You Can (Not) Evade is the 40th story event in Goddess of Victory: Nikke, and the 4th collab event, this one with the multimedia franchise Neon Genesis Evangelion.[1]
The event is centered around a mysterious attacker menacing the Ark, along with their newest interdimensional visitors.
This event is temporarily available as an Archive during the Second Quest event.

D-WAVE has occurred once again.
This time, it's on the surface, right above the Ark.
The 「Massive Object」 emitting D-WAVE fires huge light beams at the Ark.
The Ark mobilizes all its forces to fight back, but...
Prologue - Attack from the Unknown[]
Neon points the protagonist towards a "Massive Object" that Enikk apparently warned them about. Following her finger, the commander of Counters sees a large rhombus composed entirely of cubes floating in the sky. Anis marvels at the sheer size of the object, and explains to Neon that a mysterious barrier is preventing anyone from even approaching the object, let alone making contact.
Neon wonders if the barrier only blocks mass like Gatekeeper's, but Rapi has other ideas. Despite similarities in function, the barrier around this object creates octagonal waves at the point of contact and stop any approaches cold, rather than invisibly slowing/stopping things like Gatekeeper's. Therefore, this can technically be considered a different kind of barrier, as it can be physically impacted. While Counters muses over how this object is nothing like Gatekeeper, the protagonist flashbacks to how this all began...
A few hours prior, the protagonist heard the scream of an emergency alarm as Rapi barreled into his room with a request for backup from the Ark. Enikk opened a line to his communications, explaining that an unknown object of colossal size was approaching the Ark. Scans indicate the object did not possess the signatures of a Rapture. If anything, its patterns were more of a match for those of D-Waves, much to the protagonist's shock.
Enikk explained that while a squad was en route to intercept the object, Counters would be busy with another mission. Four humanoid entities with similar energy signatures were detected nearby, which the overseer posited would be sentient lifeforms from another world. Given that Counters has experience peacefully interacting with D-Wave entities, they were tasked with search and rescue to safely recover these new arrivals. The protagonist agreed to the mission and set out after making preparations.
Which leads back to now, with Counters staring at the object looming overhead. They also peer around the area for any otherworld visitors, given that Enikk's scans pointed out this spot as the most likely location to find them. Soon enough, they find their objective; three girls in odd-looking suits, and a woman with a jacket. Anis volunteers to take point as Counters approaches the unfamiliar guests.
The woman explains to the girls that she cannot get into contact with "NERV," which doesn't sit well with any of them. The girl in the red suit starts wondering about the situation and their surroundings, identifying the object in the sky as possibly an "Angel." Anis steps into their conversation as benignly as possible, trying to ease tensions so Counters can explain the whole "interdimensional travel" thing, when suddenly a loud noise is heard...
Seeking out the source, Rapi identifies it as the Massive Object located above. Looking towards the sky, the protagonist can see a bright red light as the Massive Object changes shape, and Rapi warns of an energy buildup detected within the object, her call to get down coming just in time as a beam sweeps across the ground, kicking up dust in its wake. When the dust settles, Counters and co. take stock of their situation. Good news, no one is hurt. Bad news, the ground hit by the beam has been completely vaporized, a clear indicator of just how much power was in that one beam. Not only that, but judging by the trajectory, Rapi observes that the beam was directly targeting the Ark.
The otherworlders muse that the object shares a visual similarity to the "6th Angel," but given the differences, they can't even be sure that it's an "Angel." With communications to the Ark down after that last laser strike, Counters has little recourse but to take the otherworlders back to base and see what they know. Said otherworlders seem skeptical of going to the Ark, but given that the alternative is unfamiliar surroundings with a clear threat above them, they decide to oblige.
Part I[]
To A Strange World: A[]
After safely returning to the Ark, introductions are exchanged. It's a little much for the otherworlders to wrap their heads around, but at the very least, Misato gets the gist of the Ark, Raptures, Nikkes, and the protagonist's role as a commander of the Central Government. Even for Misato and co.'s work as NERV to safeguard mankind, the idea of being in another world is disorienting. Asuka, Rei, and Mari take the explanation at varying degrees of belief, even more with the fact that Counters' Nikke members are technically not human, despite how much they look the part. The NERV members briefly panic as they wonder if fellow pilot and token male "Shinji" is also here, but given that only the four of them were at the site, it can be presumed that he was not included in their impromptu otherworld trip.
Refocusing, Asuka asks Counters if they know a way for NERV to return to their world. Given their claims of meeting with other D-Wave entities, it stands to reason they'd know how to send them back as well. The protagonist posits that the Massive Object they'd seen on the surface is probably related, and that defeating it will allow NERV to go back.
To A Strange World: B[]
Misato and co. are confused at how the Massive Object looks so much like the "6th Angel" and wonders if "Angels" also exist in this world, Rapi's comments about Gatekeeper prompting an exposition. The protagonist lets his mind wander as he's already heard this explanation decides to listen in for a refresher...
The special Rapture codenamed "Gatekeeper" emits a kind of energy known as "D-Waves." These D-Waves hold the same pattern as those of brainwaves produced during REM sleep and dreams. Every time Gatekeeper has "slept" and "dreamed," entities from other worlds have ended up in the world of the Ark, and they emit the same D-Waves as Gatekeeper. Scans of D-Waves and entities that emit them have allowed the Ark to decode Gatekeeper's database, revealing a plethora of objects, items, and entities across a myriad of worlds, all of which, for a lack of better term, can be "summoned" by Gatekeeper. Rapi posits that same "summoning" is what led to NERV and the "Angel" appearing in this world.
Asuka simplifies the explanation into "blame Gatekeeper for otherworld shenanigans," which Rapi agrees is the case, between NERV's lack of what is "common knowledge" for this world combined with their own D-Wave emissions. Said visitors are also exhausted from the day's ordeals and information processing, and ask for a place to rest. The protagonist offers them quarters in the Outpost, and Neon escorts them to the dorm.
An Unreachable Enemy: A[]
The protagonist explains to Andersen in a meeting that NERV seems amicable, aside from their confusion at being suddenly stranded in another world. Letting them rest and process everything is an action Andersen agrees with, especially since they have a more pressing concern...
The Massive Object's beam (dubbed "Ultra Beam" by the Central Government) has severely damaged the surface above the Ark, and the unknown nature of the attack is whipping the powers that be into a frenzy. On the upside, the M.O. has remained stagnant since that last attack, allowing the Ark time to repair the surface area and assemble forces to assault the object. Sadly, Andersen can't be confident about the success rate, as the M.O.'s barrier (dubbed "Anti-Field") prevents all kinds of contact. In the meantime, Andersen orders the protagonist to continue to provide NERV with shelter and hospitality, in order to make them more amenable should need arise of their aid.
An Unreachable Enemy: B[]
A few days later, Andersen convenes with the Big Three CEOs to address the Massive Object. As expected, the Anti-Field has proven completely impenetrable, even by the top squads of all manufacturers. Syuen whines about the unreasonable situation, only for Ingrid and Mustang to talk her into sitting back down so they can continue the meeting.
Carrying on, Andersen and Enikk explain that before this meeting, another Ultra Beam was fired, this one causing further damage to the surface and the facilities that were being repaired from the last barrage. Enikk reports that as of now, 75% of the surface above the Ark remains, and there's a small mercy in the fact that the Massive Object has made no other offensives besides the Ultra Beams and the line of Raptures guarding its perimeter, though said Raptures also have Anti-Fields that negate conventional weaponry.
Despite that small mercy, the fact remains that the Massive Object is clearly targeting the Ark, and if something isn't done, it will breach the colony. While Enikk calculates how many more beams it will take for the Ark to be truly imperiled, Andersen bids the CEOs to figure out a way to bypass the Anti-Field. Meanwhile, the Deputy Chief will see to their otherworld visitors, and maybe ask them for assistance...
Request For Help: A[]
The next day, Andersen summons NERV to his office for a meeting, explaining that the Massive Object's Anti-Field has stymied the offensives of even the Ark's strongest Nikkes. Moreover, M.O. has focused entirely on assaulting the Ark, with any attempts to divert it only receiving a counter-diversion in the form of Raptures spawned around the Anti-Field. To make matters worse, Enikk and M.M.R. have run their calculations. At the rate the Ultra Beam clears out surface terrain, there's only enough dirt and rock to buffer three more beams. After that, M.O. will be poised to obliterate the Ark and everyone in it.
There is a small silver lining. At the protagonist's questioning, Andersen reports that M.O. only fires once every 5 days. With that in mind, they now have a solid deadline; they must destroy the Massive Object in 19 days, or the Ark is doomed. NERV seems to be a little shaken knowing that human extinction would come in just a few weeks...
Request For Help: B[]
Misato cuts to the heart of the matter by asking why Andersen is telling them this. The Deputy Chief reasons that NERV's referral to the Massive Object as an "Angel" implies they have some kind of knowledge regarding M.O., or at least something similar to it. Moreover, as NERV is emitting D-Waves much the same as M.O., he and others in the Ark believe NERV to be the key to resolving this crisis, and asks them to help.
The pilots of NERV seem unnerved at the idea of fighting an "Angel" without their "Eva" to even the odds, but as the protagonist bows to NERV to plead for their assistance, they agree to cooperate to defeat M.O. and hopefully return home. After accepting Andersen's gratitude, Misato asks about their first course of action...
Formulating an Attack[]
As part of the planning to defeat M.O., the pilots of NERV undergo a series of interviews to assess their abilities and knowledge base. Though it's more like Rei nonverbally answers any questions while Asuka's responses are mixed with bluster and occasional insults towards the questioner. Meanwhile, Mari and Misato are looking over the Ark's selection of firearms, surprised to see that the weapons available aren't that different from their world's armament. Their chatter is cut short as an announcer calls them up to a shooting alley for target practice.
Later, the protagonist convenes with Andersen on the results of the previous events. Unfortunately, the Q&A session yielded little intel, but at least everyone displayed a level of military training and shooting ability. Moreover, the shooting test and others have revealed a shocking new development. The NERV members' D-Waves have the ability to nullify the Anti-Field, and in fact emit the same waves as M.O. when contacting objects, albeit in a much briefer pulse.
The protagonist is at once shocked and excited to hear this. Even if this effect can't be replicated into bullets, the fact remains that NERV can punch a hole in M.O.'s Anti-Field and create an opening for more conventional weaponry to damage it. With that in mind, Andersen orders the protagonist to take Counters and escort NERV to the battlefront, where they'll bypass M.O.'s Anti-Field with their unique properties.
Back to the Surface: A[]
Rapi goes over the plan to have Counters escort NERV to the vicinity of Massive Object so they can break its Anti-Field and allow the Ark's main forces to actually land a hit. The Counters leader assures that even a small gap will be enough for them to focus fire and inflict damage. Between Counters and the Ark's top squads running cover, there should be no problems escorting NERV to their destination.
NERV themselves seem nervous (ha) at the sheer amount of support they're receiving, but the protagonist assures them that this is expected since they're aiding the Ark in a time of crisis. If nothing else, it serves to buoy their spirits, as the pilots listen to Rapi's lecture on combat with Raptures.
Meanwhile, the protagonist talks to Misato about the latter serving as their operator for this mission. The woman seems shamefaced that even in this world, she has to sit in the back and leave the actual work (and danger) to a group of children. Asuka confidently declares she'll handle everything as the protagonist assures that providing tactical support is an important role, and it's nothing to be ashamed of. Misato thanks him for his words, and then goes to coordinate with the Ark's intelligence agency.
Some time later, the operation begins in earnest. After making sure the connection with Misato is stable and that their weapons are ready, Counters and NERV sortie towards the Massive Object.
Back to the Surface: B[]
Despite starting on a spirited note, problems soon mire the squads and hinder their progress. Rapture reinforcements are far too numerous. The variety of units they encounter is more than they anticipated. The NERV members keep getting ambushed by Raptures in their blind spots, forcing Counters to cover for them until they can nullify the Anti-Fields. Rapi and Anis note that compared to previous sorties, they can't immediately eliminate Raptures due to the Anti-Fields, and cohesion with NERV is of course sloppy since this is their first time fighting together. Despite that, Anis commends NERV for holding their own so far, commenting that if they weren't so competent, they'd have suffered casualties by now.
Unfortunately, all the gumption in the world isn't going to get them any further. Both Misato and the protagonist agree that progress has slowed to a halt, and at Rapi's suggestion, the commander orders a retreat. The first operation with NERV ends on a deflating failure.
A New Approach: A[]
Convening another meeting, Andersen bluntly tells NERV that with the reports on the squad's performance in the field, the higher-ups have concluded that even a truncated version of basic training will be insufficient to get them past the Raptures, much to their dismay. As such, Andersen tells the squad they'll instead undergo specific anti-Rapture tactics training, and when it comes to that, there's only one place in the Ark that serves that purpose. The protagonist seems to be disbelieving at what's being suggested. Is Andersen really suggesting NERV be sent to M.M.R. Vocational School?
Asuka questions the utility of being sent to high school when they're on a deadline, but Andersen rebuts that their deadline is exactly why they need to go. The most golden opportunity could come their way, but if NERV doesn't have the skills and training to deliver, then it'd only be a waste. As much as he appreciates NERV stepping up to bat as decisively as they did, the fact remains that this whole affair is sudden and half-cocked. If NERV were to suffer casualties or even a squad wipe, then the Ark risks losing their only method of stopping the Massive Object.
With Asuka backing down and complying, Andersen explains how NERV will be enrolling. The pilots will become transfer students, while Misato will be made a substitute teacher. As part of information security, the otherworlder status of NERV is only privy to their primary instructor and the students assigned to be their combat training support. Otherwise, NERV is strongly advised to refrain from disclosing their secret and/or drawing suspicion on themselves.
As part of the assignment, Andersen orders the protagonist to accompany NERV to the Vocational School. Counters will not follow, as the Commandos coming in with transfer students in tow would definitely garner scrutiny. Should any incidents arise during NERV's time at the school, the protagonist is to assume responsibility and do what it takes to resolve them. With that, Andersen dismisses the group so they can head off to the Vocational School.
A New Approach: B[]
Arriving at the Vocational School, the protagonist greets Marciana, along with Ein, Zwei, and Rei of School Circle. After exchanging some pleasantries, Marciana looks over the NERV members joining the school and explains to them how things will be handled going forward. Each member of School Circle will accompany the NERV pilots by buddy system, the former assisting the latter in combat training and any other aspect of school life. Mari seems enthused, Rei.A is as unperturbed as ever, and less than happy with this, going by her huff. Misato ponders on how Rei is the smallest of the School Circle members, and is surprised to hear the penguin-toting student is actually the most senior student and highest-scoring of the group. Another reminder that for how human they look and act, at the end of the day, School Circle and pretty much everyone else in this school is a Nikke.
With introductions handled, Marciana proposes they perform a quick test to break the ice and see how everyone fares in combat before getting into training. She suggests they all relocate to the simulation room to perform this test she has planned.
Group Test: A[]
The sight of the Vocational School's simulation room (and to an extent the Ark's tech level) gets mixed reactions from NERV, ranging from Mari's interest to Asuka's disdain. Marciana explains that this is a test meant to facilitate cooperation between NERV and School Circle. While the Raptures in this "battle" are simulated, their behavior will be indistinct from the real thing. As such, combatants will be marked injured or dead based on where they are struck, and will be declared incapable of continuing the exercise. Misato advises everyone to take it seriously, but not overly so.
Though Asuka still seems to look down on the whole ordeal, School Circle is nonchalant, believing this to be no different from their standard tests, to the point where they wonder why the protagonist is here. Marciana explains that it's for him to learn what to expect when fighting with NERV and co. over the course of their education. That said, this is purely a simulation, and foremost a teambuilding exercise between the two groups, so the teacher advises him not to interfere with the test. With the advice acknowledged, Marciana commences the test.
Group Test: B[]
At first, things go well. NERV and School Circle are easily shooting down the virtual waves thrown at them. Then things go wrong when Asuka shoots down one of Rei's drones as it flies to distract a swarm. The two bicker so much that Rei gets tagged by simulated fire and is eliminated. The loss of Rei causes a domino effect where combatants fall in succession until the test ends on a complete squad wipe.
Following the end of the test, NERV and School Circle stand in front of Marciana with murky expressions. The simulation didn't injure them physically, but the bruised pride is arguably worse. Marciana evaluates the results of each squad, commending NERV for doing so well despite their lack of familiarity with Rapture movements, and School Circle's individual performances were at the level she's seen of them so far. That said, this was a team exercise, and in that regard, both squads failed miserably. The teacher criticizes the severe lack of cooperation she'd seen, only for Rei to finger out Asuka as the biggest problem. Predictably, this pricks the latter's temper, and the two devolve into another argument, ignoring both Maricana and Misato's attempts to deescalate.
As Mari and the others look on in exasperation, the protagonist can't help but feel a sense of foreboding that this is what the entirety of NERV's time at school is going to be like...
To be continued...
Part II[]
The Other Half: A[]
A few days later, the Ark's top squads of Absolute, Matis, and Cafe Sweety renew their assault against the Massive Object. Sadly, Eunhwa and Laplace's attacks are just as ineffectual as before in the face of the Anti-Field, and Maxwell warns them to fall back as M.O. winds up for another attack. Matis' leader curses at how they must flee, even as Emma warns of an impending Ultra Beam, while Frima and Sugar are already making a break for it. The squads all flee as the beam sears into the dirt separating the Ark from the surface, only this time it seems to have hit something sensitive, given how the Ark's lights black out for a moment.
Down in the Ark, Andersen and the CEOs are convening over the situation. Judging by how the power system was affected by the attack, the Massive Object is getting worryingly close to the Ark's walls. Enikk's report that only about half of the surface remains after that last beam bodes ill for everyone. Syuen curses that they could figure out a way to replicate the D-Waves or circumvent the Anti-Field if they just had more time.
Those words remind Andersen that time is simply not on their side, and asks the CEOs if they know of any way to attack M.O. and its Anti-Field without needing to make use of NERV. Their silence is indicative enough to the Deputy Chief. Despite the fact they can only hang in there until NERV finishes their training, Ingrid is happy to report that the pilots are acclimating well to their training at the Vocational School. Syuen takes the moment to boast about M.M.R. specially tailoring a curriculum and custom weapons for NERV.
Despite their best preparations, Andersen decides to err on the side of caution. Should NERV fail to damage or destroy the Massive Object, they'll need to consider plans to reinforce the surface and put more barriers between the Ark and the Ultra Beams. Enikk plans to draft some plans to do so. Syuen intends to get Mighty Tools and M.M.R. to speed up their work. Mustang tells the conference that he'll set more emergency preparation broadcasts. Ingrid details her plans to expedite shelter maintenance and keeping A.C.P.U. ready to respond to emergencies. With little else that can be done beyond observing the situation, the meeting is adjourned.
The Other Half: B[]
Back at the Vocational School, Mariciana is discussing NERV's progress with Misato and the protagonist, detailing how the pilots have learned much in the way of anti-Rapture tactics. With how NERV has been learning and socializing with the rest of the school, even beyond School Circle, Marciana can almost say that things are going perfectly. Keyword almost.
Regrettably, Marciana reports that the pilots are still having teamwork issues. As of now, Asuka is paired with Zwei, Ayanami with Ein, and Mari with Rei. Unfortunately, all three pairs are suffering social dysfunction, as Zwei chafes at Asuka's competitive nature, Ein is bored with Ayanami's stoicism, and Rei is frustrated with Mari's teasing. Despite that, Misato reports that those three pairings are the most effective they've seen in terms of combat power. The situation means that deliberately reducing their combat potential is not an option, so the only recourse is to somehow fix the pairs' cohesion issues. Marciana comments that perhaps some...special measures...may be needed to address the problem.
Special Measures: A[]
Stepping into the classroom with Marciana and Misato, the protagonist can see things are as bad as reported. Ayanami stares blankly as Ein slumps over in boredom. Zwei pointedly avoids looking at Asuka, who's giving her the evil eye. Mari's signaling for her presence and Rei's causes another tantrum from the third-year. Marciana then gets the students' attention to notify them of a special assignment. The assignment in question is to, in their current designated teams, perform a field exercise and break the Rapture Anti-Fields...
Special Measures: B[]
Asuka almost immediately begins backtalking, boasting that she alone can handle attacking the Raptures and ignoring Zwei's advice. Ein isn't fond of the idea of working with Ayanami, who may as well be a statue for how little she moves or talks. Rei, predictably enough, is throwing a tantrum and refusing to partner up with Mari simply because she doesn't want to. Nevertheless, both Maricana and Misato order the squads to carry out the assignment, no objections allowed.
Back at the office, the protagonist wonders if forcing the matter like this is the best way. Sadly, they've neither the time nor resources to consider an alternative. The three adults sigh as they ponder over the two possibilities; either the squads learn to cooperate with one another by the end of this...or they'll be at each other's throats for the rest of time...
Fostering Confidence: A[]
Pacing around the Simulation Room, Asuka whines about the "unfair" situation she's been "forced" into, refusing to listen to Zwei advise her about the risks of facing a horde of Raptures solo. If anything, the pilot's ego is only getting pricked again as she accuses Zwei of looking down on her abilities. Asuka commands Zwei to activate the simulation. She's going to solo an entire swarm with her bare hands if that's what it takes to prove she doesn't need backup in the field. The pilot goads Zwei into booting up the simulation, and readies her weapon.
Fostering Confidence: B[]
A few moments later, Asuka and Zwei stand in silence as they bask in former's failing the simulation. Despite eventually being overwhelmed, Zwei compliments Asuka on how she performed, especially when taking into account the fact that she only started learning the tips and tricks of Rapture combat days prior. Though Asuka sees this as no more than a failure, to Zwei, this is a sign that Asuka is putting in effort to improve.

Bonding by shared diligence.
After a moment, Zwei apologizes to Asuka for having the wrong impression. The pilot's competitive nature led her to believe she had a brash hothead for a partner, but it turns out Asuka actually puts in the hours and focuses on what she has to do. Sitting down next to Asuka, Zwei asks if she wants to try again at the simulation, assuring that with her support, it can be cleared this time. Asuka is surprised to hear that Zwei memorized her movements just by watching her in the sim, and agrees to cooperate as the exercise begins once more...
The training goes late into the night, but eventually the two manage complete the simulation, cheering over the completion of their assignment.
Talking to a Brick Wall[]
In the classroom, Ein and Ayanami awkwardly sit in silence, until the former stands up and walks to the protagonist, asking him how anything is supposed to get done with her partner as talkative as a rock. She cites that communication is a key component on the battlefield, citing potential scenarios they may end up in, to which Ayanami...responds?
The answers are blunt, but it turns out Ayanami was indeed listening to Ein, and provides tactical advice on certain scenarios. At that moment, Ein pauses and starts to smile, realizing that her partner wasn't just giving her dead air. Rather she's one of the laconic types who refrains from talking unless they really have to. Concluding that Ayanami is pretty much a quieter Zwei, Ein pulls up a chair and sits next to Ayanami.

Turns out she was listening after all.
After walking through a variety of tactical what-ifs, Ein apologizes for misconstruing Ayanami as someone who didn't listen to her. The two head to the Simulation Room to practice what they've studied, and a few hours later, their test and assignment is successfully completed.
Coaxing a Child: A[]
Out in the hallway, Mari is deliberating over what to buy from a vending machine, eventually deciding on chocolate milk as Rei grouches with all the rancor a midget's tantrum third-year's disgruntlement can muster. Said rancor lasts for all of two seconds before Rei gleefully sips at her chocolate milk, which eventually softens her up to explain to Mari just why she doesn't want to team up. That reason being...Mari acting like a weasel?
Rei complains about Mari's constant teasing, refusal to listen to her, and the restrictions the pilot's presence imposes. That last one is a sore point for her, since she felt safe with letting her Narus fly as they pleased until someone shot her drones in an exercise. Mari herself is confused, since she has no problems with letting Rei do as she pleases. In fact, she's perfectly fine with letting Rei set the pace for how they go about business. Even if the third-year starts spraying bullets everywhere, she'll follow up.

One who tries to be an adult. One who openly acts like a child. A pair odder, yet closer than any other.
Mari kneels down and holds out a hand towards Rei and asks for some trust, something the latter is willing to give after thinking it over. The two then spend the next several hours in the Simulation Room, building cohesion and eventually completing their assignment.
Coaxing a Child: B[]
Some time later, Marciana, Misato, and the protagonist are discussing how the pairs have become increasingly cooperative. Asuka and Zwei have settled on having the latter protect the former from getting overwhelmed while dealing with Raptures. Ein and Ayanami have created a set of protocols and priorities for dealing with Raptures. Rei and Mari's best plan have Mari preemptively shoot anything Rei targets, something that works surprisingly well, at least from what Marciana's seen of them in simulation.
Overall, while the plans seem somewhat hodgepodge aside from Ein and Ayanami, NERV and School Circle are demonstrating cohesion beyond what they had initially. Now it's just a matter of training them according to the curriculum so that they can take on the Massive Object. The meeting is cut short when Marciana receives a call from HQ, prompting a slew of concerned expressions. It's been reported that the Massive Object is on the move, and is exhibiting anomalous behavior.
Emergency Call[]
An urgent call from Marciana brings NERV and School Circle to the command room, where the teacher explains the situation. Previously, the Massive Object displayed no behaviors beyond firing Ultra Beams at the Ark and deploying Anti-Field-covered Raptures to protect itself. That gave the Ark time to coordinate a defense and send attack squads, as ineffectual as they've been.
That has changed with the deployment of three anomalous objects which have been dubbed "Bunker Busters" by HQ. With these Bunker Busters on a trajectory towards the Ark, Misato posits that they too are cloaked in Anti-Field and cannot be stopped with conventional forces. With that in mind, NERV is tasked with intercepting the Bunker Busters and disabling their Anti-Fields before they reach the Ark.
Unlike last time, NERV will not be deployed en masse with another squad like Counters. The distance between each Bunker Buster is wide enough that splitting up is unavoidable if they want to get all three in time. Though Misato is concerned that just NERV and School Circle won't be able to handle it, Marciana assures that additional squads will be allocated for protection. Contrary to the high-stakes tension, both NERV and School Circle are confident in their odds of success, and follow the protagonist up to the surface.
Before It Hits the Ground: A[]
In front of the surface elevator, the protagonist looks upon the gathered squads; Matis, Absolute, Cafe Sweety, and Counters. The students of School Circle feel out of place amongst some of the best squads in the Ark, but Marciana ignores that to go into the briefing.
Matis, Absolute, and Cafe Sweety will be tasked with escorting School Circle and NERV to each of the Bunker Busters, wherein the latter two will intercept and destroy them. The protagonist, Misato, and Marciana will establish an ad-hoc command post at the elevator to observe the situation and provide tactical support, while Counters will provide protection. With the basic plan set, the protagonist begins allocating squads. Absolute will escort Ayanami and Ein, Matis to Asuka and Zwei, and Cafe Sweety to Mari and Rei. Asuka is unenthused at the idea of hoofing it with Matis all the way to the mission area, but eschews complaints to follow along with Zwei. While Absolute and co. dashes off, Sugar gives Mari and Rei a lift on her motorcycle, though Frima and Milk have to go on foot much to their dismay. After all three groups have departed, the protagonist and co. move to set up the command post.

Death from above plummets towards the Ark. Yet a brave few stand against it.
Some time later, Eunhwa reports that Absolute is on site, to which Misato orders them to fend off approaching Raptures until Ayanami and Ein deal with the Bunker Buster. Gazing up at the missile plummeting towards the surface, Ein briefly gawks before getting to work.
Matis reports their arrival at the mission area, and Marciana tasks them with defending until the Bunker Buster is dealt with. Laplace then turns to Asuka and Zwei and bows, thanking them for their efforts while apologizing for being unable to do more than defend. As Matis runs off towards an incoming group of Raptures, Asuka and Zwei turn to the Bunker Buster and ready their guns.
An exhausted Frima reports Cafe Sweety's arrival at the destination, the protagonist ordering them to defend until Mari and Rei destroy the Bunker Buster. As the fixers run towards a group of Raptures, Rei launches Naru 1 as Mari cocks her gun.
Before It Hits the Ground: B[]
The operation does not go smoothly. Asuka and Zwei are stymied by aerial Raptures buzzing around the Bunker Buster, and according to Misato, they only have three minutes until it makes impact with the surface. Fortunately, Zwei manages to clear the swarm long enough for Asuka to punch through the Anti-Field and the Bunker Buster, destroying it and freeing them to deal with the rest.
Meanwhile, Ayanami and Ein are also struggling with their time limit. Fortunately, Ayanami's reminder about their priority list clears Ein's head, and the two clear the horde long enough to blast the Bunker Buster and disable it.
Comparatively, Mari and Rei are both more and less panicked than the other groups. If anything, Mari is a little too casual about impending doom, going so far as to one-sidedly make a bet with Rei where whoever downs more Raptures gets all of Naru's chocolate. After several moments of shooting, a gap opens in the Rapture swarm long enough for the two to fire on the Bunker Buster, destroying it and successfully capping off the operation. Although the two seem more focused on their bet more than anything else.
Later, all three groups reconvene at the command post, winded but happy that the operation was successful and without any casualties. With the other squads already returning to the Ark, the protagonist proposes they return to the Vocational School, only for a distinct screeching to echo...
Misato reports with a small amount of horror that the Massive Object is charging an Ultra Beam, despite the fact that there should still be some downtime to the next blast. Everyone hunkers down to avoid getting whipped by the shockwave of the beam's impact, and after confirming everyone is alright, Marciana contacts HQ for an update. Meanwhile, School Circle looks mortified to see something metallic gleaming under the blast zone. The support beams that compose the exterior of the Ark are exposed to the surface air...
To Be Continued...
Part III[]
Sudden Deviation[]
Some time after the Bunker Buster interception operation, the protagonist is convening with Marciana and Misato over their students' progress. Fortunately, everything is going smoothly, smoothly enough that Marciana and others at HQ are considering accelerating the timeline for NERV and School Circle deploying to attack the Massive Object directly.
This bout of noticeable and worry-free progress is welcome news to the trio, especially as the Central Government is getting increasingly antsy about taking out the M.O. With the previous Ultra Beam firing ahead of predictions and exposing the outermost layers of the Ark, they're urging for a counteroffensive ASAP. As the meeting concludes on a confident note, Marciana's phone suddenly buzzes with an urgent message. Apparently, all of School Circle has suddenly vanished without warning...
Fortunately, the NERV pilots are still present, but the sudden disappearance of their partners bodes ill nonetheless. Misato heads to investigate the dorms while Marciana and the protagonist search around the school.
Missing Students: A[]
Wandering around the school, the protagonist and Marciana find Asuka and Ayanami, sans their School Circle partners whom they haven't seen and don't keep track of beyond their required cooperative training time. The two NERV pilots note that the last they saw of their partners was them heading to the dorms after yesterday's practice concluded. The two instructors depart after leaving a request to notify them if School Circle attempts to make contact.
Out in the hallway, Mari reports that she hasn't seen Rei since last evening. Hearing that all of School Circle has gone AWOL, Mari recalls that following the Bunker Buster operation, the Nikkes all seemed nervous, maybe even scared. The pilot notes that ever since, School Circle has been walking around like they're expecting a monster to jump at them...
Missing Students: B[]
After bidding Mari goodbye, Marciana and the protagonist search every nook and cranny, only to find no signs of Rei. Misato has had little success on her end as well. Marciana suggests trying School Circle's usual haunts, like the cafe by the school or the Ark's downtown. Sadly, those places, from Ein's usual cinema or Zwei's go-to library see neither hide nor hair of the wayward students.
With little to show for their efforts, Marciana and the protagonist convene in a nearby park. Given that School Circle has yet to be found within the Ark, the only other plausible explanation is that they've gone to the Outpost. Fortunately, the protagonist foresaw that, and has Rapi currently checking it for him. A few moments later, his phone buzzes for Counters' group chat. Unfortunately, the Commandos have had no luck finding School Circle anywhere in the Outpost. Judging by the lack of sightings or elevator usage records, they posit that the students haven't even stopped by.
Thanking Counters for their work, the protagonist notifies Marciana of this development. On the upside, knowing that the elevators haven't been used means the students are still in the Ark. The two ponder over where Rei would possibly go if she was scared out of her wits. Perhaps she may go someplace where no one would think of looking for her. At that moment, Marciana has a light bulb go off, and makes her hypothesis. School Circle is currently hiding inside the surface elevator. Given the current situation, no one with a working brain would even think about going to the surface without express orders to do so. The two hurry off to the elevator to see if they can find their students...
Turn Away From Fear: A[]
In front of the surface elevator, School Circle stands in tense silence. Zwei wonders if it's really okay for them to go AWOL like this, prompting another round of discussions about the Massive Object. However much it rankles them to make their teachers worry, the fact remains that...they're scared. Scared of going up against that thing trying to bore into the Ark. It's so big and powerful even Tyrant-classes don't compare to it. If the layers upon layers of surface dirt and the Ark's wall can't hold up to that power, then tiny Nikkes like them have no hope of surviving a similar attack...
That said, the trio feel as though they're stuck between a rock and a hard place. The Ark is only so big, so they can't run forever. But they can't go up to the surface either, not with the Massive Object looming like a guillotine blade. Ein sardonically chuckles at how hopeless it feels, not helped by the stakes being so high. It's one thing to know that if she dies against the Raptures, another will carry on and the war will simply go without her. It's another thing to lose to that Massive Object and potentially watch the entire Ark go up in flames, along with everyone inside it. From acquaintances she sees every day like the staff of the squad's favorite hangouts, to people she personally knows like Rupee and her classmates. If they mess up, all those people and more will die...and that blood would be on her hands...
Zwei and Rei admit they aren't faring much better courage-wise. Even with everything the teachers said about how training would mitigate the fear, the thought of taking on that monster again, the thought of failing and watching everyone and everything be destroyed in front of their's too much. Fear and pressure have taken hold of their hearts, and all they want is for it to go away. They wonder why they have to be the ones taking on the Massive Object. They're not soldiers, at least not in their heads. They may train to fight as Nikkes, but at the end of the day, they're still students. Essentially children who know how to shoot a gun. None of them are even close to graduating, but somehow they're the ones saddled with the fate of the Ark and all of humanity at this very moment? Why them? There are other squads who are more qualified than a motley of students, some of them even participated in the Bunker Buster operation. Why can't they shoulder the burden instead? Of course, the Central Government and other relevant personnel have already been notified of School Circle's participation in the counteroffensive, so they can't quietly back down now. Their discourse is interrupted by a voice calling out to them. It's the protagonist, with Marciana in tow...
Turn Away From Fear: B[]
The protagonist tries to beckon School Circle back to the Vocational School, but they refuse to comply. Marciana wonders where this dissent is coming from, given how the students had been cohering with NERV and succeeded in the Bunker Buster operation prior to this. Zwei explains that they were occupying themselves during the training to take their minds off the stakes, which does nothing to change what they'd seen the Massive Object do before. The sight of the Ultra Beam vaporizing the earth and exposing the Ark to the open left them dumbstruck from the sheer power it'd take to do so. It also reminded them of what would happen when if they fail to defeat that monstrosity.
School Circle requests they be removed from the operation roster to attack the Massive Object, reasoning that at the end of the day, they've done nothing more than play escort for NERV, who has the most important task of breaking the Anti-Fields. Surely, the Ark's forces can muster something better than a handful of students to protect such high-value individuals? Marciana tries to assure the students that they are doing something of worth, only for an ominous rumbling to interrupt her. The teacher only has a moment to warn everyone to get close to her before a loud buzz roars, followed by the Ark falling into darkness...
Me, Us, and Everyone[]
After a few moments, the light flicker back on. Misato opens a call to the protagonist and is relieved to hear that School Circle is safe. Sadly, that's the only good news they have. That earlier tremor and blackout is the result of the Massive Object firing off another Ultra Beam. From what can be observed, it would seem the entity has accelerated its schedule and is now exhibiting an attack frequency beyond what was previously predicted. Since the enemy has decided to pick up the pace, they'll have to do the same. The protagonist and Marciana guide School Circle back to the Vocational School, opting to table any discussions for when they're somewhere safer.
Along the way, the group spies Miranda, Poli, and Quiry of A.C.P.U. escorting people to shelters. It would seem an evacuation order was issued after the last attack, the wail of alarms and P.A.s replacing the usual hustle and bustle of downtown. The protagonist can see the furtive looks of the citizens as they skulk into shelters, guided by the police and some Nikkes. The fear etched onto every face sends a chill down School Circle's spines, especially as Marciana notes that Ark can't take much more punishment. In all likelihood, the next Ultra Beam to fire...will directly pierce the Ark and obliterate it.
Marciana explains to School Circle that at the start, their assignment was purely coincidental. NERV needed training, the Vocational School offered it, and School Circle was just readily available to assist in the process. Now, having spent time alongside NERV, the students have become irreplaceable members of the entire operation, as they alone have the experience and skills needed to fight alongside the pilots. The teacher asserts that this is not just just empty ego-stroking, and cites the Bunker Buster operation as an indicator of their capabilities. Had School Circle not been there to assist NERV, the operation would have likely failed, and the Ark would be scrambling to evacuate instead of planning an attack on M.O.
As much as Marciana commiserates with School Circle's fears, running and hiding won't change the facts; the Massive Object is looming over the Ark, and if nothing is done, it will destroy it. But that doesn't mean they have to face it alone. Everyone in the Ark, human, Nikke, and of course the teachers, will assist School Circle in doing whatever it takes to defeat the Massive Object. The protagonist follows up by assuring the students that whatever happens when they go out to battle, they'll face it together.
Mulling over the thought, School Circle looks around the fear-ridden downtown. Their favorite clothes shop obscured by queuing evacuees. The people sweeping through library shelves hoping to salvage some of the books. The cafe's doors shuttered by employees who then scramble for the nearest shelter. The three steel themselves, and at Rei's initiative, declare their intent to go fight the Massive Object. They're still scared of what may happen if they fail. But if their teachers and friends are with them, they can at least stand on the battlefield. Thanking her charges for their bravery, Marciana guides them all back to the Vocational School.
Back at the school, Misato and the pilots are relieved to see School Circle safe and sound. The students in question are remorseful for falling off the grid like they did, but the pilots seem to let it immediately slide as the pairs get back to their usual antics (particularly in Rei and Mari's case). With all forces assembled and prepared, the counteroffensive against the Massive Object is officially commenced...
With All of Our Power: A[]
A trip to the surface sees an entire cavalcade's worth of Nikkes and weapons gathered, a sign that the Ark is going all-or-nothing on this operation. Rei notices something large in the distance and points it out, wondering what it is. Following her finger, the protagonist spies what appears to be a giant cannon, pointed squarely at the Massive Object and surrounded by temporary barriers and mass-produced Nikkes. Marciana explains that the weapon is a particle cannon co-developed by Elysion and Missilis to combat the Massive Object. The protagonist is surprised that Elysion and Missilis of all companies managed to cooperate on anything, but as Marciana explains, the Ark is in so much jeopardy that even the corporations are sidelining their feuds.
As Ein wonders how such a monstrosity is getting moved around, a voice hollers for everyone to clear a path. The protagonist sees Liter and Centi of Mighty Tools hauling cables. Turns out they were originally tasked with fixing the Ark's walls, but since the Massive Object kept breaking it as soon as they fixed it, the sheer frustration drove them to instead build the particle cannon to give it what for. The protagonist wonders how it can be an Elysion-Missilis collaboration if Mighty Tools built it, to which Liter explains that Elysion and Missilis collaborated on the designing of the weapon, pooling Elysion's researchers, M.M.R., and Electric Shock to figure out how it'd all work.
With that exposition in mind, the protagonist notes that the cables in Mighty Tools' hands look like they're for the gun. The architects explain that the cannon will siphon almost every drop of power the Ark can spare without compromising shelters and essential functions. Even the power for the Dome of Eternity is going into this gun, which is intiially concerning, but Liter is of a different mind. The citizens are in shelters, so they won't even notice that the "sky" is a black screen. Plus, it's all moot anyway if the Massive Object destroys the Ark. Mighty Tools give one last cheer before they get back to work towing cables.
While Ein seems awestruck at the idea of all of the Ark's power fueling the gun, Misato goes into role distribution for the operation. The plan is to first break the Massive Object's Anti-Field, using the particle cannon to inflict damage. Mari is going to pull the trigger when the opportunity arises, while Rei makes sure Mari is safe to do so. Asuka is assigned to the protagonist, and together they'll approach the Massive Object to nullify its Anti-Field. Fortunately, they've had time to prepare, so unlike the Bunker Buster operation, they won't need to take the trip entirely on foot. Misato then guides the group towards their newest ride...
With All of Our Power: B[]
Said ride is none other than AZX, a new model of train developed for surface operations. Of course, wherever a train is, Infinity Rail is never far behind, Diesel and co. reporting in and greeting their soon-to-be passengers. Marciana explains that Asuka, Zwei, Ayanami, and Ein will accompany the protagonist aboard AZX and strike after the particle cannon fires. Asuka is concerned that the train will be a big target, but fortunately, they'll have extra escorts. Said escorts reveal themselves to be Matis, Absolute, Cafe Sweety, and even Counters. Heartened by the presence of so many allies, the protagonist takes a look at NERV's pilots, their School Circle partners, and makes a few last declarations. They will defeat the Massive Object, and they're coming back alive. All of them.
On those words, everyone takes their positions for the final battle...
Operation Against the Massive Object: A[]

Idle banter as the pilot awaits the signal
Mari sits in the gunner's seat of the particle cannon, talking with Rei on one of the monitors. Whilst discussing their nerves, Misato chimes in with their tasks. Once the operation begins, the cannon will begin charging. Due to the sheer number of Raptures surrounding the target, Mari will have to aim and fire manually to ensure it hits. After Mari and Rei voice their understanding, Misato calls for the commencement of the operation. The sequence to attach and fuel the cannon begins, with reports coming in about successful connections to the various substations set up to funnel the power. The cannon begins charging to fire, only for a report to come in at 5 seconds remaining. A high-energy reaction has been detected from the Massive Object.
It seems the target has discovered their plan and is moving to intercept. Fortunately, the charge is insufficient to reach the levels of an Ultra Beam, more on the level of a typical Tyrant-class' attack. Reporting the situation to the team, Rei answers that she hasn't the ability to block Tyrant-grade attacks, but her Narus should be able to redirect it. as the third-year's signal, a legion of Narus buzz into the air and away from the particle cannon, emitting loud screeches as they do so.
Rei orders three of her Narus to put up barriers just as the Massive Object fires at the swarm. Luckily, the cannon finished charging while Rei was running decoy, and at Misato's signal, Mari locks on and fires. A beam sears through the air, punching through the Massive Object's Anti-Field and impacting on its surface.
Sadly, the shot did little damage despite the direct hit. Misato proposes using the cannon again, but it will need to recharge before doing so. With that, the operation moves to plan B as Misato orders AZX to launch...
Operation Against the Massive Object: B[]
Asuka is briefly concerned as some crashes are heard outside, but Diesel assures that AZX can handle running over a few Raptures on the way. The unstoppable advance of the locomotive makes Ein light up in amazement, and even Asuka concedes that the train is impressive. The chatter is cut short by Marciana opening a line to the protagonist, explaining that while Mari managed to fire the cannon, the Massive Object is still active. Therefore, his squad is to move in and destroy the Massive Object before its Anti-Field regenerates. The orders are confirmed and received, but suddenly, Soline reports that they're being assaulted from all sides by Raptures.
A crash and screech signals AZX's collision with a swarm of Anti-Field cloaked Raptures, which it sadly is not capable of breaking. Brid warns that they're rapidly losing speed and will come to a stop at this rate. According to Diesel, they could just plow through the ones in front, but they'd need NERV to help them deal with the ones on the sides. That would take time none of them can spare.
A motorcycle's revving signals Sugar, who interjects by offering Cafe Sweety to hold off the tides while the rest carry on. As the fixer squad banters and jumps out the train, Eubhwa cocks her gun and declares Absolute will do the same. With a few words of encouragement from Vesti, the top squad of Elysion also disembarks. Laplace curses at how she's been beaten to the punch twice, and not one to be outdone, tells Matis to clear the way for AZX.
Feeling heartened by the support received, the protagonist turns to Counters, who volunteer to clear out the front and jump out the train. After some explosions and gunfire, the path is clear. Rapi urges them to get moving, and Brid restarts the train's acceleration...
Final Battle: A[]
AZX soon reaches the proximity of the Massive Object, its doors opening to allow its passengers to disembark. Unfortunately, Infinity Rail has to retreat to fix AZX's overheated engine, but the squad assures they'll be back as soon as they can. As the AZX falls back, the protagonist's gaze turns towards the Massive Object looming overhead. Ein notes that it seems strangely aggravated at the loss of its Anti-Field, and going by Misato's reports of increased energy concentration, that would seem to be the case. Asuka scoffs at the entity's attempts and readies to assault the Massive Object, the others not far behind...
Final Battle: B[]
Ein curses at how difficult it is to aim with the Massive Object constantly transforming, but Zwei observes a pattern that Asuka also notices. It seems that Massive Object's alterations are all focused around a central point, likely where its core is. Ein launches a few Near Feathers to blast the M.O., its attempts to defend leaving it open to Zwei firing a charged shot to stun it. Asuka and Ayanami then pepper the core with gunfire, sending the Massive Object crashing to the ground.
Asuka looks at the downed foe and wonders if it's dead, but the protagonist thinks otherwise, since Gatekeeper constructs are supposed to disperse into light upon death. Sure enough, the Massive Object rises and transforms again, light building in its core to fire. NERV and School Circle are about to redouble their assault, only for Misato to warn them to fall back. The particle cannon has recharged and is going to fire again. After the protagonist orders everyone to retreat, Mari pulls the trigger on the cannon, and another beam rips clean through the Massive Object, causing it to vanish with a screech as it dissolves into light.
Back on the ground, the squads are both dumbstruck and jubilant to find that they've won. Their celebration is cut short however, as Asuka and Ayanami's bodies begin to glow. The protagonist explains that with the Massive Object's defeat, NERV is now being sent back to their own world. The partings are filled with both gratitude and bittersweet sorrow, as everyone says their goodbyes before NERV vanishes into light. As School Circle and Marciana convene over the departure of their comrades, the teacher takes a moment to praise her students for their contributions.

Basking in the relief that it's finally over.
The praise, combined with their fatigue and relief, send all three students crumpling to the floor, joyful tears streaming down their faces. Just as their teachers said, they had what it took to protect the Ark and everyone in it. Something they wouldn't have even dreamed of if they ran away as they previously wanted. This joy, so stark from the fear and worry of these past few days, fills their hearts with a resolution; never again will they run away from their fears...
Hard Mode Epilogue - Epilogue[]
Back in the Ark, Andersen praises the CEOs for their efforts to protect the colony, though in typical fashion, Syuen is trying to hog all the glory for herself. As Mustang and Ingrid note, this was not one singular person or group's accomplishment. Everyone in the Ark, including their guests from another world, pitched in so they could live another day. The fact that they managed to just barely scrape by with all they could muster is both a relief and a sign that they need to prepare better for such incursions. Andersen adjourns the meeting with advice to thank the personnel who participated in the operation.
With the operation's conclusion, the protagonist heads to M.M.R. Vocational School to see Marciana and School Circle again. Strangely, the halls of the school are completely desolate, without a single student in sight. Even the classrooms are completely empty. His wandering eventually lead him to Marciana, who notifies him the school is on holiday, so no classes are in session. The administration decided to give all students a week off since some of them, School Circle included, participated in the Massive Object operation. It also gives them time to seal off the tunnels leading to the emergency response room. Despite the holiday, Marciana notes that School Circle isn't at the dorms. Rather, they're in one of the classes?
The teacher leads the protagonist to the sim room, despite no classes being in session. Marciana reveals that School Circle volunteered for additional training, as their time with NERV inspired them to push for greater heights as protectors of humanity. Seeing the students hard at work, the protagonist decides to leave without talking to them, as he does not wish to disturb their training. As Marciana guides him back out of the school, the protagonist muses on how much wiser and more mature all of School Circle looks now...
Minigame Story - Battle Simulator[]
Some time after the Massive Object's appearance, Ether of M.M.R. calls the protagonist, asks about his interactions with NERV, and gives him a gift. Said gift is a device meant to simulate battles and help him better cohere with the otherworld visitors, as she doubts the short time they've spent together is enough for them to easily work together. The scientist chortles at the idea that he thought she'd give him some kind of shady miracle drug to get along with other people, showing a surprising amount of pragmatism. Ether reasons that there's a time and place to experiment, and now is not one of those times, even less with the protagonist being their primary key to getting NERV's cooperation to solve the problem.
Besides, M.M.R. didn't even make the device wholly themselves, given that a good chunk of it uses data cribbed from their otherworld visitors. Ether bids the protagonist farewell and encourages him to have fun with the simulator.
Tickets (Wavelength Detector E.V.) are spent to play stages and earn currency (Unknown Data E.V.) which can be traded in the shop for rewards. Wavelength Detectors regenerate to a maximum of 5 per day, and additional Wavelength Detectors can be bought in the shop for Gems.
Event Map[]
You Can (Not) Evade will have its own map to traverse and collect Lost Relics. New Lost Relics will spawn every day.
Part I[]
Part I of the story and its stages will be unlocked as soon as maintenance ends.
Part II[]
Part II of the story and its stages will be unlocked at 5:00 August 29th (UTC+9).
Part III[]
Part III of the story and its stages will be unlocked at 5:00 September 5th (UTC+9).
Event Minigame - Battle Simulator[]
Unlocked after clearing Story I-5
Collab-exclusive minigame. Fight alongside the pilots in a virtual sim. By default, only Asuka is available, with the other pilots being unlocked as time passes.
The game itself is a kind of reaction test similar to certain "quickdraw" or QTE-type games. Commands must be input within a short time window in response to Rapture actions. Successful actions will damage the Rapture or avert damage to the pilot, as well as build up energy for the pilot's Burst. The battle is lost if the pilot's HP falls to 0. Clearing a stage will earn Trait points, which can be spent to upgrade pilots.
Battle Simulator features 3 difficulty levels (Easy, Normal, Hard), with each level consisting of 7 stages. Levels are unlocked after a certain time when stage 7 of the previous level is cleared. Challenge Mode is unlocked after clearing Easy-5, and is essentially a score attack, with records being kept on a Union leaderboard.
The minigame has its own daily and challenge missions separate from the event.
Collab Missions - EMERGENCY MISSION[]
Daily Missions[]
Clearing certain objectives will build points towards daily rewards at certain milestones. Progress is tracked separately from standard daily missions.
Challenge Missions[]
One-time missions that can be completed to earn extra Unknown Data. Clearing at least 36 missions grants the CG "YOU CAN (NOT) EVADE" to decorate the Lobby and a Memory Film to unlock an event in the Archives.
Acquiring at least one copy of the collab SSRs completes special collab missions, which will unlock the costumes "[]'s School Uniform" for Asuka, Rei, and Mari.
Challenge Mode[]
Spend Challenge Chips to take on high-difficulty battles against Grave Digger. Chips regenerate to a maximum of 1 per day
Event Coordinated Operation[]
Durations: 12:00 August 30th to 23:59 September 1st (UTC+9)
12:00 September 6th to 23:59 September 8th (UTC+9)
12:00 September 13th to 23:59 September 15th (UTC+9)
Players team up to take on the boss Gatekeeper to earn Broken Cores to trade for rewards.
21-day Login Event - Memories of NERV[]
Additional rewards will be given with every login, including a copy of SR "Nikke" Misato.
Pilot in Summer Pass - Versions Asuka, Rei, Mari[]
Event-exclusive Mission Passes will be active during each character's rate-up period. The standard track offers a Profile frame associated with each pilot. Completing the premium track earns the costumes "Cynical Street" for Asuka, "Peaceful Vacation" for Rei, and "Leisure Travel" for Mari.
Collab Costume Gacha - Asuka: Test Plugsuit[]
A Costume Gacha will be held featuring a new cosmetic for Asuka. As with previous Costume Gachas, this gacha can only be rolled using special premium-only currency (NERV Secret Keys). Excess tickets after the gacha ends will be converted into Free Gems.
Archive Rerun[]
The Archive version of this event is available during the Second Quest event for free, costing no Memory Film to unlock. The event map is accessible, but there are no Lost Relics. Any soundtrack rewards associated with them have been moved to stage clear rewards.
The event stages can be played freely without Ticket limits or timegates, but currency cannot be accrued, and the shop is inaccessible. Challenge Mode is unavailable.
Battle Simulator is accessible, but offers no rewards for playing. Scores are not tracked on the leaderboards.
The Pilot in Summer Passes associated with this event are not available in the Archive. The premium costumes from these passes are instead available for direct purchase in the Cash Shop. The frames associated with the standard track have been made into stage clear rewards.
List of Bonus Nikkes[]
Complete stages using the following Nikkes for a chance to earn extra Unknown Data E.V. Bonus stacks at 100%.
Bonus | Nikkes |
+62% | |
+60% | |
+68% | |
+40% | |
+30% | |
+20% |
Version Updates[]
Recruit Update[]
New Limited SSR "Nikkes"; Asuka Shikinami Langley, Rei Ayanami, Mari Makinami Illustrious[]
- Asuka: End of maintenance to 5:00 September 19th (UTC+9)
- Rei: 5:00 August 29th to 5:00 September 19th (UTC+9)
- Mari: 5:00 September 5th to 5:00 September 19th (UTC+9)
The SSR "Nikkes" associated with the collab will be on rate-up in the Special Recruit for the listed durations.[2][3][4] Molds to directly purchase them via Gold Mileage Tickets will be available in the shop. The "Nikkes" will be temporarily available as Trial "Nikkes" in the Union Shooting Range during their respective rate-up periods.
Limited SSR "Nikkes" will NOT be added to the standard pools after the event ends.
New Free SR Limited "Nikke": Misato Katsuragi[]
Misato will be available as a free "Nikke" by playing the event.
Limited SR "Nikkes" will NOT be added to the standard pools after the event ends.
Reissued SSR Nikkes[]
Ein and Zwei will be added to the standard pools after maintenance, including Mold and Social Point Recruit (does not include Tutorial 10-roll, New Player 10-roll, or Mileage Shop)
Alice Diary Event[]
A new Day-by-Day-style event will be implemented after maintenance. Completing missions will allow players to earn a copy of SSR Nikke Alice along with other rewards like Recruitment Vouchers.
Solo Raid[]
Duration: 12:00 September 5th to 5:00 September 12th (UTC+9)
Players use their Nikkes to take on Massive Object to earn Harmony Cube and Collection Item materials.
Union Raid[]
Duration: 12:00 August 23rd to 23:59 August 28th (UTC+9)
Unions of level 3 or higher may participate in Raids to earn Union Chips and trade them for rewards in the shop. Players cannot leave or be kicked from Unions while the Raid is in progress.
Full Burst Day[]
Durations: 5:00 August 24th to 5:00 August 26th (UTC+9)
5:00 August 31st to 5:00 September 2nd (UTC+9)
5:00 September 7th to 5:00 September 9th (UTC+9)
5:00 September 14th to 5:00 September 16th (UTC+9)
During Full Burst Day, all rewards from Simulation Room and Interception are doubled.
Simulation Room Overclock - Official Season 1[]
Duration: 12:00 August 27th to 5:00 November 19th (UTC+9)
A high-difficultly version of Simulation Room will open for all players who have cleared 5-C at least once. Setting conditions to increase the difficulty will increase Core Level, which upon being cleared will offer additional skill materials as rewards.
Manufacturer Equipment Combinator[]
Available after clearing stage 21-32 of the campaign.
A new item (Manufacturer Arms furnace) will be added to the Arena shop, which unlocks a system to convert excess Manufacturer Equipment into another piece of choice.
New Interception Mode - Anomaly Interception[]
Available after clearing stage 22-36 of the campaign.
A higher-level version of EX Interception offering greater rewards. Anomaly Interception will feature five fixed bosses that DO NOT rotate, from which battles can be freely attempted against any of them. Anomaly Interception will share play attempts with other Interception modes, and offers up to 9 tiers of rewards based on performance. Anomaly Interception will affix Nikke levels at 400, and some Recycling Room effects will be limited. Rewards between Anomaly bosses will be slightly different.
Anomaly Interception will also award the new item "Custom Lock" which can be used in lieu of Custom Modules to lock in bonuses of Overload gear.
September Mission Pass Update[]
The Mission Pass will be refreshed on the first day of September (UTC+9). The premium track offers the costume "Zoo Keeper" for Leona.
Misc. Updates[]
- New Titles and objects to decorate Profile
- Arena brackets reshuffled
- Lobby Screen changed back to normal
- Interception theme music changed
- The event's title uses a similar format to the titles of the first three entries in the Rebuild series of Evangelion movies, such as You Are (Not) Alone, You Can (Not) Advance, and You Can (Not) Redo.
- This is the first event with three SSR banners.
- This is the first event to have a story split into three portions.
- This is the first event to have the highest Nikke bonus exceed 60%.
- The reason it's 62% specifically is because of a battle where Eva fought an Angel at full power that took 62 seconds real time to beat.
- This the second Collab event with solely Japanese voice overs, with the first being BULLET X CHAINSAW.
- The event map uses an instrumental of the theme song from the Juvenile Days event.
- The battlefield visuals and UI take stylistic cues from Evangelion.
- The event map will undergo changes as the story progresses;
- After I-5, Marciana will vanish from the map, and School Circle will stop playing statues.
- "Permission to access the secret control room on campus has been granted." After I-10, the storage room on the north part of the map will be converted into a secret command room.
- "Classes have begun. Marciana is giving a tactics lesson." After I-12, Misato, Marciana, and Ether will convene in the command room to observe the Massive Object. School Circle and the NERV pilots will converse in the classroom. The BGM will be changed to nouvelle sortie. As days progress in the event, M.M.R. scientists will analyze the Massive Object while NERV and School Circle attend class.
- After II-0, classes will end. NERV and School Circle will split up. Lectures resume after II-4
- "Massive Object has launched Bunker Buster. The Ark's danger level has increased." After II-9, Massive Object will renew its assault on the Ark. The BGM will be changed to Ne recule pas, and alarms will sound in the command room.
- "The School Circle Squad has gone missing." After Stage III-1N, School Circle will disappear from the map.
- "The NERV members have returned to their world." After Stage III-12N, NERV will disappear from the map. The BGM will be changed back to Juvenile Days (inst.). Over the course of the final days of the event, School Circle and other students will go about their lives in the Vocational School. Ether and other M.M.R. scientists will be compiling reports in the command room.
- Notes
- References