Steely Thicket

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Steely Thicket
GJ SteelyThicket.png
Area Galactic Jungle
Number 6
(27 overall)
Level Type Standard
Template None
Saved No One
Secrets Baki beard coin by maybirdfan-d35ceoa.gif
Coins None
Game Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter Link
Last Level
GJ ScrambleTower.png
Scramble Tower
Next Level
GJ LunarRise.png
Lunar Rise

Steely Thicket is the sixth level in the Galactic Jungle in Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter.

This level is optional and is not needed to complete the game.

BakiIcon.png Enemies[edit]

Moon Baki Duck Sentry Vine Beetle
GalacticBaki Jump.gif
Duck IdleLeft.gif


  • Steely Thicket is the first and only optional level in Galactic Jungle.
  • There are no creations made in this level.

PaintingIcon.png Media[edit]