Dorthe, a female child in Skyrim.
Children are the young male and female offspring of adult characters in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
Children are only found in the four Man races (Nord, Breton, Imperial, and Redguard), while Mer (Dunmer, Bosmer, Altmer, and Orsimer) and Beastfolk (Argonian and Khajiit) children do not appear in Skyrim.
While many children can be found in buildings or wandering around towns, several reside at Honorhall Orphanage. With the installation of the The Elder Scrolls V: Hearthfire expansion pack, children become available for adoption by the Dragonborn and their spouse.
Without the use of console commands, exploits, or glitches, all children are invincible, unable to be harmed, killed, knocked unconscious, or pickpocketed. They are, therefore, flagged as essential characters. All children carry a key to the house they live in, except for the ones at Honorhall Orphanage.
All children[]
Name | Sex | Race | Adoptable | Location | Clothing |
Adara | F | Redguard | No | Markarth | Red Dress |
Aeta DR | F | Nord | Yes | Skaal Village DR | Grey Dress |
Agni | F | Nord | No | Morthal | Red Dress |
Alesan HF | M | Redguard | Yes | Dawnstar | Green Tunic |
Assur | M | Nord | No | Winterhold | Red Tunic |
Aventus Aretino | M | Nord | No | Windhelm | Red Tunic |
Babette | F | Breton | No | Falkreath Sanctuary | Red Dress |
Blaise HF | M | Breton | Yes | Katla's Farm | Red Tunic |
Bottar | M | Nord | No | Random encounter | Green Tunic |
Braith | F | Redguard | Yes | Whiterun | Red Dress |
Britte | F | Nord | Yes | Rorikstead | Green Dress |
Clinton Lylvieve | M | Breton | Yes | Dragon Bridge | Blue Tunic |
Dagny | F | Nord | No | Dragonsreach | Red Dress |
Dorthe | F | Nord | Yes | Riverwood | Red Dress |
Eirid | F | Nord | Yes | Winterhold | Red Dress |
Erith | F | Breton | Yes | Markarth | Green Dress |
Fjotra | F | Nord | No | Karthwasten | Red Dress |
Francois Beaufort | M | Imperial | Yes | Honorhall Orphanage | Blue Tunic |
Frodnar | M | Nord | Yes | Riverwood | Red Tunic |
Frothar | M | Nord | No | Dragonsreach | Red Tunic |
Gralnach | M | Nord | Yes | Heartwood Mill | Green Tunic |
Grimvar Cruel-Sea | M | Nord | No | Windhelm | Red Tunic |
Haming | M | Nord | No | Froki's Shack | Red Tunic |
Helgi | F | Nord | No | Morthal | Red Dress |
Hrefna | F | Nord | Yes | Darkwater Crossing | Red Dress |
Hroar | M | Nord | Yes | Honorhall Orphanage | Green Tunic |
Joric | M | Nord | No | Morthal | Red Tunic |
Kayd | M | Redguard | No | Solitude | Red Tunic |
Knud | M | Nord | Yes | Katla's Farm | Blue Tunic |
Lars Battle-Born | M | Nord | No | Whiterun | Blue Tunic |
Little Pelagius | M | Nord | No | Pelagius' mind | Red Tunic |
Lucia HF | F | Imperial | Yes | Whiterun | Green Dress |
Mila Valentia | F | Imperial | No | Whiterun | Blue Dress |
Minette Vinius | F | Nord | Yes | Solitude | Blue Dress |
Nelkir | M | Nord | No | Dragonsreach | Red Tunic |
Runa Fair-Shield | F | Nord | Yes | Honorhall Orphanage | Red Dress |
Samuel | M | Imperial | Yes | Honorhall Orphanage | Red Tunic |
Sissel | F | Nord | Yes | Rorikstead | Red Dress |
Skuli | M | Nord | Yes | Old Hroldan Inn | Red Tunic |
Sofie HF | F | Nord | Yes | Windhelm | Red Dress |
Sond | M | Nord | No | Random encounter | Red Tunic |
Svari | F | Nord | Yes | Solitude | Red Dress |
Virkmund | M | Nord | No | Morthal | Red Tunic |
Notable children[]
- Aventus Aretino – an orphan who initiates the Dark Brotherhood questline with his task to kill Grelod the Kind.
- Babette – an alchemist and assassin of the Dark Brotherhood, who is actually a 300-odd-year-old vampire that just looks like a child due to having been bitten at age ten, and is thus considered a child due to her physical form.
- Fjotra – the potential Sybil of the Temple of Dibella in Markarth.
- Helgi – the deceased daughter of Hroggar who was burned in a fire. She exists as a ghost.
- Nelkir – the younger son of Jarl Balgruuf the Greater of Whiterun. He serves as a key role in the Daedric quest "The Whispering Door".
- Haming – one of the few survivors from Helgen. With his parents, Torolf and Matlara dead, he lives with his grandfather Froki Whetted-Blade in a shack.
Regardless of a child's race or economic status, all boys wear a collared sweater with brown trousers, and all girls wear a simple belted dress. However, the color of the sweater or dress varies from child to child. All children have the same physical features regardless of gender and race.
All children have similar inventories. Items they tend to carry include:
- Boiled Creme Treat
- Broken Steel Sword Handle
- Bucket
- Charcoal
- Child's Clothes
- Shoes
- Drum
- Empty Wine Bottle
- Flute
- Green Apple
- Honey Nut Treat
- Ingots (blacksmith apprentices)
- Inkwell
- Leather
- Leather Strips
- Long Taffy Treat
- Lute
- Quill
- Red Apple
- Roll of Paper
- Coins
- Sweet Roll
- Wooden Ladle
They may also be given certain gifts:
Some children can be given a coin. If given a coin, Sond and Bottar reveal a map location. Svari thanks the Dragonborn greatly if given a coin.
Although invincible under normal circumstances, if attacked repeatedly, some children draw daggers and defend themselves. Some children may hire mercenaries or the Dark Brotherhood to kill the Dragonborn if they are caught committing a crime.
Invisibility spells do not work on adopted children when they arrive home. Typically undetectable while invisible, children are always able to interact with the Dragonborn when they enter the door of their home, similarly to how the City Watch in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion can interact with invisible players due to the scripting of their dialogue.

The Honorhall Orphanage of Riften is home to many adoptable children.
With the addition of The Elder Scrolls V: Hearthfire downloadable content, the Dragonborn may adopt children. When adopted, they may be sent to any home owned by the Dragonborn that has the appropriate child's room upgrade. In the houses in Markarth, Whiterun, and Riften, the alchemy lab (enchanting lab in Riften) can be upgraded to a child's bedroom at the cost of storage loss. The houses in Solitude and Windhelm will create entirely separate living quarters for the child, resulting in more minimal storage loss. After becoming a parent, the Dragonborn can engage in various activities with their progeny.
Below is a list of all adoptable children. Four orphans appear at Honorhall Orphanage by default, some are sent to Honorhall due to the death of their parent(s) or guardian(s), and four adoptable children are made available upon installing Hearthfire.
Name | Required deaths to adopt |
Clinton Lylvieve | Azzada Lylvieve, Michel Lylvieve, Julienne Lylvieve |
Frodnar | Hod, Gerdur |
Gralnach | Grosta |
Knud | Katla, Snilling |
Skuli | Eydis, Leontius Salvius |
Svari | Greta, Addvar |
Braith | Amren, Saffir |
Britte | Lemkil |
Sissel | Lemkil |
Eirid | Haran, Dagur |
Erith | Daighre |
Hrefna | Tormir, Sondas Drenim |
Dorthe | Alvor, Sigrid |
Minette Vinius | Sorex Vinius, Corpulus Vinius |
Aeta DR | Oslaf, Finna |
Runa Fair-Shield | N/A |
Francois Beaufort | |
Samuel | |
Hroar | |
Alesan HF | |
Blaise HF | |
Lucia HF | |
Sofie HF |
Children cannot be killed, injured, or knocked unconscious, nor can they be pickpocketed. However, when hit, a child's name and health will pop up, but the child will still be at full health. Additionally, children will run away when hit. Shouts do not affect children. If a child is a witness to a crime, they will warn the nearest adult.
However, changing a child's race using console commands revokes their imperviousness. For example, entering setrace khajiit
allows the child to be killed. Doing so causes cosmetic glitches. In this example, the child appears as a Khajiit with a human head; if the child is female, breasts and a bra appear on it. If the child's race is changed, they become naked. As they do not have clothing in their inventory, children are skinned with garments on their avatar. As a result, their clothing cannot be removed, even with console commands.
Doing a charged attack as a lycanthrope can sling back children like any other character; however, they remain unharmed as they get up. When using a Frenzy spell near a child, they receive the effect, and every guard in the city tries to kill the child, eventually chasing them out of town. It is possible that the child may actually attack the guards back and kill them all, due to their inability to be harmed.
- Adopting a child
"What... what am I going to do? (Sigh)"
- What's the matter? "My parents (If it's just one parent: "pa"/"ma" for a boy, or "papa"/"mama" for a girl) died and... and I'm all alone."
- I could adopt you, if you want. "Really? Do you... do you have a place I could live?"
- I have a house, but not room for you. "Oh well. Thanks anyway, I guess (Or "I suppose")."
- Yes, I've got a big (Only in Solitude, Windhelm, or Markarth.) house in Solitude (The city where Dragonborn owns a house.). "Oh, wow! Are you... are you sure? You really wouldn't mind?"
- Yes, I'm sure... son. (If it's a boy) "Really? You mean it? Wow, thanks, Pa (If the Dragonborn is female: "Ma")! I promise, I won't be any trouble at all! Just... just let me get my things and say goodbye to everyone. I'll meet you at home. Thanks! Thanks again!"
- Yes, I'm sure... daughter. (If it's a girl) "Yay! Thanks, mister- um, Papa (If the Dragonborn is female: "Mama")! I promise, I'll be the best daughter ever! I need to get my things and say goodbye to everyone. I'll meet you at home. Thanks! Thanks so much!"
- I could adopt you, if you want. "Really? Do you... do you have a place I could live?"
- Boy finds pet
"Pa (If the Dragonborn is female: "Ma"), look what followed me home!"
- A... mubcrab? (If it's Biter: "A... skeever?") "Could I... could I keep him? Please?"
- All right. But you're responsible for him. "You're the best! Thanks!"
- Girl finds pet
"Look, Papa (If the Dragonborn is female: "Mama")! I have a new friend!"
- A rabbit? (If it's Kit or Vix: "A fox?") "Could I keep him? Please?"
- All right. But you're responsible for him. "You're the best! Thanks!"
- Boy sees dog
"A dog! Wow, I didn't know you had a dog! Could I... could I keep him? Please?"
- Sure. When I don't need him, he can stay with you. "Wow, thanks Pa (If the Dragonborn is female: "Ma")!"
- Girl sees dog
"A doggy! Papa (If the Dragonborn is female: "Mama"), I didn't know you had a doggy! He's so cute... Could I keep him? Please?"
- Sure. When I don't need him, he can stay with you. "Wow, thanks Papa (If the Dragonborn is female: "Mama")!"
- Boy requests gift
"You're home! Did you bring me anything?"
- What would you like? "Well, sweets are always good. Or a new outfit. Or... or maybe a wooden sword? All my friends have swords."
- Where would I get that? "I'm sure the Khajiit would have one - their toys are the best! For clothes... there's a tailor's shop in solitude. I'm sure they'd have lots to choose from."
- Yes, I did. "You got me a present? Really? This is great! Wow, thanks!"
- Girl requests gift
"You're home! Did you bring me anything?"
- Child requests gold
Boy: "Could I... get a few gold to spend? Please?"
Girl: "Could you give me an allowance?"
- Sorry, I can't afford it right now. "I understand... Sorry."
- Not right now. "Aww..."
- Here's... 5 gold. "All right. Thanks."
- Here's 10 gold.
- Boy: "Thanks, Pa (If the Dragonborn is female: "Ma")!"
- Girl: "Thanks, Papa (If the Dragonborn is female: "Mama")!"
- Sure. Here's 25 gold. "Thanks!"
- How about 100 gold? (Or 500 gold: "No problem. Here's 500 gold.") "You're the best! Thanks!"
- Sure, whatever you want. 1000 gold? "Wha... seriously? No way... With this, I... I could buy everything in the market! Wow! Thanks!"
Boy: "Well, you smell like a Hagraven. And you look like one, too!" Girl: "Elf-ears!" Boy: "Draugr-breath!" Girl: "Mammoth-nose!" Boy: "You... you take that back!" Girl: "Milk-drinker."
Girl: "Oh yeah? Well, I've seen mudcrabs that're smarter than you." Boy: "Horker-face!" Girl: "Skeever-brain!" Boy: "Wolf-breath!" Girl: "Grr... I'm gonna get you for that!" Boy: "You can't catch me!"
General quotes[]
Quote | Condition |
"Ah! Dead body!" | Seeing a corpse |
"You're naked!" | You're wearing nothing |
"I'm not allowed to stand on furniture..." | Standing on furniture |
"Um... are you in trouble? Is that why you're hiding like that?" | You're sneaking |
"Okay! You stand right there and count to 10... no peeking! Ready?...Go! 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Prepared or not, I'm coming!" | Starting hide-&-seek |
"Shhh..." | Playing hide-&-seek |
"He he he." | |
"He'll (If the Dragonborn is female: "She'll") never find me here." | |
"This is a good hiding spot." | |
"Found you!" | Found someone |
"There you are!" | |
"I found you! Na na na, na na na!" | |
"My turn!" | Found by someone |
"You got me." | |
"Argh! You found me!" | |
"Okay. You're it!" | Starting tag |
[Giggling] | Playing tag |
"Hahaha!" | |
"You can't catch me!" | |
"Got you!" | Tagged someone |
"You're it!" | |
"You're too slow!" | |
"Argh!" | Got tagged |
"Oh! You got me!" | |
"Ha! You caught me!" |
Hearthfire quotes[]
Speaker | Quote | Condition |
Boy | "This is... this is great! It's everything I could have asked for! Thanks. Thanks... for everything, Pa (If the Dragonborn is female: "Ma"). I... I know it's not much, but... I've found a few little things. I've put them in the chest in my room. If you see anything you want, take it. You've done so much for me... it's the least I can do." | Moving in |
Girl | "I... I have a home again. A family. I almost can't believe it. Thank you. Thanks... for everything. I... I know it's not much, but... I've found a few pretty things. They're in the chest in my room. If you see anything you like, please, take it! You've done so much for me. It's... it's the least I can do." | |
Both | "Stay safe." | Exiting conversation |
Both | "You're back!" | You return home |
Both | "You're home!" | |
Boy | "Pa (If the Dragonborn is female: "Ma")! You're back!" | |
Boy | "Pa (If the Dragonborn is female: "Ma")! You're home!" | |
Girl | "Papa (If the Dragonborn is female: "Mama")! You're back!" | |
Girl | "Papa (If the Dragonborn is female: "Mama")! You're home!" | |
Boy | "Hey, I got you something. Hope you like it!" | Giving a gift |
Girl | "I got you a present, Papa (If the Dragonborn is female: "Mama")! I hope you like it!" | |
Girl | "I found some pretty things for you, I hope you like them." | |
Boy | "You need something, Pa (If the Dragonborn is female: "Ma")?" | General |
Girl | "Did you need something, Papa (If the Dragonborn is female: "Mama")?" | |
Boy | "Pa said he'd take me hunting soon. I can't wait! I bet I'll bring down a mammoth!" | General (husband) |
Girl | "Papa said we could go fishing! With my help, I'm sure he'll catch something this time!" | |
Boy | "Ma took me to the market. We saw this huge fish! I bet even you couldn't lift it!" | General (wife) |
Girl | "Mama took me to the market! There were lots of pies and cakes there. She said she'd show me how to bake one!" | |
Boy | "Dragonsreach is so cool! All the kids there are mean, though." | In Breezehome |
Boy | "Lars is such a milk-drinker. He can't even stand up to a girl." | |
Girl | "Braith is a big meanie. She keeps telling Lars 'n me what to do. I don't wanna play with her anymore!" | In Breezehome (Braith not adopted) |
Girl | "I played with Lucia in the park today. I feel sorry for her." | In Breezehome (Lucia not adopted) |
Girl | "That big tree in the park looks so sad... I feel sorry for it." | In Breezehome (before "The Blessings of Nature") |
Girl | "I like living here. The tree in the park is so pretty." | In Breezehome (after "The Blessings of Nature") |
Boy | "When I grow up, I wanna join the Legion!" | In Proudspire Manor (before "Battle for Solitude") |
Girl | "Do you think I could be a Bard? I really like singing." | In Proudspire Manor |
Girl | "The Palace looks so pretty. I wish they'd let me inside..." | |
Girl | "I saw a Thalmor the other day. He was really scary!" | |
Boy | "I'm gonna join the Stormcloaks. They're the best!" | In Hjerim (before "Battle for Windhelm") |
Boy | "Grimvar said a boy used to live in that abandoned house, all alone, 'til the Dark Brotherhood came 'n got him. Scary, huh?" | In Hjerim |
Girl | "The Argonians at the docks say they can breathe underwater. I wish I could do that..." | |
Girl | "Rolff says I shouldn't go to the Grey Quarter anymore. He said it's not safe there." | |
Boy | "Aicantar let me see his museum. It's really nice." | In Vlindrel Hall |
Boy | "I hate Markarth. There's nowhere to play! It's all just rocks. Rocks rocks rocks." | |
Girl | "Banning said I could come play with his dogs. I want a dog." | |
Girl | "I climbed all the way up to the temple, but they said I wasn't old enough to get in. They're just mean." | |
Boy | "I wanna go swimming, but the guards keep yelling at me. The canal's not that dirty..." | In Honeyside |
Boy | "Mister Brynjolf said he could teach me a lot of neat things when I'm older." | |
Girl | "There are lots of scary people here, Papa (If the Dragonborn is female: "Mama"). Promise you'll keep me safe?" | |
Girl | "Maramal said I could visit the temple whenever I wanted." | |
Girl | "Mister Brynjolf gave me an apple, Papa (If the Dragonborn is female: "Mama")! He seems nice." | |
Boy | "It's so c-c-cold here! If I play outside for too long, I'm going to freeze solid!" | In Heljarchen Hall |
Girl | "Look at all the snow! I want to go sledding! Or skating!" | |
Boy | "I went fishing at the lake. I almost caught something!" | In Lakeview Manor |
Girl | "I like living here. The lake is so pretty." | |
Boy | "Did you really build this house all by yourself? Wow!" | In Windstad Manor |
Girl | "This place is scary. There are monsters in the swamp. I just know it." | |
Girl | "Really, Papa (If the Dragonborn is female: "Mama")? You've got me something? What is it?!... Ooh, stop teasing me!" | When told about a gift |
Removed quotes[]
Quote | Condition |
"Ouch! Hey!" | Attacked |
"Once more, and I'm going to have to kill you!" | |
"Close!" | Combat |
"It's nothing!" | |
"Easily blocked!" | |
"Oh, no you don't!" | |
"Haha! Not so fast!" | |
"That your best? Huh?!" | |
"That's... all you've got?" | |
"Never should've come here." | |
"Not quite good enough, are you!" | |
"You'll need to do better than that!" | |
"Help! Someone!" | Fleeing |
"Help! I'm being attacked!" | |
"Please... mercy..." | |
"Please! Have mercy! I beg you!" | |
"No... not like this..." | |
"I'm on fire!" | Burning |
"Ah! It burns!" | |
"It... hurts..." | Dying |
"Release me..." | |
"Kill..." | Combat |
"Must... kill..." | |
"Just leave..." | |
"You... must die..." | |
"My boyfriend (Alternatively: "husband", "son", or "nephew") died. Things won't be the same without him." | Conversation |
"My girlfriend (Alternatively: "wife", "daughter", or "niece") died. Things won't be the same without her." | |
"Well, this is a nice mess you've gotten me into." | |
"Can't a woman get a moment to herself? Leave me!" | Conversation (female only) |
"We're going to punish my father - you and I." | Conversation (male only) |
"Depends. Are you thirsty? Hungry? Both?" | Merchant (male only) |
"Take a look." |
Spousal Interactions[]
You can ask your spouse how the children are doing in the home. Depending on your spouse's voice type, you will receive one of four types of response.
- Arrogant: MaleSlyCynical (Belethor), MaleCondescending (Nazeem), FemaleCondescending (Grelka), FemaleCommander (Aela), FemaleCoward (Avrusa Sarethi), FemaleElfHaughty (Taarie), FemaleSultry (Eola)
- Neutral: MaleEvenToned (Marcurio), FemaleEvenToned (Lydia), MaleYoungEager (Mikael), FemaleYoungEager (Ysolda), MaleCommonerAccented (Brill), FemaleCommoner (Hilund)
- Nord: MaleNord (Vilkas), FemaleNord (Mjoll)
- Orc: MaleOrc (Ghorbash/Gat/Moth), FemaleOrc (Ghorza/Borgakh)
Home | Voice | Response |
Whiterun | Arrogant | "As well as can be expected. Dear, this house would work for the two of us, but with children? We need to find a bigger place." |
Neutral | "Just fine. Whiterun is a lovely city, and there are so many other children here- they all love playing together." | |
Nord | "Couldn't be better. Whiterun is perfect for a child- great weather, plenty of space, friends to play with. What more could you want?" | |
Orc | "Fine, fine. Plenty of kids here to play and spar with. Plenty of trades to learn. It's a good place to raise a child." | |
Windhelm | Arrogant | "Hmph. This city's crawling with filth. It's everything I can do keep the children safe." |
Neutral | "Well, love, very well. There's so much history in this city, so many things we can do here." | |
Nord | "Great. There's so much history here in Windhelm, so much to learn about our ancestors and our land." | |
Orc | "Good. This is a city that respects strength. Honors it. A good lesson for children to learn." | |
Riften | Arrogant | "Oh, fine, if you want to bring up little pickpockets. This place is a terrible influence on a child." |
Neutral | "Just fine, love. The weather here is wonderful, perfect for playing outdoors." | |
Nord | "Well enough. Riften's a tough city, but... it's a tough world. Kid has to learn to stand up for themselves sometime." | |
Orc | "Hmph. This city's crawling with thieves. Cowards. Kid could learn some bad habits here." | |
Solitude | Arrogant | "Oh, fine. So many guards on the street here I hardly have to worry." |
Neutral | "Very well, love. This is a beautiful house, and Solitude is so safe, so diverse. It's a wonderful place to raise a child." | |
Nord | "Fine, just fine. This house is perfect for a growing family." | |
Orc | "Meh. Children get soft when they're coddled in a place like this." | |
Markarth | Arrogant | "You tell me. Between the Forsworn and the mines, Markarth is no place to raise a child." |
Neutral | "All right. I do worry, though, no matter how many times the guards say Markarth is safe." | |
Nord | "Honestly, I'm a little worried. Markarth is nice enough, but... I wonder if it's really safe for children." | |
Orc | "Fine, fine. This city's not safe, but... that's good. Keeps a kid on edge, alert. Could keep 'em alive when they grow up." | |
Custom | Arrogant | "Fine, when we're not fending off attacks by wolves. Or bears. Or giant spiders. Honestly, what were you thinking, sending us out here?" |
Neutral | "Fine, love. I think the fresh air does wonders for all of us, and this house... it's just perfect." | |
Nord | "Fine, fine. Living out here on our own will take some getting used to, but I think it'll be good for us." | |
Orc | "Better than ever. Nothing like living off the land to teach you how to fight, how to survive. We'll have a little warrior on our hands in no time." |
- Clinton is the toughest child to adopt, with three people (Azzada, Michel, and Julienne) needing to be dead first.
- Although children cannot be killed in Skyrim, the pregnant Dinya Balu's unborn child can be slain by killing her.
- When performing spells while in the presence of a male child, he asks to be made invisible. There is no way to make him invisible, but he can be lied to. He then runs around the town and tries to scare people while thinking he is invisible. The console reveals that the child class has a fully-recorded, voiced line for being turned invisible for both male and female children, and even scripted conditions enabled to play these lines if turned invisible. The child exclaims, "Hey, I'm see-through!" when turned invisible. Conversely, the console can be used to add the expert-level Illusion spell Fade Other to instigate the event and trigger the dialogue. The spell was never made playable normally in-game.
- All of the children belong to the races of men, or in the case of the Breton children, half belong to men. There are no pure meri or betmeri children in the game.
This section contains bugs related to Children. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:
- PC 360 PS3 When items are dropped near children, they say that something was dropped and attempt to give it back. No items are added to the inventory, however.
- PC 360 PS3 After installing Hearthfire, all children have their clothes unequipped.
- Solution: subsequent patches remedied this.
- A child may interact with a Cooking Place, Alchemy Lab, or Arcane Enchanter, causing their model to stretch to the adult model and shrinking back down afterward. This also occurs if a child leans against a wall in a tavern or inn.
- PC 360 PS3 When telling a child to "Go to bed," the child may instead stand still and do nothing.
- PS4 Sometimes children can fail to shrink back down to their normal size, becoming indefinitely stuck in an adult-sized state.