User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ja-a

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# English :: Japanese dictionary extracted from
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# Version :: 20200901
# Size :: 44981 English glosses; 74820 Japanese translations
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a {n} (name of the letter A, a) :: エー /ē/
Aachen {prop} (city in North Rhine-Westphalia) :: アーヘン /Āhen/
Aalborg {prop} (city in northern Denmark) :: オールボルグ /ōruborugu/
Aalenian {prop} (subdivision of the Middle Jurassic epoch) :: アーレニアン /ārenian/
Aar {prop} (A river in Switzerland) :: アーレ川 /āregawa/
aardvark {n} (mammal) :: 土豚 /tsuchibuta/
aardwolf {n} (the mammal species Proteles cristatus) :: アードウルフ /ādourufu/, 土狼 /つちおおかみ, tsuchiōkami/
Aarhus {prop} (Danish city) :: オーフス /Ōfusu/
Aaron's rod {n} (goldenrod) SEE: goldenrod ::
Aaron's rod {n} (mullein) SEE: mullein ::
ab {n} (abdominal muscle) :: 腹筋 /ふっきん (fukkin)/
aba {n} (coarse, often striped, felted fabric from the Middle East, woven from goat or camel hair) SEE: abaya ::
abaca {n} (plant) :: マニラ麻 /マニラアサ, maniraasa/, マニラ糸芭蕉 /マニライトバショウ, maniraitobashō/
aback {adv} (backwards) :: 後方へ /kōhō e/
aback {n} (abacus) SEE: abacus ::
abacus {n} (device for performing arithmetical calculations) :: 算盤 /そろばん, soroban/
abacus {n} (uppermost portion of the capital of a column) :: 頂板 /ちょうばん, chōban/
Abadan {prop} (city in Iran) :: アーバーダーン /Ābādān/
a bad workman always blames his tools {proverb} (not the tools but how they're employed) :: 弘法筆を選ばず /kōbō fude o erabazu/
abaka {n} (plant) SEE: abaca ::
Abakan {prop} (city in Russia) :: アバカン /Abakan/
abalone {n} (edible univalve mollusc) :: /あわび, awabi/, アワビ /awabi/
abandon {v} (to give up control of, surrender) :: 放棄する /hōki suru/, 断念する /dan'nen suru/, 手放す /tebanasu/
abandon {v} (to leave behind or desert; to forsake) :: 放置する /hōchi suru/, 見捨てる /misuteru/
abandon {v} (to cast out, expel, reject) :: 見捨てる /misuteru/, 捨てる /suteru/
abandon {v} (to no longer exercise a right, relinquish a claim to property) :: 明け渡す /akewatasu/, 放棄する /hōki suru/
abandon {n} (a giving up to natural impulses) :: 奔放自在 /honpōjizai/, 自由奔放 /jiyūhonpō/
abandonment {n} (act of abandoning) :: 放棄 /hōki/
abandonment {n} (relinquishment of a right, claim or privilege) :: 放棄 /hōki/
abandon ship {v} (to leave or forsake a ship due to its impending doom) :: 船を捨てる /fune o suteru/
abase {v} (to lower so as to cause pain or hurt feelings) :: 卑しめる /iyashimeru/, 貶める /otoshimeru/, 格下げする /kakusage suru/, 卑下する /hige suru/
abase {v} (to lower physically) :: 下げる /sageru/
abash {v} (to make ashamed, to embarrass) :: 狼狽させる /ろうばいさせる, rōbaisaseru/
abate {v} (to dull the edge or point of) SEE: blunt ::
abatis {n} (means of defense) :: 鹿砦 /ろくさい, rokusai/, 逆茂木 /さかもぎ, sakamogi/
abattoir {n} (public slaughterhouse) :: 屠畜場 /とちくじょう, tochikujō/, 屠場 /とじょう, tojō, とば, toba/, 畜殺場 /ちくさつば, chikusatsuba/
abaya {n} (coarse, often striped, felted fabric from the Middle East, woven from goat or camel hair) :: アバヤ /abaya/
Abbas {prop} (A male given name) :: アッバース /Abbāsu/
abbess {n} (female superior of a nunnery) :: 尼僧 /nisōinchō/
Abbeville {prop} (town in Picardy, France) :: アブヴィル /Abuviru/
abbey {n} (monastery headed by an abbot) :: 修道院 /しゅうどういん, shūdōin/
abbot {n} (superior or head of an abbey or monastery) :: 修道院長 /shūdōinchō/
Abbott {prop} (surname) :: アボット /Abotto/
abbreviate {v} (to make shorter) :: 縮める /chidimeru/, 略す /ryakusu/, 短縮する /tanshuku suru/, 省略する /shōryaku suru/, 略称する /ryakushō suru/
abbreviate {n} (abridgment) SEE: abridgment ::
abbreviated {adj} (shortened) :: 略した /ryaku shita/
abbreviation {n} (shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase) :: 略語 /ryakugo/, 略称 /ryakushō/, /ryaku/
abbreviation {n} (act or result of shortening or reducing) :: 省略 /shōryaku/, 短縮 /tanshuku/, /ryaku/
abbreviature {n} (abbreviation) SEE: abbreviation ::
ABC {n} (alphabet) SEE: alphabet ::
ABC {n} (rudiments) :: いろは /iroha/
ABC book {n} (primer) SEE: primer ::
abdicate {v} (to renounce a throne or other high office) :: 退位する /たいいする, taii suru/
abdication {n} (the act of abdicating; the renunciation of a high office, dignity, or trust, by its holder) :: 退位 /taii/
abdomen {n} (belly) :: /はら, hara/, 腹部 /ふくぶ, fuku-bu/
abdomen {n} (cavity) :: お腹 /おなか, onaka/, /はら, hara/, 腹部 /ふくぶ, fuku-bu/
abdomen {n} (the posterior section of an arthropod's body) :: /はら, hara/, 腹部 /ふくぶ, fuku-bu/
abdominal cavity {n} (hollow portion of the torso, containing abdominal organs) :: 腹腔 /ふくこう, fukukō, ふくくう, fukukū, ふっくう, fukkū/
abdominal fin {n} (pelvic fin) SEE: pelvic fin ::
abduct {v} (to take away) :: 誘拐する /yūkai suru/
abduction {n} (leading away, carrying away) :: 誘拐 /ゆうかい, yūkai/
abduction {n} (law: wrongful carrying off of a human being) :: 誘拐 /ゆうかい, yūkai/
abductor {n} (kidnapper) :: 誘拐犯 /ゆうかいはん, yūkaihan/
Abdullah {prop} (Muslim given name) :: アブドラ /Abudora/
abearance {n} (behavior) SEE: behavior ::
abecedarium {n} (a book used to teach the alphabet) SEE: primer ::
Abel {prop} (biblical character) :: アベル /Aberu/
Abel {prop} (male given name) :: アベル /Aberu/
abelian group {n} (group in which the group operation is commutative) :: アーベル群 /Āberu-gun/
abend {n} (abnormal end) :: アベンド /abendo/, 異常終了 /ijō-shūryō/
abend {v} (to terminate abnormally) :: アベンドする /abendo-suru/
Abenomics {n} (economic policies advocated by Shinzō Abe) :: アベノミクス /Abenomikusu/
Aberdeen {prop} (city in Scotland) :: アバディーン /Abadiin/
abessive case {n} (case used to express the lack of something) :: 欠格 /けっかく, kekkaku/
abet {v} (to assist or encourage in crime) :: 煽動する /せんどうする, sendō suru/
abettor {n} (accomplice) :: 共犯者 /きょうはんしゃ, kyōhansha/
abettor {n} (inciter) :: 教唆者 /きょうさしゃ, kyōsansha/, 教唆犯 /きょうさはん, kyōsanhan/
abeyance {n} (suspension; temporary suppression) :: 停止 /teishi/
Abha {prop} (city in Saudi Arabia) :: アブハー
abhor {v} (to regard with horror or detestation) :: 忌む /imu/
abide {v} (abide by) SEE: abide by ::
abide by {v} (accept a decision or law and act in accordance with it) :: 従う /したがう, shitagau/, 守る /まもる, mamoru/
Abidjan {prop} (the largest city of Ivory Coast) :: アビジャン /Abijan/
ability {n} (quality or state of being able) :: 能力 /のうりょく, nōryoku/
ability {n} (a skill or competence) :: 能力 /nōryoku/, 才能 /sainō/
abiogenesis {n} (origination of living organisms from lifeless matter) :: 自然発生説 /しぜんはっせいせつ, shizenhasseisetsu/
a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush {proverb} (small but certain advantage is preferable) :: 明日の百より今日の五十 /asu-no hyaku-yori kyō-no gojū/ (today's 50 rather than tomorrow's 100)
a bit {adv} (a little) SEE: a little ::
abjad {n} (writing system) :: アブジャド /abujado/, 子音文字 /shiin moji/
Abkhaz {prop} (a Northwest Caucasian language spoken in Abkhazia) :: アブハズ語 /Abuhazu-go/, アブハジア語 /Abuhajia-go/
Abkhazia {prop} (territory in the Caucasus, see also: Republic of Abkhazia) :: アブハジア /Abuhajia/
Abkhazian {adj} (Of or pertaining to Abkhazia) SEE: Abkhaz ::
Abkhazian {n} (Abkhaz) SEE: Abkhaz ::
Abkhazian {prop} (Abkhazian language) SEE: Abkhaz ::
ablative {adj} (applied to one of the cases of the noun in other language) :: 奪格 /dakkaku/
ablative {n} (ablative case) SEE: ablative case ::
ablative case {n} (grammatical case used to indicate movement away from something, removal, separation, source) :: 奪格 /だっかく, dakkaku/
ablaze {adj} (on fire) :: 燃えている /moete iru/, 着火 /ちゃっか, chakka/
ablaze {adj} (in a state of glowing excitement) :: 興奮している /kōfun shite iru/
ablaze {adv} (glowing with excitement) :: 輝いている /かがやいている, kagayaite iru/
able {adj} (permitted to) :: できる /dekiru/
able {adj} (skillful) :: 有能 /yūnō/, 腕利き /udekiki/
able {adj} (legally qualified) :: 有資格の /ゆうしかくの, yūshikaku-no/
-able {suffix} (able to be done) :: -られる /-rareru/
-able {suffix} (fit to be done) :: -られる /-rareru/
able {adj} (healthy) SEE: healthy ::
ableism {n} (discrimination against persons with disabilities) :: 障害者差別 /しょうがいしゃさべつ, shōgaisha sabetsu/
ablution {n} (the act of washing or cleansing) :: 沐浴 /もくよく, mokuyoku/
abnormal {adj} (not conforming to rule or system) :: 不自然 /fushizen/, 異常 /ijō/
abnormal {adj} (of or pertaining to behaviour that deviates from norms) :: 異常 /ijō/
abnormally {adv} (In an abnormal manner) :: 異常に /いじょうに, ijōni/
aboard {adv} (on board) :: 乗って /のって, notte/
abolish {v} (to end a law, system, institution, custom or practice) :: 止める /yameru/, 無くす /nakusu/, 廃止する /haishi suru/, 打破する /daha suru/
abolish {v} (to destroy) :: 打破する /daha suru/
abolishment {n} (The act of abolishing) :: 廃止 /はいし, haishi/
abolition {n} (act of abolishing) :: 廃止 /haishi/, 撤廃 /teppai/
abomasum {n} (fourth or digestive stomach of a ruminant) :: ギアラ /giara/
A-bomb {n} (atomic bomb) :: 原子爆弾 /げんしばくだん, genshi bakudan/, 原爆 /げんばく,genbaku/
abominable snowman {n} (humanoid or apelike animal said to exist in the Himalayas) :: 雪男 /ゆきおとこ, yukiotoko/, イエティ /ieti/
abominate {v} (to feel disgust towards, to hate in the highest degree) :: 忌み嫌う /imikirau/, 唾棄する /daki suru/
abomination {n} (the feeling of extreme disgust) :: 嫌悪 /けんお, ken'o/
aboriginal {adj} (original; indigenous) :: 土着の /どちゃくの, dochaku no/
Aboriginal {n} (aboriginal) SEE: aboriginal ::
aborigine {n} (aboriginal inhabitant of a country) :: アボリジニ /aborijini/, 原住民 /げんじゅうみん, genjūmin/
Aborigine {n} (Aboriginal person from Australia, Aboriginal Australian) :: アボリジニ /aborijini/
abort {n} (miscarriage) :: 流産 /ryūzan/
abort {n} (function used to abort a process) :: 中止 /chūshi/
abort {v} (to miscarry) :: 流産する /ryūzan suru/
abort {v} (to cause a premature termination) :: 堕ろす /orosu/
abortion {n} (miscarriage) :: 流産 /りゅうざん, ryūzan/, 失敗 /しっぱい, shippai/, 堕胎 /だたい, datai/
abortion {n} (induced abortion) :: 妊娠中絶 /にんしんちゅうぜつ, ninshin-chūzetsu/, 人工流産 /じんこうりゅうざん, jinkō-ryūzan/, 中絶 /ちゅうぜつ, chūzetsu/
abortion {n} (act of inducing abortion) :: 人工妊娠中絶 /jinkō ninshin chūzetsu/, 妊娠中絶 /ninshin chūzetsu/, 堕胎 /datai/, 中絶 /chūzetsu/
abound {v} (to be plentiful) :: たくさんある /takusan aru/
abound with {v} (abound) SEE: abound ::
about {prep} (on every side of) :: …の辺りで /… no atari de/, …の辺りに /… no atari ni/, …の周辺で /… no shuhen de/, …の周辺に /… no shuhen ni/
about {prep} (on the point or verge of) :: ところ /tokoro/
about {prep} (concerning) :: について(の) /ni tsuite (no)/
about {prep} (concerned with, engaged in) :: …に関して /…ni kanshite/, …について /…ni tsuite/
about {prep} :: およそ /oyoso/, 約… /yaku/
about to {phrase} (indicating imminence) :: [after verbs in the basic form] ... ところ /...tokoro/, まさに...しようとしている /masa ni ... shiyō to shite iru/
above {prep} (in or to a higher place) :: ...の上に /...のうえに, ... no ue ni/
above all {prep} (of prime importance) :: 何よりも /なによりも, nani yori mo/
abovementioned {adj} (abovementioned) SEE: above-mentioned ::
above-mentioned {adj} (mentioned or named before; aforesaid) :: 上述 /じょうじゅつ, jōjutsu/, 上で述べた /うえでのべた, uede nobeta/
above-named {adj} (mentioned or named before) SEE: above-mentioned ::
abovesaid {adj} (mentioned before) :: 上述の /jōjutsu no/
above the law {prep} (exempt from the laws that apply to everyone else) :: 埒外 /ほうのらちがい, hō no rachigai/
Abraham {prop} (prophet in the Old Testament) :: アブラハム /Aburahamu/, イブラヒム /Iburahimu/ [Islam]
Abraham {prop} (male given name) :: エイブラハム /Eiburahamu/, アブラハム {m} /Aburahamu/, イブラヒム /Iburahimu/
abridgment {n} (state of being abridged) :: 縮小 /shukushō/
abridgment {n} (shortened version) :: 要約 /ようやく, yōyaku/
abroad {adv} (in foreign countries) :: 国外に /こくがいに, kokugai ni/, 海外に /かいがいに, kaigai ni/
abroad {n} (countries or lands abroad) :: 海外 /かいがい, kaigai/, 外国 /こくがい, kokugai/, 在外 /ざいがい, zaigai/
Abruzzo {prop} (region of central Italy) :: アブルッツォ州 /アブルッツォしゅう, Aburuttso shū/
Absalom {prop} (Biblical character) :: アブサロム /Abusaromu/
abscess {n} (cavity filled with pus) :: 膿瘍 /nōyō/, はれもの /haremono/
absence {n} (state of being away) :: 欠席 /kesseki/, 不在 /fuzai/
absence {n} (lack; deficiency; non-existence) :: 欠落 /ketsuraku/, 不保持 /fuhoji/
absence {n} (inattention to things present) :: 無頓着 /mutonchaku/
absent {adj} (being away from a place) :: いない /inai/, 欠席する /kesseki suru/ [verb]
absent {adj} (not existing) :: 無い /nai/, 持たない /motanai/
absent-minded {adj} (absent in mind) :: ぼんやり /bon'yari/, 上の空の /うわのそらの, uwa-no sora-no/
absent-mindedly {adv} (preoccupiedly) :: ぼんやりと /bon'yari to/
absinthe {n} (liquor) :: アブサン /abusan/
absinthe {n} (Artemisia absinthium) :: 苦蓬 /にがよもぎ, nigayomogi/
absinthium {n} (Artemisia absinthium) SEE: wormwood ::
absolute {adj} (free from limitations or conditions) :: 絶対の /zettai no/, 絶対的な /zettaiteki na/, 無条件の /mujōken no/
absolute {adj} (free from imperfection; complete in itself) :: 絶対の /zettai no/, 絶対的な /zettaiteki na/, 揺るぎない /yuruginai/, 自己完結の /jiko-kanketsu no/
absolute {adj} (pure; unmixed) :: 純粋な /junsui na/
absolute {adj} (fundamental, ultimate, intrinsic, independent of references or relations to other things) :: 絶対の /zettai no/, 絶対的な /zettaiteki na/, 独立した /dokuritsu shita/
absolute {adj} :: 無比の /muhi no/, 無比の /muhi no/, 独立した /dokuritsu shita/
absolute complement {n} (Ac for a given set A) :: 補集合 /ほしゅうごう, hoshūgō/
absolutely {adv} (in an absolute manner) :: 絶対に /ぜったいに, zettai ni/
absolute majority {n} (A number of votes totalling over 50 per cent) :: 絶対多数 /zettai tasū/, 過半数 /kahansū/
absolute monarchy {n} (rule) :: 絶対君主制 /ぜったいくんしゅせい, zettai kunshusei/
absoluteness {n} (the fact free from any conditions or other beings) :: 絶対 /zettai/, 絶対性 /zettaisei/, 無条件 /mujōken/
absolute pitch {n} (pitch established by its rate of vibration) :: 絶対音感 /ぜったいおんかん, zettaionkan/
absolute value {n} (numerical value of a real number) :: 絶対値 /ぜったいち, zettaichi/
absolute value {n} (modulus of a complex number) :: 絶対値 /ぜったいち, zettaichi/
absolute zero {n} (coldest possible temperature) :: 絶対零度 /ぜったいれいど, zettai reido/
absolution {n} (absolving or setting free from guilt, sin or penalty; forgiveness of an offense) :: 解放 /kaihō/
absolution {n} (acquittal, or sentence of a judge declaring an accused person innocent) :: 釈放 /shakuhō/
absolutist {n} (one who favors autocratic government) :: 絶対主義者 /ぜったいしゅぎしゃ, zettaishugisha/
absolutive {adj} (grammatical case) :: 絶対格 /zettaikaku/
absolutive case {n} (case used to indicate the patient or experiencer of a verb’s action) :: 絶対格 /ぜったいかく, zettaikaku/
absolutization {n} (act or result of absolutizing) :: 絶対化 /zettaika/
absolutize {v} (to make absolute) :: 絶対化する /zettaika suru/
absolve {v} (to set free) :: 解放する /かいほうする, kaihō suru/
absorb {v} (to include so that it no longer has separate existence) :: 吸収する /きゅうしゅうする, kyūshū suru/
absorb {v} (to suck up or drink in) :: 吸う /すう, suu/
absorb {v} (to learn) :: 吸収する /きゅうしゅうする, kyūshū suru/
absorb {v} (to occupy fully) :: 吸収する /きゅうしゅうする, kyūshū suru/
absorb {v} (to consume completely) :: 処理する /しょりする, shori suru/
absorb {v} (finance: to assume or pay for) :: 負担する /ふたんする, futan suru/
absorbed {adj} (fully occupied with one's thoughts; engrossed) :: 夢中になる /むちゅうになる, muchū ni naru/
absorption {n} (act or process of absorbing or sucking in anything) :: 吸収 /きゅうしゅう, kyūshū/, 吸い込み /suikomi/
absorption {n} (act or process of being absorbed and made to disappear) :: 吸収 /きゅうしゅう, kyūshū/, 併合 /heigō/
absorption {n} (chemistry, physics: imbibing or reception by molecular or chemical action) :: 吸収 /きゅうしゅう, kyūshū/
absorption {n} (physiology: process by which the materials of growth and nutrition are absorbed) :: 吸収 /きゅうしゅう, kyūshū/
absorption {n} (entire occupation of the mind) :: 没頭 /bottō/, 夢中 /muchū/
absquatulate {v} (to leave quickly or in a hurry; to take oneself off; to decamp; to depart) :: 逃げる /にげる, nigeru/
abstain {v} (refrain from) :: 慎む /tsutsushimu/, 差し控える /sashihikaeru/
abstain {v} (refrain from voting) :: 投票を棄権する /tōhyō o kiken suru/
abstemious {adj} (refraining from freely consuming food or strong drink) :: 禁欲的 /きんよくてき, kinyokuteki/
abstention {n} (the act of abstaining) :: 慎むこと /つつしむこと, tsutsushimu koto/, 禁酒 /きんしゅ, kinshu/ [alcohol], 棄権 /きけん, kiken/ [failing to exercise a right], 不参加 /ふさんか, fusanka/ [non-participation]
abstinent {adj} (refraining from indulgence) :: 禁欲 /kinyoku/
abstract {n} (an abridgement or summary) :: 概要 /がいよう, gaiyō/, 要約 /ようやく, yōyaku/
abstract {n} (an abstraction) :: 抽象的 /ちゅうしょうてき, chūshōteki/
abstract {n} (an abstract work of art) :: 抽象派の /ちゅうしょうはの, chūshōhano/
abstract {n} (that which is abstract) :: 抽象的 /ちゅうしょうてき, chūshōteki/
abstract {n} (an extract of a vegetable substance) :: 抽出 /ちゅうしゅつ, chūshutsu/
abstract {adj} (apart from practice or reality; not concrete) :: 抽象的 /ちゅうしょうてき, chūshōteki/
abstract {adj} (art: free from representational qualities) :: 抽象的 /ちゅうしょうてき, chūshōteki/
abstract {adj} (general as opposed to particular) :: 抽象的 /ちゅうしょうてき, chūshōteki/
abstract {v} (to separate; to disengage) :: 取る /toru/
abstract algebra {n} (branch of mathematics) :: 抽象代数学 /ちゅうしょうだいすうがく, chūshōdaisūgaku/
abstractionism {n} (abstract art) :: 抽象主義 /ちゅうしょうしゅぎ, chūshōshugi)/
abstract noun {n} (noun that denotes an abstract concept) :: 抽象名詞 /ちゅうしょうめいし, chūshōmeishi/
absurd {adj} (contrary to reason or propriety) :: 馬鹿らしい /bakarashii/, 愚か /oroka/
absurd {n} (obsolete: an absurdity) :: 馬鹿 /baka/
absurd {n} (that which is absurd) :: 愚鈍 /gudon/
absurdism {n} (philosophy which holds that the universe is chaotic and irrational) :: 不条理 /ふじょうり, fujōri/
Abu Dhabi {prop} (capital of UAE) :: アブダビ /Abudabi/
abugida {n} (writing system, see also: alphasyllabary) :: アブギダ /abugida/
Abuja {prop} (The capital city of Nigeria) :: アブジャ /Abuja/
abulia {n} (absence of will-power or decisiveness) :: 意志欠乏 /いし けつぼう, ishi ketsubō/
abundance {n} (ample sufficiency) :: 大量 /tairyō/, 多量 /taryō/, 豊富 /hōfu/, 過剰 /kajō/
abundant {adj} (fully sufficient; plentiful) :: 豊か /yutaka/, 量の多い /ryō no ōi/
abundantly {adv} (in an abundant manner) :: 多量に /taryō ni/
abuse {n} (improper usage) :: 濫用 /らんよう, ran'yō/
abuse {n} (physical maltreatment) :: 虐待 /ぎゃくたい, gyakutai/
abuse {v} (to use improperly) :: 濫用する /らんようする, ran'yō suru/
abuse {v} (to hurt) :: 酷使する /こくしする, kokushi suru/, 虐待する /ぎゃくたいする, gyakutai suru/
abuse {v} (to insult) :: 罵る /ののしる, nonoshiru/, 罵倒する /ばとうする, batō suru/, 侮辱する /ぶじょくする, bujoku suru/
abuse {v} (to rape) :: 性的虐待する /せいてきぎゃくたいする, seitekigyakutai suru/
abuse {n} (delusion) SEE: delusion ::
Abydos {prop} (ancient city in Egypt) :: アビドス
abysm {n} (abyss) SEE: abyss ::
abyss {n} (hell, bottomless pit) :: 深淵 /しんえん, shin'en/
Abyssinia {prop} (historical name of Ethiopia) :: アビシニア /Abishinia/
Abyssinian {n} (cat) :: アビシニアン /abishinian/
Abyssinian {prop} (Amharic) SEE: Amharic ::
AC {n} (alternating current) :: 交流 /こうりゅう, kōryū/
acacia tit {n} (Melaniparus thruppi) :: ソマリハイイロガラ
academic {adj} (belonging to the school or philosophy of Plato) :: プラトン学派の /Puraton gakuha no/
academic {adj} (belonging to an academy or other higher institution of learning) :: 学問の /がくもんの, gakumon no/, 大学の /だいがくの, daigaku no/
academic {adj} (scholarly; literary or classical, in distinction from scientific) :: 人文的な /じんぶんてきな, jinbunteki na/, 非現実的な /ひげんじつてきな, higenjitsuteki na/
academic {n} (Platonist) :: プラトン主義者 /puraton shugi sha/
academic {n} (senior member of an academy, college, or university) :: 学者 /gakusha/
academic {n} (person who attends an academy) :: 学生 /gakusei/, 大学生 /daigakusei/
academician {n} (member of an academy) :: アカデミー会員 /akademī kaiin/
academician {n} (collegian) :: 学生 /がくせい, gakusei/, 大学生 /だいがくせい, gakusei/, 学徒 /がくと, gakuto/
academician {n} (member faculty) :: 学者 /がくしゃ, gakusha/
academic year {n} (time period) :: 学年 /がくねん, gakunen/
academy {n} (learned society) :: 学会 /がっかい, gakkai/, アカデミー /akademī/
academy {n} (specialized school) :: 専門学校 /せんもんがっこう, senmon gakkō/, 学院 /がくいん, gakuin/, アカデミー /akademī/
academy {n} (college or university) :: 学園 /がくえん, gakuen/, 学院 /がくいん, gakuin/
acai {n} (South American palms of the genus Euterpe) :: ワカバキャベツヤシ /wakaba kyabetsu yashi/
acai {n} (fruit) :: アサイー /asaī/, アサイ /asai/
acai berry {n} (fruit) :: アサイー /asaī/
acajou {n} (wood from trees of Meliaceae family) SEE: mahogany ::
acajou {n} (cashew tree) SEE: cashew ::
acajou {n} (cashew nut) SEE: cashew nut ::
a cappella {adv} (performed by a choir with no instrumental accompaniment) :: アカペラ /akapera/
acarus {n} (mite) :: ダニ /dani/
accelerant {n} (substance that can bond, mix, or disturb another substance) :: 促進剤 /そくしんざい, sokushinzai/
accelerate {v} (to cause to move faster) :: 加速する /かそくする, kasoku suru/
accelerate {v} (to quicken natural or ordinary progression or process) :: 促進する /そくしんする, sokushin suru/
accelerate {v} (to become faster) :: 加速する /かそくする, kasoku suru/
acceleration {n} (act or state) :: 加速 /かそく, kasoku/
acceleration {n} (amount) :: 加速度 /かそくど, kasokudo/
acceleration {n} ((physics)) :: 加速度 /kasokudo/
accelerator {n} (accelerator pedal) :: アクセル /akuseru/
accelerometer {n} (instrument for measuring acceleration) :: 加速度計 /かそくどけい, kasokudokei/
accent {n} (stronger articulation) :: 強音 /きょうおん, kyōon/, 強調 /きょうちょう, kyōchō/, アクセント /akusento/, 強勢 /きょうせい, kyōsei/
accent {n} (orthography: mark to indicate accent) :: アクセント /akusento/
accent {n} (distinctive pronunciation associated with a region, social group, etc.) :: なまり /namari/, 話し振り /hanashiburi/
accent {n} (prosody: stress on syllables of a verse) :: 強調 /きょうちょう, kyōchō/, 強音 /きょうおん, kyōon/
accept {v} (to receive with consent) :: 受理する /じゅりする, juri suru/, 受け入れる /うけいれる, ukeireru/, 受ける /うける, ukeru/, 受け取る /うけとる, uketoru/
accept {v} (to agree to) :: 承諾する /しょうだくする, shōdaku suru/, 引き受ける /ひきうける, hikiukeru/, 賛同する /さんどうする,sandō suru/, 賛成する /さんせいする,sansei suru/, 同意する /どういする,dōi suru/
accept {v} (to endure patiently) :: 堪え忍ぶ /たえしのぶ, taeshinobu/
accept {v} (to receive officially) :: 受け取る /うけとる, uketoru/
acceptability {n} (acceptableness) :: 受容性 /juyōsei/
acceptance {n} (agreeing which results in a legally binding contract) :: 承諾 /shōdaku/
acceptancy {n} (acceptance) SEE: acceptance ::
access {n} (computing: process of locating data in memory) :: アクセス /akusesu/
access {n} (communication with a computer program or the Internet) :: アクセス /akusesu/
accession {n} (a coming to) :: 加盟 /かめい, kamei/, 加入 /かにゅう, kanyū/
accessory {n} (clothing accessory) :: アクセサリー /akusesarii/, 持ち物 /もちもの, mochimono/
accident {n} (unexpected event with negative consequences) :: 事故 /じこ, jiko/, アクシデント /akushidento/
accident {n} (chance) :: 偶然 /ぐうぜん, gūzen/
accident {n} (transport: unintended event that causes damage) :: 事故 /じこ, jiko/
accidental {adj} (happening by chance) :: 偶然の /ぐうぜん, gūzen no/
accidental {n} :: 偶然 /ぐうぜん, gūzen/
accidentally {adv} (unexpectedly, unintentionally) :: 無意識的に /むいしきてきに, muishikiteki ni/, 偶然 /ぐうぜん, gūzen/, 誤って /あやまって, ayamatte/
accidentally on purpose {adv} (deliberately but seemingly accidentally) :: 偶然を装って /gūzen o yosōtte/
accidently {adv} (unexpectedly, unintentionally) SEE: accidentally ::
acclimation {n} (acclimatization) SEE: acclimatization ::
acclimatization {n} (the act of acclimatizing) :: 適応 /てきおう, tekiō/, 順応 /じゅんのう, jun'nō/
accoil {v} (nautical sense) SEE: coil ::
accommodation {n} (lodging) :: 宿泊 /しゅくはく, shukuhaku/
accommodation {n} (state of being fitted and adapted) :: 設備 /せつび, setsubi/
accommodation {n} (adjustment of the eye) :: 調節 /chōsetsu/, 調整 /chōsei/
accompaniment {n} (music: that which gives support or adds to the background) :: 伴奏 /ばんそう, bansō/
accompany {v} (to attend as a companion) :: 付き合う /つきあう, tsukiau/, 付き添う /つきそう, tsukisou/
accompany {v} (to keep company) :: 連れ立つ /つれたつ, tsuretatsu/
accomplice {n} (associate in the commission of a crime) :: 共犯者 /きょうはんしゃ, kyōhansha/
accomplish {v} :: 完成させる /かんせいさせる, kansei-saseru/ , 成し遂げる /なしとげる, nashitogeru/, 完了させる /かんりょうさせる, kanryō-saseru/
accomplished {adj} (completed) :: 完成した (かんせいした, kansei-shita), 完了した (かんりょうした, kanryō-shita)
accomplishment {n} (the act of accomplishing) :: 遂行 /すいこう, suikō/, 達成 /たっせい, tassei/, 到達 /とうたつ, tōtatsu/, 業績 /ぎょうせき, gyōseki/, 成果 /せいか, seika/, 成績 /せいせき, seiseki/
accomplishment {n} (that which completes) :: 実績 /じっせき, jisseki/
accord {n} (agreement or concurrence of opinion) :: 合意 /ごうい, gōi/
according to {prep} (based on statement) :: ...によると / yoru to/
according to {prep} (in proportion) :: の分だけ /no bun dake/
accordion {n} (A small, portable, keyed wind instrument) :: アコーデオン /akōdeon/, 手風琴 /てふうきん, tefūkin/
accoucheur {n} (person who assists women in childbirth) :: 助産師 / じょさんし, josanshi/
account {n} (a registry of pecuniary transactions) :: 口座 /こうざ, kōza/, アカウント /akaunto/ [computing]
account {n} (an authorization to use a service) :: アカウント /akaunto/
account {v} (credit (to)) SEE: credit ::
account {v} (account to) SEE: account to ::
accountant {n} (a reckoner, or someone who maintains financial matters for a person(s)) :: 会計士 /かいけいし, kaikeishi/
accountant {n} (one who is skilled in, keeps, or adjusts, accounts) :: 会計係 /かいけいがかり, kaikei gakari/, 経理担当者 /けいりたんとうしゃ, keiri tantōsha/
accountant {n} (one whose profession includes organizing, maintaining and auditing the records of another) :: 会計士 /かいけいし, kaikeishi/
account book {n} (a book in which accounts are kept) :: 帳簿 /ちょうぼ, chōbo/, 台帳 /だいちょう, daichō/
accounting {n} (development and maintenance of system for recording and analyzing financial transactions) :: 会計 /かいけい, kaikei/, 経理 /けいり, keiri/, 会計学 /かいけいがく, kaikeigaku/
accounts payable {n} (money that is owed by a party, and is counted by that party as a debit) :: 買掛金 /かいかけきん, kaikakekin/
accounts receivable {n} (total monetary amount) :: 売掛金 /うりかけきん, urikakekin/
account statement {n} (bank statement) SEE: bank statement ::
account to {v} (to be responsible to) :: 責任負う /sekinin o ou/, 責任がある /sekinin ga aru/
accourage {v} (encourage) SEE: encourage ::
Accra {prop} (capital of Ghana) :: アクラ /Akura/
accrete {adj} ((botany) Grown together) :: 共生の /きょうせい の,kyōsei no/
accretionary {adj} (relating to accretion) :: 漸次増大の /ぜんじ ぞうだい の,zenji zōdai no/
accumulate {v} (to pile up) :: 積む /tsumu/
accumulate {v} (to grow in number) :: 蓄積する /ちくせきする chikuseki suru/, 溜まる /たまる, tamaru/
accumulator {n} (wet-cell storage battery) :: 蓄電池 /ちくでんち, chikudenchi/, アキュムレータ /akyumurēta/
accuracy {n} (state of being accurate) :: 正確性 /せいかくせい, seikakusei/, 正確さ /せいかくさ, seikaku-sa/, 精密性 /せいみつせい, seimitsusei/, 精密さ /せいみつさ, seimitsu-sa/, 確度 /かくど, kakudo/
accurate {adj} (exact or careful conformity to truth) :: 正確な /せいかくな, seikaku na/, 精密な /せいみつな, seimitsu na/
accurately {adv} (exactly, precisely) :: 正確に /せいかくに, seikaku-ni/
accusation {n} (act of accusing or charging with a crime) :: 告発 /こくはつ, kokuhatsu/
accusation {n} (that of which one is accused) :: 言いがかり /iigakari/
accusation {n} (declaration of fault or blame against another) :: 告発 /こくはつ, kokuhatsu/
accusation {n} :: 容疑 /ようぎ, yōgi/
accusative {adj} (producing accusations; accusatory) :: 非難を表す /hinan wo arawasu/
accusative {adj} (related to accusative case) :: 対格の
accusative {n} (accusative case) :: 対格 /たいかく, taikaku/
accusative case {n} (case used to mark the immediate object) SEE: accusative ::
accusatory {adj} (pertaining to, or containing, an accusation) :: 非難の /ひなんの, hinan no/, 批難の /ひなんの, hinan no/
accuse {v} (attribute blame to someone) :: 問う /とう, tou/, 着せる /きせる, kiseru/
accused {n} (defendant) :: 被告 /ひこく, hikoku/
accuser {n} (one who accuses) :: 告発者 /こくはつしゃ, kokuhatsusha/, 原告 /げんこく, genkoku/, 告訴人 /こくそにん, kokusonin/
accustom {v} (cohabit) SEE: cohabit ::
accustomed {adj} (familiar) :: 慣れた /なれた, nareta/
AC/DC {adj} (bisexual) :: 両刀使い /ryōtōzukai/
ace {n} (card with a single spot) :: エース /ēsu/
ace {n} (tennis: point scored without the opponent hitting the ball) :: エース /ēsu/
ace {n} (baseball: best pitcher on the team) :: エース /ēsu/
ace {n} (expert) :: エース /ēsu/, 高手 /kōte/
ace {n} (excellent military aircraft pilot) :: エース /ēsu/
acedia {n} (boredom) SEE: boredom ::
ace in the hole {n} (ace up one's sleeve) SEE: ace up one's sleeve ::
acenaphthene {n} (hydrocarbon found in coal tar) :: アセナフテン /asenafuten/
ace of clubs {n} (playing card) :: クラブエース /kurabu no ēsu/
ace of diamonds {n} (playing card) :: ダイヤエース /daiya no ēsu/
ace of hearts {n} (playing card) :: ハートエース /hāto no ēsu/
ace of spades {n} (playing card) :: スペードエース /spēdo no ēsu/
acerola {n} (fruit) :: アセロラ /aserora/
acetal {n} (any diether of a geminal diol) :: アセタール /asetāru/
acetamide {n} (amide of acetic acid) :: アセトアミド /asetoamido/
acetate {n} (salt or ester of acetic acid) :: アセテート /asetēto/, 酢酸塩 /さくさんえん, sakusan'en/
acetic acid {n} (clear colourless organic acid, CH3COOH) :: 酢酸 /さくさん, sakusan/
acetone {n} (the organic compound (CH3)2CO) :: アセトン /aseton/
acetylcholine {n} (the neurotransmitter compound) :: アセチルコリン /asechirukorin/
acetylene {n} (acetylene) :: アセチレン /asechiren/, エチン /echin/
acetylsalicylic acid {n} (acetate ester of salicylic acid; aspirin) :: アセチルサリチル酸 /asechirusarichiru-san/
ace up one's sleeve {n} (a surprise of which others are not aware) :: 切り札 /kirifuda/, 奥の手 /okunote/
Achaean {n} (an inhabitant of Achaea) :: アカイア人 /akaia-jin/
Achaean {adj} (Of or relating to Achaea) :: アカイア /akaia-no/
ache {v} (be in pain) :: 痛む /いたむ, itamu/, 痛い /いたい, itai/ [adjective]
ache {n} (dull pain) :: 痛み /いたみ, itami/
Acheron {prop} (a river) :: アケローン /Akerōn/
achieve {v} (to carry out successfully; to accomplish) :: 達成する /たっせいする, tassei suru/, 実現する /じつげんする, jitsugen suru/
achieve {v} (to obtain, or gain as the result of exertion) :: 達成する /たっせいする, tassei suru/
achievement {n} (act of achieving or performing) :: 達成 /たっせい, tassei/, 到達 /とうたつ, tōtatsu/, 業績 /ぎょうせき, gyōseki/, 成果 /せいか, seika/, 成績 /せいせき, seiseki/
Achilles {prop} (Greek mythical hero) :: アキレス /Akiresu/, アキレウス /Akireusu/
Achilles heel {n} (vulnerability in an otherwise strong situation) :: アキレス腱 /Akiresuken/
Achilles tendon {n} (strong tendon in the calf of the leg) :: アキレス腱 /あきれすけん, akiresu-ken/
achiote {n} (Bixa orellana) SEE: annatto ::
achiote {n} (seed) SEE: annatto ::
achiote {n} (dye) SEE: annatto ::
achoo {interj} (the sound of a sneeze) :: ハクション! /hakushon/
acid {adj} (sour, sharp, or biting to the taste) :: すっぱい /suppai/, 酸っぱい /suppai/
acid {adj} (of or pertaining to an acid) :: 酸性 /sansei/
acid {n} (a sour substance) :: /さん, san/
acid {n} (in chemistry) :: /さん, san/
acidic {adj} :: 酸性 /さんせい, sansei/
acidification {n} (the act or process of making something sour (acidifying), or changing into an acid) :: 酸性化 /さんせいか, sanseika/
acidity {n} (quality or state of being acid) :: 酸性度 /さんせいど, sansei-do/, 酸度 /さんど, san-do/
acidness {n} (acidity) SEE: acidity ::
acidosis {n} (abnormally increased acidity of the blood) :: アシドーシス /ashidōshisu/, 酸血症 /sankesshō/
acid rain {n} (unusually acidic rain) :: 酸性雨 /sanseiu/
acid reflux {n} (heartburn) SEE: heartburn ::
acinus {n} (one of the granular masses which constitute a racemose or compound gland (anatomy)) :: 腺房 /せんぼう, senbō/
acknowledge {v} (to admit the knowledge of) :: 承認する /しょうにんする, shōnin suru/, 認める /みとめる, mitomeru/
acknowledgment {n} (act of acknowledging) :: 承認 /しょうにん, shōnin/, 承知 /しょうち, shōchi/
acne {n} (a skin condition) :: 痤瘡 /ざそう, zasō/, 面皰 /ニキビ, にきび, nikibi/
acne {n} (a pattern of blemishes resulting from the skin condition) :: 痤瘡 /ざそう, zasō/, 面皰 /ニキビ, にきび, nikibi/
aconite {n} (herb wolfsbane) :: 鳥兜 /torikabuto/, トリカブト /torikabuto/; 洋種鳥兜 /yōshu torikabuto/ [specifically the Western variety]
acorn {n} (fruit of the oak tree) :: どんぐり /donguri/, 団栗 /どんぐり, donguri/
A Coruña {prop} (city in Galicia) :: ラ・コルーニャ /Ra Korūnya/, ア・コルーニャ /A Korūnya/
acoustic {adj} (pertaining to hearing or the science of sounds) :: 音の /oto-no/, 音響の /onkyō-no/
acoustic {adj} (producing or produced without electrical amplification) :: アコースティック /akōsutikku/
acoustic guitar {n} (hollow-body guitar) :: アコースティックギター /akōsuthikkugitā/, アコギ /akogi/
acoustics {n} (quality of a space for doing music) :: 音響 /onkyō/
acoustics {n} (physics: a science of sounds) :: 音響学 /onkyōgaku/
acqua alta {n} (regular flooding in Venice) :: アックア・アルタ /akkua aruta/, アクア・アルタ /akua aruta/, 大潮 /おおしお, ōshio/, おおしお /ōshio/
acquaintance {n} (state of being acquainted, acquaintanceship) :: 知り合い /しりあい, shiriai/
acquaintance {n} (person) :: 知人 /ちじん, chijin/, 知り合い /しりあい, shiriai/
acquaintanceship {n} (the state of being acquainted) SEE: acquaintance ::
acquaintanceship {n} (acquaintance) SEE: acquaintance ::
acquiescence {n} (silent or passive assent) :: 黙認 /もくにん, mokunin/
acquire {v} (to get) :: 獲得する /kakutoku suru/
acquire {v} (to gain, usually by one's own exertions; to get as one's own) :: 得る /eru/
acquired immune deficiency syndrome {n} (infectious disease caused by HIV, see also: AIDS) :: 後天性免疫不全症候群 /こうてんせいめんえきふぜんしょうこうぐん, kōtensei men'ekifuzen shōkōgun/
acquisition {n} (act or process of acquiring) :: 獲得 /かくとく, kakutoku/
acquisition {n} (thing acquired or gained; an acquirement; a gain) :: 獲得 /かくとく, kakutoku/
acquit {v} (to declare or find innocent or not guilty) :: 放免する /hōmen suru/
acquit {v} (to discharge (for example, a claim or debt)) :: 解放する /kaihō suru/
acquittal {n} (legal decision of not guilty) :: 無罪判決 /むざいはんけつ, muzai hanketsu/, 放免 /ほうめん, hōmen/
acre {n} (unit of surface area) :: エーカー /ēkā/
acreage {n} (land measured in acres) :: 栽培面積 /saibai menseki/
acridine {n} (tricyclic aromatic heterocycle obtained from coal tar) :: アクリジン /akurijin/
acrobat {n} (an athlete who performs acts requiring skill, agility and coordination) :: アクロバット /akurobatto/
acrobatics {n} (art of performing acrobatic feats) :: 曲芸 /きょくげい, kyokugei/, 軽業 /かるわざ, karuwaza/
acromegaly {n} (chronic disease marked by enlargement of the bones) :: 先端巨大症 /せんたんきょだいしょう, sentankyodaishō/
acronym {n} (word formed by initial letters) :: 頭字語 /とうじご, tōjigo/, アクロニム /akuronimu/, 略語 /りゃくご, ryakugo/
acrophobia {n} (fear of heights) :: 高所恐怖症 /こうしょきょうふしょう, kōsho kyōfushō/
Acropolis {prop} (Athenian Acropolis) :: アクロポリス /akuroporisu/
across {prep} (from the far side) :: ...の向こうに /...のむこうに, -no mukō-ni/, ...を横切って /...をよこぎって, -o yokogitte/, ...の向こう側に /...のむこうがわに, -no mukōgawa-ni/
across {prep} (on the opposite side) :: 向こう /むこう, mukō/
acrylamide {n} (Amide of acrylic acid) :: アクリルアミド /akuriruamido/
act {n} (deed) :: 行為 /こうい, kōi/, 行動 /こうどう, kōdō/
act {n} (statute) :: 法令 /ほうれい, hōrei/
act {n} (drama: division of theatrical performance) :: /まく, maku/
act {v} (to do something) :: 行動する /こうどうする, kōdō suru/
act {v} (to perform a theatrical role) :: 演技する /えんぎする, engi suru/
act {v} :: 行動する /kōdō suru/ ; 実行する /jikkō suru/ ; 出演する /shutsuen suru/
act {v} (to feign) SEE: feign ::
acting {adj} (temporarily assuming the duties or authority) :: 代理の /だいりの, dairi-no/
actinium {n} (chemical element) :: アクチニウム /akuchiniumu/
action {n} (something done so as to accomplish a purpose) :: 行動 /こうどう, kōdō/
action {n} (way of motion or functioning) :: 動作 /どうさ, dōsa/
action {n} (military: combat) :: 交戦 /こうせん, kōsen/, 戦闘 /せんとう, sentō/
action {n} (law: a charge) :: 訴訟 /そしょう, soshō/
action {interj} (signifying the start of something) :: アクション /akushon/
action figure {n} (children's toy) :: アクションフィギュア /akushon figyua/
action movie {n} (a type of motion picture) :: アクション映画 /akushon eiga/
action potential {n} (electrical potential) :: 活動電位 /かつどうでんい, katsudōden'i/
actions speak louder than words {proverb} (it is more effective to act than speak) :: 不言実行 /ふげんじっこう, fugenjikkō/
action word {n} (verb) SEE: verb ::
activate {v} :: 活性化する (かっせいかする, kasseika suru)
activated carbon {n} (absorbent form of finely powdered carbon) :: 活性炭 /kasseitan/
active {adj} (having the quality or power of acting) :: 活動的 /かつどうてき, katsudōteki/
active {adj} (quick in physical movement) :: すばしっこい /subashikkoi/
active {adj} (in action) :: 能動的 /のうどうてき, nōdōteki/
active {adj} (given to action) :: 積極的 /せっきょくてき, sekkyokuteki/, 能動的 /のうどうてき, nōdōteki/
active {adj} (given to action rather than contemplation) :: 活動的 /かつどうてき, katsudōteki/
active {adj} (brisk; lively) :: 活発 /かっぱつ, kappatsu/, ぴちぴち /pichipichi/, ぴんぴん /pinpin/, 活躍 /かつやく, katsuyaku/
active {adj} (in grammar) :: 能動 /のうどう, nōdō/
active matrix {n} (liquid crystal display) :: アクティブマトリクス /akutibu matorikusu/
active participle {n} (active participle) :: 能動分詞 /のうどうぶんし, nōdō-bunshi/
active voice {n} (the form in which the subject of a verb carries out some action) :: 能動態 /のうどうたい, nōdōtai/
active volcano {n} (active volcano) :: 活火山 /かつかざん, katsukazan, かっかざん, kakkazan/
activist {n} (one who is politically active) :: 活動家 /かつどうか, katsudōka/
activistic {adj} (activist) SEE: activist ::
activity {n} (state or quality of being active) :: 活動 /かつどう, katsudō/
activity {n} (something done as an action or a movement) :: 活動 /かつどう, katsudō/
activity {n} (something done for pleasure or entertainment) :: 活動 /かつどう, katsudō/
activity {n} :: アクティビティー /akutibitī/
actor {n} (person who performs in a theatrical play or film, see also: actress) :: 俳優 /はいゆう, haiyū/, 役者 /やくしゃ, yakusha/, 女優 /じょゆう, joyū/ [actress], 演技者 /えんぎしゃ, engisha/
actor {n} (plaintiff) SEE: plaintiff ::
actress {n} (female actor, see also: actor) :: 女優 /じょゆう, joyū/
Acts {prop} (Book of Acts) SEE: Acts of the Apostles ::
Acts of the Apostles {prop} (fifth book of the New Testament) :: 使徒行伝 /shitogyōden/
actual {adj} (existing in act or reality, not just potentially) :: 実際の /じっさいの, jissai no/, 現実の /げんじつの, genjitsu no/
actually {adv} (In act or in fact; really; in truth; positively) :: 本当に /ほんとうに, hontō ni/; 実際に /jissai ni/, 実は /jitsu wa/
actuary {n} (maker of insurance calculations) :: アクチュアリー /akuchuarī/
actuate {v} (to activate; put into motion) :: 作動させる /さどうさせる, sadō saseru/
acumen {n} (quickness of perception) :: 慧眼 /けいがん, keigan/, 聡明さ /そうめいさ, sōmei-sa/, 洞察力 /どうさつりょく, dōsatsuryoku/
acupoint {n} (a specific point on the body where acupuncture is applied) :: 経穴 /けいけつ, keiketsu/, 点穴 /てんけつ, tenketsu/
acupressure {n} (alternative medicine technique in which physical pressure is applied to acupoints) :: 指圧 /しあつ, shiatsu/
acupuncturation {n} (acupuncture) SEE: acupuncture ::
acupuncture {n} (insertion of needles for remedial purposes) :: /はり, hari/, 鍼治療 /はりちりょう, harichiryō/, 鍼治 /しんじ, shinji/, 鍼術 /しんじゅつ, shinjutsu/
acute {adj} (intense, sensitive, sharp, see also: intense; sensitive; sharp) :: せつじつ /satsujitsu/
acute {adj} (urgent, see also: urgent) :: せつじつ /satsujitsu/
acute {adj} ((geometry) of an angle: less than 90 degrees) :: 鋭角の /eikaku no/
acute {adj} ((medicine) of an abnormal condition of recent or sudden onset) :: 急性の /きゅうせいの, kyūsei no/
acute {adj} ((medicine) of a short-lived condition) :: 急性の /きゅうせいの, kyūsei no/
acute {adj} ((geometry) of a triangle: having all internal angles acute) SEE: acute-angled ::
acute {n} (acute accent) SEE: acute accent ::
acute accent {n} (acute accent) :: アキュート・アクセント /akyūto-akusento/
acute angle {n} (angle measuring less than ninety degrees) :: 鋭角 /えいかく, eikaku/
acute-angled {adj} (geometry) :: 鋭角の /えいかくの, eikaku no/
acute-angled triangle {n} (acute triangle) SEE: acute triangle ::
acute triangle {n} (triangle all of the angles of which are acute) :: 鋭角三角形 /えいかくさんかっけい, eikaku-sankakkei/
acyl {n} (any of a class of organic radicals) :: アシル基 /アシルき, ashiru-ki/
AD {adv} (anno Domini) :: 西暦 /seireki/, 紀元 /kigen/
adagietto {n} (passage) :: アダージェット /adājetto/, アダジェット /adajetto/
Adam {prop} (first man in Abrahamic religions) :: アダム /Adamu/
Adam {prop} (male given name) :: アダム /Adamu/
Adam and Eve {prop} (the first man and woman (according to Genesis)) :: アダムとイヴ /Adamu to Ivu/
adamant {n} (rock or mineral) :: 金剛 /kongō/
adamantium {n} (fictional indestructible metal) :: アダマンティウム /adamantiumu/
Adam's apple {n} (Citrus medica) SEE: citron ::
Adam's apple {n} (lump in the throat) :: 喉仏 /nodo botoke/, 喉頭隆起 /kōtō ryūki/
adapt {v} (to make suitable) :: 適応する /てきおうする, tekiō suru/
adapt {adj} (adapted (adjective)) :: 適合した /tekigō shita/
adaptation {n} :: 適応 /てきおう, tekiō/
adapter {n} (device to allow compatibility (in general)) :: アダプタ /adaputa/, アダプター /adaputā/
adapter {n} (device allowing plug to fit in an outlet of different type) :: アダプター /adaputā/
adapter {n} :: アダプター, アダプタ
add {v} (to append, as a statement) :: 加える /くわえる, kuwaeru/
add {v} (to make an addition) :: 追加する /ついかする, tsuika suru/
add {v} (to perform the arithmetical operation of addition, to add up) :: 足す /たす, tasu/
addend {n} (term added to another) :: 加数 /kasū/, 足す数 /tasu kazu/
adder {n} (snake) :: 毒蛇 /どくへび, doku-hebi/
adder {n} (viper) :: クサリヘビ /kusari-hebi/, 鎖蛇 /くさりへび, kusari-hebi/
adder's tongue {n} (fern of the genus Ophioglossum) :: ハナワラビ属 /hanawarabi zoku/
adder's tongue {n} (lily of the genus Erythronium) SEE: trout lily ::
add fuel to the fire {v} (worsen a conflict) :: 火に油を注ぐ /ひにあぶらをそそぐ, hi-ni abura-o sosogu/
addiction {n} (the state of being addicted) :: 嗜癖 /shiheki/
addiction {n} (a habit or practice) :: 中毒 /ちゅうどく, chūdoku/
addictive {adj} (tending to cause addiction) :: 中毒性の /ちゅうどくせいの, chūdokusei no/, 常習的な /じょうしゅうてき, jōshūteki na/
add insult to injury {v} (to further a loss with mockery or indignity) :: 傷口に塩を塗る /kizuguchi-ni shio-o nuru/
Addis Ababa {prop} (capital of Ethiopia) :: アジスアベバ /Ajisuabeba/
Addison's disease {n} (Addison's disease) :: アジソン病 /Ajison-byō/
addition {n} (act of adding) :: 付加 /ふか, fuka/, 追加 /ついか, tsuika/
addition {n} (thing added) :: [making addition to a house] 建て増し /たてまし, tatemashi/
addition {n} (arithmetic: process of adding) :: 足し算 /たしざん, tashizan/, 添加 /てんか, tenka/
addition sign {n} (plus sign) SEE: plus sign ::
additive {n} (substance added to another substance to produce certain properties) :: 添加剤 /てんかざい, tenkazai/
add oil {v} (make extra effort) :: 頑張る /ganbaru/
address {n} (direction for letters) :: 住所 /じゅうしょ, jūsho/, 宛名 /あてな, atena/
address bar {n} (bar in a web browser that displays the address) :: アドレスバー /adoresubā/
address book {n} (small book with addresses) :: アドレス帳 /adoresu-chō/
addressee {n} (person or organization to which something is addressed or sent) :: 受取人 /うけとりにん, uketorinin/
adductor {n} (muscle) :: 内転筋 /naitenkin/
add up {v} (be reasonable or consistent) SEE: make sense ::
ade {n} (drink made from a fruit) :: エード /ēdo/
Adelaide {prop} (female given name) :: アデレード /Aderē/
Adelaide {prop} (state capital of South Australia) :: アデレード /Aderēdo/
Aden {prop} (seaport of Yemen) :: アデン /Aden/
adenine {n} (base that pairs with thymine or uracil) :: アデニン /adenin/
adenocarcinoma {n} (any of several forms of carcinoma that originate in glandular tissue) :: 腺癌 /せんがん, sengan/
adenoid {n} (folds of lymphatic tissue covered by ciliated epithelium) :: 腺様 /せんよう, sen'yō/
adenosine triphosphate {n} (adenosine triphosphate) :: アデノシン三リン酸 /アデノシン三燐酸, アデノシンさんりんさん, adenoshin sanrinsan/
adequacy {n} (sufficiency) :: 適切さ /tekisetsusa/
adequate {adj} (equal to some requirement) :: 適当 /てきとう, tekitō/, 適切 /てきせつ, tekisetsu/, 十分 /じゅうぶん, jūbun/ [sufficient]
adessive case {n} (noun case used to indicate adjacent location) :: 接格 /せっかく, sekkaku/
adhan {n} ((Islam) The call to prayer) :: アザーン /azān/
adhere {v} (To stick fast or cleave) :: くっ付く /くっつく, kuttsuku/, 付く /つく, tsuku/
adhesive tape {n} (adhesive tape generally) :: 粘着テープ /nenchaku tēpu/
adhesive tape {n} :: セロハンテープ /serohan tēpu/, セロテープ /serotēpu/, 粘着テープ /ねんちゃくテープ, nenchaku tēpu/, ばんそうこう /bansōkō/, テープ /tēpu/
ad hoc {adj} (for this particular purpose) :: 臨時 /rinji/, このために /kono tame ni/ [literally]
ad hoc {adj} (special) SEE: special ::
ad hominem {n} (personal attack) :: 人身攻撃 /じんしんこうげき, jinshin kōgeki/
adieu {interj} (farewell, goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
Adige {prop} (river in South Tyrol) :: アディジェ川 /Adije-gawa/
ad infinitum {adv} (endlessly) :: 無限に /むげんに, mugen ni/, 際限なく /さいげんなく, saigen naku/
adinkra {n} (visual symbol representing a concept or aphorism, created by the Akan) :: アディンクラ・シンボル /adinkura shinboru/
adios {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
adipose fin {n} (a soft, fleshy fin found on the back of a fish) :: 脂鰭 /あぶらびれ, aburabire/
adjacent {adj} (lying next to, close, or contiguous; neighboring) :: 隣接
adjectival {adj} (functioning as an adjective) :: 形容詞の /けいようしの, keiyōshi no/
adjective {n} ((grammar) a word that modifies a noun or describes a noun’s referent) :: 形容詞 /けいようし, keiyōshi/ [for "い" ending in Japanese, and translation for "adjective" in other languages], 形容動詞 /けいようどうし, keiyō-dōshi/ [for "だ/な" ending]
adjective {adj} (incapable of independent function) :: 非独立性の /hidokuritsusei no/, 依存性の /izonsei no/
adjective {adj} (methods of enforcement and rules of procedure) :: 手続き上の /てつづきじょうの, tetsudzukijō no/
adjective {adj} (adjectival) SEE: adjectival ::
adjectivization {n} (the process or result of adjectivizing) :: 形容詞化 /keiyōshika/
adjectivize {v} (convert a word into an adjective) :: 形容詞化する /keiyōshika suru/
adjournment {n} (the state of being adjourned) :: 延期 /えんき, enki/ [postponement], 休会 /きゅうかい, kyūkai/ [recess]
adjust {v} (to modify) :: 調整する /ちょうせいする, chōsei suru/
adjust {v} :: 調節する /chōsetsu suru/
adjustment {n} (result of adjusting, small change) :: 調整 /ちょうせい, chōsei/, 調節 /ちょうせつ, chōsetsu/
adminicle {n} (aid) SEE: aid ::
adminicle {n} (auxiliary) SEE: auxiliary ::
administer {v} (to work in an administrative capacity; to supervise) :: 管理する /kanri suru/
administrate {v} (administer) SEE: administer ::
administration {n} (the act of administering) :: 管理 /kanri/
administration {n} (the executive part of government) :: 政権 /seiken/; (office) 官庁 /kanchō/; (school) 行政 /gyōsei/
administrative law {n} (laws that pertain to the administrative agencies of government) :: 行政法 /ぎょうせいほう, gyōseihō/
administrator {n} (one who administers affairs) :: 管理者 /かんりしゃ, kanrisha/
administrator {n} (law: one to whom the right of administration has been committed) :: 遺産管理人 /isan kanrinin/
administrator {n} (computing: one who responsible for software and maintenance of a computer or network) :: 管理者 /kanrisha/
admirable {adj} (deserving of the highest esteem or admiration) :: 立派 /りっぱな, rippa na/, 見事な /みごとな, migoto na/, 感心な /かんしんな, kanshin na/
admiral {n} (naval officer of the highest rank) :: 海軍大将 /かいぐんたいしょう, kaigun taishō/, 提督 /ていとく, teitoku/
admiral {n} (a naval officer of high rank, immediately below Admiral of the Fleet) :: 海軍大将 /kaigun taishō/
admiral of the fleet {n} (top naval rank) :: 海軍元帥 /Kaigun-gensui/
Admiral of the Fleet {prop} (nautical rank) SEE: admiral of the fleet ::
admiration {n} (adoration; appreciation) :: 賞賛 /しょうさん, shōsan/, 感心 /かんしん, kanshin/
admire {v} (regard with wonder and delight) :: 感心する /かんしんする, kanshin suru/
admission {n} (the act or practice of admitting) :: 入場 /にゅうじょう, nyūjō/
admission {n} (cost or fee associated with attendance or entry) :: 入場料 /にゅうじょうりょう, nyūjō-ryō/
admit {v} (to allow to enter; to grant entrance) :: 認める /shitatameru/
admit {v} (to concede as true) :: 承認する /しょうにんする, shōnin suru/, 認める /みとめる, mitomeru/
admonish {v} (warn or notify of a fault; exhort) :: 注意する /ちゅういする, chūi-surú/, 警告する /けいこくする, keikoku-surú/
admonishment {n} (the act of admonishing) :: 戒告 /かいこく, kaikoku/
adnominal {n} (word or phrase qualifying a noun) :: 連体詞 /れんたいし, rentaishi/ [prenominal adjective]
adobo {n} (Philippine dish) :: アドボ /adobo/
adolescence {n} (period between childhood and maturity) :: 青年期 /せいねんき, seinenki/
adolescent {n} (a teenager) :: 青春 /せいしゅん, seishun/, [boy] 少年 /しょうねん, shōnen/, [girl] 少女 /しょうじょ, shōjo/
adopt {v} (to take by choice into relationship, as, child, heir, friend, citizen) :: 養子にする /ようしにする, yōshi ni suru/
adopt {v} (to take or receive as one's own what is not so naturally) :: 採用する /さいようする, saiyō-suru/
adopt {v} :: 採用する (saiyō suru)
adoptee {n} (adopted son or daughter) :: 養子 {m} /ようし, yōshi/, 養女 {f} /yōjo/ (daughter)
adoptee {n} (person who was adopted as a child) :: 養子 {m} /ようし, yōshi/, 養女 {f} /yōjo/ (daughter)
adoption {n} (act of adopting, or state of being adopted) :: 養子縁組 /ようしえんぐみ, yōshi-engumi/
adoptive {adj} (related through adoption) :: /よう, yō/ [of parents]
adoptive father {n} (man who has adopted a child) :: 養父 /ようふ, yōfu/
adoptive mother {n} (woman who has adopted a child) :: 養母 /ようぼ, yōbo/
adorable {adj} (befitting of being adored) :: 可愛い /かわいい, kawaii/
adoration {n} (admiration or esteem) :: 敬愛 /keiai/
adoration {n} (the act of adoring) :: 敬愛 /keiai/
adore {v} (worship) :: 崇拝する /sūhai suru/
adore {v} (love with entire heart and soul) :: 熱愛する /netsuai suru/, 敬愛する /keiai suru/
adposition {n} (element combining with a phrase and indicating how to interpret the phrase in the context) :: 接置詞 /せっちし, setchishi/
adrenal {n} (noun sense) SEE: adrenal gland ::
adrenal cortex {n} (outer portion of the adrenal gland) :: 副腎皮質 /ふくじんひしつ, fukujin hishitsu/
adrenal gland {n} (endocrine gland situated above the kidney) :: 副腎 /ふくじん, fukujin/
adrenaline {n} (the compound epinephrine) :: アドレナリン /adorenarin/, エピネフリン /epinefurin/
Adriatic {prop} (Adriatic Sea) SEE: Adriatic Sea ::
Adriatic Sea {prop} (sea that stretches from the Ionian Sea to the Gulf of Venice) :: アドリア海 /Adoria-kai/
adroit {adj} (dexterous) SEE: dexterous ::
adsorption {n} (process of forming a film on the surface of a solid) :: 吸着 /kyūchaku/
adult {n} (fully grown human) :: 成人 /せいじん, seijin/, 大人 /おとな, otona/
adultery {n} (sexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than their spouse) :: 不倫 /ふりん, furin/, 姦通 /かんつう, kantsū/, 姦淫 /かんいん, kan'in/, .婚外性交 /こんがいせいこう, kongai seikō/, 密通 /みっつう, mittsū/, 私通 /しつう, shitsū/
adulthood {n} (time of life) :: 成人であること /せいじんであること, seijin dearu koto/
adult shop {n} (sex shop) SEE: sex shop ::
adult star {n} (porn star) SEE: porn star ::
adumbrate {v} (To foreshadow vaguely.) :: ぼんやりと暗示する /bonyarito anji suru/, 予示する /yoji suru/
adumbrate {v} (To give a vague outline.) :: 概説する /gaisetsu suru/
adumbrate {v} (To obscure or overshadow.) :: 暗くする /kuraku suru/
advance {v} (to bring forward; to move towards the front; to make to go on) :: 前進する /zenshin suru/
advance {v} (to raise to a higher rank; to promote) :: 前進する /zenshin suru/, 進展する /shinten suru/
advance {v} (to accelerate the growth or progress; to further; to forward) :: 進展する /shinten suru/
advance {v} (to move forwards, to approach) :: 進む /susumu/
advance {n} (forward move) :: 前進 /zenshin/, 進歩 /shimpo/
advanced {adj} (at or close to state of the art) :: 高度の /こうどの, kōdo-no/, 高尚の /こうしょうの, kōshō-no/
advanced {adj} (late) :: 上級 /jōkyū/
advancement {n} (payment in advance) SEE: advance payment ::
advance payment {n} (part of a contractually due sum) :: 前渡金 /まえわたしきん, maewatashikin, ぜんときん, zentokin/
advantage {n} (any condition, circumstance, opportunity, or means, particularly favorable to success) :: /toku/, 優位 /yūi/, 有利 /yūri/, 利点 /りてん, riten/
advantage {n} (superiority of state, or that which gives it) :: /toku/
advantageous {adj} (being of advantage, see also: beneficial) :: 有利な /ゆうりな, yūri na/
advent {n} (Christianity) SEE: Advent ::
Advent {prop} (season before Christmas) :: 降臨節 /こうりんせつ, kōrinsetsu/
Advent calendar {n} (calendar used to count down the days of Advent) :: アドベントカレンダー /adobento karendā/
adventitious {adj} :: 偶然的な, Botany: 異常な位置に生じた
adventure {n} (encountering of risks) :: 冒険 /ぼうけん, bōken/
adventure {n} (remarkable occurrence) :: アドベンチャー /adobenchā/, 冒険 /ぼうけん, bōken/
adventure {n} (mercantile or speculative enterprise of hazard) :: 投機 /とうき, tōki/
adventure {n} (that which happens without design) :: 冒険 /bōken/
adventurer {n} (one who enjoys adventures) :: 冒険家 /ぼうけんか, bōkenka/
adventurism {n} (policy led by excessive risk taking) :: 冒険主義 /ぼうけんしゅぎ, bōkenshugi/
adventurous {adj} (inclined to adventure) :: 冒険好きな /ぼうけんずきな, bōkenzuki na/
adventurous {adj} (full of hazard) :: 冒険的な /ぼうけんてきな, bōkenteki na/
adverb {n} (lexical category) :: 副詞 /ふくし, fukushi/
adverbial {n} (grammar: word or phrase modifying a verb) :: [adverb] 副詞 /ふくし, fukushi/, 副詞句 /ふくしく, fukushiku/, 副詞節 /ふくしせつ, fukushisetsu/
adverbial participle {n} (linguistic sense) :: 副動詞 /ふくどうし, fukudōshi/
adversary {n} (opponent) :: /てき, teki/, 相手 /あいて, aite/, アドバーサリー /adobāsarī/, 敵対者 /てきたいしゃ, tekitaisha/
adversity {n} (state of being adverse) :: 逆境 /ぎゃっきょう, gyakkyō/
advert {n} (advertisement) SEE: advertisement ::
advertently {adv} (on purpose) SEE: on purpose ::
advertise {v} ((transitive) to give public notice of; to announce publicly) :: 広告する /こうこくする, kōkoku suru/
advertise {v} ((intransitive) to provide information about a person or goods and services to influence others) :: 宣伝する /せんでんする, senden suru/
advertisement {n} (commercial solicitation) :: 広告 /こうこく, kōkoku/, CM /シーエム, shī-emu/
advice {n} (opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel) :: 助言 /じょげん, jogen/, 注意 /ちゅうい, chūi/, 忠告 /ちゅうこく, chūkoku/, アドバイス /adobaisu/
advise {v} (to give advice to; to offer an opinion; to counsel; to warn) :: 助言する /じょげんする, jogen suru/, 忠告する /ちゅうこくする, chūkoku suru/, 勧める /すすめる, susumeru/, 薦める /すすめる, susumeru/
advise {v} (to give information or notice to; to inform) :: 注意する /ちゅういする, chūi suru/, 知らせる /しらせる, shiraseru/
adviser {n} (advisor) SEE: advisor ::
advisor {n} :: 顧問 /こもん, komon/, 相談役 /そうだんやく, sōdan'yaku/
advocaat {n} (liqueur) :: アドヴォカート /adovokāto/
advocacy group {n} (people who use various forms of advocacy to influence public opinion) :: 圧力団体 /あつりょくだんたい, atsuryokudantai/
advocate {v} (argue for) :: 説く /とく, toku/, 主張する /しゅちょうする, shuchō suru/
advocate {v} (encourage support for) :: 説く /とく, toku/, 支持する /しじする, shiji suru/
adware {n} (software application) :: アドウェア /adowea/
Adygea {prop} (republic of south-west Russia) :: アディゲ /Adige/
adynaton {n} (form of hyperbole that expresses impossibility) :: アデュナトン
adze {n} (cutting tool) :: /ちょうな, chōna/
adzuki {n} (azuki bean) SEE: azuki bean ::
Aeaea {prop} (mythical island home to Circe) :: アイアイエー島 /aiaiē-tō/
Aegean {prop} (Aegean Sea) SEE: Aegean Sea ::
Aegean Sea {prop} (sea of the northeastern part of the Mediterranean Sea) :: エーゲ海 /Ēge-kai/
Aelita {prop} (given name) :: アイリータ /Airīta/
Aeneid {prop} (Classic epic poem that tells the story of Aeneas fleeing Troy and settling in Italy.) :: アエネーイス /Aenēisu/
Aeolus {prop} (character in Greek mythology) :: アイオロス /Aiorosu/
aerial {n} (device for receiving or transmitting) :: アンテナ /antena/, 空中線 /くうちゅうせん, kūchūsen/
aerialist {n} (acrobat performing high off the ground) SEE: tightrope walker ::
aerobic {adj} (living or occurring only in the presence of oxygen) :: 好気性
aerobics {n} (exercise for cardiovascular fitness) :: 有酸素運動, エアロビクス /earobikusu/
aerobiology {n} (study of the dispersion of airborne biological materials) :: 空中生物学 /kūchūseibutsugaku/
aerodynamics {n} (The science of the dynamics of bodies moving relative to gases) :: 空気力学 /くうきりきがく, kūkirikigaku/
Aeroflot {prop} (Russian airline) :: アエロフロート /Aerofurōto/
aerogram {n} (foldable and gummed paper for writing a letter) :: 航空書簡 /こうくうしょかん, kōkū shōkan/
aerogram {n} (translations to be specified) :: 航空書簡 /kōkūshokan/
aeronautics {n} (mechanics and science of aircraft) :: 航空学 /こうくうがく, kōkūgaku/
aeroplane {n} (airplane) SEE: airplane ::
aerosol {n} (fine solid particles or liquid droplets suspended in a gaseous medium) :: 煙霧質 /えんむしつ, enmushitsu/, エアロゾル /earozoru/
aerosol {n} (aerosol can) SEE: aerosol can ::
aerosol can {n} (pressurized canister) :: エアロゾル缶 /earozoru kan/
aerospace engineering {n} (branch of engineering) :: 航空宇宙工学 /こうくううちゅうこうがく, kōkūuchūkōgaku/
Aeschylus {prop} (Greek tragedian) :: アイスキュロス /Aisukyurosu/
aesir {n} (Æsir) SEE: Æsir ::
Aesop {prop} (ancient Greek author) :: イソップ /Isoppu/, アイソーポス /Aisōposu/
aesthetic {adj} (concerned with beauty) :: 美的な /びてきな, biteki na/
aesthetic {n} (the study of art or beauty) SEE: aesthetics ::
aesthetics {n} (study or philosophy of beauty) :: 美学 /びがく, bigaku/
aestivation {n} (state of inactivity and metabolic depression during summer) :: 夏眠 /かみん, kamin/
aetiology {n} (study of causes or origins) :: 原因論 /げんいんろん, gen'inron/
a few {pron} (a small number of things) :: 幾つか /いくつか, ikutsuka/, 少数 /しょうすう, shōsū/, 二、三の /に、さんの, ni, san no/
affability {n} (state or quality of being affable) :: 優しさ /yasashisa/
affair {n} (that which is done or is to be done) :: 事件 /jiken/
affair {n} (action or engagement not of sufficient magnitude to be called a battle) :: 問題(もんだい, mondai)
affair {n} (adulterous relationship) :: 情事 /じょうじ, jōji/, 恋愛関係 /れんあいかんけい, ren'ai kankei/, 不倫 /ふりん, furin/, 浮気 /うわき, uwaki/
affectation {n} (an attempt to assume or exhibit what is not natural or real) :: 気取り /きどり, kidori/, 虚飾 /kyoshoku/
affection {n} (any emotion) :: 愛情 /あいじょう, aijō/
affection {n} (feeling of love or strong attachment) :: 愛情 /あいじょう, aijō/
affectionate {adj} (loving) :: 人懐っこい /hitonatsukkoi/
Affenpinscher {n} (Affenpinscher) :: アーフェンピンシャー /āfenpinshā/, アッフェンピンシャー /affenpinshā/
affidavit {n} (legal, signed document wherein an affiant makes a sworn statement) :: 宣誓供述書 /せんせいきょうじゅつしょ, sensei kyōjutsusho/, 供述書 /きょうじゅつしょ, kyōjutsusho/
affiliate {v} (to adopt) SEE: adopt ::
affiliate {v} (to fix the paternity of) :: 認知する /ninchi suru/
affine transformation {n} (linear transformation followed by a translation) :: アフィン変換 /afinhenkan /
affinity {n} (natural attraction for something) :: アフィニティ /afiniti/, 親和性 /しんわせい, shinwasei/
affirm {v} (to agree with or verify) :: 肯定する /こうていする, kōtei suru/
affirmance {n} (affirmation) SEE: affirmation ::
affirmation {n} :: 断言 /dangen suru/
affix {n} (that which is affixed) :: 付属物 /ふぞくぶつ, fuzokubutsu/
affix {n} (linguistics: a bound morpheme added to a word’s stem) :: 接辞 /せつじ, setsuji/
affix {n} (suffix) SEE: suffix ::
affluence {n} (abundance of wealth) :: 裕福 /yūfuku/
affluent {n} (someone wealthy) :: 金持ち /かねもち, kanemochi/, 金満家 /きんまんか, kinmanka/
affluent {adj} (abundant) :: 裕福 /ゆうふく, yūfuku/
affluent {adj} (abounding in goods or riches; materially wealthy) :: 裕福 /ゆうふく, yūfuku/
affluent {n} (tributary) SEE: tributary ::
affogato {n} (dessert) :: アフォガート /afogāto/
afford {v} (to incur, stand, or bear) :: (買う, 持つ) 余裕がある /よゆうがある, yoyū ga aru/, (買う, 持つ) ゆとりがある /yutori ga aru/
afford {v} (to offer, provide, or supply) :: 供給する /ていきょうする, teikyū suru/, 与える /あたえる, ataeru/
affordable {adj} (able to be afforded) :: 価格が手頃 /かかくがてごろ, kakaku ga tegoro/
affreightment {n} (hire a vessel for cargo) :: 用船契約 /yōsenkeiyaku/
affricate {n} (sound) :: 破擦音 /はさつおん, hasatsuon/
Afghan {n} (person from Afghanistan) :: アフガニスタン人 /Afuganisutan-jin/
Afghan {prop} (Pashto language) :: アフガニスタン語 /afuganisutango/
Afghan {adj} (pertaining to Afghanistan) :: アフガニスタンの /afuganisutan no/
Afghan hound {n} (Afghan Hound) SEE: Afghan Hound ::
Afghan Hound {n} (Afghan Hound) :: アフガン・ハウンド /Afugan haundo/
Afghani {n} (citizen or native of Afghanistan) SEE: Afghan ::
Afghani {adj} (relating to Afghanistan) SEE: Afghan ::
Afghanistan {prop} (country) :: アフガニスタン /Afuganisutan/
aflutter {adj} (in a state of excited anticipation) :: ときめき, どきどき
a fool and his money are soon parted {proverb} (it is easy to get money from foolish people) :: 鴨が葱を背負って来る /kamo ga negi o shotte kuru/
aforementioned {adj} (previously mentioned) :: 前述の /ぜんじゅつの, zenjutsu no/
aforementioned {n} (one or ones mentioned previously) :: 前述 /ぜんじゅつ, zenjutsu/
afraid {adj} (impressed with fear or apprehension; in fear; apprehensive) :: 怖い /こわい, kowai/
Africa {prop} (continent south of Europe) :: アフリカ /Afurika/, [dated] 阿弗利加 /Afurika/
Africa-Eurasia {prop} (Afro-Eurasia) SEE: Afro-Eurasia ::
African {adj} (language) SEE: Afrikaans ::
African {adj} (of or pertaining to Africa) :: アフリカの /Afurika no/
African {n} (a native of Africa) :: アフリカ人 /afurikajin/
African American {adj} (African-American) SEE: African-American ::
African American {n} (African-American) SEE: African-American ::
African-American {n} (A black American) :: アフリカ系アメリカ人 /Afurika-kei Amerika-jin/
African blue tit {n} (Cyanistes teneriffae) :: テネリフェアオガラ /tenerifeaogara/
African hunting dog {n} (Lycaon pictus) :: リカオン /rikaon/
African Union {prop} (multinational organisation) :: アフリカ連合 /Afurika-rengō/
African violet {n} (perennial plant of the genus Saintpaulia) :: セントポーリア /sentopōria/
African wildcat {n} (Felis silvestris lybica) :: 利比亜山猫 /Ribia yamaneko/
African wild dog {n} (Lycaon pictus) SEE: African hunting dog ::
a friend in need is a friend indeed {proverb} (someone who helps you in your time of need is a real friend) :: まさかこそ /masaka no toki no tomo koso shin no tomo/
Afrikaans {prop} (language) :: アフリカーンス語 /Afurikānsu-go/
Afrikaans {prop} (Afrikaner) SEE: Afrikaner ::
Afrikaner {n} (member of ethnic group) :: アフリカーナー /Afurikānā/
afro {n} (hairstyle) :: アフロヘアー /afuroheā/, アフロ /afuro/
Afro-American {n} (African-American) SEE: African-American ::
Afro-American {adj} (African-American) SEE: African-American ::
Afro-Eurasia {prop} (supercontinent) :: アフロ・ユーラシア /Afuro yūrashia/
aftcastle {n} (raised part of the upper deck) :: 船尾楼 /せんびろう, senbirō/
after {prep} (subsequently; following in time; later than) :: 後に /あとに, ato ni/
after {prep} (behind) :: ...の後ろに / ushiro ni/
after {prep} :: /go/
after all {prep} (in the end; anyway) :: やはり /yahari/, 結局 /けっきょく, kekkyoku/, 所詮 /しょせん, shosen/
afterbirth {n} (material expelled after childbirth) :: 後産 /あとざん (atozan), こうざん (kōzan), のちざん (nochizan)/, 胞衣 /えな (ena), ほうい (hōi), ほうえ (hōe)/
afterburner {n} (a device in a turbojet engine which injects fuel into the exhaust system to increase the thrust) :: アフターバーナー /afutābānā/
aftercare {n} (the care given to a patient during recovery) :: アフターケア /afutākea/
after dark {prep} (after nightfall, at night) :: 暮れの後 /kure no ato/
after-effect {n} (after-effect) SEE: aftereffect ::
aftereffect {n} (delayed effect) :: 後遺症 /kōishō/(for disease or injuries), 余波 /yoha/ (for incident)
afterimage {n} (image) :: 残像 /zanzō/
afterlife {n} (life after death) :: 来世 /らいせ, raise, らいしょう, raishō/, 後世 /ごせ, gose, ごしょう, goshō/
aftermath {n} (that which happens after, that which follows) :: 直後
afternoon {n} (part of the day between noon and evening) :: 午後 /ごご, gogo/
afternoon tea {n} (light meal or snack taken in the mid to late afternoon) :: アフタヌーンティー /afutanūn tī/
afterplay {n} (acts done after finishing sex) :: 後戯 /こうぎ, kōgi/
aftershaft {n} (accessory plume) :: 後羽 /こうう, kōu/
aftershave {n} (lotion, gel or liquid) :: アフターシェーブ /afutāshēbu/
aftershock {n} (earthquake that follows in the same vicinity as another) :: 余震 /よしん, yoshin/
aftertaste {n} (The persistence of the taste of something no longer present) :: 後味 /atoaji/
afterward {adv} (afterwards) SEE: afterwards ::
afterwards {adv} (at a later or succeeding time) :: その後 /sonogo/, それから /sorekara/, 後で /atode/
afterword {n} (appendix) SEE: appendix ::
afterword {n} (epilogue) :: 後書き /あとがき, atogaki/, 跋文 /ばつぶん, batsubun/
again {adv} (another time) :: /mata/, また /mata/, 再び /ふたたび, futatabi/, もう一度 /mō ichido/, あらためて /aratamete/
again {adv} (used in a question to ask something one has forgotten) :: っけ /kke/
again and again {adv} (repeatedly) :: 何度も /なんども, nando-mo/
against {prep} (in a contrary direction to) :: ...に反して /...にはんして, han shite/
against {prep} (in opposition to) :: ...に逆らって /...にさからって, sakaratte/, ...に反して /...にはんして, han shite/, ...に対して /...にたいして, tai shite/
against {prep} :: 反対 (はんたい, hantai)
agalmatolite {n} (soft, compact stone) :: 蝋石 /ろうせき, rōseki/
Agamemnon {prop} (Greek hero) :: アガメムノン /agamemunon/
agar {n} (material) :: 寒天 /kanten/
agar {n} (culture medium) :: 寒天 /kanten/
Agartala {prop} (capital of Tripura, India) :: アガルタラ /Agarutara/
agate {n} (mineral) :: 瑪瑙 /めのう, menō/
age {n} (century) SEE: century ::
age {n} (whole duration of a being) :: 寿命 /じゅみょう, jumyō/, 一生 /いっしょう, isshō/
age {n} (one of the stages of life) :: 年齢 /ねんれい, nenrei/, /とし, toshi/
age {n} (particular period of time in history) :: 時代 /じだい, jidai/
age {n} (generation, see also: generation) :: 世代 /sedai/
age {n} (part of the duration of a being or thing between its beginning and any given time) :: 年齢 /ねんれい, nenrei/, /とし, toshi/
age {n} (advanced period of life; latter part of life) :: 老齢 /ろうれい, rōrei/, 高齢 /こうれい, kōrei/
age {n} (time of life at which one attains full personal rights and capacities) :: 成人 /せいじん, seijin/ (to coming of age)
age {v} (intransitive: become old) :: 年を取る /としをとる, toshi wo toru/, 老いる /おいる, oiru/
aged care {n} (eldercare) SEE: eldercare ::
ageful {n} (eternity) SEE: eternity ::
ageful {adj} (aged, old) SEE: elderly ::
age group {n} (demographic grouping based on age) :: 年齢層 /ねんれいそう, nenreisō/, 年齢群 /ねんれいぐん, nenreigun/
age-mate {n} (one who is the same age as another) :: 同年配の人 /どうねんぱいひと, dōnenpai no hito/
agency {n} (establishment engaged in doing business for another) :: 代理店 /だいりてん, dairiten/
agenda {n} (temporally organized plan) :: 議題 /ぎだい, gidai/, 議事 /ぎじ, giji/
agenda {n} (list of matters to be taken up) :: 議題 /ぎだい, gidai/, 議事 /ぎじ, giji/
agender {adj} (having no gender) :: 無性 /むせい, musei/
agent {n} (one who acts in place of another) :: 代理人 /だいりにん, dairinin/
agent provocateur {n} (a person who disrupts a group's activities from within) :: プロバカートル
age of consent {n} (an age at which one is legally mature enough to have sex) :: 性的同意年齢 /せいてきどういねんれい, seiteki dōi nenrei/
Age of Enlightenment {prop} (period of history) :: 啓蒙時代 /けいもうじだい, keimō jidai/
age of majority {n} (age at which the rights and privileges of an adult are legally granted) :: 法定年齢 /ほうていねんれい, hōteinenrei/
ageplay {n} (Form of roleplay.) :: エイジプレイ /eijipurei/
agglutination {n} (combination in which root words are united with little or no change of form or loss of meaning) :: 膠着 /こうちゃく, kōchaku/
agglutinative {adj} (having words derived by combining parts) :: 膠着(語) /こうちゃく(ご), kōchaku(go)/
aggregate {n} (a mass, assemblage, or sum of particulars) :: 総計, 合計, 総和
aggregate {n} (any of the five aspects constituting the sentient being in Buddhism) :: /うん, un/
aggregation number {n} (the number of molecules that are associated together to form a micelle) :: 凝集数 /ぎょうしゅうすう, gyōshūsū/
aggression {n} (act of initiating hostilities or invasion) :: 侵略 /しんりゃく, shinryaku/
aggression {n} (the practice or habit of launching attacks) :: 侵略 /しんりゃく, shinryaku/
aggression {n} (hostile or destructive behavior or actions) :: 攻撃 /こうげき, kōgeki/
aggressive {adj} (tending or disposed to aggress) :: 積極的な /せっきょくてきな, sekkyokuteki na/, 侵略的な /しんりゃくてきな, shinryakuteki na/, 攻撃的な /こうげきてきな, kōgekiteki na/
aggressively {adv} (in an aggressive manner) :: 攻撃的に /こうげきてきに, kōgekiteki ni/, 侵略的に /しんりゃくてきに, shinryakuteki ni/, 積極的に /せっきょくてきに, sekkyokuteki ni/
aggressor {n} (the person or country that first attacks or makes an aggression) :: 侵略者 /しんりゃくしゃ, shinryakusha/
agha {n} (an honorific for high officials used in Turkey and certain Muslim countries) :: アーガー /āgā/
aghast {adj} (terrified) :: 呆然 /ぼうぜん, bōzen/, あっけにとられた /akke ni torareta/
agile {adj} (having the faculty of quick motion in the limbs) :: すばしこい /subashikoi/, 敏捷な /びんしょうな, binshō-na/
aging {n} (the process of becoming older or more mature) :: 老化 /ろうか, rōka/
agitate {v} (to move with a violent, irregular action) :: 掻き乱す /kakimidasu/
agitate {v} (to stir up, to disturb or excite) :: 煽る /aoru/, 扇動する /sendō suru/
agitator {n} (one who agitates) :: 煽り屋 /aoriya/, 扇動者 /sendōsha/
aglet {n} (catkin) SEE: catkin ::
aglet {n} (cover of a shoelace) SEE: aiglet ::
agnolotti {n} (type of square ravioli from Piedmont) :: アニョロッティ /anyorotti/
agnosticism {n} (view that the existence of a God or gods is unknown, unknowable, unproven, or unprovable) :: 不可知論 /fukachiron/
agnus castus {n} (chaste tree) SEE: chaste tree ::
ago {adv} (past; gone by; since) :: /まえ, mae/, 以前に /いぜんに, izen ni/
agon {n} :: 懸賞付き競技(けんしょうつききょうぎ, kensyō tsuki kyōgi)
a good beginning makes a good ending {proverb} (good beginnings promise a good end) :: 始め良ければ終わり良し /hajime yokereba owari yoshi/
agoraphobia {n} (fear of open spaces) :: 広場恐怖症 /ひろばきょうふしょう, hiroba-kyōfushō/
agouti {n} :: アグーチ
Agra {prop} (city in India) :: アーグラ /Āgura/
agranulocytosis {n} (acute condition) :: 無顆粒球症 /むかりゅうきゅうしょう, mukaryūkyūshō/
agrarian {adj} (relating to the cultivation of land) :: 農業の /のうぎょうの, nōgyō no/
agree {v} (harmonize in opinion; be in unison or concord; be united; concur) :: 同意する /dōi suru/, 同じる /dōjiru/, 一致する /itchi suru/, 賛成する /sansei suru/
agreement {n} (understanding to follow a course of conduct) :: 合意 /gōi/, 一致 /itchi/, 納得 /nattoku/, 賛成 /sansei/
agreement {n} (state whereby several parties share a view) :: 合意 /gōi/, 協定 /kyōtei/
agreement {n} (legally binding contract) :: 合意 /gōi/
agribusiness {n} (big business connected to agriculture) :: アグリビジネス /aguribijinesu/
agriculture {n} (the art or science of cultivating the ground) :: 農業 /のうぎょう, nōgyō/
Agrigento {prop} (province and city in Sicily) :: アグリジェント /Agurijento/
agrology {n} (subdiscipline of agronomy and soil science) :: アグロロジー
agrology {n} (science and art of agriculture) :: アグロロジー
agronomist {n} (scientist specialized in agronomy) :: 農学者 /のうがくしゃ, nōgakusha/
agronomy {n} (science of utilizing plants, animals, and soils for food, fuel, feed and more) :: 農学 /のうがく, nōgaku/
ague {n} (chill, or state of shaking, as with cold) :: 寒気 /さむけ, samuke/, 悪寒 /おかん, okan/
ague {n} (malaria) SEE: malaria ::
ah {interj} (an expression) :: ああ /ā/, /a/, 嗚呼 /ああ, ā/
aha {interj} (exclamation of understanding, realization, invention, or recognition) :: ああ /ā/, なるほど /naruhodo/
ahead {adv} (in or to the front) :: 先に /さきに, saki ni/
ahlspiess {n} (polearm used in Germany in the 15th century) :: アールシュピース
Ahmed {prop} (male given name) :: アフマド /Afumado/
Ahmedabad {prop} (city in India) :: アフマダーバード /Afumadābādo/
Ahnenerbe {prop} :: アーネンエルベ /ānenerube/
ahoge {n} (exaggerated cowlick) :: アホ毛 /ahoge/
ahorse {adv} (on the back of a horse) SEE: horseback ::
ahorseback {adv} (on the back of a horse) SEE: horseback ::
Ahriman {prop} (the hypostasis of chaos, destruction, evil in Zoroastrianism) :: アンラ・マンユ /Anra Manyu/
Ahura Mazda {prop} (the one God of Zoroaster) :: アフラ・マズダー /Afura Mazudā/
Aichi {prop} (Aichi prefecture, in Southern central of Japan) :: 愛知県 /あいちけん, Aichi-ken/, 愛知 /あいち, Aichi/
aid {n} (help; succor; assistance; relief) :: 助け /tasuke/, 支援 /shien/, 援助 /enjo/
aid {n} (a person that promotes or helps in something being done; a helper) :: 助手 /joshu/
aid {n} (something which helps; a material source of help) :: 支援 /shien/, 援助 /enjo/
aid {v} (to support) :: 補助する /ほじょする, hojo suru/; 援助する /えんじょする, enjo suru/
aid {n} (aide-de-camp) SEE: aide-de-camp ::
aide {n} (assistant) SEE: assistant ::
aide {n} (military: officer who acts as an assistant to a more senior one) SEE: aide-de-camp ::
aide-de-camp {n} (military officer) :: 副官 /ふくかん, fukukan, ふっかん, fukkan/
AIDS {n} (acquired immune deficiency syndrome, see also: acquired immune deficiency syndrome) :: エイズ /eizu/
Aigio {prop} (town in Greece) :: エギオ /egio/, アイギオ /aigio/
aiglet {n} (tip on a ribbon or cord) :: アグレット /aguretto/
aikido {n} (Japanese martial art) :: 合気道 /あいきどう, aikidō/
ailurophile {n} (cat-lover) :: 愛猫家 /あいびょうか, aibyōka/
ailurophobia {n} (irrational fear or hatred for cats) :: 猫恐怖症 /ねこきょうふしょう, neko kyōfushō/
aim {n} (intention; purpose) :: 目標 /もくひょう, mokuhyō/, 目的 /もくてき, mokuteki/
aim {v} (to point or direct a missile weapon) :: 狙う /ねらう, nerau/
aim {v} (to direct the intention or purpose) :: 目指す /めざす, mezasu/
Ainu {prop} (language) :: アイヌ語 /Ainu-go/
Aion {prop} (Greek god associate with time, the universe and the zodiac) :: アイオーン
air {v} (to bring into contact with the air) :: 干す /hosu/
air {n} (historical: one of the basic elements) :: 空気 /くうき, kūki/, 天空 /てんくう, tenkū/
air {n} (mixture of gases making up the atmosphere of the Earth) :: 空気 /くうき, kūki/, エア /ea/, 天空 /てんくう, tenkū/
air {n} (music: a song, an aria) :: アリア /aria/, 詠唱 /えいしょう, eishō/
airbag {n} (protective system in automobiles) :: エアバッグ /eabaggu/
air base {n} (military airport) :: 空軍基地 /くうぐんきち, kūgun kichi/
airbase {n} (airbase) SEE: air base ::
air bladder {n} (swim bladder) SEE: swim bladder ::
Airbus {prop} (a European aircraft manufacturer) :: エアバス /Eabasu/
air-conditioned {adj} (equipped with air-conditioning) :: 冷房完備の (reibō kanbi no); 冷暖房の (reidanbō no); 完全冷暖房の (kanzen reidanbō no)
air conditioner {n} (a machine that is used to control temperature and humidity in an enclosed space) :: エアコンディショナー /eakondishonā/, エアコン /eakon/, クーラー /kūrā/
air conditioning {n} (the state of temperature and humidity produced by an air conditioner) :: 空調 /くうちょう, kūchō/
air conditioning {n} (an air conditioner or system of air conditioners, see also: air conditioner) :: エアコン /eakon/ 冷房 /れいぼう, reibō/, 空調設備 /くうちょうせつび, kūchō setsubi/
aircraft {n} (machine capable of atmospheric flight) :: 航空機 /こうくうき, kōkūki/, 飛行機 /ひこうき, hikōki/
aircraft carrier {n} (warship for launching aircraft) :: 航空母艦 /こうくうぼかん, kōkūbokan/, [abbreviation] 空母 /くうぼ, kūbo/
air cushion {n} (layer of trapped air) :: エアクッション /ea kusshon/
airfield {n} (place where airplanes can take off and land) :: 飛行場 /hikōjō/
airfoil {n} (wing of an aircraft) SEE: wing ::
air force {n} (branch of the military devoted to air warfare) :: 空軍 /くうぐん, kūgun/
air freshener {n} (device containing substances that neutralize unpleasant odours) :: 消臭剤 /しょうしゅうざい, shōshūzai/, 消臭スプレー /shōshū-supurē/
air gun {n} (gun that propels a projective by compressed air) :: 空気銃 /くうきじゅう, kūkijū/
airhead {n} (foolish, silly, or unintelligent person) :: 天然 /てんねん, tennen/
air hostess {n} (female flight attendant) SEE: stewardess ::
air letter {n} (letter sent by airmail) :: 航空書簡 /kōkūshokan/
airlift {n} (the transportation of troops) :: 空輸 /くうゆ, kūyu/
airline {n} (company that flies airplanes) :: 航空会社 /こうくうがいしゃ, kōkū-gaisha/, エアライン /earain/
airliner {n} (passenger aircraft) :: 旅客機 /りょかくき, ryokakuki/
airlock {n} (used to provide access to and from the sealed area) :: エアロック /earokku/
air mail {n} (airmail) SEE: airmail ::
air mail {v} (airmail) SEE: airmail ::
airmail {n} (the system of conveying mail using aircraft) :: 航空便 /こうくうびん, kōkūbin/
airmail {n} (the items of mail carried using aircraft) :: 航空便 /こうくうびん, kōkūbin/
air mass {n} ((meteorology) a particular volume of air) :: 気団
air pistol {n} (pistol that propels a pellet) :: エアピストル /eapisutoru/
airplane {n} (powered aircraft) :: 飛行機 /ひこうき, hikōki/, 航空機 /こうくうき, kōkūki/
air pollution {n} (contamination of the atmosphere by noxious gases and particulates) :: 大気汚染 /たいきおせん, taiki-osen/
airport {n} (place designated for airplanes) :: 空港 /くうこう, kūkō/
air pressure {n} (atmospheric pressure) SEE: atmospheric pressure ::
air purifier {n} (device used to remove contaminants from the air) :: 空気清浄機 /くうきせいじょうき, kūki seijōki/
air-raid shelter {n} (reinforced underground shelter designed to give protection against air raids) :: 防空壕 /ぼうくうごう, bōkūgō/
airship {n} (aircraft) SEE: aircraft ::
airship {n} (self-propelled lighter-than-air aircraft that can be steered) SEE: dirigible ::
air show {n} (a public display of stunt flying, aerobatics, and historical aircraft) :: 航空ショー /kōkū-shō/
airsickness {n} (form of motion sickness) :: 飛行機酔い /hikōki-yoi/
airspace {n} (controlled portion of atmosphere) :: 領空
air strike {n} (attack by aircraft) :: 空襲 /くうしゅう, kūshū/
air ticket {n} (a pass entitling the holder to travel in an aeroplane) :: 航空券 /こうくうけん, kōkūken/
airtight {adj} (impermeable to air or other gases) :: 気密の /きみつの, kimitsu no/, 密閉の /みっぺいの, mippei no/
airway {n} (windpipe) SEE: windpipe ::
airway {n} (trachea) SEE: trachea ::
airway {n} (flight path used by aeroplanes) :: 航空路 /こうくうろ, kōkūro/
airworthiness {n} (the state of being airworthy) :: 耐空性 /たいくうせい, taikūsei/
aisle {n} (clear path through rows of seating) :: 通路 /つうろ, tsūro/
aisle {n} :: 通路 /tsūro/
aisle seat {n} (Seat beside an aisle) :: 通路側席 /つうろがわせき, tsūrogawa-seki/, 通路側の席 /つうろがわのせき, tsūrogawa no seki/
aitch {n} (name of the letter H, h) :: エイチ /eichi/
Aizawl {prop} (capital of Mizoram, India) :: アイザウル /Aizauru/
Ajaccio {prop} (capital city of Corsica) :: アジャクシオ /Ajakushio/ [French form], アヤッチョ /Ayatcho/ [Italian form]
ajar {adv} (slightly turned or opened) :: 少し開いて /すこしあいて, sukoshi aite/
a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step {proverb} (a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step) :: 千里の道も一歩から /senri no michi mo ippo kara/
AK-47 {n} (Kalashnikov assault rifle) :: エーケー47 /ē-kē-47/
akabeko {n} (Japanese souvenir) :: 赤べこ /akabeko/
akanbe {n} (gesture) :: あかんべえ, あっかんべー, アッカンベー
akee {n} (tree) :: アキー /akī/
akee {n} (fruit) :: アキー /akī/
Akhenaten {prop} (Pharaoh in 14th century BCE, founder of Atenism) :: アクエンアテン /Aken'aten/
akhund {n} ((historical) a spiritual leader in Persia, parts of Central Asia and Xinjiang, China) :: アホン /ahon/
akinete {n} (a thick-walled, dormant cell found in cyanobacteria and green algae) :: アキネート
Akita {prop} (city in Japan) :: 秋田 /あきた, Akita/
Akita {prop} (prefecture in Japan) :: 秋田 /あきた, Akita/
Akita {prop} (Japanese surname) :: 秋田 /あきた, Akita/
Akita {n} (Japanese dog breed) :: 秋田犬 /あきたいぬ, Akita-inu/
Aksai Chin {prop} (part of Kashmir governed by China) :: アクサイチン /Akusai Chin/
Akutagawa {prop} (surname) :: 芥川 /あくたがわ, Akutagawa/
Alabama {prop} (U.S. State) :: アラバマ州 /Arabama-shū/
alabaster {n} (variety of gypsum) :: 雪花石膏 /せっかせっこう, sekka sekkō/
Aladdin {prop} (the fictional young man) :: アラジン /Arajin/
Aland {prop} (archipelago) :: オーランド諸島 /Ōrando-shotō/
al-Andalus {prop} (Islamic Spain) :: アンダルス /Andarusu/
alanine {n} (nonessential amino acid; C3H7NO2) :: アラニン /aranin/
alarm {n} (summons to arms) :: 警報 /けいほう, keihō/
alarm {n} (notice of approaching danger) :: 注意 /chuui/
alarm {n} (mechanical contrivance for awaking) :: 目覚まし時計 /めざましどけい, mezamashidokei/
alarm clock {n} (type of clock) :: 目覚まし時計 /めざましどけい, mezamashi-dokei/
alarmed {adj} (worried) SEE: worried ::
alas {interj} (exclamation of sorrow, etc.) :: ああ /ā/, あたら /atara/
Alaska {prop} (US state) :: アラスカ州 /Arasuka-shū/
Alaskan Malamute {n} (Alaskan Malamute sled dog) :: アラスカン・マラミュート /arasukan maramyūto/
Alaska pollock {n} (Gadus chalcogrammus) :: 介党鱈, /すけとうだら, suketōdara/, 助宗鱈, 助惣鱈 /すけそうだら, sukesōdara/, 明太 /めんたい, mentai/
albacore {n} (large marine fish) :: 鬢長 /ビンナガ, binnaga/
Albania {prop} (country in south-eastern Europe) :: アルバニア /Arubania/
Albanian {adj} (of or pertaining to Albania) :: アルバニアの /Arubania no/
Albanian {n} (person from Albania) :: アルバニア人 /アルバニアじん, arubaniajin/
Albanian {prop} (language) :: アルバニア語 /アルバニアご, arubaniago/
Albany {prop} (capital of New York) :: オールバニ /Ōrubani/
albatross {n} (seabird) :: 信天翁 /あほうどり, ahōdori/, アホウドリ /ahōdori/
albatross {n} (three under par) :: アルバトロス /arubatorosu/
albedo {n} (fraction of incident light or radiation reflected by a surface or body) :: 反射能 /はんしゃのう, hanshanō/, アルベド /arubedo/
albeit {conj} (despite its being; although) :: とはいえ /to wa ie/, であるが /dearu ga/
Albert {prop} (male given name) :: アルバート /Arubāto/
Alberta {prop} (province) :: アルバータ /Arubāta/, アルバータ州 /Arubāta-shū/
albinism {n} (lack of melanin pigmentation) :: 白皮症 /はくひしょう, hakuhishō/
albino {adj} (congenitally lacking melanin) :: アルビノの /arubino no/
albino {n} (one congenitally lacking melanin) :: 白子 /しろこ, shiroko, しらこ, shirako/, アルビノ /arubino/
albinoism {n} (albinism) SEE: albinism ::
Albireo {prop} (Beta (β) Cygni.) :: アルビレオ /arubireo/
albondiga {n} (type of meatball) :: アルボンディガ /arubondiga/
album {n} (book for photographs, stamps, or autographs) :: アルバム /arubamu/
album {n} (phonograph record (LP)) :: アルバム /arubamu/
album {n} (group of audio recordings on any media) :: アルバム /arubamu/
albumen {n} (white part of an egg) :: 卵白 /らんぱく, ranpaku/, 白身 /しろみ, shiromi/, 蛋白 /たんぱく, tanpaku/
albumin {n} (class of monomeric proteins that are soluble in water) :: アルブミン /arubumin/
alburnum {n} (sapwood) SEE: sapwood ::
alcazar {n} (Moorish fortress in Spain) :: アルカサル /arukasaru/
alchemist {n} (one who practices alchemy) :: 錬金術師 /れんきんじゅつし, renkinjutsushi/, アルケミスト /arukemisuto/
alchemy {n} (ancient chemistry) :: 錬金術 /れんきんじゅつ, renkinjutsu/, 黄金術 /おうごんじゅつ, ōgonjutsu/, 煉丹術 /れんたんじゅつ, rentanjutsu/
alcohol {n} (organic chemistry sense) :: アルコール /arukōru/
alcohol {n} (intoxicating beverage) :: アルコール /arukōru/, /さけ, sake/, お酒 /osake/
alcoholic {n} (a person addicted to alcohol) :: アルコール中毒者 /arukōru-chūdokusha/
alcoholic {n} (one who abuses alcohol) :: 小虎 /こどら, kodora/, 辛党 /からとう, karatō/, 飲兵衛 /のんべえ, nonbē/, アル中 /aru-chū/, 飲んだくれ /nondakure/, 愛飲家 /あいいんか, aiinka/, 酒飲み /さけのみ, sakenomi/
alcoholic {adj} (of or pertaining to alcohol) :: アルコール入りの /arukōru-iri-no/
alcoholism {n} (chronic disease) :: アルコール依存症 /アルコールいぞんしょう, arukōru izonshō/, アル中 /アルちゅう, aruchū/
alcoholism {n} (acute alcohol poisoning) :: アルコール中毒 /アルコールちゅうどく, arukōru chūdoku/
alcove {n} (small recessed area) :: 壁龕 /へきがん, hekigan/
aldaric acid {n} (polyhydroxy dicarboxylic acid) :: アルダル酸 /arudarusan/
Aldebaran {prop} (star) :: アルデバラン /Arudebaran/
aldehyde {n} (organic compound of the general formula R·CHO) :: アルデヒド /arudehido/
al dente {adj} (firm) :: アルデンテ /arudente/
alder {n} (any tree or shrub of the genus Alnus) :: 榿 /hannoki/
aldopentose {n} (a pentose that is also an aldose) :: アルドペントース /arudopentōsu/
ale {n} (beer produced by warm fermentation) :: エール /ēru/
alehouse {n} (beer parlour) SEE: beer parlour ::
Aleister {prop} (male given name) :: アレイスター /Areisutā/
Alejandro {prop} (cognates of Alejandro) SEE: Alexander ::
Alejandro {prop} (male given name transliterated) :: アレハンドロ /Arehandoro/
aleph {n} (first letter of the Proto-Canaanite alphabet and descendant script) :: アレフ /arefu/, アリフ /arifu/ [Arabic letter]
Aleppo {prop} (city in Syria) :: アレッポ /Areppo/
alert {adj} (attentive) :: 機敏な /きびんな, kibin na/, 警戒する /けいかいする, keikai suru/
alert {n} (an alarm) :: 警告 /けいこく, keikoku/, 警報 /けいほう, keihō/
Aleutian Islands {prop} (archipelago) :: アリューシャン列島 /Aryūshan-rettō/
alewife {n} (Alosa pseudoharengus) :: エールワイフ /ēruwaifu/
Alexander {prop} (male given name) :: アレクサンダー /Arekusandā/
Alexander the Great {prop} (King of Macedonia) :: アレキサンダー大王 /Arekisandā Daiō/, アレクサンドロス大王 /Arekusandorosu Daiō/
Alexandra {prop} (female given name) :: アレクサンドラ /Arekusandora/
Alexandria {prop} (city in Egypt) :: アレキサンドリア /Arekisandoria/
alexandrite {n} (form of chrysoberyl that displays a colour change) :: 金緑石 /kinryokuseki/, クリソベリル /kurisoberiru/, アレキサンドライト
Alexandroupoli {prop} (city) :: アレクサンドルーポリ /Arekusandorūpori/
alfalfa {n} (Medicago sativa) :: アルファルファ /arufarufa/, ルーサン /rūsan/, ムラサキウマゴヤシ /murasakiumagoyashi/
Alfredo {n} (sauce made from butter and Parmesan) :: アルフレド /arufuredo/
Alfvén {prop} (surname) :: アルヴェーン /Aruvēn/
Alfvén wave {n} (a hydromagnetic shear wave in a charged plasma) :: アルヴェーン波 /Aruvēn-nami, Aruvēn-ha/
alga {n} (any of many aquatic photosynthetic organisms) :: 藻類 /そうるい, sōrui/
algal bloom {n} (dense spread of algae) :: 水の華 /みずのはな, mizunohana/
algebra {n} (system for computation) :: 代数 /だいすう, daisū/
algebra {n} (study of algebraic structures) :: 代数学 /だいすうがく, daisūgaku/
algebra {n} (structure) :: 多元環 /たげんかん, tagenkan/
algebraic equation {n} (mathematical equation) :: 代数方程式 /daisū hōteishiki/
algebraic geometry {n} (branch of mathematics that studies solutions of systems of algebraic equations using both algebra and geometry) :: 代数幾何学 /だいすうきかがく, daisū kikagaku/
Algeria {prop} (country) :: アルジェリア /Arujeria/
Algerian {n} (person from Algeria) :: アルジェリア人 /arujeriajin/
Algerian {adj} (of Algeria or its people) :: アルジェリアの /Arujeria no/
Alghero {prop} (port town in Sardinia) :: アルゲーロ /Arugēro/
Algiers {prop} (the capital of Algeria) :: アルジェ /Aruje/
algorithm {n} (well-defined procedure) :: アルゴリズム /arugorizumu/, 演算手順 /えんざんてじゅん, enzantejun/, 算法 /さんぽう, sanpō/ [archaic]
alhamdulillah {interj} ((Islam) praise be to God) :: アルハムドゥリッラー /aruhamudurirrā/
Ali {prop} (male given name from Arabic) :: アリ /Ari/
alias {n} (another name; an assumed name) :: 仮名 /かめい, kamei/, 偽名 /ぎめい, gimei/, 異名 /いみょう, imyō/, 雅号 /がごう, gagō/, 別名 /べつめい, betsumei/ [about references in programming]
Ali Baba {prop} (a fictional character) :: アリババ /Aribaba/
alibi {n} (criminal legal defense) :: アリバイ /aribai/
Alice {prop} (female given name) :: アリス /Arisu/
Alice in Wonderland {adj} (as in a surreal fairy tale) :: 不思議の国のアリス /fushigi no kuni no Arisu/ (のような)
alicyclic {adj} (of a class of organic compounds) :: 脂環式の /しかんしきの, shikanshiki no/
alien {n} (person, etc. from outside) :: 外国人 /がいこくじん, gaikokujin/, 外人 /がいじん, gaijin/ [colloquial], 異国人 /いこくじん, ikokujin/, 異邦人 /いほうじん, ihōjin/
alien {n} (foreigner) :: 外国人 /がいこくじん, gaikokujin/, 外人 /がいじん, gaijin/ [colloquial]
alien {n} (life form of non-Earth origin) :: 宇宙人 /うちゅうじん, uchūjin/, 異星人 /いせいじん, iseijin/
alienate {v} (to estrange) :: 疎外する /sogai suru/, 仲間外れにする /nakamahazure ni suru/
alienist {n} (psychiatrist) SEE: psychiatrist ::
alienist {n} (psychologist) SEE: psychologist ::
alif {n} (first letter of the Arabic alphabet) :: アリフ /arifu/
aligot {n} (a potato and cheese dish from Auvergne) :: アリゴ /arigo/
alike {adj} (having resemblance; similar) :: 同じような /onaji yō na/
alimentary canal {n} (digestive tract) SEE: digestive tract ::
alimony {n} (a court-enforced allowance) :: (離婚 /りこん, rikon/) 扶養料 /ふようりょう, fuyōryō/
alimony {n} :: 別居扶助料 (bekkyo fujoryō)
aliphatic {adj} (organic chemistry: having carbon atoms arranged in an open chain) :: 脂肪族の /しぼうぞくの, shibōzoku no/
Alistair {prop} (male given name) :: アリステア /Arisutea/
a little {adv} (to a small extent or degree) :: ちょっと /chotto/, 少し /すこし, sukoshi/
a little bird told me {phrase} (idiomatic) :: 小さな鳥が私に言った /chīsana tori ga watashi ni itta/
alive {adj} (having life) :: 生きている /ikiteiru/
aliyah {n} (immigration of Jews into Israel) :: アリーヤー /arīyā/
Al Jazeera {prop} (Arabic satellite TV news channel) :: アルジャジーラ /Aru-Jajīra/
alkali {n} (class of caustic bases) :: アルカリ /arukari/
alkali metal {n} (soft, light, reactive metals of Group 1 of the periodic table) :: アルカリ金属 /arukari kinzoku/
alkaline earth metal {n} (any element of group II of the periodic table) :: アルカリ土類金属 /arukari dorui kinzoku/
alkaloid {n} (organic heterocyclic base) :: アルカロイド /arukaroido/
alkane {n} (acyclic saturated hydrocarbon of formula CnH2n+2) :: アルカン /arukan/, メタン系炭化水素 /メタンけいたんかすいそ, metan-kei tanka suiso/
alkekengi {n} (bladder cherry) SEE: bladder cherry ::
alkene {n} (unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbon with one or more carbon–carbon double bonds) :: アルケン /aruken/, オレフィン /orefin/, オレフィン系炭化水素 /オレフィンけいたんかすいそ, orefin-kei tanka suiso/, エチレン系炭化水素 /エチレンけいたんかすいそ, echiren-kei tanka suiso/
alkyne {n} (hydrocarbon containing at least one carbon-carbon triple bond) :: アルキン /arukin/, アセチレン系炭化水素 /アセチレンけいたんかすいそ, asechiren-kei tanka suiso/
all {determiner} (every individual of the given class) :: 全て /すべて, subete/, あらゆる /arayuru/, 全体 /ぜんたい, zentai/, [prefix] 全... /ぜん, zen-/
all {determiner} (throughout the whole of (a stated period of time)) :: ずっと /zutto/
all {adv} (intensifier) :: 完全に /かんぜんに, kanzen-ni/, すっかり /sukkari/
all {pron} (everyone) SEE: everyone ::
all {pron} (everything) SEE: everything ::
Allah {prop} (God, in Islam) :: アッラーフ /Arrāfu/, アッラー /Arrā/, アラー /Arā/
Allahabad {prop} (city in India) :: イラーハーバード /Irāhābādo/
Allahu akbar {interj} (Muslim takbir (proclamation)) :: アッラーフ・アクバル /Arrāfu akubaru/
all along {adv} (duration) :: ずっと /zutto/
allative case {n} (case used to indicate movement onto, or to the adjacency of something) :: 向格 /こうかく, kōkaku/
all bark and no bite {adj} (full of big talk) :: 張り子の虎 /はりこのとら, harikonotora/ [papier-mâché tiger]
all day {adv} (the entire day) :: 終日 /じゅうじつ, jūjitsu/, 一日中 /いちにちじゅう, ichinichijū/
Allee effect {n} (negative population growth observed at low population densities) :: アリー効果 /アリーこうか, arī kōka/
allegate {v} (allege) SEE: allege ::
allegation {n} (an assertion or accusation) :: 主張 /しゅちょう, shuchō/, 申し立て /もうしたて, mōshitate/
allege {v} (to state under oath) :: 確言する /かくげんする, kakugen suru/, 言い切る /iikiru/
allege {v} (assert without proof) :: 主張する /しゅちょうする, shuchō suru/, 喧伝する /けんでんする, kenden suru/, 言い張る /iiharu/
allegement {n} (allegation) SEE: allegation ::
allegiance {n} (loyalty to some cause, nation or ruler) :: 忠誠 /ちゅうせい chūsei/
allegory {n} (the representation of abstract principles) :: アレゴリー /aregorī/, 寓話 /ぐうわ, gūwa/
Allen key {n} (a hex head wrench) :: 六角棒スパナ /rokkakubō supana/
Allen wrench {n} (Allen key) SEE: Allen key ::
allergic {adj} (pertaining to allergy) :: アレルギー性の /arerugīsei no/; アレルギーの /arerugī no/
allergic {adj} (having an allergy) :: アレルギー性の /arerugīsei no/; アレルギーの /arerugī no/
allergic rhinitis {n} (group of symptoms) :: アレルギー性鼻炎
allergy {n} (disorder of the immune system) :: アレルギー /arerugī/
allergy {n} (hypersensitivity) :: アレルギー /arerugī/
allergy {n} (altered susceptibility) :: アレルギー /arerugī/
allergy {n} :: アレルギー /arerugī/
alleviation {n} (alleviation) :: 軽減 /けいげん, keigen/, 緩和 /かんわ, kanwa/
alley {n} (narrow street) :: 裏通り /うらどおり, uradōri/
alleyway {n} (narrow street) SEE: alley ::
All Fools' Day {n} (April Fools' Day) SEE: April Fools' Day ::
All Hallows' Day {prop} (All Saints' Day) SEE: All Saints' Day ::
alliance {n} (state of being allied) :: 同盟 /どうめい, dōmei/
Allier {prop} (département) :: アリエ県 /Arie ken/
Allies {prop} (in WWII) :: 連合国 /れんごうこく/
alligator {n} (large amphibious reptile of genus Alligator) :: わに /wani/, ワニ /wani/, アリゲーター /arigētā/
alligator pear {n} (avocado) SEE: avocado ::
alliteration {n} (the repetition of consonants) :: 頭韻 /touin/
all night {adv} (entire night) :: 終夜 /しゅうや, shūya/
allocate {v} (to set aside for a purpose) :: 取り置く /とりおく, torioku/
allocate {v} (to distribute according to a plan) :: 配置する /はいちする, haichi suru/
all of a sudden {adv} (colloquial: suddenly, see also: suddenly) :: 突然 /とつぜん, totsuzen/, 突然に /とつぜんに, totsuzen ni/, 行き成り /いきなり, ikinari/
all of the sudden {adv} (all of a sudden) SEE: all of a sudden ::
allometry {n} (the science studying the differential growth rates of body parts or processes) :: アロメトリー /arometorī/
allonge {n} (attachment to negotiable instrument) :: 附箋 /fusen/
allophone {n} (alternative pronunciation for a phoneme) :: 異音 /いおん, ion/
allotment {n} :: 割り当て (wariate); 分担 (buntan)
allow {v} (to grant, give, admit, accord, afford, or yield; to let one have) :: 許す /ゆるす, yurusu/
allow {v} (to permit) :: 許す /ゆるす, yurusu/
allow {v} (to let something happen, to admit, to concede) :: 許す /ゆるす, yurusu/
allowance {n} (that which is allowed) :: 給与 /kyūyo/, こずかい /kozukai/
allowance {n} (a child's allowance; pocket money) SEE: pocket money ::
alloy {n} (metal combined of more elements) :: 合金 /ごうきん, gōkin/
alloy steel {n} :: 合金鋼
all right {adj} (good) :: 大丈夫な /だいじょうぶな, daijōbu na/
all right {adj} (in good health) :: 大丈夫な /だいじょうぶな, daijōbu na/
all right {adv} (fairly well) :: 大丈夫 /だいじょうぶ, daijōbu/, よく /yoku/, しゃんと /shanto/, ちゃんと /chanto/
all right {interj} (Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent ) :: [very formal] 畏まりました /かしこまりました, kashikomarimashita/, [plain] 了解 /りょうかい, ryōkai/, オーケー /ōkē/, オーライ /ōrai/
all right {interj} (Used as a general lead-in or beginning ) :: よし /yoshi/
all rights reserved {phrase} (copyright notice formula) :: 版権所有
all roads lead to Rome {proverb} (different paths can take to the same goal) :: 全ての道はローマに通ず /すべてのみちはローマにつうず, subete no michi wa Rōma-ni tsūzu/
All Saints Day {prop} (All Saints Day) SEE: All Saints' Day ::
All Saints' Day {prop} (feast day) :: 諸聖人の日 /しょせいじんのひ, Shoseijin no hi/
all's fair in love and war {proverb} (unpleasant behavior is acceptable during love and conflict) :: 恋愛と戦争では手段を選ばない /れんあいとせんそうではしゅだんをえらばない, ren'ai to sensō de wa shudan o erabanai/ ["in love and war you don't choose the means"]
allspice {n} (spice) :: オールスパイス /ōrusupaisu/
allspice {n} (tree) :: オールスパイス /ōrusupaisu/
all's well that ends well {proverb} (A happy ending makes up for everything that has gone before...) :: 終わり良ければすべて良し /owari yokereba subete yoshi/
all that glitters is not gold {proverb} (things that appear valuable or worthwhile might not actually be so) :: 光るものすべて金ならず /hikaru mono subete kin narazu/
all the best {interj} (good luck) :: 幸運をお祈りいたします /kōun o o-inori itashimasu/, 幸運を /kōun o/ [familiar], 頑張ってください /ganbatte kudasai/
all the more {adv} (even more) :: なおさら /naosara/, なおもって /naomotte/, なおいっそう /naoissō/, いっそう /issō/
all the same {adv} (anyway; nevertheless; nonetheless) :: それでも /sore de mo/, やはり /yahari/, 依然として /いぜんとして, izen to shite/
all the sudden {adv} (all of a sudden) SEE: all of a sudden ::
all things come to those who wait {proverb} (good things come to those who wait) SEE: good things come to those who wait ::
all thumbs {adj} (clumsy (idiom)) :: 不器用な /ぶきような, bukiyō na/, ぶざまな /buzama na/
all too {adv} (way too) SEE: way too ::
allude {v} (refer to something indirectly or by suggestion) :: 遠回し触れる /tōmawashi ni fureru/ [neutrally], 当て擦る /atekosuru/ [maliciously], 当て付ける /atetsukeru/ [maliciously], 嫌味言う /iyami o iu/ [maliciously]
allure {n} (the power to attract, entice; the quality causing attraction) :: 魅力 /みりょく, miryoku/
allure {v} (to attempt to draw) :: 魅惑する /みわくする, miwaku suru/
alluvial {n} (deposition of sediment) SEE: alluvium ::
alluvial plain {n} (plain formed by deposition of sediment of a river) :: 沖積平野 /chūseki heiya/
alluvium {n} (deposited material) :: 沖積層 /ちゅうせきそう, chūsekisō/
ally {n} (one united to another by treaty or league) :: 味方 /みかた, mikata/, 同盟国 /どうめいこく, dōmeikoku/
ally {n} (anything associated with another as a helper) :: 味方 /みかた, mikata/
ally {n} (supporter of the LGBT+ community) :: アライ /arai/
allyl {n} (organic radical) :: アリル基 /アリルき, ariru-ki/
all-you-can-eat {adj} (offering unlimited food to a diner at a restaurant) :: 食べ放題
alma mater {n} (graduated school) :: 母校 /ぼこう, bokō/, アルマ・マータ /aruma-māta/
alma mater {n} (school anthem) :: 校歌 /kōka/
almanac {n} (book or table listing astronomical, nautical or other events for the year) :: 年鑑 /ねんかん, nenkan/, アルマナック /arumanakku/
Almaty {prop} (Astana) SEE: Astana ::
Almaty {prop} (city) :: アルマトイ /Arumatoi/
Almaty {prop} (Nur-Sultan) SEE: Nur-Sultan ::
almighty {adj} (unlimited in might) :: 全能の /ぜんのうの, zennō no/
almond {n} (nut) :: アーモンド /āmondo/, 扁桃 /へんとう, hentō/, 巴旦杏 /はたんきょう, hatankyō/
almond paste {n} (paste made from ground almonds and sugar in equal quantities) :: アーモンドペースト /āmondopēsuto/
almost {adv} (very close to) :: ほとんど /hotondo/
almost all {determiner} (all but a negligible set) :: ほとんど全て /hotondo subete/
almost doesn't count {proverb} (near success (or correctness) is not deemed success (or correctness)) SEE: close, but no cigar ::
almost everywhere {adv} (everywhere except at a set of measure zero) :: ほとんど至る所で /hotondo itarutokoro de/
alms {n} (something given to the poor as charity) :: 施し物 /ほどこしもの, hodokoshimono/, 施し /ほどこし, hodokoshi/
aloe {n} (plant of the genus Aloe) :: アロエ /aroe/, 蘆薈 /rokai/ [less common]
aloe vera {n} (Aloe vera) :: アロエベラ /aroebera/
aloha {interj} (hello) SEE: hello ::
aloha {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
aloha shirt {n} (Hawaiian shirt) :: アロハシャツ /arohashatsu/
alone {adv} (by oneself) :: 一人 /ひとり, hitori/ (+で +de), 単独 /たんどく, dandoku/
along {prep} (by the length of; in a line with the length of; lengthwise next to) :: に沿って /ni sotte/
along {prep} :: に沿って /ni sotte/
along {adv} (in company, together) :: に沿って /ni sotte/
alongside {adv} (along the side; by the side; side by side with) :: に沿って /ni sotte/
alongside {prep} (together with or at the same time) :: に沿って /ni sotte/
alopecia {n} (baldness) SEE: baldness ::
a lot {pron} (a large amount) :: 沢山 /たくさん, takusan/, 多くの /おおくの, ōku no/, 多い /おおい, ōi/
a lot {adv} (very much) :: 沢山の /たくさんの, takusan no/, 多い /おおい, ooi/
a lot {adv} (often) :: よく /yoku/, 度々 /たびたび, tabitabi/, しばしば /shiba shiba/
aloud {adv} (loudly) :: 大声で /おおごえで, ōgoe de/
aloud {adv} (audibly, not silent) :: 声を出して /こえをだして, koe o dashite/
alpaca {n} (camelid animal of the Andes) :: アルパカ /arupaka/
alpenglow {n} (a reddish glow seen near sunset or sunrise on the summits of mountains) :: 山頂光 /さんちょうこう, sanchōkō/, アルペングロー /arupengurō/
alpha {n} (name of the letter Α, α) :: アルファ /arufa/
alpha and omega {n} (the first and the last) :: 阿吽
alphabet {n} (an ordered set of letters used in a language) :: アルファベット /arufabetto/ [often of Roman and other foreign alphabets], 文字 /もじ, moji/
alphabetic {adj} (alphabetical) SEE: alphabetical ::
alphabetical {adj} (pertaining to the alphabet) :: アルファベットの /arufabetto no/
alphabetical {adj} (in the sequence of the letters of the alphabet) :: アルファベット順の /arufabetto-jun no/
alphabetically {adv} (arranged in the sequence of the alphabet) :: アルファベット順に /arufabetto jun ni/, ABC順に /ē-bī-shī jun ni/
alphabetical order {n} (the sequence of a collection of items) :: アルファベット順 /arufabetto-jun/ [for Latin characters], ABC順 /ē-bī-shī-jun/; あいうえお順 /a-i-u-e-o-jun/ [for Japanese characters]; 辞書順 /jisho-jun/ (dictionary order)
Alpha Centauri {prop} (brightest star in the southern constellation of Centaurus) :: ケンタウルス座アルファ星 /Kentaurusu-za Arufa-boshi/, アルファケンタウリ /Arufakentauri/
alpha male {n} (dominant male animal) :: アルファ男性 /arufa dansei/
alphanumeric {adj} (consisting of letters and numbers) :: 英数の /えいすうの, eisū no/ [ASCII], 英数字 /えいすうじ, eisūji/ [alphanumeric character]
alphanumerical {adj} (alphanumeric) SEE: alphanumeric ::
alpha particle {n} (positively charged nucleus) :: アルファ粒子 /arufa-ryūshi/, α粒子 /α-ryūshi/
alpha ray {n} (stream of alpha particles) :: アルファ線 /arufa-sen/
alpine skiing {n} (sport) :: アルペンスキー /arupensukī/
alpinist {n} (mountain climber) SEE: mountaineer ::
alprazolam {n} (anxiety drug) :: アルプラゾラム /arupurazoramu/
Alps {prop} (a mountain range in Western Europe) :: アルプス /Arupusu/
al-Qaeda {prop} (The global network of militant Islamic extremists.) :: アルカーイダ /Arukāida/
al-Quds {prop} (Jerusalem) SEE: Jerusalem ::
already {adv} (prior to some time) :: 既に /すでに, súde ni/, もう /mō/, もはや /mohaya/, とっくに /tokku ni/
Alsace {prop} (region on the west bank of the upper Rhine) :: アルザス /Aruzasu/
also {adv} (in addition; besides; as well; further; too) :: /mo/, また /mata/, さらに /sara ni/, にも /ni mo/
also known as {adv} (used to introduce an alternative name) :: またの名 /またのな, mata no na/, 別名 /べつめい, betsumei, べつみょう, betsumyō/
Altai {prop} (Altay) SEE: Altay ::
Altair {prop} (star) :: アルタイル /Arutairu/
Altai Republic {prop} (federal subject of Russia) :: アルタイ共和国 /Arutai-kyōwakoku/
altar {n} (flat-topped structure used for religious rites) :: 祭壇 /さいだん, saidan/
Altay {prop} (mountain range) :: アルタイ /Arutai/
alter {v} (to change the form or structure of) :: 変える /かえる, kaeru/, 変更する /へんこうする, henkō suru/, 直す /なおす, naosu/
alter ego {n} (alternate personality or persona) :: アルター・エゴ /arutā-ego/, 分身 /ぶんしん, bunshin/
alternate {v} (to perform by turns) :: 交替する /こうたいする, kōtai suru/
alternate {v} (to happen, succeed, or act by turns) :: 交替する /こうたいする, kōtai suru/
alternately {adv} (succeding by turns) :: かわるがわるに /kawaru ga waru ni/, 交互に /kōgo ni/
alternate universe {n} (hypothetical world) SEE: parallel universe ::
alternating current {n} (electric current that reverses direction periodically) :: 交流電流 /こうりゅうでんりゅう, kōryū denryū/, 交流 /こうりゅう, kōryū/
alternation {n} (inclusive or) SEE: inclusive or ::
alternative {adj} (other) :: 代替 /daitai/
alternative {n} (a situation which allows a choice between two or more possibilities) :: 選択肢 /sentakushi/
alternative {n} (one of several things which can be chosen) :: 選択肢 /sentakushi/
alternative dispute resolution {n} (resolution of a dispute through negotiation or similar means) :: 裁判外紛争解決手続 /さいばんがいふんそうかいけつてつづき/
alternative medicine {n} (any of various medical methods and practices used in place of conventional medicine) :: 代替医療 /だいたいいりょう, daitai iryō/
although {conj} (in spite of the fact that) :: ...のに /...noni/, ...だけれども /...da keredomo/
although {conj} (but) :: しかし /shikashi/, [colloquial] でも /demo/
although {conj} :: にもかかわらず /ni mo kakawarazu/, とはいえ /to wa ie/, といっても /to itte mo/, としても /to shite mo/, であっても /de atte mo/
altitude {n} (absolute height) :: 海抜 /kaibatsu/, 高度 /kōdo/
altitude {n} (distance measured upwards) :: 高さ /takasa/, 高度 /kōdo/
alt key {n} (computing: a key on a keyboard) :: オルトキー /oruto kī/, オルト /oruto/
alto {n} (musical part) :: アルト /aruto/
alto {n} (person or instrument) :: アルト /aruto/
altocumulus {n} (cloud) :: 高積雲 /こうせきうん, kōsekiun/, 斑雲 /madara gumo/, 羊雲 /hitsuji gumo/, 叢雲 /mura kumo/
altophobia {n} (acrophobia) SEE: acrophobia ::
altostratus {n} (cloud type) :: 高層雲 /こうそううん, kōsōun/, 朧雲 /おぼ��ぐも, oborogumo/
altruism {n} (policy that benefits others' interests) :: 利他主義 /りたしゅぎ, ritashugi/, 利他 /りた, rita/
altruistic {adj} (regardful of others; beneficent; unselfish) :: 利他的な /rita-teki-na/
alum {n} (chemistry: double sulfate) :: ミョウバン /myōban/, 明礬 /みょうばん, myōban/
aluminium {n} (silvery metal) :: アルミニウム /aruminiumu/, 軽銀 /けいぎん, keigin/, 礬素 /banso/
aluminium foil {n} (very thin, pliable, eaily torn sheet of aluminium) :: アルミ箔 /アルミはく, arumihaku/, アルミホイル /arumihoiru/, ホイル /hoiru/
aluminium oxide {n} (alumina, Al2O3) :: 酸化アルミニウム /sankaaruminiumu/, アルミナ /arumina/
aluminium paper {n} (aluminium foil) SEE: aluminium foil ::
aluminum {n} (aluminium) SEE: aluminium ::
alumni association {n} (association of former students) :: 同窓会 /dōsōkai/
alumnus {n} (a graduate) :: 卒業生 /sotsugyōsei/
alunite {n} (mineral) :: 明礬石 /みょうばんせき, myōbanseki/
alveolar {n} (an alveolar consonant) :: 歯茎音 /はぐきおん, hagukion/
always {adv} (at all times) :: いつも /itsu mo/
always {adv} (constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals) :: いつも /itsu mo/, 常に /つねに, tsune ni/, ずっと /zutto/
Alzheimer's disease {n} (mental disorder from brain tissue changes) :: アルツハイマー病 /Arutsuhaimā-byō/
a.m. {adv} (before noon) :: 午前 /gozen/
AM {adv} (before noon) :: 午前 /ごぜん, gozen/
A major {n} (major key) :: イ長調 /i chōchō/
Amami rabbit {n} (Pentalagus furnessia) :: アマミノクロウサギ (奄美の黒兔 / 奄美の黒兔, Amami no kuro-usagi)
amanita {n} (mushroom of the genus Amanita) :: テングタケ /tengutake/
amanuensis {n} :: 書記 /しょき, syoki/
amaranth {n} (herb of the genus Amaranthus) :: アマランス /amaransu/, アマランサス /amaransasu/
amaranth {n} (purplish-red colour) :: アマランス /amaransu/, 紫赤色 /しせきしょく, shisekishoku/
amaretto {n} (a sweet almond-flavoured liqueur) :: アマレット /amaretto/
Amarone {n} (strong Italian dry red wine) :: アマローネ /amarōne/
amaryllis {n} (Amaryllis belladonna) :: 彼岸花 /ひがんばな, higanbana/, 曼珠沙華 /まんじゅしゃげ, manjushage/
Amaterasu {prop} (Japanese sun goddess) :: 天照 /あまてらす, Amaterasu/, 天照大神, 天照大御神 /あまてらすおおみかみ, Amaterasu ōmikami/
amateur {n} (person attached to a pursuit without pursuing it professionally) :: アマチュア /amachua/, アマ /ama/
amateur {n} (someone unqualified) :: しろうと /shirōto/
amaze {v} (to fill with surprise, astonish) :: 驚かす /odorokasu/
amazing {adj} (very good) SEE: good ::
amazing {adj} (causing wonder and amazement) :: 驚くべき /おどろくべき, odoroku-beki/, 凄い /すごい, sugoi/
amazingly {adv} (wonderfully) :: すごく /sugoku/
Amazon {n} (Mythological female warrior) :: アマゾネス /amazonesu/, アマゾン /amazon/
Amazon {prop} (river) :: アマゾン /amazon/
Amazonian antshrike {n} (Thamnophilus amazonicus) :: アマゾンアリモズ /amazon'arimozu/
amœba {n} (amoeba) SEE: amoeba ::
ambassador {n} (minister) :: 大使 /たいし, taishi/
ambassador {n} (representative) :: 大使 /たいし, taishi/
amber {n} (fossil resin) :: 琥珀 /こはく, kohaku/
amber {n} (colour) :: 琥珀色 /こはくいろ, kohakuiro/
amber {n} (ambergris) SEE: ambergris ::
ambergris {n} (waxy substance produced by sperm whales) :: 竜涎香 /りゅうぜんこう, ryūzenkō/ (also spelled 龍涎香 /りゅうぜんこう, ryūzenkō/), アンバーグリス /anbāgurisu/
amberjack {n} (fish of genus Seriola) :: カンパチ /kanpachi/
ambidextrous {adj} (having equal ability in both hands) :: 両手利きの /りょうてきき, ryōtekiki no/
ambiguity {n} (something liable to more than one interpretation) :: あいまいさ
ambiguous {adj} (open to multiple interpretations) :: 曖昧な /aimai na/
ambiguous {adj} (vague and unclear) :: 曖昧な /aimai na/
ambition {n} (desire) :: 野望 /やぼう, yabō/, 野心 /やしん, yashin/
ambition {n} (personal quality) :: 野望 /やぼう, yabō/, 野心 /やしん, yashin/
ambitious {adj} (possessing, or controlled by, ambition) :: 野心的 /やしんてき, yashinteki/
ambivalent {adj} (experiencing or expressing opposing feelings) :: どっちつかず /dotchi-tsukazu/
ambrosia {n} (food of gods or delicious foods) :: アムブロシア /amuburoshia/
ambulance {n} (emergency vehicle) :: 救急車 /きゅうきゅうしゃ, kyūkyūsha/
ambush {n} :: 待ち伏せ /まちぶせ, machibuse/ ; 不意打ち /ふいうち, fuiuchi/
ambush {v} (to station in ambush with a view to surprise an enemy) :: 待ち伏せする /まちぶせする, machibuse suru/
ambush {v} (to attack by ambush; to waylay) :: 不意打ちする /ふいうちする, fuiuchi suru/
ambusher {n} (one who ambushes) :: 伏兵 /fukuhei/
ameliorate {v} (to make better) :: 改良する /kairyō suru/, 良くする /yoku suru/, 好転させる /kōten saseru/
amelioration {n} (act of making better) :: 改良 /kairyō/
amen {adv} (so be it) :: アーメン /āmen/
amen {adv} (truly, verily) :: アーメン /āmen/
amen {interj} (expression of strong agreement) :: 南無三 /なむさん, namusan/, アーメン /āmen/
amend {v} (to make better) :: 改正する /かいせいする, kaisei suru/, 改める /あらためる, aratameru/, 修正する /しゅうせいする, shūsei suru/
amendment {n} (correction or addition to a law) :: 修正案 /しゅうせいあん, shūseian/, 改正 /かいせい, kaisei/
amenity {n} (convenience) SEE: convenience ::
amenorrhoea {n} (lack of a menstrual period) :: 無月経 /むげっけい, mugekkei/
Ame-no-Uzume {prop} (Japanese goddess of dawn, joy and springtime) :: 天宇受売命, 天鈿女命 /あめのうずめ, Ame-no-Uzume/
amerce {v} (to make an exaction) SEE: punish ::
amerce {v} (to impose a fine on) SEE: fine ::
America {prop} (United States of America) SEE: United States of America ::
America {prop} (Americas) SEE: Americas ::
American {n} (person born in, or a citizen of, the U.S.) :: アメリカ人 /アメリアじん, amerikajin/, 米国人 /べいこくじん, beikokujin/
American {prop} (American English, see also: American English) :: アメリカ英語 /Amerika-Eigo/, 米英語 /Bei-Eigo/, 米語 /Beigo/
American {adj} (of or pertaining to the Americas) :: 南北アメリカの /Nanboku Amerika no/
American {adj} (of or pertaining to the U.S. or its culture) :: アメリカの /Amerika no/, 米国の /べいこくの, Beikoku no/, アメリカン /Amerikan/, /べい, bei/
American badger {n} (Taxidea taxus) :: アメリカアナグマ /Amerika anaguma/
American bittern {n} (Botaurus lentiginosus) :: アメリカサンカノゴイ /amerikasankanogoi/
American black bear {n} (Ursus americanus) :: 亜米利加熊, アメリカグマ /Amerikaguma/
American Bulldog {n} (American Bulldog) :: アメリカン・ブルドッグ /Amerikan burudoggu/
American Civil War {prop} (civil war in the United States (1861-1865)) :: 南北戦争 /なんぼくせんそう, Nan-Boku sensō/ [war of South and North]
American Dream {n} (determination) :: アメリカンドリーム /Amerikan dorīmu/
American Dream {n} (philosophy) :: アメリカンドリーム /Amerikan dorīmu/
American eagle {n} (bald eagle) SEE: bald eagle ::
American English {prop} (English of the United States) :: アメリカ英語 /Amerika-Eigo/, 米英語 /Bei-Eigo/, 米語 /Beigo/
American football {n} (American football) :: アメリカンフットボール /Amerikan futtobōru/, 鎧球 /がいきゅう, gaikyū/, フットボール /futtobōru/, アメフト /Amefuto/
American Indian {n} (a member of some indigenous peoples of the Americas) SEE: Indian ::
Americanisation {n} (assimilation) :: アメリカ化 /アメリカか, amerikaka/, アメリカニゼーション /amerikanizēshon/, 米国化 /べいこくか, beikokuka/
Americanism {n} (linguistic feature) :: 米語 /べいご, beigo/
Americanization {n} (Americanisation) SEE: Americanisation ::
Americanize {v} (to make American) :: アメリカする /Amerikafū ni suru/, アメリカナイズする /amerikanaizu suru/, 米国化する /べいこくかする, beikokuka suru/
American kestrel {n} (species) :: ハイタカ /haitaka/
American League {prop} :: アメリカンリーグ /Amerikan Rīgu/, ア・リーグ /A Rīgu/
American Samoa {prop} (US overseas territory in Oceania) :: アメリカン・サモア /Amerikan-Samoa/
American Sign Language {prop} (language that uses hands, facial expressions, and other bodily behavior to communicate) :: アメスラン /Amesuran/, アメリカ手話 /Amerika-shuwa/
Americas {prop} (North and South America) :: アメリカ /Amerika shū/, 米州 /べいしゅう, Beishū/, (亜米利加 /Amerika/)
americium {n} (chemical element with atomic number 95) :: アメリシウム /amerishiumu/
Americophilia {n} (an affection for, or interest in things related to the United States) :: 親米派 /しんべいは, shinbeiha/
Americophobia {n} (a fear of the United States of America and/or its culture) :: 反米 /はんべい, han-Bei/
Amerindian {n} (an American Indian) SEE: Indian ::
amethyst {n} (gem) :: 紫水晶 /むらさきずいしょう, murasakizuishō/, アメシスト /ameshisuto/
amethyst {n} (colour) :: 紫色 /むらさきいろ, murasakiiro/
Amharic {prop} (language) :: アムハラ語 /amuharago/
amiable {adj} (possessing sweetness of disposition) :: 愛想いい /aisō no ii/
amide {n} (organic chemistry: derivative of an oxoacid) :: アミド /amido/
amide {n} (ionic derivative of ammonia) :: アミド /amido/
amidine {n} (an organic compound derived from oxoacids) :: アミジン /amijin/
amigo {n} (friend) SEE: friend ::
amigurumi {n} (Japanese art of crocheting or knitting stuffed yarn toys) :: 編み包み /あみぐるみ, amigurumi/
amigurumi {n} (stuffed toy crocheted or knitted from yarn) :: 編み包み /あみぐるみ, amigurumi/
amine {n} (organic compound containing an amine functional group) :: アミン /amin/
amino {adj} (relating to an amine) :: アミノ /amino/
amino {n} (the amine functional group) :: アミノ /amino/
amino acid {n} (any organic compound containing amino and carboxylic acid) :: アミノ酸 /アミノさん, amino-san/
amino acid {n} (any of the twenty α-amino acids) :: アミノ酸 /アミノさん, amino-san/
aminotransferase {n} (transaminase) SEE: transaminase ::
Amis {n} (an ethnic group in Taiwan) :: アミ族
amiss {adj} (wrong) SEE: wrong ::
a miss is as good as a mile {proverb} (failure remains a failure) SEE: close, but no cigar ::
Amitābha {prop} (Pure Land Buddhism: name of the principal buddha) :: 阿弥陀仏 /あみだぶつ, Amida-butsu/, 無量光仏 /むりょうこうぶつ, Muryōkō-butsu/
Amitābha {prop} (Vajrayana Buddhism: name of the western buddha) :: 阿弥陀如来 /あみだにょらい, Amida Nyorai/
a mite {adv} (to a small extent) SEE: a little ::
amity {n} (friendship) :: 友好 /yūkō/, 親睦 /shimboku/, 友誼 /yūgi/
amla {n} (tree) :: アムラ /amura/, 阿摩勒 /anmaroku/, 油柑 /yukan/
Amman {prop} (the capital of Jordan) :: アンマン /Anman/
ammeter {n} (device that measures an electric current) :: 電流計 /denryūkei/
Ammiyya {prop} (vernacular Arabic) :: アーンミーヤ /ānmīya/
ammonia {n} (the compound NH3) :: アンモニア /anmonia/
ammonium {n} (univalent NH4+ cation) :: アンモニウム /anmoniumu/
ammonium carbonate {n} (ammonium salt of carbonic acid) :: 炭安 /たんあん, tan'an/
ammonium chloride {n} (NH4Cl) :: 塩安 /えんあん, en'an/
ammonium nitrate {n} (ammonium salt of nitric acid) :: 硝安 /しょうあん, shōan/
ammonium phosphate {n} (salt of ammonium and phosphate) :: 燐安 /りんあん, rin'an/
ammonium sulfate {n} ((NH4)2SO4) :: 硫安 /りゅうあん, ryūan/
ammunition {n} (articles used in charging firearms) :: 弾薬 /だんやく, dan'yaku/
ammunition {n} (any stock of missiles) :: 飛び道具 /とびどうぐ, tobidōgu/
amnesia {n} (loss of memory) :: 健忘症 /けんぼうしょう, kenbōshō/
amnesty {n} (act of the sovereign power) :: 大赦 /たいしゃ, taisha/, 恩赦 /おんしゃ, onsha/
amnion {n} (a fetal membrane of reptiles, birds, and mammals, see also: amniotic sac) :: 羊膜 /ようまく, yōmaku/
amniotic fluid {n} (fluid that surrounds a developing embryo or fetus) :: 羊水 /yousui/
amoeba {n} (member of a genus of unicellular protozoa) :: アメーバ /amēba/
among {prep} (mingling or intermixing) :: /なか, naka/, /あいだ, aida/
among other things {adv} (inter alia) SEE: inter alia ::
amorphous {adj} (physics: in the non-crystalline state of solid) :: アモルファス /amorufasu/
amortization {n} (process of distributing asset cost) :: 償却 /しょうきゃく, shōkyaku/
amortize {v} (decrease (debt) in installments) :: 償却する /shōkyakusuru/
Amos {prop} (figure mentioned in the Old Testament) :: アモス /Amosu/
Amos {prop} (book of the Old Testament) :: アモス書 /amosu sho/
amount {n} (number of elements in a set) SEE: number ::
amount {n} (total or sum of items) :: 総量 /そうりょう, sōryō/, /りょう, ryō/, 数量 /すうりょう, sūryō/
amount {n} (quantity or volume) :: /りょう, ryō/
amount {v} (to total or evaluate) :: 合計する /gōkē suru/
amount {v} :: なる /naru/
Amoy {prop} (a Chinese lect) :: アモイ語 /Amoi-go/
Amoy {prop} (Xiamen) SEE: Xiamen ::
amperage {n} (electric current) SEE: current ::
ampere {n} (unit of electrical current) :: アンペア /anpea/
ampersand {n} (the symbol &) :: アンパサンド /anpasando/, アンド /ando/
ampersat {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign ::
amphetamine {n} (amphetamine) :: アンフェタミン /anfetamin/
amphibian {n} (vertebrate) :: 両生 /りょうせい, ryōsei/, 両生類 /りょうせいるい, ryōseirui/
amphibious {adj} :: 水陸両用
amphibole {n} (Any of a large group of similar hydrated double silicate minerals) :: 角閃石 /かくせんせき, kakusenseki/
amphoteric {adj} (having the characteristics of both an acid and a base) :: 両性 /ryousei/
amplification {n} (in electronics) :: 増幅 /ぞうふく, zōfuku/
amplifier {n} (appliance or circuit) :: 増幅器 /ぞうふくき, zōfukuki/, アンプ /anpu/
amplitude {n} (magnitude) :: 広さ /ひろさ/
amplitude {n} (maths: maximum absolute value) :: 振幅 /しんぷく/
amplitude {n} (physics: maximum absolute value) :: 振幅 /しんふく/
amplitude modulation {n} (method of sending information) :: 振幅変調 /しんぷくへんちょう, shinpukuhenchō/
amply {adv} (in an ample manner) :: ふんだんに /fundanni/, 十分に, 豊富に
ampoule {n} (small glass vial hermetically sealed) :: アンプル /anpuru/
amputation {n} (surgical removal of a limb) :: 切断 /せつだん, setsudan/
amrita {n} (drink of the Hindu gods) :: 甘露 /かんろ, kanro/
Amritsar {prop} (city in India) :: アムリトサル /Amuritosaru/
Amstelveen {prop} (city in North Holland) :: アムステルフェーン /Amusuterufēn/
Amsterdam {prop} (capital of the Netherlands) :: アムステルダム /Amusuterudamu/
Amu Darya {prop} (river) :: アムダリヤ川 /Amudariya gawa/, アム川 /Amu-gawa/
amulet {n} (protective charm) :: お守り /おまもり, o-mamori/, 護符 /ごふ, gofu/, アミュレット /amyuretto/
Amur {prop} (Heilongjiang) SEE: Heilongjiang ::
Amur {prop} (the river between the Far East Russia and China) :: アムール川 /Amūru-gawa/, 黒竜江 /こくりゅうこう, Kokuryūkō/
Amur cork tree {n} (Phellodendron amurense) :: キハダ /kihada/, 黄檗 /ōbaku/ [as Kampō medicine]
Amur leopard {n} (Panthera pardus orientalis) :: アムールヒョウ
amusement {n} (entertainment) :: 娯楽 /ごらく, goraku/, アミューズメント /amyūzumento/, 遊び /asobi/
amusement park {n} (commercially-operated collection of rides, games and other entertainment attractions) :: 遊園地 /��うえんち, yūenchi/, アミューズメントパーク /amyūzumento pāku/
amusia {n} (the inability to comprehend or respond to music) :: 音痴 /おんち, onchi/
amusing {adj} (entertaining) :: 面白い /omoshiroi/, 可笑しい /okashii/
amygdala {n} (region of the brain) :: 扁桃体 /へんとうたい, hentōtai/, 扁桃核 /へんとうかく, hentōkaku/
amylase {n} (enzyme, present in saliva, that breaks down carbohydrates such as starch) :: アミラーゼ /amirāze/
amylum {n} (amylum) SEE: starch ::
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis {n} (disease) :: 筋萎縮性側索硬化症 /きんいしゅくせいそくさくこうかしょう, kin'ishukuseisokusekikōkashō/
an {article} (indefinite article) :: Not used in Japanese
anabasis {n} (military march up-country) :: アナバシス /anabashisu/
anabolism {n} (the constructive metabolism of the body) :: 同化 /どうか, dōka/, 同化作用 /どうかさよう, dōka sayō/
anachronism {n} (chronological mistake) :: 時代錯誤 /じだいさくご, jidai sakugo/
anachronism {n} (person or thing which seems to belong to a different time) :: 時代錯誤 /じだいさくご, jidai sakugo/
anachronistic {adj} (erroneous in date) :: 時代錯誤の /じだいさくごの, jidaisakugo no/
anaconda {n} (any of various large nonvenomous snake of the genus Eunectes) :: アナコンダ /anakonda/
anacrusis {n} :: 弱起 /じゃっき, jakki/
anadiplosis {n} (a rhetorical device) :: 前辞反復 /zenjihanfuku/
Anadyr {prop} (city in Russia) :: アナディリ /Anadiri/
anaerobic {adj} (without oxygen) :: 嫌気性
anaesthesia {n} (anesthesia) SEE: anesthesia ::
anagram {n} (word or phrase created by rearranging letters from another word or phrase) :: アナグラム /anaguramu/
anal {adj} (of, related to, intended for or involving the anus) :: /しり, shiri/
anal beads {n} (sex toy) :: アナルビーズ /anarubīzu/
analects {n} (a collection of excerpts or quotes) :: 選集 /せんしゅう, senshū/
anal fin {n} (fin on the underside of a fish) :: 臀鰭 /しりびれ, shiribire/
anal fistula {n} (chronic abnormal communication) :: 痔瘻 /じろう, jirō/
analgesic {n} (medicine that reduces pain) :: 鎮痛剤 /ちんつうざい, chintsūzai/
analog {adj} (represented by a continuously variable physical quantity) :: アナログ /anarogu/
analogue {n} (analog) SEE: analog ::
analogy {n} (relationship of resemblance or equivalence) :: 類推 /るいすい, ruisui/, アナロジー /anarojī/, 類似 /るいじ, ruiji/, 類比 /るいひ, ruihi/
anal sex {n} (sex involving the anus) :: アナルセックス /anaru sekkusu/, 肛門性交 /こうもんせいこう, kōmon seikō/
anal sphincter {n} (sphincter surrounding the anus) :: 肛門括約筋 /こうもんかつやくきん, kōmon katsuyakukin/
analysis {n} (decomposition into components in order to study) :: 分析 /ぶんせき, bunseki/
analysis {n} (in mathematics) :: 解析学 /かいせきがく, kaisekigaku/
analysis {n} (logic: proof by deduction from known truths) :: 解析 /かいせき, kaiseki/ [method], 分析判断 /ぶんせきはんだん, bunseki-handan/ [philosophical analysis]
analysis {n} (chemistry: process of breaking down a substance or the result of this process) :: 分析 /ぶんせき, bunseki/
analyst {n} (person who analyses) :: アナリスト /anarisuto/, 分析家 /ぶんせきか, bunsekika/, 分析者 /ぶんせきしゃ, bunsekisha/
analyst {n} (psychoanalysis practitioner) :: 精神分析学者 /せいしんぶんせきがくしゃ, seishinnbunsekigakusha/
analyst {n} (systems analyst) SEE: systems analyst ::
analytical engine {n} (mechanical general-purpose computer) :: 分析機関 /bunseki kikan/
analytic mechanics {n} (the application of calculus to classical mechanics) :: 解析力学
analytics {n} (application of computer technology, operational research, and statistics to solve problems) :: 分析論 /ぶんせきろん, bunsekiron/ [theory], 解析学 /かいせきがく, kaisekigaku/
analyze {v} (to subject to analysis) :: 分析する /ぶんせきする, bunseki-surú/
anamnesis {n} (medical history of a patient) :: 病歴 /byōreki/
ananas {n} (pineapple) SEE: pineapple ::
Anapa {prop} (city) :: アナパ /Anapa/
anaphylactic shock {n} (severe allergic reaction) :: アナフィラキシーショック /anafirakishīshokku/
anaphylaxis {n} (severe and rapid systemic allergic reaction to an allergen) :: アナフィラキシー /anafirakishī/
an apple a day {n} (healthy eating and living) :: 医食同源 /いしょくどうげん, ishokudōgen/
an apple a day keeps the doctor away {proverb} (apples are good for you) :: 一日一個のりんごで医者しらず /いちにちいっこのりんごでいしゃしらず, ichinichi ikko no ringo de isha shirazu/
anarchism {n} (belief that proposes the absence and abolition of government in all forms) :: アナキズム /anākizumu/, 無政府主義
anarcho-capitalism {n} (philosophy that advocates the elimination of the state and a self-regulating free market) :: 無政府資本主義
anarchy {n} (absence of any form of political authority or government) :: 無政府状態 /むせいふじょうたい, museifu jōtai/
anarchy {n} (political disorder and confusion) :: 跳梁跋扈 /chōryōbakko/
anastrophe {n} (switching in the syntactical order of words) :: 倒置 /とうち, tōchi/, 倒置法 /とうちほう, tōchihō/
anatase {n} (mineral) :: 鋭錐石 /えいすいせき, eisuiseki/
anathema {n} (ban or curse) :: アナテマ /anatema/, 破門 /はもん, hamon/
anathema {n} (imprecation) :: 呪い /のろい, noroi/
anatman {n} (Buddhist doctrine that there is no transcendental ego or soul) :: 無我 /むが, muga/
Anatoli {prop} (transliteration of Анато́лий) :: アナトーリー /Anatōrī/, アナトリー /Anatorī/
Anatolia {prop} (peninsula of Western Asia) :: アナトリア /Anatoria/, 小アジア /Shō-Ajia/
Anatolius {prop} (male given name) :: アナトーリー /Anatōrī/, アナトリー /Anatorī/
anatomist {n} (one involved in the science of anatomical structures) :: 解剖学者 /かいぼうがくしゃ, kaibōgakusha/
anatomy {n} (art of studying the different parts of any organized body) :: 解剖学 /かいぼうがく, kaibōgaku/, 解剖 /かいぼう, kaibō/
anatta {n} (idea that there is no separate self or soul) :: 無我 /むが, muga/
anatto {n} (coloring and flavoring) SEE: annatto ::
ancestor {n} (one from whom a person is descended) :: 先祖 /せんぞ, senzo/, 祖先 /ぞせん, sosen/
ancestor {n} (an earlier type) :: 祖先 /ぞせん, sosen/
ancestor worship {n} (veneration of the spirits of one’s ancestors) :: 祖先崇拝 /そせんすうはい, sosen-suuhai/
ancestral {adj} (pertaining to ancestors) :: 先祖の /そせんの, sosen no/
anchor {n} (tool to moor a vessel into sea bottom) :: /いかり, ikari/
anchor {n} (TV anchorman) :: ニュースキャスター /nyūsukyasutā/, アンカーマン /ankāman/, アナウンサー /anaunsā/
Anchorage {prop} (city) :: アンカレッジ /Ankorejji/
anchor ice {n} (submerged ice anchored to the bottom) :: 錨氷 /いかりこおり, ikarikōri/
anchorman {n} (TV host) :: アンカーマン /ankāman/
anchovy {n} (small saltwater fish) :: 片口鰯 /かたくちいわし, katakuchi-iwashi/, カタクチイワシ /katakuchi-iwashi/, アンチョビ /anchobi/, アンチョビー /anchobī/
ancient {adj} (having lasted from a remote period) :: 古代な /こだいな, kodai na/, 古い /ふるい, furui/
ancient {adj} :: 古代の /こだいの/
Ancient Egypt {prop} (civilization) :: 古代エジプト /kodai Ejiputo/
Ancient Greece {prop} (ancient civilization of the Mediterranean) :: 古代ギリシャ /kodai Girisha/
Ancient Greek {prop} (the Greek language of classical antiquity) :: 古代ギリシャ語 /kodai Girisha-go/
Ancient Rome {prop} (civilization associated with Rome from the 9th century BC to the 5th century AD) :: 古代ローマ /kodai Rōma/
ancients {n} (the people of antiquity) :: 古代人 /こだいじん, kodaijin/
and {conj} (used to connect two similar words, phrases, et cetera) :: /to/, かつ /katsu/, とか /toka/, /ya/, そして /soshite/, //, 及び /および, oyobi/
and {conj} (used at the end of a list to indicate the last item) :: 然して /そして, soshite/
and {conj} (used to string together sentences or sentence fragments in chronological order) :: して /shite/, /te/
and {conj} (used to show causation) :: /to/
AND {n} ((logic)) :: アンド /ando/
Andalusia {prop} (autonomous community of Spain) :: アンダルシア /Andarushia/
Andalusian {adj} (from or pertaining to Andalusia) :: アンダルシアの
Andaman and Nicobar Islands {prop} (Indian territory) :: アンダマン・ニコバル諸島 /Andaman-Nikobaru-shotō/
Andaman Islands {prop} (islands) :: アンダマン諸島 /Andaman shotō/
Andean condor {n} (Vultur gryphus) :: コンドル /kondoru/, アンデスコンドル /andesu kondoru/, 南米コンドル /なんべいコンドル, nanbei kondoru/
Andersen {prop} (surname) :: アンデルセン /Anderusen/
Andes {prop} (mountain range in South America) :: アンデス山脈 /Andesu-sanmyaku/
andesine {n} (sodium calcium aluminum silicate) :: 中性長石 /ちゅうせいちょうせき, chūseichōseki/
Andhra Pradesh {prop} (state in the union of India) :: アーンドラ・プラデーシュ州 /Āndorā-Puradēshu-shū/
andiron {n} (a utensil for supporting wood while burning) :: 牧乗せ台 /まきのせだい, makinosedai/
Andorra {prop} (country) :: アンドラ /Andora/, アンドラ公国 /Andora-kōkoku/
Andorra la Vella {prop} (capital of Andorra) :: アンドラ・ラ・ベリャ /Andora-ra-Berya/
Andrew {prop} (the Apostle) :: アンデレ /Andere/
Andrew {prop} (male given name) :: アンドリュー /Andoryū/
andrewsarchus {n} (prehistoric mammal) :: アンドリューサルクス /Andoryūsarukusu/
androgen {n} (androgen) :: 男性ホルモン /dansei horumon/, アンドロゲン /andorogen/
androgenic hair {n} (body hair) SEE: body hair ::
androgynous {adj} (possessing qualities of both sexes) :: 両性具有 /りょうせいぐゆう, ryōsei guyū/
android {n} (robot with human form) :: 人造人間 /じんぞうにんげん, jinzō ningen/, アンドロイド /andoroido/, ロボット /robotto/
Android {prop} (mobile operating system) :: アンドロイド /Andoroido/
Andromeda {prop} (mythical daughter of Cepheus) :: アンドロメダー /andoromedā/, アンドロメデー /andoromedē/
Andromeda {prop} (constellation) :: アンドロメダ座 /andoromeda za/
androphobe {n} (one who fears or is averse to men) :: 男嫌い /おとこぎらい, otoko girai/
androphobia {n} (fear of men) :: 男嫌い /おとこぎらい, otoko girai/, 男性恐怖症 /だんせいきょうふしょう, dansei kyōfushō/
and so forth {phrase} (indicating a list continues similarly) :: /など, nado; とう, tō/, 等等 /��うとう, tōtō/, 等々 /とうとう, tōtō/, など /nado/, などなど /nadonado/
and so on {phrase} (indicating a list continues) SEE: and so forth ::
anecdote {n} (short account of an incident) :: 逸話 /いつわ, itsuwa/
anecdote {n} (previously untold, secret account of an incident) :: 秘史 /ひし, hishi/
anemia {n} (medical condition with decreased oxygen transport) :: 貧血 /ひんけつ, hinketsu/, 貧血症 /ひんけつしょう, hinketsushō/
anemometer {n} (an instrument for measuring and recording the speed of the wind) :: 風速計 /fūsokukei/, 風力計 /ふうりょくけい, fūryokukei/
anemone {n} (sea anemone) SEE: sea anemone ::
anemonefish {n} (fish of the genus Amphiprion) SEE: clownfish ::
anesthesia {n} (loss of bodily sensation) :: 麻酔 /ますい, masui/
anesthetic {n} (a substance for the reduced perception of pain) :: 麻酔 /masui/, 麻酔薬 /masuiyaku/
anesthetization {n} (an administration of anesthesia) :: 麻酔 /ますい, masui/
anesthetize {v} (administer anesthesia) :: 麻酔をかける /ますいをかける, masui o kakeru/
aneurysm {n} (abnormal blood-filled swelling) :: 動脈瘤 /どうみゃくりゅう, dōmyakuryū/
anew {adv} (again) :: 改めて /あらためて, aratamete/, 再び /ふたたび, futatabi/
ANFO {n} (ammonium nitrate fuel oil explosive) :: 硝安油剤爆薬 /しょうあんゆざいばくやく, shōan yuzai bakuyaku/
Angara {prop} (river in Russia) :: アンガラ川 /Angara-gawa/
angel {n} (messenger from a deity) :: 天使 /てんし, tenshi/, 天の使い /てんのつかい, ten no tsukai/, エンゼル /enzeru/
angel {n} (in Christian angelology, the lowest order of angels) :: 天使 /てんし, tenshi/
Angel {prop} (female given name) SEE: Angela ::
Angela {prop} (female given name) :: アンジェラ /Anjera/, [German] アンゲラ /Angera/
angel hair {n} (very thin type of pasta) :: カペッリ・ダンジェロ /kaperri danjero/, カペッリーニ /kaperrīni/
angelica {n} (plants of genus Angelica) :: シシウド /shishiudo/, アンゼリカ /anzerika/
angelica {n} (candied stem) :: アンゼリカ /anzerika/
angel of death {n} (personification of death in fiction and in art) :: 死神 /しにがみ, shinigami/ (lit.: God of death)
anger {n} (A strong feeling of displeasure, hostility or antagonism towards someone or something) :: 怒り /ikari/, 忿怒 /fundo, funnu/, 怒気 /doki/
anger {v} (to become angry) :: 怒る /okoru/
Angers {prop} (city in Pays de la Loire, France) :: アンジェ /Anje/
angina {n} (angina pectoris) SEE: angina pectoris ::
angina pectoris {n} (intermittent chest pain) :: 狭心症 /kyōshinshō/
angklung {n} (instrument) :: アンクルン /ankurun/
Angkor Wat {prop} (Cambodian temple complex) :: アンコール・ワット /Ankōru-Watto/
angle {n} (geometrical figure) :: /かく, kaku/, 角度 /かくど, kakudo/
angle {n} (measure of such a figure) :: 角度 /かくど, kakudo/
angle {n} (corner where two walls intersect) :: /かく, kaku/, /すみ, sumi/
angle {n} (viewpoint) :: 見地 /けんち, kenchi/, 立場 /たちば, tachiba/
angle {v} (to fish with hook and line) :: 魚釣りをする /さかなつりをする, sakanatsuri o suru/
angle bracket {n} (type of bracket) :: 山括弧
angle of incidence {n} (angle that a straight line makes with the normal of a surface) :: 入射角 /nyūshakaku/
angle of incidence {n} (angle between a wing or horizontal stabilizer and the axis of fuselage) :: 取り付け角 /toritsukekaku/
angle of view {n} (angular extent of a given scene) :: 画角 /がかく, gakaku/, 視野角 /しやかく, shiyagaku/
angle quote {n} (guillemet) SEE: guillemet ::
anglerfish {n} (fish of the bony fish order Lophiiformes) :: アンコウ, 鮟鱇, (あんこう, ankō)
Anglican Communion {prop} (worldwide network of churches) :: アングリカン・コミュニオン /angurikan komuyunion/
Anglicanism {n} (beliefs and practices of the Anglican Church) :: 聖公会 /せいこうかい, seikōkai/
anglicisation {n} (process of anglicising) :: 英国化 /えいこくか, eikokuka/, アングライゼーション /anguraizēshon/
anglicise {v} (make English) :: 英国化する /えいこくかする, eikokuka suru/
anglicism {n} (Briticism) SEE: Briticism ::
angling {n} (fishing with a rod, line and angle, for recreation or sport) :: 釣り /tsuri/
Anglish {prop} (variety of English) :: 愛語 /aigo/
Anglo- {prefix} (prefix: relating to England, English, or the English) :: /えい, Ei-/
Anglo-American {adj} (of relating to England and USA) :: 米英
Anglophone {n} (one who speaks English) :: 英語話者 /えいごわしゃ, Eigo-washa/
Anglo-Saxon {prop} (Old English) SEE: Old English ::
Anglo-Saxon {n} (member of the Germanic peoples who settled in England during the early fifth century) :: アングロサクソン /Anguro-Sakuson/
Anglosphere {prop} (Anglophone realm) :: 英語圏 /えいごけん, Eigoken/
ang moh {n} (white person) SEE: white ::
Angola {prop} (country in Southern Africa) :: アンゴラ /Angora/
angora {n} (subspecies of the European rabbit) :: アンゴラウサギ
Angra Mainyu {prop} (Ahriman) SEE: Ahriman ::
angry {adj} (displaying anger) :: 怒った /おこった, okotta/
angstrom {n} (A very small unit of length, 10−10 m) :: オングストローム /ongusutorōmu/
anguiform {adj} (serpentine) SEE: serpentine ::
Anguilla {prop} (British overseas territory in the Caribbean) :: アンギラ /Angira/
anguish {n} (extreme pain) :: 苦痛 /ku-tsū/
anguish {v} (suffer pain) :: 苦しむ /kurushimu/
anguish {v} (cause to suffer pain) :: 苦しめる /kurushimeru/
angular velocity {n} (angle turned in a given time) :: 角速度 /かくそくど, kakusokudo/
angulus {n} (angle, corner) :: 胃角部 /ikakubu/ [angular portion of the stomach between the lesser curvature and the pylorus]
Anhui {prop} (province of China) :: 安徽 /あんき, Anki/
anhydride {n} (Compound formally derived from another by loss of water molecule) :: 無水物 /むすいぶつ, musuibutsu/
anhydrite {n} (saline evaporite) :: 硬石膏 /こうせっこう, kōsekkō/
anicca {n} (impermanence) :: 無常 /むじょう, mujō/
anilingus {n} (form of oral sex) :: アニリングス /aniringasu/
animal {adj} (of animals) :: 生き物の /ikimono no/
animal {n} (organism) :: 動物 /どうぶつ, dōbutsu/, 生き物 /いきもの, ikimono/
animal {n} (organism other than man) :: 動物 /どうぶつ, dōbutsu/, 生物 /せいぶつ, seibutsu/, /けもの, kemono/ [covered with fur]
animal {n} (person who behaves wildly) :: けだもの /kedamono/
animal husbandry {n} (management and care of farm animals) :: 畜産 /ちくさん, chikusan/
animal product {n} (food or food ingredient made from animals) :: 動物製品 /doubutsu seihin/
animal rights {n} (fundamental rights for animals) :: 動物の権利 /どうぶつのけんり, dōbutsu no kenri/
animate {v} (to impart motion or its appearance) :: アニメ化す /animekasu/, アニメーション化す /animēshon kasu/
animation {n} (causing images to appear to move) :: アニメーション /animēshon/, アニメ /anime/
animator {n} (one who creates an animation) :: アニメーター /animētā/
anime {n} (an animated work originated in Japan) :: アニメ /anime/, アニメーション /animēshon/
animosity {n} (violent hatred leading to active opposition; active enmity; energetic dislike) :: 敵意 /てきい, tekii/
anion {n} (negatively charged ion) :: 陰イオン /in-ion/, アニオン /anion/
anise {n} (plant) :: アニス /anisu/, 八角 /はっかく, hakkaku/
anise {n} (fennel) SEE: fennel ::
aniseed {n} (the seed-like fruit of the anise) :: アニス /anisu/
Ankara {prop} (capital of Turkey) :: アンカラ /Ankara/
ankh {n} (cross shaped like a T with a loop at the top) :: アンク /anku/
ankle {n} (joint between foot and leg) :: 足首 /あしくび, ashikubi/, /くるぶし, kurubushi/
anklebone {n} (the talus) :: 距骨 /きょこつ, kyokotsu/
ankle bracelet {n} (anklet) SEE: anklet ::
anklet {n} (a bracelet at the ankle) :: アンクレット /ankuretto/
ankylosaurus {n} (large herbivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous) :: アンキロサウルス /ankirosaurusu/
ankylosing spondylitis {n} (arthritis disease) :: 強直性脊椎炎 /kyōchokusei sekitsuien/
ankylosis {n} (the growing together of bones) :: 強直 /きょうちょく, kyōchoku/
Ann {prop} (female given name) :: アンナ /Anna/, アン /An/
Anna {prop} (given name) SEE: Ann ::
Anna {prop} (biblical prophetess) :: アンナ /Anna/
Annam {prop} (the former name of Vietnam) :: 安南 /あんなん, Annan/
annatto {n} (plant Bixa orellana) :: ベニノキ /beni-no-ki/, アケノキ /ake-no-ki/
Anne {prop} (given name) SEE: Ann ::
annelid {n} (annelid) :: 環形動物 /kankei-dōbutsu/
annex {n} (addition, an extension) :: 付加物 /fukabutsu/, 付属 /fuzoku/
annex {n} (appendix) :: 付録 /furoku/
annex {n} (addition or extension to a building) :: 別館 /べっかん, bekkan/
annex {v} (to add something to another, to incorporate into) :: 組み入れる /くみいれる, kumiireru/, 編入する /へんにゅうする, hennyū suru/, 併合する /heigō suru/
annex {n} (addition of territory) SEE: annexation ::
annexation {n} (addition or incorporation of something) :: 編入 /へんにゅう, hennyū/, 併合 /へいごう, heigō/, 付加 /ふか, fuka/
annihilate {v} (to reduce to nothing, to destroy, to eradicate) :: 撲滅する /bokumetsu suru/, 殲滅する /semmetsu suru/, 根絶する /konzetsu suru/, 根刮ぎにする /nekosogi ni suru/, 絶滅させる /zetsumetsu saseru/
annihilation {n} (act of reducing to nothing) :: 根絶 /konzetsu/, 殲滅 /semmetsu/
annihilation {n} (state of being annihilated) :: 全滅 /zemmetsu/, 絶滅 /zetsumetsu/
annihilative {adj} (serving to annihilate) :: 殲滅的な /semmetsuteki na/, 絶滅をもたらす /zetsumetsu wo motarasu/
anniversary {n} (day an exact number of years since an event) :: 記念日 /kinenbi/, 周年 /しゅうねん, shūnen/, アニバーサリー /anibāsarī/
anniversary {n} (wedding anniversary) :: 結婚記念日 /kekkon kinenbi/
anno Domini {n} (in the year of our Lord) SEE: Anno Domini ::
Anno Domini {adv} (in the year of our Lord) :: 紀元 /きげん, kigen/, 西暦 /せいれき, seireki/
annotation {n} (critical or explanatory commentary or analysis) :: 注解 /ちゅうかい, chūkai/
announce {v} (give public notice) :: 発表する /happyō-suru/, 知らせる /shiraseru/
announcement {n} (that which conveys what is announced) :: 発表 /はっぴょう, happyō/, お知らせ /おしらせ, oshirase/
announcement {n} :: 発表 /happyō/, お知らせ /oshirase/
announcer {n} (announcer) :: アナウンサー /anaunsā/
announcer {n} (TV or radio announcer) :: アナウンサー /anaunsā/
annoy {v} (to disturb or irritate) :: 煩わす /wazurawasu/, 騒がす /sawagasu/, 苦しめる /kurushimeru/, いらいらさせる /iraira-saseru/
annoyance {n} (that which annoys) :: 迷惑 /めいわく, meiwaku/
annoyed {adj} (troubled, irritated by something unwanted or unliked; vexed) :: いらいらした /iraira shita/
annoying {v} (causing irritation or annoyance; troublesome; vexatious) :: うるさい /urusai/, 迷惑 /めいわく, meiwaku/, 面倒 /めんどう, mendō/
annual {adj} (happening once a year) :: 毎年 /まいねん, mainen, まいとし, maitoshi/
annual leave {n} (amount of leave per year) :: 年休 /nenkyū/
annually {adv} (once every year) :: 毎年 /maitoshi/
annual report {n} (company report of activities for the preceding year) :: 年報 /ねんぽう, nenpō/
annual ring {n} (layer of wood) SEE: tree ring ::
annuity {n} (right to receive amounts of money regularly) :: 年金 /ねんきん, nenkin/
annul {v} (formally revoke the validity of) :: 取り消す /とりけす, torikesu/, 廃棄する /はいきする, haiki-suru/
annular eclipse {n} (type of solar eclipse) :: 金環日食 /kinkannisshoku/, 金環食 /kinkanshoku/
anoa {n} (a small Indonesian water buffalo) :: アノア /anoa/, 山水牛 /やますいぎゅう, yamasuigyū/
anoda {determiner} (another) SEE: another ::
anode {n} (the electrode of an electrochemical cell at which oxidation occurs) :: 陽極 /ようきょく, yōkyoku/, アノード /anōdo/
a nod is as good as a wink {proverb} (the hint, suggestion etc can be understood without further explaining) :: 一を聞いて十を知る /いちをきいてじゅうをしる, ichi o kiite jū o shiru/
anomalistic {adj} (irregular) SEE: irregular ::
anomaly {n} (deviation from norm) :: 例外 /れいがい, reigai/
anomaly {n} (astronomy: any of various angular distances) :: 離角 /りかく, rikaku/
anonymous {adj} (wanting a name, not named and determined) :: 無名 /むめいの, mumei no/, 匿名の /とくめいの, tokumei no/
anopheles {n} (member of the Anopheles genus of mosquitos) :: ハマダラカ /hamadaraka/
anopheline {n} (anopheles) SEE: anopheles ::
anorak {n} (heavy weatherproof jacket) :: アノラック /anorakku/
anorexia {n} (anorexia nervosa) SEE: anorexia nervosa ::
anorexia {n} (loss of appetite) :: 食欲不振 /しょくよくふしん, shokuyokufushin/
anorexia nervosa {n} (disorder) :: 拒食症 /きょしょくしょう, kyoshokushō/
anorthite {n} (mineral) :: 灰長石 /かいちょうせき, haichōseki/
another {determiner} (one more, in addition to a former number) :: もう一つ /mō hitotsu/, もう /mō/
another {determiner} (not the same; different) :: 他の /ほかの, hoka-no/, 別の /べつの,betsu-no/
an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure {proverb} (prevention is better than cure) SEE: prevention is better than cure ::
Anping {prop} (district in southern Taiwan) :: 安平 /あんへい, Anhei/
Anschluss {n} (the annexation of Austria into Germany in 1938 or an analogy) :: アンシュルス /anshurusu/
An-shan {prop} (Anshan) SEE: Anshan ::
Anshan {prop} (a prefecture-level city in northeastern China) :: 鞍山 /あんざん, Anzan/
answer {n} (response) :: 答え /こたえ, kotae/, 回答 /かいとう, kaitō/, 応答 /おうとう, ōtō/
answer {n} (solution) :: 解答 /かいとう, kaitō/
answer {n} (reply to email) :: 返事 /へんじ, henji/, 返答 /へんとう, hentō/
answer {v} (to make a reply or response to) :: 答える /こたえる, kotaeru/, 返事する /へんじする, henji suru/
answer {v} (to suit a need or purpose satisfactorily) :: 答える /kotaeru/
answering machine {n} (device that automatically records voice mail) :: 留守番電話 /るすばんでんわ rusuban denwa/, 留守電 /るすでん rusuden/
answerphone {n} (answering machine) SEE: answering machine ::
ant {n} (insect) :: /あり, ari/, アリ /ari/
antacid {n} (agent reducing acidity) :: 制酸薬 /せいさんやく, seisanyaku/
antagonism {n} (strong dislike) :: 対抗 /たいこう, taikō/
Antananarivo {prop} (city) :: アンタナナリボ /Antananaribo/
Antarctic {adj} (pertaining to Antarctica) :: 南極 /Nankyoku/
Antarctica {prop} (southernmost continent) :: 南極 /なんきょく, nankyoku/ [the region], 南極大陸 /なんきょくたいりく, nankyoku tairiku/ [the continent]
Antarctic Circle {prop} (geographical line) :: 南極線 /なんきょくせん, nankyokusen/
Antarctic Peninsula {prop} (the northernmost part of the mainland of Antarctica) :: 南極半島 / なんきょく はんとう, Nankyu Hantō/
Antares {prop} (star) :: アンタレス /Antaresu/
anteater {n} (mammal) :: 蟻食 /アリクイ, arikui/, アリクイ /arikui/
antebellum {adj} (of a period of time prior to a war) :: 戦前の
antebrachium {n} (forearm) SEE: forearm ::
antelope {n} (mammal of the family Bovidae) :: カモシカ /kamoshika/, 羚羊 /れいよう reiyō/, レイヨウ /reiyō/
antenna {n} (feeler organ) :: 触角 /しょっかく, shokkaku/ [insects]; ヒゲ /hige/ [animals]
antenna {n} (device to receive or transmit radio signals) SEE: aerial ::
antepenultimate {adj} (two before the last) :: 次々末 /jijimatsu/
anterior {adj} (before in place) :: 前の /mae no/, 前方の /zempō no/
anterior {adj} (before or earlier in time) :: 前の /saki no/, 優先する /yūsen suru/, 先行する /senkō suru/, 先んじる /sakinjiru/
anterior chamber {n} (space between cornea and iris) :: 前眼房 /zenganbō/
anthem {n} (national anthem) :: 国歌 /こっか, kokka/
anthem {n} (hymn of praise or loyalty) :: 聖歌 /せいか, seika/
anther {n} (pollen-bearing part of the stamen) :: /やく, yaku/
ant-hill {n} (anthill) SEE: anthill ::
anthill {n} (home of ants and termites) :: 蟻塚 /ありづか, arizuka/, アリの巣 /アリのす, ari no su/, 蟻の塔 /ありのとう, ari no tō/
anthology {n} (collection of literary works) :: アンソロジー /ansorojii/, 詩集 /ししゅう, shijū/, 選集 /せんしゅう, senshū/
Anthony {prop} (given name) :: アンソニー /Ansonī/
anthracene {n} (tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) :: アントラセン /antorasen/
anthracite {n} (type of coal) :: 無煙炭 /むえんたん, muentan/
anthrax {n} (disease) :: 炭疽症 /たんそしょう, tansoshō/
anthropologist {n} (one who is versed in anthropology) :: 人類学者 /じんるいがくしゃ, jinruigakusha/
anthropology {n} (the study of humanity) :: 人類学 /じんるいがく, jinruigaku/
anthropomorphism {n} (the attribution or ascription of human characteristics to something not human) :: 擬人化 /gijinka/, 擬人観 /gijinkan/
anthropophobia {n} (fear of human beings) :: 対人恐怖症 /たいじんきょうふしょう, taijin kyōfushō/
anti- {prefix} (against, hostile to) :: 反- /はん-, han-/, /ひ, hi/, /ぎゃく, gyaku/, 反対 /はんたい, hantai/
antiacid {n} (antacid) SEE: antacid ::
anti-aircraft {n} (anti-aircraft artillery) :: 高射砲 /こうしゃほう, kōshahō/
anti-Americanism {n} (the fear or dislike of the United States or American people, policies, culture or government) :: 反米 /はんべい, hanbei/, 反米感情 /はんべいかんじょう, hanbei kanjō/
antibacterial {adj} (killing or inhibiting bacteria) :: 抗菌性 /koukinsei/
antibacterial {n} (antibacterial drug) :: 抗菌薬 /kōkinyaku/
antibiotic {n} (substance that destroys or inhibits bacteria) :: 抗生物質 /こうせいぶっしつ, kōseibusshitsu/
antibody {n} (protein that binds to a specific antigen) :: 抗体 /こうたい, kōtai/
antibrachium {n} (antibrachium) SEE: forearm ::
anticathode {n} (anode) SEE: anode ::
antichrist {n} (someone that works against the teachings of Christ) :: 反キリスト /han-Kirisuto/
Antichrist {prop} (one under the direct control of the Devil) :: 反キリスト /はんきりすと, hankirisuto/
anticipate {v} (to know of something before it manifests) :: 予想する /よそうする, yosō suru/
anticlimactic {adj} (lacking climax) :: 呆気ない /akkenai/
anticlimax {n} (break in the final climax) :: 竜頭蛇尾 /ryūtōdabi/
anticline {n} (anticlinal fold) :: 背斜 /はいしゃ, haisha/
anticlockwise {adj} (in the opposite direction to the hands of an analogue clock) :: 反時計回り /hantokeimawari/
anticlockwise {adv} (in the opposite direction to the hands of an analogue clock) :: 左回り /ひだりまわり, hidarimawari/, 反時計回り /はんとけいまわり, hantokeimawari/, [rare] 逆時計回り /ぎゃくとけいまわり, gyakutokeimawari/
anticlockwisely {adv} (anticlockwise) SEE: anticlockwise ::
anticyclone {n} (system of winds) :: 高気圧 /こうきあつ, kōkiatsu/
antidepressant {n} (agent that prevents or counteracts depression) :: 抗うつ薬 /kōutsuyaku/, 抗うつ剤 /kōutsuzai/
antidepressant {adj} (preventing or counteracting depression) :: 抗うつ /kōutsu/
antidepression {adj} (antidepressant) SEE: antidepressant ::
antidepressive {adj} (antidepressant) SEE: antidepressant ::
antidepressive {n} (antidepressant) SEE: antidepressant ::
antiderivative {n} (function whose derivative is a given function) :: 不定積分 /futei-sekibun/
antidotary {n} (antidote) SEE: antidote ::
antidote {n} (remedy to counteract a poison) :: 解毒剤 /げどくざい, gedokuzai/, 解毒薬 /げどくやく, gedokuyaku/
antifascism {n} (opposition to fascism) :: 反ファシズム /han-fashizumu/
antifascist {n} (person opposed to fascism) :: 反ファシスト /han-fashisuto/
antifascistic {adj} (antifascist) SEE: antifascist ::
antifeminism {n} (any belief antagonistic to feminism) :: 反フェミニズム
antifreeze {n} (a substance used to lower the freezing point of water) :: 不凍液 /ふとうえき, futōeki/
antigen {n} (substance that induces an immune response) :: 抗原 /こうげん, kōgen/
antigorite {n} (brownish-green variety of serpentine) :: 葉蛇紋石 /ようじゃもんせき, yōjamonseki/
anti-gravity {n} (gravity cancellation) :: 反重力 /hanjūryoku/
Antigua and Barbuda {prop} (country) :: アンティグア・バーブーダ /Antigua Bābūda/
antihistamine {n} (drug or substance) :: 抗ヒスタミン剤 /kō-hisutamin-zai/, 抗ヒスタミン薬 /kō-hisutamin-yaku/
antihistaminic {n} (antihistamine) SEE: antihistamine ::
anti-intellectualism {n} (hostility towards intellectuals) :: 反知性主義 /はんちせいしゅぎ, hanchiseishugi/
anti-Jew {n} (anti-Jew) :: 反ユダヤ主義者 /han-Yudaya-shugisha/
antimatter {n} (matter composed of antiparticles) :: 反物質 /はんぶっしつ, hanbusshitsu/
anti-militarism {n} (a doctrine that opposes war) :: 反軍国主義 /fǎnjūnguózhǔyì/
antimony {n} (chemical element) :: アンチモン /anchimon/, アンチモニー /anchimonī/
antimony {n} (stibnite) SEE: stibnite ::
anting {n} (bird behaviour) :: 蟻浴
antinomy {n} (contradiction) :: アンチノミー, 二律背反
antinuclear {adj} (opposed to the use of nuclear weapons or nuclear energy) :: 反核 /はんかく, hankaku/
antiparticle {n} (a subatomic particle) :: 反粒子 /はんりゅうし, hanryūshi/
antipathy {n} (contrariety or opposition in feeling) :: 反感 /hankan/, 嫌悪感 /ken'okan/, 厭悪感 /en'okan/
antipattern {n} (a design pattern that may be commonly used, but is ineffective or counterproductive in practice) :: アンチパターン /anchipatān/
antipodal {adj} (on opposite sides of the globe) :: 対蹠的な /taishoteki na/
antipodal {adj} (diametrically opposite) :: 対蹠的な /taishoteki na/, 正反対な /seihantai na/, 真逆の /magyaku no/
antipode {n} (something directly opposite) :: 対蹠 /taisho/, 対極 /taikyoku/, 正反対 /seihantai/, 真逆 /magyaku/
antiproton {n} (antiparticle of the proton) :: 反陽子 /han'yōshi/
antiquark {n} (the antiparticle of a quark) :: 反クォーク /はんくぉーく, hankuwōku/
antiquated {adj} (old fashioned) :: 古風な /こふうな, kofū na/
antique {adj} (old; out of date) :: 古い /ふるい, furui/ [just old], 骨董の /kottō no/ [old with value], アンティークの /antīku-no/
antique {n} (old piece) :: 骨董品 /こっとうひん, kottōhin/, 骨董 /こっとう, kottō/
antiquity {n} (ancient times) :: /むかし, mukashi/, 古代 /こだい, kodai/
antisemite {n} (anti-Semite) :: 反ユダヤ主義者 /han-Yudaya-shugisha/ [specifically anti-Jewish]
antisemitism {n} (prejudice or hostility against Jews) :: 反ユダヤ主義 /han-Yudaya-shugi/
antiseptic {n} (substance that inhibits the growth of microorganisms) :: 防腐剤 /bōfuzai/
antish {adj} (antly) SEE: antly ::
antishinto {adj} (opposing Shinto) :: 抗神道, 反神道
antisocial {adj} (unfriendly toward others) :: 不愛想な /buaisouna/
antisocial {adj} (hostile to society) :: 反社会的な /hanshakaitekina/
antisymmetric {adj} ((order theory; of a binary relation on a set)) :: 反対称的 /はんたいしょうてき, han-taishō-teki/
antisymmetrical {adj} (antisymmetric) SEE: antisymmetric ::
antiterrorism {n} (activity aiming at opposing terrorism) :: 反テロ /han-tero/
antitheft {adj} (preventing from being stolen) :: 盗難防止 /とうなんぼうし, tōnanbōshi/
antithesis {n} (proposition that is opposite to other proposition) :: 対照 /たいしょう, taishō/, アンチテーゼ /anchitēze/
antivirus {n} (computing software) :: アンチウイルス /anchiuirusu/ / アンチウィルス /anchiwirusu/, 抗ウイルス /kō-uirusu/ / 抗ウィルス /kō-wirusu/
anti-war {adj} (opposed to war) :: 反戦 /はんせん, hansen/
antiwarfare {adj} (anti-war) SEE: anti-war ::
antler {n} (bony structure on the head of deer, moose and elk) :: /つの, tsuno/
Antlered God {prop} (Wiccan god) :: 有角神 /ゆうかくしん, yūkakushin/
Antlia {prop} (constellation) :: ポンプ座 /ponpu za/
antlion {n} (nocturnal insects) :: ウスバカゲロウ /usubakagerō/, 蟻地獄 /ありじごく,アリジゴク, arijigoku/ [larva]
antly {adj} (pertaining to ants) :: 蟻の /ありの, arino/
Antonio {prop} (male given name) SEE: Anthony ::
Antony {prop} (male given name) SEE: Anthony ::
antonym {n} (word which has the opposite meaning) :: 対義語 /たいぎご, taigigo/, 反意語 /��んいご, han'igo/, 反対語 /はんたいご, hantaigo/
antshrike {n} (several passerine bird species of various genera in the antbird (Thamnophilidae) family) :: アリドリ /aridori/
Antwerp {prop} (province) :: アントワープ県 /Antowāpu-shū/
Antwerp {prop} (city) :: アントワープ /Antowāpu/, アントワープ市 /Antowāpu-shi/
Anubis {prop} (Egyptian god of the dead and tombs) :: アヌビス /Anubisu/
anuclear {adj} (anucleate) SEE: anucleate ::
anucleate {adj} (of a cell which does not have a nucleus) :: 無核 /むかく, mukaku/
Anuruddha {prop} (disciple of Gautama Buddha) :: 大迦葉
anus {n} (lower opening of the digestive tract) :: 肛門 /こうもん, kōmon/
anusvara {n} (anusvara diacritic) :: アヌスヴァーラ /anusuvāra/
anvil {n} (block used in blacksmithing) :: 金床 /かなとこ, kanatoko/
anvil {n} (bone in inner ear) :: 砧骨 /きぬたこつ, kinutakotsu/
anxietolytic {adj} (anxiolytic) SEE: anxiolytic ::
anxietude {n} (anxiety) SEE: anxiety ::
anxiety {n} (concern) :: 心配 /しんぱい, shinpai/
anxiolytic {n} (drug prescribed for the treatment of symptoms of anxiety) :: 抗不安薬
anxious {adj} (full of anxiety) :: 心配した /しんぱいした, shinpai shita/
anxiousness {n} (anxiety) SEE: anxiety ::
any {determiner} (no matter what kind) :: 任意 /にんい, nin'i/
any {pron} (Any things or persons) :: どれも /doremo/, どれでも /doredemo/
anybody {pron} (anyone) SEE: anyone ::
anyhow {adv} (in any way, in any manner) :: とにかく /tonikaku/, 何しろ /なにしろ, nani-shiro/
anyhow {adv} (in any case) SEE: in any case ::
any more {adv} (not any more) SEE: no longer ::
anyone {pron} (anybody) :: 誰も /だれも, dare mo/ [used with affirmative verbs] 誰でも /だれでも, dare de mo/
anyplace {adv} (anywhere) SEE: anywhere ::
anything {pron} (any thing of any kind) :: 何でも /なんでも, nandemo/
anything {n} (someone or something) :: 何でも /nandemo/
anytime {interj} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome ::
anytime {adv} (at any time) :: いつでも /itsudemo/
anyway {adv} (used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement) :: とにかく /tonikaku/, どうせ /dōse/, 何しろ /nanishiro/, いずれにしても /izure ni shite mo/
anyway {adv} (used to indicate change of subject) :: とにかく /tonikaku/
anyway {adv} (in any way) :: とにかく /tonikaku/
anywhere {adv} (in or at any location) :: どこでも /dokodemo/
Anzac Day {prop} (public holiday in Australia and New Zealand on April 25) :: アンザック・デー /Anzakku-Dē/
ao dai {n} (dress) :: アオザイ /aozai/
Aomen {prop} (Macau) SEE: Macau ::
Aomori {prop} (a prefecture in Tohoku, Japan) :: 青森 /あおもり, Aomori/
Aomori {prop} (a city in Aomori prefecture) :: 青森 /あおもり, Aomori/
Aomori {prop} (surname) :: 青森 /あおもり, Aomori/
aorist {n} (a grammatical aspect) :: アオリスト /aorisuto/
aoristic {adj} (aorist) SEE: aorist ::
aorta {n} (great artery) :: 大動脈 /だいどうみゃく, daidōmyaku/
Aosta {prop} (city in Italy) :: アオスタ /Aosuta/
Aosta Valley {prop} (Valle d'Aosta) SEE: Valle d'Aosta ::
Apalala {prop} (spirit) :: 阿波羅竜王
apart {adv} (separately, in regard to space or company) :: 別々に /べつべつに, betsubetsu ni/
apart {adv} (in two or more parts; asunder) :: ばらばらに /barabara ni/
apart {adv} (apart from) SEE: apart from ::
apart from {prep} (except for) :: 以外 /いがい, igai/
apartheid {v} (policy of racial separation in South Africa) :: アパルトヘイド /aparutoheido/, アパルトヘイト /aparutoheito/
apartment {n} (domicile occupying part of a building) :: アパート /apāto/, マンション /manshon/
apartment building {n} (residential building with multiple flats) :: アパート /apāto/, マンション /manshon/
apartmentmate {n} (one who shares an apartment (US)) SEE: roommate ::
apartmentmate {n} (one who shares an apartment (UK)) SEE: flatmate ::
apathetic {adj} (void of feeling) :: 無感動な /mukandō na/
apatheticness {n} (apathy) SEE: apathy ::
apathistical {adj} (apathetic) SEE: apathetic ::
apathy {n} (lack of emotion or motivation) :: 無感動 /むかんどう, mukandō/, 無関心 /むかんしん, mukanshin/
apatite {n} (type of mineral) :: 燐灰石 /rinkaiseki/
ape {n} (animal) :: /さる, saru/ [ape or monkey], サル /saru/, 類人猿 /るいじんえん, ruijin'en/
ape {v} (to imitate) :: 猿真似する /sarumane suru/
APEC {prop} (trade agreement) :: アジア太平洋経済協力会議 /Ajia-Taiheiyō-keizai-kyōryoku-kaigi/
Apennines {prop} (mountain range) :: アペニン山脈 /Apenin-sanmyaku/
aper {n} (someone who apes something) SEE: imitator ::
aperture {n} (something which restricts the diameter of the light path through one plane in an optical system) :: 開口 /かいこう, kaikō/
apex court {n} (supreme court) SEE: supreme court ::
apex predator {n} (an animal atop the food chain) :: 頂点捕食者 /chōten hoshokusha/
aphasia {n} (pathological speech disorder) :: 失語症 /しつごしょう, shitsugoshō/
aphelion {n} (the point in the elliptical orbit of a planet where it is farthest from the Sun) :: 遠日点 /えんじつてん, enjitsuten/
aphesis {n} (loss of the initial unstressed vowel of a word) :: 語頭母音消失 /gotō-boin shōshitsu/
aphid {n} (insect) :: 油虫 /アブラムシ, aburamushi/
aphis {n} (aphid) SEE: aphid ::
aphorism {n} (short phrase conveying some principle or concept of thought) :: 格言 /かくげん, kakugen/
aphotic {adj} (having no light, especially no sunlight) :: /むひかり, muhikari/
aphrodisiac {adj} (intensifying sexual desire) :: 催淫の /さいいん-の, sai'in-no/, 催淫性の /さいいんせい-の, sai'insei-no)/
aphrodisiac {n} (food or drug) :: 媚薬 /biyaku/, 催淫剤 /さいいんざい, sai'inzai/
Aphrodite {prop} (Greek goddess) :: アフロディーテ /Afurodīte/
aphroditic {adj} (venereal) SEE: venereal ::
aphtha {n} (foot-and-mouth disease) SEE: foot-and-mouth disease ::
aphthous ulcer {n} (ulcer in the mouth caused by break in mucous membrane) :: 口内炎 /こうないえん, kōnaien/
Apia {prop} (capital of Samoa) :: アピア /Apia/
apiarist {n} (beekeeper) SEE: beekeeper ::
apiary {n} (a place where bees and hives are kept) :: 養蜂場 /ようほうじょう, yōhōjō/
a picture is worth a thousand words {proverb} (visualisation is better than verbal description) :: 百聞は一見に如かず /ひゃくぶんはいっけんにしかず, hyakubun wa ikken ni shikazu/
a picture paints a thousand words {proverb} (a picture is worth a thousand words) SEE: a picture is worth a thousand words ::
apiculturalist {n} (beekeeper) SEE: beekeeper ::
apiculture {n} (beekeeping) SEE: beekeeping ::
apiculturist {n} (beekeeper) SEE: beekeeper ::
Apocalypse {prop} (the written account of a revelation of hidden things given by God to a chosen prophet) :: 黙示録 /もくしろく, Mokushiroku/
Apocalypse {prop} (book of the Bible) :: 黙示録 /もくしろく, Mokushiroku/
apocope {n} (loss or omission of a sound or syllable from the end of a word) :: 語末音消失 /gomatu-on-syôsitu/
apocrypha {n} (writing of a doubtful authorship) :: 外典 /がいてん, gaiten/
Apocrypha {prop} (writings recognized by some but not all Christians) :: 外典 /gaiten/, アポクリファ /apokurifa/
apocryphal {adj} (of doubtful authenticity) :: 典拠疑わしい /てんきょがうたがわしい, tenkyo ga utagawashii/
apocryphal {adj} (of dubious veracity; urban legend) :: うその /uso no/, にせの /nise no/, うその /uso no/
apogee {n} (a point in an orbit around the Earth) :: 遠地点 /えんちてん, enchiten/
apoliticism {n} (apolitical behaviour) :: 政治的無関心 /seijiteki mukanshin/
Apollo {prop} (the son of Zeus) :: アポロン /Aporon/
Apollo {prop} (a three-man spacecraft) :: アポロ /Aporo/
Apollo {n} (asteroid type) :: アポロ /Aporo/
apologetic {adj} (having the character of apology) :: 申し訳なさそうな /mōshiwake nasasō na/
apologetical {adj} (apologetic) SEE: apologetic ::
apologia {n} (apology) SEE: apology ::
apologise {v} (apologise) SEE: apologize ::
apologism {n} (apology) SEE: apology ::
apologize {v} (to make an apology or excuse) :: 謝る /あやまる, ayamaru/, 詫びる /わびる, wabiru/
apology {n} (an expression of regret) :: 詫び /わび, wabi/, 侘び /わび, wabi/, 謝罪 /しゃざい, shazai/
apology {n} (formal justification, defence) :: 弁明 /べんめい, benmei/
apophenia {n} (the perception of connectedness in unrelated phenomena) :: アポフェニア /apofenia/
apoptosis {n} (death of cells) :: アポトーシス /apotōshisu/
aposematism {n} (adaptation that warns off potential predators) :: 警告色
apostasy {n} (renunciation of set of beliefs) :: 背教 /はいきょう, haikyō/, 背信 /はいしん, haishin/
apostasy {n} (renunciation of one's religion or faith) :: 背教 /はいきょう, haikyō/
apostate {n} (person who renounces a religion or faith) :: 背教者 /はいきょうしゃ, haikyōsha/
apostatic {adj} (apostate) SEE: apostate ::
apostatical {adj} (apostate) SEE: apostate ::
apostille {n} (a special sign) :: アポスティーユ /aposutīyu/
apostle {n} (missionary or leader of a mission) :: 使徒 /しと, shito/
apostle {n} (pioneer) SEE: pioneer ::
apostrophe {n} (the character ’) :: アポストロフィー /aposutorofī/, アポストロフ /aposutorofu/, 省略符号 /しょうりゃくふごう, shōryaku fugō/
apothecary {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy ::
apothecary {n} (pharmacist) SEE: pharmacist ::
apotheosis {n} (deification; becoming a god) :: 神格化 /shinkakuka/
app {n} (small computer application) :: アプリ /apuri/
Appalachians {prop} (a mountain range in eastern North America) :: アパラチア山脈 /Aparachia sanmyaku/
apparatchik {n} (member of a Communist apparat) :: 党官僚 /とうかんりょう, tōkanryō/, アパラチク /aparachiku/
apparatus {n} (complex machine or instrument) :: 装置 /そうち, sōchi/
apparatus {n} (assortment of tools or instruments) :: 装置 /そうち, sōchi/, 機器 /きき, kiki/
apparatus {n} (bureaucratic organization) :: 機構 /きこう, kikō/
apparatus {n} (firefighting: vehicle for emergency response) SEE: fire engine ::
apparent {adj} (visible) :: 目に見える /me ni mieru/, 瞭然の /ryōzen no/
apparent {adj} (clear) :: 明白な /meihaku na/, 明確な /meikaku na/, 明瞭な /meiryō na/
apparently {adv} ((archaic) plainly) :: 明らかに /あきらかに, akiraka ni/, 一見 /いっけん, ikken/, 明白に /めいはくに, meihaku ni/, 思しい /おぼしい, oboshii/
apparently {adv} (seemingly) :: [based on hearsay] (どうやら)…らしい /(dōyara) … rashii/)
apparently {adv} (according to what the speaker has read or been told) :: らしい /rashii/, そう /sō/
appeal {v} (to accuse) SEE: accuse ::
appeal {v} (to call upon another) :: 訴える /uttaeru/
appeals court {n} (appellate court) SEE: appellate court ::
appear {v} (to appear, to seem) SEE: look ::
appear {v} (to appear) SEE: seem ::
appear {v} (To come or be in sight; to be in view; to become visible) :: 現れる /あらわれる, arawareru/
appear {v} (To seem; to have a certain semblance; to look) :: ...らしい /...rashii/, ...そう /...-sō/, ...ように見える /...yō ni mieru/, 思われる /おもわれる, omowareru/
appearance {n} (The act of appearing or coming into sight) :: 出現 /しゅつげん, shutsugen/
appearance {n} (Personal presence, form or look) :: 様子 /ようす, yōsu/, 外観 /がいかん, gaikan/, 見掛け /みかけ, mikake/
appearance {n} (Semblance, or apparent likeness) :: 見た目 /みため, mitame/, 外見 /がいけん, gaiken/; [formally] 外観 /がいかん, gaikan/, 体裁 /ていさい, teisai/
appearance {n} (The act of appearing in a particular place, or in society, a company, or any proceedings) :: 世間体 /sekentei/
appearance {n} (The coming into court of either of the parties) :: 出廷 /しゅってい, shuttei/
appearing {n} (appearance) SEE: appearance ::
appellate court {n} (court having jurisdiction to hear appeals) :: 控訴裁判所 /こうそさいばんしょ, kōso saibansho/
appellation {n} (name; designation) :: 呼称 /koshou/
appellative {n} (common noun) SEE: common noun ::
appendectomy {n} (surgical procedure) :: 虫垂切除術 /ちゅうすいせつじょじゅつ, chūsui setsujojutsu/, 盲腸炎手術 /もうちょうえんしゅじゅつ, mōchōen shujutsu/
appendicectomy {n} (appendectomy) SEE: appendectomy ::
appendicitis {n} (inflamation of the vermiform appendix) :: 虫垂炎 /ちゅうすいえん, chūsuien/, 盲腸炎 /もうちょうえん, mōchōen/
appendix {n} (text added to the end of a book or an article) :: 付録 /ふろく, furoku/
appendix {n} (vermiform appendix) :: 虫垂 /ちゅうすい, chūsui/, 盲腸 /もうちょう, mōcho/ [colloquial]
appetite {n} (desire of or relish for food) :: 食欲 /しょくよく, shokuyoku/
appetizer {n} (small, light first course) :: アペタイザー /apetaizā/, 前菜 /ぜんさい, zensai/
applaud {v} (to express approval by clapping) :: 拍手する /はくしゅする, hakushu suru/
applause {n} (act of applauding) :: 拍手 /はくしゅ, hakushu/
apple {n} (fruit) :: 林檎 /りんご, リンゴ, ringo/, 苹果 /へいか, heika, ひょうか, hyōka/
apple {n} (wood) :: 林檎 /ringo/
apple {n} (tree) SEE: apple tree ::
Apple {prop} (Apple Inc.) :: アップル /Appuru/
apple blossom {n} (the flower of an apple tree) :: 林檎の花 /りんごのはな, ringo no hana/
apple cider {n} (hard cider) SEE: hard cider ::
applejack {n} (Alcoholic drink) :: アップルジャック /appurujakku/
apple juice {n} (the juice of apples, often used as a drink) :: リンゴジュース /ringo-jūsu/
apple of discord {n} (object which sows anger and dissension) :: 争いの種 /あらそいのたね, arasoi no tane/, 不和の林檎
apple of someone's eye {n} (favourite, a particular preference, or a loved one) :: 目に入れても痛くないもの /me ni iretemo itakunai mono/
apple pear {n} (fruit) :: ナシ /nashi/
apple pie {n} (pie with apple filling) :: アップルパイ /appurupai/
appleringie {n} (southernwood) SEE: southernwood ::
applet {n} (a small program module that runs under the control of a larger application) :: アプレット /apuretto/
apple tree {n} (tree that bears apples) :: 林檎の木 /りんごのき, ringo no ki/, リンゴの木 /ringo no ki/
applewood {n} (apple) SEE: apple ::
appliance {n} (a device in its own right) :: 器械 /きかい, kikai/, 機器 /きき, kiki/, 器具 /きぐ, kigu/
applicant {n} (one who applies) :: 志願 /しがんしゃ, shigansha/, 応募 /おうぼしゃ, ōbosha/, 申し込み /もうしこみしゃ, mōshikomisha/, 申し立て /もうしたてにん, mōshitatenin/, 申請 /しんせいにん, shinseinin/
application {n} (a computer program) :: アプリケーション /apurikēshon/, アプリ /apuri/
application {n} (a verbal or written request, especially for assistance or employment or admission to a school, course or similar) :: 応募 /おうぼ, ōbo/, 出願 /しゅつがん, shutsugan/, 申し込み /もうしこみ, mōshikomi/
application programming interface {n} (set of routines, protocols and tools) :: プリケーションプログラミングインタフェース /apurikēshon puroguramingu intafēsu/
applied {adj} (put into practical use) :: 応用 /ōyō/
applied {adj} (concerned with practical problems, rather that theoretical abstractions) :: 応用 /ōyō/
applied mathematics {n} (area of mathematics) :: 応用数学 /ōyō sūgaku/
apply {v} (employ, apply) SEE: use ::
apply {v} (to put to use for a purpose) :: 用いる /もちいる, mochiiru/
apply {v} (to submit oneself as a candidate) :: 申し込む /もうしこむ, mōshikomu/
appoint {v} :: 任命する /ninmei suru/
appointment {n} (act of appointing; designation of a person to hold an office) :: 任命 /にんめい, ninmei/
appointment {n} (arrangement for a meeting; an engagement) :: 約束 /やくそく, yakusoku/, 待ち合わせ /まちあわせる, machiawase/, アポイント /apointo/, アポ /apo/, 予約 /よやく, yoyaku/
apportion {v} (to apportion) SEE: distribute ::
appraisal {n} (judgement) :: 評価 /ひょうか, hyōka/
appraisement {n} (appraisal) SEE: appraisal ::
appreciate {v} (to be grateful for something) :: 感謝する /かんしゃする, kansha suru/
appreciate {v} (to view as valuable) :: 鑑賞する /かんしょうする, kanshō suru/
appreciate {v} (to be aware of) :: 理解する /りかいする, rikai suru/
appreciate {v} (to increase in value) :: 値上がりする /ねあがりする, neagari suru/
appreciation {n} :: 感謝 /kansha/
apprehension {n} (arrest) :: 捕捉 /ほそく, hosoku/
apprehensive {adj} (anticipating something with anxiety or fear) :: 不安な /ふあんな, fuan na/, 気遣う /きづかう, kizukau/, 恐れる /おそれる, osoreru/
apprehensive {adj} (perceptive; quick to learn; intelligent; capable of grasping with the mind or intellect) :: 理解早い /りかいがはやい, rikai ga hayai/, 明敏な /めいびんな, meibin na/
apprentice {n} (one not well versed in a subject) SEE: newbie ::
apprentice {n} (trainee, especially in a skilled trade) :: 見習い /みならい, minarai/, 実習生 /じっしゅうせい, jisshūsei/, [historical] 徒弟 /とてい, totei/
approach {v} (to come or go near, in place or time; to draw nigh; to advance nearer) :: 近づく /ちかづく, chikazuku/, 接近する /せっきんする, sekkin suru/, 近寄る /ちかよる, chikayoru/
approach {v} (To draw near, in a figurative sense) :: 近づく /ちかづく, chikazuku/
approach {v} (To come near to in place, time, or character) :: 近づく /chikazuku/
approach {n} (the act of drawing near) :: 接近 /せっきん, sekkin/
approach {n} (a way, passage, or avenue by which a place or buildings can be approached; an access) :: 通路 /つうろ, tsūro/
approach {n} (a stroke whose object is to land the ball on the putting green) :: アプローチ /apurōchi/
appropinquation {n} (approach) SEE: approach ::
approportionate {v} (proportion) SEE: proportion ::
appropriate {adj} (peculiar, suitable, fit, proper) :: 適切 /てきせつ, tekisetsu/, 適当 /てきとう, tekitō/, 相応しい /ふさわしい, fusawashii/
appropriate {v} (to take to oneself in exclusion of others) :: 私する /watakushi suru/
appropriate {v} (to set apart for) :: 充当する /じゅうとうする, jūtō suru/
approval {n} (permission) :: 賛成 /さんせい, sansei/, 承認 /しょうにん, shōnin/
approval {n} (acceptance) :: 承認 /しょうにん, shōnin/
approval {n} :: 決裁 /kessai/
approve {v} (to make or show to be worthy of approbation or acceptance) :: 賛成する /さんせいする, sansei-surú/
approximately {adv} (imprecise but close to in quantity or amount) :: およそ /oyoso/, /やく, yaku/, 大略 /たいりゃく, tairyaku/
apricot {n} (fruit) :: 杏子 /あんず, anzu/
apricot {n} (colour) :: 杏子色 /あんずいろ, anzuiro/
apricot {adj} (colour) :: 杏子色の /あんずいろの, anzuiro/
April {prop} (fourth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: 四月 /しがつ, shigatsu/, 卯月 /うづき, uzuki/
April fool {n} (practical joke played on April Fools' Day) :: エイプリルフール /eipurirufūru/
April Fools' Day {n} (First day of April) :: エイプリルフール /Eipuriru-fūru/, 四月馬鹿 /しがつばか, shigatsu baka/, 4月馬鹿 /しがつばか, shigatsu baka/
a priori {adv} (derived by logic) :: アプリオリ /apuriori/
aprioristic {adj} (a priori) SEE: a priori ::
apéritif {n} (alcoholic drink served before a meal as an appetiser) :: アペリティフ /aperitifu/, 食前酒 /shokuzenshu/
apron {n} (clothing) :: エプロン /epuron/, 前掛け /まえかけ, maekake/, 前垂れ /まえだれ, maedare/
apsara {n} (a female spirit of the clouds and waters) :: アプサラス /apusarazu/
apt {adj} (fit or fitted; suited; suitable; appropriate) :: 適切(てきせつ, tekisetsu)
apt {adj} (ready; especially fitted or qualified (to do something); quick to learn; prompt; expert) :: 利発(りはつ, rihatsu)
aptitude {n} (natural ability to acquire knowledge or skill) :: 才能 /さいのう, sainō/, 素質 /そしつ, soshitsu/, 物覚えの早さ /ものおぼえはやさ, monooboe no hayasa/, 出来の良さ /できよさ, deki no yosa/
aptitude {n} (the condition of being suitable) :: 適合 /てきごう, tekigō/, 適性 /てきせい, tekisei/
Apuleius {prop} (author in the Roman Empire) :: アプレイウス /Apureiusu/
Apulia {prop} (region of Italy) :: プッリャ州 /プッリャしゅう, Purrya shū/, プッリャ /Purrya/, プーリャ /Pūrya/, プーリア /Pūria/
apurpose {adv} (on purpose) SEE: on purpose ::
Apus {prop} (a constellation of the southern sky) :: 風鳥座 /hūchōza/, ふうちょう座 /hūchōza/
aquacise {n} (exercise practiced in water) :: アクアサイズ /akuasaizu/
aqua fortis {n} (nitric acid) SEE: nitric acid ::
aqualung {n} (diving equipment, see also: scuba) :: アクアラング /akuarangu/
aquamarine {n} (aquamarine colour) :: アクアマリン /akuamarin/
aquamarine {n} (type of beryl) :: 藍玉 /らんぎょく, rangyoku/
aquapark {n} (an amusement park with waterplay areas) :: アクアパーク /akuapāku/, ウォーターパーク /uōtāpāku/
aquaponics {n} (system that combines aquaculture with hydroponics) :: アクアポニックス
aqua regia {n} (mixture of acids) :: 王水 /おうすい, ōsui/
Aquarian {n} (Aquarius) SEE: Aquarius ::
aquarium {n} (tank for keeping fish) :: (bowl-shaped) 金魚鉢 /kingyobachi/, 養魚鉢 /yōgyobachi/, (box-shaped) 水槽 /suisō/, アクアリウム /akuariumu/
aquarium {n} (public place where live fish are exhibited) :: 水族館 /suizokukan/, アクアリウム /akuariumu/
Aquarius {prop} (constellation) :: 水瓶座 /みずがめざ, mizugameza/
Aquarius {prop} (astrological sign) :: 水瓶座 /みずがめざ, mizugameza/, 宝瓶宮 /houheikyuu/
Aquarius {n} (Someone with a Aquarius star sign) :: 水瓶座 /みずがめざ, mizugameza/, みずがめ座生まれの人 /mizugameza umare no hito/
aquatic {adj} (relating to water; living in or near water, taking place in water) :: 水生 /すいせい, suisei/
aquatics {n} (sport involving water) :: 水上競技 /すいじょうきょうぎ, suijōkyōgi/
aquatile {adj} (aquatic) SEE: aquatic ::
aquavit {n} (Scandinavian liquor) :: アクアビット /akuabitto/
aqua walking {n} (aquatic walking) :: アクアウオーキング /akuauōkingu/
aqueduct {n} (an artificial channel conveying water) :: 水道橋 /suidōkyō/
aqueduct {n} (a structure carrying water) :: 水道 /すいどう, suidō/
aquifer {n} (an underground layer of water-bearing porous stone, earth, or gravel) :: 帯水層 /たいすいそう, taisuisō/
Aquila {prop} (constellation) :: 鷲座 /わしざ, Washiza/, わし座 /washiza/
aquiline nose {n} (human nose with a hooked, bent shape) :: 鷲鼻 /わしばな, washibana/, 段鼻 /だんばな, danbana/
Aquitaine {prop} (region of France) :: アキテーヌ /Akitēnu/
ar {n} (name of the letter R, r) :: アール /āru/
Ara {prop} (constellation) :: 祭壇座 /saidanza/
Arab {adj} (of or pertaining to Arabs and their nations) :: アラブの /arabu no/
Arab {n} (Semitic person) :: アラビア人 /Arabia-jin/
arabesque {n} ((music) ornate composition) :: アラベスク /arabesuku/
Arabia {prop} (a peninsula between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf;) :: アラビア /Arabia/, 亜剌比亜 /Arabia/
Arabian {adj} (related to Arabia) :: アラビアの /Arabia no/
Arabian {n} (person) :: アラビア人 /Arabia-jin/
Arabian camel {n} (dromedary) SEE: dromedary ::
Arabianization {n} (Arabisation) SEE: Arabisation ::
Arabianize {v} (Arabize) SEE: Arabize ::
Arabian Peninsula {prop} (peninsula in the Middle East) :: アラビア半島 /アラビアはんとう, Arabia hantō/
Arabian Sea {prop} (part of the Indian Ocean) :: アラビア海 /Arabia-kai/
Arabic {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Arab countries or cultural behaviour) :: アラビアの /arabia no/, アラブの /arabu no/
Arabic {prop} (language) :: アラビア語 /アラビアご, arabiago/
Arabic {prop} (alphabet) :: アラビア文字 /arabia moji/
Arabic numeral {n} (any of the ten symbols from 0 through 9) :: アラビア数字 /Arabia sūji/
Arabic script {n} (letters of the Arabic language) :: アラビア文字 /Arabia-moji/
Arabisation {n} (process of arabising) :: アラビア化 /Arabia-ka/
Arabization {n} (Arabisation) SEE: Arabisation ::
Arabize {v} (to make Arab) :: アラビア化する /Arabia-ka-suru/
Arabo- {prefix} (relating to Arabic or Arabs) :: アラビア /Arabia-/, アラブ /Arabu-/
Arab Republic of Egypt {prop} (Official name of Egypt) :: エジプト·アラブ共和国 /Ejiputo-Arabu kyōwakoku/
Arab Spring {prop} (movement) :: アラブの春 /Arabu no haru/
Arab World {prop} (Arabic speaking world) :: アラブ世界 /Arabu sekai/
arachnid {n} (eight-legged creature) :: クモ形類 /kumogatarui/
arachnidan {n} (arachnid) SEE: arachnid ::
arachnidism {n} (the condition of being poisoned by a spider bite) :: クモ咬刺症 /くもこうししょう, kumo kōshi shō/
arachnophobia {n} (an abnormal or irrational fear of spiders) :: 蜘蛛恐怖症 /くもきょうふしょう, kumo-kyōfushō/
Aragon {prop} (an autonomous community in Spain) :: アラゴン /Aragon/
Aragonese {adj} (from Aragon) :: アラゴンの /Aragon no/ (adn.)
Aragonese {n} (a person) :: アラゴン人 /Aragon-jin/
Aragonese {prop} (the language of Aragon) :: アラゴン語 /Aragon-go/
aragonite {n} (saline evaporate) :: 霰石 /あられいし, arareishi/
arahant {n} (arhat) SEE: arhat ::
arak {n} (a Middle Eastern aniseed-flavoured alcoholic drink) :: アラック /arakku/, アラク /araku/
Aral Sea {prop} (Aral Sea) :: アラル海 /Araru-kai/
Aramaean {prop} (Aramaic) SEE: Aramaic ::
Aramaic {prop} (the language) :: アラム語 /アラムご, Aramu-go/
Aramaic {adj} (pertaining to the language, alphabet, culture or poetry) :: アラム語の /アラムごの, Aramu-go no/
arancino {n} (baked stuffed rice ball from Sicily) :: アランチーニ /aranchīni/
Ararat {prop} (mountain) :: アララト山 /araratosan/, アララト /ararato/
arbitrage {n} (market activity) :: 鞘取り /さやとり, sayatori/
arbitrament {n} (arbitration) SEE: arbitration ::
arbitrarily {adv} (in an arbitrary manner) :: 任意に /にんいに, nin'i ni/
arbitrariness {n} (the state of being arbitrary) :: 恣意 /shii/
arbitrariously {adv} (arbitrarily) SEE: arbitrarily ::
arbitrariousness {n} (arbitrariness) SEE: arbitrariness ::
arbitrary {adj} (based on individual discretion or judgment) :: 恣意的な /しいてきな, shiiteki-na/
arbitrary {adj} (determined by impulse) :: 任意 /にんい, nin-i/, 不特定多数 /ふとくていたすう, futokutei-tasū/
arbitrate {v} :: 仲介する (chūkai suru)
arbitration {n} (the act or process of arbitrating) :: 仲介 /ちゅうかい, chūkai/
arbitration {n} (process through which two or more parties use an arbitrator or arbiter in order to resolve a dispute) :: 仲介 /ちゅうかい, chūkai/
arbitration {n} (form of justice) :: 仲介 /ちゅうかい, chūkai/
arboretum {n} (place of many varieties of tree) :: 森林公園 /しんりんこうえん, shinrinkōen/
arborio {n} (variety of short-grained rice) :: アルボリオ米 /アルボリオまい, Aruborio-mai/
arborio rice {n} (variety of short-grained rice) SEE: arborio ::
arborway {n} (avenue) SEE: avenue ::
arbutin {n} (a glycoside of hydroquinone found in bearberry) :: アルブチン /arubuchin/
arc {n} (geometry: part of a curve) :: 円弧 /えんこ, enko/
arc {n} (curve) :: /こ, ko/
arc {n} (electric discharge) :: アーク /アーク, āku/, アーク放電 /アークほうでん, āku hōden/
arcade {n} (row of arches) :: アーケード /ākēdo/
arcade {n} (covered passage, usually with shops on both sides) :: 商店街 /しょうてんがい, shōtengai/
arcade {n} (establishment running coin-operated games) :: ゲームセンター /gēmusentā/
arccosine {n} (inverse of the cosine function) :: アークコサイン /ākukosain/
Arc de Triomphe {prop} (the Parisian monument) :: 凱旋門 /がいせんもん, Gaisenmon/
arch {n} (architectural element) :: アーチ /āchi/
arch- {prefix} (chief, highest, most extreme) :: /dai/
archaebacterium {n} (archaeon) SEE: archaeon ::
archaeologian {n} (archaeologist) SEE: archaeologist ::
archaeologist {n} (someone who studies or practises archaeology) :: 考古学者 /こうこがくしゃ, kōkogakusha/
archaeology {n} (scientific study of past remains) :: 考古学 /こうこがく, kōkogaku/
archaeon {n} (microorganism) :: 古細菌 /kosaikin/
archaic {adj} (old-fashioned or antiquated) :: 初期 /しょき, shoki/
archaicism {n} (archaism) SEE: archaism ::
archaism {n} (archaic word, language) :: 古語 /こご, kogo/, アルカイズム /arukaizumu/, アーケイズム /ākeizumu/
archangel {n} (angel who leads other angels) :: 大天使 /daitenshi/, 天使長 /tenshichō/
Archangel {prop} (Arkhangelsk) SEE: Arkhangelsk ::
archbishop {n} (senior bishop) :: [in Orthodox Church and Anglicanism] 大主教 /だいしゅきょう, daishukyō/, [in Catholic Church] 大司教 /だいしきょう, daishikyō/
archduke {n} (rank) :: 大公 /たいこう, taikō/
archebiosis {n} (abiogenesis) SEE: abiogenesis ::
archenemy {n} (a principal enemy) :: 大敵 /たいてき, taiteki/, 宿敵 /しゅくてき, shukuteki/
archeology {n} (archaeology) SEE: archaeology ::
archeopteryx {n} (ancient bird) :: 始祖鳥 /しそちょう, shisochō/
archer {n} (one who shoots an arrow from a bow or a bolt from a crossbow) :: 射手 /しゃしゅ, shashu/, 射手 /ite/
archerfish {n} (fish in the family Toxotidae) :: 鉄砲魚 /テッポウウオ, teppōuo/
archery {n} (the practice) :: 弓道 /きゅうどう, kyūdō/; アーチェリー /ācherī/
archetype {n} (original model of which all other similar concepts, objects, or persons are merely copied, derivative, emulated, or patterned) :: 原型 /げんけい, genkei/, 祖型 /そけい, sokei/
archfiend {n} (Satan) SEE: Satan ::
archimandrite {n} (The superior of a large monastery, or group of monasteries, in the Orthodox Church) :: 掌院 /しょういん, shōin/
Archimedes {prop} (an ancient Greek mathematician) :: アルキメデス /Arukimedesu/
archipelago {n} (group of islands) :: 列島 /れっとう, rettō/, 群島 /ぐんとう, guntō/
architect {n} (designer of buildings) :: 建築家 /けんちくか, kenchikuka/
architecture {n} (art and science of designing buildings and other structures) :: 建築 /けんちく, kenchiku/, 建築学 /けんちくがく, kenchikugaku/
archive {n} (place for storing earlier material) :: 書庫 /しょこ, shoko/, 文書の保管所 /ぶんしょのほかんしょ, bunsho-no hokansho/, アーカイブ /ākaibu/ [computer]
archive {v} (to archive) :: アーカイブに格納する /ākaibu-ni kakunō-suru/
archiver {n} (archivist) SEE: archivist ::
archivist {n} (one who creates, maintains or controls archives) :: アーキビスト /ākibisuto/
archway {n} (passageway covered by an arch) :: アーチ道 /āchi-michi/
arc lamp {n} (an electric arc arranged so as to produce useful light) :: アーク灯 /アークとう, āku tō/
arcology {n} (urban development theory involving efficient use of space and resources) :: アーコロジー
arcsine {n} (inverse of sine) :: アークサイン /ākusain/
arctangent {n} (inverse of tangent function) :: アークタンジェント /ākutanjento/
Arctic {prop} (a region of the Earth) :: 北極 /ほっきょく, hokkyoku/
Arctic Circle {prop} (one of the five major circles of latitude) :: 北極線 /ほっきょくせん, hokkyokusen/
arctic fox {n} (Vulpes lagopus) :: 北極狐 /ホッキョクギツネ, hokkyoku-gitsune/, 白狐 /しろぎつね, shirogitsune, びゃっこ, byakko/
Arctic Ocean {prop} (the smallest of the five oceans of the Earth, on and around the North Pole) :: 北極海 /ほっきょくかい, Hokkyokukai/, 北氷洋 /ほっぴょうよう, Hoppyōyō/, 北極洋 /ほっきょくよう, Hokkyokuyō/
Arcturus {prop} (Alpha Boötis) :: アークトゥルス /Ākuturusu/
arcuate fasciculus {n} (bundle of axons) :: 弓状束
Ardèche {prop} (French department) :: アルデーシュ川 /arudeeshu kawa/, アルデーシュ /arudeeshu/
Ardèche {prop} (French river) :: アルデーシュ川 /arudeeshu kawa/
ardent {adj} (full or ardour) :: 熱烈 /ねつれつ, netsuretsu/, 熱心 /ねっしん, nesshin/
ardor {n} (great warmth of feeling; fervor; passion) :: 熱情 /ねつじょう, netsujō/, 情熱 /じょうねつ, jōnetsu/
ardor {n} :: 熱意(ねつい, netsui)
ardour {n} (ardour) SEE: ardor ::
arduous {adj} (needing or using up much energy) :: 苦しい /くるしい, kurushii/, 難儀な /なんぎな, nangi-na/
are {v} (second-person singular (informal) simple present indicative form of be) :: です /desu/ [formal], /da/ [informal], である /dearu/ [informative]
are {v} (second-person plural simple present indicative form of be) :: です /desu/ [formal], /da/ [informal], である /dearu/ [informative]
are {v} (first-person plural simple present indicative form of be) :: です /desu/ [formal], /da/ [informal], である /dearu/ [informative]
are {v} (third-person plural simple present indicative form of be) :: です /desu/ [formal], /da/ [informal], である /dearu/ [informative]
are {n} (unit of area) :: アール /āru/
are {v} (be) SEE: be ::
area {n} (maths: measure of extent of a surface) :: 面積 /めんせき, menseki/
area {n} (particular geographic region) :: 領域 /りょういき, ryōiki/
area {n} (open space, below ground level, between the front of a house and the pavement) :: 地下勝手口 /ちかかってぐち, chikakatteguchi/
arena {n} (an enclosed area, often outdoor) :: アリーナ /arīna/, 闘技場 /とうぎじょう, tōgijō/, 土俵 /どひょう, dohyō/ [esp. sumo]
areola {n} (circle around the nipple) :: 乳輪 /にゅうりん, nyūrin/
Ares {prop} (the god of war, son of Zeus and Hera) :: アレース /Arēsu/
are you allergic to any medications {phrase} (are you allergic to any medications?) :: 薬物アレルギーがありますか /yakubutsu arerugī ga arimasu ka/
are you married {phrase} (are you married?) :: あなたは結婚していますか /anata wa kekkon shite imasu ka/
are you OK {phrase} (are you OK?) :: 大丈夫ですか /だいじょうぶですか, daijōbu desu ka?/, 大丈夫? /だいじょうぶ?, daijōbu?/ [plain, rising tone]
are you taking any medications {phrase} (are you taking any medications?) :: 任意の薬を服用しますか? /nin'i-no kusuri-o fukuyō shimasu ka?/
Arezzo {prop} (capital city of Arezzo) :: アレッツォ /Arettso/
argent {n} (silver or metal tincture) :: /gin/
argentan {n} (nickel silver) SEE: nickel silver ::
Argentina {prop} (Argentine Republic) :: アルゼンチン /Aruzenchin/ (亜爾然丁 /Aruzenchin/)
Argentine {prop} (Argentina) SEE: Argentina ::
Argentine {adj} (pertaining to Argentina) :: アルゼンチンの /aruzenchin no/
Argentine {n} (person from Argentina) :: アルゼンチン人 /aruzenchinjin/
Argentinian {n} (Argentine) SEE: Argentine ::
Argentinian {adj} (Argentine) SEE: Argentine ::
argh {interj} (expression of annoyance) :: うわー /uwā/, ぎゃー /gyā/
argileh {n} (hookah) SEE: hookah ::
arginine {n} (an amino acid) :: アルギニン /aruginin/
argon {n} (a chemical element) :: アルゴン /arugon/
Argonaut {prop} (member of the Argo crew) :: アルゴナウタイ /arugonautai/
Argos {prop} (city in Greece) :: アルゴス /Arugosu/
argue {v} (intransitive: to debate, disagree, or discuss opposing or differing viewpoints) :: 議論する /ぎろんする, giron suru/, 論ずる /ろんずる, ronzuru/
argue {v} (to have an argument, a quarrel) :: 議論する /ぎろんする, giron suru/
arguing {n} (argument) SEE: argument ::
argument {n} (verbal dispute; a quarrel) :: 論争 /ronsō/
argument {n} (variable that is being passed to a function) :: 引数 /hikisū/
argumentative {adj} (prone to argue or dispute) :: 理屈っぽい /りくつっぽい, rikutsuppoi/
argyle {n} (pattern) :: アーガイル /āgairu/
arhat {n} (a Buddhist saint) :: 阿羅漢 /arakan/
aria {n} (type of musical piece) :: アリア /aria/, 詠唱 /えいしょう, eishō/
Arian {n} (someone whose star sign is in Aries) SEE: Aries ::
Arian {adj} (pertaining to Arianism) :: アリウス派の /Ariusu-ha no/
Arica {prop} (Chilean city) :: アリカ /Arika/
Aries {prop} (constellation) :: 牡羊座 /おひつじざ, ohitsujiza/
Aries {prop} (astrological sign) :: 白羊宮 /はくようきゅう, hakuyōkyū/
arigato {interj} (“thank you”, used in the context of, or to evoke, Japanese culture) :: ありがとう /arigatō/
aril {n} (meat surrounding seed) :: 仮種皮
arillus {n} (aril) SEE: aril ::
arise {v} (start to exist, originate) :: 起こる /おこる, okoru/
aristocracy {n} (the nobility or the hereditary ruling class) :: 貴族 /きぞく, kizoku/, 特権階級 /とっけんかいきゅう, tokken kaikyū/
aristocracy {n} (government by such a class) :: 貴族政治 /きぞくせいじ, kizoku seiji/
aristocrat {n} (one of the aristocracy) :: 貴族 /きぞく, kizoku/, アリストクラット /arisutokuratto/
Aristotle {prop} (ancient Greek philosopher) :: アリストテレス /Arisutoteresu/
arithmetic {n} (mathematics of numbers, etc.) :: 算数 /さんすう, sansū/, 演算
arithmetical {adj} (arithmetical) SEE: arithmetic ::
arithmetic logic unit {n} (part of a CPU that does calculations and logical operations) :: 演算装置 /enzan sōchi/
arithmetic mean {n} (measure of central tendency) :: 算術平均 /sanjutsu heikin/
arithmetic operation {n} (any of the four basic operations in arithmetic) :: 算術演算 /さんじゅつえんざん, sanjutsu enzan/
arithmetic operator {n} (any of the four basic operators in arithmetic) :: 算術演算子 /さんじゅつえんざんし, sanjutsu enzanshi/
arithmetic progression {n} (sequence) :: 等差数列 /とうさすうれつ, tōsa sūretsu/, 算術数列 /さんじゅつすうれつ, sanjutsu sūretsu/
arithmetic series {n} (the sum of the terms in an arithmetic progression) :: 等差級数 /tōsakyūsū/
Arizona {prop} (a state of the United States of America) :: アリゾナ州 /Arizona-shū/
ark {n} (Noah's ship) :: 箱舟 /はこぶね, hakobune/
Arkansas {prop} (US state) :: アーカンソー州 /Ākansō-shū/
Arkhangelsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: アルハンゲリスク /Aruhangerisuku/
arm {n} (weapon) :: 武器 /ぶき, buki/
arm {v} (to supply with armour or weapons) :: 武装する /ぶそうする, busō suru/
arm {n} (upper limb from shoulder to elbow) SEE: upper arm ::
arm {n} (baseball: pitcher) SEE: pitcher ::
arm {n} (upper appendage from shoulder to wrist) :: /うで, udé/
armada {n} (a fleet of warships) :: 艦隊 /かんたい, kantai/
armadillo {n} (burrowing mammal covered with bony, jointed, protective plates) :: アルマジロ /arumajiro/
Armageddon {prop} (site) :: ハルマゲドン /Harumagedon/, アルマゲドン /Arumagedon/
Armagnac {prop} (region) :: アルマニャック /Arumanyakku/
armament {n} (all small arms collectively) :: 武装 /ぶそう, busō/, 軍備 /ぐんび, gunbi/
armament {n} (any equipment for resistance) :: 武器 /ぶき, buki/, 軍備 /ぐんび, gunbi/, 兵装 /hēsō/
armature {n} (the rotating part of an electric motor or dynamo) :: アーマチュア
armband {n} (A band worn around the arm) :: 腕章 /wanshō/
armchair {n} (a chair with supports for the arms or elbows) :: アームチェア /āmuchea/, 肘掛け椅子 /ひじかけいす, hijikakeisu/
armed forces {n} (the military forces of a nation) :: 軍隊 /ぐんたい, guntai/
armed police {n} (police) SEE: police ::
Armenia {prop} (ancient kingdom and country) :: アルメニア /Arumenia/
Armenian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Armenia, Armenians, the language or alphabet) :: アルメニアの /Arumenia no/
Armenian {n} (person) :: アルメニア人 /arumeniajin/
Armenian {prop} (language) :: アルメニア語 /arumeniago/
armhole {n} (armpit) SEE: armpit ::
armillary sphere {n} (instrument consisting of graduated metal circles) :: 天球儀 /てんきゅうぎ, tenkyūgi/, アーミラリ天球儀 /āmirari tenkyūgi/, 渾天儀 /こんてんぎ, kontengi/
Arminianism {n} (school of thought) :: アルミニウス主義 /aruminiusushugi/
armistice {n} (formal agreement to end combat) :: 停戦 /ていせん, teisen/, 休戦 /きゅうせん, kyūsen/
armor {n} (tank) SEE: tank ::
armor {n} (protective layer over a body, vehicle, or other object intended to deflect or diffuse damaging forces) :: /yoroi/, 装甲 /sōkō/
armor {n} (natural form of this kind of protection on an animal's body) :: /yoroi/, 装甲 /sōkō/
armorbearer {n} (armourbearer) SEE: armourbearer ::
armored {adj} (clad or equipped with arms or armor) :: 装甲の /sōkō no/
armour {n} (tank) SEE: tank ::
armour {n} (protective layer over a body, vehicle etc.) :: /yoroi/, 装甲 /sōkō/
armour {n} (natural protection on an animal's body) :: /yoroi/, 装甲 /sōkō/
armourbearer {n} (one who carries armor for another) :: よろい持ち /yoroimochi/
armoured car {n} (automobile equipped with armour) :: 装甲車 /そうこうしゃ, sōkōsha/
armoured train {n} (railway train protected with armour) :: 装甲列車 /sōkō ressha/
armoured truck {n} (armoured car) SEE: armoured car ::
armpit {n} (cavity beneath the junction of the arm and shoulder) :: 脇の下 /waki no shita/, 腋下 /えきか, ekika/, 腋窩 /えきか, ekika/
armrest {n} (part of a seat) :: 肘掛け /ひじかけ, hijikake/
arms control {n} (restrictions of weapons, especially weapons of mass destruction) :: 軍備管理 /ぐんびかんり, gunbi kanri/
arms race {n} (a competition for military supremacy) :: 軍備拡張競争 /ぐんびかくちょうきょうそう, gunbi kakuchō kyōsō/, 軍拡競争 /ぐんかくきょうそう, gunkaku kyōsō/
arm-twist {v} (to use pressure) :: 鮴押しする /ごりおしする, gorioshi suru/
arm-twister {n} (one who arm-twists) :: 鮴押し屋 /ごりおしや, gorioshiya/
arm-twisting {n} (use of pressure) :: 鮴押し /ごりおし, gorioshi/
arm up {v} (arm) SEE: arm ::
arm-wrestle {v} (to compete in an arm-wrestle) :: アームレスリングする /āmu resuringu suru/
arm-wrestler {n} (someone who arm-wrestles) :: アームレスラー /āmuresurā/
arm wrestling {n} (a sport) :: アームレスリング /āmu resuringu/, 腕相撲 /うでずもう, udezumō/
army {n} (military force concerned mainly with ground operations) :: 陸軍 /りくぐん, rikugun/, 軍隊 /ぐんたい, guntai/
army {n} (any multitude) :: 軍隊 /ぐんたい, guntai/
a rolling stone gathers no moss {proverb} (A person who never settles in one place will never be successful.) :: 転石苔むさず /てんせきこけむさず, tenseki koke musazu/
aroma {n} (a pleasant smell) :: 香り /かおり, kaori/, 香気 /こうき, kōki/, 芳香 /ほうこう, hōkō/, アロマ /aroma/, 匂い /におい, nioi/
aromanticism {n} :: アロマンティシズム
aromatherapy {n} (type of therapy) :: アロマセラピー, 芳香療法
aromatic {adj} (fragrant or spicy) :: 香りのよい /かおりのよい, kaori no yoi/, 香ばしい /こうばしい, kōbashii/, 芳しい /かんばしい, kanbashii/
aromatic {adj} (in organic chemistry) :: 芳香族 /ほうこうぞくの, hōkōzoku no/
around the clock {prep} (all the time) :: 四六時中 /しろくじちゅう, shirokujichū/
arousal {n} (the act of arousing or the state of being aroused) :: 覚醒 /かくせい, kakusei/, 喚起 /かんき, kanki/
arousal {n} (sexual arousal) :: 興奮 /こうふん, kōfun/
arouse {v} (to sexually stimulate) :: 興奮する /kōfun suru/
arpeggio {n} (notes of a chord played individually) :: 琵音 /びおん, bion/, アルペッジョ /arupejjo/
arquebus {n} (firearm) SEE: harquebus ::
arraignment {n} (charging of a defendant) :: 罪状認否 /zaijō-nimpi/, アレインメント /areinmento/
arrange {v} (to set up, organise) :: 整える /ととのえる, totonoeru/
arrange {v} (to put in order) :: 並べる /naraberu/
arranged marriage {n} (marriage planned by someone else) :: 見合い結婚 /みあいけっこん, miai kekkon/
arrangement {n} (act of arranging) :: 配置 /はいち, haichi/
arrangement {n} (music: adaptation of a piece of music) :: アレンジ /arenji/
arrant {adj} (errant) SEE: errant ::
array {n} (any of various data structures) :: 配列 /はいれつ, hairetsu/
array {v} (to clothe, ornament) :: 盛装する /せいそうする, seisō suru/
arrest {v} (to stay, remain) SEE: stay ::
arrest {n} (condition of being stopped) :: 停止 /ていし, teishi/
arrest {n} (legal: process of arresting a criminal, suspect etc) :: 検挙 /けんきょ, kenkyo/, 逮捕 /たいほ, taiho/
arrest {v} (to take into legal custody) :: 逮捕する /たいほする, taiho suru/, 捕える /toraeru/, 捕まえる /つかまえる, tsukamaeru/
arrest warrant {n} (document authorizing an arrest) :: 逮捕状 /たいほじょう, taihojō/
arrhythmia {n} (irregular heartbeat) :: 不整脈 /ふせいみゃく, fuseimyaku/
arrival {n} (act of arriving or something that has arrived) :: 到着 /とうちゃく, tōchaku/
arrive {v} (to reach) :: 着く /つく, tsuku/, 到着する /tōchaku suru/
arrive {v} (to get to a certain place) :: 着く /つく, tsuku/, 到着する /とうちゃくする, tōchaku-suru/
arrivederci {interj} (Italian farewell (transliterations only)) :: アリベデルチ /aribederuchi/, アリヴェデルチ /arivederuchi/, アリーヴェデルチ /arīvederuchi/
arriviste {n} (upstart) SEE: upstart ::
arrogance {n} (act or habit of arrogating, or making undue claims in an overbearing manner) :: 高慢 /kōman/, 傲慢 /gōman/
arrogant {adj} (having excessive pride) :: 傲慢な /gōman na/
arrogate {v} (to appropriate or lay claim to something without right) :: 横取りする /yokodori suru/
arrogation {n} (the unjust assumption of rights or privilege) :: 簒奪 /sandatsu/, 横取り /yokodori/
arrow {n} (projectile) :: /や, ya/
arrow {n} (symbol) :: 矢印 /やじるし, yajirushi/
arrowhead {n} (the pointed part of an arrow) :: /やじり, yajiri/, 矢尻 /やじり, yajiri/
arrowhead {n} (plant) :: 慈姑 /くわい, kuwai/
arrow key {n} (key with directional arrow) :: 矢印キー /yajirushi kī/, 方向キー /hōkō kī/
arrowroot {n} (Maranta arundinacea) ::
arse {n} (arse) SEE: ass ::
arsenal {n} (military establishment) :: 兵器廠 /へいきしょう, heikishō/
arsenate {n} (salt or ester of arsenic acid) :: 砒酸塩 /ひさんえん, hisan'en/
arsenic {n} (chemical element) :: ヒ素 /ひそ, hiso/, 砒素 /ひそ, hiso/
arsenic {n} (arsenic trioxide) :: 砒霜石 /ひそうせき hisouseki/, 砒石 /hiseki/
arsenic acid {n} (H3AsO4) :: 砒酸 /ひさん, hisan/
arsenicate {v} (to treat or impregnate with arsenic) :: 砒化する /ひかする, hika suru/
arsenication {n} (reaction with arsenic) :: 砒化 /ひか, hika/
ars gratia artis {n} (art for art's sake) SEE: art for art's sake ::
arsine {n} (AsH3) :: アルシン /arushin/, 砒化水素 /ひかすいそ, hika suiso/
arson {n} (crime of setting a fire) :: 放火 /ほうか, hōka/
arson dog {n} (dog trained to locate traces of accelerant) :: 放火犬 (ほうかけん, hōkaken)
arsonist {n} (one who has committed the act of arson) :: 放火犯 /ほうかはん, hōkahan/, 放火魔 /ほうかま, hōkama/ [pyromaniac]
arsonphobia {n} (pyrophobia) SEE: pyrophobia ::
arsonry {n} (arson) SEE: arson ::
art {n} (human effort) :: 技術 /ぎじゅつ, gijutsu/, 芸術 /げいじゅつ, geijutsu/, アート /āto/
art {n} (conscious production or arrangement) :: 技術 /ぎじゅつ, gijutsu/, 芸術 /げいじゅつ, geijutsu/, アート /āto/
art {n} (skillful creative activity) :: 技術 /ぎじゅつ, gijutsu/, 芸術 /げいじゅつ, geijutsu/, アート /āto/
art dealer {n} (someone who buys and sells works of art) :: 画商 /がしょう, gashō/, 美術品商 /びじゅつひんしょう, bijutsuhin-shō/
artefact {n} (artefact) SEE: artifact ::
Artemis {prop} (Greek goddess) :: アルテミス /Arutemisu/
artemisia {n} (plant of the genus Artemisia) :: ヨモギ /yomogi/
Arte Povera {prop} (Italian modern art movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s) :: アルテ・ポーヴェラ /Arute Pōvera/
arteriosclerosis {n} (hardening, narrowing or loss of elasticity in arteries or blood vessel) :: 動脈硬化症 /どうみゃくこうかしょう, dōmyakukōkashō/
artery {n} (blood vessel from the heart) :: 動脈 /どうみゃく, dōmyaku/
artesian well {n} (borehole) :: 掘り抜き井戸 /ほりぬきいど, horinuki ido/
art for art's sake {n} (art, slogan) :: 芸術のための芸術 /geijutsu no tame no geijutsu/
art gallery {n} (space where works of art are placed on display) :: 画廊 /がろう, garō/
art historian {n} (an expert in art history) :: 美術史家 /geijutsu shika/
arthritis {n} (inflammation of a joint) :: 関節炎 /かんせつえん, kansetsuen/
arthropod {n} (animal of Arthropoda) :: 節足動物 /せっそくどうぶつ, sessoku dōbutsu/
Arthur {prop} (male given name) :: アーサー /Āsā/
artichoke {n} (vegetable) :: アーティチョーク /ātichōku/, 朝鮮薊 /ちょうせんあざみ, Chōsen azami/ [Korean thistle]
article {n} (story, report, or opinion piece) :: 記事 /きじ, kiji/, 論文 /ろんぶん, ronbun/
article {n} (member of a group or class) :: 品目 /ひんもく, hinmoku/, 項目 /こうもく, kōmoku/
article {n} :: 物品 /ぶっぴん, buppin/, 品物 /しなもの, shinamono/
article {n} (part of speech that specifies a noun) :: 冠詞 /かんし, kanshi/
article {n} (section of a legal document) :: 条項 /じょうこう, jōkō/, [article number] /じょう, jō/
article {n} (object) SEE: object ::
articulated lorry {n} (truck and trailer) :: 貨物自動車 /かもつじどうしゃ, kamotsu jidōsha/
articulation {n} (joint or collection of joints) :: 関節 /かんせつ, kansetsu/
articulation {n} (manner or method by which elements of a system are connected) :: 接合 /せつごう, setsugō/
articulation {n} (clarity of speech) :: 明瞭な発音 /めいりょうなはつおん, meiryō na hatsuon/, 滑舌 /かつぜつ, katsuzetsu/
articulation {n} (linguistics: means of uttering a phoneme) :: 調音 /ちょうおん, chō'on/
articulation {n} (music: manner of articulation) :: アーティキュレーション /ātikyurēshon/
articulation {n} (accounting: interrelation of financial statements) :: 連携 /れんけい, renkei/
artifact {n} (object made or shaped by human hand) :: 人工物 /じんこうぶつ, jinkōbutsu/, 加工品 /かこうひん, kakōhin/, 工芸品 /こうげいひん, kōgeihin/
artifact {n} (archaeological object) :: 遺物 /いぶつ, ibutsu/, 埋蔵物 /まいぞうぶつ, maizōbutsu/
artificer {n} (trickster) SEE: trickster ::
artificer {n} (inventor) SEE: inventor ::
artificer {n} (artisan) SEE: artisan ::
artificial {adj} (man-made) :: 人工の /じんこうの, jinkō no/
artificial {adj} (unnatural) :: 人為的な /じんいてきな, jin'iteki na/
artificial intelligence {n} (intelligence exhibited by an artificial entity) :: 人工知能 /じんこうちのう, jinkō chinō/, アーティフィシャルインテリジェンス /ātifisharuinterijensu/
artificial intelligence {n} (branch of computer science) :: 人工知能 /じんこうちのう, jinkō chinō/, アーティフィシャルインテリジェンス /ātifisharuinterijensu/
artificial intelligence {n} (quality of a machine) :: 人工知能 /じんこうちのう, jinkō chinō/, アーティフィシャルインテリジェンス /ātifisharuinterijensu/
artificial person {n} (legal person) SEE: legal person ::
artificial respiration {n} (manual or mechanical forcing of air into the lungs) :: 人工呼吸 /じんこうこきゅう, jinkō kokyū/
artificial sweetener {n} (sugar substitute) SEE: sugar substitute ::
artillerist {n} (artilleryman) SEE: artilleryman ::
artillery {n} (weapon) :: 大砲 /たいほう, taihō/
artillery {n} (army unit) :: 砲兵隊 /ほうへいたい, hōheitai/
artilleryman {n} (soldier enlisted in an artillery unit) :: 砲兵 /ほうへい, hōhei/, 砲手 /ほうしゅ, hōshu/
Artina {prop} (given name) :: アルティナ /Arutina/
artiodactyl {n} (any ungulate mammal with an even number of toes) :: 偶蹄目 /ぐうていもく, gūteimoku/, ウシ目 /ushi-moku/
artisan {n} (skilled manual worker) :: 工匠 /こうしょう, kōshō/, 職人 /しょくにん, shokunin/
artist {n} (person who creates art) :: 芸術家 /げいじゅつか, geijutsuka/, 画家 /がか, gaka/, アーティスト /ātisuto/
artist {n} (person who creates art as an occupation) :: 芸術家 /geijutsuka/
artist {n} (skilled person) :: 熟練者 /じゅくれんしゃ, jukurensha/
artistic {adv} (having creative skill) :: 芸術的な /げいじゅつてきな, geijutsuteki na/
artistic {adv} (relating to art or artists) :: 芸術的な /geijutsuteki na/
artistic {adv} (aesthetically pleasing) :: 芸術的な /geijutsuteki na/
artistical {adj} (artistic) SEE: artistic ::
artmaker {n} (artist) SEE: artist ::
artwork {n} (piece of creative work) :: 芸術作品 /geijutsusakuhin/, アートワーク /ātowōku/
Aruba {prop} (territory in the Caribbean) :: アルバ /Aruba/
arugula {n} (herb) :: ロケット /roketto/, ルッコラ /rukkora/
Arunachal Pradesh {prop} (Arunachal Pradesh) :: アルナーチャル・プラデーシュ州 /Arunacharu-Puradēshu-shū/
Aryan {n} (in Nazism: a member of an alleged master race of non-Jewish Caucasians) :: アーリア人 /Āria-jin/
as {adv} (to such an extent or degree) :: のほどに /no hodo ni/, のほど /no hodo/
as {conj} (at the same instant that) :: ...と /
as {conj} :: ように /yō ni/
as {prep} (Introducing a basis of comparison) :: として /toshite/
as {prep} (In the role of) :: として /toshite/
as {conj} (relative conjunction) SEE: that ::
as {conj} (expressing concession) SEE: though ::
as {conj} (than) SEE: than ::
as {conj} (as if) SEE: as if ::
as {adv} (for example) SEE: for example ::
as against {prep} (as opposed to) SEE: as opposed to ::
as a matter of fact {prep} (actually) :: 実は /jitsu-wa/, 実際には /jissai-niwa/
ASAP {adv} (as soon as possible) :: 大至急 /daishikyuu/, なるべく早く /narubekuhayaku/, なるはや /naruhaya/
as a result {conj} (consequently) :: 結果として /けっかとして, kekka-to shite/
as a rule {adv} (in general; most often) :: 概して /がいして, gai-shite/, 原則として /げんそくとして, gensoku-to shite/
asbestos {n} (any of several fibrous mineral forms of magnesium silicate) :: 石綿 /いしわた, ishiwata, せきめん, sekimen/, アスベスト /asubesuto/
ascend {v} (to fly, to soar) :: 登る /のぼる, noboru/
ascendancy {n} (supremacy; superiority; dominant control) :: 優位 /ゆうい, yūi/, 優勢 /ゆうせい, yūsei/
Ascension {prop} (holiday celebrating Ascension of Jesus) SEE: Ascension Day ::
Ascension {prop} :: 昇天 {f} /しょうてん, shōten/
Ascension Day {prop} (the fortieth day of Easter) :: キリストの昇天 {f} /Kirisuto-no shōten/
Ascension Island {prop} (an island in the South Atlantic) :: アセンション島 /Asenshon-tō/
ascertain {v} (find out; discover or establish) :: 確かめる /たしかめる, tashikameru/
ascesis {n} ((rigorous) self-discipline, see also: asceticism) :: 禁欲 /きんよく, kin'yoku/
ascetic {n} (devotee to the practice of self-denial) :: 修験者 /syugenja/
asceticism {n} (the principles and practices of an ascetic) :: 禁欲主義 /きんよくしゅぎ, kin'yokushugi/
ascidian {n} (any member of the class Ascidiacea) :: ホヤ /hoya/
ascites {n} (symptom) :: 腹水 /fukusui/
Asclepius {prop} (Greek god of medicine and healing) :: アスクレーピオス /Asukurēpiosu/
ascocarp {n} (the sporocarp of an ascomycete) :: 子器 /しき, ​shiki/
asdfghjkl {interj} (expression of incoherence) :: くぁwせdrftgyふじこlp /qawsedrftgyhujikolp/
ASEAN {prop} (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) :: アセアン /Asean/, 東南アジア諸国連合 /Tōnan-Ajia Shokokurengō/
asepticize {v} (sterilize) SEE: sterilize ::
asexual {adj} :: 無性の /musei no/
asexuality {n} (state of not experiencing sexual attraction) :: 非性愛 /hiseiai/
as far as one knows {adv} (to the best of my knowledge) :: 知る限り /しるかぎり, shiru-kagiri/
as for {prep} (regarding; about) :: ...として /...toshite/
Asgard {prop} (the abode of gods in Norse mythology) :: アースガルズ /Āsugaruzu/, アースガルド /Āsugarudo/, アスガルド /Asugarudo/, アスガルズ /Asugaruzu/, アスガード /Asugādo/, アスガルト /Asugaruto/
ash {n} (solid remains of a fire) :: /はい, hai/
ash {n} (wood) :: トネリコ材 /toneriko-zai/
ash {n} (tree) SEE: ash tree ::
ashamed {adj} (feeling shame or guilt) :: 恥ずかしい /はずかしい, hazukashii/
ashen {adj} (made of ash-wood) :: トネリコ材製の /tonerikozaisei no/
ashen {adj} (of or resembling ashes) :: の /hai no/
Ashgabat {prop} (the capital of Turkmenistan) :: アシガバート /Ashigabāto/
ash gourd {n} (vine) SEE: winter melon ::
ash gourd {n} (fuzzy melon fruit) SEE: winter melon ::
Ashoka {prop} (emperor) :: アショーカ /Ashōka/, 阿育王 /あいくおう, Aiku-ō/
ashore {adv} (on the land) :: 陸上 /りくじょう, rikujō/
ashore {adv} (towards the shore) :: 上陸 /じょうりく, jōriku/
ashtray {n} (receptacle for ashes) :: 灰皿 /はいざら, haizara/
ash tree {n} (Fraxinus tree) :: /トネリコ, toneriko/
Ash Wednesday {n} (the Christian day of penitence 46 days before Easter) :: 灰の水曜日 /はいのすいようび, hai-no suiyōbi/
ashy minivet {n} (Pericrocotus divaricatus) :: 山椒食 /サンショウクイ, sanshōkui/
ashy tit {n} (Melaniparus cinerascens) :: ススイロガラ
Asia {prop} (the continent of Asia) :: アジア /Ajia/, [dated] 亜細亜 /あじあ, Ajia/
Asia Minor {prop} (peninsula between the Mediterranean Sea, the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea) :: 小アジア /Shō-Ajia/
Asian {n} (person from Asia) :: アジア人 /アジアじん, ajiajin/
Asian {n} (person from or descended from people from the Indian sub-continent) :: 南アジア人 /みなみアジアじん, ajiajin/
Asian {n} (person from or descended from people from east Asia) :: 東アジア人 /ひがしアジアじん, ajiajin/
Asian {adj} (of, relating to or from Asia) :: アジアの /Ajia no/
Asian dust {n} (dust blown over east Asia) :: 黄砂 /kōsa/
Asian Games {prop} (sport event) :: アジア競技大会 /Ajia kyōgi taikai/
Asianization {n} (process of making or becoming Asian) :: アジア化 /アジアか, ajiaka/
Asian lion {n} (species of lion that inhabited Asia) :: インドライオン /Indo raion/
aside {adv} (to or on one side) :: 傍らに /かたわらに, katawara ni/, わきへ /waki e/
as if {conj} (as though) :: (まるで...) /maru-de.../ ...のようだ /...-no yō da/
as if {conj} (in mimicry of) :: (まるで...) /maru-de.../ ...のようだ /...-no yō da/
asinine {adj} (failing to exercise intelligence or judgment) :: 愚か /oroka/
as is {adj} ((of an object) in its present state or condition) :: ありのまま /ari-no mama/, そのまま /sono mama/
ask {v} (request an answer) :: 聞く /きく, kiku/, 尋ねる /たずねる, tazuneru/, 伺う /うかがう, ukagau/ [humble], 質問する /しつもんする, shitsumon suru/
ask {v} (make a request) :: 頼む /たのむ, tanomu/
askance {adv} (of look: with disapproval) :: 疑わしそうに /うたがわしそうに, tagawashisō ni/
askance {adv} (sideways, obliquely) :: 横目で /よこめで, yokome de/, 斜めに /ななめに, naname ni/
asleep {adj} (in a state of sleep) :: 寝ている /ねている, nete iru/, 眠っている /ねむっている, nemutte iru/, 熟睡 /じゅくすい, jukusui/
asleep {adj} (numb or prickling) :: 痺れた /しびれた, shibireta/
as long as {conj} (if, assuming) :: ...限り /...かぎり, ...kagiri/
as long as {conj} (while) :: ...間に /...あいだに, ...aida ni/, ...時に /...ときに, ...toki ni/
Asmara {prop} (capital of Eritrea) :: アスマラ /Asumara/
ASMR {n} (autonomous sensory meridian response) :: ASMR, 音フェチ
as much as possible {adv} (as much as is possible) :: できるだけ /dekiru dake/, 有らん限り /あらんかぎり, aran kagiri/, 成るべく /なるべく, naru-beku/
asocial {adj} (antisocial) SEE: antisocial ::
Asoka {prop} (Ashoka) SEE: Ashoka ::
as opposed to {prep} (in contrast to) :: に対して /ni taishite/
asparagine {n} (nonessential amino acid C4H8N2O3) :: アスパラギン /asuparagin/
asparagus {n} (asparagus plant, Asparagus officinalis) :: アスパラガス /asuparagasu/
asparagus {n} (asparagus shoots (food)) :: アスパラガス /asuparagasu/
aspartame {n} (the artificial sweetener) :: アスパルテーム /asuparutēmu/
aspartic acid {n} (a nonessential amino acid) :: アスパラギン酸 /アスパラギンさん, asuparagin-san/
aspect {n} (any specific feature, part, or element of something) :: 様相 /ようそう, yōsō/
aspect {n} (the way something appears) :: /そう, sō/
aspect {n} (quality of a verb) :: /そう, sō/, アスペクト /asupekuto/
aspect ratio {n} (the ratio of an object's longest dimension to its next-longest dimension) :: 縦横比 /たてよこひ, tateyokohi/
aspect ratio {n} (the ratio of width to height in a flat surface or 2-dimensional abstract construction) :: 縦横比 /たてよこひ, tateyokohi/, アスペクト比 /アスペクトひ, asupekuto-hi/
Asperger's syndrome {n} (autism related developmental disorder) :: アスペルガー症候群 /Asuperugā shōkōgun/
aspergillus {n} (any of many molds, of the genus Aspergillus, many of which are pathogenic) :: 麹黴 /こうじかび, kōjikabi/, 麹菌 /きくきん, kikukin, こうじきん, kōjikin/, アスペルギルス /asuperugirusu/
asperse {v} (scatter) SEE: scatter ::
asperse {v} (sprinkle) SEE: sprinkle ::
as per the usual {adv} (as usual) SEE: as usual ::
as per usual {adv} (as usual) SEE: as usual ::
asphalt {n} (sticky, black and highly viscous liquid) :: アスファルト /asufaruto/, 瀝青 /れきせい, rekisei/
asphalt {n} (asphalt concrete) :: アスファルト /asufaruto/
aspic {n} (dish) :: アスピック /asupikku/
aspirate {n} (linguistics: sound produced) :: 有気音 /ゆうきおん, yūkion/, 帯気音 /たいきおん, taikion/
aspirated h {n} (in the French language usage of the letter h at the start of a word which does not allow liaison with a preceding consonant) :: 有音のh /yūon no asshu/
aspiration {n} (hope or ambition) :: 希望 /きぼう, kibō/
aspiration {n} (action of aspirating) :: 吸引 /kyūin/
aspiration {n} (burst of air that follows the release of some consonants) :: 気音 /きおん, kion/
aspire {v} (to hope or dream) :: 希求する /kikyū-suru/
aspirin {n} (analgesic drug) :: アスピリン /asupirin/
asplenia {n} (absence of normal spleen function) :: 無脾症 /むひしょう, muhishō/
ass {n} (buttocks) :: /しり, shiri/, お尻 /おしり, o-shiri/, /けつ, ketsu/, けつ /ketsu/
assail {v} (to attack violently) :: 襲撃する /しゅうげきする, shūgeki suru/
assailant {n} (an attacker; someone who attacks another violently, or criminally) :: 加害者 /かがいしゃ, kagaisha/
Assam {prop} (state in India) :: アッサム /Assamu/
Assamese {prop} (language) :: アッサム語 /assamugo/
assassin {v} (assassinate) SEE: assassinate ::
assassin {n} (one who, motivated by political reasons, intentionally kills a particular person) :: 暗殺者 /あんさつしゃ, ansatsusha/, 刺客 /しきゃく, shikyaku/, キラー /kirā/
assassinate {v} (to murder by sudden or obscure attack) :: 暗殺する /あんさつする, ansatsu-suru/
assassinate {n} (assassination) SEE: assassination ::
assassinate {n} (assassin) SEE: assassin ::
assassination {n} (murder for political reasons or personal gain) :: 暗殺 /あんさつ, ansatsu/
assault {n} (violent onset or attack with physical means) :: 突撃 /とつげき, totsugeki/, 攻撃 /こうげき, kōgeki/
assault {v} (to attack) :: 攻める /せめる, semeru/
assault rifle {n} (a rifle) :: 突撃銃 /とつげきじゅう, totsugekijū/, アサルトライフル /asarutoraifuru/
assemble {v} (to put together) :: 集める /あつめる, atsumeru/, 組み立てる /くみたてる, kumitateru/
assemble {v} (to gather as a group) :: 集まる /あつまる, atsumaru/
assembler {n} (program that converts assembly language to machine code) :: アセンブラ /asenbura/
assembler {n} (assembly language) SEE: assembly language ::
assembly {n} (congregation of people) :: 会議 /かいぎ, kaigi/
assembly language {n} (programming language) :: アセンブリー言語 /アセンブリーげんご, asenburī-gengo/
assembly line {n} (system of workers and machinery in a series) :: 組み立てライン /kumitate-rain/
assemblyman {n} :: 議員 /giin/
assert {v} (To maintain; to defend) :: 主張する /しゅちょうする, shuchō-sur/
assertion {n} (affirmation; statement asserted) :: 主張 /しゅちょう, shuchō/
assessment {n} (appraisal) :: 評価 /ひょうか, hyōka/
asset {n} (something or someone of any value) :: 資産 /しさん, shisan/
asset {n} (software: any component, etc. that can be leveraged or reused) :: 資産 /shisan/
assets {n} (any property or object of value that one possesses) :: 資産 /shisan/
assfuck {n} (sodomy) SEE: sodomy ::
assfucker {n} (jerk) SEE: jerk ::
asshole {n} (anus) :: ケツ /ketsu/, けつの穴 /けつのあな, ketsu no ana/
asshole {n} (mean or rude person) :: 糞垂れ /くそたれ, sotare, くそったれ, kusottare/}, [mild] バカ /baka/
assiduous {adj} (hard-working, diligent) :: 真面目 /まじめ, majime/
assign {v} (to designate or set apart something for some purpose) :: 割り当てる /わりあてる, wariateru/
assign {v} (to appoint or select someone for some office) :: 任命する /にんめいする, nin'meisuru/
assign {v} (to allot or give something as a task) :: 割り当てる /わりあてる, wariateru/
assign {v} (to transfer property, a legal right, etc., from one person to another) :: 譲渡する /じょうとする, jōto suru/
assignment {n} (typically a task given to students) :: 宿題 /しゅくだい, shukudai/
assignment {n} (transfer of rights or benefits) :: 譲渡 /jōto/
assignment {n} (operation(s) that assign a value to a variable) :: 代入 /だいにゅう, dainyū/
assimilate {v} (to absorb a group of people into a community) :: 同化する /dōka-suru/
assimilation {n} (act or state) :: 同化 /どうか, dōka/
assimilation {n} (metabolic conversion) :: 同化 /どうか, dōka/
assist {v} (help) :: 手伝う /tetsudau/
assistance {n} (aid; help; the act or result of assisting) :: 援助 /enjo/, 助け /たすけ, tasuke/, 手助け /てだすけ, tedasuke/, 手伝い /てつだい, tetsudai/
assistant {n} (an auxiliary software tool) SEE: wizard ::
assistant {n} (person who assists) :: 助手 /じょしゅ, joshu/
asskisser {n} (someone who kisses ass) SEE: ass-licker ::
ass-licker {n} (one who succumbs to authority) :: ごますり /gomasuri/
associate {adj} (joined with others and having equal or near equal status) :: 一緒やっている (いっしょやっている, issho ni yatte iru), 仲間の /なかまの, nakama no/, 同僚の /どうりょうの, dōryō no/
associate {adj} (having partial status or privileges) :: /じゅん, jun/, /ふく, fuku/
associate {adj} (following or accompanying) :: 連想される /れんそうさせる, rensōsaseru/
associate {n} (partner) :: 提携 /ていけいしゃ, teikeisha/
associate {n} (companion; comrade) :: 仲間 /なかま, nakama/, 同僚 /どうりょう, dōryō/
associate {n} (member of an institution or society who is granted only partial status or privileges) :: 会員 /じゅんかいいん, junkaiin/, 会友 /かいゆう, kaiyū/
associate {v} (to join in or form a league, union, or association) :: 共同やる /きょうどうやる, kyōdoō de yaru/, 提携する /ていけいする, teikeisuru/
associate {v} (to spend time socially) :: 付き合う /つきあう, tsukiau/, 交際する /こうさいする, kōsaisuru/
associate {v} (to join as a partner, ally, or friend) :: 提携させる /ていけいさせる, teikeisaseru/
associate {v} (to connect or join together; combine) :: 結合させる /けつごうさせる, ketsugōsaseru/
associate {v} (to connect in the mind or imagination) :: 結び付けて考える (むすびつけてかんがえる, musubitsukete kangaeru), (連想する /れんそうする, rensōsuru/
associate professor {n} (teacher) :: 准教授 /じゅんきょうじゅ, junkyōju/
associate's degree {n} (degree awarded after 2 years of college education) :: 準学士
association {n} (act of associating) :: 連想 /rensō/, 関連付け /kanrenzuke/
association {n} (group of persons associated for a common purpose) :: 協会 /kyōkai/
associative array {n} (An array-like data structure) :: 連想配列 /rensōhairetsu/
assonance {n} (repetition of similar or identical vowel sounds) :: 類韻 /るいいん/, 半諧音 /はんかいおん/
as soon as {conj} (immediately after) :: ...とすぐ / sugu/, や否や /やいなや, yainaya/
as soon as possible {adv} (as soon as is possible) :: できるだけ早く /dekiru dake hayaku/, 出来る限り早期 /できるかぎりそうき, dekiru gakiri sōki/, できる限り急いで /できるかぎりいそいで, dekiru kagiri isoide/, 可及的速やかに /かきゅうてきすみやかに, kakyūteki sumiyaka-ni/, 一刻も早く /いっこくもはやく, ikkoku mo hayaku/
asspussy {n} (the anus, as the receiving orifice in anal sex) :: ケツマンコ /ketsu-manko/
assuage {v} (mitigate, relieve) :: 和らげる /やわらげる, yawarageru/
as such {prep} (per se) SEE: per se ::
assume {v} (to suppose to be true) :: 仮定する /かていする, katei suru/
assume {v} (take on a position) :: 負う /おう, ou/, 引き受ける /ひきうける, hikiukeru/
assured {adj} (confident) SEE: confident ::
Assyria {prop} (Semitic Akkadian kingdom) :: アッシリア /Asshiria/
Astana {prop} (the capital of Kazakhstan) :: アスタナ /Asutana/
Astana {prop} (Nur-Sultan) SEE: Nur-Sultan ::
Astarte {prop} (Semitic goddess of fertility) :: アスタルテ /Asutarute/
astatine {n} (the chemical element) :: アスタチン /asutachin/
aster {n} (plant) :: 嫁菜 /よめな, yomena/, ヨメナ /yomena/, 紫苑 /shion/, シオン /shion/
asterisk {n} (symbol used to highlight words or sentences) :: アスタリスク /asutarisuku/, 星印 /ほしじるし, hoshi jirushi/, 星号 /せいごう, seigō/, スター /sutā/, アステリスク /asuterisuku/
asterism {n} (constellation) :: 星座 /seiza/
asterism {n} (small group of stars) :: 星群 /seigun/, アステリズム /asuterizumu/
asterism {n} (typographical symbol) :: アステリズム /asuterizumu/
asterism {n} (a star-shaped figure exhibited by some crystals) :: スター効果 /sutākōka/, アステリズム /asuterizumu/, 星彩効果 /seisaikōka/, 星形の光 /hoshigata no hikari/, 星彩 /seisai/
Asterix {prop} (A fictional character from French comic books) :: アステリックス /Asuterikkusu/
asteroid {n} (astronomy) :: 小惑星 /しょうわくせい, shōwakusei/, 星状体 /せいじょうたい, seijōtai/
asteroid belt {prop} (region of the solar system) :: 小惑星帯 /shōwakuseitai/, アステロイドベルト /asuteroido beruto/
asthma {n} (chronic respiratory disease) :: 喘息 /ぜんそく, zensoku/
as though {conj} (as to suggest that) :: (まるで...) /maru-de.../ ...のようだ /...-no yō da/
astigmatic {adj} (suffering from astigmatism) :: 乱視の /らんしの, ranshi no/
astigmatism {n} (defect of a lens) :: 非点収差 /ひてんしゅうさ, hiten shūsa/
astigmatism {n} (disorder of the vision) :: 乱視 /らんし, ranshi/
a stitch in time saves nine {proverb} (a timely effort can prevent larger problems) :: 今日の一針明日の十針 /kyō no hitohari asu no tohari/
astonish {v} (to surprise, astound, flabbergast) :: 驚かす /おどろかす, odorokasu/
astonished {adj} (amazed) :: びっくりする /bikkuri suru/
astonishment {n} (amazement, great surprise) :: 驚き /おどろき, odoroki/, 驚愕 /きょうがく, kyōgaku/
astound {v} (to astonish, bewilder or dazzle) :: 驚かす /おどろかす, odorokasu/
Astraea {prop} (Greek goddess) :: アストレア /asutorea/
Astraea {prop} (asteroid) :: アストレア /asutorea/
astragalus {n} (anklebone) SEE: anklebone ::
Astrakhan {prop} (city and region in Russia) :: アストラハン /Asutorahan/
astray {adv} (in a wrong direction) :: 道に迷って
astride {adv} (with one’s legs on either side) :: またがって /ni matagatte/
astringent {n} (substance which draws tissue together) :: 収斂剤 /しゅうれんざい, shūrenzai/
astringent {adj} (sharp, caustic, severe) :: 渋い /shibui/, 辛辣な /shinratsuna/
astringent {adj} (having the effect of drawing tissue together) :: 収斂性の /syūrenseino/
astrocyte {n} (neuroglial cell in the shape of a star) :: 星状膠細胞 /せいじょうこうさいぼう, seijōkōsaibō/
astrolabe {n} (astronomical and navigational instrument) :: アストロラーベ /asutororābe/
astrologer {n} (one who studies astrology) :: 占星術師 /せんせいじゅつし, senseijutsushi/
astrological sign {n} (sign that is used as the basis of astrology) :: サイン /sain/, 星座 /せいざ, seiza/
astrologist {n} (astrologer) SEE: astrologer ::
astrology {n} (star divination) :: 占星学 /せんせいじゅつ, senseigaku/
astronaut {n} (member of the crew of a spaceship or other spacecraft, or someone trained for that purpose) :: 宇宙飛行士 /うちゅうひこうし, uchū-hikōshi/
astronomer {n} (one who studies astronomy) :: 天文学者 /tenmon-gakusha/
astronomical unit {n} (measure of distance) :: 天文単位 /てんもんたんい, tenmon tan'i/
astronomist {n} (astronomer) SEE: astronomer ::
astronomy {n} (study of the physical universe beyond the Earth's atmosphere) :: 天文学 /てんもんがく, tenmongaku/
astrophysics {n} (interdisciplinary branch of astronomy and physics) :: 天体物理学 /てんたいぶつりがく, tentai butsurigaku/
Asturian {prop} (language) :: アストゥリア語 /Asuturia-go/
astute {adj} (Quick at seeing how to gain advantage) :: 抜け目のない /ぬけめのない, nukemenonai/
Asunción {prop} (capital of Paraguay) :: アスンシオン /Asunshion/
asunder {adv} (into separate parts) :: ばらばらに /barabara ni/
Asura {n} (deity in Hinduism) :: 阿修羅 /asura/, アスラ /asura/
Asura {n} (deity in Buddhism) :: 阿修羅 /あしゅら, ashura/
as usual {adv} (as is usually the case) :: いつものように /itsumo no yō ni/, 平常通り /へいじょうどおり, heijōdōri/
as well {adv} (in addition, also) :: /mo/, 及び /および, oyobi/
as well as {conj} (and in addition) :: ...のほかに /... no hoka ni/
as yet {adv} (up to the present) :: 今でも /いまでも, ima-demo/, 依然として /いぜんとして, izen-toshite/, まだ /mada/
asylum {n} (place of safety) :: アジール /ajīru/, アサイラム /asairamu/, 避難所 /hinanjo/, 養護施設 /yōgo sisetsu/
asylum seeker {n} (person who has applied for asylum) :: 亡命希望者 /ぼうめいきぼうしゃ, bōmei kibōsha/
asymmetric {adj} (not symmetric) :: 非対称的 /ひたいしょうてき, hi-taishō-teki/
asymmetrical {adj} (not symmetrical) :: 非対称的 /ひたいしょうてき, hi-taishō-teki/
asymmetry {n} (lack of symmetry or proportion) :: 非対称性 /hitaishōsei/, 非対称 /hitaishō/, アシンメトリー /ashinmetorī/
asymptotic {adj} (pertaining to values or properties approached at infinity) :: 漸近 /ぜんきん, zenkin/
asynchronous transfer mode {n} (broadband voice and data technology with quality of service transmission for sending and receiving data) :: 非同期転送モード /hidōki-tensō-mōdo/
as you know {adv} (as you know) :: ご存じの通り /ごぞんじのとおり, go-zonji-no tōri/, ご案内の通り /ごあんないのとおり, go-annai-no tōri/
as you like {interj} (unenthusiastic consent) :: どうぞお好きな様に /どうぞおすきなように, dōzo o-suki-na yōni/ [formally], どうぞご勝手に /どうぞごかってに, dōzo go-katte-ni/ [politely], 好きにすれば /すきにすれば, suki-ni sureba/ [arrogantly]
as you sow, so shall you reap {proverb} (consequences of actions are in proportion to intentions) :: 蒔いた種は刈らねばならない /maita tane wa karaneba naranai/, 爾に出ずる者は、爾に反える /nanji ni izuru mono wa, nanji ni kaeru/, 悪事身に返る /akuji mi ni kaeru/ (your evil deeds come back to you)
as you wish {interj} (as you wish) :: どうぞお望みの様に /どうぞおのぞみのように, dōzo o-nozomi no yōni/ 御意に /ぎょいに, gyoi/
at {prep} (in or very near a particular place) :: ...で /, ... に /
at {prep} (indicating time) :: ...に /
at {prep} (in the direction of) :: ...に /, ...を /...o/
at {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign ::
a tad {adv} (a little) SEE: a little ::
at all {prep} (at all) :: まったく /mattaku/, [in a negative sentence] 全然 /ぜんぜん, zenzen/
at all costs {prep} (sparing no effort) :: 万難を排して /ばんなんをはいして, bannan o hai shite/, 何が何でも /nani ga nan demo/
at a loss for words {prep} (having nothing to say) :: 言葉に出来ない /ことばにできない, kotoba ni dekinai/
at any rate {prep} (in any case) SEE: in any case ::
ataxia {n} (lack of coordination) :: 失調 /しっちょう/
Atayal {n} (people) :: タイヤル族 /taiyaru zoku/
Atayal {prop} (language) :: タイヤル語 /taiyaru go/
at best {prep} (in the most favorable of conditions) :: 精々 /せいぜい, seizei/
at dark {prep} (during nightfall) :: 日暮れ /ひぐれ, higure/, 暮れに /ゆうくれに, yūgure ni/
at ease {prep} (free of anxiety) :: 安心 /あんしん, anshin/
ateji {n} (kanji used phonetically) :: 当て字 /あてじ, ateji/, 宛字 /あてじ, ateji/
atelier {n} (studio) :: アトリエ /atorie/, 工房 /こうぼう, kōbō/, 画室 /がしつ, gashitsu/
atemoya {n} (fruit) :: アテモヤ /atemoya/
at first {prep} (initially; at the start) :: 始めは /はじめは, hajime-wa/
at first glance {prep} (after only a superficial examination or review) :: 一目見ただけで /hitome mita dake-de/
at first sight {prep} (at first glance) SEE: at first glance ::
at gunpoint {prep} (under coercion by someone with a firearm) :: 銃を突きつけて /jū o tsukitsukete/
at hand {prep} (near; soon; approaching; imminent) :: せまっている /sematteiru/
atheism {n} (rejection of belief that any deities exist (with or without a belief that no deities exist)) :: 無神論 /むしんろん, mushinron/
atheist {n} (a person who believes that no deities exist) :: 無神論者 /mushinronsha/
atheist {n} (a person who rejects belief that any deities exist, whether or not that person believes that deities do not exist) :: 無神論者 /むしんろんしゃ, mushinronsha/, 無信仰者 /むしんこうしゃ, mushinkōsha/
atheist {adj} (relating to atheists) SEE: atheistic ::
atheistic {adj} (relating to atheists) :: 無神論の /mushinron no/
Athena {prop} (Greek goddess) :: アテーナー /Atēnā/
Athens {prop} (capital city of Greece) :: アテネ /Atene/
atheroma {n} (abnormal fatty deposit) :: アテローム /aterōmu/
athlete {n} (participant in one of several sporting activities) :: 陸上選手 /りくじょうせんしゅ, rikujō senshu/
athlete {n} (person who actively participates in physical sports) :: 運動選手 /うんどうせんしゅ, undō senshu/, [male] スポーツマン /supōtsuman/, アスリート /asurīto/
athlete's foot {n} (fungal infection) :: 水虫 /みずむし, mizumushi/, 足白癬 /あしはくせん, ashi hakusen/
athletic {adj} (physically active) :: 強壮 /きょうそう, kyōsō/
athletic {adj} (having a muscular, well developed body, being in shape) :: 強壮 /きょうそう, kyōsō/
at home {prep} (In one's place of residence) :: 家に /うちに, uchi ni/
-ation {suffix} (-ation (suffix)) :: -化 /-か, -ka/
Atkinson {prop} (Transliterations of the surname) :: アトキンソン /Atokinson/
Atlanta {prop} (capital and largest city of the State of Georgia) :: アトランタ /Atoranta/
Atlantic {prop} (the Atlantic Ocean) :: 大西洋 /Taiseiyō/
Atlantic Ocean {prop} (the ocean lying between the Americas to the west and Europe and Africa to the east) :: 大西洋 /たいせいよう, Taiseiyō/
Atlantic puffin {n} (Fratercula arctica) :: 西角目鳥 /ニシツノメドリ, nishitsunomedori/, ニシツノメドリ /nishitsunomedori/
Atlantis {prop} (mythical country said to have sunk into the ocean) :: アトランティス /Atorantisu/
atlas {n} (bound collection of maps) :: 地図帳 /ちずちょう, chizuchō/
atlas {n} (bound collection of tables, illustrations, etc., on any subject) :: 図録 /ずろく, zuroku/
atlas {n} ((anatomy) The uppermost vertebra of the neck) :: 環椎 /kantsui/, 第一頚椎 /daiichi keitsui/
at last {prep} (after a long time; eventually) :: 遂に /ついに, tsui ni/, 等々 /とうとう, tōtō/
at last {prep} (in the end; finally; ultimately) :: 終わりに /owari ni/, 最終的に /saishūteki ni/, 最後に /saigo ni/
atlatl {n} (spear thrower) :: アトラトル /atoratoru/, スピアスロアー /supiasuroā/
at least {prep} (at a lower limit) :: せめて /semete/, 少なくとも /sukunakutomo/
at length {prep} (for a long time) :: 詳しく /くわしく, kuwashiku/
at length {prep} (finally) :: やっと /yatto/, 遂に /ついに, tsui-ni/
at long last {prep} (at last) SEE: at last ::
ATM {n} ((banking) Automated Teller Machine) :: ATM /ē-tī-emu/, 現金自動預払機 /げんきんじどうあずけばらいき, genkin jidō azukebaraiki/, 自動窓口機 /じどうまどぐちき, jidō madoguchiki/, 自動現金預払機 /じどうげんきんよはらいき, yoharai-ki/, エーティーエム /ē-tī-emu/
ATM {n} ((telecommunication, electronics) Asynchronous Transfer Mode) :: 非同期転送モード /hidōki tensō mōdo/
atmosphere {n} (gases surrounding the Earth) :: 大気 /たいき, taiki/, 大気圏 /たいきけん, taikiken/
atmosphere {n} (air in a particular place) :: 空気 /くうき, kūki/
atmosphere {n} (mood or feeling) :: 雰囲気 /ふんいき, fun'iki/
atmospheric pressure {n} (pressure caused by weight of the atmosphere) :: 気圧 /きあつ, kiatsu/
at most {prep} (at the most; at a maximum or upper limit) :: せいぜい /seizei/, おおくても /ōkutemo/
at night {adv} (during the night) :: 夜に /よるに, yoru-ni/, 夜間に /やかんに, yakan-ni/
at no time {prep} (never) SEE: never ::
atoll {n} (island) :: 環礁 /かんしょう, kanshō/
atom {n} (chemistry, physics: smallest possible amount of matter retaining its chemical properties) :: 原子 /げんし, genshi/, アトム /atomu/
atom {n} (historical: theoretical particle of matter) :: 元素 /げんそ, genso/
atom {n} (smallest indivisible constituent) :: 単位 /たんい, tan'i/
atom {n} (mathematics: member of a Boolean algebra) :: 原子 /genshi/
atomic {adj} (of, or employing nuclear energy or processes) :: 原子の /genshi no/
Atomic Age {prop} (era during which nuclear energy was developed) :: 核時代 /かくじだい, kaku jidai/
atomic bomb {n} (nuclear weapon) :: 原子爆弾 /げんしばくだん, genshi bakudan/, 原爆 /genbaku/
atomic clock {n} (reference clock) :: 原子時計 /げんしどけい, genshidokei/
atomic clock {n} (radio clock) SEE: radio clock ::
atomic energy {n} (energy released by an atom) :: 原子力 /げんしりょく, genshiryoku/
atomic mass {n} (mass of an atom) :: 原子量 /げんしりょう, genshiryō/
atomic nucleus {n} (nucleus of an atom) :: 原子核 /genshikaku/
atomic number {n} (number of protons) :: 原子番号 /げんしばんごう, genshi bangō/
atomic weapon {n} (nuclear weapon) SEE: nuclear weapon ::
atomizer {n} (instrument for reducing a liquid to spray) :: 噴霧器 /ふんむき, funmuki/
at once {adv} (immediately) :: すぐに /sugu-ni/
at one stroke {prep} (at once) SEE: at once ::
atrium {n} (one of two upper chambers of the heart) :: アトリウム /atoriumu/
atrocity {n} (extremely cruel act) :: 残虐行為 /ざんぎゃくこうい, zangyaku kōi/, 残虐 /ざんぎゃく, zangyaku/, 惨酷 /ざんこく, zankoku/, 残忍 /ざんにん, zannin/, 非道 /hidou/
at sign {n} (name of the symbol @) :: アットマーク /atto māku/, 単価記号 /たんかきごう, tanka kigō/
at-sign {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign ::
at symbol {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign ::
attaboy {interj} (Used to show encouragement or approval to a boy or a man) :: でかした /dekashita/, いいぞ /ii zo/, うまいぞ /umai zo/
attach {v} (to fasten, to join to) :: 付ける /つける, tsukeru/, 添付する /てんぷする, tenpu surú/
attaché {n} (diplomatic officer) :: アタッシェ /atasshe/
attaché case {n} (box-style briefcase) :: アタッシェケース /atasshe kēsu/, アタッシュケース /atasshu kēsu/
attached {adj} (Broadly joined to a stem or stipe, but not decurrent) :: 所属の /shozoku no/; 付属 /fuzoku/
attachment {n} (file sent along with an email) :: 添付ファイル /tenpu-fairu/
attack {n} (attempt to cause damage or injury) :: 攻撃 /こうげき, kōgeki/
attack {n} (offense of a battle) :: 攻撃 /こうげき, kōgeki/
attack {v} (to apply violent force) :: 攻撃する /こうげきする, kōgeki suru/
attack dog {n} (dog trained to protect or attack targets) :: 攻撃犬 (こうげきけん, kōgekiken)
attack is the best form of defence {proverb} (attacking the opposition first is better than waiting) :: 攻撃は最大の防御なり /kōgeki wa saidai no bōgyo nari/
attain {v} (to accomplish; to achieve) :: 到る /いたる, itaru/, 達成する /たっせいする, tassei suru/
attempt {v} (to try) :: 試みる /こころみる, kokoromiru/, 試す /ためす, tamesu/
attempt {n} (the action of trying at something) :: 試み /こころみ, kokoromi/, 試し /ためし, tameshi/
attend {v} (to be present at) :: 出席する /しゅっせきする, shusseki surú/, 立ち会う /たちあう, tachiau/
attendance {n} (the state of attending) :: 出席 /shusseki/
attendance {n} (count of individuals) :: 出席 /shusseki/
attendance {n} (frequency of one's presence) :: 出席 /shusseki/
attention {n} (mental focus) :: 注意 /ちゅうい, chūi/, 注目 /ちゅうもく, chūmoku/
attention {n} (state of alertness in the standing position) :: 気を付け /ki o tsuke/
attention {interj} (military command) :: 気を付け /ki o tsuke/
attentive {adj} (paying attention) :: 注意深い /ちゅういぶかい, chūibukai/
at the moment {prep} (right now) :: 現時点では /げんじてんでは, genjiten-dewa/, 現在は /げんざいは, genzai-wa/
at the outside {prep} (at most) SEE: at most ::
at the same time {prep} (simultaneously, see also: at once; simultaneously) :: 同時に /どうじに, tōji ni/
attic {n} (space, often unfinished and with sloped walls, directly below the roof) :: 屋根裏 /やねうら, yaneura/
Attic {adj} (related to Athens) :: アッティカの /attika-no/
Attic {prop} (Ancient Greek dialect) :: アッティカ方言 /attika hōgen/
Attica {prop} (periphery) :: アッティカ /Attika/
Attila the Hun {prop} (king of the tribes of Huns) :: アッティラ /Attira/
at times {prep} (on occasion, sometimes) :: 時時 /ときどき, tokidoki/, 時々 /ときどき, tokidoki/
attitude {n} (position of the body or way of carrying oneself) :: 姿勢 /しせい, shisei/
attitude {n} (disposition or state of mind) :: 態度 /たいど, taido/
atto- {prefix} (unit of measure) :: アト- /ato-/
attorney {n} (lawyer) :: 弁護士 /べんごし, bengoshi/
attorney-at-law {n} (lawyer) :: 弁護士 /bengoshi/
attract {v} (pull without touching) :: 引きつける /ひきつける, hikitsukeru/
attract {v} (arouse interest) :: 引きつける /ひきつける, hikitsukeru/
attract {v} (cause sexual excitement) :: 引きつける /ひきつける, hikitsukeru/
attractive {adj} (having the power of charming) :: 魅力的な /みりょくてきな, miryokuteki na/
attractive {adj} (pleasing or appealing to the senses) :: 魅力的な /みりょくてきな, miryokuteki na/
attractiveness {n} (state of being attractive or engaging) :: 吸引力 /きゅういんりょく, kyūinryoku/
attribute {n} (characteristic or quality) :: 性質 /seisitsu/
attribute {n} (grammar: word qualifying a noun) :: 限定詞 /げんていし, genteishi/
attribute {n} (computing: the applicable option selection) :: 属性 /zokusei/
attributive {n} (a word or phrase that modifies a noun and is part of the noun's noun phrase) :: 連体形 /れんたいけい, rentaikei/
attrition {n} (wearing by friction) :: 磨耗 /mamō/
attrition {n} (reduction in membership) :: 消耗 /shōmō/
aubergine {n} (eggplant) SEE: eggplant ::
auburn {n} (reddish-brown) :: 赤褐色 /せきかっしょく, sekikasshoku/
Auckland {prop} (the largest conurbation in New Zealand) :: オークランド /Ōkurando/
auction {n} (public sales event) :: 競売 /きょうばい, kyōbai/, オークション /ōkushon/
audible {adj} (able to be heard) :: 可聴な /kachō na/, 耳に聞こえる /mimi ni kikoeru/, 音がする /oto ga suru/
audience {n} (group of people seeing a performance) :: 聴衆 /ちょうしゅう, chōshū/, 観衆 /かんしゅう, kanshū/, 観客 /かんきゃく, kankyaku/
audio {adj} (focused on audible sound) :: オーディオ /ōdio/
audiobook {n} (audiobook) :: オーディオブック /ōdiobukku/
audio commentary {n} (audio track on a video recording) :: オーディオコメンタリー /ōdio komentarī/
audiotape {n} (magnetic tape that stores analog sound) :: オーディオテープ /ōdio tēpu/
audiovisual {adj} (audiovisual) :: 視聴 /しちょう, shichō/, 視聴覚 /しちょうかく, shichōkaku/
audit {n} (judicial examination) :: 監査 /かんさ, kansa/
audit {n} (examination in general) :: 監査 /かんさ, kansa/
audit {n} (independent review) :: 監査 /かんさ, kansa/
audit {v} (finance, business: to conduct an independent review and examination) :: 監査する /kansa suru/
audition {n} (performance by an aspiring performer) :: オーディション /ōdishon/, 試聴 /しちょう, shichō/
audition {n} (sense of hearing) :: 聴覚 /ちょうかく, chōkaku/, 聴力 /ちょうりょく, chōryoku/
audition {v} (evaluate one or more performers in through an audition) :: オーディション開く /オーディションをひらく, ōdishon o hiraku/
audition {v} (take part in such a performance) :: オーディション受ける /オーディションをうける, ōdishon o ukeru/
auditor {n} (one who audits bookkeeping accounts) :: 監査役 /かんさやく, kansayaku/
auditorium {n} (a large room for public meetings or performances) :: 講堂 /こうどう, kōdō/
auditorium {n} :: 講堂 /kōdō/
auditory {n} (an assembly of hearers; an audience) :: 聴衆 /ちょうしゅう, chōshū/
auditory {n} (an auditorium) :: 講堂 /こうどう, kōdō/
Audouin's gull {n} (Ichthyaetus audouinii) :: アカハシカモメ /akahashikamome/
augend {n} (A quantity to which another is added) :: 被加数 /hikasū/, 足される数 /tasareru kazu/
augment {v} (to increase, make larger or supplement) :: 増やす /fuyasu/
augment {v} (to become greater) :: 大きくなる /ookiku naru/, 増える /fueru/
augment {v} :: 増やす /fuyasu, 1/, 増加する /zoukasuru, 1/
augmented reality {n} (merging of a view of the real-world environment upon a digital image) :: 拡張現実 /kakuchō genjitsu/
Augsburg {prop} (city in southern Germany) :: アウクスブルク /Aukusuburuku/, アウクスブルグ /Aukusuburugu/
August {prop} (male given name) SEE: Augustus ::
August {prop} (eighth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: 八月 /はちがつ, hachigatsu/, 葉月 /はづき, hazuki/
Augustus {prop} (Roman emperor) :: アウグストゥス /Augusutusu/, アウグスツス /Augusutsusu/
Auki {prop} (provincial capital of Malaita Province) :: アウキ /Auki/
aunt {n} (a parent’s sister or sister-in-law) :: おば /oba/, (younger than one’s parent) 叔母 /おば, oba/, (older than one’s parent) 伯母 /おば, oba/
aunt {n} (affectionate term for an older woman, by means of fictive kin) :: おばさん /obasan/
aunt {n} (grandmother) SEE: auntie ::
aunt {n} (great-aunt or grandaunt) SEE: great-aunt ::
auntie {n} (Diminutive of aunt) :: おばさん /obasan/, おばちゃん /obachan/
au pair {n} (a single girl or boy staying as a guest with a host family) :: オーペア /ōpea/, オペア /opea/
aura {n} (The distinctive atmosphere or quality associated with someone or something) :: 霊気 /れいき, reiki/
aura {n} (An invisible force surrounding a living creature.) :: オーラ /ōra/
Aurangabad {prop} (city in India) :: アウランガーバード /Aurangābādo/
aureola {n} (luminous cloud) :: 円光 /えんこう, enkō/
aureole {n} (circle of light or halo around the head of a deity) :: 後光 /ごこう, gokō/
auricle {n} (smaller of the two types of heart chamber) SEE: atrium ::
auricle {n} (outer ear) SEE: pinna ::
Auriga {prop} (constellation) :: 馭者座, ぎょしゃ座
aurochs {n} (European bison) SEE: European bison ::
aurora {n} (atmospheric phenomenon) :: 極光 /きょくこう, kyokukō/, オーロラ /ōrora/
Aurora {prop} (Roman goddess of dawn) :: アウローラ /Aurōra/, アウロラ /Aurora/
Aurora {prop} (female given name) :: オーロラ /Ōrora/ [English], オーロール /Ōrōru / [French]
aurora borealis {n} (aurora of the northern hemisphere) SEE: northern lights ::
Auschwitz {prop} (city in Poland) :: アウシュヴィッツ /Aushuvittsu/, アウシュビッツ /Aushubittsu/, オシフィエンチム /Oshifienchimu/
Auschwitz {prop} (concentration camp) :: アウシュヴィッツ /Aushuvittsu/
auscultate {v} (to practice auscultation) :: 聴診する /ちょうしんする, chōshin-surú/
auscultation {n} (diagnosis by stethoscope or similar auditory device) :: 聴診 /ちょうしん, chōshin/
Auslan {prop} (sign language of the Australian deaf community) :: オーストラリア手話 /Ōsutoraria shuwa/
auspicious {adj} (indicating future success) :: めでたい /medetai/, 喜ばしい /yorokobashii/
Aussie {n} (colloquial: an Australian, see also: Australian) :: オージー /ōjī/
Aussie {adj} (Australian) :: オージーの /ōjī-no/, オーストラリア人の /ōsutoraria-jin-no/
Austerlitz {prop} (former name of Slavkov u Brna) :: アウステルリッツ /Ausuterurittsu/
Australasia {prop} (Oceania) SEE: Oceania ::
Australasia {prop} (Australia, NZ, New Guinea and neighbouring islands) :: オーストララシア /Ōsutorarasia/
Australia {prop} (Commonwealth of Australia) :: オーストラリア /Ōsutoraria/ (also written: 濠太剌利 /Ōsutoraria/), [rare] 濠洲 /Gōshū/, 豪州 /ごうしゅう, Gōshū/, [abbreviation] /ごう, Gō/, /ごう, Gō/
Australia {prop} (continent of Australia) :: オーストラリア大陸 /Ōsutoraria tairiku/
Australian {n} (a person from the country of Australia or of Australian descent) :: オーストラリア人 /Ōsutoraria-jin/
Australian {adj} (of or pertaining to Australia, the Australian people or languages) :: オーストラリアの /Ōsutoraria no/, 豪- /ごう-, Gō-/
Australian Capital Territory {prop} (Territory of Australia) :: オーストラリア首都特別地域 /Ōsutoraria shuto tokubetsu chiiki/
Australian dollar {n} (official currency of Australia) :: オーストラリア・ドル /Ōsutoraria-doru/
Australian English {n} (English language used in Australia) :: オーストラリア英語 /Ōsutoraria Eigo/
Australian magpie {n} (Australian magpie) :: カササギフエガラス /kasasagifuegarasu/
Australian rules football {n} (Australian rules football) :: オージーフットボール /Ōjīfuttobōru/
Australian Sign Language {prop} (Auslan) SEE: Auslan ::
Australian white ibis {n} (species of wading bird) :: オーストラリア黒朱鷺 /オーストラリアクロトキ, ōsutorariakurotoki/, 赤足黒朱鷺 /アカアシクロトキ, akaashikurotoki/
australopith {n} (a member of Australopithecus) :: アウストラロピテクス /ausutoraropitekusu/
Austria {prop} (country in Central Europe) :: オーストリア /Ōsutoria/, 墺太利 /Ōsutoria/
Austria-Hungary {prop} (former country in Central Europe) :: オーストリア=ハンガリー帝国 /Ōsutoria-Hangarī teikoku/, オーストリア=ハンガリー /Ōsutoria-Hangarī/
Austrian {adj} (related to Austria) :: オーストリアの /Ōsutoria no/
Austrian {n} (Austrian person) :: オーストリア人 /Ōsutoria-jin/
Austronesia {prop} (group of islands) :: オーストロネシア /Ōsutoroneshia/
autarchy {n} (condition of absolute power) :: 専制 /せんせい, sensei/
autarchy {n} (autocratic government) SEE: autocracy ::
authentic {adj} (of undisputed origin) :: 本物の /ほんものの, honmono no/, 真正な /しんせいな, shinsei na/
authentication {n} (proof of the identity of a user logging on to some network) :: 認証 /にんしょう, ninshō/
author {n} (writer) SEE: writer ::
author {n} (originator or creator of a work) :: 著者 /ちょしゃ, chosha/, 作家 /さっか, sakka/, 作者 /さくしゃ, sakusha/, 作成者 /さくせいしゃ, sakuseisha/
author {v} (to create a work as its author) :: 著す /arawasu/
authoritarian {adj} (of, or relating to, absolute obedience to an authority) :: 権柄ずくの /kempei zuku no/, 権威主義的な /ken'i shugiteki na/
authoritarian {adj} (characterised by a tyrannical obedience to an authority; dictatorial) :: 権柄ずくの /kempei zuku no/, 権威主義的な /ken'i shugiteki na/, 威圧的な /iatsuteki na/
authoritarian {adj} (tending to impose one's demands upon others as if one were an authority) :: 横柄な /ōhei na/, 傲慢な /gōman na/, 高慢な /kōman na/
authoritarianism {n} (authoritarian form of government) :: 権威主義 /けんいしゅぎ, ken'ishugi/
authority {n} (power to enforce rules or give orders) :: 権力 /けんりょく, kenryoku/, 権威 /けんい, ken'i/
authority {n} (persons in command; specifically, government) :: 当局 /とうきょく, tōkyoku/
authority {n} (person accepted as a source of reliable information on a subject) :: 権威 /けんい, ken'i/
authorization {n} (act of authorizing) :: 許可 /きょか, kyoka/, 認可 /にんか, ninka/
authorize {v} (to grant power or permission) :: 許可する /きょかする, kyoka suru/
autism {n} (neurological disorder) :: 自閉症 /jiheishō/
autism spectrum {n} (range of conditions) :: 自閉症スペクトラム障害 /じへいしょうすぺくとらむしょうがい, jiheishō supekutoramu shōgai/, 自閉スペクトラム症 /じへいすぺくとらむしょう, jihei supekutoramu shō/
autism spectrum disorder {n} (one of various autistic disorders) :: 自閉症スペクトラム障害 /じへいしょうすぺくとらむしょうがい, jihei-shou supekutoramu shougai/
autobiography {n} (biography of oneself) :: 自伝 /じでん, jiden/, 自叙伝 /jijoden/
autoclave {n} (sterilized heating vessel) :: オートクレーブ /ōtokurēbu/
autocracy {n} (form of government) :: 専制 /せんせい, sensei/, 独裁政治 /どくさいせいじ, dokusai-seiji/, 専制政治 /せんせいせいじ, sensei-seiji/, 独裁 /どくさい, romaji dokusai/
autocrat {n} (ruler with absolute power) :: 独裁者 /どくさいしゃ, dokusaisha/
autocratic {adj} (of or pertaining to autocracy or an autocrat) :: 独裁的な /dokusaiteki na/, 専制的な /senseiteki na/
autocratic {adj} (of or pertaining to the manner of an autocrat) :: 我が儘な /wagamama na/, 自分勝手な /jibunkatte na/
auto da fe {n} (public execution by burning at the stake) :: アウト・デ・フェ /auto-de-fe/
autodidacticism {n} (self-education; self-directed learning) :: 独学 /dokugaku/
autofellatio {n} (Oral stimulation of one's own penis) :: 一人尺八 /ひとりしゃくはち, hitorijakuhachi/, オートフェラチオ /ōtoferachio/
autograph {n} (signature) :: サイン /sain/, 自署 {c} /jisho/, 肉筆 /nikuhitsu/
automate {v} (to replace or enhance human labor with machines) :: 自動化する /じどうかする, jidōka suru/
automated teller machine {n} (banking) :: 現金自動預け払い機 /げんきんじどうあずけばらいき, genkin jidō azukebaraiki/, 自動窓口機 /じどうまどぐちき, jidō madoguchiki/, 自動現金預払機 /じどうげんきんよはらいき, yoharai-ki/, ATM /ei-tī-emu/, エーティーエム /ei-tī-emu/, キャッシュディスペンサー /kyasshudisupensā/
automatic {adj} (capable of operating without external control) :: 自動な /jidō na/, 自動的な /jidōteki na/
automatic teller machine {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
automatic transmission {n} (a mechanical transmission which shifts gears automatically in response to speed and/or load) :: オートマチックトランスミッション /ōtomachikkutoransumisshon/
automation {n} (converting the controlling of a machine to an automatic system) :: 自動化 /じどうか, jidōka/, オートメーション /ōtomēshon/, オートメ化 /ōtome-ka/
automatize {v} (automate) SEE: automate ::
automaton {n} (machine or robot designed to follow a precise sequence of instructions) :: オートマトン /ōtomaton/, 自動機械 /jidō-kikai/
automaton {n} (formal system) :: オートマトン /ōtomaton/
auto mechanic {n} (person) :: 自動車修理工 /jidōsha shūrikō/
automobile {n} (passenger vehicle) :: 自動車 /じどうしゃ, jidōsha/, 乗用車 /じょうようしゃ, jōyōsha/, 四輪車 /よんりんしゃ, yonrinsha/, /くるま, kuruma/
autonomic nervous system {n} (autonomic nervous system) :: 自律神経系 /じりつしんけいけい, jiritsu shinkeikei/
autonomous {adj} (self-governing) :: 自治 /じち, jichi/
autonomous {adj} (acting on one's own) :: 自立した /jiritsu shita/, 主体的な /shutaiteki na/, 自主的な /jishuteki na/
autonomy {n} (self-government) :: 自治 /じち, jichi/
autonomy {n} (capacity for individual decision) :: 自律 /jiritsu/, 自主 /jishusei/, 主体性 /shutaisei/
autophagy {n} (the process of self-digestion) :: オートファジー /ōtofajī/
autopilot {n} (guiding system) :: オートパイロット /ōtopairotto/
autopsy {n} (a dissection performed on a cadaver) :: 検視 /けんし, kenshi/, 解剖 /かいぼう, kaibō/
auto racing {n} (sport) :: 自動車競技 /じどうしゃきょうぎ, jidōsha kyōgi/, 自動車レース /jidōsha rēsu/
autosome {n} (any chromosome other than sex chromosomes) :: 常染色体 /jōsenshokutai/
autoteller {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
autotomy {n} (invertebrate self-defense mechanism) :: 自切 /jisetsu/
autotransfusion {n} (blood transfusion in which a person receives their own blood) :: 自己血輸血 /jikoketsuyuketsu/
autumn {n} (season) :: /あき, aki/, 秋季 /しゅうき, shūki/, 秋期 /しゅうき, shūki/
autumnal equinox {n} (moment) :: 秋分 /しゅうぶん, shūbun/
autumnal equinox {n} (point) :: 秋分点 /しゅうぶんてん, shūbunten/
autumn equinox {n} (autumnal equinox) SEE: autumnal equinox ::
autumn foliage {n} (coloration of leaves during autumn) :: 紅葉 /もみじ, momiji/
Auvergne {prop} (region of France) :: オーヴェルニュ /Ōverunyu/, オーベルニュ /Ōberunyu/
auxiliary {n} (auxiliary verb) SEE: auxiliary verb ::
auxiliary {adj} (helping; giving assistance or support) :: 補助の /ほじょの/
auxiliary {adj} (of a ship, having both sails and an engine) :: 補助艦艇の /ほじょかんていの/
auxiliary {adj} (relating to an auxiliary verb) :: 助動詞の /じょどうしの/
auxiliary {n} (person or group that acts in an auxiliary manner) :: 補助者 /ほじょしゃ/
auxiliary {n} (sailing vessel equipped with an engine) :: 補助艦艇 /ほじょかんてい/
auxiliary language {n} (international auxiliary language) SEE: international auxiliary language ::
auxiliary verb {n} (a helping verb) :: 助動詞 /じょどうし, jodōshi/, 補助動詞 /hojo dōshi/
auxin {n} (class of plant growth hormones) :: オーキシン /ōkishin/, 生長素 /せいちょうそ, seichōso/
availability {n} (the quality of being available) :: 供給 /kyōkyū/, 可用性 /kayo-sei/
available {adj} (readily obtainable) :: 手に入る /te ni hairu/
avalanche {n} (large sliding mass of snow and ice) :: 雪崩 /なだれ, nadare/
avalanche {n} (fall of earth, rocks, etc.) :: 山崩れ /やまくずれ, yamakuzure/
avant-garde {n} ((obsolete) the vanguard of an army or other force) :: 前衛 /zen'ei/
avant-garde {n} (group of people promoting new concepts) :: 前衛 /zen'ei/
avant-garde {adj} (innovative, pioneering, especially when extremely or obviously so) :: 前衛的 /zen'eiteki/
avantgardistic {adj} (innovative, pioneering) SEE: avant-garde ::
Avar {prop} (language) :: アヴァル語 /Avaru-go/
avarice {n} (excessive or inordinate desire of gain) :: 強欲 /gōyoku/
avaricious {adj} (actuated by avarice) :: 強欲な /ごうよくな, gōyoku na/
avatar {n} (earthly incarnation of a deity, particularly Vishnu) :: 天降 /あまくだり, amakudari/
avatar {n} (The physical embodiment of an idea or concept; a personification) :: 化身 /けしん, keshin/, アバター /abatā/
avatar {n} (digital representation of a person or being) :: アバター /abatā/
avenge {v} (to take vengeance for) :: 復讐をする /ふくしゅうをする, fukushū o suru/, かたきを討つ /かたきをうつ, kataki o utsu/, あだを討つ /あだをうつ, ada o utsu/
avenger {n} (one who avenges or vindicates; as, an avenger of blood) :: 復讐者 /ふくしゅうしゃ, fukushūsha/
aventurine {n} (kind of brownish glass containing gold-coloured spangles) :: ゴールドストーン
aventurine {n} (variety of translucent quartz) :: 砂金石 /さきんせき/
avenue {n} (broad street) :: 大道り /おおどおり, ōdōri/
average {n} (arithmetic mean) :: 平均 /へいきん, heikin/
average {n} (any measure of central tendency) :: 平均 /へいきん, heikin/
average {adj} (constituting or relating to the average) :: 平均 /へいきん, heikin/
average {adj} (neither very good nor very bad) :: 平凡な /へいぼんな, heibon-na/
average {adj} (typical) :: 平凡な /へいぼんな, heibon-na/, 普通の /ふつうの, futsū-no/
Avernus {prop} (underworld) SEE: underworld ::
aversion {n} (fixed dislike) :: 嫌悪 /けんお, ken'o/, 厭悪 /えんお, en'o/
avgolemono {n} (family of sauces and soups made with egg, lemon juice and broth) :: アヴゴレモノ /avugoremono/
avian flu {n} (avian influenza) SEE: avian influenza ::
avian influenza {n} (strain of influenza) :: 鳥インフルエンザ /tori-infuruenza/
aviation {n} (art or science of flying) :: 航空 /こうくう, kōkū/, 飛行 /ひこう, hikō/
Avicenna {prop} (a Persian polymath) :: イブン・スィーナー /Ibun-Sīnā/, アウィケンナ /Avikenna/
Avignon {prop} (city in Provence) :: アヴィニョン /Avinyon/
aviphile {n} (bird-lover) SEE: ornithophile ::
avocado {n} (fruit) :: アボカド /abokado/, 鰐梨 /わになし, waninashi/
Avogadro constant {n} (number of atoms present in 0.012 kilograms of isotopically pure carbon-12) SEE: Avogadro's number ::
Avogadro's number {n} (number of atoms present in 0.012 kilograms of isotopically pure carbon-12) :: アボガドロ数 /アボガドロすう, Abogadoro sū/, アボガドロ定数 /アボガドロていすう, Abogadoro teisū/
avoid {v} (to keep away from) :: 避ける /sakeru/, 免れる /manukareru/, 斎む /imu/
avoidance {n} (The act of annulling) :: 取り消し /torikeshi/, 撤回 /tekkai/
avoidance {n} (The act of avoiding or shunning) :: 回避 /kaihi/
avow {v} (declare openly) :: 公言する /こうげんする, kōgen suru/
Avraham {prop} (given name) SEE: Abraham ::
Awadhi {prop} (Awadhi language) :: アワディー語 /Awadī-go/
await {v} (transitive: to wait for) :: 待つ /まつ, matsu/
awake {adj} (conscious) :: 目が覚めた /me ga sameta/, 目ざめた /めざめた, mezameta/
awake {v} (to gain consciousness) :: 目覚める /めざめる, mezameru/, 目を覚ます /めをさます, me o samasu/, 起きる /おきる, okiru/
awake {v} (to cause someone to stop sleeping) :: 起こす /おこす, okosu/, 目ざめさせる /めざめさせる, mezame-saseru/
awaken {v} (transitive: to cause to become awake) :: 起こす /おこす, okosu/
awaken {v} (intransitive: to stop sleeping) :: 起きる /おきる, okiru/, 目覚める /めざめる, mezameru/, 目を覚ます /めをさます, me o samasu/
awareness {n} (the state of consciousness) :: 意識 /いしき, ishiki/
awareness {n} (the state or quality of being aware of something) :: 認識 /にんしき, ninshiki/
away {adv} (from a place; hence) :: 遠くに /tooku ni/, 遠方に /empou ni/
away with the fairies {adj} (lost in thought) :: 白日夢にふけって /hakujitsumu ni fukete/
awesome {adj} (excellent, exciting) :: すごい /sugoi/, 素敵 /すてき, suteki/, クール /kūru/, 素晴らしい /すばらしい, subarashii/
awful {adj} (causing fear; appalling; terrible) :: 怖い
awful {adj} :: 大変な /taihen na/
awfully {adv} (very) SEE: very ::
awhile {adv} (For some time; for a short time) :: 暫く /しばらく, shibaraku/
awhile {adv} (In the meantime; meanwhile) :: 既にして /sude ni shite/
awkward {adj} (lacking dexterity in the use of the hands) :: 不器用な /bukiyō na/, 不便な /fuben na/
awkward {adj} (not easily managed or effected; embarrassing) :: ぎごちない /gigochinai/
awl {n} (pointed instrument) :: 突きぎり /つきぎり, tsukigiri/, /きり, kiri/
awning {n} (a rooflike cover) :: 日よけ /ひよけ, hiyoke/, 天幕 /てんまく, tenmaku/
axe {n} (tool) :: /おの, ono/, アックス /akkusu/
axe {n} (weapon) :: /おの, ono/, アックス /akkusu/
axe {v} (terminate or reduce tremendously in a rough or ruthless manner) :: 打ち切る /uchikiru/
Axel {prop} (male given name) :: アクセル /Akuseru/
axilla {n} (armpit) :: 腋窩 /えきか, ekika/
axillary hair {n} (armpit hair) :: 腋毛 /wakige/
axiom {n} (philosophy: supposed self‐evident or necessary truth) :: 公理 /こうり, kōri/
axiom {n} (mathematics: fundamental assumption) :: 公理 /こうり, kōri/
axiom of choice {n} (axiom that any product of non-empty sets is non-empty) :: 選択公理 /せんたくこうり, sentaku-kōri/, 選出公理 /せんしゅつこうり, senshutsu-kōri/
axion {n} (hypothetical subatomic particle) :: アクシオン /akushion/
axis {n} (geometry: imaginary line) :: /じく, jiku/
axis {n} (Axis axis) SEE: chital ::
axis deer {n} (Axis axis) SEE: chital ::
axis of evil {n} (states sponsoring terrorism and seeking weapons of mass destruction) :: 悪の枢軸 /あくのすうじく, aku no sūjiku/
Axis power {n} (member country of the World War II Axis) :: 枢軸国 /sūjikukoku/
axolotl {n} (endangered salamander) :: ウーパールーパー /ūpārūpā/ [informal], アホロートル /ahorōtoru/ [scientific]
axon {n} (a nerve fibre) :: 軸索 /じくさく, jikusaku/
ayatollah {n} (a religious leader) :: アヤトラ /ayatora/
aye-aye {n} (nocturnal quadruped) :: アイアイ /aiai/, 指猿 /ユビザル, yubizaru/
Ayers Rock {prop} (Uluru) SEE: Uluru ::
Aymara {n} (indigenous people of South America) :: アイマラ /aimara/
Aymara {prop} (language of South America) :: アイマラ語 /aimara-go/
Ayurveda {n} (traditional Hindu alternative medicine) :: アーユルヴェーダ /āyuruvēda/
azalea {n} (plant) :: 躑躅 /tsutsuji/, つつじ /tsutsuji/
Azawad {prop} (an unrecognised state) :: アザワド /Azawado/
Azerbaijan {prop} (country) :: アゼルバイジャン /Azerubaijan/
Azerbaijani {n} (Azerbaijani person) :: アゼルバイジャン人 /azerubaijanjin/
Azerbaijani {prop} (language of Azerbaijan) :: アゼルバイジャン語 /アゼルバイジャンご, azerubaijango/
Azerbaijani {adj} (pertaining to Azerbaijan) :: アゼルバイジャンの /Azerubaijan no/
Azeri {n} (Azerbaijani) SEE: Azerbaijani ::
Azeri {prop} (Azerbaijani) SEE: Azerbaijani ::
azetidine {n} (organic compound) :: アゼチジン /azechijin/
azimuth {n} (arc of the horizon) :: 方位角 /ほういかく, hōikaku/
aziridine {n} (three-membered heterocycle) :: アジリジン /ajirijin/
azole {n} (organic compound) :: アゾール /azōru/
Azores {prop} (an archipelago and an autonomous region) :: アゾレス諸島 /Azoresu-shotō/
Azrael {prop} (angel of death) :: アズラーイール /Azurāīru/
azuki bean {n} (plant) :: 小豆 /アズキ, azuki/
azuki bean {n} (bean) :: 小豆 /アズキ, azuki/
azulene {n} (chemical compound) :: アズレン /azuren/
azure {n} (blue colour on a coat of arms) :: /ao/, アジュール /ajyūru/
azure {n} (colour of the sky) :: 空色 /sorairo/, 紺碧
azure {n} (the blue sky) :: 青天 /seiten/, 青空 /あおぞら, aozora/
azure {adj} (sky-blue coloured) :: 空色の /そらいろの, sorairo no/, 紺碧の /こんぺきの, konpeki no/
azure {adj} (heraldry: of blue colour on a coat of arms) :: 青い /aoi/
azure {n} (lapis lazuli) SEE: lapis lazuli ::
Åland {prop} (Åland) SEE: Aland ::
Álava {prop} (province) :: アラバ /Araba/
Ålesund {prop} (Norwegian municipality in Møre og Romsdal) :: オーレスン /Ōresun/
Æsir {prop} (the principal Norse gods) :: アース神族 /Āsu shinzoku/, アサ神族 /Asa shinzoku/