Guthrum is from a small group of unnamed islands off the coast of Skyrim and close to High Rock. He moved into the city a while before the Fugitive arrived and speaks about how the Townsfolk welcomed him in to the Town.
Guthrum has betrayed the Bloodfall Queen and the Town, and has to be dealt with.
"Welcome my child, and may the light of the Nine shine on you. I am Guthrum of the Isles, spiritual shepherd of this community. You must be Fugitive (Player name)."
You know who I am?"As a healer of souls, I hear all kinds of things. You arrival didn’t go unnoticed."
So, you’re the local priest?"Yes, I provide spiritual guidance for our community."
Never cared much for the Divines..."Ah, but you see my child, *they* still care about you."
"Feel free to come talk to me whenever you wish. I am at your disposal. I offer you the wisdom of the Nine."
Show: General
"I offer you the wisdom of the Eight. Feel free to ask any question."
What isles does your name refer to?"Just some small islands off the coast of Skyrim, near High Rock. You wouldn't know about them. I came here some time ago. The townsfolk welcomed me as one of their own, so I decided to make this my home."
What's it like being a priest of the Divines?"It is a simple life, one devoid of earthly pleasures, but also one that delights the soul and soothes the heart. I am fortunate that I've always lived a frugal existence. Nothing pleases me more than to devote myself to others."
What do you think about the people here?"They are good people: the salt of the earth. They do tend to cling to their material possessions a bit too much, though. I wouldn't say they're misers, but there's a reason the Bloodfall Queen had to use force to collect taxes. They should worry more about their souls than their purses."
I'm fine, goodbye."Fare thee well, traveler."
Show: The Lair of the Sorcerer-King
"I hear you are asking about Undead sightings."
Do you know anything about it?"Death is the natural order of things. Those who choose undeath are placing themselves outside of the Divines' light. Arkay, Lord of the Wheel of Life, stands against these abominations. Perhaps if you pray to him you'll find what you seek. I offer you the wisdom of the Eight. Feel free to ask any questions."
Wasn't it the Nine?"The worship of Talos is now forbidden, leaving only the Eight true gods. But I do not judge those who still *privately* count him as one of the Nine."
I'm fine, goodbye."May the light of the Eight guide your way."
Show: A Treacherous Quarry
"Thank the Divines! I was afraid you were another wight. I thought I heard screams coming from here, and so I ventured north to help, but alas, it was a trap!"
You can stop now, Guthrum. I know."What do you mean, you know? What do you know?"
I know you're a Greencap spy!"Wait, you don't understand, they gave me no choice! They threatened to kill me!"
You were willing, and well-paid."No, I...I mean...ah, damn it! I should have just stolen a boat and sailed away. What are you going to do with me?"
Depends on how you answer my questions."What do you want to know?"
When did you become a Greencap spy?"About six months ago. Their leader approached me to offer me adeal. They wanted me to spy on the townsfolk so they could set up ambushes. No one would suspect the priest, right?"
What about all your lofty ideals?"I was tired of watching everyone else have all the fine things in life...the money he offered for just a little information... I convinced myself that I deserved it... I didn't think it would go this far..."
Where is the bandit leader hiding?"I can't tell you that! He'll kill me!"
I'll kill you right now if you don't."You don't understand. It's not just the Greencaps... What does it matter, I'm a dead man either way..."
I'm listening."Ah, to Oblivion with it! His name is Talam Sethran. You'll find him in Grimstone Cave with his most trusted fighters."
Why should I let you live?"I told you all you wanted to know!"
All right, get out of my sight."Thank you! You won't regret this. I swear you'll never see my face again!"
Sorry, not good enough."Curse you, you miserable fool! Die!"