Jurassic World: Chaos Theory is a streaming animated series by DreamWorks Animation and Amblin Entertainment for Netflix, and serves as a direct sequel to Camp Cretaceous. The series was first unveiled during the fourth day Netflix's Geeked Week event on November 9th, 2023 and premiered on May 24, 2024.[1] On June 6, 2024, the series was renewed for a second season that premiered on October 17, 2024.
The sequel series is set after the time-skip shown at the end of the previous series.
"Set six years after the events at Camp Cretaceous, members of 'The Nublar Six' are struggling to find their footing off the islands, navigating a world now filled with dinosaurs and people who want to hurt them. Reunited in the wake of a tragedy, the group comes together only to find themselves on the run and catapulted into a global adventure to unravel a conspiracy that threatens dinosaur and humankind alike and finally learn the truth about what happened to one of their own."[2]
Voice Cast[]
- Paul-Mikél Williams as Darius Bowman
- Sean Giambrone as Ben Pincus
- Darren Barnet as Kenji Kon
- Raini Rodriguez as Sammy Gutierrez
- Kausar Mohammed as Yasmina Fadoula
- Kiersten Kelly as Brooklynn
See full cast at IMDB here
Prehistoric Animals[]
Season 1[]
- Aftershock
- Rest Stop
- Down on the Ranch
- Brothers
- Halfway Home
- Free Fall
- That Night
- The Drop
- Into the Fog
- The End of the Beginning
Season 2[]
- Batten Down the Hatches
- The Marooned Five
- C13v3rGr186
- The Adjustment
- Troubled Waters
- Up the River
- All Night Long
- Lab Partners: Part 1
- Lab Partners: Part 2
- Reunion
- The title might a nod to an unproduced TV series for the franchise in late 90s called Jurassic Park: Chaos Effect, which was also almost produced by DreamWorks.
- ↑ "Jurassic World: Chaos Theory premiere". Jurassicoutpost. Retrieved on March 28, 2024.
- ↑ "Synopsis for Jurassic World: Chaos Theory". YouTube. Retrieved on November 9, 2023.
External links[]
- Jurassic World: Chaos Theory on Wikipedia
- Jurassic World: Chaos Theory on IMDb
- Jurassic World: Chaos Theory on Netflix
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