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Cars 3

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Cars 3 is a 2017 American 3D computer-animated sports film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. It is the eighteenth Pixar feature film and the third installment in the Cars film franchise, following Cars 2 (2011). It is directed by Brian Fee, a storyboard artist on Cars (2006) and Cars 2. In the film, Lightning McQueen sets out to prove to a new generation of high tech race cars that he is still the best race car in the world. The film was released on June 16, 2017.


Lightning McQueen: [drives up to next generation racer Jackson Storm, who has won the Dinoco 400] Hey! Jackson Storm, right? Great race today.
Jackson Storm: Wow! Thank you, Mr. McQueen. You have no idea what a pleasure it is for me to finally beat you.
Lightning: Uh, thanks. [pauses] Wait, hang on, did you say "meet" or "beat"?
Jackson: [pauses, levelly] I think you heard me.
McQueen: Uh, what?

Chick Hicks: Welcome back to Chick's Picks with Chick Hicks, staring me, former and forever Piston Cup champion Chick Hicks! [imitates fanfare] This just in: Rookie Jackson Storm slams the proverbial door on Lightning McQueen! [laughs] I could've enjoyed if I'd beaten McQueen myself. Oh, wait, I have! [chuckles] But enough about me. Here to tell you how it happened is professional number-cruncher Miss Natalie Certain!
Natalie Certain: It's a pleasure to be here, Chick. And, actually, I prefer the term "statistical analyst."
Chick: Right. So, who is this mysterious newcomer Jackson Storm? And why's he's darn fast?
Natalie: It's no mystery when you study the data, Chick. Jackson Storm is part of the next generation of high-tech racers unlike the veterans of yesterday.
Chick: What? Old-timers like this guy? [gestures to a picture of Lightning and laughs]
Natalie: Um... right. Storm achieves his top speed by exploiting the numbers. I refer, of course, to racing data, tire pressure, down force, weight distribution, aerodynamics, and next-gens like Storm are taking advantage. The racing world is changing.
Chick: And for the better if it means my old pal Lightning is down for the count. Am I right, Certain?
Natalie: Well, if I'm certain of anything, Chick, it's that this season is about to get even more interesting.

Lightning: [catches up to Cal, who has announced his retirement] Hey, Cal! [drives up to him] Hey, retirement? What's going on?
Cal: [sighs] You know, I asked my uncle once how I'd know when it was time to stop. You know what he said? “The youngsters will tell ya.” [reverses into his trailer, saddened] We had some good times together. I'm gonna miss that the most, I think.
Lightning: Yeah.
[Cal pushes the button and closes his trailer, as he leaves the Piston Cup forever while Lightning looks on]

Lightning: Hey. Sal.
Sally: How you feeling?
Lightning: Yeah. Great. Really, really, great.
Sally: Been thinking about Doc again?
Lightning: Yeah. You know they told him when he was done. He didn't decide. I don't want what happened to Doc... to happen to me.
Sally: But that hasn't happened.
Lightning: No. But I can't go out on the track and do the same old thing. It won't work!
Sally: Then, change it up. Try something new.
Lightning: I don’t know, Sally, I...
Sally: Don’t fear failure. Be afraid of not having the chance, you have the chance!

Sterling: Hey, Cruz!
Cruz Ramirez: Oh, hey, Mr. Sterling!
Sterling: I'd like to introduce you to Lightning McQueen.
Lightning: [to Cruz] I hear you're the maestro. [chuckles]
Cruz: [ignoring Lightning] Mr. Sterling, did you say Lightning McQueen was here? Because he'd be great! [snorts] I don't see him anywhere!
Luigi: Uh.... but he's right here. [gestures to McQueen] Do you not see him?
Cruz: Nope. Still don't see him.
Luigi: But he is right in front of you! It is Lighting McQueen!
Cruz: He's obviously an imposter. [circles] He looks old, and broken down.
Lightning: Hey!
Cruz: With flabby tires! [hits his front right tire]
Lightning: I do not!
Cruz: Use that!!
Lightning: Whoa! Oh, yeah. I see. I can use that energy for motivation, right? [playfully growls]
Cruz: It's all about motivation, Mr. McQueen. You can use anything negative as fuel to push through to the positive!
Lightning: I've been pretty positive since I was a rookie.
Cruz: I am so excited that I get to train you. I grew up watching you on TV!
Lightning: Huh?! Is that right?!
Cruz: These young guys are great and all, but I like a challenge.
Lightning: Haha. [half-mutters] Not that much older but —
Cruz: In fact, I call you... my "Senior Project". [Lightning looks confused]

Sterling: Hey! Lightning! Come in, got something to show you. You ready?
Lightning: Uh... for what? [He enters; Sterling shows him of array of Lightning McQueen-themed merchandise] Wow.
Sterling: You are about to become the best brand in racing. We are talking saturation on all continents for every demographic. Movie deals, infomercials, product endorsements!
Lightning: Mudflaps?
Sterling: Of course! We'll be rich beyond belief! You think you are famous now?
[Both laugh]
Lightning: Thought you'd be mad about the simulator, I mean th-this is all great, Mr. Sterling, I guess, but... I don't know. I never really thought of myself as a brand.
Sterling: Oh, nor do I. I'm a fan, maybe your most avid. I think of this as your legacy.
Lightning: [pause, chuckles weirdly] That... that sounds like something that happens after you're... [with sudden realization] ...Done racing. [Long pause] Mr. Sterling, what is this about?
Sterling: Look, Lightning. [inhales] I'm not gonna race you.
Lightning: [shocked] What? What do you mean, not race me?
Sterling: Hold on, hold on.
Lightning: I'm not going to Florida?
Sterling: Lightning! You have no idea how excited I was to get you here because I knew! I knew you'd be back! Was gonna be the comeback story of the year, but... your speed and performance just aren't where they need to be. I am sorry.
Lightning: Wha... we're talking about speed on a simulator! Listen to how crazy that sounds!
Sterling: Look, I'm trying to help you! As your sponsor, yes, but also as your friend! Your racing days are coming to an end. Every time you lose, you damage yourself.
Lightning: Damage the brand, you mean?
Sterling: Oh, Lightning, come on! You've done the work, now move on the next phase and reap the reward!
Lightning: The racing is the reward!! Not the stuff! I-I don't wanna cash in! I-I wanna feel the rush of moving 200 miles an hour, inches from the other guys, pushing myself faster than I thought I'd go! That's the reward, Mr. Sterling!
Sterling: Oh, Lightning, come on.
Lightning: Look, I can do this! I-I-I can, I promise! I-I-I'll train like I did with Doc! I-I'll get my tires dirty on every dirt track from here to Florida! I - I can start right there on Fireball Beach, where all the old greats used to race!
Sterling: Get your tires dirty? That's how you're gonna get faster than Storm?
Lightning: Yes! Exactly! I mean — sacred dirt, right? Mr. Sterling, if you care about my legacy, the one that Doc started, you'll let me do this! I promise you! I will win!
Sterling: [sighs] I don't know. What you're asking is too risky.
Lightning: Come on, you'll like it, I can tell! It's got that little comeback story of the year feel, doesn't it?
Sterling: [sighs and rolls his eyes; pauses] One race? [Lightning nods] If you don't win at Florida, you retire?
Lightning: Look, if I don't win, I'll sell all the mudflaps you got. But if I do win, I decide when I'm done. Deal?
Sterling: [pauses] Deal.
Lightning: Thank you, Mr. Sterling. You won't be sorry.
Sterling: Just one thing, and this is only because I don't like taking chances: you're taking someone with you.
[Lightning starts to leave but stops, speechless.]

Luigi: Welcome, racers, to Fireball Beach! Historic home for today's great test of speed! Our finish line will be the abandoned pier in the distance!
Lightning: [under his breath] All right...quicker than quick... [closes eyes] ...Faster than fast. I... am... speed...
Cruz: That is great self-motivation! Did you come up with that?
Lightning: Yeah, I did!
Luigi: On your mark, get set... go!!
[Lightning zooms forward and finishes at the pier]
Lightning: Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! There you go! Felt good! [drives back to Cruz] Hey, what was my speed?
Cruz: I don't know. I can only track you on the treadmill.
Lightning: No treadmills!
Cruz: Oh. What about Hamilton?
Hamilton: Hamilton here.
Lightning: Who's "Hamilton"?
Cruz: My electronic personal assistant. You know, like on your phone. [chuckles; pause] You do have a phone, don't you?
Lightning: Race cars don't have phones, Cruz.
Cruz: Hamilton, track Mr. McQueen’s speed and report it.
Hamilton: Tracking!
Cruz: I’ll stay as close as I can. Your suit will transmit your speeds to Hamilton.

Cruz: The beach ate me.

[Lightning discovers he and Cruz have snuck into a demolition derby]
Lightning: Cruz, this isn't what I thought it was. Come on! Follow me and we'll slip out!
[The gate closes right before they can escape.]
Roscoe: Rule number 1: Gate closes, you race.
Cruz: [gasps as someone spraypaints #20 on one of her sides] Wait, wait, no, no, no, no, no, no! I'm not a racer!
Roscoe: Rule number 2: Last car standin' wins! And rule number 3: No cursing. It's Family Night. [leaves]
Lightning: Excuse me? Sir...?
Cruz: Wait! No! I'm just a trainer!
[They are dragged back to the track.]

Miss Fritter: [approaches menacingly to McQueen and Cruz] Boo! [laughs as two more competitors named Dr. Damage and Arvy drive up beside her] Looky here, boys. We got us a couple-a-rookies! I'm gonna call you (Lightning) "Muddy Britches". And you (Cruz) "Lemonade".
Arvy:' Hey! Neither one of 'em has a single dent!
Miss Fritter: Oh, I am gonna fix that!

[After the Crazy 8, Cruz watches the news with a trophy while Lightning is completely miffed. It seems all hope is lost]
Cruz: So... trophy's kinda nice. Don't you think? [all she gets is Lightning's glare] I know, I mean, I know like, you have got a billion of them, so, you, you would know. [Lightning still doesn't respond] I still can't believe I won. Heheh. It's pretty shiny. I have never seen one up close. Looks like they spent a lot of money on it, I-I mean, I think it's real metal—
Lightning: Stop. Just stop! OK, Cruz? You don't even know. You don't even have one clue!
Cruz: Hey! I was just trying to help!
Lightning: Do you know what happens if I lose this race? [Cruz doesn't answer] Every mile of this trip was to get me faster than Jackson Storm! Faster! I start off getting nowhere for a week, on a simulator! [Luigi and Guido open a curtain in concern, watching the outburst, and Mack shows concern too] I lose a whole day with you on Fireball Beach. AND THEN, I WASTE TONIGHT IN THE CROSSHAIRS OF MISS FRITTER! I'M STUCK IN THE SAME SPEED I WAS A MONTH AGO! I CAN'T GET ANY FASTER BECAUSE I'M TOO BUSY TAKING CARE OF MY TRAINER!!! [Cruz is feeling silent and hurt] This is my last chance, Cruz. Last! Final! Finito! If I lose, I never get to do this again! If you were a racer, you'd know what I'm talking about, but you're not! So you don't! [slams his tire at the wall, causing Cruz's trophy to break onto the floor; Cruz is shocked, and then turns to anger of her own]
Cruz: Mack, pull over!
Mack: What? Now?
Cruz: NOW! [pushes the button to open Mack's trailer]
Mack: Aah! OK, OK! [starts pulling over from the road] Pulling over! Pulling over!
[Mack stops as Cruz drives out of his trailer while Lightning watches]
Cruz: Ask me if I dreamed of being a trainer, Mr. McQueen, go ahead! Ask me if I got up in the dark to run laps before school every day! Ask me if I saved every penny to buy a ticket to the races when they came to town. Ask me if I did that so that I could be a trainer someday. Ask me.
Lightning: [brief pause] Did you–?
Cruz: No! I've wanted to become a racer forever! Because of you! [Lightning is shocked; Cruz is now heartbroken] I used to watch you on TV, flying through the air. You seemed so… fearless! "Dream small, Cruz." That's what my family used to say. "Dream small, or not at all." They were just trying to protect me, but I was the fastest kid in town, and I was gonna prove them wrong.
Lightning: What happened?
Cruz: When I got to my first race, I figured it out.
Lightning: What?
Cruz: That I didn't belong. The other racers looked nothing like me. You know... they—they were bigger, and stronger, and so... confident. And when they started their engines, that was it. I knew I'd never be a racer. I just left. It was my one shot, and I didn't take it. [Lightning becomes remorseful; as she decides to leave] Yeah, so, uh... I-I'm gonna head back to the training center. I think we both know it's for the best. [starts to drive away, but turns around again] But, can I ask you something? What was it like for you, when you showed up to your first race? How did you know you could do it?
Lightning: I don't know, I... I just never thought I couldn't.
Cruz: I wish I knew what that felt like. Good luck, Mr. McQueen. [turns to leave]
Lightning: Cruz. Cruz, wait.
[Cruz ignores Lightning and he sighs]

Mater: [talking to Lightning on his smartphone] You know what I'd do?
Lightning: What?
Mater: I dunno. I got nothing.

[after Mater tells Lightning of Doc's old coach Smokey, Mack catches up to Cruz and comes in front of her; Lightning opens the trailer]
Lightning: Hey, Cruz.
Cruz: You won't talk me out of this, Mr. McQueen. I'm going back. I resign as your trainer.
Lightning: Alright, I accept your resignation. Bye! [closes the trailer]
Cruz: Oh, okay.
Lightning: [opens his trailer again] But... since you cleared your calendar, why don't you come with us? I'm looking for someone named Smokey, hoping he can help me. Maybe he can help you, too.
Cruz: Nah.
Lightning: Come on. [pulls out Cruz's broken Crazy 8 trophy, now put together with duct tape] I fixed it.
Cruz: No. Thanks anyway, but I'm done.
Lightning: Okay. But maybe this will change your mind?! Hit it! [Luigi and Guido put on upbeat techno music on the stereo] First, I'm gonna loosen up these ancient joints.
Cruz: No, please don't!
Lightning: [singing] I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry that I yelled! It wasn't your fault that I almost got killed!
Cruz: Stop!
Lightning: But now, you're leaving, and you won't get on the ramp!
Cruz: Alright, I'll go!
Lightning: You won't get on the ramp!
Cruz: [agitated] Alright, I'll go! Just stop!

Smokey: Lesson 1: you're old! Accept it.
Cruz: I told him that.
Smokey: He's probably losin' his hearing.
Cruz: [shouting] HE SAID YOU'RE OLD AND LOSING--!!!!
Lightning: [annoyed] I heard him!
Smokey: You'll never be as fast as Storm. But you can be smarter than him!
Lightning: Okay, what do I do?
Smokey: They said you were in a...demolition derby.
Lightning: Yeah! It was terrible! And I was —
Smokey: Sure? 'Cause there's not a scratch on ya. [Lightning looks around to see absolutely no damage] Funny what a racer can do when he's not overthinking things.

Sally: Listen, you are gonna do great today. And no matter what happens... I am going to move onto the next rookie and forget I ever knew you.
Lightning: I’m glad you're here.
Storm: [to Cruz wearing her Storm getup] Oh-ho-ho-ho, wow! Nice costume! C'mere, let's get a picture. It's so great to meet my number one fan.
Sally: [scoffs] Ugh, what a jerk.
Lightning: [drives up to Storm] She's not a fan, Storm.
Storm: Oh, hey, there, champ. I heard you're selling mudflaps after today. Is that true? Hey, you put me down for the first case, okay?

[post credits scene]
Mater: ♪ My car holder's happy, my tank is full! My engine's running like a brahma bull! My bumpers are polished and a talk about luck! I just got a date with an ice cream truck! ♪
[the smartphone rings]
Mater: [knocks the pile of tires over] Shoot. Hey, McQueen, you still there? McQueen? [looks around, noticing that Lightning McQueen isn't there] Ugh, technology.


  • From this moment, everything will change.
  • From this moment, go faster.
  • It is on.
  • A storm is coming.
  • The lightning stops in the end.


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