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Ratatouille is a (2007) CGI-animated Disney/Pixar film about a rat (Rémy) who longs to follow in the footsteps of his hero, the late Chef Auguste Gusteau — at one time considered to be the greatest chef in Paris. After discovering an unusual way through which he can control the actions of the hapless Linguini, who was working as a garbage boy in the kitchen of Gusteau's restaurant at the time, he is given the ultimate opportunity to show the world what he can do.

Written and Directed by Brad Bird.
He's dying to become a chef.(taglines)

Auguste Gusteau

  • You must be imaginative, and strong-hearted. You must try things that may not work, and you must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. Your only limit is your soul. What I say is true. Anyone can cook, but only the fearless can be great.
  • But you don't, Remy. You never did.

Anton Ego

  • I don't like food, I love it. If I don't love it, I don't swallow. [Linguini gulps nervously] I will return tomorrow night with high expectations. Pray you don't disappoint me.
  • [in Linguini's dream] Yes, I like your heart roasted on a spit. [laughs evilly]
  • [in his review] In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face is that, in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new. The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations. The new needs friends. Last night, I experienced something new, an extra-ordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source. To say that both the meal and its maker have challenged my preconceptions about fine cooking is a gross understatement. They have rocked me to my core. In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau's famous motto: 'Anyone can cook.' But I realize, only now do I truly understand what he meant. Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere. It is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius now cooking at Gusteau's, who is, in this critic's opinion, nothing less than the finest chef in France. I will be returning to Gusteau's soon, hungry for more.
  • [looks at Remy in the kitchen door-window] Surprise me!


[Frames freezes as Remy bursts through a window carrying a book over his head]
Remy: [voice over] This is me. I think it's apparent that I need to rethink my life a little bit. What's my problem? First of all, I'm a rat. Which means, life is hard. And second, I have a highly developed sense of taste and smell. [speaking] Flour, eggs, sugar, vanilla bean. Oh! A small twist of lemon.
Emile: [pops out of the food] Whoa, you can smell all of that? You have a gift!
Remy: [voice over] This is Emile. My brother. He's easily impressed.
Django: [sarcastically] So you can smell ingredients! [deadpan] So what?
Remy: [voice-over] This is my dad. He's never impressed. He also happens to be the leader of our clan. [Django prepares to eat a rotten apple core when Remy smells something] So, what's wrong with having highly developed senses? [speaking] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Don't eat that! [snatches the core from Django's hands]
Django: What's going on here?
[Remy follows the sniff, and finds a whole bunch of rat traps underneath the house]
Remy: [voice-over] Turns out that funny smell was rat poison. Suddenly, Dad didn't think my talent was useless. I was feeling pretty good about my gift. [Remy smiles proudly] Until Dad gave me a job. [cuts to him sitting bored on a stump as other rats bring him food] Clean. Clean. [voice over] That's right. Poison checker. [speaking] Cleanerith. Cleanarino. Close to godliness. [a rat looks in confusion] Which means clean. Y'know, cleanliness is close to...Never mind. Move along. [voice over] Well, it made my dad proud.
Django: Now, don't you feel better, Remy? Eh? You've helped a noble cause.
Remy: Noble? We're thieves, Dad. And what's we're stealing is, let's face it, garbage.
Django: It isn't stealing if no one wants it.
Remy: If no one wants it why are we stealing?! [voice-over] Let's just say we have different points of view. This much I knew: If you are what you eat, then I only want to eat the good stuff. [Remy pushes the garbage away] But to my dad...
Django: Food is fuel. You picky about what you put in the tank, your engine is gonna die. Now shut up and eat your garbage.
Remy: Look, if we're going to be thieves. Why not steal the good stuff in the kitchen, where nothing is poisoned?
Django: First of all, we are not thieves. Secondly, stay out of the kitchen and away from the humans. It's dangerous.
Remy: [voice-over] I know I'm supposed to hate humans, but there's something about them. They don't just survive. They discover, they create. I mean, just look at what they do with food.

[Remy and Emile are stealing seasoning]
Remy: Which is also our secret.
Emile: I don't like secrets. All this cooking and reading and TV watching while we read and cook. It's like you're involving me in crime, and I let you. Why do I let you?
[Cut to the attic, where the rats are scattering]
Django: [about his sons] What's taking those kids so long?
[Cut back to the kitchen]
Remy: [sniffs] L'Aquilla Saffron. Italian, huh? Gusteau says it's excellent. Good thing the old lady is a food love...
Gusteau: [on TV] Forget mystique. This is about your cooking.
Remy: Hey! That's Gusteau! Emile, look!
Gusteau: [on TV] Great cooking is not for the faint of heart. You must be imaginative, strong-hearted. You must try things that may not work. And you must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. Your only limit is your soul. What I say is true - anyone can cook, but only the fearless can be great.
Remy: [sighs] Pure poetry.
TV Narrator: But it was not to last. [Remy is concerned and runs up to the TV] Gusteau's restaurant lost one of its five stars after a scathing review by France's top food critic, Anton Ego. It was a severe blow to Gusteau, and the brokenhearted chef died shortly afterwards, which according to tradition, meant the loss of another star.
Remy: [shocked] Gusteau is dead? [the old Lady turns off TV, sees Remy, and screams] RUN! [Emile runs in the other direction] NO! You'll lead her to the colony!
Emile: [stuck on the ceiling lamp] Help, Remy, help!
Remy: Emile, start swinging the light! [the old lady only hear the sounds of squeaking] I'll try to grab ya! Emile, swing to me!
[Emile tries to reach Remy, but the old lady shoots Emile with her shotgun, but misses, and hits the ceiling multiple times, until it collapses to the floor with the rat colony, who freeze in shock]
Django: Evacuate! Everyone, to the boats!
[All the rats head outside as the old lady freaks out]

[After Remy's been separated from his colony]
Remy: [voiceover] I waited. For a sound. A voice. A sign. Something.
[Remy is reading "Gusteau's Anyone Can Cook!". He stops on a page with food on it, causing his stomach to grumble. He turns away, shielding the image of food from his view]
Gusteau: [as a book illustration] If you are hungry, go up and look around, Remy. [Remy is shocked to hear this. He looks under the page Gusteau's image is under] Why do you wait and mope?
Remy: Well, I just lost my family...all my friends. Probably forever.
Gusteau: How do you know?
Remy: I...uh... [catches himself with a scoff] You are an illustration. Why am I talking to you?
Gusteau: Oh, you just lost your family, all your friends. You are lonely.
Remy: Yeah....well, you're dead!
Gusteau: Ah, but that is no match for wishful thinking! If you focus on what you left behind, you will never be able to see what lies ahead! Now go up, and look around.

[Remy's about to eat a bread crumb in someone's house when Gusteau appears before him]
Gusteau: What are you doing?!
Remy: [sighs] I'm hungry! I don't know where I am, I don't know when I'll find food again!
Gusteau: Remy, you are better than that. You are a cook! A cook makes; a thief takes! You are not a thief.
Remy: But I am hungry...
Gusteau: [chuckles] Food will come, Remy. Food always comes to those who love to cook. [his image disappears into the bread crumb]
[Remy decides to leave the bread crumb and continue on his journey, and briefly sees a couple arguing]
Woman: [aiming a gun at her husband] You think I'm playing, Francois?! You think I am playing?!
Francois: You don't have the guts!
[The gunshot almost hits Remy missed. He goes back to see the couple, who are struggling then kissing passionately, much to his disgust. He then climbs onto the roof, and is surprised to see the whole of Paris]
Remy: [smiles in awesome] Paris? All this time I've been underneath Paris? Wow. It's beautiful.
Gusteau: [as a sign on his restaurant] The most beautiful.
Remy: Gusteau's? Your restaurant? You've led me to your restaurant!
Gusteau: It seems as though I have. Yes. There it is! I have let you to it!
Remy: I gotta see this.

Remy: [on top of a window at the restaurant looking down into the kitchen] I can't believe it. A real gourmet kitchen, and I get to watch.
Gusteau: You've have read my book. Let us see how much you know, huh? Which one is the chef?
Remy: Oh! Uh...Oh, that guy. [pointing to Skinner]
Gusteau: Very good. Who is next in command?
Remy: The sous chef... [pointing to Horst] There. The sous is responsible for the kitchen when the chef's not around. [pointing to Lalo] Saucier, in charge of sauces. Very important. [pointing to Larousse and Pompidou] Chef de partie, demi chef de partie, both important. [pointing to Colette and another cook] Commis, commis, they're cooks. Very important.
Gusteau: Ah, you are a clever rat. Now, who is that? [points to Linguini, who's clumsily cleaning up the kitchen]
Remy: Oh, him? He's nobody.
Gusteau: Not nobody. He is part of the kitchen.
Remy: No, he's a plongeur or something. He washes dishes or takes out the garbage. He doesn't cook.
Gusteau: But he could!
Remy: [dismissively] Uh, no.
Gusteau: How do you know? What do I always say, Remy? Anyone can cook.
Remy: Well yeah, anyone can. That doesn't mean that anyone should.
Gusteau: Well, that is not stopping him. See?
[Linguini has accidentally spilled a pot of soup and is attempting to cover up his mistake by throwing random ingredients into it]
Remy: What?! What is he doing?! No...No! No, this is terrible! He...He's ruining the soup! And-And nobody's noticing it?! [to Gusteau] It's your restaurant! Do something!
Gusteau: What can I do? I am a figment of your imagination.
Remy: But he is ruining the soup!!! We have got to tell someone that he is- [slips from the window and falls into the kitchen]

[Linguini spots Remy who fixes the soup, but hides him under the colander from Skinner]
Skinner: [shows up] The soup! Where is the soup?! Out of my way! Move it, garbage boy!! What is-? You are cooking?!?! How dare you cook in my kitchen, boy!!! Where do you even get the gall to do something so monumentally idiotic?!?! I should have you drawn and quartered! I-I'll do it! I think the law is on my side! Larousse, draw and quarter this man! After you put him in the duck press to squeeze the fat out of his head!
Linguini: [pointing; the soup is about to be taken out to be served] Oh, no, no, no, oh, no, don't let them...don't eat...
Skinner: What are you blathering about?!?!
Linguini: [points] ...The soup!!!!
Skinner: [sees the soup going out; runs to stop it] Soup?! Stop that soup! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [bursts into the dining room to the stares of the diners, retreats back into the kitchen where the staff looks at him in confusion, climbs up the step stool and watches through the window as Mustafa serves the soup]
Solene LeClaire: [tasting the soup] Uh, waiter!
Skinner: [gasps, angrily] Linguini! You're fired! F-I-R-E-D!! Fired!!!!
Mustafa: [peeps in] Uh, she wants to...see the chef.
Skinner: B-But he.. [clears throat and goes out to the dining area to speak with Solene]
[Linguini tries to walk away, but Horst grabs him from behind without turning around]
Colette: [grabs the spoon and tastes the soup, surprised; Skinner comes back with a stunned expression] What did the customer say?
Mustafa: It was not a customer. It was a critic!
Colette: Ego?
Skinner: Solene LeClaire.
Colette: LeClaire. What did she say?
Mustafa: She likes the soup.
[Remy, who has been hiding under a strainer, is getting ready to go out the kitchen window]
Gusteau: [stops Remy] Wait.
Remy: What do you mean, wait? You're the reason I'm in this mess!
Gusteau: Someone is talking about your soup.
Skinner: [sipping the new soup; growling at Linguini] What are you playing at?
Linguini: [uncertain] Um, uh...am I still fired?
Colette: You can't fire him.
Skinner: [shocked] What?
Colette: LeClaire likes it, yeah? She made a point of telling you so. If she write a review to that effect and find out you fired the cook responsible?
Skinner: [scoffs] He's a garbage boy!
Colette: Who made something she liked! How can we claim to represent the name of Gusteau if we don't uphold his most cherished belief?
Skinner: And what belief is that, Mademoiselle Tatou?
Colette: Anyone can cook!
[Pause, Skinner looks around at the other cooks, who are smiling with approval]
Skinner: [pondering] Perhaps I have been a bit harsh on our new garbage boy! He has taken a bold risk, and we should reward that, as Chef Gusteau would have. If he wishes to swim in dangerous waters, who are we to deny him?
[Gusteau's image clears his throat]
Remy: Hmm?
Gusteau: You were escaping?
Remy: [remembers] Oh, yeah.
Skinner: Since you have expressed such an interest in his cooking career, you shall be responsible for it. Anyone else? Hmm? Then back to work! [to Linguini, in a low, menacing voice] You are either very lucky or very unlucky! You will make the soup again, and this time I'll be paying attention! Very close attention! They think you might be a cook, but do you know what I think, Linguini? I think you are a sneaky, overreaching little... [spots Remy attempting to escape] RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!! [grabs a broom and hits Remy with it]
Horst: Get the rat!
[Everyone attempts to catch Remy]
Skinner: Linguini! Get something to trap it!
Horst: It’s getting away! Get it, get it, get it!
Linguini: [has trapped Remy in a jar] What should I do now?
Skinner: Kill it!
Linguini: Now?!
Skinner: No! Not in the kitchen! Are you mad?! Do you know what would happen to us if anyone knew we had a rat in our kitchen? They'd close us down! Our reputation is hanging by a thread as it is! Take it away from here, far away! Kill it! Dispose of it! Go!
[Linguini runs outside and heads for the Seine River on his bicycle. He's about to drop Remy into the river, but stops when he sees Remy looking at him sadly]
Linguini: Don't look at me like that! You're aren't the only one who's trapped! They expect me to cook it again! I mean, I'm not ambitious. I wasn't trying to cook. I was just trying to stay out of trouble! You're the one who was gettin' fancy with the spices! What did you throw in there?! Oregano? [Remy shakes his head] No? What, ro...uh, rosemary? That's a spice isn't it, rosemary? [Remy shakes his head again] You didn't throw rosemary in there? [again] Then what was all the flipping and...all the throwing the... [sinks down on the wall with a sigh] I need this job. I've lost so many. I don't know how to cook, and now I'm actually talking to a rat as if you... [gasps] Did you nod? Have...Have you been nodding? [Remy nods] You understand me? So I'm not crazy! Ha! Wait a second, wait a second...Uh, I can't cook, can I? [Remy shakes his head] But, you...you can, right? [Remy shrugs modestly] Look, don't be so modest, you're a rat for Pete's sake. Whatever you did, they liked it. Yeah. This could work. Hey, they liked the soup...! [falls and accidentally knocks the jar into the river] Ah! [dives in and reappears soaking wet with Remy] They like the soup. [sniffs] Do you think you could...do it again? [Remy nods] Okay, I'm gonna let you out now. But we're together on this, right? [Remy nods] Okay....

[Anton Ego is working at his desk when his assistant enters]
Anton Ego: What is it, Ambrister?
Ambrister: Gusteau's...
Anton Ego: Finally closing, is it?
Ambrister: No.
Anton Ego: More financial troubles?
Ambrister: No, it's...it's...
Anton Ego: Announced a new line of microwavable egg-rolls?! What?! What?! Spit it out!
Ambrister: It's come back. It's...popular.
Anton Ego: [partly spits out a mouthful of wine, before checking the label, then roughly swallowing the rest of the wine] I haven't reviewed Gusteau's in years!
Ambrister: No, sir.
Anton Ego: My last review condemned it to the tourist trade.
Ambrister: Yes, sir.
Anton Ego: [goes over to his file cabinet and takes out a copy of his last review of Gusteau's] I said: "Gusteau has finally found his rightful place in history right alongside another equally famous chef, Monsieur Chef Boyardee."
Ambrister: Touché.
Anton Ego: That is where I left it! That! was my last word. The last word!
Ambrister: [cowering] Yes.
Anton Ego: Then tell me, Ambrister, [removes his glasses] how could it be...popular?

[Skinner is meeting his private investigator in his office; upon hearing Linguini is Gusteau's son]
Skinner: No...no...no, no, NO, NOOO!! NOOOOO!!!! [kicking the drawer]
Talon: The DNA matches, the timing works, everything checks out. He is Gusteau's son.
Skinner: T-T-This can't just happen! The whole thing is a set up! The boy knows!! [gestures to the windows; Linguini is working in the kitchen] Look at him out there pretending to be an idiot! He’s toying with my mind, like a cat with a ball! Of...something!
Talon: String?
Skinner: Yes! Playing dumb! Taunting me with that rat!
Talon: "Rat"?
Skinner: Yes! He's consorting with it! Deliberately trying to make me think it’s important!
Talon: [confused] The...rat?
Skinner: Exactly!
Talon: Is the rat...important?
Skinner: Of course not! He just wants me to think that it is! O-ho, I see the theatricality of it! A rat appears on the boy's first night, I order him to kill it, and now he wants me to see it everywhere! [high voice, mockingly] Ooooh!! It's here! No, it isn't, it's here! [ranting to himself] Am I seeing things, am I crazy, is there a phantom rat or is there not?! But, oh, no! I refuse to be sucked into his little game...of... [stops and looks at Talon]
Talon: Should I be concerned about this? About you?

Remy: It's locked. Hmm.
Gusteau: Remy, what are you doing in here?
Remy: [harassed] Emile shows up...I said not to, I touch him! He goes and blabs - it's a disaster! Anyway, they're hungry, that food safe is locked, and I need the key.
Gusteau: They want you to steal food?
Remy: Yes. No...it's complicated. It's family. They don't have your ideals.
[Gusteau's Corn Puppies and the cardboard Gusteaus start speaking]
Gusteau's Barbecue Spare-Ribs: Ideals? Hah! If Chef Fancy Pants had any ideals you think I'd be hawkin' barbecue over here?
Gusteau's Microwave Burritos: Or Microwave burritos?
Gusteau's Tooth-Pickin' Chicken: Or tooth, I say, tooth-pickin' Chicken? S'about as French as a Corn Dog!
Gusteau's Corn Puppies: Roof! Roaming room!
Gusteau's Barbecue Spare-Ribs: Ha! We're inventin' new ways to sell out over here!
Gusteau's Haggis Bites: Will ye' be wantin' some Haggis Bites, then?
Gusteau: I cannot control how they use my image Remy, I am dead!
Remy: Will you guys SHUT UP?! [the cutouts then stop talking] I've got to think! Word's getting out if I can't keep them quiet. The entire clan's going to be after me with their mouths open and...Here it is. Hey. Your will! Oh, this is interesting. Mind if I...?
Gusteau: Not at all.
Remy: [upon seeing Linguini in Gusteau's will] Linguini? Why would Linguini be filed with your will?
Gusteau: This use to be in my office.
[Remy starts to piece things in Gusteu's will and the letter Linguini's mother wrote. He slowly realizes that Linguini is Gusteau's son]
Remy: [shocked] He's your son?!
Gusteau: [also shocked] I have a son?!
Remy: How could you not know this?!
Gusteau: I am a figment of your imagination! You did not know, how could I?!
Remy: Well, your son is the rightful owner of this restaurant?!?!
Skinner: [enters the room; spots Remy; gasps] No! No! The rat! [Remy grabs the papers and runs off. Skinner dashes outside to catch him, only to bump into Lalo riding a motor scooter]
Lalo: Sorry, chef.
Skinner: The rat! It's stolen my documents! It's getting away! [pushes Lalo off the scooter, and drives off to find Remy]

Git: Yeah, It's like you're his fluffy bunny or something.
Emile: I'm sorry, Remy. I know there are too many guys. I tried to limit…
Remy: You know what? It's okay? I've been selfish. You guys hungry?
Git: What are you kidding?
Remy: All right. Dinner's on me. We'll go after closing time. In fact.
Rats: Yeah?
Remy: Tell dad to bring the whole clan.
[Linguini walks back into his new apartment, but notices Remy's tiny bed is empty]
Linguini: Little Chef?
[Cut to the empty kitchen, Remy leads his clan inside]
Django: Oh, this is great, son. An inside job, huh. [Remy opens the food safe] I see the appeal.
Remy: Shh!
[The rats start stealing food, but they hear someone unlocking the door. The rats hide in safer places, avoid being seen]
Linguini: [enters the kitchen] Little Chef? Little Chef? [Remy emerges] Oh, hey, hey, Little Chef. I...I thought you went back to the...the apartment. Then when you weren't there, I, uh, I don't know...It didn't seem right to leave things the way that we did, so...Look, I don't want to fight. I've been under a lot of pressure. A lot has changed in not very much time, you know? I'm suddenly a Gusteau. And I got to be a Gusteau or, you know, people will be disappointed. It's weird. You know, I've never disappointed anyone before, because nobody's ever expected anything of me. And the only reason anyone expects anything from me now is because of you. I haven't been fair to you. You've never failed me, and I should never forget that. You've been a good friend. [Remy comes to his senses] The most honorable friend a guy could ever ask... [Emile falls and spit out of grapes on Linguini's neck] Ugh. What is this? What's going on? [turns the light on in the pantry, the rats start running away] What...Hey. [looks at Remy, realizing he's being deceived] You're...You're stealing food? What...How could you? I-I thought you were my friend! I trusted you! [bursts the door open with rats leaving] GET OUT! You and all your rat buddies! And don't come back, or I'll treat you the way restaurants are supposed to treat pests! [slams one door, then the other and storms off]
Remy: [brokenhearted] You're right, Dad. Who am I kidding? We are what we are, and we're rats. Well, he'll leave soon, and now you know how to get in. [starts to leave] Steal all you want.
Django: You're not coming?
Remy: I've lost my appetite. [leaves]

Mustafa: [taking Ego's order] Do you know what you'd like this evening, sir?
Anton Ego: Yes, I think I do. After reading a lot of overheated puffery about your new cook, you know what I'm craving? A little perspective. That's it. I'd like some fresh, clear, well-seasoned perspective. Can you suggest a good wine to go with that?
Mustafa: [confused] With what, sir?
Anton Ego: Perspective. Fresh out, I take it?
Mustafa: I am, uh...
Anton Ego: Very well. Since you're all out of perspective and no one else seems to have it in this bloody town, I'll make you a deal. You provide the food, I'll provide the perspective, which would go nicely with a bottle of Cheval Blanc 1947.
Mustafa: I'm afraid...your dinner selection?
Anton Ego: [stands up angrily] Tell your chef Linguini that I want whatever he dares to serve me! Tell him to hit me with his best shot!
[Mustafa agrees, and walks past Skinner, who's in disguise nearby]
Skinner: [to another waiter, in a lower and gruff voice] I will have whatever he is having.

[Remy is locked in a cage in Skinner's trunk]
Gusteau: [appears next to Remy] So, we have given up.
Remy: Why do you say that?
Gusteau: We are in a cage, inside a car trunk, awaiting a future in frozen food products.
Remy: No, I'm the one in a cage. I've given up. You...are free.
Gusteau: I am only as free as you imagine me to be. As you are.
Remy: Oh, please. I'm sick of pretending. I pretend to be a rat for my father, I pretend to be a human through Linguini. I pretend you exist so I have someone to talk to! You only tell me stuff I already know! I know who I am! Why do I need you to tell me?! Why do I need to pretend?!
Gusteau: [chuckles] Ah, but you don't, Remy. [puts his hand on Remy's shoulder] You never did. [disappears]
[Git pushes a statue off the building, smashing open the trunk of Skinner's car]
Django: [to Git] No. My other left!
Remy: [inside Skinner's trunk, mumbling] Dad! Dad, I'm in here! [Git pushes another statue off the building] I'm inside the trunk! [it falls and lands onto Skinner's trunk] What the...Dad!
Emile: Hey, little brother!
Remy: Emile! [Django and Emile release him from Skinner's cage; affectionately] I love you guys! [runs toward the restaurant]
Django: Where are you going?!
Remy: Back to the restaurant! They'll fail without me!
Django: Why do you care?!

[Meanwhile in the kitchen]
Horst: [to Linguini] It's your recipe! How can you not know your own recipe?!
Linguini: I didn't write it down, it just came to me!
Horst: Well, make it come to you again, ja? Because we can't serve this!
Mustafa: Where's my order?!
Linguini: Can't we serve them something else? Something I didn't invent?
Larousse: This is what they're ordering!
Linguini: Make them order something else! Tell him we're all out!
Pompidou: We cannot be all out. We just opened.
Larousse: I have another idea. What if we serve them what they order?!
Colette: We will make it! Just tell us what you did!
Linguini: I don't know what I did!
Horst: We need to tell the customers something!
Linguini: Then tell them...tell them...AAAH!!!! [flees the kitchen]
Larousse: Eh?
[Remy is about to re-enter the kitchen]
Django: [trying to stop his son] Remy!
Emile: Don't do it!
Django: Remy! Don't! Stop!
Emile: They'll see you! Stop!
Horst: We are not talking about me! We are talking about what to do right now!
[Remy enters, and everyone sees him]
Colette: [gasps] RAAAAAT!!! Kill it!
Chefs: RAAAAAT!!!
Django: Remy!
Horst: Get my knife!
[Linguini sees and gasps in his office]
Linguini: [jumps in front of the chefs] DON'T TOUCH HIM!!! [whispers to Remy] Thanks for coming back, Little Chef. [to the chefs] I know this sounds insane, but...well, the truth sounds insane sometimes, but that doesn't mean it's not. Uh, the truth. And the truth is, I have no talent at all. But this rat, he's the one behind these recipes, he's the cook! The real cook. He's been hiding under my toque. He's been controlling my actions. He's the reason I can cook the food that's exciting everyone. The reason Ego is outside that door. I know it's hard to believe, but, hey, you believed I could cook, right? Look. [showing the chefs how Remy pulls a couple of his hair locks to control his arms] This works. It's crazy, but it works. We can be the greatest restaurant in Paris and this rat, this brilliant Little Chef, can lead us there. What do you say? You with me?
[Horst steps up, but takes off his apron, and leaves in disappointment. Both Emile and Django hide as the rest of the chefs leave. Colette is the last to leave. She was about to slap Linguini, but couldn't. She climbs on her motorcycle and rides off. Both Linguini and Remy are sad. Linguini looks through the window, and sees Anton Ego, who gives him a glare. Linguini sadly walks back into his office, leaving Remy behind. Meanwhile, Colette rides in the streets in sadness. She stops herself, and notices the cookbooks in the window that says "Anyone can cook". Colette starts to have second thoughts]

[After reading Ego's praising review]
Remy: It was a great night. The happiest of my life. But the only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability. [Gusteau's is shut down by the health department] Well, we had to let Skinner and the health inspector loose, and of course, they ratted us out. The food didn't matter. [cut back to the present] Once it got out there were rats in the kitchen, oh, man, the restaurant was closed and Ego lost his job and his credibility. But don't feel too bad for him. He's doing very well as a small business investor. He seems very happy.
Female rat: How do you know?
Django: Yeah.
[Remy reveals a happier, healthier-looking Ego at the Le Ratatouille bistro, and notices Colette showing him the clock]
Remy: [to his dad] Go to go. Dinner rush.


  • He's dying to become a chef.
  • A Comedy with Great Taste.
  • A Rat in a Kitchen... Cooking?!?!?!



See also




Teaser Trailer

Waiter: And tonight, before the dessert course, we present for your pleasure, the traditional cheese trolley. To start, we have an excellent clochette: creamy, nice, very light. Next, a brebis: hearty, with a surprising bite, I think you'll find. And finally, the pièce de résistance, a very special, very rare...
Woman: Rat!
[Remy runs away by the trolley, then going in the chef's room]
Man: It's a rat!
[Remy runs away by the falling objects, then jumping on the table]
Remy: This is me. I think it's apparent that I need to rethink my life a little bit. I can't help myself. I... I like good food, okay? And good food is... is hard for a rat to find.
Father: [off-screen] It wouldn't be so hard to find if you weren't so picky!
Remy: I don't want to eat garbage, Dad! I... [to Emile] What is that?
Emile: I don't really know.
Remy: You don't know, and you're eating it.
Emile: [mouth full] You know, if you can sort of muscle your way past the gag reflex, all kinds of food possibilities open up.
Remy: This is what I'm talking about. [the title card appears] I don't think any of this would've come up, but we happen to live in Paris, France. And it's so easy to find good food in Paris, it's just...
[cut back to Remy on the table]
Remy: ...dangerous.
[Remy slides to the door with objects sliding down, then the text puts up "Dinner will be served... Summer 2007"]
Emile: [off-screen] Gotta rethink your life.
Father: [off-screen] He's right, you know!
Remy: [off-screen] Let it go, Dad!

About Ratatouille

  • I think our goal is to get the impression of something rather than perfect photographic reality. It’s to get the feeling of something so I think that our challenge was the computer wants to do things that are clean and perfect and don’t have any history to them. If you want to do something that’s different than that you have to put that information in there and the computer kind of fights you. It really doesn’t want to do that and Paris is a very rich city that has a lot of history to it and it’s lived in. Everything’s beautiful but it’s lived in. It has history to it, so it has imperfections and it’s part of why it’s beautiful is you can feel the history in every little nook and cranny. For us every single bit of that has to be put in there. We can’t go somewhere and film something. If there’s a crack in there, we have to design the crack and if you noticed the tiles on the floor of the restaurant, they’re not perfectly flat, they’re like slightly angled differently, and they catch light differently. Somebody has to sit there and angle them all separately so we had to focus on that a lot. And it was a movie about good food and the food had to look delicious and its data. How do you define what makes food look good. It’s actually a bunch of really subtle little complicated things and everybody worked really hard on it.
  • I entered this movie as director kind of late. I was asked to come on the project a little less than a year and a half ago, so several characters had been cast before I got there. Famous people like Ian Holm, Brian Dennehy, and Brad Garrett were already on board and some Pixar people happened to have perfect voices, like Lou Romano who did Linguini. He was a production designer on The Incredibles. And Pete Sohn is a young, very gifted story guide and animator who worked on Iron Giant and Incredibles and he did the voice of Emile, who is Remy’s brother. So those guys are in-house and they were already involved in the project and I didn’t see any reason to change what was perfect. I re-cast a couple characters and there was a lot of difficulty in casting Remy and I heard Patton Oswalt on the radio and I thought he’d be perfect. I brought Peter O’Toole on and when I was first writing the character of Anton Ego that was the voice I heard in my mind and I was just hoping that he would say yes and he did. But Janeane Garofalo we cast after I came on and she does Colette and a lot of people can’t even recognize her because she so completely disappears into this role, which is a testament to how great an actress she is, and I’m really happy with the voice track on this film because it put the challenge to the animators to come up to the quality and be inspired by the voices – and I think they did.
  • It was six years ago and you look at the scope of your film and we knew it would be about rats and we knew we needed the rats to be able to move in certain ways. Pixar’s never really done a film with four-legged critters in it to any great extent, so I was excited because some of Disney’s great classical animated films have critters running around like this. We threw down to the tools group, who writes our code because it’s all proprietary software, that we need this to be phenomenal so we actually experimented for about a year in sort of a dead end, but it was always going to be promising and something special. Brad Bird made several things work that weren’t working. We figured that once we got them outfitted correctly with the right technical setup so that they could squash and stretch beyond what’s been done before in animation, that in the hands of a director like Brad who knows animation inside and out, that it would be phenomenal. As far as the food looking great, we hoped we would pull it off and I think we did. I think appetizing food in a film like this is a surprise and if people come out hungry, which I’ve heard has happened, then that’s a testament to that
  • Brian Lewis [:* Brad Bird [3]]
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