Knife Bowie Knife ATK+82
Effect: Dual WieldDual Wield
Dual WieldDual Wield
Enable dual wielding of one-handed weapons
Reward: (Event) Tomb of the Silversmith, (Event) Steel Castle Melfikya, (Event) First and Last, (Event) The Great Crystal, (Event) Spring Equipment Enhancement Event
TMR: Abel
Ulric's Kukri Ulric's Kukri ATK+84, SPR+20, MP +20%
Resistance: All elements (+10%)
Effect: Damage range 110% - 120%
Reward: (Event) The Wicked Beast Cerberus, (Event) The Road Less Traveled
Venomous Edge Venomous Edge ATK+85
Effect: Poison (30%), Paralyze (30%)
TMR: Ling
Thief's Knife (FFVI) Thief's Knife ATK+153
Effect: Agile ThiefAgile Thief
Agile ThiefAgile Thief
Increase physical evasion (5%)
Increase magic evasion (5%)
, Damage range 110% - 120%
Reward: (Event) Narshe, (Event) On the Hunt for Treasure
Swordbreaker (FFXII) Swordbreaker ATK+93, DEF+101, SPR+68
Effect: Archadian Lord's Twin BladeArchadian Lord's Twin Blade
Archadian Lord's Twin BladeArchadian Lord's Twin Blade
Increase HP (20%)
Enable dual wielding of one-handed weapons
STMR: Ray of Hope Larsa
High Seraph's Dagger High Seraph's Dagger ATK+98, MAG+167
Effect: Ultimate PowerUltimate Power
Ultimate PowerUltimate Power
Increase modifier (0.75x): Perfect Ultima Sword
Increase modifier (1.5x): Arcane Magicks - Ultima, Ultima, Ultima Blow
Increase modifier (2x): Ultima Sword
STMR: High Seraph Ultima
Cobra Knife Cobra Knife HP+320, MP+40, ATK+100
Effect: Resist VirusResist Virus
Resist VirusResist Virus
Increase resistance to disease (100%)
Recipe: (Event) Vanquish Lady Lilith
Necro Daggers Necro Daggers ATK+100, MAG+180
Effect: Sharp EdgesSharp Edges
Sharp EdgesSharp Edges
Increase HP (20%)
Increase equipment MAG (50%) when dual wielding
STMR: Ygni
Assassin's Dagger (FFVI) Assassin's Dagger ATK+102
Effect: Poison (40%), Paralyze (40%), Damage range 110% - 120%
Reward: (Event) Floating Continent: Ultima Weapon Battle
Ignited Dagger Ignited Dagger ATK+173
Element: Fire
Reward: (Event) The Treacherous Infernian, (Event) Return to Insomnia
Assassin Dagger Assassin Dagger ATK+116
Effect: All status ailments (5%), Chance TakerChance Taker
Chance TakerChance Taker
Chance to counter physical attacks (60%) with normal attack (max 3/turn)

Ability: Life TakerLife Taker
Life TakerLife Taker
Inflict death (50%) or deal physical damage (1.8x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Inflict poison and disease (100%) to one enemy
Reward: (Trial) Chamber of Arms - Vindemiatrix
Hoarfrost Dagger+ Hoarfrost Dagger+ ATK+120, MAG+120
Element: Ice
Effect: Hoarfrost Dagger (Ability)Hoarfrost Dagger (Ability)
Hoarfrost Dagger (Ability)Hoarfrost Dagger
Increase ice resistance (10%)
Recipe: (Event) Escaping the Imperial Capital
Khandroma Khandroma ATK+128
Ability: Rudra's StormRudra's Storm
Rudra's StormRudra's Storm
Dark physical damage (5x) to one enemy
Recipe: (Event) Vanquish Lady Lilith
Spelldaggers (FFXV) Spelldaggers ATK+128, DEF+29
Effect: Foreseer of the FutureForeseer of the Future
Foreseer of the FutureForeseer of the Future
Auto-cast Foreseer of the Future at the start of battle
Reward: (Event) Sacrifices
Chimeric Blade Chimeric Blade ATK+134, MAG+134
Effect: Undead KillerUndead Killer
Undead KillerUndead Killer
Increase physical damage against undeads (50%)
, M Undead KillerM Undead Killer
M Undead KillerM Undead Killer
Increase magic damage against undeads (50%)
, Disease (50%)
Reward: (Event) Fort Vorn Sealed Sector Super-Foe Rush
Delta Daggers (FFXV) Delta Daggers ATK+136
Effect: Beast over BrawnBeast over Brawn
Beast over BrawnBeast over Brawn
Increase ATK (25%)
Chest: (Event) Zegnautus Keep - Exploration
Dark Dolch+ Dark Dolch+ ATK+138 Reward: (Event) Dark Visions - The Advent of Chaos
Dynamo Dagger Dynamo Dagger ATK+140
Element: Earth
Effect: Dynamo Dagger (Ability)Dynamo Dagger (Ability)
Dynamo Dagger (Ability)Dynamo Dagger
Increase equipment ATK (50%) when dual wielding
TMR: Erik
Scarlet Blades (FFXV) Scarlet Blades MP+32, ATK+142
Effect: Pride for His HomePride for His Home
Pride for His HomePride for His Home
Increase equipment ATK (25%) when dual wielding

Exclusive: Nyx
Reward: (Event) End of Days
Zwill Crossblade (FFXV) Zwill Crossblade ATK+145, MAG+145, MP +20% STMR: Ignis
Scarlet Blades (FFXV)+ Scarlet Blades+ MP+35, ATK+157
Effect: Pride for His HomePride for His Home
Pride for His HomePride for His Home
Increase equipment ATK (25%) when dual wielding

Exclusive: Nyx
Recipe: (Event) End of Days
Nyx's Dagger Nyx's Dagger ATK+158, DEF+50, HP +20%
Element: Fire
Effect: Nyx's KukriNyx's Kukri
Nyx's KukriNyx's Kukri
Increase resistance to all elements (20%)
Locke's Dagger Locke's Dagger ATK+165
Effect: Sleep (50%), High-Speed EvasionHigh-Speed Evasion
High-Speed EvasionHigh-Speed Evasion
Increase physical evasion (30%)
Increase magic evasion (20%)
STMR: Adventurer Locke
Crimson Butterfly Crimson Butterfly ATK+165
Effect: Float Like a ButterflyFloat Like a Butterfly
Float Like a ButterflyFloat Like a Butterfly
Increase physical evasion (30%)
Enable dual wielding of one-handed weapons
Increase LB gauge fill rate (100%)
STMR: Mastermind Xon
Knife of Papnica (Wind) Knife of Papnica ATK+168
Element: Wind
Effect: Physical Evasion +10%Physical Evasion +10%
Physical Evasion +10%Physical Evasion +10%
Increase physical evasion (10%)
Reward: (Event) Decisive Battle at Sovereign Rock Castle!
Ultima Weapon (FFIX) Ultima Weapon ATK+173
Effect: Ultimate Thief SwordUltimate Thief Sword
Ultimate Thief SwordUltimate Thief Sword
Increase equipment ATK (50%) when dual wielding
, Damage range 110% - 120%
STMR: Rakish Thief Zidane
Recipe: (Event) Chronicle Battle: General Beatrix, (Event) Guardian of the Earth Shrine
Twilight Oath Twilight Oath ATK+175
Element: Dark
Effect: Poison (100%), Solemn VowSolemn Vow
Solemn VowSolemn Vow
Increase physical evasion (15%)
Reward: (Event) Unit Intro - Vinera Fennes, WOTV FFBE Equipment Enhancement Event
White Dragon Fangs White Dragon Fangs ATK+190
Effect: Ling's LegacyLing's Legacy
Ling's LegacyLing's Legacy
Increase HP (20%)
Increase LB gauge fill rate (150%)
STMR: White Dragon Ling
Tonberry's Knife Tonberry's Knife ATK+192
Ability: Knife!Knife!
[5 turns cooldown, available on turn 5]
Physical damage (75x) to one enemy
Reward: (Trial) Everyone's Grudge
Ultima Weapon (FFIX)+4 Ultima Weapon+4 ATK+206
Effect: Ultimate Thief SwordUltimate Thief Sword
Ultimate Thief SwordUltimate Thief Sword
Increase equipment ATK (50%) when dual wielding
, Desire to Live+Desire to Live+
Desire to Live+Desire to Live+
Increase LB damage (50%)
Increase static ATK (400)
Increase LB gauge (3) per turn
Recipe: (Event) Chronicle Battle: General Beatrix
Dark Dolch++ Dark Dolch++ ATK+276
Ability: Dark RipperDark Ripper
Dark RipperDark Ripper
Physical damage (40x) to all enemies
Recipe: (Event) Dark Visions - The Advent of Chaos
Reward: (Event) Dark Visions - The Advent of Chaos
Crimson Flashes (FFXV) Crimson Flashes MP+39, ATK+210
Effect: Pride for Our HomePride for Our Home
Pride for Our HomePride for Our Home
Increase equipment ATK (50%) when dual wielding
Increase LB damage (50%)

Exclusive: Nyx
Recipe: (Event) End of Days
Katar (FFVIII) Katar ATK+220
Effect: Maneater+ IManeater+ I
Maneater+ IManeater+ I
Increase physical and magic damage against humans (100%)
, Swift and SlenderSwift and Slender
Swift and SlenderSwift and Slender
Increase static SPR (1041) and static ATK (500)
Increase physical evasion (30%)
Increase magic evasion (30%)
Exclusive: Kiros & Ward
, AcceleratorAccelerator
Auto-cast Accelerator at the start of a battle, upon revival, or after brave shift
Exclusive: Kiros & Ward
, Damage range 145% - 165%, Accuracy+50%
Two-handed weapon
STMR: Kiros & Ward
Vanir Knife (FFXI) Vanir Knife ATK+240
Effect: Agent's StrategyAgent's Strategy
Agent's StrategyAgent's Strategy
Increase physical and magic damage against aquatics and machinas (50/50%)
, Tied to the FutureTied to the Future
Tied to the FutureTied to the Future
Increase static ATK (500)
Exclusive: Lion
, Damage range 110% - 120%
STMR: Lion
Orichalcon (FFIX) Orichalcon ATK+242
Effect: Dagger of Light GreenDagger of Light Green
Dagger of Light GreenDagger of Light Green
Increase physical and magic damage against avians and fairies (50/50%)
, Quicker than the EyeQuicker than the Eye
Quicker than the EyeQuicker than the Eye
Increase static ATK (500)
, Damage range 110% - 120%
STMR: Thief of Tantalus Zidane
Dark Assassin Dagger Dark Assassin Dagger ATK+405
Effect: Damage range 145% - 165%, Accuracy+50%
Two-handed weapon
Reward: (Event) Dark Visions - The Advent of Chaos
Prism Dagger Prism Dagger MAG+210
Effect: Physical Evasion +20%Physical Evasion +20%
Physical Evasion +20%Physical Evasion +20%
Increase physical evasion (20%)
, Draw Attacks +20%Draw Attacks +20%
Draw Attacks +20%Draw Attacks +20%
Increase chance of being targeted (20%)
, Damage range 145% - 165%, Accuracy+50%
Two-handed weapon

Equippable By[]

See Also[]
